Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 24, 1916, Image 1

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    When away from horn
ask for J
at hoteU and new stand.
The Omaha Daily Bee
On Train, mt Ilotwlf.
ew Mml,'etc.. Ik.
Prestige of This Nation Cut in
Half as Result of Wilson's
Handling- of Situation,
Says Nominee.
Credit Men Elect Officers, C.
E. Corey, Omaha, Named
as Treasurer.
Republican Candidate Scores
Demos for Attacks Upon
Merit System.
- t . 1
Reno. Nev.. Aug. 23. Charles
Evans Hughes said hi an address de-
livered her today, that the prestige
of the United States has been cut
practically in half, as a result of deal
ings with Mexico. The nominee re
iterated his previous declarations for
an adequate protective tariff and
again took the" administration to task
for retiring trained men from diplo
matic service "to make room f6r men
without any special qualifications
other 'than party loyalty." Mr.
Hughes said he deplored the fact that
the present administration "has had
to such a large degree disregarded
and violated the principles of our
merit system." ' '
"We . can have peace without
trouble in this country," said the
nomominee, in discussing the Mexi
can situation. "Only inexcusable
blundering could get us into war. We
don't want anything; we have got all
we need: we are not aggressive; we
are not seeking trouble; we are not
trying to exploit anybody; we simply
want to go ahead in our peaceful
pursuit of our ideals, ana nave', pro
' Rights Must be Respected.
"Put that does not mean that our
riirktu arc to be ignored: that we are
to be lacking in the protection of
those riehts that are known to per
tain to American citizens. Our con
duct in Mexico in failing to protect
the rights of our citizens down there
rut ffnwn nnr international orestige.
I should sav practically one-half, It
is a wrv serious thins: for a nation
tn hr known as willing to forego
those - those primary obligations of
maintaining the rights of its citizens
which every nation has."- . .
Mr.' Hughes said that: in other
nations diplomacy is a great profes
sion; that men enter the lower grades
and. re. promoted until they reach
the highest opportunities of diplo
matic, agencies. "We are making a
fine start in that way,"- he continued.
Taken From Service.
"And it has been lamentable to see
under this administration man after
mna of that description removed
from the service, taken right out after
years of devotion to the service and
retired, only to make room for men
without any, special qualifications
other than party loyalty. That was
odne conspicuously in Latin America,
despite our profession of a-desire to
cultivate the closest relations with
Latin America, the importance of
whirti is verv obvious. - How is the
great United States, the exemplar of
repu oilcan insiuuiions, iu auum uv
sister republics in this hem if we play politics with the
agencies or aipiumautr iuiciwuik,
and fail to honor training and ex
perience? That soft of thing won t
do. If you put me in office, I pledge
you that we shall see to k that we
are represented by men who will
command themselves to the countries
where they serve, and raise the stan
dard of our diplomacy.
What of Nebraska Industry?
"Our friends still insist that we
shall not foster industry by the tariff.
Why, if we proceeded to their theory,
what would become of the industries
ol the state of Nebraska? What
would become of the protection nee
frir the -enterprises of Call
(nrnll This whole SCCtiOtl of the
country needs the .fostering care of
government, not that we should have
private persons secure an rfnfair ad
vantage at the public expense.
"But we should have fairly applied
a principle which makes and .diffuses
all over the country a condition
where waees are higher and Stan
dards of living are higher than those
in any other part ot the world,
of the new heavy mortars recently supplied to the Belgian army, and now being used effec
tively in the fighting on the western front. This mortar hat a calibre of 202 millimetres.
T.arrn Vnra Rav-1-
-W' orth-
The Weather
For Nebraska Fairand warmer.
Temperature mt Omaha Xutwdar.
6 a. i
7 a.
8 a. m 1 65
9 a. m 70
f 10 a. m 74
11 a. m
12 m so
1 d. m
3 d. m.. 84
3 p. m 88
4 p. m.....,4 86
6 p. tn..,. 87
.6 p. ro. 86
7 p. m.... 84
. . 8 p. m. 78
ComparaUTA Local Besord.
1816. 1818. 1814. 1918
Highest yssttrasy . . 87 - 88 86 86
Lowest yesterday ... 88 61 , 68 .60
Mean teniperature .. 78 ,78 74 78
Precipitation ....... .00 . .08 , .28 .00
' . Temperature and-precipitation departure
fromth je normal:
Normal temperature 78
Uafielency (or, the day ' 0
Total exceu since Starch 1 7l
Normal precipitation 13 Inch
Deficiency (or the day IS Inch
Total ralntalt since March 1. .11.35 Inches
Deficiency since March 1 6.66 Inches
Excess (or cor. period, 191B.... .86 Inch
Deficiency (or cor. period, 1914 6.36 Inches
Bevorts from Stations at I r. M.
H. Victor Wright, Los Angeles,
was Wednesday afternoon elected
president of the Retail Credit Men's
National association at the closing
session of the convention. Other
officers elected:
C. F. Jackson, St. Louis, vice pres
ident C. E. Corey, Omaha, treasurer. '
A. J. Kruse, St. Louis, secretary.,
Six directors were elected, as' "fol
lows: D. J. Woodlock, St. Louis; E.
A. Howell, Denver; W. H. Taylor,
New York; B. G. Voigt, St. Lo.uis;
M. J. Solon, Minneapolis; W. J.
Srhmus. Cleveland. The next con
vention is to be held in Cleveland.
In the evening the members were
entertained at the Charter Lake club
the guests of the retail credit
men ot umana. inis ciosea ine
series of entertainments provided for
the visiting delegates and women
during the week by the credit men,
and by Ak-Sar-Ben, whose royal
highness entertained them Monday
Mill Citv Man Sneaks.
Character. caDacitv and capital, are
the general heads considered wnen
contemplating the extending of credit
to a new customer., according to M.
Solon of MmneaDolis. who Wednes
day morning opened the discussion on
"What Is a Basis tor granting Retail
Under character he would i class
honesty and. paying quality. Under
capacity he would class ability to,
pay, occupation, thrift. , Under capi
tal he would class property income
and investments
He declared that family connections
could sometimes be considered -to
good advantage, though not always.
Consider Family Troubles. , ,
Family troubles, he held, must al
ways be considered carefully. "There
are many cases in which the husband
insists the wife shall have no charge
accounts," ho said. "This is becom
ing more and more of a problem. We
are living in an age in which married
life, one might sav. is an uncertainty,
and it is necessary to consult the hus
band before granting credit to a wife.
In Minnesota, under the law or mat
state, when a wife contracts debts
while she is not living with her tius
band, we are powerless to collect
frnm him."
The sneaker declared that as a rule
young girls from 18 to 25 are better
risks than young menof correspond
ing age. lhey seem to nave more
resnonsibilitv or feel a moral obliga
tion more stronilv." he said. "Often
we have a. young stenographer,- 20
years old, who gets Jli a ween and
pays her bills witn exceptional
promptness. Then she gets married
to a young leilow Ol ner own age
who hasn't much in the wbrld and
never hopes to have, and after that
we are compelled to refuse her fur
ther credit on account ot nis repu
tatioji. ' -
Uniform Application Blanks.
An effort will be madt to universal
ize the form of application blanks in
all the stores over the country-. This
was brought out in the discussion on
"How to Follow up Accounts and
Get the Money," by-Sig Wolfert and
Alfred Allnia of St. Louis. 1 he uni
form form and color of application
hi-mlru it was nninted out. has the
effect of showing the prospective
rimtnmer instanwv that there IS
co-operation between all credit men
and he will be less apt to conceal
important information in making his
annliration. for he will know that
through the co-operation of the credit
men there is a way to get the facts.
Whether isis good policy to charge
interest on past due accounts was
discussed at some length, with B. G.
Veigt of Los Angeles and Charles No
Ian rtr nulnth as leaders of the dis
cussion. It was the consensus of
opinion that to charge interest is not
good policy in the case of merchants
selling small gooes or smaii quan
tities, but that dealers in such com
modifies as lumber, coal, etc., are bet
ter able to do this with good grace.
Moral Responsibility.
How to oDen an account depends
upon the moral responsibility of the
prospective customer, according to
the discussion led by G. A. Lawo of
MemDhis and W. T. Snider of St,
Louis. It was pointed out that it is
an injury rather than a benefit to a
man to extend him too much credit
rtn verv limited means.
Delegate Lane of Minneapolis be
came popular when he told of the re
lation their local credit bureau in Min
neapolis has with the banks. He said
nine banks of Minneapolis are mem
bers of the association and that they
all declare they get much benefit from
it. A Los Angeles delegate declared
that twelve banks in Los Angeles are
members of the local there, and that
somtimes when a man comes to
address the meeting he cannot tell
whether he is in a merchants' meet
ing or a bankers' convention. .'The
Omaha association has been trying
hard to get all the bankers interested
..V. V.J
Assaults Upon French . Lines
Reported to Have Met ,
With Failure.
Station and State
.' of Weather.
Cheyenne, clear ....
Davenport, clear
Denver, cloudy ....
Dee Moines, clear ..
Dodge City, elear ..
Xcrth Platte, clear..
Omaha, clear ......
Rapid City, clear....
Sheridan, clear , . . .
rjloux City, clear....
Valentine, clear ....
Temp Hlsh
. 1 p. OL est.
69 .
L. A. WELSH. Ktttoroloftst.
Conductor Solds ,
Train to Get Milk ,
for Sick Infant
Cotter, Ark., Aug. 23. T. F. O'Don
nell, a conductor on the White River
division of the Iron Mountain rail
road, was somewhat worried when he
learned that a report had been made
to division headquarters of his recent
action in holding a passenger train
here for twenty minutes so that milk
could be procured for a sick baby on
the train. Today he was astonished
at receiving a letter from B. F. Bush
of St Louis, receiver, of the road;
commending his action. v.
"Your act proved that railroad offi
cials and employes place the interests
of humanity above even railroad dis
cipline," wrote Mr. Bush.
London, Aug. 23. The Bulgarian
troops which advanced in northeast
ern Greece recently, seizing positions
in the valley of the Struma river, are
entrenching on this line, according to
today's ' official statement, which
;"On the Doiran front (in the cen
ter), about two battalions of the en
emy were seen yesterday in the neigh
borhood of Dautlei. Their advance
ttoops were driven in by us.
"On the Struma front the enemy is
entrenching ' on the Yenik-Ormanli
"An attack on French troops hold
ing Komarjan bridge was repulsed.
' "Serbian forces are now holding s
line in the. neighborhood of Lake Os
trovo and Pozar.
The new Bulgarian entrenched line
roughly parallels the struma. Ap
parently the Bulgarians have sent
torces ot considerate size to occupy
this natural defensive line.
All Eyes on Balkans,
London. Aug. 23. Developments
in the Balkans take first place in
both news and editorial columns of
the newsDaoers this morning. The
papers display keen interest not only
in tne lanuing oi mc jiaimu auu iua
sian troops at Saloniki, but also in
possible action by the Greek and'
Roumanian government and in .the
new Russian offensive which is de
veloping in Bukowina.
According, to unoiticial dispatches
the Russians are pushing ahead with
the greatest energy in Bukowina,
close to the Roumanian frontier and
already have gained " a very brilliant
success. the Jjatly News m an fac
torial sums up the Balkan situation
as follows:
"The imminent general offensive
against Bulgaria is of great import
ance. One ot the tirst results ot a
siirressfid offensive bv General" Sar-
rail would be a complete rupture of
Germany's communications with the
east and the isolation and capitula
tion of Turkey. 1ms. is -a plain
geographical fact.
1 here are also other issues upon
which it is wiser to reflect than to
enlarge. These affect the fortunes of
the two neutrals, Oreece and Kou-
mania, as well as the dozen belliger
' Roumania is Undecided.
Berlin. Aug. 23. (By Wireless to
Sayville.) Koumania has net decid
ed whether it will enter th-: war, in
the opinion of a person c haracter
ized by the Overseas Newu Agency
as "a distinguished diplomatist who
is especially conversant with Kou
manian affairs." On being asked by'
the news agency as to the present
situation he said:
"At present Roumania is undecid
ed. It probably will not give up its
adroit policy of neutrality unless it
believes that the reallyflecisive turn
m the war has been reached. Mean
while trade relations between Rou
mania and the central powers con
tinue to be normal and active.".
Seven Are Killed
and Six Injured in
. Crossing Accidents
Berlin, Md., Aug. 23. Five persons
were killed and four injured when a
passenger train struck the car Of John
Quillen, at a crossing abgut a half
mile from Berlin last night. The
dead are:
, John Quillen, his wife two chil
dren, Denmead. 8 years old, and Nor
man, aged 3, and Henry Predeau, the
- The injured are the oldest daughter
of the Quillen family with a broken
thigh and internal injuries; another
daughter, about 10; a son, 6 years old,
and a daughter of 4.
Denver, Colo., Aug. 23. Mrs. V.
T. Barnell and Mrs. J. W. -Ellis, both
of Tulsa, Ok!., were killed early last
night when an automobile in which
they were riding was struck by a
Denver and Boulder interurban car
at Westminster, near here J. W.
Ellis and son, Kenneth, escaped with
minor injuries.
Omaha and Lincoln
To Work Together
For Federal Bank
General Comuittee Discusses
Going Homo and Leav-
ing Issue in Hands of
Four Chiefs.
Three Presidents Leave State-;
ments WithWilson Rsgard
ing Expense of Proposal.
Sent to the Pen Two Boys
Returned to Kearney for
- Stealing Autos.
William Grant, grizzled toiler of 56
years, failed in his tirst attempt at
crime, was sentenced to one to three
years in the state penitentiary on a
forgery charge. Grant on July 31
passed a check for $400, bearing the
name of Mike O'Dea, on the Overland
Automobile company, under the pre
tense that he was a wealthy lowa
farmer. Grant's intention, according
to his exolanation to Judge Sears, was
to drive the Overland car from Omaha
to his old home in Pennsylvania. He
was i formerly in the employ ot' the
Union Pacific as carpenter,
. 'Sent Back to Kearney.,
The theft of two automobiles sn the
Fourth of July caused the downfall of
Harry Bogue and rnuip siiKet, Dotn
of whom were on parole from the
state industrial school at Kearney.
When thev were arraigned before
iudse Sears. Bogue and Silket, aged
io, aamuceu mcir gum aim w
dered returned to the school, where
they will remain until they reach ma
loritv. Ed Milford and John Evans,
also charged with complicity in the
thefts, plead not guilty. The cars
were recovered at Elk City and Val
ley, when the boys were arrested by
Deputy Sheriff Christensen.
Thirtv davs in the county jail, or
$100 and, costs, was the penalty hand
ed lO Anion xicruita, uiaiatu
rarrvinflr concealed weapons. Her-
bick admitted guilt and explained that
he was toting the gun as a protection
against highwaymen.
Twenty-Four Arraigned.
Twenty-four prisoners, held on a
variety of charges, were arraigned.
James Jackson and Jack Brice,
charged with robbing the warehouse
of Swenson brothers and stealing a
wagon load of socks, mackinaws and
other wearing apparel, pleaded not
guilty. , ., '
J. A. Mathias, charged with for
gery, pleaded not guilty, as did Wil
liam Meyers, cnargea witn wrccny.
Mit-a armsed of stealing a length
of lead pipe from a saloon near Tenth
and Capitol avenue.
Willard lepsen, coioreu, cnargcu
with carrying concealed . weapons,
pleaded guilty. The case was con
tin... fnr investigation. Lerov Bush,
colored, accused with assaulting Mar
tin T. Kyan with a Knne, ucn e nis
guilt. Fred Swanson, charged witn
the theft of $100 from the D.J. O'Brien
company, pleaded not guilty. These
cases will be heara ai ine i mm
opening September 18.
Sazama Nominated for
Postmaster at St. Paul
Washington, Aug. 23. (Special
Teleirram.) The president -sent to
the senate today the name of J. J.
Sazama as postmaster at St. Paul,
Ml I I,
Omaha and Lincoln areto work to
gether for the location of one of the
twelve federal land banks in Ne
braska.. This is the plan that grew
out of a conference Wednesday after
noon at the Commercial club rpoms
between a committee from Lincoln
and the land bank executive commit
tee of Omaha, with Chairman I-rank
H. Myers presiding. Those represent
ing Lincoln were Mayor Charles
Bryan, rrank Woods and E. J,
Hainer. . , .
It' was decided that the two com
mittees should work first of all for
a land bank in Nebraska, and later,
if it develops that either city has a
decvided advantage over the other,
tift both shall work for that city(
Arrangements were made tor an
other meeting a - week hence. The
place of meeting was not decided
Nebraska Mare Takes Classic
Pace in Straight Heats
at Speedway.
Snappy harness racing before a
large, appreciative and demonstrative
crowd characterized Wednesday's
program at the Omaha Driving club's
Great Western circuit meeting at the
Speedway meeting a program in
which Helen Chimes, fresh and
flushed with victories after an un
usually successful campaign over Ne
braska tracks, fulfilled the brilliant
prediction made for her and won the
day's classic event, the 2:18 pacing
class, "al.McKinney purse of $2,000,
In straight heats. - ; , ,
The fact that The' Magtielfs-diiugh.
ter . wis celarly the favorite in the
race and also the most feared by the
field of Great Western Circuit class
pacers, did not dim a whit the credit
she earned and received for romping
away with $1,100 in prize money.
Hal Conners' Great Race.
And Helen Chimes' capture of the
chief laurels did not overshadow or
lessen in turfmen's minds the signal
performance of Hal Conners; a star
boarder in the Tom Dennison stables,
who, masterly driven by Jimmy Ro
nin, won second honors in the race
that marked the initial hanging up of
the largest purse ever offered in the
history of Nebraska for a horse
After settinir a valiant nace in the
curtain-raising heat, shooting out in
front of the field ana tor the world
appearing like he was going to lead
the procession until the finish, Hal
Conners finally was overtaken and
passed by the stepping Chimes mare;
in laci, coming uuuer uic wnc in
fourth position, a Canuck stallion,
Tramp Quick, being cleverly driven
into second place, Captain Heir at
Law, a stcac'y, traveling black horse,
but not a dark one, thirding. Clockers
got the heat at 2:V.
The second heat brought the crowd
to its feet. v
Showing a defiant pardonable,
under the circumstances attitude
Petrograd Says Attempt to Out
Off Force Approaching
Lemberg Repulsed. '
(CABtlnned on ! Twit, Colama roar.)
Canadian Villages '
Endangered by. Fire
Quebec, Aug. 23. Fears are felt
here that a number of villages on the
Sayuenay river above . St. Alphons
will be wiped out by fierce-forest fires
that have been raging there for two
weeks. The .whole forest . region is
in a sea of flames. '
No boat of the Canada Steamship
lines dares go further up. the Sague
nay than St. Alphonse and passen
gers who are bound for towns above
that point continued by rail or by
horse. Telephone wires are reported
to be down in the vicinity.
Petrograd (Via London), Aug. 23.
The Germans resumed ' the offen
sive yesterday south of Brody, where
the Russians are attempting to ap
proach Lemberg from the northeast.
The war office statement of today
says the Germans were repulsed.
The Russians captured two heights
on the Hungarian front. The an
nouncement follows:
"In the region south, of Krevp,
southeast of Vilna, the enemy . on
Tuesday night launched a gas attack,
which wat-feaelled with heavy losses.
-Here - thait'.' lUO- bornbs, were
dropped by enemy aeroplanes On the
railway station at Mauevichi. '
"In the region of the south, south
of Brody, the enemy resumed the of
fensive at some points. His attacks
were repulsed everywhere by our fire,
, Near the source of the river
Pruth, southwest of Ardjulez, we
captured two heights north and south
ot Koveria mountain, on tne nun
garian frontier."
Five Thousand Russiana Killed.
Berlin, Aug. 23. (By Wireless to
Sayville.) A correspondent of the
Cologne Gazette, on the Russian
front, says that in the fighting near
Herodenka, in East Galicia, from Au
gust 14 to 17, the Russians lost 5,000
killed, while the total (jrerman casual
ties was eighty,
"If the enemy -continues to squan
der enormous quantities of ammuni
tions in addition to suffering heavy
losses his final exhaustion is inevita
ble," the correspondent says.
Italian Thrust SucessfuL
Rome, Aug. 23. (Via London.)
The Italians are making a strong and
successful thrust at the Autsrian lines
in the Alpine region, on he extreme
northern front, according to today's
war office announcement. Italian
troops have carried string Austrian
Eositions in the Tofana area in the
lolomites and in the Travenanzes
valley. ,
Packers Fined for-,
Weighing Paper
Ham Wrappings
Railroad Estimates of Cost
of the Eight-Hour Day Scale
Washington, Aug. 23. President
Holden of the Burlington, in charge
of the committee of the eight, niade
the following statement:
President Wilson plans to see Sen
ator Newlands and Representative
Adamson again, probably late today,
and expects to receive another call
from the committee of railroad exec
utives some time before tomorrow.
There were many indications that the
railroad presidents were considering
the eight-hoof day on condition that
some definite assurance be given them
that future disputes would be arbitra
ted. . .
President Holden of the Burlington,
in charge of the committee of the
eight, made the following statement:
"A meeting of presidents and man
agers was held at 11 o'clock this morn
ing and a recess was taken until 6
o'clock. In the meantime the special
committee of the presidents is in ses
sion, giving further consideration to
the various problems presented by the
situation." .....
Elisha Lee, chairman of the man
agers' committee, made this state
ment: "There seems to be some question
of the accuracy of the estimates made
by the railways of what it would cost
to grint the demands of the train em
ployes, and 1 make this statement
to clarify the public mind on this
phase of the matter.
"There has been no change in our
original estimate that to grant the de
mands would add $100,000,000 a year
to operating expenses. On the con
trary, subsequent investigations eon
firmed the substantial accuracy of
that estimate.
"-Confusions may have arisen from
the fact that we have estimated that it
would cost more than $50,000,000 a
year to make the concessions which
President Wilson has proposed that
we make. The difference between
the estimates is due, of course, to the
fact that the president has proposed
that we immediately grant only part
of the demands and that consideration
of the rest of them be postponed.".
Yonkers, N. Y, Aug. 23. A fine of
$100, imposed today on Swift & Co.,
meat packers, by City Court Judge
Joseph H, Beall, caried with it a de
cision which will cost the meat pack
ers $1,000,000 a year if approved by
the higher courts, according to their
- Judge Beau found the packers
suiltv of having violated the law bv
charging for meat containers at the
same rate as for the meat they con
tained. It was charged that the Com
pany had sold ham weighing eleven
pounds six ounces in a container
weighing six ounces and charged for
eleven pounds and twelve ounces of
The company's defense was that
the hams are not classed as ordinary
meats and that the buyer knows he
is paying rfieat prices for paper con
tainers. Roosevelt Will
Speak in Central
and Western States
Chicago, Aug. 23, Alvin T. Heart,
manager of the Western republican
national campaign headquarters, today-returned
from New York where
he was in conference with eastern
leaders, with information that Theo
dore Roosevelt will in September or
October make a speaking tour of Illi
nois,' Indiana and other central and
western states in behalf of the repub
lican national ticket. A schedule of
dates for the different states to be
visited will, it is said, be arranged
within a few weeks.
"In the east every sign points to
an old-fashioned republican victory
this fall;' said Mr. Heart. -
Washington, Aug. 23. The railroad'
employes' committee showed such,
marked signs, of unrest today at the
delay in the negotiations between"
President Wilson and the railway
executives that the leaders of the men
were alarmed and openly expressed
fears of their ability to hold them
much longer.
An employes' meeting this morning
was thrown into an uproar by speech
es of a minority which demanded im
mediate action unless the roads ac-
cept the president's plan, but the lead
ers succeeded in adjourning it before
any vote could be taken on any of the
various proposals. They said after-
ward that while tae pressure for im-'
mediate action came from a minority.'
it was strong, but they bejieved the
majority would be willing to give the 1
president a little more time.
Men Favor Adjournment. '
Some of the men urged that most of
them go home, leaving the brother
hood heads with authority to call a
strike 'if the railroads do not accept .
the president's plan. ' '
The meeting adjourned until iu
oclock tomorrow morning, fre
quently shouts and applause were"
heard a block away from the hall.
It is our belief, one ot the com
mitteemen said, that the railroads
are playing for time wilh the presi
dent just as they have done with us
for many months. ' They are tiring us
out all right and the men are getting
disgusted." t.
President Sees Congressmen. .
While the railroad executives con
tinue deliberations on what form of
counter proposals they shall make to
President Wilson's plan, the president
conferred wtih Senator Newlands and
Representative Adamson, chairmanv
of the Interstate Commerce commit
tees in congress, about the bill to in
crease the membership of the Inter
state .Commerce rommtasion by two.
vrossibility of passing an eight
hour dav law for railroads was dis
cussed among several congressional
t... ,J .... v. ... j n.Hrnm .....
evolved and it was understood no ac
tion would be taken unless the presi
dent's efforts failed.
Rail Heads Count Colt
The three presidents who were at
the White House last night left with
President Wilson a comprehensive
statement of -the estimated cost of
extending ' an eight-hour dav to all
railroad employes and employes in
industrial concerns throughout the
country, with the request that the
jjicsiuciu examine uicm carciuuy.
The railroad presidents take the posi
tion that extension of the eight-hour
day to railroad trainmen means that
it must be extended to all other rail
road workers and to many of those
in industrial pursuits. ' ,
Before the meeting of all the ex
ecutives with the committee of eight
today it became apparent that there
would be some difficulty in getting
air the presidents to agree to any
counter proposals which involve an
eight-hour day with tn hours' pay.
eight-hour day with ten hours pay.
in the roads are concerned, one presi
dent of a big eastern road said to
day that instead of urging the presi
dents to accede to. the White House
demands, bankers were for the most
part using their' influence to support
the executives ; in their insisteno
upon arbitration.
Financiers for Arbitration-
It was understood today the rail
road executives had decided to act as
a unit in handling the present situa
- The program of the railroad ex
ecutives as understood today was to
deal first with the principle of ar
bitration and afterward with the
eight-hour day.
In administration circles today it
was declared that both the president
and the railroad executives seemed tq
be on the way to an agreement.
Lineman Electrocuted
. At Sioux Falls, 3. D,
Sioux Falls, S. D., Aug. 23. Seibert
Moore. 24. a linesman for the North
em States Power company, was elec
trocuted this afternoon .while string
ing wires north of this city. Thirteea
thousand volts passed through his.
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