Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 22, 1916, Page 12, Image 12

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Bun of Grain it Heavy, With
Receipts of Corn and Oats
Showing Big Increase.
Oman. Aonut It, 111,
Tha ran of train u vary haavv todar.
tha reeelpta .of corn and oata showing a btg
Th caah demand for wheat waa eicllant
and tha market waa .Irons', rullnf from
H 1 c hlf her.
Tha (op price on Vfo. S hard wheat waa
li n. but the Milk ...raaad around 11.470
Tha aalel of No. t and 4 hard wheat were
Quito heavy, the No. I hard aelllna around
S1.4t1.44H and tha No. 4 aelllnt lenerally
irom .i. 1801.41.
Core waa ouoted from unohanred to le
lower, with tha bulk of tha .ample, .sllinf
ac tna aecnna.
Tallow . corn, however, aold ateadjr and
waa at a premium.
Oata recelpu wera quite heavy and tha
vterltet aold from. HO 4)0 lower.
There waa not much trading In rye or
Barley and theae markola were Quoted un
changed. Cloarancea were: Wheat and flour equal
to 1.110. oo basnets; corn. 111,000 huahela,
oata. 1. Ml. too bushela.
Liverpool clou: Wheat. Id to id higher;
corn, unchanged.
Primary wheat receipts were i.lTMOO tot.
and ahlpmente l,ttt,000 bu., agalnet recelpu
of an. ana .nipmania oi i.eii.vvo
on. laat rear.
Primary corn reeelpta were 701,009 hu.
and ahlpmenta 411,000 bu., agalnat reeelpta
ef S7..004 bu. and ahlpmenta of 1(1,000 bu.
laat year.
Primary oata reeelpta were I.S40.000 bu.
and ahlpmenta 1,114.000 bu., agalnat reeelpta
ar 1,7U,mq bu. and ahlpmenta ot K4.o. ou.
. Wheat. Corn. Oata.
Chicago , 40
Mlnneapolla 141 ...
Iuluth 01
Omaha 171 101
Kanaaa City 404 10
at. Loul 70 . 71
Winnipeg 4M ...
Thaao talaa were reported today:
Wheat No. 1 hard winter: 4
1.47 U: 4 can. 11.47 M: 1 car. 11.47. No, I
hard wlntari 1 car, 11.41; I care, 11.41; I
cava. : 1 1.47 la: I cara. 11.4714: 17 1-1 care,
1.47i ( care, 11.44: 1 ear, 11.44; I cara,
11.40. No. t bard winter: 1 ar, 11.41;
1 cara. 11.41; I oata, 11.47; lv-can, 11.444.;
ll-l cara, 11.44: 1 ear, II. 41; 1 1-4 cara,
gl.4i; S-t ear, 11.44; I cara, 11.41; 1 car,
11. aula: 1 car. 11.41. No. 4 hard winter:
1 oar, 1.4t; 1 ear, 11.44; 1 oar, ll.lllli I
oars. 11.41; i ears, 11.40; I cars, 11.10;
cars. 11.11; 1 ear, 11.14; l-f oar, 11.14.
Dampla hard winter: 1 oar, 1.174; 1 oar,
11.14. No. I spring: I car, II. M; I cars,
I1.4T. No. I mind: 1 ear, 11.444.; 1 car,
1.4IV. No. I mlsad: 1 car, 11.4314; 1
car. S1.41: 1 car, 11.41. No, 4 mixed:, 1
car. 11.14; 1 ear, 11.17. No. I durum
mixed: 1 ear, 11.14.
Barley No. 4: 1 car. Its; 1-4 oar, 44c
Rye: No. I; I cars, 11.10, No, 4; I
ears, 11.14.
Corn No, I white I oars, tie. No. I
white: I cars, (le; I oars, 4014c No. 4
white: 1 oar, I014O. No, I yellow: S cars,
4114c No. I yellow: g cara, 1(140. No. 4
yellow: I oars, (mo. No. I yellow: 1
oar, 10(4. No. I yellow: I ears, (014e.
No. I mlied: 4 cara, llo.- No. I mired:
1 ear (near yellow), lie: t cars, (Otic;
I cara, (0140, No, 4 mlsed: 1 ear, 40c;
1 ear, 71140. No. I mlied: I cara, 7(140.
No. mlied: t oar, 7(o. Bampls mixed:
1 ear. Ma,
Oata No. I whltoi I oars, 44c. stan
dardi I cam 41 Mo. No. I white: II care,
4le. No. 4 white: I oars, 41140. Sample
white: I oars, 41o; 4 ears, 41140,
Omaha Cash Prices Wheat: No. I hard,
ll.4lgyl.4l; No. I hard, I1.4IOI-41; No. 4
hard, 11.1(0141: No. I spring, ti.4ltrt.ts;
No. I spring, 1. 4001 14: No. I durum, lift!
1.17; No. I durum, (1.1101 II. Corn: No.
1 white, lOKOIlo: No. I whits, SOI4OII0:
No. a while. lOtHOHoi No. I while. 7(14 0
10a; No, white, 7lt407(!4o; No. I yellow,
S14tttl4se; No. I yellow, IttJIJHo; No, 4
yellow, HO"t4o: No. I yellow, I0(t0e;
No. yellow, 71440100; No. I mixed, I0
do: No, I mixed. (Oleoma; No. 4 mixed.
TSUOIOc; No. 4 mixed, 7IV40t(fce; No. I
mixed. 7107141c. Oala; No. I white, 41140
44c; etandard, 4104114c; No. I white, 4114 0
4lo; No. 4 white, 410410. Barley: Malt.
Ing, IOcall.00; No. 1 feed. 4CO70C. Rye:
Ma I. I1.I0OI H: No. I. I1.1IQI.H.
nit wheat market Is still bullish and
loaed aleady on September and December
and q higher on the May option. .
Trading In wheat waa heavy add ihare
van considerable Interest In oata.
The corn market waa steady, with vary
lia-ht trading, especially In September corn.
oats) were a trifle weak and declined o
a September. (40 en December and the
MtkT eptlon closed unchanged.
ItepoTte on ths corn orop are at present
very optimistic, but the crap report, ea
wheat are still vary hellish. .
Omaha closing prises ea "
Art. I Open.
Wht. I
Bopt , 1 4114
Ie. 141-fi
. May 111
Sept II
Doe. ' 70
Sept , 44
Ieo. . ' 47 14
May 10
With, Low, Close, I tea
1 4114 141
1 4IK 147H
t tie HI ,
' II
. 4
Chicago cloelng pries, fornlebed The Bee
by Logan Bryan, stock and grain brokers,
SJS BOUtn Bixteenin Bireet
. I tec.
1 aid
I Open
.1 bg 74
' ' 1714
High. ILov
1 II
' 4S
15 5
17 171
24 40
II 02
II 12
II 17
14 li
Closs. I Tes.
I 10
1 14
' 7414
1 114-44
S7 47
II 41
II 40
II 87
II 10
II 17
14 II
IS 3
tt 4T
38 16
n to
is so
11 II
14 41
14 II
WfctMtV Bliea ghtrpljr Bulliah Nwi From
v EnnfM nd Cmntftdft.
Cblcam, An. 11. Extra clrki who work
fur Into the nliht hve bon imployftd by
board Of trado Arms to lak car at th
Imirlena voluma of trad which bfitan wtth
th ,rovrnmont rop report and which hat
bofri attmuiated atnea by prfvata ruporta of
widespread damasa to cropi, particularly
wheat. Ttoday'a aaoalon of tha board waa a
repetition of recent daya. Tha market for
wheat ahaorbed itavrerlnir loada of the
cereal from hang, bat It kept Itl head
above Saturday! cloae and- at tha and
added 2 ta i canta to tha prtca.
Corn waa rather nervoua and trreffular,
and cloaed H oenta higher to lower.
Oata advanced ta H 0, ProviKiona
eliMMd ta eenta lower to 10 eente htchar.
Tha wheat market Btarted wild wtth price
mm mora aa l0 over Saturday, Bide were
t canta apart la different parte of tha pit
A dehiare of lone wheat came out and al
thoue-h every reoeaalon brouaht new buying
order Into the arena pr(ee worked lower
: (tor aome time, Fluctuation were er
ratic. Ho at tlmea between quota
tlona. Half an hour before the oloaa how
aver., a violent upward turn began and
moat of the loaa waa regained. The entry
of tha general public Into tha trade wa
noted. The news waa bullish, except the
vieibl wtatement Liverpool and Bueno
A?re were higher and crop report from
Canada and the norihweat war aa gloomy
aa ever. A world'a crop II per rent below
normal waa eatimated by the International
Inatitnta of Agriculture, Rome, Italy, and
tbta had a bullish 'effect. Seaboard export,
l.llT.fOI, bushel were larger than a year
Tha top prleea for ram dellvarlea wera
attained at tha opening. Then ' an ava
lanche of corn wtth pre fit a attached cam
, ut and price broke aharply. Longa were
afraid of the prediction of cooler weather
and rains In the growing belt. The cloalng
rally wa helped materially by tha weekly
rop report of the Santa re railroad which
eald that a good part of the Kansa and
Oklahoma crop waa failure. The spot
market was 1 t lte lower, with ahlpmenta
curtailed by acarotty of cara
Heavy eel ling of oata ta secure profit,
marked the session In that eereal, but prices
after the mld-seMlon break, rallied and
- r-aei higher. A prediction of heavy re
oelpte -1,124 care, tomorrow helped to break
the price. The vot market rule trong
with an excellent eaport demand. Bhip
monta fell, off eecauee of the car shortage.
- Provision were moderately active with
trade mostly in lard. The advance la hog
was tha principal Influence In advancing
Chicago Cash rioea Wheat: No. I red,
11.8101.51': No. I red, 11.440112: No.
hard, 11.51 HOI -J; No. I hard. 1.4
l-el. Corn: No. 1 yellow, Steiot, No.
yellow. liiOS7c: No. 4 white, nominal. Oata:
No. I white, 4446c; etandard, 4Sj46c.
nya: no. l, Jji.ii, uaney, teedfl
Timothy, nominal: clover, ?.9v14.&0. Pro.
visions: Pork. 137.60; lard, 13 96; rib,
ButterFirm; receipt, 8,471 tubs: cream-
ry exiraa. sic: extra flrat, aoeSOc
firsts, l82to: seconds. 14UB27c.
Egga Firm; receipts, 1,234 vaaea; firsts,
24 to 25c; ordinary flrsta. 22B21c: at mark
cmw liiciuaea, upatc.
neese steaay; dalslaa, 164eiic
horn, 22e22c; Amerlcaa, 17AlTfric
twin, H lift 18c.
Potatoes Lower: recelots. 19 car:
sey bulk cobbler, tl.llOl.29; Minnesota
ana unio, l.UbQl.lQ,
ouury -Alive firm: fowl. 14Ula
frine, siUCe
Quototlona af tha Day an tha Len4in( Cam.
New York, Ang. II. Flour, atrona: sarin
paieni, s.ito o.b. winter patents, 17.51
Wheat- Snot, at ran a: No. 1 liurum.
11.62; No. I hard, 11.41; No. 1 northern.
tvuium, ti.iafi; no. nortnern Manitoba,
ti.'DHr. x. o, p., new Torn.
Corn Spot, firm: No. 1 yellow. 11.00 U.
0. I- f.. New Tork. I
oata Spot, firm; No. I white, EIH6le.
Hay Firm: nrlma. 11.10: No. 1. 11.36:
No. t. 1.1091.1l; No. I, 11.05; shipping,
Hops steady; state, common to ohotce,
i.d, junmo; nit, tvic; pacmo coast,
116. 10 tt He: 1114. 7 S Be.
Hldea Steady: Bogota. I2tt0)22: Central
America, J a ho.
Leather Firm; hemlock first, 17c; sec
onds, lac.
Provlilona Pork, strong: mesa, 129. 060)
121.60; family, I2I.00O30.90; short clear,
2.00O2s.00. Beef, firmer; mess, 11100
zo.oo; lamtiy, izi. ooo 3i.oo. Lara, iirmer;
middle west, I14.20O14.I9.
Tallow Firm; city, 714c: courrtry, 70lo
special, lo.
Butter Strong; receipt, 1,189 tabs;
creamery extras, 82c; flrsta, SOU All Ho;
seconds, isauc.
Kgga Firmer; receipts, 1J,I2 cases;
fresh gathered extra tine, 3834c; extra
firms, 11932c; firsts, 27 30c.
Cheese Firm; recelpu, 1,721 boxes; atata
fresh pectals, lTittnhkc; auta. average
zancy, iiea
Poultry Alive. Arm: no prices settled.
Dressed, weak; broilers, IIOIlo; fowls, 170
220, turkeys, 36 32c
Butter No. 1 oreamsry. In cartona or
tuba, loo; No. I, lie.
Cheese imported Swiss, iv 49o: domea-
tie Swiss, He; block Swiss, tic; twins. 17o;
triplets, i7o; aaiatea. i7o; zoung Amer
lea, HHo; blue 'label brick, lle; llm
berger. 19c: New Tork white. I0o: Rooaue
fort, lie,
FRESH FISH Halibut. 18a: oatflsh,
small, 17e; catfish, largs ataak, 18c; red
salmon, 14c; fall ralmon, lie; white fish, su
perior Selkirk and other northern atock, 18c;
trout, No. 1, 17o, yellow pike. No. 1. 18o;
bull he Ada, He; carp, No. 1, In; black baas,
32c; cropplea, medium, 18c; pickerel,
dressed, fancy, Itc; steak codfish, shore
fish, lie; tileftati (new), c; red anapper,
He: Spanish mackerel, 16c: Lake Erie, Jum
bo whlteflah, 23c; flounders, fancy stiK-k
lie: freh headless shrimp, per gat,, 11.16;
freih reeled shrimp, per gel., 12. Ot).
Beer cuts Hibs: no. i. lthkc no. 1.
17 Vic: No. I. 13c. Loins: No. 1. Httc; No.
29c: No. I, lftttc Chucks: No. 1, litte;
no, i, 13 sc; no, 9, io He. Hounas: no, i,
lc: No. I. lio; No. I, II 4c. plataa:
No. 1. 10c: No. I. 9Hc: No. I. 9e.
Fruit and' vegetable prlM furnlkhed by
QIHnskr Fruit Co
Fruits Oranges: IBs, 100. 1241, los, box,
14; 128, 188s, $4.10; 180s, 18; 174. 200.
218, 260, 16.15. Lemons: Golden Bow),
100a. I0s. box. 19.10: Hill's Reds. 900s, 160s,
19. Apples: Oravensteln, box, 12.16; Bell-J
iiowors atm twin, fi,i, cuukuii mvptvm.
bbl,, IS.
Dacldlous Fruit Peachea: Elbarta. Cal.,
crate, 11.26; Carmen, Colo., extra, 11.06;
Carmen, Colo., fancy, 1; - Carmen, Colo.,
choice, 96c, Grants: Malagas, orate, $2.
Peara: Cal. Bart let ta, crate. $3.60; choice
Cal. Bartletta, 11.26; Colo. Clappa 11.60,
fancy 4 -tier 12.16, choice I -tier 12.16, choice
tf-tler 13; Colo. Bartletts 12.76. 6-tlsr $2.60,
fancy 9-tler 12.60. Watermelons: Lb., 10,
:antaioiiDea: Btandara. crate. 13: nonvs.
12.60; flali, 11.26; Mission Bell, 10s. 13.11.
Bananaa: Bunch, 11.76 to 2.60.
vegetables Sweet potatoes, hamper.
11.16; Cel., 100-lb. crates, $4.26; poUtoea,
bu., 11 ; Spantah onions, crate, $1 ; Cal.
onions, lb,, ISc; tomatoes, basket, llo;
Michigan oelery, dot,, 40o; peppers, basket,
lOo; peaa, basket, 1 ; head lettuce, doa.,
$1; corn, doa., Uoj garlic, lb lOo.
Miscellaneous CreckerJack. cornDoos
and checkera, oaae, $3.60; half cases, $1 76;
peanuts, Special No. 1, lb., 6Hc; Jumbo
paanuu, o; popcorn, oaae, 12.10; honey,
new, aaa, $1.76.
Pou try Bro era: 1U to 1U lbe . llo-
b rolls re, over 2H lbs., Kc; hens, over 44
n.. io: nena, unaer 4 lbs., lie: rooKcra
and ataga, 10Vi Oluc; gsesa full feathered lat.
loa: young and oil ducks, full feathered.
fat lie; turkeys, any slae over 9 pounds,
ie: turKoya. less tnan 8 pounds, half once:
old toms, 24ci capona, 9 lbs, and over, llo;
guineas, each, Jficj squab, homara, 14 oa.
each, per dot., $4.00; squabs, homers, 11 ua,
each, par doa, $8.00; squaba, bomera, I oi
each, par dot., $1.60; squaba, homara, under
i oa. each, per dux., 6Qe; plgeona, per dot.,
Crop) Bulletin.
Summary for the com and wheat region
atates: Showers occurred In east and cen
tral North Dakota. South Dakota, west and
central Nebraska, western Kansas, Minne
sota, except extreme southeast, at St. Jo
seph, Mo.. In portion of southern Illinois,
extreme southwest and east-central Indiana
and portlona of northweat and central Ohio.
They were light to moderate, except over
one Inoh at Evansvllla, Ind.t. Montevideo,
Minn., and from two to nearly four Inches
in portions of northwest Nebraaka. central
and northeast South Dakota and at Campbell
ana Alexandria, Minn. High temperatures
have continued In all sections except Mon
tana, the Dakotas and portions of Min
nesota. Maxima wera 100 to 104 Saturday
and Sunday In portions of Illinois, southeast
portion of northeast Iowa, southwest Mis-
aourl, southeast Kansas and Oklahoma.
Kanaaa City fieneral Market.
Kanaaa City, Aug, II. Wheat No. I
hard, $1.4801.6X1 No. I red, $1.6901.66.
September, $1.46; May, $1.62.
corn no. i nuxea, b disc no, i wnite.
S40n:4tte; No. I yellow, lm September,
HlKOBltto; December, 7l4c; May, 71t
uate no. s wnite. eeoefoi no. s mixea.
41 O 4o.
Uutter creamery, no; urate, lie: sec
onds. 260; packing, II Mo.
EKM Firsts, 200.
Poultry Kens, 14a; roosterg, 10 He; broil-
era. llu.
, Minneapolis Urate Market,
Mlnnaaootla Aug. II. Wheat"-4Wtit em
ber, $1. 4001. eo; December, $1.660
1.68H. Cash; No. 1 hard. I1.44H; No. 1
northern, $ No. I northern,
1.6701 62.
Flour Fancy patants, s,7i ainer graaes
Barley 740lo.
nye $1.1601.19.
Bran $11,6001.09,
Corn No. I yellow, IIOITft,
Oata No. 1 whits, 440 449.
Flaxaeed $2.110116,
V OU ai
Savannah, Ga- Aug, ll.Turnentlne--
Firm; 43c; aalei, 381 bbla.; receipt. 114
bbls.; snipmonta, 88 bbis.; aloiK. 2T.169
Hostn Firm: tale. 1.699 bbhM reeelpta.
171 bbls,; shipments. 200 hbl.; tock, TI.4T9
bbla Quote: A and B, $6,80: C and D, $6.9t,
W. $8.00; F. $6.16; O. 16.30; H, I and K,
16.36; M. $6.40; N, $6.60: WO, $8.16; WW,
. Urerpoel Grain Market. '
Liverpool. Aug. 11. Wheat Soot. Arm:
No. 1 Manitoba. 14t 7d; No. t red western
winter. 14a Id.
Corn Spot, steady; American mixed, new.
! Id. ..
Flour winter patents, 47.
Hops In London. Pactflo coast. 4 160
II 16a.
St. Louis Uraln Market,
St. Louie, Aug. II. Wheat No. I red.
11.6101 40; No. 3 hard. $1.6101.61; Septem
ber, $1.41; December, 11.63.
Corn No. 1, 84c; No. I white, IIOalo;
September, I6c; December, 74OT4o.
veie wo, x. vo; no. i wnite, 46c,
Rye Higher.
;? .' Dry Good Market " ,,
New York. Aug. II. Furthsr aiivsttinM
cent a yard were made today on
i"1! v tjuiKiuima was
advanced o a yard. Mills declined to ao
oept new orders on PflPt ?loth and brown
ahvetings except at an advance of e a
yard. Cotton yarns were firm.
Leaden Stork Market.
London, Aug. ll.--Amerlcan aennHtiM
were quiet but steady.
Htiver Bar, 31 7-ld per ounce.
Mono)' 4 per cent. ,
Discount Rateis Short bill. 6lift6tv ner
cent; three months, 606 per cent.
Cattle Receipts Large and
Trade Slow to Ten Cents
Receipts Were
Rat I mate Monday
Kerne jl av laat wtik.11 111
8ami-iay 1 week aero 7.424
Omaha, August 71, 1918.
Cattle. Hog. Sheep.
1.200 26,000
7,470 14,450
4,116 18.466
11,771 12,478
8,018 18.91
4.186 29,266
Hanie day 1 week ago 4.784
Kama day 4 weeka ago 6,961
burnt day last veer... I 41 4
Cattle The receipt of cattle this morning
were very liberal, 10,700 head belag reported
. ma rnva.s aa a matter or course con
sisted very largely of ran re atock. there be
ing very few corn feds In sight, at the aam
lime otner market points were heavily eup-
pnea witn rattle and lower prtcea were
the rule everywhere. The market here
mignt te neat quoted aa alow to lOo lower.
the decline being moet marked on the
medium and common grade. Strictly food
feeders continue to be steady.
Receipts and disposition of live stock at
tna union stock yarda, Omaha, for twenty
tour nours ending at a p. m. yeaterday
Cattl. Hog. Sheep. U'fx
Events of the Day Set Forth
Upon the Wall Street
C, M. ft St. P...
Missouri Paclfto. . . .
Union Paclflo
C. A N. W., east..
C. A N. W west..
C, St. P. M. O.
C, B. ft Q., west.. 119
C II. I. A P., east 11
Illinois Central... I
Chicago Ot West..
Total receipts... 416
v Cattl. Hogs. Sheep
Morris A Co 664 217 1,844
Swift ft Co...., 1,604 467 4,699
Cudhay Packing Co.. 1.191 970 1.999
Armour A Co 1,291 411 1,11!
Lincoln Packing Co. 61
Cudahy, from country.,.. 1,664
Swift, from country 1,710
Armour, from country (19
W. B. Vansant Co.... 160
Benton, Vansant ft L. 260
Hill ft Bon 146
F. B. Lewi 196 ,,
3. B. Root ft Co.... Ill
J, H. Bulla 146
L. F. Huss It
Roienstock Bro 200
F. O. Kellogg 416 .....
Werthelmer ft Degan 896
H. F. Hamilton Ill
Sullivan Bros... 114 ,
Cudhay, fro Texas. , 62
Rothschild ft Xreb.. 82
Mo. A Kan. Calf Co. 11
Hlgglna T
Huff rnan 14
Roth ,. 26
Olaasbarg 1 '
Baker, Jones ft Smith 111 ....y
Banner Broa 119 .....
John Harvey 171 , , ,
Dennis ft Francis..., H
Kline 71
Jensen A Lungren... 71 .....
O'Day , 4
Other buyers . 766 11,107
... .
4 1ST
14 927
69 ...1061
17 999
27 Ill
...... 166
4 96
6 66
I 90
I 90
I 10
81 ilei
T 16
T It
I 10
T 16
f SO
7 10
Total 9,198 1,617 16,111
nepreatntativ aaiesi
Av. Pr. No. Av. F.
119 $6 71 11.. 1068 $9 $9
1061 9 60 1 1181 76
1081 6 90 11 1241 9 16
UOI 10 10
164 4 40 'I.
960 I 76 4.
170 S 80 II.
960 I 76 , 6.
930 I It 14.
121 I 90 1.
1010 9 16 9.
776 6 71 14
689 9 26 10
182 6 40 4.....
460 7 90 14.. 164 7 16
160 10 00 4 211 10 26
111 0 00 I...).... 901 26
724 0 60 II 901 I 96
71 16 921 96
7 00 41 164 7 01
7 10 14 199 7 10
7 10 " 16 1121 7 16
7 40 1 1160 f 10
.1099 1, 9 76 41 steers. .1010
II steers.. 1101 9 71
Tom Bell Cattle Co. Wyoming.
17 steer.. U5I 7 71 ' 10 steer. .1240
I2teer..1264 7 19 41 steer.. 1016
41 steer.. 1114 7 16
Tom Wilson South Dakota.
atsrs..ll78 I 10 ' II steers.. 11)6
John Wllken NubTMka.
Itfssdsra. 110 f 11 llatk stre. 114
W. P. Ma loner Nebraska.
latk strs. 140 7 16
Walker Broa Nebraska.
7 stk strs. 941 9 16
Ttbbltt ft Son Nebraska.
19 feeder. 1044 7 10 64 federe. .1061
A. C. Morrison Nebraska,
37 feeders, 11RI 7 16
R. W. Rlchadaon Nebraska,
18 stk strs. 617 7 10 7 ilk stra, 694
Oiis Peterson South Dakota.
34 feeders. 1216 7 16
Hogs Reeelpta of hoga were a whole lot
lighter evn than on last Saturday, and In
faot the day's run of forty-eight cara, er
1,300 head, waa the amalleat for any one
day aince November. 116.
The market waa very active, extremely
unevsn and aharply higher. Shippings hogs
ahowed advances of a dime or more on aarly
round, anything aultable for hipping pur
poses being icaro and In great demand.
Packer alio opened fully a dime above last
weexe close and Deiora tne cioee mey
bought hog that were 20c or more higher
than Saturday. In fact, the whole market
wa o uneven that It cannot be compared
with Saturday ' except In a general way.
niverytnlng sold early.
buik. average coat, ana top toaay ware
all the highest of the year, and the hlgheat
on record for the aummer months. Most of
the sale landed at $8.90010.16, with scat
tered aalea on up to $10.60. the top, and the
average waa above $10.00 for the flrat time
since 1910. Prices are now more than $1.00
higher than at the low time less than
three weeks ago, and are between $3.60 and1
14.00 higher than at this time a year ago.
Bheep--Rece!pla of aheap and tamos wera
by far the araeet 01 tne yer to date, oemg
eatimated at an even hundred cara, or 38,900
heed. This la nearly twice a large aa laat
week, and 10,000 heavier than two weeka
ago, but smaller than for the same day a
year ago by more than 2,000 head,
Lam tie made up tne nig ana 01 tne aays
offerings, and a good share ot them were
In killing flesh. With prices showing; a
weaker tendency elsewhere and the local
run fhe heaviest on the map, a lower trade
was In order, and while first packer bide
found no one willing to out loose, move
ment started In good season and, considering
everything was very active, a good many
ambs selling long neiore noon, rnrea
quoted on the early deala were, oil paper,
lot) 16o lower than last ween close, ana,
considering quality, most traders called
them I69I60 lower. Some real desirable
Callfornlans and Wyomlngo brought $10.76,
while the bulk of the good lamb sold up
ward from $19.69, with a fair ta decent
kind on down to $10.36.
When It came to comparing prices with
last week there was quite a bit of dif
ference In oplnlone. On paper prleea were
10016c lower, and that was tna way a
good many traders called tha market, but
others thought quality of lotni of the offer
ing were enough better to warrant quot
ing prices fully 16c to In apots 26o lower.
Thoae who favored the 109116c lower quota
tion were in tne majority, huik oi tne orrer
ies had itarted scaleward by mlddxy,
though aa waa to be expected en so large
a run there were several bands still unaold
at that time.
A good many old sheep wa scattered
around, but compared with the else of
lamb offerings, mutton supplies were very
light. Hardly enough sold during the fore
noon to make a baala for comparisoaa, but
most ttaaera eemea to tmnx tnat prices
were not far from steady with laat week.
Ewes at $4.696.7I were of Just a decent
claea. no aalea of anything real good hav
ing been reportea up to noon.
Tne mg run ana a rresa break in killer
prleea failed to stop the feeder advance,
buyers giving strong to it anything a little
higher prleea right from the atart. rtn
of the feature aalea of the morning waa
that of nearly six load of 61-pound Wyom
ing feeding lamba at $19.49, a new record.
neatiy leeaere were not as plentiful as one
would Imagine on so larae a eunoiv. N.hic.
ally enough a good many were tlll unsold
at lunch time, lateneaa In killer aarUna
holding back the feeder trade,
Itl Wyomlnc feeder lamba M
291 Wyoming feeder lamba .... 64
is Montana ewts ,, at
169 Montana vearllnga 95
is ion no ewe ...128
616 Wyoming fet-dor lambs ... bx
16I Idrho lambs , in
681 California lamba it
42r wyomlug lamba ti
10 40
10 40
0 60
7 10
If 40
10 60
19 76
10 Tt
New Tork, Aug. 91. In further disregard
of the shifting and still serious aspect of
the labor controversy today's active market
evinced a pronounced disposition to aug
ment Inst week's gain. Rail were almost
the only stocks to show heslstatlon, al
though Reading's strength and activity
proved almost an offset .to the relative
heavtix-ea of St. Paul, Canadian Pacific and
other western and northwestern Issues.
United State Steel was the outstanding
feature, making the new record of 96 on
It net advance of 1 point at the very
close of the session.
Steel's previous maximum was 94, mude
late In 1909. Today's turnover In the stock
approximated 166,000 shares, or almost 20
per cent of the whole.
Record quotations were registered by
other important atock, notably the -chip
ping group. Marine common and preferred
touched IfSi and 104, respectively, and At
lantic, Oulf and West Indies rose to the un
precedented prlc of 72. Pacific Mall and
United Fruit averaged I points' advance at
their best.
Independent Industrials kept pace wtth
Steel, notably Lackawanna, Republic and
Sloes-Sheffield Steels, Colorado Fuel and
Oreat Northern Ore. Equipments were es
pecially strong and active ir. the final hour
at 1 to 4-polnt advances. Automobile Issues
were variably higher, except General
Motors, which yielded 6 points.
Copper, soma of the semi-war descrip
tions and Mexicans Improved 1 to 3 points,
with almost as much for fertilizer and
some miscellaneous Issues. Sears-Roebuck
featured It especial cIssm at an advance
of 4., Total Sale amounted to 866,000
Bonds were steady with little trading in
th international Issues. Total Hales, par
value, aggregated $2,760,000.
United States coupon 3s declined per
cent on call.
Bales. High. Low. Close.
6,600 ti 84 904
24,000 61 69 60
8,800 63 61 63
26,100 76 72 . 78
4,900 99 98 T
200 110 110 110
100 132 131 131
800 33 12 '32
26,600 88 85 86
2,600 103 103 103
409 84
1.000 177 178
700 61 47
Am. Beet Sugar...
American Can
Am. Car ft Fndry, .
Am. Locomotive. . .
Am. Smelt, ft Refg,
Am. Sugar Rata . .
Am. Tel. ft Tel....
Am. Z., L. ft B ...
Anaconda Copper.
Atchison .
Baldwin Loco
B. A O
Brook. Ranid Trana.
Can. Pacific
B. ft B. CODDOr. ...
Cal. Petroleum....
Central Leather. . .
Chesa. ft Ohio
C, M. ft St. P....
C. A N. W
C. R. I. A P
Chlno Copper
U. Jr. ft I,
Corn Prod. Refg. .
Crucible Steel
Diet. Securities,...
Gin. Elec
Ot. No.pfd..
at. No. Ore Ctfs..
Illinois Central....
int. Con. Corp....
Inspiration Copper
Int. Harv.. N. J. .
M. M. Dfd. ctfs. 65.ti00 104
K. C. S
Kennecott Copper.
Mx. Petroleum...
4(4 u
4,700 (7(4
700 2'4
7,400 lit.
200 127 121
1,200 171..
1.100 'tilt 41(4
4.100 4t( 4I
1,000 HH 14H
(2,400 77 73(4
. (00 44 (IS
1 4.(00 (7 14 (,
1.1UV !H 110
7,(00 404,
1 IV
Miami CoDoer.
ax., it. ft T. Dfd...
Missouri Pacific.
Mont. Power
Nt'tlonal Lees
Nevada Copper . , . .
j, 1. u
N. T., N. H. ft H..
Norfolk ft Weel...
Northern Pacific.
I'aclflo M.ll
fao. Tel. ft Tel...
Ray Con. Copper. .
Hep. iron A steel. .
Bhattuclc Aril. Cop.
Southern Pacific,
bouthern Railway.
Btudebaker Co
Tonneaeee Copper. .
Texaa Company...
Union Paclflo
Union Paclflo pfd.
C. 0. Ind. Alcohol.
u. B, steel
U. B. Steel Dfd...
Utah Copper. . , . .'
Wehaeh pfd. "B".
Weetern Union . . .
wrath. Hlectno..
114(4 11S4
a 40(4
.-. 1
(.600 12 (2 S2 Va
SOU J10 11, 114
100 102(1
(.(00 41 IIS 44 S
(00 130 130 129 44
(,300 102(4 100(4 10141
400 It (4 1444
1,(00 1((4 1144 1(44
,,uu iv. 4 1V34 lva.
evv bu ,,,4 ov
700 1(0 12(14 12(
1,(00 111 110(4 110
1,400 t( 5641 56
6,100 14 24(4 24(4
(1.000 107(4 103(4 lOS'i
2t,(00 63(4 tl4 63(4
100 U 28(4 ti
1.000 H (t(4 (8 44
3.000 2((4 23 28(4
4.(00 1(1 12DV4 12044
(00 2644 16 26
S.100 1(4 H 114 1(4
11,300 140H 134V4 18(4
2 0 0 ( 2 44 1 2 (4 8 2 (4
MOO 114(4 112(4 118
78,400 (t (14. H
1,200 118 ' 118 11744
1,100 12(4 1144 (2
400 27(4 17(4 27(4
(.400 6014 (44 (0
Total aalea lor the day, 846,000 .harea.
Cattl. Steady, Bog. Steady ta Higher and
flhMP Lower.
Chicago. Aug. 11. Cattle TtM..lnt. fi
50. head; market, aleady; native beef rat
tle, .i.vvvii.iu; weetern ter, U.tOttt.SO
etocxer. and feeder., (6.00(fJ,0; rowa and
neuera, i.iog,.iH; calveo. It, 004(13.(0.
Hog. Receipt. 2MO0 held: market.
""..I " nianer; ouik OI aalea, I10.50O
11.00; light. 110.66611. 10; mlied. 110 tint
11.10; heavy,; rovgh, ilO.OOti
10.10; pig,. (7. 60 0 4.40.
Sheep and Lamba Receipt!. (3.000 hetd;
market lower; wethere, (6.&ot?t.00; ewee,
,... V i-.v, wmoe,,
it. Lonl. Live Stock Market.
Louie. Aur. 21,. , .aa
nsau, aeiive oeer ateera, 97.00O10.76; year-
iie ei.or. ana neuere. 44.40 0 10.10; cowl,
,..vv.,.; eiocitere ana reeder., I5.30A
1.00; Teiae Iteera, 36.10OI 64: nrl.n. ,nn,h.
em Iteeri, MOOtet.OO; cow, and heir...
(4.(0(v(.0fl; prime yearlln. .h v.,
era, 17.(00( 00; native calve, 86,00011. 76
Hon Receipt., 4.100 head; market
higher; plgi and, I7.60O11.0I; mixed
and butcher.. (10.J6Oll.l0; good heavy.
I10.llttll.ot; bulk of lelei. 110.80011 00
Hheep and Lamba Reclm. ?ne
market, ateady; lamba, (7.00 0 10 15; alauirh
!tw' ,s oo' ; bleating awea, (
10.00; yearling., (6.0061.60.
aaaa. City Live stock Market.
Kaniii City. Aae-. 11. p.ti. .
82.000 head; prima ted item, l(.76O10 75:
dreaied beef iteera, t7.75fee.60-
iteere, (7.00O0.10; itockor. end f..j.
86.0 0 8.60; bulla. (6.214,4.26; calve., 16.500
Hon Rep.tnte line ....
higher; bulk of aalea. !l0.36Alo!. h..,..'
10.00010.46: Danker, .nrf . ...
10.70; light, llt.00O10.76: plan. 't,.60
6... "
Sheep and Lamea .P..lnt. 1 ... '1 ...
., .B.,V, , ,HIIIUa 1,0 1 I af,
.., ii.i.vt.a, wain.r.
ewve, (8.75O7.50.
, Statu City Llv. stock Market. .
Sleya City. Aua. 21 f.n- D
,..v mm maraec Ionian , .,; ouicnera, (6.40O7.50-
c!. It 86 0vTV('' """'i b1""' '"
Hoea Recetote. ....
It. higher; light, tl.40OI.80; mixed, ((.80
,v; neavy, ii.iqcbio.da. hulk t
Sheep and Lamba Recelnt. nu
market .toady to 16c lower; lamba, (I. too
84. deaevt, Uva Stack Markat. .
B. iTf1 Aur ,l Cl-R!elpta
100 head: markat elaw." .tHH ..T; oowe and helfera l4.0OMe,R. ..'iu
Hog. Receipte. 4.000 hui.
lo'il"'' t"' bUlk ' '' '10150
Sheep .nd Lamb. Rerelnte. I AS, k..a.
market iteady; lamba. (10.600 11.00; .wea!
Uva Steak la sight.
Cattle. Hm. Bh...
Chicago (4,100 34.000 (,000
Kanea. City (2.000 1.10a . aino
St. , (,(00 0.300 (.100
Omaha 10.700 1.100 Mono
Sioux City 4,000 1,000 1,(00
.(1,100 41,400 (1,000
Oaaatva Hay Market.
Omaha. Aug. 11 Her Choice naland
prairie, 111.40; No. 1, (14.00 0 10.(0; No. I,
((.100(01; No. t, 1( 0( 04.00; No. 1 mid
land prairie. No. I. tl.O0ai.0O:
choice lowland. 17.00; No. 1, (4.04; N. I,; No. t, M.00O4.00.
Alfalfa Choice, (it.oo: No. 1. , lit. 10a
11. 50; atandard, tl. too 10.00.
Soger Markat
New York, Aug. JT.-ugar at.. duU:
eantrltuga). t.7tc; molaaoea, Refined,
dull; cut leaf, t.lto; cruehed, tc; mould A,
toe; eubea. T.toc: XXXX powdered. I. lie:
powdered, 7.10c; fin. gr.nul.ted, 7o; dia
mond A, 7et canfactlonen A, ..tfc:; No, 1,
(to. ruturaa at noon wera I to I noint.
higher. , . v
' Bank Clrarlnga.
Omaha. Aug. 11. Bank claarlng. for
Omaha today wera 18.(71.141.07 and for th
oorreiponding day lait year (2,(44,(01.(7.
Western Pacific is
Relieved of Income
Tax on Corporations
San Ftancisco, Aug. 21. Judge Will
iam C. Van Fleet of the United States
district court relieved the Western
Pacific railroad today from payment
of a federal income tax of approxi
mately $15,000 on the road's earnings
of $1,500,000 while it was in the hands
of receivers during 1915.
Judge V4n Fleet based his ruling
upon a decision of an eastern federal
court in a similar case, which held
that a corporation in receivers' hands
is not doing business as a comoration.
The Western Pacific earnings during
1915 were not sufficient to pay interest
on its obligations.
The Western Pacific emerged from
receiversnip last June under a reor
ganization plan.
Steel Common Rises
, To New Hiflh Record
New York Aug. 21. The common
stock of the United States Steel cor
poration made a new high record
price in the stock market today, sell
ing ai yj just ai ine close ot tne mar
ket. The previous high sale was at
94'A in October, 1909. The corpora
tion's earnings this year has been enormous.
o ureee. The cloae wae 7 to pointa net
lower. Salee. 32,600 baga; Auguat, S.ttc;
September, (.(4o; October, (.((c; November.
(.40c; December, (.42c; January, (.47c: Feb
ruary, ( 71c; March, 8 7(c; April, 8.81c; Mey,
3. (6c; June, t.toc; July, S.ttc. Spot, Qutxt;
Rio 7e, (4c: Sentoe 4i, 1044c; very little
change wee reported In the coot and freight
market, with lomo ehlppen eald to be a
ehade enter, and the loweit offer, of
Santo. 4e were reported to be 40.46c, Lon
don eredlti. The official cable, reported no
change in mllreli price! evcept for a de
cline of 25 to 60 reli In Santoe future..
October Cotton Rises
Two Dollars a Bale
New York, Aug. 2t. In the cotton
market today October contracts sold
up to 14.67c or fully $2 per bale above
Saturday s closing. Apprehension that
a further reduction in crop estimates
would be caused by the drouth,
seemed to be responsible.
New York Money Markat.
New Tork. Aug. 11. M.rcantil. Paper
1(49844 per cent.
Sterling Exchange 10-day bill.. 14.7144:
demand, 84 7644 ; cablee, 14.70(4.
Silver Bar, 44c; Mexican dollara. B0e.
Time Loan Firm; 00 daya, (4403 per
cent; (0 daya, 103(4 par cent; alx month.
34404 per cent.
Call Money Steady: high, S(4 par cnt:
low, S per cent; ruling rate, S(4 per cent;
lait loan. 3(4 per oent: oloelng bid, I per
cent; offered at 3(4 per oent
U. S. ref Si, reg..(( M. Pao. oon. (I..10144
U. 8. ref 2i, cou. t( Mont Power (i..(74t
U. S. 3i. rea...lOO(4N. Y. C. deb. ta.lliu.
U 8. 3e, cou..,.100(4N. T. City 4(41
U. 8. 4l. reg 12414 (1(45) 10814
-u. a. i, cou....jiv n x., m. H. 4k a.
Am. Smelter, (a. 10(44 v- " 113(4
A. T. & T c. 4(41.11044 'No. Pao, 4. H
Anglo-French 6...(644No. Pac. t. 1644
Atch. gen. 4l tl'ion. 8. L. ref. 4i.(l(4
Bait. A Ohio 4i..(0(4Pao. T. T. 6.. .101
Beth. St. ref 5o.l00).Penn. con. 4(4.. 104(4
Cent. Pao. lat... .11 Penn. gon 4(4,. .101(4
Chee. 4b O. c. 4(4.(444 Reading gen 4i ..15
C, B. A Q., jt. 4..t8(4St. L. & San. F
C.M.&st.P. C.5...107 ref. 4a 73 0 81(4
C, R. I. 4 P. Ry. 80. Pao. cv. 61... 103 44
ref. 4b 71 14 So. Pac. ret. 4a. ..1144
Colo. A S. r, 414,11 So. Railway 5... 101
D. 44 K. O c. 4i.l8(tU. P. 4a 1814
Erie gen. 4 73(4U. P. cv 4a 1344
Oen. Klec. 61 10314U. 8. Rubber (...102(4
'Ot. No. lit 4148.81 U. 8. Steel 5b... 10644
III. Con. ref. 4...8t 'West. Union 4i.t4
Int. M. M. 4(41.. 10144 W. Elec. cv. Be . .121
L AN un. 41... tt "D. A B. O. Ry..(l
M.K.deT. lit 4.74 44 'Bid. e.Offered.
Coffee Markat.
New Tork, Aug. tl. Coffee Report, of
le.e active trade demand and rumor, of
rather an eailer toile In tha ooat and
freight saltuatlon were considered reeponBl
ble for the reactionary tendency of prices
In the market for futurea here today. The
opening waa at a decline of 3 to 4 pointi
,and prlcoa worked off illghtly during the
day, with September Belling down to 1.66c
and May to 8.86c, under scattered realis
ing and moderate offerlnga from trad.
Cotton Markat.
New Tork, Aug. 31. Cotton Futuree
opened Bteady; August, 14.40o bid; October,
i,.,c; uecemoer, 14.62c; January, 14.57c;
aiarcn, 1..72C.
Cotton future, cloeed steady; October,
14.74c; December, 14.78c; Januiry, 14.83c;
alarm, le.s.c; May. I6.0.C. Spot Iteady;
middling uplands, 14.85c. No lalei.
The cotton market cloied iteady at a net
auvance 01 j, to 45 pointa.
Liverpool. Aug. 21. Cotton Spot, Arm
good middling, t.07d; middling, s.tld; lo.w
....uuiiu., ,.u, mi. a, ,,vuv u.ica.
Metal Market, -New
Tork. Aug. 21. Metals Lead, strong
at (.(06.76. Spelter: Firm; spot, East St.
Louis delivery, (9.264M.76. Copper: Firm;
electrolytic, (26. 604227. 50. Iron: Steady;
No. 1 northern. t20.lotJ21.00: No. 2, 120.000
20.50: No. 1 southern, tlO.60H20.00: No. 2,
llt.OODlt.tO Tin: Steady; spot, 138 264?
At London Copper: Spot, till: futures.
108 10s: electrolytic, 1127. Tin: Spot, 1161
6s; futuree, 170 ts. Lead, 30. Spelter,
Evaporated Apples.
New York, Aug. 21. Evaporated Apple.
quift; fancy, 74JI7 44c; choice, 6(4c; prime,
Dried Fruit Prunes Unsettled; Califor
nia, 6(4 tyre; O-egons. 7011c. Apricots,
easy; choice. 2212(4c; extra choice, 12(40
13c; choice, 13(4013(4c. Peaches, quiet;
choice, 644c; extra choice, 7c; fancy, 744c.
Raisins, steady; loose muscatels, 8tP8(4c;
choice to fancy seeded, 708c; seedless, 8(4
Federal Farm Loan Board
To be in Omaha September 17
Members of the Federal Farm Loan
board will arrive in Omaha the after
noon of September 17, coming from
the west over the Rock Island. They
will remain here until the following
day, when they will go to Kansas
City. Secretary McAdoo will head
the party.
Driver in Fatal
Taxicab Accident
Released on Bone
Calvin Lambert, taxi-cab driver,
whose rar ran down and killed w 11- i
Ham Gorham on August 16, was re
leased from the county jail on bond
of $3,000, signed by his father,
Thomas R. Lambert, of Ashland,
Neb., and John . Larson, cigar fac
tory proprietor. Lambert is charged
with manslaughter.
A formal complaint was issued
against Charles E. Stockdale, another
automobile driver, whose machine ran
down and killed Mrs. Christina Cun
ningham. The complaint charges him
with manslaughter. Both cases will
be tried in the district court at the
fall term.
Two South Side Streets
Declared Boulevards
- The city council committee of the
whole agreed to su- port the recom
mendation of Superintendent Hummel
of the park system in the matter of
declaring Twenty-fifth street, Krug
avenue to F street, and F street east
to Snrintf Lake Dark, as a boulevard.
An ordinance will be introduced next
week: Residents in vicinity of High-
1411U para pciuiuucu lur mis imprpvi
Purify Omaha Water Now
By an Alum Cake Process
Alum cake,, a coagulent for purify
ing water, is being made at the Flor
ence pumping station. Boxite ore and
sulphuric acid form a chemical reac
tion which produces the alum cake.
The coagulent precipitates the solids.
Chlorine gas will still be used for kill
ing germs.
The Buying Impulse
is the same whether you are selecting an of
fice, an auto, a chair or a home. It ia really
Service That You Buy
An office in a well known, well kept, .well lo
cated and well tenanted building will render "
you the best service. That building is the ! .
"The buUdtng that i alway neuT
You "can turn most any
thing you may have into
cash by using a Bee Want-Ad-rf
rom your services to
an entire businessfrom a steam '
yacht to a kitchen tablefrom
a thousand-acre ranch to a fifty
foot lot from a pet goldfish to
a team of horses.
All you have to do is bring, phone
or send a little Want-Ad describ
ing what you have for sale to
The Bee. office and somebody-somewhere-some
place will see it
and answer it.
Don't hesitate, get; your Ad ready
NOW and see that you get it to The
Bee in time for tomorrow's paper.
Phone Tyler 1000
- - . n