SCHOOL SECTION PAGES ONE TO FOUR The Omaha Daily Bee SCHOOL SECTION PAGES ONE TO FOUR VOL. XL VI. NO. 58. OMAHA, MONDAY MORNING. AUGUST 21, 1916. SI NO I JO COPY TWO t'KNTS. nkws of s :hooi S mA ( OI I KG , ni.'Inilli'B. An n. '' in.. "i.r itul fii rnlllnrif with notntlon iir- required for admission UNIVERSITY ADDS C0URSEIN MUSIC Students Cannot Take It Though Except in Connection With Collegiate Work. PLAN IN EFFECT THIS TERM th notntlon ;u ' i'wo liomn eredit I II. History of MiiRle This .'ourne Hlmn to ! frtiiilllfrl:'.e th.' :ud nln vi1h Hit- iiihIii I'piM'hs nf mimical lit- ol.'i'iii'-m as record-d in th wurltn nf rompi'M-rs down to tlm In--KtntiliiK i'f Hi.' iiiti.'ti-iilli t'l-ntiiry. Ancient ;i!iU uiwlleval niusi. will lie briefly sketched. Inn ureater enihHtd.H will b la led on t he. l-erlnil bet:! n ti hit with 1 'a b ft rlna and eiidlim Willi Ib-eth.lM-tl It iS Ullit.'ll to til.' tie. ,s of i litis" who ili'ntre an und-THtandlnK nf mimic hh ii i-urt .if liln-nil culture No W'' vlous UniuvlciUe of music Is ie((ulrel hiHti u. tii.n ,ll l ejiirle.l on by means m" li'diir--;; an. I Iet hooKa. a ml tli.-fn- will lie HUIM'l''iiH'Hti il bv c.iiliitei.'.I ii.idlnu ami by tnuMlial ilhjrttnitlon.s Two liourit credit. At the last meeting of the board of regents a committee consisting of Chancellor Avery and Regents Haller and Miller was authorized to com plete arrangemetns for musical in struction in the University of Ne braska. When the School of Fine Arts was reorganized some years ago, music, as well as painting and dramatics was included in the charter of organiza tion . Special courses in I lie latter subjects, leading to the degree of Bachelor of Fin1 Arts were organized at once. The faculties also passed a similar course in music, but the re gents delayed its adoption because the ways and means of providing musical instruction proved to be dif ficult. Theary and History. After very careful consideration it as been decided to establish a de partment of the theory and history of music, the courses of which shall be open to all students of the College of Arts and Sciences. Instruction in applied music (piano, organ, violin and voice) is to be provided by ac crediting private teachers, an ade quate number of whom are available in Lincoln to assure the success of the plan. All teachers so accredited will be nominated to the board of regents by the committee on music of the School of Fine Arts. Standards sim ilar to those that apply in regular uni versity appointments will govern the selection. Instruction In nppl1d mtmlc wilt b iflvwn frmn two polntn of view. Any student In the I'oll-ije of Arts and Seiences may receive er-'dit tor eifrht credit houra of aprlled iniiMr, in' maximum ior any one aemt'tiu'r IMMACt I ATK OM Kl'TION Extensive Rntii;r if Murtien Offer! by a School of IIIli StiimlnnlH, IWtniilnK S- iiteinb-r :. 1 mm;.. iilii tc Con-e.)ilt-ti a.adiny. at IhiHtn.tjt.. .V b , will llpell f"f Whill prom1s"S to "' tH' Ill.'St RUt - i-essful 111 Its lilMnry Tills i'hiui I.reiiire4 f..r ri. Ileitis It Is H.'. le.Ut' ft tu th.' I'hlM'A'ilty ,,f N-'blUrtk.l ami l.i llio fall. -die n:iS.'rsi. Th-- noi mal .i.iirsi- i.t apiit'iviil 1; tin- state r-'aid .if -lletillon to liliint lia.'li.'lor uf -d'H t ien i.'. uree; nor ni. 1 1 school diplomas; pi .'fesslomil life ceriln.M'n; all u-r-id.-r. .-f - iiy. M;iie Hiid e..mentary Mm te cei i vi. a i--. t ouis-' in .inim. r. .1, pr-fiirutory. pri mary, niiisb . nrl. t..m. si h' s. i.n. ail uml-i i iuiipi-tent Instructors itf off. Ted. An ejt (iislv.' i'ni.iis olTc i eery fit ci lit y for out. dour HjirlS and i'VT'-i.-e s" es.tflltlal to tllf health Of til' MU'lflll.. I.oretto t'ntlcRf. roll. WebtM. Mo has pi , P( I.oiils. the ep.'H lott'' this Year 'I'll-' iiislltntii'ii in uinb-r j llKj dir.-t tl-.ii "of th- Siter;, of l.orHlu of j Keiitio kv It ts b'liited in on.- of the nmsl , heautiful Hiiburbs or M ioius. ami is i-m-vi nicnt. Th" regular c urs. a offered nr.- the rol -Ii Ke, the academic and the preparatory. Three distinct cuurst-js an- pursued In the .iiileBe lepartnint Ifadins to the il'ijr-ejt of ' A. I).." "H S" ami "H. I-" Four years -of hiirh school work pr"pare th" Ktud.'iH for the college coUIboh leading to thosu de- Special cniir!ei are Riven In music, art. oral t-.preH.shn, the laiiyuaRes, household econnniicH and the commtT. tal course The iNiiifOTvatoiy of mush offers emirsfs in piano, violin, harp, pipe organ, th-ory. hnr- i:.ony. counter point, nmmry m niusi. , iiiuhi f.niiia and anals bumble work. choral HingtiiK and t-n' b.' K Hit hou ho wlili to nefinlizfl In munic ii, Hi.- university will enroll In th- uperiat niusi. al courf' In the School of Flno Arts. In this rours approxlmfl tely one-half of the (stud.-iil's time will b. devoted to music and on -naif to colleKlate RuhJ.'rtu N" student who Id resistere.l for Iapr thtn twlve hours of work can receive rredlt for mufllc and liis eredlt for music will lapse If he fails to make pussliiK grades in a mini mum of twelve hours for any one temeiter. Not Miwlc Only. The university will not offer franfr musirnl course leadinff to the de(fre of Kachlor of Muple. Thin Biher of activity 1 i . ferr.'d to conK-rvatorlti, for the unl- rslty plans a co-ordination of musical and ll- Kiat" instruction. Instruction in the theory and htntory of rnusii' will fe tn cnarRii in naooi .jacon binder, who has ben uipolnt'd with the a:i ; of assistant proirssor. p or tne year I5iri-19fi th-se (wo cuursefi wlil be offered In this department: d'-als with the fundamental principles of melofly, harmony n nit rnyinm. i noroue-n cverelses In ear traininn and dictations, the ability to ihlilt tnuHically will be dev.'lopcd i ; stuuy oi nninio'i win if vaint-u ihrouirh triads and their inversions, seventh ni nt I) chords, non-narmonic tones, ana jiiinplc mo.lula lions, and will include the harmonizing of both given basses and given Kj nodical foIleR. Many of t he most auccpssf til women of the rountry attest to the fl'icessful opora llon for more than forty years of college, at Fuller, Mo. This year the school will open bet t t equipped than ever to pursue its purpose of pieparliiK women for life, according to the atatemenLa of Its presi dent, John Jama. Synodbal college is a distinctive rolleo for (ftrls. The hlwhest aim of the school ! the development of character and the Impartation of rulture, Th faculty Is com pOHed of '"A. B." and A. M." graduates from th- leading Institutions of the country, teachers qualified In scholarship and Chris tian character and -influence. Splul courses are provided iniano. voice, violin, art, domestic art, domestic science, oratory and physical culture. All student activities, literary, social and aostheic, are encouraged under proper limitations.. nr. m. c. a." school. Th Younir Mn's Christian association of Omaha day and night s-h'iuls ojmn Monday, H'-ptemb-r 11, offerltiK day ionises in nesi, banking, civil service, sa If smnris)iii. ahorthand, typewritiiiK. ctimbim d busin- ss and shorthand. The nifrht nchitnl offirs in struction in arohli-ctural drawing, mechan ical drawing, shop sk etching, electricity, spell I n business, KtiKlish, correspondence. pnnmanship, arithmet I. , commercial law. Uernian, public Bpi-aklnR. sal-smanshlp, showcard writ I up. shorthand, typewriting. bookkceplnR. Spanish, vok-a culture and alght readlnff. In addition to the courses named above there will be a special school for foreigners MANY SUBJECTS AT STATE J1YERSITY Students Can Take Any Studies Under Best Faculty and Conditions. TERM OPENS SEPTEMBER 13 The V'niversity of NebrasUa, at Lincoln, opens for the first semester on Wednesday September IX O'her dates of entry arc fiven as the second semester about February ajid the summer session usualh the first full week in June, The I'liiversity of Nebraska in eludes the following colleges anil schools: The graduate college, a four-year course hading to master of arts and doctor of philosophy degrees; the College of Arts ami Sciences, a four year cidirse leading to the degree of bachelor or arts; the I cue hers col- j lege, a four-course leading to the j teachers' college diploma; the Cob! lege nf Agriculture, lour years to' bachelor of science degree; College of! Law, three years to bachelor of laws degree; College of Medicine, four years in Omaha leading to doclor of medicine degrees; College of Phar-1 macy, two ears to bachelor of science j in pharmacy; graduate School of Fdu-j cation, the School of Commerce, the School of Fine Arts, all leading to the! degrees of their respective class. Inj addition there is the Teachers' college I high school, the School of Agricul-1 ture. the summer session and uni versity extension work. The Nebraska experiment station,, the Nebraska School of Agriculture : at Curtis and the experimental sub stations at North J'latte. Valentine and Scottsbluff are also in charge of the board of regents. Hhuttuck School. ShaMuck school at Fairbault. Minn, was I established in IKst; and now boasts sUlfen lulldniHS on 1!W acres of ground. I'nlilc n.Hiiy s. hoots of Its kind, Shattuck school ia not run for. profit. Fv-ry runt paid goes for th. -ducallon nf th boy Shattuck schnr prepares boys for col lege. It-cent graduates ar- in Yale, Har vnrd. Princeton, West Point and twenty s. von other colleges. In addition to the picpuratorv for coll-Ke work thnre a rn thor ough ses for business life ; physical iialnlng for every boy fi.ur coaches, gym nasium, swimming pool, outdoor and track and it has a wide reputation fur clean sport. In addition there g military drill under a regular army officer and II l r.iic. an an honor school by the War department. Collcgfi n ml Aciulemy tit IhibiHiie htch ,1'ohxeiM'M Many d iiiitngCH. Mount St Joseph s i ,,!). K- and A. :.d.'in v. nt l'ubuiiue, la., ciidu. toil b Hie Hisirm of i ha lit. V, II V M epori to v ivi' a 1iii'l;.'U' nlteinb .1 Oi- of the fall .-:in In S.-pt-nt.. . l. .client fa. Illlles have been pi'.nl.b.i l-r (lie o.hioallim uf joiiutt woiueu I'nlki;.- cuv-x of four e;ns. leading to bin i' a u re ,i f e d- 1 A l.nrge Mllltiiry Acadrmy I mier the reel ion of tclibUliop Irctiiml. Th- Coli-Ke or SI TbeiioiM. a I a I h. 'inUlhuv ni.Klemy. tirdei the dh'.'ii..n heland, at St Paul, Minn, i ' mtuiicet It- fall l-rin ..p.'olnu enilv In S timber M Thou...-, (h tunic. I ah an b. I I I In the 1" oiled Still, s W a I .! pa i liii-fit The cohih-h ..rf. ie.l me . .lb Kb , ' i null, 'i i.i 1, aciid-liilc, pi . pa 1 1. t'H' . I a I .-' and fflltOoua tiainlon id em s f . . , i r .Mills -li f music, tin it ho a- h-is' ai..l sop.-1 . Main lug ouises III Si hool music. !e.. l i.f tin aits and m b'tn e, norinal and 1 eini 11. 1. I.i I 1 oiirses, pfeparalory depn 1 1 men t Th en in pus "f Mm, lit SI .1 idi's 1 'ol l.-Kf and ,. int. on i- .01- of lb- Lnnnf In tlin c. .until, .'.tiii'' I'dng flfn fi - i' r.s I Hrect rail toad cotinect bn s It h 1 iin.Oi... Stoux i"1ty and flloiix I'i.IIh ni;Me 11 ea;u ..f access A vear-h. clt Hiii b. s -ui 1,1 ,,n wrlt-s to the slsl-i slip.': tot IIKI.I.IA'I V. (OI.I.M.i:. A long IMuhllslicil Nchoul Willi a ICeeonl of (rent Actomiilislitiicnl. "I'dnentl-n -,...11-. : ,iv the r-gis-trnr ..f ll.d;.-Mie celte--. at lie!i-u.-. N-b . ill Hltllnliln Ini; Ol- op-'lllllg of the fall lenn ,,ml tlic stat. -nn nt Is pioved bv (he f.i' l lh,.t ,"1 per cent of l tc L'l.l.'.9 names In (he 1 'J 1 Who's W bo In Ain-il. a" ai II-k- 'ii-o l uitb-r th- I'm. I Is " tied that eighteen ft the tW"iil s. v 11 presidents of th- I'lilti.l Slates have he.-tt MUd-iits 111 Alnei'iian ml 1-g-s. and tin n hat- 1 n rraihia(-s Itelt.-Vll- .'-dl.'i;- ofl-.S sOldb'S hi -ligl c-eiing. laW. me.ll'lto Ilnal 1 lb- S' b nce, music, alt .Mid epl' d"p;irtineiit Is pf.-sid-.l o -r 1 experts whoso reputations guarantee. I Hi- .liHia. d'i of their work H-ll.-vu- credits are act'-plcl anwhie. mi that stnd-ms lalung pr.paia i,nv work can gain a.iiiuttan. - int.. the best loliegea tind unhersltl-s in th" land. Forest 1'iirU. 1-i.i-csf Park .-ol I-,.-, of St. I.-uls ..pens Its JIM v -sixth year In early S-;.t inb Oei-tHi. -at. 9 front For-st Park admii 1 W lealey, Smith, Mt. Holyoke, Chicago and stat- univcrsitlea. I.r the had ?f.O Ht.t.l.'i tat. s. H ri or.1 that 1 II. (a n 111 h broken 1 I'llltncr Collet. K Walking, ptesbl-iil of Pnlm-r r.d let;- utid Mu'-b . '..iiHervatoiy nt Albany. Mo, ..nni.llll'es the f(,l opfltlllg ..f Hint . Iloul for . 111 h S-pleinl'-i' Palmer . oll.-g- I a .. ..hi. at Ion a 1 Inst Itutli.ii. ofT-i Im; 'i .in h Mid I. ..Ill coll-gtllte Hl.d full ptepainl'.rv Th" school !. a new KMiimodiui. ..nd wlrl- bull Tb- .Minospbe r th- In. ol Is st t nil) "hi 1st Ian .u.d il...te 1 , ". -Ib-iil .ippxitunlllcj, f,.r iind-uis of lliul l-d HllS Fa.b Mo 1 tLtunarn icjiraut FOREST PARK KBOKIiKB. PIANO, NordsUiaii - Carter, 'oli'p. r..;tlt vpar. Kt- I nln, nd Junior Colleir.. rw"'' rhool. Ocrllficale ,.lmll "l!;!l1 Biim Violin, Axt. UvmiiiSium. M a m I UULLtlit VIOLIN INSTRUCTION International Academy of Music 1S02 Farnam St. Omaha AJScV ST. MARY'S SCHOOL Knoxvillci, lllinoii, FOR GIRI-S AND YOUNG WOMEN Th Rev. C. W. Leffingwell, D. D., LL. D., Rector and Founder. Miai . P. Howard. Principal. 43th year. Si. Mary's irirls have the eomforls and advantage of the most modern city school wilh the freedom and opportunities of a country entate -h icen uinely happy gir) life amid a ijuiet home mfluenre. Three years beyond Ilmh School work. I'rartical two yenrs course in Home KronomieB and Applied Housekeeping. Art School. Exceptional advantage in Voice, Organ. Piano, French. Spanish. German. Abundant outdoor life. 40 ncren. Ten nin, basket hall, cross-country walks, etc. Sargent method of I'hyaical Culture. Gymnasium, bowling, swimming poo, .lancing, fencing. Observatory. Students from 1!0 states and coiintnei. ST. MARTHA'S SCHOOL For Little Girl. In its own estate of 12 acres. Modern fireproof building. Family limited to 2b. For catalogue addreii. Miis E. P. HOWARD, Founder and Principal. Military Academy Where Boys Do Things VVtMitwiirlh lift- sniisfics tho natural cravinirp 1 healthful huyhiM.'i. Kach day is full tf act ivil it-s. Scholastic win k is maU' "live" and mt nrcst inir by mt'ii in .-ympalliy with hoyhooii Tln-oni's uf study arj madt1 personal and practical in field manfuvers, fine, stir naline;, field telegraph, teleplumes, bridge building, liikus, camping, fie. PJeases the Boy Satisfies the Parent Here is the oldest Military Schonl west of the Mississippi and tlif lart-st in the Missouri Rhcr 'alley. Hoys art! sueceasfully prepared y i 'ulli-c, I'nivcrsity. Technical Scho'ds and Business. It is rated an "Honor School" by U. S. (iovernment, the highest ratine; ".i'n- ill Scltolaafic Honors The School has hili Academic standard?) and ii noted for scholastic honors, (iraduates are admitted without evaniination to the Icadine: cidleires and I'niversilies. Hoys who have lost interest in study respond to Went wurth life. Individual instruttiuii by men teachers. Athletic System Reaches every boy. Unique, practical, effective. Supervised out door life results in mental vigor and ambition. Physical fitness makes mental and moral strength. Self control is characteristic of Ve:u wurth graduates. Fur catalog address The Secretary, 1850 Washington Ave. WENTWORTH MILITARY ACADEMY, Lexington, Ma (43 Miles from Kansas City.) BIG SALARY- Viy UVhen Your Are Em ployed. N.o Position, No Pay. Twetitj-flrs j(r of prealtga 'lutmlrttls t jntrrnt'-ful atudentu tn.w In Ui3 lliiuW .1 flftj-two rallminl. and nn Intimate (trQimlul jiion Rlth th lendliii mlllrond t-ffki.t! rnafiN ui to do so much nure for yuu Uaa the otliei scheoin. Our studrtiU copy fronr a prrilar Wuhtil It R. wire nd ure ttiuti unlfi.d ho City g dlrwt fn'm the nrltnol to petlt'nitH lUUroad fart paid. Wrltt for catalogue. Adde, Chillicolte Telegrapfijr Colfet 277 TrTing ATe.t adlllfotlie, fo. Public Srhool. Music. AN.NA B. CAIK.S8, President, HI. Umla. r 1! HI li The Young Men's Christian Association Offer. Day Commercial Courses Beginning Monday, September It Business, Bunking, Civil Service, Salesmanship, Elementary English, Shorthand, Typewriting, Combined Business and Shorthand. Thirty Night School Subjects Ask for Catalog. Y. M. C. A. Schools. Omaha, Nebraska. -v ! i 2 '?"-r J : '4 i NEBRASKA MILITARY ACADEMY (INCORPORATED) YOT'R HOY mut he properly educated nd developed. The NEBRASKA MIL ITARY ACADF.MY ilne.l is a hfhool close at home, where you can send him and be sure Hint lie r- ts whnt you want him to have. This SCHOOL understands boys and deals with them individually. Prepares for college Hnd busmen s. For information, talk to our patiktns. viit the school, phone or write for catalogue. Address, COLONEL B. D. HAYWARD, President. Lincoln, Nebraska. I I ( Lincoln Business College Established 32 Years A strictly high grade school, offering thorough and com plete courses in all commercial branches. A Summer Normal Course for training commercial teachers provides a splendid opportunity to enter the great new field. More calls than we can supply. New classes begin this week. Call or write for catalogue. 14th and P Streets. Lincoln, Nebraska. B-6774 SEA Those who reach the ton do not stand and look up. They make the start, and then climb, climb, climb! In the business world the start is business training. The modern employer is too busy to train you you must bring the training with you. Therefore You Should Start Today Your Prepara tion to Obtain a Business Education. H. B. Boyles College Fall Term opens Sept. 5. Make your start today get Boyles College Year Book, which treats every phase of business train ing. Boyles Training gives you the ability to get the job to get the good position at the start. U givus you the ability to hold down the job to get a still better one. BOYLES, Pres. Boyles Training tenches you shorthand, stenutypy, touch typewriting, b o o k k eepinc, telegraphy or Civil Service preparation for (.iovernment mail carrier, railway postal clerk, bookkeeper or steno grapher, and promises to place ynu in a position after you have fiihed your course. Send today for FREE 128-page Year Book. BOYLES COLLEGE H. B. Boyles, President, 1801 Harney St. Omaha, Neb. "An Accredited Commercial School F' I? C C TI T Sill I I IT Iff Eighteen (18) different courses from which to select your work. Large illustrated catalog mailed free, giv- XV Hi 1 VI J m l VxVJUJLii-iVSjLi ing full particulars. Fall term open September 5th. Address W. H. CLEMMONS, Fremont, Nebraska.