Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 21, 1916, NEWS SECTION, Page 7, Image 7

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H HOUGH LT modern brick and atucro
horn In Dundee; Jivln room, dining room
and kitchn downatalri; three brdrooma
and sleeplnf porch upstaira; butlt-)n buf
fet, booltouea, flraplaca, etc.; oak floor
throughout; otic woodwork doirriitalra;
whit enamel and mahornay upitalri. For
ale by owner, who built It for a home.
Call Walnut 1141.
M ACRES, 6Sd and G rover; moat elfbtly:
$1,100; acres on oar, 11,000, and f00 lot
south of Dundee. D. IM7.
6-ROOM bungalow In Dundee, all itucca,
for eale by owner, 18.150; brand new;
150 caah, MO per month. Box 4T6I. Bee.
About I acre with hone, barn and
fruit, frontlnt on loth itreet a little north
of Mlnne Lusa addition. Prlo 17.600 on
cuy term. Fine for ubd.vla.on or oloee-tn
gardnlnt and fruit growln-.
South Side.
NEW, (-room bungalow, modern, large lot,
near River view Park, at bargain. Frank
Scvlck, 100C Dominion.
6-ROOM residence, South Bide, 11,600; $50
cash, balance 116 per month. Doug. 0235.
WANTED To exchange desirable residence
properties In Grand Island, and Nebraska
lands all clear, well secured- drat mort
gages aid cash, for a good brick busi
ness property In a growing and well es
tablished city in Nebraska U. a Land
and Loan Company, Box 104 Grand
.land. Neb
GOOD farms, well Improved, well located,
ricea right, good terms, In Lyon county,
.innesota. and vicinity, 80 miles from
the Iowa line In the best corn, clover
and alfalfa section of the state. Olve full
particulars In your first letter as to what
jrau have and what you want.
Marshall, Lyon County, Minn.
BEE Want-Ads GAINED 10,599 MORE
PAID ADS than any other Omaha news
paper gained In first seven months 1911.
Good results at less
x cost Is the reason why.
A 1-16TH Interest In an Improved 60-acr
farm In Nemaha co., Neb., subject to a
life estate, to exchange for diamonds. Ad
dress L. Crocker, Beatrice, Neb.
13-R. mod. residence; paving paid; want
l-r. mod. bungalow as first payment; bal
ance "Masy terms. Morgan, Doug. 487t.
WILL TRADE lot, clear title, for rooming
house. Enquire Room 206, Wellington Inn.
HOTEL end furniture at Dallas", 5! 57
xchange D C70T Toland A Trumbull.
LOT for sale or Will trade for late model
auto. Call Wolpa, Douglas 2740.
REAL ESTATE Investments
WM. COLFAX, JOb Kevltne Uldg.
Real tratata, olty property, large ranches
m prtly
Southwest corner 24th and Chicago, 4
modern houses; rental $1,160 per year;
$11,600. Terms.
OEOROE 0. WALLACE, 614 KaeUna.
REAL ESTATE B'ness Pr'ty
FOR SALE faces three streets;
near new Ford building; splendid manu--rftfturlns
sit Addran B-411. Bee
WANTED 4, ft and I -roomed house that
oan be sold for $100 cash; balancs $16
per month; giv complete description Aral
Utter. ,
1320 Farnam St Tel. Doug. 1064
WANT the best lot I can buy In Clalrmont
Addition for the money. What have you?
State price and description In answering.
Box 6161, Omaha Bee.
flAVE buyers for small houses and let In
North Omaha. Write 6062. Be.
Real Estate, Loans', Mortgagee
Apartment houses, double brick bonsee,
Ingle house, business property and farm
taoda at a per oent, 6H per cent 6 4 pr at.
121 KeeHne Bid a. Dontlaa 1141,
6 PER CUNT to I per cent on best class city
residences In amounta 31.000 up; aim
farm loans; Reasonable commission.
PETERS TRUST CO.. 18! Farnam at.
$2,200 MORTGAGE, bearing 6 per cent seml
nn.; secured by property valued at $7,(00.
Talmage-Loomle Inv. Co.. W. O. W. Bid,
OMAHA homes. East Nebraska farm.
1014 Omaha Natl. Phone Dourlaa 1711.
Real Estate. Insurance, Bonds.
444 Brandels Bldg. Doug. 1181.
MONEY to loan on Improved farms and
.ranches, we also buy good farm mart-
;ages. Klolte Inv. Co., Omaha.
REAL ESTATE loans, 4 per cent.
D. B. BUCK 6t CO.,
Ill Omaha NatL Bank.
Real Estate, Loans, Mortgages.
CITT and farm loans, 6, h, 6 per oent
J, H. Dnmont Co.. 416 Keellne Bldg.
MONET op hand for city and
farm loans. H. W. Binder. City
National Bank Bldg.
:Watl, Bank Bldg.
1 Omaha NatL Bank Bldg.
$100 to $10,000 mads promptly. P. D. Wead.
Weed Bldg. 18th and Farnam Sta.
Abstracts ol Title
nimrantoo Abstract Co. We can bring
UluUaliCCC down your abstract on
short notice. R, 7, Patterson Bldg. D. 1(47.
Wat Title, Guarantee and Abstract Co.,
XVCir JOS B. 17th St., ground floor.
Bonded by Mass. Bonding and Ins. Co.
REED ABSTRACT CO., oldest abstract of
flee In Nebraska 10$ Brandels Theater.
Colorado Lands.
Colorado land excursions, expenses paid.
C. L. Nethaway, Florence, Neb. Florence 22 M,
Minnesota Lands.
soli, well settled part of Todd county,
Minn., good roads, schools and churches;
price ilii to iy per acre; terms $1.00 per
acre cash, baf&nce $4.00 per acre a year;
MOO acres to select from. Agents wanted;
will make a low railroad rate to Inspect.
Schwab Bros., 102$ Plymouth Bldg.. Min
neapolis, Minn.
Nebraska Lands.
$10$ per aera buy an improved south
east Neb., corn, winter wheat and stock:
fuj-in of 140 acres; convenient to good
town, a bargain tor tome one, no trades
vonetdered. Writ owner for part.ou.ara.
Hoi m. Be.
6H A. very choice land Just N. W.
Ren-ton. Belongs to bank. Must sell. A
bargain. 8e m for prtr and terms.
J. A. ABBOTT. 4 Patterson Blk., City.
Tor SALIC The northeast quarter of sec
don eight, township thirteen, rang seven,
in Merrick county, Nebraska. Price In I per
arr. J. R. Collin, Owner, 1411 Farnam
St Omaha. Neb.
lid AC well Improved, on mil of eouatf
aval town, east Nebraska, $114.
Tlloa W. CAMPBtLL.
Keellne Ridg.
iq ACRES Average 40 bushels corn n
mile to Tecumseh; must b soldi easy
terms. Stewsrt, 111 So. 17th.
30 ACR ICS of good fsrm land near Omaha
Price Is right, & F. Beelwtcfc A aVta,
U Bldg.
New York Lands.
new tuhk farms run salc
Here we go- I am ready. Are yaat
Bar", ana seiuag mm year casMS
ij bar tMp land.
14 cww. 1H arrea alfalfa laad, WH4V
In re wrth .. Prtca 1 14 MT aar
Tbr pr4aa Bur) ken Is
yeur tflt
is mm, U-l alfalfa laaA,
fweat Iwasa. baseweat, bafs. 114 ar
t b asmr4 astttfstta a valw re-
rlvM br tbba
rvw. 1 4 1 f e ; ft. tag 4 r4 ;
llidtsaw warta $4.4 Prr 444 ym
ar s- Jt Car awe way ta rswrtas.
writ tt s mimii, in a
u, Sirse, M. I,
Missouri Lands.
CHKAP FARMS Any ti. easy terms. In
tbe beautiful Oiarks of Dent county Mo.
W, 8 Frank. 101 Neville Blork, Omaha
Wisconsin Lands.
UPPER WISCONSIN Best dairy and gen
eral crop tat In ths union. Settler
wanted; land for eale at low prices on
ey terms; excellent land for stock
raising. Ask for booklet 15 on Wisconsin
Central Land Grant; state acres wanted.
If Interested In fruit lands, aak for book
let on Apple Orchards. Address Land Com
mtssloner Soo Rallway, Minneapolis, Minn.
QET literature" and maps on the cheapest
good land In United States.
14th and Douglas Sts.. Omaha. Doug. list.
If so, get a oopy of our Journal first
It ha lands, city property and stocks
of good advsrtlsed: from nearly every
tat. So that youAesn find Just what
you wish in Its columns. Established
14 year, reaching 74.000 readers. Bend
l(o for on yesr's subscription, or $1 for
five year. '
ACREAGE to 4-A. tract on oar Una.
Easy terms. C R. Comb. Ill Brandels
The Bldg loug 1414.
HAVE cash and desirable property for pro
ductive farm lsnd. Describe fully. Box
$201, Be.
Horses Live Stock -Vehicles
ONE black hearse, rubber-tired, horse
drawn, practically new. Address Y-665,
Wagon umbrellas, $1.00. Wagner, If 1 N. 14th.
FRESH aquatlo plants for your fish globe,
10c. Will keep fish healthy. MAX
FLEMISH GIANT rabbits for sals.
Hason, 107 Woolworth Ave.
BEFORE you buy look these cars and prices
over. It will psy you well;
Chalmers Roadster ,.
1 Overland
Studebaksr-4 $4S0
Mets 160
Cadillac 160
I Fords
Chevrolet Roadster 150
1916 Indian Motorcycle, good a now. 17$
1114 Farnam. Douglas $11.
110$ Farnam. Douglas $110.
Ford Roadster $176
Cole Touring 650
Overland Touring 176
Bulck B $6 Roadster 426
6-PASSENOER. 30 h. p. auto; $00 cash,
or payments. 1211 Leavenworth St.
Fir and theft Insurance on new Fords.
111-14 City Nat. Bk. Bldg. Doug. 2811.
Must sell all our second-hand automo
biles within 10 days. We have several
makes and ars giving better values than
anyone else.
Johnson-Dariforth Co.,
1(21-11-33 N. 16th St.
BEE Want-Ads GAINED 19,59 MORE
PAID ADS than any other Omaha news
paper gained lu first seven months, 1114.
Oood result at leas
cost 1, the resson why,
1814-14-11 Farnam St.
FOR SALEI A 1014 model Ford touring
car, newly overhauled and painted; first
class repair; a bargain. Box 6208, Omaha
WIS will trade you a new Ford for your old
10th and Harney. Doug. 6181.
FOR SALE Cadlllao speedster; Just over
hauled and In fin, running condition.
Price $216. Phone Douglas 2881. Harold
Bchoelkops, 413 Panton Blk.
Crosstown Oarage, 816 S. 24th. Doug. 4443.
12-ln. South bevel lathe, with extra
annlnmnnf. enmt 8386. for sale at 8200.
DANDT Hudson speedster. Just overhauled;
. .... .. .in
nne oonaiuun; nr.. ..., ... ...
Jarnam pt. Lougtaa a... mr. ne......
FOR SALE One Mitchell six de luxe. 1416
model. $800. One Mitchell, six, 1814 model.
. $500. Phone Florence 483.
(.PASSENGER White, electric starter and
light IB good condition. Phono Webstar
1848. -.
GOOD Ford touring car; first $176 takes It
2216 Farnam St. Douglas 853. Mr. Hellen.
1914 FORD touring car, excellent condition,
cheap. Phone South 8131.
Autnmnhilea Wanted.
WANTED Hupmobilee. 20 and 32's; must
be priced rigni; siai. conu.wun. au.i dm
Box 691, Ida Grove. la.
Auto Livery and Garages.
DON'T throw away old tires. We make one
new tire from 2 old ones and save you 60
per oent 3 In 1 Vulcanising Co., 1616 Dev-
anport pt. umana. bo, uousi .....
EXPERT auto repairing, "service car al
ways ready." Omaha Garage, 2010 Harney
St Tyler 666.
Auto Tires and Supplies.
SEE ad In Sunday's Bee telling all about
our big tlr, sals. Duo Tire Co., 1611 Chicago.
Auto Repairing and Painting.
$100 reward for magneto we can't repair.
Colls repaired. Bayadorfer.,210 N. 18th.
NEB. Auto Radiator Repair Service and
prices right 319 S. 11th St D. 7890.
Motorcycles and Bicycles
gains In used machines. Victor Roos, "Tbe
Motorcycle Man." 1703 Leavenworth
' Local Stock and Bonds.
Quotations furnished by Bums, Brlnker
and company, 449-61 Omaha National Bank
Stocks Bid. Asked.
Amor. Smelt. Sec. Co., pfd. "A" 93 68Vk
Cudahy Packing Co. 7 pot pfd. .104
Deer, & Co.. pfd 8114 114
Fairmont Cry. Co., 7 pet pfd.... 108 106
Oooch H. at E. Co., 7 pet pfd . 19 H 100
Herald Bldg Co., pfd 100), ..
Lincoln T. at T. common 7 pet. s 98
Northern States Power Co., pfd.. 16H 96),
Omaha C. B. R. B. pfd 66
Omaha C. B. St. Ry pfd 78 76
Pacific O. A E.i pfd 8BH 89ti
Peters Mill Co., pfd 68 V 100)4
St Josph L.. H. P.. Pfd. 66 70
Swift Co 148 144
Terr Haute Traction, pfd 100 106
Union Stock yards, 1 pet stock.. 98H 101
6s, 1834 96 16 4
Argentine Govt. Gold 6s, 1930. .100 100(4
Am. For. See. Co. 6 pc g. n., 1919 97 98
Booth-Bt. Louis Is. 1991 99)4 104
Denver O. B. 6a, 1941 9V 9
Fremont 1 PC pav. bds 138. ..101 109
Indianapolis Oaa 6s, 1961 96 14
la Port Cement Co. 6s. 1914-'14 4 100
Kanaaa City Ry. let 6a, 1944 ... JT -99
cNneha 4k C. B. Si. Ry. 6s, 1921 94 96
Im. Rua. O. I. war I. 1914 It n .. 106
Swift Co. 6s 100 100
City of Tork gen. Imp. 6a 1920.. 100 102
MluaapeUs (Iras Martlet.
Minneapolis. Aug. 19 Wheat eleptemhw.
$1671.67; Dscmber. $l.64164.
Caah; No. 8 hard, $1.41: No I northern,
$l6t1.41W: No. 1 northern. 11.66
Flour Fsney patenla. M M; flrat tlsar.
$4 76: seeond rleara, $4 64.
Barter 71 41670
llvl .144 8 15.
Bran II, It !1 0.
Com No. I yellow, lie IS.
Oala N. 1 while, tl44.
Flag See) $3 I48 .
81,11 ii rtty Onsars Mf4w4.
Iwh City. AM. 19 Wheat It 1
hat. II 414! IS. N. 1 sed, 31 !.
.,, II 11; Daeaas. $1 44 4)
1 44; May. II It I 41
rea No. I sals.4. 4l6e 74 I white.
Jllle. Ne. I .! 14' HeplnttlM.
te; lM.iakr .
fMIS H. 1 wHlt. 44J4!S, X. 1 BRIietf.
Rtgas. 111. A 19 ftwlt Twly-frv
Ia s44 l $.
Wheat Scores Another Sharp
Advance and Rules Four to
Five Cents Higher.
Omaha, Aug. II, 1914.
Wheat scored another oharp advance and
ruled from 46 cents higher.
Cash wheat reached the highest point
of the season, a car of No. I hard selling
at $i.4l.
The bulk of the No. 1 hard sold well
above yesterday's highest quo talon a, prices
ranging from 1.411.47, with the bulk
selling at $1.41.
The receipt were very heavy and the
cash demand was excellent at the present
high prices.
Corn sold from K IP 1 Ho higher, with fair
ly light receipts and a good cash demand.
Oats sold from Itfl'ic higher, rye was
strong at f(?c advanc and barley sold
from IQ c higher.
There was a good demand for all these
cereal, but there was rery little ry or
barley on the floor and only a moderate
run of oat.
Clearance were: Wheat and flour equal
to 177,000 bushel: corn, 116,000 bushels:
oats, 1,000 bushels.
Liverpool close: Wheat Id to Id higher;
corn Hd to Id higher.
Primary wheat receipts wer 1.K0.0OO
hiuhmla. and Moments 1.461.000 bushels,
against receipts of 12M0O bushels, and ship
ments of bushel last year.
Primary corn receipts were 411,000 bush
els, and shipments 440,000 bushels, against
receipts f 131,000 bushels and shipments of
381.000 bushels last year.
Primary oats rcelpt were 1,111,000 bush
els, and shipments 1,116,000 bushels, against
receipt of 1,487,000 bushels, and shipment
of 693.000 buBhi!i last year.
Wheat. Corn. Oats.
Chicago 191 117 111
Minneapolis zb
Duluth 71
Omaha 174 41 14
St. Louis 141 8 '
Winnipeg 268
These sales were reportea toaay:
Wheat No. 1 hard winter: 2 cars, $1.4H;
4 cars, 11.46. No. 2 hard winter: 1 car,
$1.41; 2 cars. $1.47; 2 cars, $1.46 m 19 cars,
11.46; 2 cars, $1.41: 1 cars, $1.45. No. 1
hard winter: 1 car, $1.4T; T car, $141;
1 car, $1.46H; 1 cart". $1.46; 1 car, $1.4414;
4 cars, $1.44; 2 cars, $1.4!; I cars, $1.42;
1 car, $1.41. No- 4 hard winter: 1 car, $1.42;
2 cars, $1.404; cars, $1.40; 1 cars,
11.80 m 2 carp., $1.39; 4 cars, $1.1$; 1 car,
$1.27H; 4 cars, $1.87; 1 oar. $1.16; 1 car,
$1.36. Sample hard winter: 2 cars, $1.16;
4 cars. $112; 1 cars, $1.10; 1 car, 11.28.
No. 3 durum: 1 car, $1.16. No. 4 durum: 1
car, $1.20. Sample durum: 1 car, $1.30. No.
1 mixed: 1 car, $1.42; 1 car, $1.41. Sample
mixed: 1 car, $1.27.
Rye No. t; 1 can, $1.21. No. I; 1 car,
Barley No. 8: 1 car, llo. No. 4: 1 car,
15c; 1 car, 94c.
Corn No. I white: t cars, llo. No. I
white: 8 'cars, llftc; 1 car, 81c. No. 4
white: 1 car, 81c. No. 6 white: 1 car:
79ttc No. 1 yellow: 1 car, 82Hc No. I
yellow: 2 cars, 82 He. No. 1 yellow: 1
car. 79 Sc. No. 1 mixed: 2 cars, lie. No.
6 mixed: 1 car, 80c. No. 6 mixed: 1 car,
79c ; 1 car, 77c, Sample mixed : 1 car,
76c; 1 car, 17M,c.
Oats No. 2 white: 1 cars, 440. Stan
dard: 4 can, 44c. No. 3 white: 11 cars,
43H- No. 4 white: I cars, 43c. Sample
white: 1 car, 43c; 1 car, 42 c; 1 cars, 42c;
1 car, 41 o.
Omaha Cash Prices Wheat: No. 2 hard,
$1.46(91.48; No, 1 hard, $1.41 1.47 ; No. 4
hard, $1.2601.42; No. 2 spring, $1.4001.4$:
No. 3 spring. $1.3601.46; No. 1 durum, $1.32
1.26; No. 8 durum, $1.301.34. Corn: No.
2 white, 81082c: n0. 1 white, 8181o;
No. 4 white, 79Slc; No. 6 white, 794
SOtto; No. 6 white, 797c; No. 2 yellow,
82OS2tte: No. 8 yellow, 82S2Sc; No. 4
yellow, 81082c; No. 6 yellow, B0O81c; No.
6 yellow, 790T9Sac; No. 2 mixed, 8181Hc;
No. 8 mixed, lOHOSlc; No. 4 mixed, 80
lOfric; No. 6 mixed. 79W80o; No. mixed,
77079c. Oats: No. 2 white, 440444c;
standard, 43W.044C No. 3 white, 430
43c; No. 4 white, 42 0 43c. Barley:
Malting, 82 018c; No. 1 feed, 68076c. Jtye:
No. 2, $1.201.21; No. 3, $1.11 Q 1.20.
Omaha, August 19, 1018.
Following the sensational advance In the
Chicago pit, the local wheat market showed
a gain of several cents at the opening.
Today's rise was the result of the ex
tremely bultlih news on wheat from the
Canadian districts and also the fact that
foreigners are heavy buyers of our wheat.
While crop conditions on corn are con
sidered good, the bulge in the wheat mar
ket Is enough to hold the price of corn up
for the present, ...
Oats showed little Independant strength
and followed wheat and corn on the ad-
Vaseptember wheat cvsed mo higher, De
cember, lc higher and May advanced lo.
Corn closed flic higher on September and
about lVio up on December.
September oats advanced c, December
closed o higher and the May ruled IKo
Omaha closing prices on futures for tbt
Open. High. Low. Close. 1 Ts.
I 1 48H 1 45H 1434 14S U0
145A-46 1 48 144 147 141
1 iS 1 61 148 151 147
11 11 81 81 80
69 70 69 70 69
42 48 42 43 42
46 46 46 46 45
48 49 48 49 47
nhlcaro clnalnc orlces. furnished The Bee
by Logan A Bryan, stock and grain brokers.
315 Soutn sixteentn street
Art" Open High. Low. Close. Yes.
Wht. I j
Sept 1 46 1 48 144 1 47 142
Dec. 1 60 1 62 148 1 61 147
May 152-163 1 65 152 166- 160
Corn I
Sept 85- 87 85 81 84
Dec. 74- 76 74 T6- 78
May 77- 78 77 77- 76
Sept 44- 46 44 45 44
Dec. 48 49 47 48 47
May 61. 61 62- 61 61 60
Sept 27 00-47 37 47 27 00 27 47 28 80
Oct. 26 20-26 26 26 20 15 26 25 26 76
Dec. 28 46 28 60 23 46 23 60 23 86
Sept 11 77 11 85 13 77 18 82 13 72
Oct. 18 80 18 85 11 77 18 80 13 76
Dec. 13 17 13 26 1$ 12 11 12 11 16
Sept 14 45 14 47 14 40 14 43 14 40
Oct. 14 30 14 22 14 1614 12-18 14 10
Trading In Wheat Reaches Largest Volume
In History of Market.
Chicago, Aug. 19. Th volume of trad In
wheat her today was said to have been the
largest on record. New price record for
the crop was obtained. Top prices were
6 cents over yesterday. Heavy profit-taking
sales was absorbed on the bulge, but the
close showed net gains of 8c to 4c. Corn
advanced lc to 2a; oats o to lc and
provisions closed 2c to 86c up. Snows' es
timate of a total wheat yield of 69, 000,000
bushels against domestic reqnulrements of
810,000,000 bushels, was the new big bull
factor In the market for that cereal. This
snd the damage reports now grown familiar
under Canadian and northwestern date lines
provided all th Impetus needed by an
awakened trade td establish new high rec
ord for th crop. An acknowledged ex
pert wired from Brandon, Manitoba, that
he saw two threshing outfits at work, and
his firm became a heavy buyer. Cash pre
mium advanced, but offerings wer not
large. Buying by foreigner was reported
In all market. Liverpool was sharply
higher another bull factor.
Corn also gained a new prtc altitude.
Th factor were dry hot weather. Snow'
estlmat of a crop of 1,618,090.000 bushels,
and th fart that spot corn was e(llng at
a good premium over September revered
freely and a good Investment demand was
noted. There was some recession from th
top on profit taking.
Cash prices: Wheat, No. I rsd, $1,110
I 11; No. I red. $1.4901 41; No. 1 hard,
$I.4I01$1; No. I hard. $1.41 1.19.
Com: No. 1 yellow. !9OMe; No. 4 yel
low, nominal; Ne. 4 white, nominal. Oat:
No. 1 whit 4404l: standard. 41 S
41c. Ry: Ne. 1, $1.18. Barter: TcO$l.l
rrMdi: Timothy, nominal; elvr, 111.11.
Provision: Pork, nominal, lard. Hi ll; rib,
"ha e Firm; anrhanged.
Egg--ririB, antbanged, rwsdpMb 1.111
Batter-mrug, reoetpta, It. Ill tub:
crin'rr eiira. $; aU IVaufc 19
ltr; ft ret, 13.
Patat --rtr.. reevlpt. N fftv! Jersey
hulk nbtin, tl IvM3; amrvM !.
II ,1 ). Hlutwu OUM i.Nl If
P-iirr All, easy fowl, itvltt,
SpflBga, lie
Rsmm 4 My Us Mmi.
Ken Clif. AM I att"llti,
I t4. sMrhe scat", twrtia f4 '
v i Tl. rHft wf t . 1 oiaj
-. rirtj II )). .f-hT
a-1 f- !$. It tWiaS, 11 e.,t.l
ml ))!
. Mlr U SMVb4 tuck
er; bulk of sales, $10.000 10.40; ; heavy. I 0
If 10 30: parkors nd butchms. 11 n 0 tf lff.46;
lights, 110. lOSy. 0.60; pigs. $8.0001 $6.
Shiep and Lambs IWel.ils, n.'ne; market
steady; lambs, $lt.!5011.3f; yearllig. 17.76
it9.lli; wethers, ti.Iitf 7.75; jwii. l-vTO
Quotations of the Day on the Leading Com
modities. New Tork, Aug. 19 Flour Strong;
spring patents, $8,0508.40; winter patents,
$7.407.(13: winter straights, IT. OS (J 7 SO,
Whfat Spot, atnmg; No. 4 durum.
$1.69; No. 2 hard, $1.62; No. 1 nonlu-rn.
Duluth, $1.71, and No. 1 northern, Mani
toba. fl.HK, f. o. b. New York.
t.Vrn -Spot, strong; No. 2 yellow, 99c,
Oats iot. firm; No, 1 white, UVu&2c.
Hay Firm; prime, 11.10; No. 1, $1.25:
No. 2. 11.10O1-16; No. 1. $1.06; shipping,
Hops Steady; state, common to cholre,
1116, lOOUc; 1914, 607c; Pacific Coast,
1916, lOiflUSc; 1914, 7 ft 9c.
Hid Ktrm; Bogota, 3301Sc; Cen
tral America, 32 c.
Leather firm; hemlock firsts, 17c; sec
onds. Sin'.
Provisions Pork, strong; mesa, $29,000
29. i,0- family, $8.00O30.0n; ahurt clear.
$3, 0028.00. Beef, firm; mess. $19,000
19 50; family. $20.60021.60. Lard, firm;
middle writ, $14.10014.30.
Tallow Firm; city. 7o; nominal; coun
try, special, 708c; special, 8c.
Butter Firm; receipts, 1,861; creamery
extras, llOS2c; first, 22031o; sec
onds, 17 29c.
Eggs Steady; receipts, 4,100 packages;
Poultry Ltv, weak; broilers, 21025c;
fowls, 1801Te; turkeys, 16018c;
d resed, firm; unchanged.
Buttei- No. 1 creamery. In cartons or
tubs. 80c; No. I, I So,
Chefs -Imported Swiss, H.( 46c; domes
tic Swiss. Sflo; block Swiss, llo; twins, 17c;
triplets. 17 o; daisies, 17 o; Toung Amer
lea, 19o; blue label brick, 18c; llm
berger, 10c; New Tork whit. SOo; Rocque
fort, 66c.
FRESH FISH Halibut. l?c; catfish,
smnll, 17c; catfish, large steak. Ho; red
salmon, 14c: fall salmon, lie; white Huh, su
perior Selkirk and other northern stork, 16c;
trout. No. 1, 170, yellow pike, No. 1, ltlc;
bullheads, 16c; carp, No. 1, lo; black bass.
22c; croppies, medium, 15c; pickerel,
dresed, fancy, 12c; steak codfish, sliure
fish, 13o; tllefish (new), ae; red snapper,
13o; Spanish mackerel, llo; Lak Erie, Jum
bo whltef iah, 2Se ; flounder, fancy stuck,
11c; fresh headless shrimps, per gal., $1.26;
fresh reeled shrimp, per gal., 12.00.
Beef Cuts Ribs i No. 1, llo; No. t,
17c; No. I, 18c. Loins: No, 1, 22c; No.
2, 19c; No. 1, 15 o. Chucks: No. 1, 12c;
No. 2, llc; No. 8, 10o. Rounds: No. 1,
16a No. 1, 16o; No. I, 12o. Plates:
No. 1, 10c; No. 1, !c; No. I, 9c.
Fruit and vegetable pri furnished by
Qlllnsky Fruit Co
Fruit Orange: Us, 100s, 824s, 960s, box,
$4; 126s, 2B8s, $4.60; 160s, $6; 176s. 200.
216, 260a, $6.21. Lemon: Golden Bowl,
300, 110s, box, $1 60; Hill's Red, 300s, 800.
$9. Apples: Oravensteln, box, $2-25; Bell
flowers (due 19th), $1.76; cooking apple,
bbl.. $3.
Dectdlou Frutts Peaches: Klberta, Cat.,
crate, $1.21; Carmen, Colo., extra, $1.05;
Carmen, Colo., fancy, $1 ; Carmen, Colo.,
choice, 9&o. Orapes: Malagas, crate, $3.
Pear: Cal. Bart let ts, crate, $3.50; choice
CaL Bartletts, $S.26; Colo. Clap pi $2.60,
fancy 6-tler $2.26, cholre 6-tir $2.25, choice
1-tler $2; Colo. Bartletts I2-T6, 6-tler $2.60.
fancy t-tter $2.60. Watermelons: Lb., lc.
Cantaloupes: Standards, crate, $8; ponys,
$2.60; flats, $1.26; Mission Bell, 80s, $2.26.
Bananas: Bunch, $1.76 to $3.60.
Vegetables Sweet potatoes, hamper,
$1.16; Cal., 100-lb. crates, $4.15; potatoes,
bu., $1; Spanish onions, orate, $2; Cal.
onions, lb., 8 c ; tomatoes, basket, 8 6o ;
Michigan celery, dox., 40c; peppers, basket,
60c; peas, basket, $1; head lettuce, dos
$1; corn, do., 16c; garlic, lb., 10c.
Miscellaneous Crackerjack, cornpop
and checker, case, $3.60; half cases, $1.76;
peanuts. Special No. 1, lb., 6o; Jumbo
peanuts, So; popcorn, case, $2.60; honey,
new, case, $1.76. g
Poultry Broilers: 1 to 1 lb.. Hoc
brollsrs, over 2 lb., llo: hens, over 4
lb., 14c; hens, under 4 lbs., 18c; roositrs
and stags, 10Ol0c; geese full feathered lat,
10c; young and old ducks, full feathered,
fat, 12c; turkeys, any sixe over 1 pounds,
14c; turkeys, less than & pounds, half price;
old torn, 24c: capon, 1 lb, and over, 3Jo;
guineas, each, 26c; squab, homers, 14 os.
each, per do., $4.00; squabs, homers, 12 us.
each, per dox., $3.00; squabs, bomeri, 8 oi
each, per dox., $1.60; squab, homers, under
8 ox. each per dos., 60c; pigeons, per dox..
Kew York oMney Market,
New Tork, Aug. 1$.' Mercantile Papor
3 per cent.
Sterling 90-day bills, $4.71 ; demand.
$4.76; cables. $4.76.
Silver Bar, 66c; Mexican dollars, 60c.
Bons Government, steady; railroad
U. 8. ref. 2s, reg 99 K. Ofl. re. Es. 90
do coupon.,.. 99 L. & N. unl. 4s.. 93
U. S. Is, reg... 100 M. K A T 1st 4 74
do coupon 101 M. Pac. con. 6s. 101
U. S. 4s, reg... 109 Mont. Power 6s. 97
do coupon. . ..110 N. T. C. deb. Is. 112
Am. Smelters 6s.l04N. T. City 4s..l01
A. T.4T.0 4s.U0N. T., N. H. A H.
Anglo-French 6. 95 cv. Is 111
Atch. gen. 4s... 92No. Pac. 4s,,... 91
Bait, ft Ohio 4s. 90 do Is 66
Beth. St ref. Ba.. 100 Ore. S. L, ref. 4s. 91
Cent. Pac. 1st... 88 Pac. T. ft T. 6s. 101
Ches.ftO.0. 4a 86 Penn. con. 4s.104
C, B. A Q.. j. 4s 98 do gen. 4s..l01
C, M. ft Bt. P. Reading gen. 4s. 96
or. 6 107 St. L. ft San F.
C, R. 1. A P. Ry. ref. 4a 11
ref. 4 71 So. Pac. cv. 6s.. 104
Colo. A 8. r. 4s 81 do ref 4s 89
D. A R. O. o. 4s 78 So. Railway 6s, 100
do ref. 6.. .. 68 Union Pacific 4s. '96
Eria gen. 4.... 73 do .cv. 4s..:... 93
Qen. Klec. 6...108U. 8. Rubber Is. 102
Qt. No. 1st 4s.l00 U. S. Steel Ss.,.106
I1L Cen. ref. 4s. 88 W. Union 4s. 96
Int. M. M. 4s.l08W. Elec. cv. 6s. 111
Bid. Offered.
Coffss Market.
New Tork, Aug. 19 Th market for
coffee futures was very quiet today and
fluctuation wre correspondingly narrow.
Talk of rather free offerings from Brazil
seemed to restrict buying, while there was
a little trad selling at prices a point or
two under last night's closing figures, with
December selling at 8.70c, and March at
8.84c. Th market opened unchanged to
3 points lower, and closed at the same
level. Sales for the day amounted to 1,760
bags. August and September, 8.66a; October,
8.67c; November, 8.88c; December, 8.69c;
January, 8.76o; February, 8.79c; March,
8.81c; April, 1.88o; May, 1.12c; June, 8.97o:
July, l.Olo.
Turpentine and Rosin.
Savannah, Aug. 19. Turpentine Firm.
42043c. Sales, 761 bbl.; receipts, (81;
stocks, 17,191.
Rosin Firm; sales, 1,161 bbl.; rseelpts,
1,169; stocks, 71,806. Quotations: A, B,
$6.90; C, D, $6.96; B, $5.9601-06; F. $8.15;
O, $6.20; H, $1.2506.46; I, $1.1006.46; K.
$6.3606-60; M, $8.4001.60; N, $6.6006-60;
WO, $6.80; WW, $6.96.
New York Cotton Market.
New Tork. Aug. 11. Cotton Futures
opened steady: October, 14.16c; December,
14.43c; January, 14.60c; March. 14.61c; May
Cotton future closed steady; October,
U.KIc; December. 14.41o; January, 14.46c
March, 14. 12c; May. 14.71c.
Spot cotton quiet; middling uplands,
14.45o. No sales.
Metal Market,
New Tork. Aug. 19. Metal The copper
market has shown continued firmness on
foreign and domestic buying. Offerings of
electrolytic for delivery after the first of
th year are reported from some sources at
$26.00, but Ilttl activity In copper Is of
fered for nearby delivery and th quotations
namod by the larger agencies today ranged
froia $21.60027.00 for deliveries up to Janu
ary 1. Iron was unchanged.
ft. Louis drain Market.
Bt. Louts. Aug. 19 Wheat -September.
$14; tJC4.4m.ber, $1 60; No. 1 red, $1.66
Ol 11; No. 1 hard, $1 601 61,
CornHtptember, Mc; December, 74o;
No. 2. He; No. 1 white, lie.
oats No. 2, 4l044o; No. while, 410
41 c.
Omaha May Market.
Omaha, Aug. 11--Hay ho1r upland.
110 61; No. 1. It&OOie K0, j, Hen
: Ne I, No . midland.
1SMO10; No. :t, $70tft; rhMrt low
Land. IT 01: Ne 1. $1 , No 1. $4 vltjt0l
Nti. 1. $J00O49
Dry Goods Mnrhs.
Now Tork. Aug 11 Additional 4vnr
wer dvuiett today an load tit llna f
btearhed muslin. Mucin on flnlahod rat
ton foods foi lMin ronmimptla and i.x.rl
wnttnaed steady. Uaena war i beltsr
demand fet prompt delivery Burlaa wer
Owutba. Aug II Ban etoarlng far
Omataa today wee $J.I4J,1I $1. and f.r th
. rtiti dP last foar $1 4il.ll 11.
TH fcMol larins ri I bo woefc wore 111,.
491.17 Tl 4 lor Ik 4fto(oa4lg woofc
ta year $1I.IM HI It
litorgMMl UnUm Msjtnsot.
IJrif-rpM!. Aug 19 Waool -Hwl M 1
wr.H'... iu i Ne. I rod wostorn via
tor. lo lid.
Cattle Sharply Higher For the
Week Sheep and Lambs
Also Make Advanoes.
August 19,1816.
Catlte lings. Sheep
,11.814 7.470 14.4&0
. 8,646 9,i "8
. 4.614 10,490
, 2,4(14 8. in
. 794 4. SO
60 4,400
2.1 00
o. I
Ornrlal Monday' ...
i i ik-ihi i uiaoa . . .
'iftlrial Wrdnoa.lay
official Thurmiay ,.
Offtviai Friday
Uutlmate (Saturday
Total this week 17.819 46. SOU 66.099
Total liint week 10.967 46,799 74.4:9
Total two woeks ai70,.16.b45 6S, Ml 48,879
Total three wreks agu ll.491 4tt,lM7 69.931
Total four wki two. 1. 1 44 46.790 4.1.104
Total last year 20,823 49.929 106.728
The following tame an owe the average
prices of hugs at the Omaha live stock mar
ket forjthe 'net few days with comparison:
.at, t ii i i". 1 1 1" it 9ii,ii9i rjiiiT
Aug .
Aug. 1.
Aus. 1,
Aug 4.
Aug. 1.
Aug. I
Aug. T.
Aug. 1.
Aug. 1.
AUg. 10
Aua- 11
Aug II.
AUg 13
Aug. 14
Aug. 16
Aug. 16
Aug. IT
Aug. 11
Aug. 11
lV I 81 6 I I'
00U 1 1 41 1 86 9
I 18 4 1 101 I 14 I 7 111 7tl
1 14H 6 $1 t 11 1 41' I 9a
I 1H4 1 431 T 70 1 111 8 01 7 94
1 10 T 86 I 17 T H
9 1114 IT. It 88 1 19 7 90 1 16
I I 40lJ t I 66 1 14 7 81 1 in
4 1 81 I 11 f 71 f 27
I 14 1 61 8 90 t II T 11
9 84 4 68 9 01 I 19 T 21
I 414 I 70 1 71 7 II I 04 T 11
' 1 68 1 IB T 16 I 08
t 11 1 10 1 14 T 70 I 11 T 10
I 71 I 14 7 71 I 12 f 09
I 80i 51 t T 77 1 It T 17
$ 82 1 41 1 72 ' 1 OH 7 17
I 80 I 17 $ 89 T 76 ' 1 IT
1 16 I 89 T TT 1 01 T 19
Receipt and disposition of live stock at
the Union stork yards, Omaha, for twrnty
four hour ending at I p. m., yesterday:
Cattle. Hog. 8hep. IIT's.
C, M .$ Bt. P I
Missouri Pacific.... .. I
Union Pact lie 4 14 T
C. & N. V east.. .. 1
C. A N. W west.. 21 ,. 4
C, St. P., M. A O.. ,. 1
C. B. A O.. east.. .. 1
C, B. ft Q., west.. 10
C, R. I. ft p., aat .. $
C, R. I. ft p., wwt .. 1
Chicago, Qt West. I t
Total rclpt ... 4
T 4
Morrl ft Co 171
Swift ft Co T10
Cudhay Packing Co 1,421
Armour a uo $71
Schwarts ft Co - 11
J. W. Murphy 144
ToUl 1,711
Cattle Receipts of cattle this week bav
been very larg. In fact th largest of any
week for a long Urn back, and very much
larger than for th corresponding tlm a
year ago. Th big run la du entirely to
rang cattle coming earlier than a year ago.
In spit of larg receipts th market ha
been In splendid condition, th demand hav
ing neen good every day and th trad rea
sonably active. Price hav been gradually
firming up until at th close of th week
ths market on beef steer, storker and feed
ers Is 16025a higher than th close of th
previous week. Cow and heifers while
showing some llttl change, are at th elo
of th week steady with th prevlou week'
close. Altogether the market has been In
splendid condition from a seller's standpoint
quotations on cattle; oood to eholo
beeves. $9.7601026; fair to food beeves,
$9.0009.76; common to fair beeves, $7,760
9.00; good to choice yearlings, $9.76 0 10.40;
fair to good yearling, $9.00O-Ti; oommon
to fair yearlings, $8.1609.00; good to cholc
grass beeves, $7.7501-26. fair to good grass
beeves, $7.2607.76; common to fair grass
beeves, $6.407.26; good to ohofos heifer,
$6.7607.60; good to Cholc cows, $1.1007.16;
fair to good cows, $1.0001-60; common to
fair cows, $4,000 00; good to choloo feed
ers, $7.6001-40; fulr to good feeder. $1-11
O7.10; common to fair feeder, $6.00Ol-$0
good to cholc stock ers, $7.4001-00; stock
heifer, (6.7606.76; stock cows, $5,600$ 10;
stock calves, $6.6008.91; veal calves, $8 I$0
11.25; beef bulls, slags, etc, $1.009. .16;
Bologna bull, $1.760$-1
Hogs Th market was a good aetlv 10o
higher affnir all through, wun vry ngni lo
cal supplies, and good hogs eon too plen
tiful Hhinnara filled their order early.
taking between a fourth and a third of th
offering on a lOo higher bai. raowng
request was fairly broad, and as killer buy
ers had uch limited supply to pick from
there was llttl for them to do except
follow the shipper lead and pay fully 10c
higher price.
Every thins- was cleaned un by I o'clock
or shortly after. Bulk of th packing hogs
sa d at 11.7901.10. as against aoo..
for similar stuff yesterday, while there was
a good showing of shippers as high as
$10.00, and quit a sprinkling above. Th
ton showed no advanc again, landing ai
$10.85. This was du to no lack of strength
in prices, but to th fact that no straight
load of cholc lights or butchers war on
Prices ar 15926c higher than at th
close of last week, today's average setting
a new high mark for th year.
Representative aalea:
No. Av. Sh. Pr. No. Av. Sh. Pr.
89. .101 ... $9 10 61. .27$ ... $9 TO
71. .261 ... I 76 61. .269 ... I 10
61. .240 ... 1 81 19. .282 ... I 1TA
66. .242 10 I 10 94. .117 ... 10 00
71. .241 ... 10 10 14. .221 40 10 21
Sheep The lamb market this week ha
been the most uneven in a long tlm. Ratal-
cal changes In th quality of th lamb
from one day to the next, along with a good
deal of Irregularity In prices, has mad mar
kets rery hard to quota. However, for th
whole week there has not been a great deal
of change. In fact, on paper value look
just about steady, though quality was not
so good yesterday as at th close of last
week, and for that reason a good many
nellrrs called the market 10O16a higher for
the week. Yesterday's offerings sold largely
at $10.70010.86, with one buncn or an un
desirable sort down to $10.26. A nominal
top of $14,00 was quoted on choloo lamb..
Old aheap ar selling 25O60o higher than
at last week's close. After packers brok
the market $1.00 por hundred last week
buyer of reeding and breeding stock wer
able to take nearly avsrylhlng that was
offered, and In order to get a few mut
tons they needed kllllor had to put back
part of what they had taken off. Good
handy weight ewes are selling as high as
$7.00, with wethers up to $7 16, and rangs
yearlings quoted to $7.60.
Bt. Joseph Llv Rtock Market.
Bt Joseph, Aug II. Cattle Receipts 100
head; market tady; ter. $7,00010.60;
rows and helftr, $4.0009 10; calves, $7,00
OM. 00.
HoKe Receipts. $.801 head; market
steady. Top, $10.50; bulk of sales, $10,000
Hhpep and Lambs erlpt, 100 head;
market st-ady; lamb, $10. 26011. 00; w,
St. Louis Live Stork Market.
Bt. Louis, Aug. 1I- Cattl Receipts, 101
heard; market steady; native beef steer.
17. 00010.76; yearling steer and heifers,
IN 60& 10.10; cows. $6.1007.71; stockrs and
fned'ira. $6.2009 00; southern steers, $6.$0O
8 60; prime southern steer. $1,0009 00; cows
and holfTS, $4 50O9 00; prime yearling
siiere and helfT. 17. 10O9.00, native calv,
$ti,fi0i 11.76.
Hogs n"1pt. f,S00 head: market high
er; pigs and lights, $7.1001016; mlted and
butchers, $10.6001010; good heavy, $l0.1O
10 90, bulk of ale. $10 16019.11.
flheep and Lambs Reolple. 161 head;
market st-ady; IsmJ. $7 00l0 46; slaugh
ter, ftwea, $6 0007 Ii, bleating ewes, $9,100
10.00; yearling. $1,0009 60.
Chicago Uro fiUn, Xrk4.
Chicago, Aug 19 Cattle Receipts. tM
hart; market stesdy; native pen came.
17 lot 10; wvatrrn stoor. $1 1(01 IA.
tockora ami feeder. 11 107 90; rows and
hflfer. $1.7909 TO, ralveo $9 1101171
Hogs Receipts. 101 head ' market
strong. motly ! higher; bulk of ai.
llOlt.019 19. light. $14 10019 10; mlsed,
9 9&01 91; heavy. 19 Jltfll , rough.
TV It; pigs $ "
RhMp and Imbo Rerelpt. 1.91 head:
markrt wk; w.ther. $ Mil OS; we.
II 40OT I0; lamb. IT )fall l.
IJv Kios-fc 11 Pig hi.
Receipt of llv stork frum th ft !-
Omiki 4.40
nl I 0
Hon City I
Cattle, ifaooav
! !.
o 1.1M
IH 111
Total. .
$1,11 91 MM
Mhi nty l.o fttswk Mara a.
tout Hij, la. Aag II
tta IM a .
Ileg Mveiw, 1 11 hood; saarfcet
l.tgar. lick i. $ loom. mld, $1 MO
l. aoavv 9 101Mi balk. HHOlli.
PlWp ad Uw-Msoslpu. 1.11 hs4.
Traders in Securities Watch
ing Railroad Situation
With Keen Interest.
New Tork. Aug 19 Wall stref keen
Interest In the railroad labor .situation sub
ordinated all other considerations and de
velopments during today's two-hour session.
Trsdlng was light and exceedingly narrow,
some of the active Incuea remaining un
quoted. Ralls were slightly reactionary, as
was to he expected undr the attendant cir
cumstances and United States Slrci rosf
and fell within fractional limits.
Marines lost more of yesterday' early ad
vance, the preferrfd drnottng constant pres
sure on Its ettrem tWttn of I points
United Fruit also yielded a part of Its spec
tacular gain, but the harxwardneas of
Marines and Fruit was more than offset by
a new high record for Atlantic, ttulf A
Writ Indies at 7!W. and an extreme gain
of 6 points for Pacific Mall, the rising helng
rnlnrldent with that company's resumption
of Transpacific service.
nails a,nd Investment storks were at low
est prices just before th close, when th
financial district received word that the
Washington conference had a yet been
without definlt results.
Irrogular sain wnr registered by Fer
tiliser ii hurra, Pullman, Bani-Roriurk,
Mackay companies, Mexican Petrolsum and
Tobaccos, but those were devoid of sig
nificance. Total sales, of stocks amounted
to 211.000 Mhares.
The bank statement was of Interest
chiefly bersuse of th larg actual cash
gain, over $17,000,000, with as Increase of
almost $:S.flrtO,ooo in reserves. Mercantile
agenrlta reported continuance of activity,
deapit prevailing uncertain factors.
Th day's bond dialings were extremely
light, with a steady tone. Total sale, par
value, $1.1180,000.
Government bonds were unchanged aU
during the week.
Sales. High. Low. Close.
Am. Beet Sugar.... ion n9 94 8Ri
American Can I. loo f,t fiat, 69
Am. Car A Foundrv. AflO 1U inV Si
Am. Lnromotlve. . . . t.lOO TfU 72 Tl
Am. smelt, ft Ref.. 1,40ft tH 9
100 110 110H 110
11! H
1,600 7B
600 11 II H
H 841
76 T6I
78 784
Am. Sugar Ref.
Am. Tel. .ft Tel
Am. Z L. ft S . ..
Anaconda Copper., .
Bald. Locomotive. , ,
Ham more Ohio.,
Brook, Rap. Trail...
B. ft 8. Conner
Cal. Petroleum
Canadian Pacific...
Central Mather. . . .
Chesapeake A Ohio,
C M. ft St. P
Chi. A Northwestern
Colo. Fuel ft Iron. 1,600 48 47
Corn Product Ref
Crucible Steel 1,100 Tl 78
Distiller Securities, 100 48 41
Erie 1.100 Is 44 1114
uenvrai Kiieciric.
601 IT IT
00 IT1 17T 17
700 61 U 61 41
1.700 1414 1414 4414
Chi. 4V Northwestern 114
c, n. i p Br. $.i"0 lH 11 i"H
Chin. Copper 11 II 1H
1,101 1111
104 UM
7,400 108 V
1.100 II i
100 OIV
.... ,,
14(4 14H
101 108K
II 61
1814 64 3
13(4 114
18046 HI
Ot Northern pfd., 104 118 117s, tl714
at. Nor. Ore ctfs... 1,000 3146 31 384,
Illinois Centrsl 1.100 6314 611. 61
Inter. Cen. Corp 16U
Inspiration Copper.. 1,604 61 H 11 11
Inter. Harvester 114
I. H. M. pfd. otts.. 11,300 101 17 100
K. C. Southern 81
Kennecett Copper.. 1,804 41 41 44
Iiuls. Nash 138
Meilran Petroleum. 1.700 101 100 loot.
Miami Copper lot 16 14 14
tS., K. T. pfd 14
Missouri Paeino I
Montana Power, , 41
National Lead , 66
Nevada Copper l.0 11 18 11
New Tork Central.. 101 101 101 103
N. T.t N. H. at H . . 68
Norfolk ft Western. 104 116 118 138
Northern Paolllo... 1.606 111 111 1I0I
Paolflo Mall 1.604 II 14 17
Pao. Tel a- Tel, 36
Rar. Co. Copper..
Rep. Iron Steel,
flhat. Artsona Con.
flouthsrn Pacific...
Houthern Hi my..
Btudebakor Co 1.100 181
Tennssses Coppsr. , . 400 16
Tessa Comnany . . . . 600 164
union rarino s,ioo iiv us 3,
Union Paclllo pfd.. 600 68 13 13
U 8. Ind. Alcohol.. 400 118 111 111
V. S. ateel 11.104 11 11 II
U. B. Steel pfd 100 111 118 117
Utah Copper 104 61 11 II
Wabash pfd. "B" 17
Western Union 104 14 46 ' 16
West. Bleetrlo 1,100 16 66 66
Total salsa ror me aay. snares,
David Lloyd George
Is Satisfied With
Way Things Move
Crfccleth, Wales, Aug. 19. Tn i
loeech last night to hit fellow towns
men hers, David Lloyd George said:
"I am satisfied with the way things
are going. I feel for the first time
in two years that the nippers are
gripping and before long we will hear
the crack. Then we will be able to
extract the kernel,
"1 say that we shall see that there
will not be another war in our day.
The British people have made great
er sacrifices than we ever thought
oosiible. Three years ago nobody
ever dreamed that Great Britain
would oour million! of young man
hood into the battle front. The vigor
of our demand must be according to
the measures of our sacrifices,
Mrs. W. W. Smith
Is Called by Death
The death of Mrs. W. W. Smith.
mother of Mrs. A. L. Mohler, wife
of the former president of the Union
Pacific, marks the passing of a rela
tive of the famous poet, Henry W.
Mrs. Smith died at the Methodist
hospital Friday afternoon after a
long illness. She was 89 years old.
Born at Calais, Ma., in 1827, she
was married to W. W. Smith when
she was but 16 years oM. Her hus
band, who was a captain in the civil
war, died four years ago in Minneap
olis. Since that time Mrs. Smith
has made her home with her daugh
ter here.
Mrs. Smith's mother was Jane
Tower, a cousin of Longfellow.
Unidentified Man Overcome
By the Heat While on Street
An unidentified man, aged about
40, was taken to St. Joseph's hospital
yesterday aiternoon
Three Counties Unite to Cele
brate at Bellevue With
Prominent Speakers.
Three thousand choppers and chop-
esses aligned with the Modern Wood
men of America, the Royal Neighbors,
their families and friends Saturday
frolicrd at tlfe annual picnic at beau
tiful Hcllcvue. They froliced from
breakfast time until the trombone's
Oom-I'ah became a squeak at mid
ihkIu on the Sabbath morn. And
every man, woman and child at the
annual picnic hail a good time. It
was the annual gathering of the mem
bers of the order from the three coun
ties of Douglas, Washington and
Sarpy about 8,000 members when
noses are counted and no bets were
Lecturer Whelan.
When Supreme National Lecturer
Charles Whelan of Madison, Wis,, :
arose to address the gathering in the
open air at Ikllevue park, 2,000
throats bane mm welcome. 1 hey lis
tened to a masterful address on the
principles of fraternatism. Mr. Whe
lan's points showing the work the
order is doing for the education of
orphans, lor the smoothing ol the
palh of widows and children of mem
bers of the Modern Woodmen and
the efficacy of insurance in the order
were received with cheers. Mh. Whe
lan emphasized the fact that the M.
W. A. has more than a million mem
bers and that there are 50,000 mem
bers In Nebraska.
State Supervisor Mr. Josephine
Stonesifer of Lincoln, of the Royal
Neighbors of America, and President
Kerr of Bellevue college addressed
the picnic throng.
Program of Sports.
And then there were the Ithletie
events, with William D. Wood, clerk
of the order in Omaha, in charge.
More than f 100 in priiei were divid
ed in these events, the chief prize,
$20, for the winner of the base ball
name going to the o. at M, camp, no,
5, after defeating the Armour learn
by a score of e-J.
1 he score by innings:
n. at m i 4 4 10 14 1 tt
Armours 4 4 4 4 S s .
Matterles: n. a M. ram. Marian an
llena.rsoni Armours, Potash and Teal.
Andv Graves won the hundred-yard
dash, Jim Collins carried 08 the hon
ors for the q'larter-mile run, Joe Mil
ler won first in tnc lat men s race, ana
Mrs. Dillon carried ofl the honors In
the fat women'! race.
Dancing and the running of lata
events was continued after the dinner
hour until daylight faded.
Northwestern's Crop
Report Shows Corn
Is in Good Shape
The North Western crop report
for the week ending August 18, shows
that on the company's line in Ne
braska corn was greatly benefited bjr
the recent rains, the crop in moat
placet progressing wonderfully after
the substantial supply of precipita
tion. On the Omaha line the report in
dicated a rainfall of from two to three
inches. Prospects in the ricinty of
York are for the best crop in year.
Small grain, for the most part, has
been stacked and isbein g threshed
Plowing is being done in some locali
ties. On the Albion line, corn growers
sent In advices of good rain, with
every indication of high grade corn
crop. Small grain it being threshed.
The raint on the main line from
Scribner west, the moisture of the
last week averaged one and ' half
inches. Corn it reported at being a
good healthy color and an average
crop it assured.
Welcome raint were reported from
the Bonesteel line, the corn being
aided greatly, small grain la being
49ajgrs hmI Caid Ar flaagsiwsj.
lntrnl thrtwl an cheat troabta pr- j
due tnflammetto. T reduce tafia aamatle. j
loose enik, iestrwy sold ffersa. mm Dr. !
Klnrs New Olanrary. All draailsl. !
Advertises!. .
Persistent Advertising It the RoaJ
to Success.
1 wenty-
fourth and Cuming streets, where he
fell, overcome by the heat.
From the clothing he wore and
his physical appearance, he is thought
to be a laborer. His condition may
become serious, physicians said.
Decker Knocked Down
By Street Car and Hurt
George Decker, 4500 Harney street,
was hit by a street car at Twenty
fourth and Hamilton streets last
night and painfully injured. He was
knocked several feet. Police sur
geons attended him and he was taken
A tatty flrt WM bo to Mr IX Alloa
1 iimmi. 0h wu liifHMrlj Mr. UtiWA
Uim Pfrt mlly Im twn tmmfi th
Qrt itk tM la mmm aiundlM ft UmUf
ratMaM M Cmi.1 fwrk. N. V.
Mtat MtftK .MNt, vita ku 9mm Um
mmmt Ms wim t H Tart City, l aa
4Mfti hm taw. Mtaa fiimi
vtMU4 m fclMfla. .P. C. Cvala4. ft4
aihar aaaiatu tela la al Nilaffaaft.
Dsvaivi it
Brtfltan MtMkal Bark
Brilluml Muaka) lurltttui -
A alMnrar al amataal haraiiay. aliai
With ilia ratabw' vartf atai aalara m4
tHaraaaraarf wltfe fa withaui alia.
TlM Clabarata Scaak atoactacf9,
That IriMMa. "OmIm life OM
rrltniti, aiwan aortu imrttaw at itetm
Ho" ta k ioa a m4 kla atea
fl brtrt BMturt, And atjr. evMamm t
ttM wwtltv warm njt I'll aUn out Ota
Km. -UaUaaj MurbaaiiM; H Tufhtaft MtUfi
Ew6saa ai iaai- tVtaHaa-
15a, eUa. tia aJMl Tfta,
lT.tMats.1Se and 25et
nisra mm W tm ttM. Im aa nMhtaa
IT Carrtnga Curaaa la th l.ofctty.
"A Rial el F aad Laafalar."
EDNA DREON, Taleatad stasia Cmidli
HUastarak, LMkaaa a. Teaaasy Baa-,
Oauaa Jav-.ll Artiele.
Csssiay Maetaal A.
Aitiaa vAiva
I. a. 1.
lal At tl Aanawsasara
Miskaa. ml Ma.4 tWiMar"
Ve'wMa Attlnsas,