Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 21, 1916, NEWS SECTION, Page 8, Image 8

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By Mr and Mrs.
Rupert Hughes
The Telltale Envelope
Vortlliftd from the. Motion Plotur Drama of tha Bam Kama by
Oonc Klein.
Copyright, 1916, by Adelaide M HukIis
8t-intn(l( tt.wfjtln til
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W If I' i.hi. !r ..f I .
!,( n lfr .-W I i .,(.( (t,, I
'If r (Hf w !lf','"
all r w ''r 'h,' ' ( (r tii 1 1 .
t i xlff t t ), .i .! I r
V lv m!,.I irnit (r I
I.U.I ' r f,-i
Mf fnra-ti I t,t?l( h'i
if, tllll In i.1,.) I, 'I h, t , i 4
his tmn I III. M'l H.iff.l
ait 'I iuffu d in 1 1 , 1 1 f , i I itnf i,i
lh lifjffl f.. lr .tl..
Sllf Itffll Mtr 1. 1 llif- .-l,( ..(ill
4 ff M milM'r f.f f"f f Mir i hi
him. Midi .urn 4i'! .m'l ri.'i. ttir
llfrl li il pf ;r, ui( t'"l ' in.!
in tmir ! krp (I1 v.n lit li.-m i i .i
in li-1., ll r .4t ii nt hilt tu . ! Mi.
lita'lr a lt4ip I'i'n, ihr t4M iwi.l
ami if mi", I 4I..11K ihr M'l.- ,.1 iIh
t ' ii r 'ilnftJ l ,HMt liilr M, rfljfin.'l
im-ff t"f III- hfr tlir pil.. I fl- in
hft 1 mm s:r I M4!t h- 1 .ill ' Mi phi 11 !
D.i.l.r K
Ihii I'-niir l''',ir ma fi.ii Imp-v Im
firr lift 1 4 I Hit uttinr'lirfir iti trr
rt h in. 1 m v -hiihI'-I hum, l.ul
III w.ituntini, I IH4II lirn hr
tltMl l,ti H4t MtfMltlK In nltr
ai(4tn hi win. Ir hruu llirtllnl
Mttli a Irr.n iiv HttliMoMh to Ihiti hr
hff In f Gloria fiMtn tiriHK
hint hr w.nil wavr tnaMi ml a titiii
iltcl iak
Mr irpr4 nhnarfl the canal harRr
htlntr thr 'Irrk hatntt coiiM ttiakf il
fa( Me tMtiv al I k anl '.rinl
1 he nflr dr )tr 1-I 1 1 r Iwntnl it rnt !
Ttk' lutnli lirfitfc he tuuhl lire
f.-.Mi hm 1
lint hr na ftnimrfrl upon Rt onrr '
l Jr. I. wh.t .iniotifi hi arm anl
l1iiii hun lit ihr ilrrk I !- raptam
f (hr ui hi, (nlhw in at f tnr .Ulri J
Notre, Uhl huld t( Jr. I ami ilijk-y.l
hint iHav hrnre hr rmihl harm j
Mif Hut hr Ir ft Koycr mipinr nn
ihr tlrrk. Willi Tratk't fatal cltidhl
n hi thrit I
thfia, wonflfftnic at Rnvrf not i
MwrriPj hrr rait, rlunK to the whrel
till the aw the cahlr fat. thrn nhe
ttn (trar to the nine of thr upper
rtfi'k arid uw why he failed hrr He
in the hateful rlutth of rak
Gloria, lookmic for wripnn nf
rtwuf. emihl find nothing hut a life
pteiefver tied In a tope She brtun
! win it atout her head in cirrh s
of inireairi(f diameter, like a Uso.
It a revolvinn at a viRonnta rale
when it reaihed TraW. It mnnte him
atdr and dared him into lnn.rninv
hit grip for jint a moment. Thi wa
long rnotiKh for Royre to hake frre
and regain hi (ret lie hurled hiin
el( at Irak. hut Trak. neeinn hi
vtritm erett and menacing, ht cour
age and ran At the edge of the
hafge he alipped and prawlnl Mr
uld hr tallm he t wren thr yaiht
ard the harge uito the rt rr tf thr
tt hf f a l Mot wimg a!nnn''!r in
firm ttt t'jtch hon It hrh! Ii im up,
hut iqiirrrrd ht hne and f1eh wit!'
d'radtul lonr
Itlot ij 4M f r ajjnnr oi Trak'
fate ard tfir tfif ii hi-rrthlr hr
aw th' . t fr rr a?4-n
Trak dri.ppfd tnto the wafrr.
.w tir It f r p'frrtrr tha had
Mft1 a a .rjpor rrturned f it
"fir, ptf-p,. (.?f-a thffw it tr
Ttak "wffr'tTg a h m, hr fed
r !,!) 1 ail and I hi flh.
t"HMH .
New if a' ffTfr'rd t hi
tt hf knrtr v.
t(fM4 a Trak i-i!'ar a T"r:.
a) hi m I a gfaf ('re
tf 4- J1! en'fe f rur
a'! ri.-f ar-f k",if f'-rni
tn i'ir( aftm t'kr i ',.f
i.,fcf rlrrk hand hr!.
4 T-.i to he ck
lit a 1 f hn j.."v
fk4f' prf-in sm whrn
f " y P l'rn!'!'
--T,f.t r...rir"
l;1" wf Ha f , rr. fo
a f S'-j; mm
s I -r -' . ) .-,r t j -v a" i
' a " r 4 - 4 f'"ni ,K aii
S "i-. ' s 4 ,i4..r,i n-.j.' ii .nrrv
Vf" ', V f ' I ,v4 I -n a
1 - -f 'M Ci'Ulll
f ' v " -'. r'-'
rf 4 '" f " 4'p!r
f v ' ! I f -.n hm!
'if h.r ' e p .iiioru-r
af " g ii'-v t" V.iy
' r it thm inm Ii titi!
t.t n "rid tii'ini 11 im' s r'lf inr liic hji Kf I I""
1 I ,i-l wif. ! rd thr h , nun i.i w Mf'
I'l'.i 1 ir ui r n v I . tunr I
V ir.rK ,,i irfiiifr IIt wrrr
i Mil "1 it li V f ' .4 " . 1 1 1 I'l r IT SOI 1 ,
im I -if I." hi I I hr j 1 '.;
'J t; ithr'f 'I Hsrll Ii. nirrt Ihr os.
"I lln i f Hiluti rtlinils
1 .1 1 f the ,.p"i I -1 1 1 1 T n I'iri
' 1 1 ' ' 1 1 "I d In 1 1 sr .. .iiir ol t !;r hf.i 1
- ! .'I'll!. 1 v "I h.ittlr hii.iiur lie
ti". "I'l -iri.l lltllr nird tu
' tl 11 uli I" .11 t.o'k r mi t.t hot it.- with'
hlnw lir l!m iff put up thr hirl.l
..( hH pi.. krth'.k I Iir captain of
the t'u:h-.,it l., In lutlr annv fur
- .11 'I 111 .1 : flKc. d( 111. iiiilin with1
t'l'i'Mt I inpl ati-
W I1.1t k im! 1 I fiii ,it r-H ar c- yoiihc.
1 1 iliou, ,ind n'i heatin' tlfi t!i
il h..ui tin h..r two tent.- I'd "
I'l. 1 .,.i( .hi s vv c 1 rd
I h.ii - 1 v ant to know.
U Imi wi'iihl s "ti do tot J ( -rnt.-:"
' I d tin. it .! whole hum h of
, 011-r il:to i,- 1 iv. 1 "
I m r," " I'i'-ipont, "and wliat
onld s ni . h,o tii' o( In , "
I Im "iluitipi'd ihr (apl.un. He i:ould
fiot ipntr in. 1 to out I "iff pout' drift.
A hr pou del nl. I 'ui pout na r him
.1 iIi.iiih' to took into the depth of a
w.itti 1 lull ol hills ol a mc and mini- 1
hrr that had not hern situ hit her to ,
in In i trrlr I'icrpont krpt moving
tl.r Inltt undrr thr tughoat raptani'
vrry nor Ihry hail the effret ol '
(atliift on a cat. Ihr captain hran 1
to purr, also to reach out for the
money, I
"I r ii understand thr transac-s the ronsignee,
tinu, aul l icrpout. Ints man 1 rask I merit .'
4m$ 1 i
)- rMv p'M :?w
preferred to stay with her father, at i And they had installed him in a lux
Uloria s invitation.
N'c-ll was sultt'ii with Gloria, hm '
i!oria was utithr; urprist-d nor re j
srntful. Mir would have thought lrs ;
ot rll it she had heen too easily
placated hy her lather's per set qtoi's. '
I rak was no more responsive to j
Koyce's in in i t rat ion. Me w as hr
wihlered with pain and terrified hv
his captivity. He wa as little grate-j
tul a- a lion that lias heen trapped ;
i aiul hound. j
To Rojce he was douhly a mystery.
both as a palieiu and as a ;
Ii he were guilty of murdering Kre-
i neau. then 1 1 i s life helouged to the:
; siate. and it was Koyce's curious duty, .
ih a citien plnsician, to save Trask's
j life so that the state might take it.
j Koce liad done what he could to
keep (iloria from investigating the
i murder, lie had lied tn her, knowing
that J'Vencau had heen killed hy some
', perMin from some motive unknow n
: to him. lie had told (iloria that her
j account of witnessing the murder was I Vl.
(uily a delirium, ite had lost her cou
I hdetiee and her respect, and they were
precious to him. He did not know
that Gloria was tormented hy a dual
emotion toward him, one of suspicion
,311(1 rancor, one of gratitude and af
fection. Gloria was helpless in the
; (ptarrel of her emotions. She could
neither love nor Mate Koyce pertcctly. : for ju, h
nenner irusi nor distrust mm.
blue water m its white frame, with
unons chamber in a palace. .-im toruial shruhhery and the grace
daughter was established in an ad I ful colonade laek of her. The boy
loining room whose fittings would i Stas was on one knee at her feet,
have satisfied a princess. They almost He was sailing a tin v sloon on thp
terrified the poor habitant of a canal
Koyce decided to motor into the citv
to fetch his surgical instruments and
bring out his aislaut. While he v;h
gone (iloria stole into Trask's room
to ipjesiion him. but lie had passed
into a state between sleep and coma
and she dared not trouble mm. She
tiny ocean.
As soon as Glen ia saw Koyce she
beckoned to him with a cordiality
that she regretted at once, remember
ing that someone ee had waved to
him before. Having just seen him
.-peak to Lois, he felt sure that it
was to Lois that he waved when
he left the house. Gloria was mis.
found that .Nell had tallen asleep, too. ! n a,i(. ;n ti.,;s thought and angry at
v.orn out w'th emotions of every , u.rst.f tlP giving it anv importance
son. Gloria Mole away to her own j Vhon Stas saw Doctor Royce he
room. She was tired out. too. Nlu ; thc s)oop (0 i(s fa(f an(J rat)
telt that she was o-. the brink H .lis- f x, hooping to him. Kovee caught the
ueries that wouhl mean e e- unng , ; ;i( : . . .
to nor. Mic was a mm .wi.u u, lngh an(, t,Cn hr0llg), him m the
.level of his shoulder for a hug and
,WMUJCUdHU. .hi,,,'.,,.. -v.. K)ss- ne ,()VC(1 Cllkjrcn an(J - j J
n loved him.
nig I Jr. Koyce ju-t viepping mio in
car. she mused on him. He was an in - f
creasiuglv interesting mylery to her..
much at her heck and call m ,
sonic ways, and ah-olutcly beyond j
! her control in others. 1
; He looked back ami waved his !
i hand. She thought he waved to her .
land she answered in-, salute. Then!
I she saw tht he was signaling to j
I someone else and had not seen her. j
I It was a woman he was signaling to.
it. (iloria v.omiereo i.
He did not notice that the little
groping hands of Stas hatf happened
on the envelope full of Frenau's let
ters and lifted it stealthily from his
pocket. When he set the hoy's feet
on nic ground again Mas ran awav
brandishing the enve one and rh
lenging Koyce to a game of tag.
Ro.ut's heart bounded with alarm.
If llie child had carried a stick of
lyuamite in his hand it would hardly
been more dangerous.
in O was nn. f I :ltl ni i on irk o . i. i . h -r.
While Cloria was at a little diS. i al, Lv 1H.0(M , l,ke 1. Mitch i ' TlV' Fl?0' KOyce
j . jiuluhk ,1111 IldllU.
m the side , Stas laughed and ran a little farther
She would have telt a sharper stab , off Royce foied, demanding. The
if she had known that Dr. Koyce was j n)nro Anxious Koyce was the most
waving at Loi. 1 "is was with . as- , Sas .j lht, Rame Hc ed t doscr
mir s wife, reading to her and com- an(, c0Sl.r toward Gloria,
fortmg the sick woman as bc.ft she , iovri. wa, :n 1)lnr)n. torrnr ,pct
, Royce was questioning Trask
' low tone, trying to pursuade him to
i speak the truth, warning him that he
.might not have a long opportunity
, to unbosom himself of his crime. Hut
1 Trask's mouth, distorted with suffer-
, icrt ,..;ctwi ,. oh r f , . K , . .. . .V Ivoyce was
hale. H wouM not even answer r ",!"; aV much as it had pkasei hinV j jnth"" Gl" oS'd'"earaP ltd?
' Kovee s mirstions. ti .j i :,,J'1"-I', viiona. woum itarn ineir
. ----- . ' "r wiifl ana niuiiess i.uis ntn
i'icrpont had drawm Gloria to one j Riven up i)er perilnus intrigues, in
side and he said: -Wei , now that:dee1( if silc cou!(i Rivc IcrS(.f l0 the
youve got your man what are you : nionotony nf ministering to the lonelv
He made a dasli for Stas. Stas
whisked behind a juniper and circled
it. Koyce chased nun through
going to nq with , am the sick and take pieasiire and ; lVlim" if "VtT ,SZ B Z
l' ma Out Wily ne Killed UICK, nrjft- hi enrh rvirr a a unltitiilr 7 .-t
(iloria said, and then turn him over ; for the aniOr011s lawlessness that had
to the police ma(e her hatef in ROVces eyes.
In spite of all the publicity? Pier-1 As he rodp on jnto lhe cjly hf fe)t
pont asked. creat elation. He was not a re-
said i iKiOUSi man. hut he loved a whole
some, hcaltliful soul as well as a bodv
fair with Frencau, for Gloria's own '
sake. Now he believed that under
rnvpr nf tht rlrrpnlnm 1 i-itc' ii-i ciinl
ly do. and more than "that, to thwart uj wn i,t.i,i,.h i rHr,n
Hc felt that Lois had earned the
Is ttiat the agree-
r if
, i.l i
:M'i n.ltc'l'-! 'irr
and l i'?ini over r'i,.
i m j'.hnti o Vn
)'! W i" l T'l. tJtlV!'"4
4iM A v im funnrnf town f-cni
(ri nw t4 an'! 4totMt ia-''.n r
t wi't- -if ie.' wr tti urrer .-!-
V"- ww ;r'whi and per
: tii f v;a -HKfWISCIOUiS. a id
S a-mi x hits 4n out oi ;er
a thai her hei w. cov
m ro'.ii fie mU o
n-ilf a'.' tt easing, tmr a f.r
tf imp "in !!): titatui-it Neil
.14H mr .in it-Hot Hiar NiH
!i 9i rimniar. tt .v tju.v
V-tf w at oiheto-- 'Uutfiuer
:1!'1T iv-iiji
'(-Mi fi r t4 iri il tr 4niu,
Sur f 'H't'-J. 1"" e!;,t'ii l .
i'1 'I ij vo m:; you
i wanted on a serious charge. H
had escaped from the jurisdiction of
Judgr I'" re email. He was probably
hound for 1 anada I happeneii to
have strain up in my yacht, so came
aflrr him. I ll take htm back and de
liver him to the judge. You take the
hark on up the river and deliver it to
Police Think They Have Landed
Smooth Worker in Their
Latest Catch.
Detrrttvr Gillen and Allen believe
they made quite a "haul" when they
arrested J Montague, alia M K
fornon. aba Samuel Deprav, at
Twenty-sixth and N street-. A sheriff
is pn his way from Xorth Platte to
identify lot of knives and revolver
Montague pawned al a South Side
place, ami also had in hi room at
the t ommernal hotel. He pawned !t0
pearl handled khivr here, and white
on hi wav to the police station threw
aw sixteen ring. Hr registered at
thr t'ommerrtjri as "M. K. Morns.v:
of t Louis," rlauning to have pur
chased hi line oi goods at Sioux
"it. In a stntcae in hi room the
drtretive found a lot of revolvers and
-hrr stuff. Hi suitcase horr a tag
indicating it had heen shipped hv ex
press irom Columbus, Neb, on
utcut IH A report of robbery in a
hardwire store at N.rth Platte a few
da. ago lead to the belief that the
,rioner know more than he is in-c!:-ed
to r!! He is years of agr
in.l sffi's To be a "ctrvrr chap."' a
re s:t'hs expressed ir Some of his
s-atemenfs have heen che- ked up and to he flimsv.
Top Pric for Hogs.
Frnfav and Saturday fixed the top
rfice fr hogs this year and the high
esr pa-d on this market since the early
pa" ''t W10. when the price mmpeil
To Jib.H5 csrrrdav N. H. Peterson
o Hordville s.dd a carload of sev- i
mv i ur hogs a: S!tL?5. th.e average I
, - fi'-r heu-g 2?) pounds. It is stated !
Imt choict1 hogs would have brought j
$i0 or Ketter vesrerday
For Stealing Auto.
Sa:e .ompla,nts will he filed
against H. v hamSer. JftOs .
s'-eef Kd.v,i'.-ti fhrns. f L hicao '
,r.-er. ar.d Fdward (n'ons. J7JI1 D
i'-C'-r, a'legfd a-iromoh-le th:eve. ar
- eved i 'T'cers Haugliman and
.-(("s-rr v. 'hampers and Burns are
1.1'ijH t'i liviig stilen a car
'i.",! 'iv V Reiser ot Missouri
a !a '"hev are said to have
ir vci rje i.i" to i hnah.i and hack
:'!. tr'itvi! griimds at the South
"vJ-: appreherde ! -ust as they
v?;-,''- to cm!ia'"k "H a prerentious
u'" '.v nil a stock of borr'ed luhri
fii'i nor :r;ep. led for locomotion
)ui'"oss. The police are looking for
Vnii'iotis' a.. tivs twain lHiTig charged tak'.Prf a ( oiorado tVoni ;n
-. nr or h'xeange vn!ding i aptam
oral's stales ,;iat automoiMle tiueves
,vdi i:nd 'hard p-.cknigs" hereafter on
the South Side
Doll Show Today.
I ,te ."outn ute public piavgromMis ie well supplied with en it' 'lain
mem todav doll show is schedule-i
im- Vi iihU:i uark at M) p. in., and
a:' or that -.ho has been held some
i t;ie ".'. a.,i girss ', V ;,im' ,i
lildt iu fo.u-e ot tl..l:v 1"1k .
"That's the agreement, sir," said
the captain, "pervidin' Tin took care
of pioper."
"Would those take care of you?"
asked Pierpont, holding out two bills.
' W hat does '( ' stand for?" asked
the captain. "I can only count up to
double X.' "
"C stands for a hundred." Pierpont
"Two Cs will just about take care
of me,' sir," said the captain. As soon
as he touched the bill he touched his
hat, called his crew back to the tug
and set forth once more on his twice
interrupted cruise. Pierpont ordered
Jed released to care for the barge. He
asked Nell to go with him, but she
Tn spit, of all the publHtv.
I Pierpont gave up the fight. He
I loathed the prospect of a newspaper
scandal, but if it had to come, he
must brace himself to endure it. He
j had done all that hc could legitimate
i ly ao, ana more man ina
; the police, and now the necessities
of the law compelled him to give the
law the right of way or suffer the
nmseguences. lie resolved to turn
Trask over to Judge Frencau as a
representative of the law and let the
judge assume the future responsibil
ity. When the yacht reached the coun
try house at length, Pierpont sought
for Judge Freneau. He had left the
house. Pierpont would have sent
Trask on after him, but he was too
weak to be moved farther. Besides.
Royce was insistent in giving Trask
the full benefit of his medical and sur
gical knowledge and asked for a guest
room to lodge him in.
Now Trask was stupefied indeed.
He had expected that his enemies
would throw him into a prison cell.
just beyond his grasp.
Gloria began to laugh and encour
age Stas. At length Royce made a
frantic rush for the boy, and Stas,
j growing breathless, made for Gloria's
I arms and flung himself into them,
naming: Take itl
was clean and well. He Mad i n.. .., . . .
. e r r ,1L "au.-u iiir. envelope ill vjiona a
kept nna frnm learning of I.ois af-:,,.,, 1 Ml aKt' -(
Royre without a tflance. But tin.
heavy seals on the back caught her
eye and she looked down.
, Instantly she recognized the enve
lope. It was the one that had falilr
... i i i. t... ,t,i'
had sent to Freneau. Whether she I 'r'' " ''"naus pocket the n.ght he
should wish to destroy then or keep ? "f, ,, ' d '"7 J00 11 wa,3
them as a reminder and warninp from ,l ZJ M CrUw
made rtie quilt themselves, under the
direction of Supervisor Altstadt. They
are now working an another quilt,
which they will give to a worthy in
stitution. A pet show will be held at 3 p. m.
at C learview playground, and a push
mobile contest will be held at Spring
I ake park at 4 p. m. The boys of the
South Side are taking considerable
interest in the pushmobtle contests
and expect to hi iu evidence in the
big race to be held on August JO on
Douglas street.
Inspects Schools.
Dr. E. Holovtchiner of the Board
of Education made a trip of inspection
over the South Side schools, to note
w hat improvements had been made
during the vacation. He visited in
particular the Hawthorne, Garfield
and W est Side gra.U schools, and the
South High school, "The South Side
schools arc being hiought up to a
standard equal to the other Omaha
schools, which I am pleased to note,"
Mated the doctor.
On Mondav and Tuesday the high
sct.ool will be open for juniors and
seniors who wish to register for the
next school year. Sophomores may
register on Wednesday and freshmen
on Thursdav. Edward ihuyaldt. the
new principal, is nn the job and get
ting in touch witli the situation.
Ignored Court Ruling.
Justice G. L. Gollins has a shock of
luxuriant red hair, and the patience of
Job, but when three persons talk to
him at the same time in three lan- j
guages his patience, ceases to he a j
irttie and his red hair bristles up j
like the fretful porcupine mentioned :
hy . Shakespeare of Avon,
Yesterday afternoon he heard a case
brought by NL Lipofsky against Jos- ,
eph I ranawich for a small sum of I
nionev alleged to be due on a rental i
contract. A negro figured in the case. !
and after the justice announced his j
decision the litigants tried to argue :
the case all over, without regard tor j
court rules or the weather.
Entertains for Mrs. Murphy.
Mrs J, Currau entertained on
Thursdav tor Mrs. T. E. Murphy, nee :
Mamie MeUoklrick. now a resident ot
Hammond. Ind. The visitor is a
daughter of I'eter McGoldrick. an old
resident of the South Side. Her last
visit here was four years ago. The
greats at this function were formei
members of the Au Gourant club, of
which Mrs. Murphy was a member,
and which was the life of social af
fairs in this community during its ex
istence. Those present were Mrs
dames John IVpp. C'hris Cassiday,
K. Ytrak, J. W'agman. James IWrne.
J Murphy. Frank Gilloglv. T. Ma
gmre. W. Ger.sert, G. Cavanaugh,
lames Shea. J. Kennel I v. J. Flvnn,
T. E. Murphv and W. J. Gurran.
Mafic fit? (ionntp.
Ofor I. Krn.-h utrl wtfn hv. fon to
i'o.f. Surtnus for f,.w wt-.'k.t
M: Mtl r I.f.T tta rtmnct from
.sioux City. whre -h visited frlmla
.'.'im M -1 n tl r. 4.I1S iu:h Twenty-fourth
''"''i. Rvn ti Chicago on a tiuaini-it
l rip
T..I'-m' manii- At tht Bss tiimnrrow to
(!!. K..i-!u?io Hunter" .Stmtfr," at
ciui K Rot of Swift A C. nturnt-d
fr.!ii Mrin.'soi.,. hHre ni v'lt two we-'ka
the Tounir Mtn' Chrlmlan Hsfloclailon. wilt
eppnk at the union f frvlecR In the First
i'resbyttrlvn chunh this evrnlng.
A in unlet pal Imnd conrprt will ho hU
iifxt KrKlay evening at Morton park. Frty
f.uirth ami V slrfpts. This will lt. Ih first
concert at thin nw recreation ct-nter.
Rev. Robert L. Wheflr mad a wekoMifl
trip to I'on.-a, wIhth ho nf rirlatr-ft at
th fumral of 0 F. HuMenbrrKor, who wan
a chorister wln'ii the minister was at I'ouca
many years ago.
Th- Columlilan cluh will hold its iinnuul
ml.lsuniniT lawn festival Wednoiiday evn
n Iti if on tho chili campus at Thirty- sixth
and Q strm'tti. A. nlx-plcoe baud will dta
ooursn iuuhIc and there will be plenty of
ri'freshinpnis and entertainment lor all.
John ZlKtnan. 1442 Fine stn-et, a sheep
butcher, fell on a cilildiiK at Twenty-fourth
and N streets Saturday evening anil suf
fered a scalp wound Officer lllatt took
him to tV police station, where Or. Pavls
dresed the wound, which was superficial.
A party of Mouth Side, girls. Includlnd
Misses Oertrude Rutin. Hertha Hoiien, l.o
rene t.tndlMirK, rorls I.lndburg, I.uelln Kal
horn. Iren Kalhorn, CUna Jacohson, Melon
Carlson. Florence Carlson. Kffte Scheuer and
Helene Ruhti have returned fr-ni h week
Hi'eut at Valley, Neb Miss HerKfnoni chap
eroned the parly.
j 'ttlifft. W to'l rt h
I. A. tic' Auxiliary .
the Minnesota
ii, lent Order
.1 Kari'.li.
Back From Conferne
At National Headquarters
Victor Rosewater, editor of The
Bee, is back from Chicago, whore he
had been called to confer with Man
ager Hart, in charge of the western
republican national campaign, with
reference to the organization of the
headquarters and, more particularly,
the publicity work. The literary
bureau is to be in charge of Lieuten
ant Governor Morgan of Kansas, edi
tor of the Hutchinson News, who is
to avail himself of suggestions
prompted by the experience of Mr.
Rosewater in conducting this part of
the campaign in PM)8.
W. H. McCord Buys Tract
Improved by W. W. Umsted
W. IL McCord has purchased,
through A. P. Tukey & Son. the fifteen-acre
home of W. W. I'msted on
west Dodge street, three miles west
of Kairacres. The price is said to
have been $1,000 per acre. Mr. Mc
Cord bought this property for an in
vestment, but will not likely live
there himself. He recently sold his
old home in Omaha, and has not yet
built a new one.
Woman Invades
Auto Truck Field,
Buying Local Stock
And now woman is invading the
automobile business right here in
Omaha. By purchase of the good
will, stock in hand and agency con
tract, Mrs. E. C. Henry is taking
over the business of the Johnson
Danforth company to handle the
Smith Form-a-Truck. and will be ac
tive in the work of promoting the
use of auto trucks in place of horse
drawn wagons.
For the present A. Henson.
who is supervisor of the Smith com
pany in Chicago, will be in charge,
but Mrs. Henry says she is buying
the establishment with the expecta
tion of having her son work into the
management later.
Mrs. Henry has made a success as
a woman in business by her purchase
and operation of the Lister hospital
and is perhaps most widely known
for her lively tilt with the "Billy"
Sunday people last year when she
went into court to protect the in
mates of the hospital from the dis
turbance of the noise and the fire risk
oi the tabernacle.
Kennedy and Barton
To Tour Fifth District
The Sunday itinerary of John L.
Kennedy, republican candidate for
United States senator, and Silas R.
Barton, republican candidate for con
gressman, who are to make an auto
mobile tour of the fifth congressional
district this week, has been an
nounced. They will visit the following towns:
Monday : 0. ami Inland, Ponlphan, Man
sen, Man tings. Houeland, Mohslcln, Bladen
and Inavale.
Tuesday: Rett Cloud, Cowles, Ronetnont,
Fairfield. Clay Center, Sutton, Fairmont,
Oeneva. Strang, Shirk ley and Opr.
Wednesday : Kdfrar, Antfus. Nelson, Alt.
Friends of Freedom
To Have Picnic Today
Friends of Irish Freedom will hold
their relief picnic at Hibheler's park
today. This picnic will he partici
pated in hy Irish-Americans from
Omaha, South Omaha, and Council
Bluffs. The notice oi postponement
was erroneous.
Olnre. l.awrnrp and Blu Hill.
Thursday: Hnldri
Smlthri.'td. Elmwood. KusTlj,
Krldivy: CurUts yiockvlllfl. CambndKt
Ilnr't.-y and Indlannla.
Saturday: McL'ook, Culbprtltcm, Haye
iVikt, Pallsad,' and Wauneta
her evil past, they belonged to h
and to no one else. Certainly Koyce
had no further right in them.
When he reached his office and
gathered up his instruments he took
the package of letters from the safe
and put them in his pocket. Then he
returned to the motor and sped back
to the Stafford country home.
It was a long ride and lie was
troubled about Gloria's determination
to probe into the secrets that could
mean only a cruel disillusionment for
her, about the chances for Trask's re
covery and the dangers that threat
ened the Staffords if the newspapers
or the police learned with what inde
pendence of the law the prisoner
Trask had been captured and held.
He wondered at his own connivance
in the matter, and he shuddered to
think how many illegal acts are con
stantly committed by the most re
spectable people.
When he reached the Stafford es
tate he stopped the driver of his car
and got out, telling the man to take
the case of instruments up to the
house. Royce had seen Lois strolling
about the lawn in a mood of solemn
ity. Hc felt that the time was appro
priate for the surrender of the letters.
He wondered if he had the right to
deliver them over to her. Yet he
knew that he had no right to keep
them. It seemed that he had so tan
gled himself in the net of the Freneau
affair that anything soever he did
was uound to be wrong.
He hurried to Lois and called to
her. She turned to him sadly and
weakly. He knew too much about
her for her to face him without
shame. He brought a little smile of
relief to her along with a swift blush
of guilt when he said:
"Lois I have decided to give back
to you the letters you sent to Fre
neau. I read only one of them, and I
rVL- forgotten. I think, what it said
1 think you have earned them back
and 1 advise you to burn them up at
the first opportunity."
He took the long envelope from his
his pocket and her hand was just
moving forward to take it when he
saw- her blush vanish in a flash of
"My husband!" she whispered
Koyce thrust the envelope back in
... j,,.,, i, t nire ne ieit David s '
hand on his shoulder and turned to
look itno David's smile of comrade-;
ship. I
Royce had to play-act with all his j
might to pretend a cheer that hc was
far from feeling. Once more the
loathesome phase of deceit was up-1
permost. He could not control him-:
self under David's eyes and he made
an excuse to move on. !
"I was looking for Gloria," he said.
"She's over by the marble pool.",
David answered. Koyce moved on.
knowing that he was watched. He
did not want to meet Gloria will,
j must go on with the role. ;
I Gloria seemed a figure in a paint
4 ing as she stood at the edge of the !
Trask had murdered him and
run away!
(To Be Continued.)
How to Give Good Advice.
The best way to give good advice is
to set a good example. When others
see how quickly you get over your
cold hy taking Chamberlain's Cough
rj...,i,. ,i,.. - ... i : i t . . rn-
.''luj iiilj .is uncij, iu iuijuw your
example. This remedy has been in
use for many years and enjoys an ex
cellent reputation. Obtainable every,
OOLD MKPAL Haarlem Oil Capsul.-s
will brlns; new lif and quickly relieve that
stoppod-up congested feeling. They will
thuroutthly rleanse an wash out the kld
nejs and bladder and gently carry oft thi
111 effects of excesses of all kinds. Ths
healing, soothing oil soaks right into ths
walls Bnd lining of the kidneys, and expeli
the poisons In your system. KeeD your kid
neys In Rood shape by dally usa of GOLD
MKDAL Haarlem Oil CapBuIes and you will
have good health. Go to your druggist at
once and secure a package of this tlme-hn-ored.
world-wide remedy. It is not a "patent
medicine." It Is passed upon by U. 8. gov
ernment chemists and declared pure before.
romlng into this country. GOLD MED
is the pure, original Haarlem Oil, Imuot
direct from the ancient laboratories in Hoi
land, where it Is the National Household
Remedy of the sturdy Dutch. Look for
the name (.OLD MEDAL on every box. Ac
cept no substitute-. Your druggist will
gladly refund your money If not a repre
How many times have you come home
In the evening with your fpet aching and)
burning from standing or walking In hard,
hot shoo leather; and what wouldn't you
give to be relieved of that torture? Here
is a simple way to obtain cool, comfortable,
happy feet that will recommend Itself b
cause It ts so simple and Inexpensive. Get
a package of Wa-Ne-Ta from your druggist.
It only coals a quarter. Thn go home and
bathe your feet In hot water tn which you
have dropped two or three of these tablets.
A delicious s"nse of comfort and well being
will creep over you and alt tired, aching
feeling will vanish. Wa-Ne-Ta added to
your bath is a delightful cleanser and dlaen
feotant. removing Impurities and banish! n if
budy odors. If your druggist hasn't Wa-Ne-Ta,
send us i" rents to cover expense of
parktnu and mailing and wo will send you
a sample parkugo prepaid to your address.
You will thank us for the suggestion. L. C.
Landon Co., South Hend. Ind.
Eery Kind Prices Very Low
Over five hundred machines to
select from. Kent applied on
Central Typewriter
Exchange, Inc.
1905 F.rn.m St.
Phone Douglu 4121.
Persistent Advertising Is the Road
to Success
Union Pacific Employe
Struck by Car on Bridge
Albert Durbift, employe of the
Union Pacific, lost his left foot yes
terday afternoon when a motor car
struck him as he was walking across
the new t'nion Pacific bridge.
Overcome, (onatlpittion. Indigestion.
Dr King's New Life Pills will overcome
your constipation, biliousness and rndtges
ton Take a tonight. Only 25c. All
r-jfii,- is'." .d ,
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A Brannew Beverage
(Patented April 4th, 1916.)
Making an entirely new and novel be vers ire from tho cholcul
wheat, corn and hops, without fermentation, without auger,
no br,eed' conuinlni NO ALCOHOL, being Ux-fr; not
"beer, "near beer." or "temperance beer," with flavor and
taste ol its own .tnd being in a class nf iti own.
t-or sale at all Drug Stores, Hotels, Soda Fountains and
.iott Drink Establishments. A Coo I ins and Refreshing
Beverage. Particularly Suitable for Hot Weather Drink.
6002-8016 South 30th Strut.
South Side Station. Omaha. Na.