THE BEE: OMAHA, TUESDAY, AUGUST 22, 1916. 8 Nebraska rri nmrvmn mitt tit n mimi mlLLlnu PLAHTIS BURNED Loss Estimated at Seventy Thousand Dollars Takes Place. STORAGE GRAIN DAMAGED Hastings, Neb., Aug. 21. (Special Telegram.) In less than an hour the Hastings Milling company building, with the exception of the office and one steel grain tank, iVs completely destroyed by fire, involving a loss es timated at about $70,000. Some dam age was done to the property of the J. H. Yost Lumber company, south of the mills ,and two freight cars on the St. Joseph & Grand Island tracks, to the north, were nearly destroyed by the flames. The fire was discovered in the'en gine room, near the center of the main building of the mill. In less than ten minutes the flames had swept through the mill and were rapidly spreading to the grain storage bins at the south. The millins company property, in cluding the machinery, was valued at about $32,000. There were 15,000 bushels of wheat in the west elevator and about 10.000 in the east. On the local market today this grain was valued at about $35,000. The damage from shrinkage in the wheat in the steel storage tank, east of the elevators, is estimated at $2,500. There were approximately 20.000 bushels of wheat stored in this tank. The E. Stockham Grain company leased the elevators and storage tank and is prepared to meet the entire loss. The company is bonded and carries a state license under the Ne braska warehouse law, passed by the last legislature. All wheat stored with the company is insured and guaran teed by the state. Eight thousand gal lons of fuel oil was consumed. The principal owners of the mill are: J. C. Hedge and C. E. Dirismore. Fire Does Big Damage At Epworth Assembly (From a-Staff Correspondent.) Lincoln, Aug. 21. (Special.) The Epworth park assembly grounds were hard hit by a fire last night, which destroyed several buildings and ruined a large number of shade trees inthe husiness section of the assembly grounds. ihree restaurants ana stands, the grocery store and other smaller buildings were totally de stroyed and the contents which had not yet been moved since the assem bly closed a couple of weeks ago, were totally destroyed. Start to Remove Depot. Columbus, Neb., Aug. 21. (Special Telegram ) Work was started this morning on removing the Burlington depot to its new location, where it will be used as a freight depot. As soon as this work is completed, the construction of the new 20,000 pas senger depot will be started. Notes from Beatrice And Gage County , Beatrice, Neb., Aug. 21. (Special.) Sheriff Acton has called a meeting of automobile owners of Gage county to be held at the court house next Thursday, August 24, for -he purpose of organizing an association to pro tect auto owners against thieves. Gage county has escaped pretty well so far from this class of men and the association" will be formed to assist other counties in the state in the Anderson and E. E. Ab bott Saturday finished appraising all the lands in Gage county of the late Colonel John W. Bookwalter. He owned forty quarter sections in this county. They will make their report to C. L. Brewster and Judge Haz lett, the appraisers, in a few days. Joseph Isley and Miss Fern Shipp, both of Firth, were married at the court-house yesterday by County Judge Walden. They will make their home on a farm near Firth. W. W. Scott, G. T. Reynolds. J. C Emery and F. W. Mumford of the fair association, are making plans to go to Omaha to attend the circuit races there, for the purpose of getting a number of horsemen to come to Beatrice during the county fair races. Hamilton County Sunday Schools to Have Big Day Aurora, Neb., Aug. 21. (Special.) The churches of Hamilton county are making great preparations for the annual Sunday school convention, which will be held in Aurora Wednes day, August 23. L. C. Oberlies of Lincoln will be the principal speaker of the day, although an extensive pro gram has been prepared. A great pic nic dinner will be spread in Streeter park. In the morning there will be a Sunday school parade through the streets. Organizations will march to gether and many prizes have been an nounced and will be distributed at the close of the day. Aurora Fair Will Have Fine Line of Exhibits Aurora, Neb., Aug. 21. (Special.) The possibility of an exhibit of trac tors at the county fair is exciting con siderable interest among the farmres of the county. Many attended the tractor show at Fremont and some purchased tractors there. W. J. Far ley is trying to get some of the lead ing machines exhibited here. The county fair begins August 28 and the exhibits this year will be the best in many years. Never has there been better crops from which to secure the agricultural exhibits. The racing program of the fair will be excellent. Wymore Residents Hurt , When Motor Cars Colide Beatrice, Neb., Aug. 21. (Special Telegram.) Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Werner and daughter, Alice, Mrs. Blaine Kinley and daughter, Mrs. George Wcftcott, all residents of Wymore, were cut and bruised4n an automobile accident one mile west of Western, while en route home, when their car crashed into another machine. BUILDING AND LOAN 1 ASSETS INCREASE State Banking Board Finds Total in Nebraska Nearly Forty-Eight Millions. LOAN AND STOCK INCREASE (Prom a Staff Correspondent.) Lincoln, Aug. 21. (Special.) Ac cording to the statement of the State Banking board, there are 72 building and loan associations doing business in this state, and the assets of these associations have increased during the past year from $41,660,870.53 to $47, 917,847.08, since the last report a year ago. This is an increase of $6,256, 976,55. The increase in loans amounted to $5,055,664.95; in stock, $5,725,809.52; cash, $574,566.99 and the reserve fund, $151,819.35. The report in full follows: Ansesta. First mortrage loans S4Z,467,3S3.S1 Loans In the process of fore closure til. 489.74 Loans on stock or paos book security , B4B,f26.70 Other real estate 86M57.33 Real estate sold on contract.. 267,844 M Htut and municipal securities. 29y.032.2n Cash 2,819,014.78 Delinquent interest, fines 149.9H4.37 Furniture and fixtures 32.E84. 84 Taxes psld 16.764. 17 Other assets 23.443.64 Tax certificates 2,972.37 Certificates on deposit 282.782.61 Total ... 147, 917. 847.08 x Liabilities. Runnlnr stick and dividends. . 43.133.413.C4 Paid-up stock and dividends.. 2,094.884.84 Due shareholders on Incomplete loans 1.001,341.03 Reserve fund 1,117, 01!. 06 Undivided profits 466.434.12 Unearned premiums 47. 90 Other liabilities S7,2.I5 Matured stock 40.61 4. 4S Bills payable 7,670.00 ToUl 147,917.847.08 Receipts. Cash on hand last report I 2,20,1,55.05 Dues, (running stock) 12.032. 64. 18 Paid-up stock 3,912,623.80 Mortgsge psymonts 7,066,492.39 Stock loan payments 686,966.21 Real estate sales 172,982.67 Interest 2,838,128 43 Premium 109.756.34 Fines 12.829.18 Rents 16.191.62 Memebrshlp and transfer tees.. (6,086.00 Rents and office building re- oelpts 29,970.62 Other receipts Id detail B43.356.vl Ta certificates 3.182.19 Certificates of deposit 261,806.60 Incomplete loans 247,604.11 Bills payable 23,096.00 Total 130,326,200.27 Disbursements. Mortgage loans 112,288.321.37 Stock loans 1 654,537.88 Withdrawals, running stock and and dividend 8,987.471.86 Withdrawals, paid-up stock.. 2,490,399.19 Withdrawal dividend on paid up stock 634,340.92 Salaries 234.289.86 Commissions 88.917.17 Other expenses 172,141.38 Real estato aooount 630,440.62 Cash on hand 2.841.221.52 Other disbursements In detail.. 450,206.05 Tax certificates 6,086.88 Matured stock 202,095.78 Certlflcatea of deposit 276.690.01 Bills payable 26,069.77 Incomplete loans 393,964.01 Total $30226,200.27 Do Something for Your Cold. At the first sign of a cough or cold take Dr. Bell's Plne-Tar-Honey. You won't suf fer long. 25c. Sold by all druggists. Adv. Workman May Die From Most Peculiar Accident. Beatrice, Neb., Aug. 21. (Special Telegram.) Alex Fears, a member of a bridge gang working near here, was shot and probably fatally wounded when he struck the branch of a tree where he had left his rifle hanging at campcausing it to be dis charged. The ball passed through his right shoulder and lung. Fears home is at Fairbury. DEATH RECORD. Herman Loseke. Columbus, Neb., Aug. 21. (Special Telegram.) Herman Loseke. aged 76, died at his home in this city this morning after an illness of four months. Mr. Loseke was born in Old enbtish, Germany, and came o Amer ica in 1858, settling on a farm twelve miles northeast of Columbus, living there until four years ago, when he moved into the city. He leaves a wife, four sons and five daughters and two brothers to mourn his loss. Funeral services will be held Wednesday morning at 10:30 o'clock at the Ger man Lutheran church. Interment will take place in the Loseke Creek Lu theran cemetery. Bishop B. York. York, Neb., Aug. 21. (Special.) Bishop B. York died Saturday even ing, aged 67. He moved his family to York county in 1882. In the early settlement of this county he shipped horses to Lincoln from Illinois and sold them here several years before there was a railroad built to York. Funeral services will be held at the residence, 601 Platte avenue, Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Frank Workentirie. McColl Junction, Neb., Aug. 21. (Special.) Frank Workentine of this village died very suddenly Saturday nioring of heart failure. He was 50 years old. HYMENEAL. Phipps-Prohaska. York, Neb., Aug. 21. (Special.) Word has been received here that S. V. Phipps and Mrs. J. Prohaska were married in Colorado Springs last Tuesday, How to Beautify a Summer Soiled Face It's really a ilmpl matter to renovat a face foiled by tun, winds or dirt. Ordi nary mercollzfd wax. used like cold craam, will transform the worst old complexion Into one of snowy whiteness and velvety soft ness. It literally paWs off the outer veil of surface kin, but so gently, gradually, there's no discomfort. The worp-out skin comes off, not in patches, but evenly, in tiny par ticles, leaving no evidence of the treatment. The younger, healthier underakln forming the new complexion Is one of captivating loveliness. One ounce of mercollied wax, to be had at any drug store. Is enough to remove any tanned, reddened, pimpled, freckled or blotchy akin. Apply before re tiring, washing It off mornings. Many skins wrinkle easily with every wind that blows, with heat, worry, etc. An ex cellent wrinkle remover, because It tightens the sktn and strengthens relaxed muscles. Is a w.inh lotion made as follows: Powdered HRxollte, t oss,, dissolved In witch hanel, pt. This gives Immediate results, -Adv. Call at our Office and See the Self - Starting nun Re gtom The Remington Self Starter (Column Selector) adds at least 25 per cent, to the speed of the typist in writing ordinary letters. It does this by .cutting out all the tap, tap, tap, and fumble and fuss in setting the carriage. No matter where the line begins, the carriage practically sets itself. All the operator does is WRITE. The Self Starter is a Remington feature exclusively. No other type writer has it or anything like it. A demonstration will prove to you that the Remington Self Starter is the most important time and labor saving feature ever placed on the corre spondence typewriter, Come and let "us v show you, for to is to be convinced. TJie Self Starter adds to the value but not to the price. REMINGTON TYPEWRITER CO. . (feIIP 'A P : 201 S. NineteenthStreet, Omaha, Neb. JCllP Recruits to Guard Go to Fort Crook (Prom Staff Correspondent.) Lincoln, Aug. 21. (Special.) Gen eral Hall went to Omaha this after noon, where he will confer with Cap tain Palmer at Fort Crook regarding the establishment of a recruiting camp at that place. It is the intention of the officers to recruit as fast as possible and make Fort Crook the mecca to which all recruits shall be sent and drilled preparatory to being sent to Nebras ka regiments on the. border. Persistent Advertising Is the Road to Success. Youths of Seventeen Are Called by the Kaiser Paris, Aug. 21. The Intransigeant publishes under reserve a dispatch '. from Lausanne to the effect that Ger- f many has ordered all youths of 17 to report immediately to recruiting bu- u tj reaus. This class in normal years, would be called to the colors in 1919. Splendid anm mer sorrica and substantial say ings male shop ping here a pUasura. Naw fall atylas ara arriving daily. A fascin ating panorama. Y A Cool, Comfortable Store to Shop In MANY CHANGES are going on in the store now epace has been greatly en larged on the Main Floor and in the Basement, giving better facilities for the display and sale of merchandise. We shall enter this fall season splendidly equipped to SERVE THE THOUSANDS AND THOUSANDS of patrons who know this as the biggest and best store in the Middle West. After we have thoroughly put our house in order, we shall have an interesting story to tell WATCH FOR IT. New Curtains and Curtain Materials Visit our Drapery Department and ask to see the new patterns for fall. Marquisette Curtains, with linen edges, pair $1.98 Lace Edge Curtains, beautiful assort ment, pair $3.50 Quaker Craft Curtains, 36 new pat terns, pair. . . $2.50. $2,08. $3.98 Duchesse Curtains, our own importa tion, 12 new patterns, pair $4.98 Couch Covers, 50 inches wide, special, each .: $1.98 36-Inch Colored Dotted and Figured Swiss, yard :15t Ribbon Edge Etamine and Marquisette, yard 39 Cretonnes Over 200 pieces, the most wonderful collection we have ever shown. Yard 25d to 75 Bungalow and Quaker Nets, many new patterns shown for the first time. The yard ."..59. 65t. 85 Notions at the Very, Lowest Prices Extra Good Shell Hair Pins, each . . 1 Large Boxes of Wire Hair Pins, box 4 Soft Face Chamois, special, each. .4 American-Maid or Betsy Ross -Cotton, ball ...-6 Burson Best Stocking Feet, pair . . 4 Wooden Coat Hangers, each 4 Fast Colored Darning Cotton, spool 13 Extra Wide Girdles, with bones, 50c values 10 Safety Pins, Tuesday 4 cards for. . .5 One Big Lot of Slightly Soiled Crochet Cotton, regular 10c values, ball. '. . .3 Rubber Lined Tourist Cases, special, each 49 Kleinert's Rubber Sheeting, $1.00 val ues, yard . ; ; 59 100-Yard Spools Sewing Silk, each for 3'i Mai Hear West Electric Hair Curlers, special. each 4 Coat Hangers for Baby Clothes, each for 2 Scissors and Sheers, $1.00 values. 49 Buckle Forms, each ...5 Tatting Shuttles, each 2V2 Linen Tape, special, bolt for 4 Fast Colored Middy Laces, each. .4 Strong Fish Net Shopping Bags, each for 10 Baby Fancy Round Sock Garters, the pair 15 Shirring Cord for Dresses, yard. . .1 and 2Vs Hair Net Veils, 3 for 25c, each . . 10 Dressing Combs, 60c values, each . 19 Rick-Rack Braid, specially priced, the yard 1 An Ideal Scenic and Shori Vacation Toui -of- Beautiful Estes Park, Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado Springs, T.lanitou ONLY $ 24.5(D) ROUND TRIP Lv Omaha 4:80 P.M. today Lv Lincoln 6:10 P.M. " In Sites, lunch tomorrow. Lt Omaha 12:20 AM, (Sle In cites tor supper, today ir ready 10:00 P.M.) TWO WEEKS OF COLORADO OZONE IS A "GET WELL-QUICK" TONIC. PLENTY OF BOOM IN ESTES PARK FROM NOW ON. Aik for Colorado publication!: "Sites Park," "Colorado Side Trips," ' ' Colorado Handbook, " " Soenlo Touri From Denver. " Famam ana loin 8U. CITY TICKET OFFICE, Phones: Doug. 8C80 and 1238 u Wff Ready to Serve-Ideal for Summer Meals Let Armour do your cooking I fsmStd Package Foods on the pantry shelves can save you hours of discomfort over a hot cook stove. Furthermore, they help you to serve your family oeuaous, suostanuai not-wntner mean. Sandwich Dainties Veal Loaf, Corned Beef mmmmmmmmmmmimm, mm. j ssssssnssSslsssSlsssslssssssssssssssMssBj ' ''Sank. thi'ataa asasssi Puget Sound Salmon Piciad la Its awe nab sis. Tuna The Mtkaa etha aasi Sardines araifanw handed other equally temptlnf vtinds eold Label, Armours fuarantoe of top a, neutjw COMPANY 40BT. BUDATZ, Men, lain see Jan.. ata.. -Phon. Daufl. 105S. Oaaaha, Nab. W. L. WILKINSON. 19 ta Q Tal. S. 1740. , i' jrf: ft j ; HEAD WHAT IT INCLUDES Rail to Denrer and return; rail and auto between Denrer and Estei, one way via Lyons and auto, the other via Loveland and auto through the Big Thomp ion Canyon; free ilde tour, Denver to Colorado Spring! and re turn, the Manitou and Pike'i Peak region. Only Burlington tickets include both the Lyons and Loveland gateways. sob V'l ..;,,( " 'i Hit