Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 24, 1916, Page 3, Image 3

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Demonstrate Latest Methods
at the Gathering at
(From a Staff Correspondent)
Lincoln, Aug. 23. (Special.)
Photographers and their wives at
tending the Missouri Valley Photog
raphers' convention, which embraces
the state of Missouri, Kansas and Ne
braska, art combining considerable
pleasure in connection with the busi
ness of the association. Last night
they went to Capitol beach and en
joyed a watermelon feast, and tonight
they attended Ringling Brothers cir
cus. Semonstration of modern methods
in picture making, covering a great
many different kinds, with talks on
business methods and advertising by
B. A. George and N. H. Wilson of
Lincoln, took up the business sessions
pf the day.
One of the most interesting of the
many exhibits is a picture made from
' an opal plate. On accolmt 1 of the
turopean war, the supply, wnicn
comes from Germany, is cut off and
according to Mr. Corning of Kan
sas City, there is only one dealer in
the United States who has a supply of
opal plates. Pictures made on these
plates cost only a paltry $300 a dozen.
Many of the photographers will
take a trip to Omaha before the con
vention closes on Friday.
Recruiting Officers
Come From the South
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
Lincoln. Aug. 23. (Special.) Of
ficers of the Nebraska troops detailed
to duty in this state as recruiting of
ficers are now in the state and this
morning accompanied by Major F. S.
Nicholson of the Fourth infantry of
Nebraska troops, four of them called
at the office of Adjutant General Hall
and reported for duty. They also paid
their compliments.- Those calling at
headquarters were Captain R. N. Mc
Allister and Lieutenant Keating, Or
ris and Hall. They reported the
wua Kciiuig ttivws mivij en
thing going along in gooa snape joivn
U 1 I
The detail in Nebraska comprises
the following:
Captain R. N. McAllister, Company M,
Fifth regiment
First Lieutenant O. It. Keating; Company
B. Fourth regiment.
First Lieutenant W. H. Orris, Company
G, Fouith regiment.
First Lieutonant W. O. Hall, First bat
talion, Fifth regiment.
Sergeant O. F. Ball, Company K. Fouttb
Sergeant F. C. Yoss, Company M, Fourth
Sergeant E. P, Clements, Company I,
Fifth regiment.
Correral A. N. Trematnes, Company E,
Fourth regiment.
Corporal J. Byerley, Company C, Fouith
Corporal J. McMlnn, Company O, Fifth
Corporal B. Mlltenberger, Company B,
Fifth regiment. ,
Private R. M. Gibson, Company D, Fouith
Private R. S. Hill, Company H, Fourth
Prlvats F. P. St off re gen, Company K,
Fl'th regiment.
Private R. Clow; Company A, Fifth regl
fnnt. Sorgoant E. B. DeWolf. Ctmpany D, Fifth
State Auditor Reports
Upon Trust Companies
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
Lincoln, Aug. 23. (Special.) State
Auditor Smith has completed a re
port of the condition of the sixteen
trust companies ot Nebraska at the
close of business, June 30, 1916, as
Bonds I i2i, ni. s:
Marts-aces , 1,846.173.13
blocks .. . . 166. 332. 50
Collateral loan, t'0,981.58
Ileal eatate 1lK.GBfi.it7
"Warrants 66.024.06
Furniture and flvtures 8.101.00
Current expense and taxes paid. 9. 392. 47
Unsecured loans 33,662.36
Accounts receivable 197.066.08
Other assets. 81.669.94
Trust funds 2,100,566.45
Cash 446,046.46
Total .16,360.648.94
Capital 11,620,412.50
Kurplua 186.600.00
Bills payable 184.744.63
Funds awaiting Investment (31,110.88
Miscellaneous collections 85,248.67
Other liabilities 71.831.43
Trust funds 2,642.719.28
Undivided profits 119,876.66
Cinderella," Big Spectacle With
Fairies and All, Comes Wtth Circus
Fairyland is to be transported to
The hosts of the Never Never land,
led by Cinderella, will all be here
next Monday. There will be the lit
tle lady of the chimney corner,
Prince Charming, the two ugly sisters,
the cruel stepmother, the proud king
and all the people, the fairies, the
horses and the thousand and one
other wonders that' are said to dwell
in the kingdom far over the sea. C in
derella and her pumpkin coach are
this season traveling with the Ring
ling Brothers' circus. The story of
her adventures is told in a great
spectacle, numbering a cast of more
than 1,000 characters and a ballet of
dancing girls dressed for all the world
like the pictures in the nursery talcs.
The gigantic pantomime will open the
program in the main tent at the Paul
and Twenty-first streets show grounds
next Monday-afternoon and night
When the curtain has fallen on the
last scene of the spectacle, the circus
will begin. This is said to enlist the
daring of approximately 400 pertorm
ers. Besides there will be the big
menagerie, which all will be invited to
inspect before going into the circus
Harlan County Has
Prize Irrigation
by Pumping Plant
Alma, Neb., Aug. 23. (Special.)
According' to a government expert
on irrigation, who recently visited
here. W. A. Sharpnack has one of the
only successfully operated small acre
age irrigated farms in his territory,
which comprises Kansas, Colorado
and Nebraska. The tract comprises
twenty-seven and one-half acres and
is watered from a pond 60x200 feet.
The water is jumped from one well
by a centrifugal pump operated by
gas engine and a windmill pump with
a lOx 18-inch cylinder. The water is
carried by underground tile to all
parts of the place and brought to the
surface at seven openings or stand
pipes. The place is a quarter of a
mile south of town and is a good ex
ample of intensified farming and
produces more than 160-acre farms
even at the present price of wheat.
Potatoes run from $96 to $200 per
acre. Sweet potatoes, onions, cab
bage, tomatoes, strawberries and
cherries are the principal products
and the work is handled by four men,
including the ice business from the
pond in winter.
Two Brothers Barred
As Insurance Agents
, fl'rom a Staff Correspondent.)
Lincoln, Aug. 23. (Special.) The
State Board of Insurance, after con
sidering the evidence in connection
with the charges of misrepresentation
of insurance policies against Ted An
thony at a hearing before the board
yesterday, this morning met again and
declared the license granted to Mr.
Anthony withdrawn and that he had
no authority to solicit business in
this state.
Last week the board cancelled the
license of Perry Anthony, brother of
Ted, both of whom had been charged
with a similar offense.
Death of Tobias Woman
Investigated by Jury
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
Lincoln, Aug. 23. (Special.) A
case which is causing a great deal of
interest in Lincoln developed yester
day through the empanelling of a
coroner's jury, which implicated sev
eral persons as being indirectly the
cause of the death of Mrs. Ida Huston
of Tobias, Neb.
Mrs. Huston died five days after
giving premature birth to twin baby
girls. Circumstances surrounding the
case indicated that someone was to
blame. The jury found that "Mrs.
Ida Huston died on August 19 from
causes inflicted by various parties in
cluding herself, and that Dr. G. E.
Spear was very negligent in the case."
fi VV' rrM
Notes From Beatrice
And Gage County
Beatrice, Neb., Aug. 23. (Special.)
Beatrice will soon vote on the
proposition as to whether or not to
issue bonds in the sum of $25,000 for
the construction of a municipal light
plant. The city commissioners have
instructed the city attorney to draw
an ordinance calling such an election,
but have not set the date. The plans
and estimate of the city electrician
call for the installation of additional
machinery in the present water plant,
which has two electric units.
Governor John H. Morehead, M.
A. Brown of Kearney, Hon. Peter
Jansen, Mrs. Minnie P. Knotts of Lin
coln and others will deliver addresses
at the picnic of the Old Settlers' as
sociation of Gage county, to be held
at Chautauqua park Thursday.
George Booth, arrested last week
on the charge of arson, was released
on $500 bond yesterday.
Fire last night destroyed the large
double corn crib and granary on the
W. C. Black, jr., farm, northwest of
Blue Springs and occupied by S. J.
Hevelone. The loss totals $?;000,
with the buildings only insured.
Ravenna Farm House Burned.
Ravenna, Neb., Aug. 23. (Special.)
A mysterious fire occurred at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Coulter,
five miles northeast, of Ravenna,
early yesterday morning. They were
awakened by the fire at about 4
o'clock, and it was burning so free
ly that they were unable to save any
thing except a few clothes. The farm
belongs to Thomas Ruane, and the
house and contents are an entire
Plattsmouth Will
Have Home Coming
On Elaborate Plan
Plattsmouth. Neb., Aug. 23. (Spe
cial.) The Commercial club has
nearlv ncrfected all arrangements for
the fall fesival. There are five days'
of the festivities, beginning with Aug-
11 a .....nmnhllA nav In tr
parade, it is expected that many hun
dred cars will compete for the prizes
j offered. September 1, will he known
! as Home Coming Day, anil on this
I day are expected hundreds of people
who formerly lived here. September
2, is the stock show, and a number of
valuable prizes are to be awarded
those who compete.
Sunday, September 3, will be ob
served by the different churches of
the city, who will have old time mini
sters deliver the addresses at the
services. The Methodists have ar
ranged to have two former pastors
conduct the morning and evening ser
vices, while the Christian church will
have an all-day service, with a basket
dinner at the church building, with
addresses by a number of the former
ministers, as well as members who
have moved to other places.
Monday, September 4, the last day,
will be known as Burlington Day,
when the employes of the shops here
will parade, each carrying a flag, and
participate in the flag pole raising at
the Burlington shops: There will be
two ball games every aay, ana many
other attractions. Among which will
be a carnival.
Harlan Democrat
Drops Out of Race
for Representative
Alma, Neb., Xug. 23. (Special. V
The withdrawal of Theodore Malm,
candidate for representative from
Harlan county, is causing qnite : a
commotion in democratic circles. The
central committee will meet in Or
leans Friday to select a candidate to
fill the vacancy. There arc several
applicants for the office and the meet
ing promises to be interesting. L. W.
Olson of Carter and C. W. Stewart
of Alma arc aspirants for the place.
George Vasey of this city and a mem
ber of the central committee says he
would accent the honor if tendered
him, while Cliff Gay of Orleans, chair
man of the central committee and de
feated primary candidate for the
place, is said 16 be willing to sacri
fice himself hy making the race. Joe
Boehler, formerly deputy game war
den under Shallenberger, is men
tioned as a suitable man for the of
fice. Those in authority say there is
a nossibility for a nice little faction
al scrap within democracy's ranks
Brayton Postoffice Burns.
Greeley, Neb., Aug. 23. (Special.)
While C. B. Murphy of Brayton,
was testing cream in his station, the
oil stove exploded and the whole
nl,. at nnr pnvplnned in
flames. Mr. Murphy operated a gen
eral store, ice cream station anu pusi-
ntt". ; ! nn. hnilHincr and directed
!,: f,.te in eavinff the mail, an finlv
a few of his goods were saved. . A
restaurant' building next door was
also destroyed.
Chautauqua Tent Blows Down.
Alliance. Neb., Aug. 23. (Special.)
The chautauqua is drawing big
crowds daily, this week. Ae heavy
wind storm Sunday evening, blew
the tent down during the evening
session and did considerable damage.
No one was injured. The crowd ad
journed to the Methodist church and
the evening program was finished.
Monday the tent was repaired and put
in shape for the afjternoon assembly.
Big Day at Fullerton.
Fullorton, Neb., Aug. 23. (Special.)
Fullerton chautauqua closes a suc
cessful ten-days' session Sunday. The
attendance ,n the final day was 7,000.
Eleven hundred automobiles were
parked on the grounds.
ntldreth Defeats Atlanta.
Hlldreth. Neb., Auf. 28. (Special.) The
Atlanta and Hlldreth base ball teams
played a ten-Inning same here Monday aft
ernoon, the tlnal score being 6 to 7 In
Hlldreth's favor. Batteries: Atlanta, Me
nauith nnd Brouhard; Hlldreth, Neville,
White and Partch.
Executive Committee i
For Press Association
Aurora. Neb.. Aug. 23. (Snecial.1
President Clark Perkins of the Ne
braska Editorial association has an
nounced the fgllowiug as his execu
live committee, for the ensuing year:
Will C. Israel of the Havelock Post,
C. C. Roscwatcr of The Omaha Bee,
A. W. Ladd of the Albion News, C.
Clark of the David City Press,
Adam Breede of the Hastings Trib
une and E. J?. Purcell of the Broken
Bow Chief. A meeting of this com
mittee will be held on some date dur
ing the State fair to make arrange
ments for the adjourned business
meeting of the association.
Republican Candidates
Drawing Large Crowds
(Prom a Staff Correspondent.)
Lincoln, Aug. 23. (Special.) Re
ports are beginning to come in at re
publican state headquarters that indi
cate there is a general awakening
along republican lines, and little
chance for the democrats to land any-
tmng except a Milan uuuuiuy m uic
Candidates on the state ticket are
speaking to good crowds and atten
tive audiences. When John L. Ken
nedy and Judge Sutton get warmed
up to the work in their long trip
around the state, the committee ex
pects to hear grand reports from the
meetings. Other state candidates are
getting busy. Addison Wait, for sec
retary of state, and Mr. Devoe, for
attorney general, spoke to a big
crowd at Waverly last .night and
State Superintendent Thomas and
Judge Sutton spoke in Otoe county
to another good crowd.
Columbus Man Drops
Dead While Upon Street
Columbus, Neb., Aug. 23. (Special
Telegram.) George Butler, a barber,
aged 42, who moved to Columbus
about two weeks ago from Denison,
la., to accept a position in the barber
shop of Charles Jones, dropped dead
this morning on West Fourteenth
street Apoplexy was given as the
Funeral arrangements Tiave not
been completed, but it is likely the
body will be sent back to Iowa. He
leaves a widow and two children. His
mother lives in Grand Island, and
,1 : . . !:.. r 1.
tMi auvci. live ill wmaua.
Great Crowds at Wilcox Chautauqua.
Wilcox. Neb.. Aue. 23. (Special.)
Large crowds are attending the chau
tauqua here. The guarantee was
fully covered by Monday night, the
second day of the chautauqua, over
$850 worth of season tickets having
been Mid.
"Good, Isn't It, Grandpa?"
"Yes, Sonny, good, and much better for you than coffee
you'll know why, sometime. In fact, children should never drink coffee
or tea and most grown-ups would be better off without either.
"In coffee and tea there's a drug that is harmful, especially for chil
dren, and it often causes troublesome conditions in older folks.
is fine for both children and grown-ups. It is made from good wheat,
roasted with a little wholesome molasses nothing to hurt anyone.
There's a delightful flavor in Postum the pure food-drink for those
who want to be healthy and happy.
"There's a Reason"
These are
great days
" to see the
new things.
Eevery day
new things
Serge and SatLi Dr es?es for Fall
Styles so good and dependable
That Buying NOWWill Mean Obtaining
The Very Newest and Best and Settling
Yout Apparel Problem Wisely and Well.
In selecting Serge and Satin Dresses as the leader for
Fall wear, style creators builded well, for these two
fabrics lend themselves to dress wear for every occas
ion. The Serge being par excellence for utility, busi
ness and street wear, and the Satin Dress filling the
need for dressier occasions, etc.
We Are Quoting Prices of $22.50, $25, $35 Up
Redingote Styles and Semi-Basques.
Attractive Collars and Cuffs of Georgette, and a
new and pleasing feature is the appearance of white
broadcloth for use as collars on these dresses.
The Buttons are so varied that it looks as though
the button makers had put forth the very best effort to
make a thousand and one look small by comparison
with the variety they offer.
Beadings for trimmings offer a delightful contrast
that features the "Pretties" of the gown and tends to
lessen the effect of severity that might otherwise prevail.
j lip
Barrettes, Combs
and Hair Ornaments
Sale of Sample Line
Set with white and
colored stones. Fancy
designs and newest
styles. Values to
$1.50. Very special
for Thurs- Q(U
day, at V30
Main Floor.
Speed the School Sewing
Get the Children's Wardrobes Ready
SCHOOL TIME very soon now, and the wise mother does not let her
sewing so until the last minute.
EVERY MINUTE COUNTS, and that Is why you should have the
most efficient sewing machine to do the work with.
The "FREE" Sewing Machine
is the best in the world. It sewi faster, sews better and with less
fatigue to the operator. , i
$1.00 down places it in your home.
$1.00 a week pays for it. DON'T BE WITHOUT IT.
All parts for all kinds of Sewing Machines. We repair and put
them in the best of condition at moderate cost to you.
WE OFFER YOU $12 for your old sewing machine to apply on the
first payment of the "FREE." Third Floor.
THE chief aim of American Barley Farmers is to
grow Barley up to the high standard demanded
by Anheuser-Busch. They not only pay pre- 1
mium prices for select Barley, but have contributed
thousands of dollars to induce the farmer to improve
the quality of his Bailey crop. The exclusive Saazer
Hop flavor of Budweiser comes from the hop gardens,
of the ancient district of Saaz, Bohemia, where for 800
years the finest hops in the world have been grown.
The ever-and-always-the-same Quality, Purity, Mild
ness and Distinctive Character of Budweiser have made
its sales exceed other beers by millions of bottles.
Mlsttots feStlault cm ctwrbwurfy invited to inspect cur pUnt coven 141 acrts
Means Moderation ,
Anheuser-Busch Co. of Nebr.
" Distributors, Omaha, Nebr.
Families Supplied by C. H Hansen, Dealer Phone Douglas 250
The express charges on the cheapest beer are just as high as on the best