THE BEE: OMAHA, AUGUST 1916. Want-Ad Rates CASH WITH osnn. IC w"l Ineartlo (Ret Mild no dlepley.) Ada Paragraphed or lot In Dlaplar tttn fo or lino on. ttm to por lino thro on.eeotle time. (UI oil wordo to IM nno.1 f1T A r. K OlTHl f. oar 11m ono Mm to por lino throo conooeatlvo tlmoo (Count all ar.rda to tho line.) 'portal Kotooi to por lino ear InaorrWm (Count oil worda to tho lino.) rOREJON ADVKRTiaiNn nKDEB AOEHTB OB HELP WANTn CLABB4- to por word ..." ono ma IHo por word thro cnsecutle. "" SO l: NO Al TAKEN FOB MtW THAI TOTAL Or too On UBSS im loo A PAT. CARD OF THANKS. DEATH AND FU NERAL NOTICES. too por lino ear. InaarUon (Minimum eh.rse IS cents.) HONTHLT RATE FOR STANDINO A Do. (No chanse ot copT .Hewed.) Ono lino ..',J'!5 Two Unoo or mora l (Count alx worda to tho Una.) (Contmut rataa on application.) , THE BEE will not bo raoponalblo for mora than ono Incorroct Inaartlon of an "r tl.ement ordarad for mora than ona time. ADVERTISERS ahould retain recellita flvan or Tha Boo In parment for Want Ada. aa no mlatalce oan ba rectified without them. OSE THE TELEPHONE If rou cannot eon nnlontlr brlna or oand In vour ada. Aali for o Want-Ad Tnkor, and rou will re oolro tho aame rood aarrlca aa woan oa llvarlns your ad at tha office. PHONE TTLER 1000. PTVTCMINO EllITlONS .11 ' MORNINO EDITIONS.).... M ' ..,. MUVIt fHUbHAWI Currant ollartojra of tho boat Motto. (Ckanton Dally.) J Downtown. PRINCES 1117-11 DOUOLAS BLUEBIRD. BEDFEATHER AND UNI VERSAL PRODUCTIONS lo PRESENTED HERB FIRST ao. THE BIG DAY TODAY. oeond Eplaodo of tha World'a Baat Serial. : "LIBERTY." Animated Waoklr. I... Unn. In "Broke. But Ambitious," comadr. "Bha Wrota a Play and Flarad It," a comaor, who uu. Hanrv. FARNAU 1.1K PARNAll. CARLISLE BLACKWE1.L IN . THE LAST CHAPTER.- . TOMORROW JACKIE SAI'NDERS' In "ILL-STARRED BOBBIE." DIAMOND Nur: Di AM UNI) :in Aw unnn "THE LITTLE TROUBADOUR j 11 r. hasvuh n nun BUHM AKIN IS okandT li'TH AND BINNET, GATL KANE IN i "PAYING THE PRICE." A (-REEL WORLD FEATURE. AND A GOOD COMKDT. LOTHROF, I4TH AND LOTHROP. ROBERT EDESON IN . - "THE CAVEMAN." ' "THE SPOILERS" If) COMINO ' SOON. WATCH FOR DATE. ' Eoutn. ' boI-LeVard1 .id and LeaVewwoWh "A WALL STREET TRAOEDT," wltk . NAT GOODWIN l-REKL PICTURE "WHEK JERRI CAME TO TOWS kOHLFF i((l LEAVENWORTH WILLIE COLLIER, JR in "THE BIIOLB CALL ALIO LATEST ISSUE OF PATHH WEWS West. Jlppollo Hth 4 LSXViNwdhtH J. WARREN KERRIGAN IN THE BECKONINO TRAIL." ALSO BILL1S BURKE IN " "OLORIA'S ROMANCE." DUNDEE I1BT A UNDERWOOD MISS NORMA TALMAOB In "001NO STRAIGHT." MACK SWAIN In "AMBROE'S CUP OF WO" ' illl FARNAIl 1 UONROB EDWIN ARDEK tii ; "THE GREY MASK" 6MAHA 1 40TH AND DODGE BEN WILSON and EDNA HUNTER In "THE CIRCULAR ROOM" ROSEMARY THEBT In "THE LATEST IN VAMPIRES;" ''MUTINY," drama. South Bid. - SKsga : 1 a v HOUSE PETERS In A SUPERS l-ACT SENSATIONAL PICTURE. -THE RAIL RIDER" ORPUBUM 14TB AMD M Two roata of "Oloiio'a Romaaoo." foaror ln Btllla Burba "What Doric DM." luring Dorto OrorAloo afatro-Drow mom. DEATHS F"NERAL NOTICES. NEWMAN Roaa. widow of tho lata Ban Newman, la Chleasu, Monday, Aug uat II, lllu. ... . -' Funaral aarrlooi from tho roatdonoo of Bam Frank. Ill North Thirty-flat an nuo, Wednesday atfarnoon at 4 o'clook. In tormanl at Plaaaant Hill oamatary. Monuments tnd Cemeterie. BEAUTIFUL narkara, and tor unmarked fravaa. Radmaa Orava Markar Co., 147 Spaaoor St. Waaator Itu. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. Duffy a Johnston, anoaimara ani to- naral lractoro TIT S. nth. Tyiar lei. H. K. BURKET A SON Funaral dlroolpra and ambalmar. 1104 Loaranworth. Har. aa. (tULSE A R1EPEN. undartakara and aav balnaro, 101 llth Si boualaa lilt. FLORISTS. ' VkSt QUALITY CUT FLOwtRs or plaata. Art Comblnatlona, ahlppad ovory wboro. Eaoallant oorvloa to our ouatom oro In paat roars rooommanda HESS A SWOBODA. 14U Farnam St. Dam, lilt LARGEST ASSORTMENT of fraau . dollvarad or ahlppad anywhara. L, HEN ubkojh, Uli rarnam BL Dong. 1111 PARKER Flowar Shop. 411 S. llth. D. Illl. A. DONAOHUB, 1411 Harnor, Doug. l"l BATH, florlot. 1104 Fanam It. D. l. BIRTHS AND DEATHS. Blrtho Ray and H.l.n Jaworakl, 4411 South Thlrty-oaooBd, gtrll Charlao and Mario Fraall. 1414 South Nlnotaanth. boy; Proa and Anna Evana, 1014 South Twenty fifth, boys Howard and Lydla Roth, hoa pltaU glrli Evaratta and Llllla M. King, ll North Twonty-thlrd, boys Albert and Bono Chyaak. girl: Jooof and Jannla Kohl. 16 Martha, boy; Arthur and Madlna aVhlok, tail Davanport, boy; Edward and Eft la Sullivan, aoapltaL girl; Jaaaa and Blanch. Colllotar, nil Laka, girl; Frank M. and Mabal Knight, 1114 Ogdan, boy; U. L. and Rachal Woodford, hoapltaL girl Doatho Waltor F. HI1L 14, hooplul: Baby Snglo, 1 dayo. Blaty-flfth and Pop platon; Raymond Racak, I montha. lilt South Thirty-fourth Paulino Bahreno 11. 1101 Douglaa; lloin.r Barnao, 0, hoopltal' lioonard B. Rahn, I, hoapltal; Jamaa U Wlloo, 7. hoapltal; Roa O. Young. 10. hoa pltal; Waltar Matra, 11 montha, Thlrty.flrat .and Fort; Baaban S. Hawloy, (I, hoaplul MARRIAGE LICENSES. Parmlta to wed aava bo.u laauad at following: Name and Realdenoa. Jamaa Vak, Floroaoo. Kah.. , Calhortno Riponok. Omaha. .....a Cloyt a Moffat. Omaha , Bulla B. Deaby, Omaha Do Alton W. CalTln, Kanaaa City II Suaaa K, Prlbblo, Rod Oak. U.. . 1 Jons A. Olaan.-allaaourt Valley. .,, 41 Arch O. Fllan, Omaha. Moia Bardan, Omaha Oaorgo Brvlnr, Dwlght, Nab Anna Blla, Omaha.....,.,,,,. Frank 3. Pavloa, Omaha Julia Kotro, Omaha , Frank Broanlhan, - Omaha.... ,, faille Sullivan. Omaha., ..,.. Hhoridan D. Weatflold, Omaha irono Jung, Omaha ,,,,, iv Ago ,, 17 .. II . II BUILDING -RMITS. D. Balllak, 4404 Bedford avenue, frame dwelling, 91.601. I. u. Humphrey, 1114 Douglaa. brick garage. flhOOO: Herbert M. Rogera, &203 Caaa, brick veneer dwelling. MOO; Herbert M. Rogera. M01 Caaa. gar age, l,00; J. Leader, 111 South Thirteenth, green houee, 01; P. C. Morlarty, 4320 Wakeley. repelra, 600;Shulor A Carey, 110 norm roriy-mira. auto ohed, 1500; P. W. Elliott, 1711" North Twenty-eecond, re pal re, 1.000. LOST-FOUND-REWARDS IFTOU lotM Knythtnc and will advjrt.iw It hr, you will surely rtcovor It If found by an bonest psraon. Remark able r vrtfa ar brouvbt about avary day through thli column. THE LAW Peopla who find loat artlclea aro lntaraitad In knowing that tha atata law la trict In raquirlnr thm lo aaak tha owner throuch advartlaemont and otharwlaa. and that a fallura to do ao, If mm, can ba proven, Involvaa a a vera penalty. OMAHA A COUNCIL H LUFFS STREET RA1LWAT COM PANT. Paraona havlna loot aome artlela would do wall to call up tha office of the Omaha Council Bluffa Street Railway eompany to ascertain whether thoy left ll in me atreat car. Many artlclea each day are turned In and tha eompany la anxious to restore them to tha rightful owners. Call TVIar 100, EoBT Cameo pin at Muse theater. Val ued aa keepsake from deceased parent. Please call Walnut 871. Reward. LOBT -Between subway and downtown die trict Friday, folding Ansco kodak; reward. Call Walnut 2621. FOUND Lavaller, June H, 111, between 14th and Grace and 14th and Locust. Call Webster 306. LOST A bunch of keys. Return to Men hattan restaurant, UM Capitol. Reward. LOST Female Boston bull, out ot town tag on. Tyler 8430-W. ' FOUNI Small sum of money. 148 A. .Tel. South FOR SALE Miscenaneous Furniture and Household Goods. UND BR W R IT E RS' FURNITURE SALS STILL OOINU ON Get aboard this wonderful bargain spe cial while tha prices are at eacursion rates. i BTATW FURNITURE C0. 14th and Dodge. Douglas HIT, 16 ICR boxes, S6 gas stoves, HDD rugs of all kinds; poultry wire ana netting, upon till t p. m U3 N- 84th St. Web. 107. OMAHA IMLLOW CO. Felt and hair mat tresses made over In new ticks at half tha price of new ones. Shone us for sam ple of ticking. Mall orders filled. 197 Cuming St. Douglaa 1407. MOVTNO to Apt.; must aell part of my fur li Itu re, Including nearly new mahogany piano, bookcass. rug,, davenport. 3409 Laurel Ave. FOR 8A LB Patented Ironing board, neat and well built: will last a life time. Phone us for particulars. Doug. 6191. MUST tell at once: alt household goods. SSlf Farnam. Billiard and Pocket Tables. FOR SALS BILLIARD TABLES. Brand new, earom and pocket, with oomplete outfit, 1136; second-hand tables at re duced prices; bowling alleys and supplies; easy payments. Cigar stores, drug, dell, catesaen and soda fountain fixtures. THE BHUNHWICK-BALKB-COLLKNDICR CO., 407-401 South 10th St. Typewriters ana Supplies, NEW machines sold the same as rant; IS par month. See us before you buy or rant. Shipped any place on tan days' free trial. Butts Typewriter Exchange. 8I B. llth, Omajia, NetK TYPEWRITERS sold, rented and repaired. Rant an Oliver Typewriter, I montha for s. Central Typewriter Xaobanga. ld Farnam. R KM I NO TUN 8, Monarchs and Smith Premiere for rent; sent anywhere. Rem- ingion Typewriter company. D, 1114, BARGAINS In used typewriters, ribbons 4 doien; carbon, 91 a bos. Midland Co., tit Bee Bldg. Jewejrypiamonds and Watches. SroDROAARD'S "Lucky Wedding RiiilP at 14th and Douglaa Sis. Mgchjnery and Engines. NEW AND SECOND-HAND MOTORS' EXPERT ELECTRICIANS AND .MACHINISTS. LI HRON ELECTRICAL WORKS. 111-10 S. 12th St.. Omaha. BOILERS, steam, electric, gas engines, pipes, gross wracking Co.. lilt Cuming. Sewing Machines. - "SEWING MACHINES- We rant, repair, aell Bsee.iea .umI parts C all aewing machine. MICKEL'S 1 , NEBRASKA C1TCLI CO., llth and Hsrnsy Bta. Dolls'. Mil. Prtntinar and Of fir fiunnllM COMMERCIAL Duplicating Co., also publlo uat our prices on job printing. CAMPAIGN CARDS A SPECIALTY. IT PTn fit UIAHt TIT n rxnttrt a ... w. a. - .w Man AJ WJ. tVUlf, HIM, WATERS-BARNHART Ptg. Co., auaMty ttrinlltlaT Tal rirtlle VISA A ... aa. urn arall aT. .iifl n. Miscellaneous. htm want-Ads GAINED It.lll MORE PAID ADS than any othsr Omaha news paper gained la first seven montha 111. Good results) at leas cost li tha reason why, MY high standard of quality will ba main- lainea; i quarts oi tjia ronteneiie whlaky. l.ti bottled la bond. Henry Pollock, mall order houae. Douf. 7141. 1U-U4 . iota at. Alex jlfTES L16u6r house.' Thirteenth andT Douglaa. Bottled la bond whlaky, lac, 11.10, 11.11, full quart GENUINE California wlna vinegar, whlta or rea; quart ooiuea, su eenta; gallon. It oanta. Imported olive oil, 71 oanta par quart. Cackley Bros. Phone Doug. 4011. DESKS, safes, scales, showcases, shelving. to. we suy, sen. umana nature Supply Co., 414-lt-ll S. llth. Doug. 1724. FOB SALE Two good furnaces too small for tha houses they are in. Call Ty. 1141. FRET NOT Ask your grocery luan, or phone .oiiaa ivo- WANTED TO BUY WANTED Hlgh-claas surveyor's tranalt. aa insirumeni tnac m aeaignea lor gen oral land surveying aa well as drainage work. Pries must bo right. Address X 16. Baa. WANTED TO BUT Having ranted a build- ing on iraoa tor our ornce and warehouse we will want to buy some glass partitions. Phone Baeket Stores Office. Tyler 440. DESKS DESKS DESKS New deeka, oaed de.ka. kougkt, aoM and traded. J. C. Bead. HIT ramaak HOLM KB paya your price (or Id-banA clothaa, ahoea and hata Web. IS30. WANT TO BUT UKHCHANDIBK STOCK. 41 BOBK BI.PO. TTLBB HII, ATTRACTIONS. WANTED -Conceseiuns for I days' oarnl- tbi at uraiion, nao. Aug. 31, oept, J, a. Tr. C 8. Hubbard, chairman. ANNOUNCEMENTS Tire Sale $5,000.00 stock of vfirst-Rnde Pennsylvania tires, utrantetd 4,000 miles, at the following prices: Sale Price. ' I 1. 00 e.fto H.n u,o, 111.00 ! lll.tS 111 01 m.ts II. It 11.11 31. tt II. M 111. 01 llt.SS DUO TIRE CO., 111 Chicago. . Ooaglaa HIS. li. N.I rlea. I SKI 111.10 10x1 (ll. S lOxii, llxISt . 11.11 llil)4 I1T.SI llai !. II lilt , !. 10 IOI 111.71 III. I3S.II Hal 131.11 Halt, 114.11 III! (a . III. II , Kilti ,i. Ill II ! ' l?H. ,81.14 Illl 141.11 III ' 14.11 WH1TR ilRDB.. pontractnra aei bulldera: julibtn'g our apei-laltyi aatlafatloa guar. aulaoU. fluaa Bad Illl or Walaul Illl. AC JJUAC AC A )RM y I Claae and ftchool, Mon. endowed. Bvo. GRAND OPKNINO AUOU8T 14. ANNOUNCEMENTS BllODEOAARD'S 'Xuuliy Wedding Ring.5 at llth and Douglaa Sta. OROC'RRY and meat market for aele: good location; aula ch.ap. Roll S. Ave NOTION etore. good location. J70J 8. 10th DAY and Y. M. C. A. Night School. BUSINESS CHANCES Accountants. B. A. DWORAK. C P. A. A VAN ORDER. Ill Remge Bidg, Phone Doug. 11 S. Bakeries. CAKES, poetry and fancy bakery gooda euppueo to paniea, loagea anil entertain menta. Z. H. Reader, 1600 N. llth. W.32I7. Brass and Iron Foundiies. Paxton-Mllchell Co. 27th and Martha Bta. Costumes. THEATRICAL gown., full dreea autta. tor rent, ipi N. 17th. John Feldmaa. Carpenter! and Contractors. Loaaard A gon, HQS Capitol Ave. Ty. 1131 C. W. Hokftnaon. 2S06 Leaven'th. Ty. 21I2J Baths. HTOIBNIO BATH INHTITirTK. Uad.m Edna H. LaBell. 701 South llth St.; vapor mine, .wooien maeeage taught every Fri day for men and women. Lady attendaot ior laqiee. rnona Douglaa loll DR. KNOLLENBRRQ. aulnhur ateam hatha. maaaaga and OlIHOPR ACTIO. Lady at tendant for ladle., a Weat, corner tlth ana Farnam, Ottawa Bids. Doug. 7211. DR. RKNDA Sulphur, ateam. Modern Turklah BATHS AND MASSAOB. Private apartmante for ladlea with lady attend- anta. in. Farnam. Phone Doug. 1177. RITTENHOt'SB Sanitarium; all kind. oatna. llo-3H Balrd Blk.. llth and Douglaa. Buttons and Pleating DRESS pleating, hemetttehlng and eover- oo outtona. van Arnum Dreea Pleat ing and Button Co., Id flour Paxton Bltt. IOUg, 8100. r1 . . I T?:: u; v..i,iib. aiiu r iluauiiigj. veraal focua lena). Oreen'a Pharmacy, llth wiiu nowaru. oee tnem louay. Cleaning and Pressing. SUITS preaeed, lie: cleaned and preaaad. 11 Phil Oreenelone. HOP Haniey. Red 2711, 91'ITS cleaned, preaaed, 11.00; preaaed, 40c; flrat-rlaew work guaranteed. 8U 8. 12th. Chirooractic. DR. KN01.LENRKRU, 8. W. Cor. 14th and Farnam. Doug. 7216. Lady attendant. Chiropractic and Spinal Adjustment ounni'nn a mouern, aanitary eniro. practlo adjuatlng Darlora. 414-11 Rooo Bid. P:IR4I. Palmer Sch. grad; lady attendant. Dr. France. Dawaon. 502-1 Roaa Big. Ty.2SII. Dr. 3. C. Lawrence, 1 Balrd Bldg. D. 1411. Detectives. JAMES ALLAN, 111 Neville Block. Br. denca Mcured In all caaea. Tyler HIS. Dressmaking. ACCORDION. Side. Knife, Bor Pleating. uov. uuttona. rlematltchlng. Neb. Pleating A Button Co., 431-1 Faxtcn hlk. R. 4942. WANTED Sewing, by eiperlenoed dreea 1 maker. No. 11 Sterling Apt.. Douglaa 6001. PLAIN and fancy aewing. fine mending ano repairing, web. 1014, WANTED Sewing to do. Call Tyler 1114-wT Expert dreeemaker In all line.. DougTTBlT Kelater Dreaamaklng Coi., 1821 City Nat'l. Terry Dreaemak'g college. 20th and Parnara. Sclentlflca maaaage; bath., llil Farnam it. Dancing Academy. P. Bradbury. No poln. ill W. O. W. Bldg. Taffa Dent. Rma.. 201 Roee Bldg. t. Illl. Expert Masseurs. MANICURI.NCI. facia! maaaage. by expert maaaeuae. 117V. N. llth St., oppo.lte poat offlce. Rm. 201, dally, evenings. ExDress ComDanies. TWIN CITY Expreaa Co., Ill Caaa St. Jouglaal717HeavyhmyM apeclalty. ANYWHERE 25c WB. 2104 Everything; lor Women. ACCORDION, aide, knife, sunburst box pieauog; covered outtona, all aleeg and atylea; hematltchlng, ptcot edging, em broidery; beading, braiding, cording, eyelet cut work, buttonholea, pennant.. IDEAL BUTTON AND PLBATINO CO. 800 Douglaa Blk. Douglaa Illl. . rUBLIC AUCTION $40,000 stork of staple gror irioo to be sold In lots to the hltrhfnt bidder. Sal starts at 10 A. M., Monday, Aug. 2Sth. at 4924 South 24th St., S. Omaha. The United Provision stores going out of bun In ess. Ve will first )! the opan ntot-k and flitursa In the r-fll store, which will snount to stiout $5,010. This stora U duing a business of about 166,000 pr year. Wa will thpn aell th aurplus sioi k In lots cnnMlMltng of about 1,00 briRS of unr. 1.000 rsses of corn. , 7&0 rns of tomatoes. - 100 rases of red salmon. - iff cases of 7B0 boxes Diamond C soap 200 gross Ball Mason jars. COO sarks of flour. 160 rans of E&gla, Carnation and other brands of milk. $0 cases of Orape Nuts. 160 cases ot toilet paper. 200 cases of Arso Blarrh. 100 sacks hand picked navy beans and other arttWei too numeroui to mention, auch as coffee, tea. rice. fir. 26 per cant of purchase prlca must be paid In cash or certified check on day of sals. Mr, Merchant, hers Is your chance to buy grocsrlas at a prlca to maks some money, Sals takes Dlaca at 4024 So. 24th m. 8. Omaha, Monday, Aug. 28, at 10 A, M. JAM En I.. iHJWti, Auctioneer. UNITED PROVISION STORK, Owners. WANT to sell drug store on account poor hsslth; good, clean stock doing good busi ness; good country; large territory, Cen tral Nebraska. P. O. Box 67. Phllllpa, Neb. i"OB SALE by ' owner, lending hardware In county seat town or 3,oou southeast' arn South Dakota. Must be sold quick; prices rignt. Address i 683. Bee. BEE3 Want-Ads GAINED 19,591 MORE PAID ADS than any other Omaha news paper gained tn first seven months 191$. , Oood results at less cost Is the reason why OROCERT Best located In San Die no: do ing $60,000 cash business per year; will sell at invoice; turning stock each month buslnsaa Increasing. P. O. Box 193, Han Dletto, Cal. FOR SALE City cafe at Plalnvlaw, Neb.; possession at any lime. FOR SAMS OR TRADE Nlca restaurant with fountain; no competition; will trade for I -passenger Ford; must sell; going west. Mrs. Vina Clark, Hows. Neb. FOR SALE Oood, clean stock of hard ware: Hva town, central Nebraska. Good reason for Belling. Be quick. . Address Y 167. Bee. IF TOU want to aell or buy a business or rooming nous call on Busch Borghorr, 710 World-Herald Bldg. Phone D. 3J19. WE BUT, we aell motion picture theaters. machines, feature films. Co-Operatlve Film ana supply Co., 210 Bromley Bldg. WILLIAMS, established 19 years. To buy or sell business ses him. 411 McCagua Bldg. Reference. U. S. National Bank. DOWD Sale and Auction Co., Omaha, have closed out mora mdse. stocks than any other firm In U. S, Write for terms. MOTION PICTURE MACHINES. New and rebuilt bargatna, supplies. Omaha Film Exchange, 108 S. 14th BL FOR SALE by owner -Drug store, dwelling ana stock; square deal. Address owner, lit West eth Ave., Denver, Colo. FOR SALE Only meat market In town or 460; fixtures new. inquire or noss u Kinney, Liberty, Neb. FOR SALE Newspaper and job office; very cheap ir taken at once. Globe, uoodeu, la, TO GET In or our of business, call on OANQESTAD, 422 Bee Bldg. Doug. .477. Rooming Rouses. Fixtures and Wiring. HTTP If TM Klectrlo washing machines. LUlVIYloO, -i-ctric Iron and readlaa lamps. 2221 Cuming St. Douglaa Itlt. Furnaces and Tinware. ROOFINO, furnace and general tlnworfc. fl. APrams, hps sn. nth flt. wan. 14 49. Hair Dressing, IDEAL Ralr Parlora. I0T Balrd Bldg. Man.- curing, toilet articles. Douglaa ll. Hand Laundry. CALL DOUGLAS 42$ and have yovr lamv aryqone rigm ana reasanaois. Hat Cleaning and Bloc kin ar. STRAW, Panama, all kinds hats, cleaned ana repioched, I6ib-16I0 Harney. Attorney at Law. R H. BREM Kits, $Qtj Crounse Bldg. P. Illl, FHANC1H MORGAN. 818 Bee. Doug. 4069. Job Printing. GATE CITY Printing Co., high grade print ing. 1611 N. nth. fhone Web. 1897. Justices of the Peace. H. H, CLAIBORNE, H2 Pastor Blk. Red 7401, Notary Public; deposition, ateno. C. W. BR1TT. $01 Barker Block. Osteopaths. Dr. Mary Anderson. $06 Bs Bldg. P. 191$. Patent Attorneys. H. A. STURC11S, 930 Brandels Th. p. 1409. Punos for Rent. $1.60 Per Mo. A. Hospe Co., 1611 Douglas, Scale Repairing. Om. Standard Scale Co.. 6il 8. 12th. P. Sill. Towel Supplies. OMAKA Towel Supply, am B. llth. p. HI. Vacuum Cleaners. CLEAN QUICKLY AND THOROUGHLY WITH BeCLlrBtS BLECTRIC; RENT. $1 AND $1,60 PER DAY. DOUGLAS 1711. Wedding Stationery, WEDDING announcements and printing. uougitu rrinuny yo. leLuoug. sea. SWAPPERS COLUMN IF you hav anything to trade, make up a itttis aa ana run n in tnis column for even day It only eoata i$o and so par answer. This offer la good only la Omaha, and aicludee Real aetata, cash often, and Business Propartlaa For Bala or Trade, These, as well aa mall orders for use of Swapper' Column must pay regular rate Ona or two answura ar aufflotent to make your trad aod tha whole ixaaaaUoa only eoata about 190. Try It ONE I by t convertible to I by T Sen- aca camera; aimoai saw; inpoa; carrying oase, I double plats holders; oomplete developing outllt; will demonstrate. Alao Cyclo punching bag rack and bag. What havs you. Addreaa a C. 178. Bee. NATIONAL Caah Regis tsr; value, $100; win iraue ior wnai nave you or equal value ? Want typewriter or label cab Inst. Address box 614$. Bsa, , LITTLE ad In this column wilt bring n ea. GREATER Increasua In PAID WANT-ADS in in at uivb. i nan in any other Omaha paper. $1,011 MORE PAID WANT-ADS 11 rat sovaa montha Illl over same period of 111$. Thla figure exceeds by 11,691 paid ada the Increaaa of any other Omaha paper ior me same period. A CORNET, allver. worth S6, for a No. 1 noigun ana outiuAaaress u, tJ,lM, Bta. FILMS developed free when prints are er- aereo, one-uay service, kaks BTUDIO, 11$ Neville block, llth and Harney. MASON truck for saddle horse, motor' cycle or what havs you? Addreaa S. C I a 6, Bee; BUSINESS CHANCES SALESMAN WANTED T call on leading miviwiw m nfoniM u omor terri tory. Salary, Illl monthly aad expenses, with Increase according to results. Prefer man who eaa buy a fsw aharea of pre ferred atock f par eent cumulative and unlimited), la our new oompany, now being incorporated t anlarga operations of succsmIuI bualneaa, Stat quailAoatlona andablllty to Inveat. Box 60t, Be. MOViNG' PIcf tlRB THEATERS. ' Western Iowa aad Nebraska locations, exclusive houses, towns 1,600 to 2,20t; guaranteed strictly money makers ; ma- chines, thai is, scree n. stc. nw and altahtly used. OMAHA THEATER SUPPLY CO.. Balrd Bids. . , , Oinaha, Neb, ROOMING HOUSE, 1911 Davenport St. Fourteen large rooms, plenty of light and air. and has just been newly pa pared and painted throughout Large yard and ahade; only tty-ee and one-half D.ucnJ i run pea i unit:, iiui. bis cellent opportunity for someone to take this place and make money. Will ba glad to show you through. ' PATNE ac SLATER COMPANY, 111 Omaha National Bank Bldg. FOR SALE Furniture and fixturea of a first class rooming house of 10 roome near 26th and Harney Sta. Nearly new; a bargain. Box $207, Omaha Bee. SITUATIONS WANTED WEEKLT RATE, ISo PER LINE. Day work or buslnsas ads, regular rates. $ lines ona week 30c I lines on week.. 46c Each extra line lSe per week. Male. WANTED Position by all-around butcher; young man, alngle, temperate and willing to work; want ateady Job. Address Y $0$, 'Bee. ' EXPERIENCED chauffeur wants steady po sition ; six years' experience; can keep up own car; best refemnce Phone Har. 1269. OFFICE MAN, experienced, wants position. Special audita or Inspections arranged. Box 6SI2, Bee. WANTED Poaltion by young man of good habits; easrkahlp preferred. Phone Tyler 19H8-J. JAPANESE, competent cook, wants posl tlon lo private family. Phone Harney IBIT f WORK wanted by colored women and men at 1611 Jackson. Doug. $646. Miscellaneous. TOM JOHNSON, chimney sweep, furnace cleaning and fine repairing; 10 year x perlence. Phone Douglas 8931. Hotels and Restaurants. RELIABLE EMPLOYMENT AGENCY, 1$10 Davenport St. Douglaa It 6 1. Headquarters for hotel help. Female. THE BEE charge for "Situation ads" Is lower than any ether form of advertising not enough to cover the cost of printing. PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER. Publlo stenographer and notary public, 107 Bee Bldg. Doug. 188$. Reas. rates. EXPERIENCED nurse for children, with best of references. Phone Tyler 1430-W. POSITION -Experienced housekeeper, young lady; no encumbrance. $10 26th Ave., Council Bluffs. HELP WANTED MALE Stores and Offices. WE NEED AT ON'CE SALESMEN. BOOKKEEPERS. STENOG RAPHKRH. OFFICE CLERKS AND OF FICE Bors. WATTS RKF. CO., 840 Brandels Theater. YOUNG MAN study lew! EVENING, Downtown SESSIONS. UNIVERSITY OF OMAHA department Sec'y Thomson, an & om Nat l. Bank. 5VE CANNOT met the demand for compe tent help; SI openings to bo filled now. see us at once. THE MARTI CO., 1327 W. O. W. Bldg. Professions and Trades. WANTED Experienced butchers of clean habits, Bohemian preferred; also one who nas run nm own shop. Apply at ifls N. 9th St. Phone Tyler 440. CABINET makers. "itlr builders and bench men wanted. .No trouble. Steady work. - Farley a Loetscher Mfg. Co., TJubuqu la. "sel"uh for druo Jobs" co-operative reference co. Established Ten Year. 1015-11 City National. WANTED A good, all-around butcher German or BoRemlan preferred. George Roman, Winner, 8. D. SHOWCARD writing taught evgs. by work Ing expert, complete for $10. Address Box 462, Bee. EXPERIENCED grocery clerk wanted: ref erences required. L. Schiller. 3 Id and California. WANTED Barbor; must have one year's experience. J. n. Ureas, Hayes center, N-b AT ONCE 5 bricklayers; must be good . mechanics. Young m woodard, Sidney, la. DRUG atore snaps; jobs, Knelst. Bee Bldg. WANTED 8 bricklayers. Apply Reed Me Donneli Browster, Box Z57, Lewis, la. Salesmen and Solicitors. CAN USE TWO ADVERTISING SOLICITORS. Must be young men with advertising selling experience, none other considered. This opening Is with a large dally newspaper and offers every opportunity for advancement to men who can PRO- DUCK RESULTS. SALARY AND COMMISSION. State full particulars In first reply, your previous experience, married or single, amount money you expect to earn, etc. Write to Box 6241, Bee. WANTED Old line insurance man, big op portunlty for the right man. Will give highest contract for Omaha and vicinity, and commission on all sub-agents. If you are contemplating a change and wish to tie up with a live, progressive com pany, writ M. Tebrlnka, $305 P St., Lin coln, Neb. WANTED Two men to specialize on our new publication "Btory of th Great War." Splendid commissions and ready seller. Stock salesmen or men used to handling specialties, with th best of - references, preferred. Apply between 10 and 12 a. m. F. D. Browning, III Balrd Bldg. WANTED Three young men, to take up special proposition on preparedness. Must have good clean record and aome selling ability. Apply between 10 a. m. and 11 m. F. D. Browning. 312 Balrd Bldg. A RARE opportunity for a first claas real estate promoter. Must be experienced and have first class showing as to ability and business standing. Box 6209. Omaha Bee. WANTED Several neat appearing young men for magazine work, good pay and chance for advancemant. Apply $33 Hranaeis T neater Bldg. STOCK and bond aalesman. STANDARD SEC. ft INV. CO.. 1017 W. O. W. Bldg. SALESMEN Big money for business get ters. Call at 1017 W. O. W. Bldg. Trade Schools. MOLER BARBER COLLEGE Largest In the U. 8. Earn expense while attending by our plan. Position guar anteed. Special summer rates. Writ for Illustrated ratlogue or call In parson. 110 a. im at., umana, eo. i t Established ll.) AUTO MECHANICS. m EARN BIG MONEY. Never Idle Big Demand. Easy to Learn by Our Methods. NATIONAL AUTO TRAIN1NQ ASSN. IK 17 N. SOth St, Omaha. Send for Free Catalogue. GOOD MEN WANTED. To learn auto work for tha big spring rush. Fine training work on autoa and electric tartlng systems. AMERICAN AUTO COLLEOB. 2063 Farnam, Omaha, Neb, LEARN barber trade, more than make your tuition while learning; sat of tool Included; Job guaranteed. Call or writ for catalogue. 1402 Dod;. TR I-C1TY BARBER COLLEGE. Miscellaneous. ARMY OF THE UNITED STATES, MEN wanted Able-bodied unmarried men under age of 16; eltlsena of United State oi gooa cnaracter and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write th Eng lish lauguage. For Information aonly to Recruiting Officer, Army Bldg., llth and uoag ti., umana, neb.; i N. 10th St., Lincoln, Neb.; 117 4th St., Sioux City, tuwa; yi tn Av ties Moms, lowa. BEE Want-Ads GAINED 19.699 MORE riu aho tnan any otner Omaha news paper ga.uad In first seven months Illl. - Good results at lata cost is the reason why. WANTED Partner to handle front, sell ucKeis; no experience necessary. Also lady for Illusion aot. man and wlf pre ferred. Enquire quick, Hippodrom Show, carvnivai grounas, council Bluff, la. 136 weekly earned at home by steady work. srs in new industry, whole or spar nm. no soiling, uepu as. Bay rea Co., Toledo. Ohio. WANTED Young men as railway mall '-vv man in. oampie examination questions fre. Franklin Institute, Dept. 221 R, Rochester, N. T. WANTED Experienced freight handler. union raciuo rreignc House, sth and I EN wanted to enlist tv Signal Corpa at once; report at Lincoln. 60LORED girl wishes position as chamber maid, well experienced. Tyler 1609. EXPERIENCED girl wants P. B. X. or of fice work. Call Colfax $232. Laundry and Day Work. PERFECT washing, day or bundle, guaran teed. Permanently established. Strictly dependable. Webster 8184. riRST-CLARS colored Is un drees with ref erences wanta day work and bundle wash ing. Doug-las 6662. BUNDLE wash in; piece work; lace our tains; work guaranteed. Webster 1260. EXPERIENCED laundress wants bundle washing. Phone Harnoy 4139. WHITE lady wishes bundle washing done; reasonable. Call Harney 1700. SITUATION by first -c Ism laundress, first of week; colored. Douglaa 6917. WANTED Day work; any kind. H. 1 780. Laundry, day work; aTiy kind. Doug, 8838, B'dle wash: call, del, : guar. Mrs. Bust. H.3864 DAY work wanted. Phone Harney 1411. LAlJNmtESS wanta dayworkT Web. TlTL WHITE laundress! half days, Web, 3K53. HELP WANTED MALE Stores and Offices. AN EXPERIENCED DENTAL, DRUG AND SURGICAL SALESMAN for established trade; position worth S100 to 160 per month and expenses; must have good per sonality and know how to handle better class of trade; able to furnlnh first-clans references. Co-Operatlve Reference Co., 1016-lti City Nat. BKPR., 66; Dkpr., 976; Bkpr. and Steno.. TI; Office Clerk. $60; Office Clerk, R. R. experience, oM-&; Office Clk., 176; Re tall Salesman, 915-120 wk.; general mer chandise man, 5. . Western Reference and Bond Ass'n. Inc., Tea umana wai. utt mag. MACHINERY SALESMAN To travel In northern Kansas calling on Implement dealers; salary In accordance with men's paat record; not over 36 years of age, able to furnish first-class refer ences. Co-Operatlve Ref. Co.. lOil-ii city Nat. SALESMAN (OAS ENGINES) 1100 BKKPR. (OUT TOWN) ...166 STENO. (OUT TOWN) 288 HOTEL CLERK )6 Bd., Rm BTENOQR APH ER J6 THE OANO AGENCY, BQ BEB BLDG. 2 OFFICE boys. II to 17 yea re of age, bright, clean cut young men for wholesale house, l wk. Western Reference and Bond Ass'n, Ine, T6I Omaha Nal Bldg. AGENTS AND CANVASSERS AGENTS wanted in ovary town for Day kerosene burners, for cook rangee. Weat ft McL., 1607 Leavenworth. Omaha. HELP WANTED FEMALE Stores and Offices. EXPERIENCED BUHns Clerk. 150; steno '. wooa beginner will do, II wk.; steno, 111 -WK.; Steno., Ill wk.; Steno.. 160; Bkpr. and Typlet, out of town, III; steno. and ,Bkpr., ,6. Weatern Reference and Bond Aaa'n. Ine 768 Omnha Nat. BldT. STENO. (DR.'S OFF-ICE) J 00 STENO. (WHOLESALE) 16 00 OFFICE CLERK . ' , 00 p. b. x. opr ; STENOGRAPHER jj THE CANO AGENCY. 100 BEE BLDq' ATTENTION, STENOGRAPHERS " more po.ltlons than-we can fill. Salaries, 30 to 7S WATTS REF. CO., 140 Brandela Theater. Professions and Trades. WANTED Filter and alteration lady for eklrt. and dreeaee; ateady poaltion.- Call i.ew ior, wimpie atore. WANTED Girl, in flat work dept. Apply EZL"jLA'"i''1 Laundry, llth and Poutlee. WANTED Experienced marker. tiarrett uauuury, nun . WANTED Experienced mangle .trie. Chl cago , Laundry. MANICURIST wanted. Douglaa 1751," Household and Dctntstic. WANTED Olrle for (raveling. "Daya of -4 Show;" muil danee, waits and two alep. Reliable company and good pay; ex. perlence unneceseary. Call at 2701 Fort SL or phone Colfax 1711. W A NT E D By resectable family; elderly lady to help with houeework. Good home, clean room and beat of treatment aa well aa wagea will be gives right party. An awar T. 681, Bee. . HOUSEMAID wanted at once; muat ba competent and reliable and have Omaha jreferenoea. Apply to lira Charles Mela. IIS South lllh St. GIRL or middle aged woman for. general housework In family of three grown people. Phpn. Walnut 1171 after I p. m. or Sunday. COMPETENT girl for general homework, three In family; no waahlng, rafereneea re qulred; good wagea ill! Burt. Call Wad nut 231. WANTED Houaekeeper by young widower on farm, with t boya. I and 11 yeera old; good home. Addreaa T. D. Price, Oaring. Neb. . WANTED Competent maid In family of three; light houaework and eooklng; good wagea. Call Walnut Ills. . HELP WANTED FEMALE Household and Domestic. WANTED Young girl for housework; no waahlng; small flat; go noma nignia. Harney l7g. GOOD whits airl for aenerat housework 4 in family; good wages. Harney S0l. 1424 LHMjge. WANTED Competent girl for genera! housework; 1 la family, rn. wamm asst. WANTED Competent girl for general housework; 3 in family. Fhone wai. aza. COMPETENT white girl for general house work. Mrs. J. H. Harding, liar. zvu. WANTED A competent cook and second maid. 312a Davenport, liamey 6t. WANTKi-Eiperiencel5 girl lor general no ane work, rnons wa inut l. W'ANTk1 Girl for general housework. H ney M4t. 132 S, 31st St. WANTED Woman or girl for general housework. Harney 4621, WANTED X girl for general housework. WANTED A white girl for general house work. Red 8403. Miscellaneous. WANTED Young women, aged 17 to 33 with common school education, perfect slaht and hairlna. for local and long dis tance tela)) hone work. Apply to G F, Lambert. 1817 Douglas ol GIRLS fo work at Iten Blucult Co. Apply to timekeeper at factory entrance, 13th an capitoi Ave, HELP WANTED Male or Female WANTED Namea of men or women, 19 oi ovtsr, wishing government jobs, lib month vacations. Answer Immediately. 476. Bee EDUCATIONAL DAT SCHOOL. BOYLEH COLLEtm NIGHT SCHOOL. Every day Is enrollment day. Bookkeep ing, Shorthan-l. Steno type, Typewriting, Telegrauhy, Civil Service all Commercial and English branches. Catalogue free. BOYLES COLLEGE, 18th and Harney Sta. Tel, Douglss 1666. VAN SANT SCHOOL OF BUSINESS. Omaha National Bank Building. ENTRANCE 220. D. 5890. COMPLETE course with book. Boyles col lege. Cheap If taken at once. Box 5261, MusicaL Han -Limited numbeA pupils accepted com ing season: eariy applications i lavorea. Harps fur. Loretta Da Lone, 306 Lyric Bid. BOURICIUS MUSICAL STUDIOS. 1611 Dodge. We take pupils at the noon hour tf desired, violin, voice, piano. Francis Potter, San ford Hotel. Tyler 1313, PERSONAL PILES, FISTULA CURED Dr. . R, Tarry cures piles, fistula and ether raetal diseases without surgical operation. Cur guaranteed and no money paid until oured. Write (or book on reo tal diseases wtlh testimonials. DR. B. R. TARRT. 340 Bee Bldg., Omaha, Neb. Have Good Health Chiropractic, succeeds when all other meinoas nave railed. K DR. BENJ. ISRAEL, 6f Brandels Theater Bldg. Doug. Bl THE Salvation Army Industrial home so licits your oil clothing, furniture, maga. lines. Wa collect. We distribute. Phone .voug. 136 and our wagen will call. Call and Inspect our now noma. 1110-1113-1114 Dodge at M. B RUG MAN. D. M. T., massage, steam shower baths, electric and radio light treatment. I have also Installed tha Gard. ner reducing and therapeutic machine for reaming stout people. Km. 303. Karbach wag. rnons nea 2727. WISH to certify that I will not ba ra- sponslble for any bills contracted by my wife or any of my relatives hereafter. a. i). Terpening. EAT HOME-COOKED MfiALl NEW DELICATESSEN, ISO FARNAU. RTTPTTTPF. Successfully treated with AbUX 1 U1V1J out a suralcal onantlon. Call or write Dr. frank U. Wray. 10 urr side, RITTENHOU8E Sanitarium. Baths of all Kinas; msasags and chiropody. Ilt-114 rairn nm.. i7tn ana Douglaa. D. 3461, CORSETS made to order. Prlen 13 SO in e-ju.vv. expert ruling. Nu-Bone Corset anop. Brandels Thea. Lobby. D. 3M. MECHANO THERAPY, MASSAGE, lady ausnaani. nevuio mock, ittn and namey. MISS U LILLY Bath and maasags, 1323 raraam ax., zq noor. rnona Doug. 1419. MISS WILSON Bath and manicuring. No. i uavioge mik. rnone uougias 37R1. MISP CLARK, sea aalt bathe and manicur ing. I8UZ Farnam Bt Room No. I. LUELLA WEBSTER, masseuse, til Paxton hik , to a. m. to 5 p. m. D. 1337. A PRIVATE maternity home. 4416 N. 38th i. rnone uoirax 2042. SCIENTIFIC massage. 630 Bee Bldg. Phne POR legal advice call Douglaa aA21. Manicuring and maas. 1423 Farnam. Rm. 19. FOR RENT ROOMS Furnished Rooms. ATTENTION, ROOM HUNTERS! If you fall to find the room you desire among those ads, call at The Bee office for a Room List Gives complete detailed description of va went rooms in all parts of the city. If mure convenient phone The Bee Want Ad Dept. and give your name ' and address, and a list will be mailed to you at once. New lists are Issued every week. SOUTH front room, in private home, steam ireB um nuici. omny wai King; ail tance; reasonable. Phone Harney 1429. FURNISHED ROOMS. FOR MEN ONLY. Jot NORTH 17TH ST. LA ROE roomy furnished room, to one or .w imnuiiB, nun or WltnOUl OOarU i reasonable rates. 137 N. 3 2d Ave. NICELY furnished front room In strictly iiiuuriu iiuuiv, Tv-aiKing mnEancD, oaa a. 27th St. Phone Harney 3966. 26TH AND PRATT Delightful south room! witn alcove; private home; Ane neighbor hood. Web. 3(17. CHICAOO 3U0 In private home; large uuin iron, rwm wun aicovs; a ISO snt room. PL l'". ASA NT room,; gentleman preferred; In private family, walnut Joel. ROOMS 12 per week; also rooms with kitchenettes. Ogden Hotel, Council Bluffs. FOR RENT Nice front room, downtown; reasonable. Call Douglas 8761. FURNISHED rooms, modern. 11.35. 1445 THK &HRINER New management. Harney houps'.femnR Rooms. DESIRABLE light housekeeping rooms, also sleeping rooms. Lincoln Apts,, 21st and Chicago Sta. Tyler 3607. Prices are riahL 230d DOUGLAS Under new management; nawijr lurnuura awuaBHn ana SIOSp- Ing rooms. 3004 FARNAM Large front room, auttable ior two; fa eacn. rtarney .13. BEST," cheapost furnished light housekeep. ini wnwin ciiy. neo dibs. 414 N. 31ST H. K.. also sleeping rooms. Unfurnished Rooms. THREE large rooms for housekeeping fl3t unfurnished 301 Webstei 8L WANTED Two furnished or unfurnished "ma, wita poara. coiiax lis. FOR RENT ROOMS Board and Rooms. 9. J5TH. 131 Cool r. and board. D (Oil Rooms Wanted! J? TOU PEOPLK WHO BENT HOOMS, CALI, THE BEB WANT-AI DEPT. and end out .11 about the FURNISH El ROOM UL-IDH. It'a a plan that u helping manx paopl. rent tneir roonia. FOR RENT FURNISHED Apartments and Houses. Apartments. SPLENDID. NEW VURNISUgD, TRAVERTON. FIREPROOF. S4TH AND LANDON COUHT. Catering to people of refined taatac Apartment Is completely equipped fo housekeeping; up-to-date and comfortabta. TRAVER BROS., Tel. Doug. 686. 706 Omaha Nat Bank. Or rail Web 35, WANTED TO RENT. Jjnjurni3hed Houses and Flats. WE HAVE PEOPLE WAITING. " HOUSES to Rent, too QUICK rwulta. Llat your propertlee with i ARCHER REALTY CO., uougias WANTED, to rent I or 7-rOom modem home with garage: will give long leaa. and references. No children. Addreaa Uox 4006. Bee. FOR RENT HOUSES Wear 111 N. J9TH ST. Very (Ine brick house! eight large room,; eaat front! large yardl Plenty or ahade; one ahort block to caV referencee required. Alfred Toomaa, soi Plr.t Mall, r., j North. NO. 3220 Burt St. 7 rooms and reception hall; hot water heat; all modern and In good condition; fine, large lawn; half block from car. Make appointment to set thin. ARMSTRONG-WALSH CO.. 833 Rose Bldg., 16th and Farnaim. Tyler 1636. X l-room modern brick flat, 1412 Sherwood eoutn rront, large rooms, nicely . decorated and new electric fixturea. Blm value. Rent. 125.00. BENSON A MYERS CO.. 134 Omaha Nat Bit Bldg. Douglas T4S ' STRICTLY modern cottage; shady lawnj Harney 4330. 1!" GRANT ST. 7-r. conm.. modern, ht mt. nan, .... nam,, bmi. Doug. 7401. South. WALKING distance. 2107 Dewey Aye.; f- .iricny modern, hot wate. neat and combination Ugbta; 3I. W. W. Mitchell owner. Phone W.M.. ,stk PR "ENT; prlvat. garage hear llth i...nuif. per month. Red Illl, ROOM hn,. . . ? ----- ...w.u ueii. neat; oemeni r. ii! nl garage; good lot; cheap at li.lOO. 47 8. 13th St. Douglaa 1. 0 SPRING ST. Nico l-room cottage, modern ecept Iwat. IIS. Harney 1680. Miscellaneot-s. WE HAVE WHAT YOU WANT. HOUSES AND CQTTAOES. MODERN EXCEPT HEAT. -R. 1407 Seward St lie 7-R. S70I Seward St lie so STRICTLY MODERN. 714 No. llth St., -R. choice bunga low. In Dundee yn eg l-R. 121 Sq. 21th St., (a good oottage, having hot water heating plant, with in walking dlatanc. to business cen- . ter) ,. 137.69 I-R. II4S Charlea St. (good detached hous. In flrat-olaa. residence, garag. In th. rear, larg. .nough for three car., bargain) 126.00 l-H. 1612 No. 0th St, (choice detached houae having hot water heatlnc plant, flrat-claa. residence Mctlon).. 136.00 I- R. 1716 Lincoln Blvd. (strictly modern detached uouae, In vary oholce resi dence district) 140.00 II- R. 411 So. 88th St.. (large brick dwell ing, atrlctly modern In every reapeet. very ehoice reeldence duitrtot)..l78.0O ll-R. 2111 So. 22d Are., (atrlctly modera and up-to-dat. In .very reipeot, hct water heating plant, well arrange! for keeping roomer.) ..176.00 PLATS. 7-R. Til No. 10th Sr.. (close hi).. III. 00 WB HAVS OTHERS. SEE OUR COM PLETE LIST BEFORE RENTING. PORTER & SHOTWELL, I0 S. 17th St. Doug. SOU. T HOUSE FOR RENT. T noma, sleeping porch and tran room, hew and dealrable; exceptionally An Ylew; quiet neighborhood; 60, or $61 with garage. (-room modern cottage, oak finish, waxed floors; two full lots, 112.-0. J. H. DUMONT 4 CO., 416-18 Keeltne Bldg. Phone Doug. 6tft, HOUSES FOR RENT. CRBIOH, SON 8 A CO. 101 BEB BLDQ., DOUG. 106. SS66 DOUOLAS. t rma.. steam heat 111.09. :S66 DOUOLAS, S rooms, ateam heat, $33, zub . iat, modern. 7 rooms, 133. JOHN N. FRENZER, Douglaa 664. FOR RENT Ap'U and Flats West. ' v w 21ST AND HOWARD ST Two l-room brick flats, beautifully dec raiaa, ainciiy moaern; reaeonable rent. For keys call Douglaa 8097 or Tyler 1618. THREE rooms and bath, near 1611 Har ney, very desirable. Only 631. Erneat Bwwt, iNow amnion. JJ. H7I. MODERN Apt., 7 rooms, $35; near poatotV nee, t. r. oieoDinn, x.iu unicago. ST. CLAIR, ttth and Harney, I and 4-roota apanmwnia. jan itarney S4T. Miscellaneous. and l-rm. apartments for rent. Walking distance. First Trust Co. D. 1161. FOR RENT Business Pr'p'ty Stores- FOR RENT. 4-STORY BRICK BUILDING. SIOUX CITY; IOWA. ' 62,500 square feot of floor (pace, two way sprinkler ayatem, two elec tric freight elevators; on trackage; suitably located "tor jobbing bust noes; in heart of wholesale dis trict. THE WOODBURY COMPANY. MELV1N J. SMITH. AGENT, MASS. BLDG., SIOUX CITY, IA. ERY desirable suites of rooms In Wea Bldg. and Bald rise Bldg., now avallabfiii at reasonable rental. F. D. Wead. Wead Bldg. D. 171 1001 N. 30TH Suitable confectionery. dr goode, etc.. living rma. rear. D. 1661, MODERN store, near poatofTlce, $50 por ma. CHOICE office space. Balrd bldg., nougiaa aici'MSue inv. Co. Offices and Desk Room. SPLENDID modern offices In th R.i Building, 16lh and Farnam. Some front ing on 16th street, with very valuable) sign space on windows. If your present quarters are not Just what you require) look at these up-to-date offices. Armstrong-Walsh Company, Agent Tyler 1536. Rose Bids;., 16th and Farnaaa. DESIRABLE office rooms in the reraodele crounse hiock, ll N, Ifith -fit. (opposite poatofflce), 10 to $lt per month. Conrad You.), 622 Brandela Theater. Doug. liTL OFFICE roum wlth.i phonV-and receptloa swiu mr mujr. r. . JITiana OM), Miscellaneous. AUGUST RENT FREE. newly decorated, al 1S.B0 8-r. flat. modern except heat 2225 N. 20th SU n. a. n vjir , 114 Ware Blk. Dour gfl-, BILLIARD parlor; location 16th andHow3 "!li-)!!S""-'!!vJil'J P. 15t if MOVING AND STORAGE W 3 I FIBKPROOS" WARKHHT'9 Beparate locked rootna, (or houaeholi foods and planoa; moving, packing bai OMAJIA VAN ANO STORAGE CO 101 s. llth St Dourlaa 4li"s FIDELITY sTRE rnona Douglaa 388 for eompiata list of vacant houses and apart ments; also for storage. ltfth unit J.iraa. a.- "rinjB eta , rt- J "J