THE BEE: OMAHA, TUESDAY, AUGUST 22, 1916. Brief City News TowDMBd for Sporting Good. How ftoot Print it Ntw Bemcon Pr. Ughttmc ntnr Burieu-Granden Co. Hulf Karat Whit IHamonda S7iV- Ed holm m Hin Hoar tf pvfiisT. inr nnu-r BlsIdabs, la an office in the Bee build- Anir thA hinltllnir that la known to all. Today's Movie rrofftum" classi- various moving'picture theaters offer. ' Auxiliary to Give Dance The La a.i m 0 a.aja,iija-i jr HAPPENINGS IN , THEMGIC CITY Hundreds of Children Take Part in Various Play ground Activities. NEW CHURCH ORGANIZED o William McKlnley lodge No. 681, I. O. O. B.. will give a dance at the Hanscom park pavilion Tuesday evening. Federal Kmployra to Picnic The federal employes In Omaha will hold a picnic at Krug park, September 10. ' It is intended to Becure an orator to coai, .... h vnpAjoires now before congress on retirements and pensions jj tor federal employes. tlnn at Work Irvin Hughes, assistant ticket agent for the Northwestern, is nome irum n v.. tinn anent out on the Sherman hill, f In Wyoming, where he was timekeeper in a rraval Dit. He enjoyed his vaca tion hugely, the only objectionable feature being the facilities for taking baths. In order to bathe, Mr. Hughes was forced to pull the chain of a rail road water tank, and thus get his shower bath. T,nnmla Rank With First Story N. H. Loomls, general solicitor for the Union Pacific, is back from his vaca- Jkicn spent at Dome Lake. His family Loomls Is regaling his associates around the haadauarters building with stories of catching trout, asserting that there was not a day while he was at the rake that he did not catch trout. They averaged around three pounds each, with some of the big ones weigh ing tour and five pounos, Safety First Train Coming The government's Safety First train that haa heen tnurlnff the country since early in August, will reach Nebraska Tuesday, coming in from Denver over the Union Pacific. It was at Denver Ratiirdav and was visited by 16,000 people. It will be at Sidney Tuesday and Tuesday night, coming into u ha uvlilnv and remaining until Satur day. It Is probable that the train will be parked near tne union station, Aired Connie Wed Gray hairs nrnvad no harrier to Cunid's darts, DeAlton W. Calvin, a veteran of 61 vears. from Kansas City, appeared be fore Marriage License Clerk Herbert H. Stubbendort bright ana early Mon rtav morning. Daid his S2 and secured the permit to ed his sweetheart of 72, Susan R. Trlbble of Red Oak, la. The aired couDle Journeyed to the resi dence of the Rev. Mr. Cobbey of the First Christian church for the nuptial ceremony. Following Sham Life Saving Stunt, Guard n n nr rescues rour men After the guards at Municipal beach had staged a sham life-saving stunt under the direction of Dr. Wil liam teary, yesterday afternoon, four men were taken from the water when they got out beyond their depth and cried for help. The prearranged "rescue was known onlv to Dr. Leary and the Mrnwnino- man " Fred' Nichols. Nichols swam out a considerable distance and then gave a demonstra tion nf the aeceDted kind in the case of drowning men. He gave several lusty calls for "helpl" which caught the attention of the large crowd at the beach. The guards then rushed to the rescue and brought him to shore. It was only after he had been "resus citated" that the frightened bather ,. "let in" on the fact that the affair had been staged for their h.nent A 'ew minutes later the guards were called upon really to earn their salaries. The four men who swam out too far and found they couldn't get back unassisted let out a series ot 'eavm mV save- me'a." in tones that ... i w save me s, save me s, in tones mat wnnlrl have shamed an Apache In dian. Thev were rescued without tffirnltv. ' Ir. the neighborhood of 4,500 people visited the beach aunaay. Uvrrct Unlrl TVioif Pofa While Mayor Talks Three boys at the Clearview play ground pet show yesterday afternoon were somewhat perturbed lest their pet calves held ..l leash should break awav while Mayor Dahlman was addressing the exhibitors and at tendants. But the boys held fast to their charces and made (rood. "Abraham Lincoln was riding ilong on horseback," said the mayor, "and he dismounted to replace jn a nest a baby bird which had fallen to the ground. He was kind to animals and birds and I want you to follow his example." The youngsters cheered the mavor. Mrs. Dahlman attended the show and was interested in sixty five nets broueht bv the children. boy proudly exhibited twenty-three tinv chicks. The three calves, how ever, furnished the most amusement. The mavor told the children a few stories of his early ranch life and of how he lived with animals tor many vears before he moved to Omaha, - "Show me a boy or a girl who is kind to animals and I will show you a good boy or girl," added the mayor in arting. He was introduced by Superintendent English of the play grounds. m Police Fill Jail. In Saturday's Work The day ending at 7 o'clock Sunday morning police headquarters showed 155 arrests, not including automobil- ists who are allowed to report on their honor. From early indications the Sunday clean-up will bring in as many more at least. 1 lie jail would be un ahle to contain the whole- crowd i many did not have friends to furnish bail. The capacity of the city jail is abput 180 if the inmates are packed in care fullv. If the women prisoners are transferred to the matron's room this number can be exceeded somewhat. The bulk jf the Saturday catch in cluded eight keepers of disorderly houses - and eiKhty-seven inmates. Included in the Sunday -list were eight Mexicans held for investigation m connection with a murder ot a juex ican laborer Sunday morning. Dr. King's New Discovery. There la nothUtf better for your cough or cold than Dr. Kiwi's New Discovery, In use over 4ft yeara.N Guaranteed. Sold by all druggists. Advertisement. I The mayor and Mrs. Dahlman went to Spring Lake playgrounds yesterday where they witnessed a pushmobile race. Mrs. Dahlman became so inter ested tha she helped a boy who was in trouble over his machine. The win ners were: First, Stephan Vail, 2316 E street James Boyd, 3927 South Twenty fourth. Second, John Johnanek. 3121 South Sixteenth street; Albert Ethofer, 1523 Canton. Third, Frank Ethofer, 1523 Canton; Leslie Callahan, 1'05 Ontario. Fourth. Willie Ulovec, 1724 Canton; Ray Little, 1907 Castelar. There were seven pushmobiies in the race. The mayor was official starter , At the Doll Show. Seventv-five airls took their dolls to the doll show at Mandan park play grounds. The following girls dressed themselves to represent Indian, Cana dian, Quaker, dancing and flower dolls: Ethel Sullivan, Anna Rhodes, Arline Helm, Elizabeth Trucha, Verna Lowe, Mary McCarthy, Kutli Madison, Christine White, Madge Gillisnie and Affnes Sorenson. They were led by Ethel and Irma Callahan, small girls, in the parade. The show was given under the direction oi Supervisor Altstadt of the play grounds and was appreciated by a larire fathering of children and grownups. It was a gala day tor tne sown ame playgrounds, with three events of spe cial interest. New Serbian Church. Under the auspices of St. Nicholas lodge, No. 149, a fund was started yesterday for the establishment of a Serbian orthodox church and school at Thirtieth and S streets, at which location three lots have been pur chased. The property cost $3,000 and it is expected to raise $5,000 for the building. Yesterday $1,000 was sub scribed. Rev. George Milosavilevil of Kansas City spent the day hen and offered words of counsel and en couragement to his countrymen o.' whom there is quite a colony on the South Side. Member of St. Nicholas lodge, some in uniform, marched to the site of the church and school an-' then back to the hall at Twenty-sixth and N streets, where a social time was enjoyed. The new church and school organi zation will be conducted by the lodge of which Peter Plechas is president. Mr. Plechas said he expects there will be 600 men, women and children in the new religious and educational or ganization. Work on the building will be started during the early fall. In his address to the Serbians here Rew Milosavilevic urged South Side Serbians to take advantage of their educational opportunities and he praised the free institutions of this country. He complimented his peo ple for having a capable group of men in charge of the governmental affairs of Greater Omaha. He left for Kan sas City on an evening train. A dance was held at the hall in the evening, after the serious attairs ot the day had been disposed of. Magle City Gossip. Announcement Henry J. Beal. attorney- at-law, Murphy block. Phone South 206. Wanted Boy who doee not go to school; must be 16 years old or more. Apply at, Bee office, 8outh Omaha. 2918 N street. Rev. R. L. Wheeler conducted the funeral services of Mrs. Mary A. Btephan at Flor ence Sunday afternoon. Mlas Laura Peter son of South Side sang. "The Fortune Hunter" Is the big six-reel society pktura for the Besse tonight. Ethel Clayton Is tha featured one. Charles A. Musselman, state secretary of the Young Men's t'hrlstlsn aunrlalion spoke last evening in the Wheeler Mvmorlal Tree byterlan church. Lynn Beckett of Omaha waa the soloist. Leonard, 2-year-old child of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Kahn of Sarpy county, died Bunder morning at a hospital. The funeral will be Tuesday afternoon. The Infant wae stricken with bowel trouble and died suddenly. Now ready for occupancy. Beautiful oak finished bungalow, strictly modern; corner lot, on Twenty-first and Q streets. Nothing nicer In South Omaha, "Look It over." Rea sonable payments Kasy terms. Will sell for house ronetructlon coat. Bee L. C. Qlbson, opposite poetofrtce. TELLS OF HORRORS BY TORKSJNARMENIA Miss Rosie Baptist, Native Teacher, Relates Perscu tions of Christians. Many Pioneers Attend Funeral of B. E, B, Kennedy Many of the oldest pioneers of Omaha and Douglas county ar.i other friends gathered at the residence of the late B. E. B. Kennedy, 2212 South Twenty-ninth street, Sunday after noon at S o'clock, for the funeral services of this aged pioneer. The regular Episcopal funeral serv ices were observed, Rev. Robert S. Flockhart, assistant rector of All Saints Episcopal church, officiating. The pallbearers were:' Arthur Wakeley, W. J. Connell, Judge A. C. Troup, Isaac Congdon, Guy Read, and Edward Simeral. Interment in Forest Lawn cemetery, following the services at the home, was private. Cltlleos' Training ramp to Open. Ren Francisco. Cat. Aug. 20 Orders pro. vldlna for the establishment of a cltlxena' training camp, to be conducted under the nf the United States army at Fort Douglas, Utah, reached the headquarters nf the western deoartment here today. Simultaneously It wss announced that the camp would open Monday, August si. SPEAKS IN OMAHA CHURCH The horrors of the Turkish perse-1 cutions of Christians in Armenia dur ing the present war were told by an eye-witness yesterday morning at Immanuel Baptist church. Miss Rosie Baptist, a native of Armenia and a teacher in that country, de picted the horrible things done by the barbarous Turks. "They have nearly wiped out our nation, she said. "I was in Switzer land when I heard of the serious iUV ness of my mother. I tried to reach her, but was unable to do so. Then came word that my father was in the hospital. The Turks came and dragged him out into the street and killed him. "In one house the Turks came and killed all the people except one baby, A Turk went to the cradle where the baby was cooing, and the little one reached up and took hold of his little finger. Shaking off the hold of the little hand, he grasped the babe by the head, lifted it up and with" one blow severed the head from the body. "Ten women were taken and their eyes gouged out. Then these mon sters rubbed salt in the raw flesh to increase the torture. "They took one old woman, placed a bottle filled with powder on her head, set a fuse to it and blew her head off. "Of all the little countries that have suffered Belgium, Poland, Serbia i and Armenia the one that has suf i fered by far the worst is Armenia. I The others lave been persecuted by I enemies, but not by barbarian en ! emies as Armenia has been. They haven't been tortured simply for the brutal pleasure of seeing tliem sutler. "What makes it worse is that the Koran teaches the Turks that it is pleasing to God for them to kill the Christians, and that they will gain re ward according to the number of Christians they kill. "The other little countries are fight ing for their national existence, but Armenia is struggling also for its na tional faith. Hundreds of thousands have died rather than gave up their Christianity.' "And in spite of the awful persecu tion that has brought our loved ones to terrible deaths, we try to do as Christ did on the cross. We try to forgive them, 'for they know not what they do.'" Pioneer Omahan Celebrates Birthday Anniversary Henry Lehmami, a pioneer Oma han, who came here in 1867 and who has been ensased in the wall paper, decorating and painting business for fifty-three years, celebrated his sixty eighth birthday anniversary yester day. He is a senior member of the firm of Henry Lehmann and Sons, He served an apprenticeship in Kiel, Germany, when he was a young man. Elderly Man Is Hit by Auto and Sprains Wrist William Hunt, Eighteenth and Miami streets, an elderly man, was run into by an automobile on South Fifteenth street. The machine was not traveling at a very high rate o' speed and the only injury he re ceived was a slightly sprained wrist, which Police Surgeon Meyers treated Sunday morning. DDFF SUMMONED TO GIVEJESTIMONY Commander-in-Chief of India Will Vacate His Office by Order. MONRO TO SUCCEED HlM London, Aug. 21. The war office tonight announced that General Sir Beauchamp Duff has been summoned home to give evidence before the Mesopotamia commission and will vacate his office as commander-in-chief in India, being succeeded by Li-utenant General Sir Charles Car micliacl Monro. land American league club to the Port land club of the Pacific Coast league, It was announced today by Secretary Black wood of the Cleveland olub. Howard foes to Portland as part of the deal whereby the Indians will secure Louis Oulstl. first baseman of the Coast league team. Cleve land haa already eent several players to Portland for OutsU, Including Pitcher Ha german, Loudermllk and Kelly, Outfielders , Wllle and Southworth and Infielder Evans. It Is understood that Cleveland also paid a cash consideration. Nadine Face Powder (fti Cn OtwV) General Duff has been chief com mander in India since 1913. He is 61 years old. Lieutenant General Monro has been commander of the first army, succeeding General Sir Douglas Hatg when the latter was made commander in chief of the British forces in France and Belgium. General Munro was commander of the British expedition to the Dardanelles in 1915, succeeding. General Sir Ian Hamilton. Howard flolfl to Tortland. Boston, Muss.. Aug. Jl Ivan Howard, utility lutlelder, he o'-en so'.d by the Cleve- Kaeps Tha Complexion Bwuttful Soft and velvety. Montr back If not en tirely pleased. Nsdlna is pure and harm less. Adheres until washed oK Provsnta sunburn and return of discoloration. A million delighted user prove 1U value. Ttnts: Flssh, Pink, Brunette, White. By Tclto Counter or MmiL SO. Natieaal Toilet Comoaar, Parle, Tana. Bold by leading toilet eou-iters in Omaha. Bell-ans Absolutely Removes Indigestion. Onepackae proves it 25c at all druggists. WOMEN -YOUR ATTENTION Hundrede of WOMEN have been to my office for treatment for diseases and dis order ot their sea. MANY NEW CAHE8 EVKRY DAY are coming and are pleased by the earetul and bcneliclsl service 1 give then, at a small sh "wutlon II.JJ. Examination or offloe treatment JJ.OO.MetlicIno free. Ask soma of tha WOMEN who have taken my treatment. DR. J. C. WOODWARD, 301 Rosa Building, Telephone TyUr 260. Omaha. Movie Actresses and Their Hair Did It ever occur to you that every movie actress you have seen has love ly hair, while the most popular count their curls as their chief beauty? In fact (this is a secret), many are lead ing ladies just because ot their attrac tive locks. Inquiry among them dis closes the fact that they bring out all the natural beauty of their hair by careful shampooing, not with any soao or makeshift, but with a simple mixture which they make up for them selves by putting a teaspoonlul ot canthrox (which they get from the druggist), in a cup of hot water and applying this instead of soap. After its use their hair dries rapidly, with uniform color. Dandruff, excess oil and dirt are dissolved and entirely dis appear. The hair is so fluffy that it looks much heavier than it is. Its lustre and softness is delightful, while the stimulated scalp gains the health which insures hair growth. tarred dv your Complexion J Does a pimply, unattractive skin hut you out from the full enjoy ment of the summer's pleasures? Then think of this : To use Resinol Soap means that each time you cleanse your face you give it a "beauty treatment" with the soothing, healing Resinol medication. If aided, in severe cases, by a little Resinol Ointment, this usually leaves the complexion naturally clear and fresh. It is equally effective in protecting deli cate; skins from the effects of sum mer's sun, heat and dust. All druggists sell Resinol Ointment and Msino Samples rree.dept.J6.R,V-e KMf Kuinel, Baltimore, eld. Business mi Personal Some I-PlUS Ideas That Will Help Put down in "black and white" the things you want to be sure of. Trusting to memory in personal , matters leads to laxity in business. Having cumbersome, or hard-to-get-at business records, invites ignor ance of actual conditions of ten vital to success. To be Efficient use Efficiency Methods. There are a thousand or more I-P Books and Forms built for Personal and Business use. It will pay you to investigate them. For Personal Use mi i-pniAn Memo Books To Keep Records oi Important Data Made in sizes for the rest pocket, coat pocket, handbag or desk. These Ring Books permit the removal or insertion of sheets, Ruled sheets of the kind most suitable for your needs can be selected when refilling. Books are bound in genu ine imported, black Morocco, and will wear for years. You will be proud to carry one of them. Your stationer will be glad to supply you. Recipe Books An Aid to Greater Home Efficiency For Business Use is I-Peed Ledgers The Last Word in Business Efficiency. These Ledgers save time, are easier to handle, and are built to give years and years of service. AH you have to do is put in the blank sheets. Keeps your records securely locked when book is closed. When open a slight hand pressure will lock it. The con struction, operation and manipulation is rad ically different from nil others. The frame is of pressed steel. All parts are electrically welded. Posts are welded to frames. Bound in Corduroy, with cowhide back and corners. Ledger leaves iu a variety of rulings and sizes. Examine them at your stationer's. 1 LOOS E jjajp I LEAF I BOoks and Forms loose! Post Binders For keeping favorite recipes gathered from all sources. In this book, which opens flat, you can write the choice recipes of friends or paste in those which you clip from the magazines. The pages are properly indexed so that any recipe wanted may be found quickly. Once filled the book will be worth its weight in gold to the owner. Beautifully bound in white cloth, lettered in silver. Ask your stationer for prices. LOOSE JPlEAF Engagement Books Also used as Diaries. Like the other Automatic Ring Books previously men tioned, the Engagement Book is per petual. New leaves may be inserted whenever needed at slight cost. In it you may keep a record of important engagements or other data. A splendid Holiday Gift Book. Bound in finest black Morocco, durable and substan tial See your stationer for prices. ILOOSEI J-Pleaf1 Loose Sheet Holder Designed for quick insertion and re moval of sheets, as in warehouses, ship ping rooms, etc. Orders or records from several depurtments are brought together and transferred to the ledger at the close of the day's business. Saves handling heavy books and binders. These holders are obtainable in several sizes; contents are always securely held. Double hinge insures flat open ing. Your stationer has them. End and Top-Locking Section al Post Binders for keeping rec ords easily and properly. Per fect alignment permits leaves to be inserted or removed without mutilating the punching. No complicated parts or delicate ad- iustments. Built strong to stand lard service. Each Binder sup plied with four inches of posts in screw sections. Binders can be had square, as shown, or oblong. Looking mechanism under posi tive control. Have your stationer demonstrate this important busi ness help. SPECIAL OUTFITS For Doctors, Lawyers, Dentists, Contractors, Hotels, Students, Banks, Salesmen, Insurance, Beal Estate, Hospitals, Garages, Gas Companies, Engineers. x Stock Sheets for many purposes, such as Combination Cash, Journal and Bank Account, Inventory, Fay Soli, Reports, Quotations, Accounts Payable, Simplified Monthly Statements, Trial Balances, Etc. AT ALL OMAHA STATIONERS EqoseI J-piTEin Forms and Devices are acknowledged the best by users and dealers. Why submit to substitution? Note Irving-Pitt Manufacturing Largest Loose Leaf Manujaclurers in the World Kansas City - - - Missouri Co.