THE BEE: OMAHA, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 23, 1918. THE OMAHA DAILY BEE FOUNDED By EDWARD ROSEWATER VICTOR ROSEWATER, EDITOR THE BEE PUBLISHING COMPANY. PROPRIETOR. Entered at Om.h. nutorftee .eeond-olass matter. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. By Carrier tinny and Sunday ....... 1 Tafly without Sunday . . . Evening and Sunday..... Kvening arithotrt Sunday. Bunday Duly. - per month ..SSe... ........Sc... ...... .400... I5e... JOe. By Mad par ye.r. ,...! 00 4.SS .... toe , ... 4.00 .... 100 110.00. ri.ii. ..j d i ikw. .uf. in advance. ft.iwl MltM h.nv.'nT eddrMS OT irregularity ill Hverr to Omaha Baa, Circulation Department. REMITTANCE. RemR by draft, eivreae or postal order. Only '-cent .tamps taken in Mimml of amall accounts. Paraonal ". eaccpt all Omaha and eaitern eaehenge. not accepted. OFFICES. Omaha Tha Baa Bonding. South Omahj ISIS N street. Council Bluffs U North Main etreet. Lincoln S2S Littla Building Cateege all People's Gaa Building. Naw York Room SOS, JSS Fifth aeenue. St Louia 601 New Band of Commerce. Washington 12ft Fourteenth atraat. N. W. CORRESPO DENCE. Adilree. eommonlcjtlona relating to naara and editorial mattar Omh- Pro. SMtoriel Department X ... JULY CIRCULATION. 57,569 DailySunday 52,382 Dwtght Wflllama, alraularlon manatar of The Baa Fubllshlng company, being duly aworn, eay. that tha aeerage circulation tor. tha month of July. IBIS. wae 17,1(0 4aily and StJISf Sunday. UWIUHI niLLifino," ..-i... Subscribed In my presence and aworn ta bar. - ma thla Id day of Auguit, . ROBERT "(INTER. Notary Pub'la. , Subserilrsr having lb 'JF Umpornrily should km TIm Baa mailed la thorn. Ad s' rose will b kaof ad aa often raquaatad. f Auto speeding his thii merit, that it often exactt its own penalty. ' ' ri i , In the matter of auto accident! an ounce of prevention it worth teveral tono of cure. " " Those soufterir senators eertsinly take very hard .the embargo againot. norkinj; children in their factories,! ' ':.':'& ' I But why should only'pne public works con Itn tractor take adYanUge , . the plan of sub-letting tit city prisoner labor? ' ' . A i' King . Cotton IS taking oh the chesty feeling, if) having added $2 to his baled front. The kingdoms ok of wheat and corn ire already puffed up. . wv ..; i ' . .. . , I 6 ? Democratic' harmony in the United States sen " ate! in one ' respect resembles rne democratic -' brand in Nebraska.' The knives arc about even length. " , tH :. .-' ... i , i --. ... "- To say that the democratic tongress spends snoney ."like s drunken sailor" reflects unjustly j e wa the' jatter.1 ,The Ranked sailor spends his own - 1 "I",- ' - ?;'r,VIt."is possible to gather from their exchange M compliments that Sam Gompers and Senator t. Sherman will not pity the role of Damon and be Fythias on the fall circuit . . , . . . , , . . Hughet and His Flag. Mr. Hughes' tour of the west has gone far be yond experimental stages, and has developed the definite qualities his opponents hoped it would fall short of. Refuting to concede to him the prestige established in former campaigns, and pre tending to regard him as an unknown factor, the democrats sought to convince themselves his service on the bench has dulled his zeal as cham pion of great issues before the people. His utter ances have driven them from their pose of as sumed indifference, and they are realizing that Mr. Hughes possesses the courage that marked him as legislator and executive, the fire and enthusiasm of a constructive statesman, and that rare faculty of .simple expression that assures the people their confidence was not misplaced. Each day he makes his views clearer as he is given further opportunity to state his beliefs and give emphasis to his purposes. He is not a man of one speech, but, without abandoning any .point of doctrine or principle already laid down, he is steadily expanding a policy for the good of the nation. His declaration at Los Angeles against spoliation of the public for private gain is sup plemental to his previously expressed views on great public questions, the political and economic importance of which is paramount, and to the cor rect solution of which all efforts must inevitably turn if progress is to be continued. This is the Hughes "flag," which he says he unfurled at Al bany, when governor of New York, and has never hauled down. Mr. Hughes' record as governor of New York is an earnest of what may be expected of him in the future, and is a strong contrast to the vacilla tion of the president in his dealings with the ques tions that have confronted him. Mr. Hughes is progressive in his ideas as well as definite in his statements. His integrity is established, and the people know he means what he says. That is the basis of his strength. I IQHAV Thought Nugget for the Day. Beauty enchants and grace captivates for a season: but a well-informed mind and a cultured heart will make a home beautiful when the bloom of beauty has faded and gone. T. VV. Handford. One Year Ago Today in the War. Zeebrugge. bombarded by the allied fleet. Germans planned to invade Serbia by way of Bulgaria. Berlin denied Russian official claim that the battle cruiser Moltke and ten other German war vessels had been destroyed in the Baltic and Gulf of Riga. This Day in Omaha Thirty Years Ago. George Griffin, steward for C. S. Higgins, has just returned from a month'i visit to the east. Paxton & Gallagher's base ball nine were de feated by a combination from the houses of D. M. Steele & Co. and McCord-Brady company by a score of 26 to 14. In accordance with plans perfected some days ago, Ed Rothery has started for New York and Boston via the Wabash. He was accompanied across the river by a large delegation of the .w , "Shadow Lawn," the president'i summer home - at Long Branch, is to be utilized it t sounding hoard for eamnaiarn aneeehea. The name It ao- Bropriate and peculiarly suggestive. t. ' Southern senators want to put up the bars on Immigrants "until we Americanize whtt we have." The south hat worked on that job for fifty yesrt ; without scoring conspicuous success, ' King Ferdinsnd's troopers are reported squat ting on some of King Constantine't prize tares nd beaches, Thii indicates that Bulgars and ' Greeks art bound to corns to grips and when they tjo look out (or rstlwsr . . '.,t' . ', I .a i i i 'tr- t- The Steel trust is located ones more on easy street spreading over the curb with "enormous earnings," . An advance of $15 a ton in its product in twelve months naturally gives the big fellow, a chesty feeling about the belt ' - Catholic organizations assembled in New York join in the national chorus condemning the ad ministration's Mexican policy. The rate the cborua growt in volume threaten! to impair the effi ciency of Presbyterian commendation. . . f ;'y ', ' I , r . 1 ' Things have come to such a pass that "Gum shoe Bill" Stone and Champ Clark are about the Only democratic vocalists to put heart into a song of praise of the administration. Minor warblers look on In tilence or clutter the pie counter, A gain of six and a quarter millions' in the assets of Nebraska savings and loan associations in i twelve, months, emphasizes the growing strength and importance of these co-operative so cieties in the material progress of the state. -" .-.Or'" ? 1 : ' ' But what has become of Mr. Bryan's tele graphic Invitation to settle the threatened rail' road strike by resorting to the plan incorporated n his thirty .peace treaties? The president who signed those treaties evidently does not believe in them for settling domestic disputes, however he may be willing to try them in internttional controverties. i Shafts Aimed at Omaha Mtn and the Horte. From antiquity to distant that dependable records are lost in its mists, and back into the darkness from whence come legends that magnify facts beyond reasonable proportion, comes knowl edge of the close association of man and the horse. It might appease curiosity to know when this intimacy commenced, but it would serve no very good purpose. The condition is one of many easily accepted because they exist. Professor N. S. Shater, some years ago, said the domestication of the horse is due to his stupidity; that had he possessed intelligence in ratio to his strength, he had never been subjugated by man. , . That he has been in service of man for ages Is established by the myth of the centaurs, persisting long after the horse was well known to the Greeks.. In the Book of Job, that marvelous record of human experience, the age of which is not definitely fixed, is an apostrophe to the horse not equalled by modern poet. Since man has kept records he has mingled accounts of his own doings with those of his horse, until their stories flow together. This intimacy, legendary, historic and existing,' stands unshaken, and although man is casting about for means whereby he can achieve greater things in shorter time, the horse it not to be jostled from his place in human experience by the vibrations of a gat-driven engine. , If you think so, take note of the fact that the country has mpre horses than ever, that they are now being bought at higher prices than ever, and read the sport page of any newspaper where rec ords of the track are displayed. From Job's war horse, snorting, in his pride and lust for battle down to this day, the line shows no break. The automobile is useful, but it must serve many gen erations can command the affection now lavished on the horse. . Hastings Republican: Omaha is getting ready to entertain the editors of Nebraska at the Den the fore part of next month. If there is one place where the newspaper men of this great com monwealth are royally entertained that place is in Nebraska's metropolis. Kearney Timei: An Omaha drug company announcet that soda fountain prices will not be affected by the rise in milk. Perhaps they have v quit using milk in the "composition .work." It would be interesting and instructive to know of $ what the substitute consists. . . Kearney Hub: There ought not to- be any question about Omaha getting one of the new farm loan banks, with a United Statei senator and a congressman right from the old town. But come to think of it, even that prestige did not count when, the reserve banks were passed around.'-.. -t n'-,)-"f ... ,it,..' ,.,.y a, Beatrice Express: Mr. Bryan comet back at Mr. Hughet with a "tu puoque," sayt Harvey Newbranch of the Omaha World-Herald, in com menting on the retort of the former secretary of ttate to the abuse of patronage charges made against the present administration by Charles E. Hughes. Ta puoque." And. to think that Har rey was raised in Gage county. Doniphan Enterprise:- "No Men for Paving Delaying This Work." is the headline in the Omaha Bee of last Saturday. If laborer! cannot be secured in a population and travel center like Omaha, what excuse is there for able-bodied tramps asking for hand-outs and being fed by the public. .There are only two reasons which we can think of. , One is the "gall" cf the tramps, K and the other it the ' gullibility" of the public. ' ' The Unpalatable Truth. Some of the men Interested In the securing of a land bank for Nebraska are beginning to think that if Lincoln and Omalia cannot find a meant of compromising their difference! and one does not withdraw in favor of the other, Iowa will get the plum. The Bryan influence at Washington it being utilized to help Lincoln, and with a campaign on this is not an incon siderable factor. Senator Hitchcock, on the other hand, is taking no part in the contest, being a candidate for re-election and hunting no new sources of enmity. In recent yean a feel ing of amity between the commercial interettt of the two cttiet hat been carefully cultivated, and there are those who think that now would be a good time to test the sincerity and strength of it It hat been suggested that repre sentatives of both citlet ought to get together, lay down their hands and then get back of the one with the better chance. This would be dif ficult to accomplish, but it it not impossible Lincoln, Journal , . .ij'.j-v ' Unfortunately, this contains for Omaha, so far as based on our federal reserve bank exper ience, too much unpalatable truth. The competi tive claim and back fire from Lincoln, while not wholly controlling, unquestionably helped to send the reserve bank to Kansas City, although, as everyone knows, the final decision 'was made in response to ths political pull of Kansas City's senator, in this case, no more than in that, can anyone censure the Bryans for championing their home town for any prize honestly deemed within reach and the fact that the Omaha senator refuses now to fight for his home town and hides behind the pretense that he does not want to antagonize Lincoln, cannot redound to his credit Under ' these circumstances, if Omaha lands the land bank, it will do ao despite the senator's inactivity, while, if we lose it, he must take the blame,, and all the more if it should go to Lin coln, while the thanks of Lincoln would belong to the Bryans. ' " B i Mastering the Machinery of War. The story of how the naval recruits are being taught to handle the big guns at sea emphasizes the need of training men for service in the de fense of the country. Modern weajons are com plicated, even in their simplicity, and In both army and navy efficiency la largely a matter of technical skill. Men mutt be well versed, not only n the principles of mechanics, but in their broad est application, ana must Know now to operate and care for delicate and intricate mechanism. A warship of today, no matter of what class, is but an .assemblage of co-ordinated machinery, and only by actual experience can the ability to han dle and control these machines be acquirtd. Only in degree does service in the army differ from service in the navy in this rr -ri. Need of this training has long been understood, and. the eager ness of the young men who have .volunteered to take up the work is a splendid tribute to the sin cerity of their devotion. Americans are finally fully awake to the necessity of getting ready for self-defense, and at last understand that it is not a question of willingness but of knowing how. - We are at last realizing something from our ex perience ' '. ' : snorting fraternity. At the transfer Captain O'Malley presented him with a unique diamond pin and wished him a safe journey and a speedy return. C. C. Hulett. one of the old and nooular clerks of the Millard, who has probably gripped as many transient nanus as any notei man tins side of Chicago, has been on a visit to his father and mother, Justice and Mrs. Hulett, Adrian, Mich. Among the visitors to the Fremont tourna ment this year will be Jerome C. Pentzel, Jack Roach, Will Coots, Charles Hunt, Dennis Lane and Thomas Herold, all old firemen. A new paper entitled "The Pythian Spur," devoted to the interesti of the Knights of Pvth- will make ita first appearance next month. ill be published by Harry Merriam. Mrs. F. E. Bailey, sr., and son, Ross, accom panied by Mrs, N. W. Charles, has gone west over the B. & M. While absent they will visit Manitou and Colorado Springs, Pike's Peak and all the sources of interest in Colorado and Wyoming. This Day in History. 1745 The Provincial government of Maine de clared war against all the eastern tribes of In dians, and offered bounties for Indian captives and scalps. 1785 Oliver Hazard Perry, hero of the battle of Lake Erie, born in Rhode Island. Died at the Island of Trinidad, August 23, 1819. 1816 A detachment of American soldiers and gunboats advanced upon Fort Negro, a British stronghold in Florida used as a refuge for runaway slaves. 1864 Fort Morgan, at the entrance to Mobile bay, surrendered to the Federals. - 1866 Signing of the Peace of Prague, ending the war between Prussia and Austria. 1870 Metz was completely isloated by the Germans. 1892 Gloucester, Mass., began a celebration of its 250th anniversary. 1897 President Faure of France arrived at St. Petersburg and was received with enthusiasm. 1898 International joint high commission met at Quebec to consider the Alaska boundary ques tion. This Is ths Day We Celebrate. John R. Brotherton. manager of the Michigan Mutual Life Insurance company is 58 years old today. He was born at Waterford, Pa., and gradu ated from the Western Reserve college in Ohio. He practiced law at Ogallala, Neb., and Erie, Pa. George W. Allen, a member of Omaha's police department is celebrating hit 44m birthday today. He was born in Iowa and was appointed to the police force in 1908. . Harry L. Swan, correspondent for The Asso ciated Press in Omaha, was born August 23, 1859. at Llncklaen, N. Y. He has been in news paper work since 1880 and in bis present position in Omaha since 1906. G. A. Seabury. who runt the Midwest Electric company, is 42 years old today. He started as a live wire at Albany, but soon flashed westward until he landed in Omaha. George C. Perkins, late United Statu senator and former governor of California, born at Ken nebunkport, Me., seventy-seven years ago today. Edgar Lee Masters, "the Sooon River nntt " born at Garnett Kan., forty-eight years ago today. Ameiie nivee i rounetZKoy, autnor ot The Quick or the Dead," and other popular novelt, born at Richmond. Va.. fifty-three vears aim to. day, Charlet Langeller, for many year! a prominent figure in public life on Quebec, born sixty-four yean ago today, . Jamet RoIdii. who la aervincr his urnnrl tvrm as mayor of San Francisco, born in San . Francisco, years ago tooay. uisnop warren A. Candler of the Methodist Episcopal church. South, born in Carroll rmntv Georgia, fifty yean ago today. Prof. Barrett Wendell, for many yean a promi nent instructor at Harvard university, born in auaton, iiy-one years ago today. Timely Jottings and Reminders. The Iowa state fair ooena todav at TV. Moinet. The Negro National Educational coniress it in meet in Washington today for a four-day session. Charlet E. Hughet, republican nominee for president, is scheduled to speak tonight at Reno, The twenty-sixth annual reunion of tha Tnrli Family association of America, is to be held today Secretary of War Baker ia to go to Maine to day for a speech-making tour of several days in behalf of the democratic state ticket. A bowlder monument to mark the burial place of John Brown of Osawotomie is to be unveiled today at North Elba, near Lake Placid, N. Y. Senator Henry Cabot Lodge and other nromi- nent party leaders are announced to speak at the big midsummer outing of the republicans of west ern Massachusetts to be held today at Springfield. Republicans of New Mexico are to meet in state convention today at Santa Fe to select can didates for presidential electors, United States senator, representative in congress and a complete state ticket. Storyette of the Day. ' It isn't atl honey being the eldest girl of a family, as Marjorie often finds. Particularly does she get aggravated when told to put Baby Dora to bed. Dora has the common infantile complaint of wanting everything ahe can think of before she will condescend to go to sleep. ' ;"I want a drink of milk!" the announced loudly one evening when Marjorie had already made sev eral trips upstairs. "I lit the gas for you, didn't I?" demanded Marjorie, standing accusingly by the bed of the babe. No answer, .',- " - "And I've brought you your Teddy bear-and ths black doll?" . . Still Dora vouchsafed no reply. ' " ' ' "And I gave you a piece of white paper and a nice pencil?" . , ,-. - . . t This time Dora pouted assent ' ''-', ' "Well," decreed the big sister, with an air of finality, "just you take .the pencil and paper and draw a row? than vitl lnn millr it I" Piteh,irrk j Chronicle-Telegraph. , , , . Au uutr to Deliver the Milk. Omaha, Aug. 22. To the Editor of The Bee: I wiah you would print thla letter I have sent to President Wilson. "Dr. Edmund von Mach, executive chairman of the citizens' committee for food shipments, glvea under date of July 26 In the 'Fatherland' an ac count of Dr. Taylor's report published by the State department and clearly points out the defects of Dr. Taylor's report. "I alao beg to call your attention. Mr. Prenldent, to another letter of Mr. von Much printed in 'Fatherland' June 28, In which he 'states that the Ktate department - at Washington is withholding inaurance on a ship do nated to carry a cargo of milk to Oer many, because the State department does not believe the milk is needed.' Whatever the international aspect of the scheme the milk should not be withheld for this reason: "Now, in the name ofj humanity, what's the matter with our Wilson ad ministration? "According to the press reports from Washington February J 8, 1916, the French ambassador, Jusserand, objected sending milk to Germany and for that reason the milk needed so badly Is still stored up today at our ports, and our secretary of the navy would not overrule Jusserand. 8o on the 20th of February I wrote a very nice letter to Josephus Daniels and 'told him I will tackle the bull by the horns If he Is afraid of the Frenchman, and told him to get ready with his two best battleships of the navy, store into their holds the milk and I will deliver it and when loaded phone me. "But before we start we go with the Padernoater' In Spanish. If the Frenchman meets -us on the high sea we'll sing the 'Marsellaise' and when we land In Germany the 'Wacht Am Rhein' will rise to heaven, and re minded him not to forget the band, of course. "On the 26th of February the Hon, Josephus Daniels honored me with his letter and thanked me for writing to him. That was all, but the milk is spoiling at the ports and the babies in Oallcla. Kusslan Poland, rosen prov. ince and Folen, Hungary, Austria and Germany are hungry and thirsty for our milk. "Open up your big heart, beloved president; don't preach us alone hu manity, but take action to the com mon herd' may believe you and may God bless you for finding a way out to deliver the milk to the starving ba bies in central Europe. And my serv ice again offered: just phone when ready and I will take charge" AUGUST MILLER. At Least One Gratefully Appreciated. Omaha, Aug. 22 To the Editor of The Bee: Within the last few days the commissioners have been handed a petition requesting that the swimming pool In Spring Lake park be equipped with a four-inch feed pipe In order that It might be drained twice ' each week and stating that under the pres ent conditions this pool was unsani tary and was the source of a consid erable sickness among Its younger pa trons. I believe that If the signers of the petition had been fully informed rela tive to the management of the pool, the list would have been much shorter. I am a lover of the water and. as my home Is only five blocks from the pool, I go In every opportunity I can make. Upon Investigation I have learned (1) that the present two-inch inlet is flowing twenty-four hours of each day; (2) that at 10 o'clock each night the outlet valve is opened and the surface of the water lowered about, two feet. This flushes the bottom to an extent and gives room for the night's Inflow. (8) That on Sunday night the pool is drained, and (4) that Monday morning the sides and bot tom are scrubbed, flushed with the hose and disinfected with a solution of coaltar creosote. It is true It takes forty-four hours to fill it but this gives a longer time for the sun to shine on the bottom and sides and the sun. Is one of the best sterilizing agents we have. From my own observation I believe that considerable of the "sickness" Is due to the sick child having spent too much time In the water. I know that three, four and five hours in the wa. ter per day Is more than enough, but that amount of time is considerably less man some oi tne Doys spend in tne pool. I feel certain that the pool Is clean for two further reasons: 1. The bottom never feels slimy. 2. Tou can see a diver lying on the bottom at the outlet valve. At how many of our beaches can one see a diver seven feet below the surface? .- .. I thank the city authorities for tha pleasure this pool has afforded me and must say that I have been sec onded by some of the frequenters of beaches conducted for profit In and near omana. ETHAN ADAM8. 1817 Ontario Street . . The Heat of the Sun. Bellevue, Neb., Aug. 22 To the Editor of The Bee: 1 beg leave for space in your paper to answer the sec ond letter of Elliot Loomls, In which he takes exception to my answer to his lirst reason, "Taking the world brer, there Is no rise in temperature as we approach the sun." There la no need to take exception, aa I stated very plainly that I agreed with him and, speaking more specifically of the northern hemisphere, 1 sold there was an actual lowering of temperature aa we approached the sun. Ut course, he understands tiat the same latitude in the southern hemisphere becomes warmer, and the seasons counter-balance. It can be shown (See Moul ton's "introduction to Celestial Me chanics," page 148, problem 8) that the amount of light and heat received per area by any planet Is proportional to the reciprocal of the product of the major and minor axes of its orbit. Hence when the eccentricity of the earth's orbit decreases, the amount of heat the world over becomes less, and as it increases, more. The eccentric ity of the earth's orbit is only .01677 or 8,000,000 miles in a total of 63, 000,000 and this comparatively small distance is not enough to produce any increase of temperature the world over or a decrease. Again he misinterprets my second answer. I did not say the four outer planets were 278 degrees below sero, but specifically stated that they are still probably feeble suns, which would imply a good deal of heat Indeed. What I did say was that that hemi sphere of Mercury and (probably) of Venus turned always from the sun were at the temperature of Interstel lar space. He says: "Particles of matter in a state of fusion con produce no fric tion by rubbing together to produce more heat." I muke no mention of "particles of matter." The sun Is gaseous, and matter there le in Its mo leoular state, and molecular friction la quite enough to produce heat - It Is a well-known truth that the temperature at the focus of a burn ing glass Is invariably less than that prevailing at the source of heat Itself, Burning glasses a yard in diameter have been produced, which have va porised steel, and even melted plati numsomething our. greatest fur naces can do only with difficulty, i Mr. Loomls believes In a cool, dark Interior body for the sun. Implying a like constitution to that of the earth. If so, how does he explain that the density of the tun It only 1.8, taking water u unity. That Is, the sun is but little denser than water. Not a very congenial environment for Intel ligent Ufa A cool, dark Interior doesn't harmonize with such a density. Also how can he explain the fact that the majority of the stars (If he believes they are suns) have a den sity leas than water that the material of which they are composed is of less tenuity than even our own atmo sphere? And the stellar life cycle, the "young" stars of the "Sirian" spec tral type, bluish white In color and evidently very hot in whose spectrum the hydrogen lines, and they only, are prominent; the yellow stars, the or ange stars and down the gamut of colors until we reach the red type typified by An tares, evidently of com paratively low temperature and In whose spectrum the metallic lines are prominent This cycle can only be explained by decrease of heat with sge and greater material complexity. How can he explain It otherwise? And lastly, Iron, the element, is va porized only by Intense heat How can he explain the fact that the spectro scope shows abundant evidence of iron in the vaporous state In the sun ? If Mr. Loomls wishes, I can cite mere reasons to uphold my side, of the argument but It Is unfair to take up so much space In The Bee for something in which the majority of its readers are perhaps not interested. So I wculd solicit correspondence bv letter with Mr. Loomls for a continu ance of this (to me) Interesting dis cussion. WILLIAM SMITH. Bellevue College. . SUNNY GEMS. Ht Tht trouble with you women ti that you have toe much Imagination. She I don't know. If we didn't lnv aslne you men were a lot better than you are, none of ua would ever marry you. Boaton Transcript, (uAur a TitJDirrTATTON. Of couree, we all appreciate Our friend: but do we enow l txrtlnn that would Indicate We do, and let them know? The happineis we g&ln by thla Ineretios all our Joy. It la tnvfstn.ifit In a bllsa That'a pure, without alloy. If we are looking for the rood In other, they will find A fragrance In ou- very mood To keep them eweet and kind These veraea I have written wt rnntin sKiaT aTftsjilons fair. And If you follow them, no doubt, You'll And the love they bear. Omaha. HARRY L. COOMBS. O GIVE ME THE FARM. O iive me the farm, the countryside, Where God aeema near, where aklea re wide. Where Mother-nature relfne complete, The imetl of growing thlngi Is sweet. Where peace and unfeigned Joy abide. O alve" me the farm, the sunlit fields. Where each day's toll contentment yields. It's acres broad deep woods serene. The wav-e'de flower of Heaven's sheen, All splendid things each day reveals. O give me the farm where a'l conspire. To draw my soul, mv sr.l lt higher. Where Faith Inhabits f Ids and hills, Where the silence of the wvctlng thrills. The glow on eastern skies Inspire. O give me the farm, there 1tr me stay. And revel In the wild bl'ds lay. Let me till God's soli with reverent hands, While my muscles harden, my chest ex pands, And a perfect freedom Is mine alway. MARY A. BLACK. .SCHOOLS AND COLLECTS. THE KOUSE - HWBAMD 0RW.r? SORENtt QEf A MAID AMP TWlTU LET WOU WlHQVfT! ".JJWMs Teacher Johnny, can you tell me what a hypocrite ta? Johnny Yes, ma'am. It's a boy what eomes to school with a smile on his face. Brooklyn Cltlaen. "Charlay, dear," said young Mrs. Tor kins, "what Is the theory of evolution?" "Oh, It would take me an hour to ex plain It." "How clever you are I I andarstand Darwin had to write several books In or der to explain It" Washington Star. Wife I suppose you enjoy these flippant ' flings you see In the newspaper about j women's sty lea of dress. I Hub No. I don't I don't enjoy any-' thing that brings up the subject Chicago Post "It's a lucky thing I came out hero to day 1" exclaimed the delirious base ball fan. "If It hadn't been for ma we'd have lost that came sure." "Why. the man who won thla game Is the chap who Just now slid ta second." "Yes. But didn't you hear me yalllng at the top of my voice, telling him what to do T" Washington Star. DcMeritt Military School Jackson Springs, N. C An open air school for young boys, 10 to 14. Preparos for College, tha Scientific Schools, West Point. Anap- olid. and Business. EDWIN DE MERITTE. Principal, SIS Boy Is ton Street, Boaton. Mao. St. Mary's School KNJaVILLE, ILLINOIS. For Girls and Young Women. 41th rear. Thraa years beyond High Behool. Prac tical two years' eouraa in Hon Beonon les and Applied Housokawping. Art sehoot Exceptional advantage In all branches mt MbSIC and in LANGUAGES. 40 acres. Tennis. Basketball. Sargent nethotj of Physical Culture. Gymnasium, Bowling. Swimming Pool, Dancing, Fencing, oto. Students from twenty statea and eouo-t-rie. Mlae EMMA PEASE HOWARD. Principal SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES. LORETTOCOLLEGE AND ALA OHM WKiiH t cu (.HiMita. nr. uitis. ua A ttoardinsj and Uar Actual for girl and young ladles. Under direction of disters ui Lore t to of Keniucke. Regu lar courses ta College, Academle and Preparatory. Conservatory of Muato. Special Department. Fireproof build in, beeufiriil urraundlnaa. Fa oata- lugue, address Mirther Sooertiw . Dept. Oi we tVebstrr Or tea Kt. IauU, Mo. STATE NORMAL SCHOOL AT MARYVILLE, MISSOURI. The standard State Teachers' College of Northwest Missouri. Usual courses for training of teachers, with customary diplomas and degrees. Training in Agriculture, Home Economics and Manual Training. Opens September 12, 1916. Write for bulletins. IRA RICHARDSON, President THE KEARNEY MILITARY ACADEMY KEARNEY, NEBRASKA. TWENTY-FIFTH YEAR. AlMl To provide thoroask mental, moral and phr.ical training at tha lowest term, eon.iat.nt with efficient work. For bora from t to 18. Charsea: 1360.00. LOCATION t Two milea from K earner, in tha Platte Vsller. EQUIPMENT) S aerea of land. Four building. Gymnasium, swimming pool. Separate lower aehool building. FACULTY! Collage graduate, with bueineaa experience. v COURSES, College preparatory; commercial law and buainesa mathitde; manual training; mechanical drawing : agriculture and animal husbandry. ATHLETICSi Football, baseball, baaketball, track, tennis, ewiaaVx. ealisthenict. CATALOGUE! Harry Roberta Drufnmend, Headmaster. "EFFICIENCY IS THE TEST OF EDUCATION." Heat Wave Broken Remember that the recent heat-wave was broken by cooling winds from Minnesota's Lake Region Average Summer temperature in Minnesota is only 67 degrees. As you go North the) thermome ter goes down. Land of Hiawatha Let us suggest a point to go to, quote the round trip fare and give an idea of what to do while there and what it will cost. lffriitVi P. F. BONORDEN, C P. & T. A. 1S22 Farnam St., Omaha. Phone Douglas 260. Persistence is the cardinal vir tue in advertising; no matter how good advertising may be in other respects, it must be run frequently and constant ly to be really successful