TTTE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: AUGUST 20. 1916 9 A MUNITION MAKING TREMENDOUS TASK British Resource Is Taxed to Limit to Provide Steel and Lead for Great Drives. FEW SHELLS FROM U. S. (Corrmi'on.l th- nf Thp Aesocln I I'll I'roo. 1 I-ondon, July .'5. -When the Brit ish forces in I'rance bc;m their Rreiil offensive hnnilxirtliiient on June 27 ami for rfnys hurled into the iiennan lines sueh an avalanehe of steel ami leat! as tlie world had never known hefore. even the people of Knplaml expressed wonder that it should have been possihle to as semble so vast a store of munition; The story of how these supplies were created constitutes one of the most important chapters in the his tory of British achievement during the war. At the outhreak of hostilities two years ago there were only three im portant munitions factories in the British Isles. Today some four thou sand Rovernmeut-controlled firms, employing more than J. MOO, 000 work ers, are (urninR out virtually all of the tremendous amount of war ma terials which have" cone to equip the 5.000.000 British soldiers in the field. The organization of this great in dustry has heen accomplished in a little more than one year by the min istry of munitions, which was es- tahlished in May, 1015, under the leadership of David Uoyd (ieortre. In that time every availahle resource of the country has been huilt for the production of munitions. Some idea of the scale upon which flii organi zation has heen carried out may he the largest of the new plants covers an area nine miles long and Irom three to four mites wide Dr. Addison at Head. A staff of 5,000 people has been required to supervise the work. At the head of this staff and responsi ble only to the minister of munitions has been a man whose organizing ability has been accorded wide spread recognition, lie is Dr. Chris topher Addison, internationally known for his medical research work. For some years he has de voted his attention to politics, and besides holding a scat in the House of Commons has been parliamentary secretary to the Board of Kducatioii before entering on his present duties as narliamentarv secretnrv tn tm ministry of munitions. Kvery detail of the munitions production is know n to Dr. Addison, ami during an inter view with a representative of The Associated Press he told as much of the story of the creation of this industry as could be made public at this time. At the outset he disposed of the statement which has been made in America to the effect that if it were not for the munitions furnished by the United States Great Britain would haw to quit the war. Not From America. "I have heard (hat statement made," said Dr. Addison, "and it is preposter ous, of course. The United States has furnished and is furnishing many raw materials which we are anxious to get for the manufacture of muni tions, but so far as the actual produc tion of shells goes, America has pro vided us with only a very small per centage of those which we have used." Turning to the manufacture of mu nitions in this country, he continued: "At the beginning of the war there were only three important munitions factories in the United Kingdom. In addition, there were a number of large private munitions and armament firms. At the start reliance was placed mainly in these national fac tories and experienced firms, and at that time they were full of orders. "In the early stages of the conflict more attention was paid to field guns and their equipment than to heavy guns, but ,is tunc went on the requirements for heavy shells greatly increased. In June, 1015, wc made an inventory of all the available ma chinery in the country, and it was evident that it was entirely inadequate to meet the demands. There were, however, a great many private firms which could be brought in to make munitions and it was decided to mobi lize them for national service. In order to do this we created an or ganization embracing the entire coun try. The country was divided into districts, in each of which a working board of management was set up. By means of this scheme of local or ganization t!i"u.ands of firms have been brought in, many of which had never see-: a sludl hotly, or a fuse, or a grtnnde, or a bomb, before, much less than make them. Now uiuni-!ion-making in some form or -other iia-- extended well-nigh to every con HderaMe lown --indeed to large num- niaker, by a candle maker, hy a flour miller, by a tobacco merchant, by an advertising agent, in several brewer ies, by some job masters, hy a glazier, by syphon manufacturers and so on. Shelis and good shells have been turned out by machines and methods which would be horrifying to the apostles of orthodoxy. "What all this amounts to in the aggregate you can form some con ception of when 1 tell you that a cal culation made three weeks ago show ed that there were being turned out weekly by firms who a ago bad not been engaged m munition work sixteen tunes as many heay shells as wen" being produced a year ago by all the national plants and private armament lums put together. Oi course, the big armament 1 it ins haw been greately extended since then and that tiguro does not apply to their present output. "Numbers of manufacturers who have hitherto been engaged m pro ducing quite rlilterent goods have sacrificed their business and good will in older to take up the luanulac tme oi munitions. They have done it for the asking and ungrudging! Many of them will find themselves at i tile end ol the war with a great pat t of their good will jeopardized or lost. Single Purpose Shops. "I oiiu idenlly with this program of bringing in private tirius it became evident that ecu with their help the output would still be insufficient, so the ministry ol munitions proceeded i to provide a large number of "single purpose" lactones, that is, plants where the work could he specialized. 1 Skilled engineers divided the work up I into a number oi repetition opera i tions such as could be done with a ' fciv weeks' training by women or un- skilled labor. I hi re are now in the ( country iiity-tlme national shell far j lories of this kind, all of which have i either been built or rccoiisti ucted by the government. Of these thirty-eight are under the management of the boards previous! retcired to. Others are managed for the ministry by ex perienced munitions firms. "Just as the output of shells, shell bodies, etc., had to be augmented so we had similarly to provide explosives and filling factories. As a result of this, apart from the enormous exten sions of existing factories, nineteen special explosive works have been provided. This lias practically doubled the whole previous output oi the country. Similarly there had to be built fourteen filling factories, each of which has been provided since last August. Altogether there are now ninety national factories which have been equipped with machinery and in most cases built during the last twelve months. "We can now produce in less than a month as many of the lighter shells as could have been turned out in the whole year of 1914-1015. In less than a fortnight we can now make more heavy shells than we could have done in the year 1914-1015. We can now turn out in a week far more shells, filled and complete, than were used in the whole battle of I.oos which extended over a fortnight, and they had been saving ammunition for that battle for a month. We could have a battle of Loos every week now and it wouldn't touch the shell reserve stock. Harder To Make Guns. "The manufacture of guns, which did not lend itself to the process of subdivision like ammunition, has had J to be concentrated largely in the i hands of experienced firms, but new 1 factories under the direction of these firms have been made for 'single pur pose' work. i "Regarding our present capacity for gun production as compared with the capacity in June, 1914, before the war, we are now making in the case of the lightest gnus over ten times what we were then, in the case of medium weight guns over twenty times, and in the case of heavy guns more than fifty times. Use Back Yards. "The productof trench warfare sup plies has meant the creation of an industry of which there was practic ally no experience in this country. Now grenades are being made in ; back yards and in all sorts of small ! shops as well as in the big factories, and hundreds of thousands are being produced weekly. In the early days of the war the trench mortar was a feW fcftAUTQMQgEBL i 1 1 a 14 Everybody Helps. 'An earnest dc?irc tu help, an arl.ipi.d ilily and tjerness tn learn have bn itij,'ht into nuinitbm making the remarkable assnrtnn in iin- aKinai'le ol" shops ami factories. In one era alone shell bodies or the com ponents of shells are beinp made not only by engineering works, but in confectionery works, by a music roll manufacturer, by an infant-.' food It is the condition of your mo tor at the end of a year run that counts. We firmly believe thnt Panhiml Oil in of the bent quality f r au tomobile use. We have iuv to it year after year, alth ivs.h there are innumerable other n! - of si:ni lar appearance which would show uh bitrger immediate profits. It doesn't pay to experiment buy i'tuihard and be sure. POWELL SUPPLY COMPANY OMAHA Automobile Supplies. 2051 Farnam. BMPM MOW MATS' Z9 ar a As Others See Us The best thing we caa say about our storage battery service is "Judge by our customers." NEBRASKA STORAGE BATTERY CO. Omaha 2203 Farnam St. Phone D, 5102 Free intpection of any battery at any time weapon which had received little at tention and undergone little develop ment as there was a mere handful of these weapons in existence. They ire now being produced in immensely improved types in hundreds where they were previously in units. And the output of their heavy ammunition has had to keep pace. The output of bombs where it previously was reckoned in hundreds, has now reached a total of .scores ol thousands weekly. The production of trench warfare munition in a most miscellan eous collection of workshops has, of course, neccMitated the provision of many assembly and inspection sta tions. "One of the earliest steps the mini stry of munitions had to take was to acquire control of every machine tool maker in the United Kingdom and also to bring in the manufactur ers of machine-tools. Kvery machine toed made during the last twelve months lias been disposed of us di rected by the ministry of munitions. The tools have been sent where they were most needed for the making of munitions. "One of our most anxious prob lems has been the supply and the distribution of skilled labor. There was not enough skilled labor to go round. This fact was recognised by the trades unions and the government has received their lieartv assistance throughout the distribution of skilled labor and in the dilution of skilled labor with unskilled. 1 he introduc tion of unskilled labor into the field of .skilled labor is a sacrifice of skilled labor to which no loo high tribute be paid. Skilled men have trained and instructed unskilled workers and in thousands of cases have willingly been mmed from piece work to day wages with (he result that they have earned smalled wages than the peo ple they bad trained have received at piece work. ' Ibis position was rendered more difficult by the fact that ninny skilled workmen crowded Into the army. ! More than highly skilled work I men have since been withdrawn for ' munitions work. They go where thev are sent This has given the ministry of munitions control of a large body ; of skilled workmen who can Ik' moved ; as required. Two Million at Work. "Apart from the manufacture of ships, aeroplanes, etc., which do not .fall under the charge of the nomstry of munitions, theie are now employed about J.OOO.OtH) people, oi.uhoin sev bundled thousand .ue women ll folows that there lias been much labor 1 expended in housing munitions w m L crs. Whole ullages have been built ! and we have mnvided accommoda j tions for oO.OoO people m twelve , months. 1 "People trom all classes of society (have joined in the maim fact lire of i munition-.. 'I here is. to, example, on ; the stall of the minislrv ot munitions i the daughter o an cart, who worked ! for nine months as a lathe band in a i munitions factory I are numhrts of i the best known families have devoted themselves to w oi k in the i a ulceus land to other work in connection with the factories. There is a dep.u tment ! in the ministry which is solely con cerned with the provision of canteens for munitions workers, and these can j teens provide tueaU for MHOHH people .daily. This enables them to get their food under decent conditions I barges are made to covet the i iM." Ir. Addison pointed out that il has been neeessaiv to mterfeie arbit rattl v in private industry in order lo carry on the munitions work. ! nvate ami public building has been stopped in many cases in order to move the labor elsewhere or to economise material. What applies to the building liade holds uood with inanv others. How : ever, tins interference has been cheer ! fully borne, he declared. 1 lie stated that .is a result of the de mands upon the ministry of munitions the formulae for many chemicals and instruments which formerly bad been made by the (iermaitii had been dis covered by Knglish scientists and that these things were now being manu factured here. In conclusion he said "When the ministiy 'f munitions is no more, the equipment of the fac tones ami works extensions all over the country with power and plant on up to date systems, aecutate and modern machine tools will add enor mously to om industrial strength in the niaikets of the world." It is stated that the heads of the! ! different departments of the ministry ! ijf munitions aie lai.eU duectors and 1 j managers ol k rea I indust i ies w ho S have volunteered their snviies and . j have given up the u hole ot their pt i ale wotk to labor for the coitnti i without re in unci at ion s one has ! put it, "'the ministry ol imimtious is. i in fat , the statt of British in jdllstiy, organized (or war" To ,u : American who has ol tint cere d bis I sen ices is given ere (lit lor at led in i; 1 (eductions in .shell con 1 1 act pines which .saved the government 4lHl.tHHi 1 pounds a week, i ; Mother Whips Boy Because He Does ! Not Salute Right When (' year-old Arnold Tuiims ol Millard, N'cb , cum- down lo Ins lbieakfast and neglected to say "Hood 1 morning, mother," a sound trouncing1 with a willow switch awaited him, ac cording to the admissions of his I mother, Mrs. t ar I I ininis. when she appeared before Judge Sears in juven ile nmit on i on i plaint of neighbors that she was unmercifully beating the adopted child. She admitted whipping the little lad when he buoi his man ners, slapping him on the head and ears and striving to inject a gentle disposition in her own manner. Neighbors and aiitmuobilists who have missed the Timins home while the child was hysterical, following whippings brough. about the hearing. The child was returned to the mother with the warning that he would be taken away by the juvenile authori ties and the parents punished should further complaints arise. Concert at Fontenelle Park This Afternoon The Omaha Bohemian band will , play at Fotiiencllc park this after noon, beginning at J jO o'clock. Frank Janda will be the leader. The pro gram will be under municipal aus pices. Bee Want Ads produce results. The Motor Car of Quality Unsur passed in Design, Workmanship and Material. Offering nil the advantages of the highest priced cars- plus a distinctive quality of per formance and riding ease possible only in that combination extraordinary a Sti-arns huilt knight type power plant and the final develop ment el' tlte long Cummin Stearns chassis. StMrni-KniRht 4 Cylindnr Model, $1445 Stflarnt-Kniffht 8 Cylinder Model, $2150 Knurs and Kights now on the floor for delivery. Mclntyre Auto Co. 2427 F.rnnm Street, Omah. Phone Doug. 2406. Type 17 crate sec $1295 No "Mark Up" in Price The Truth Made Men Stop and Think A RECENT statement by the President of the Chandler Motor Car Company on "motor car values and motor car prices" occasioned more searching thought on the part of pros pective motor car purchasers than any other announcement that has been made by the Auto mobile Industry this year. It came as a revelation to many who had . considered themselves well informed.. That statement led to the purchase of Chandler Type 17 Sixes within the past three weeks by hun dreds of men. who had been, attracted, by extrav agantadyerrisinfr or otherwise, to some one of the several rwWV' cars ia thee medium priced field. ff yotr neatf this statement by the President of the Chandler Company, as you probably did, yon know what; we mean by "marked up." You know that in recent months sums ranging from S80 to $200 have been quietly tacked on to the selling prices-ai these Chandler competitors. The explanation of the marked up prices has been the abnormal conditions, said to exist and really existing- in. a degree, in the motor car material market. But yoa know,. too,Tthat the Chandler car has not beea marked up. And so you? can still buy this great car greatest of all the Sixes at the same price established eigh teen months aga long before the war had made any efiect on tie material markets. And bear this in mintL that every change made in the Chandler car in all these past months has been a refinement and an improvements Every addition to itJjarrepr& sotted increased manufacturing emu Not a single thing hat been cutout of the car. Bear ir mind that today, while others are asking you to add eighty, a hundred, a hundred and fifty or two hundred dollars t your check, $1295 plus freight buys you this big luxurious highly refined Chandler-this Chandler with the marvelous motor, the exclusive Chandler motor which has been developed and perfected through four years ChwwHw Sn-Paengr Tbtnlng Car '.. .. $1J95 Chandler Pour-PawnHer RoadMer . .. .. . . .. . J1295 ChMKllerPoarPa$engerCoovcrtible Coupe (DtliTcriM in October) S1895 AU. PRICES F. O. B. CLEVELAND, OHIO Come Now for Your Chandler of intelligent manufacturing and four years on the road in the service of thousands of Chandler drivers.' Bear in mind that the Chandler is still featured by its Bosch Magneto ignition which others leave off, even the marketfup cars, because it costs so much more; still featured by its solid cast alumi num motor base extending from frame to frame where others use cast iron; still featured by the sturdiest, simplest chassis; still featured by ball bearings in rear wheels, differential, transmission and elsewhere, which helps make . it .the, lightest running car on the road. Bear in mind that in this Type,I7ChanaTeryoa get the exclusive Chandler full floating rear axle with its silent spiral bevel gear differential. .- And that you get the highest standard of caibuietion that the market affords; Gray & Davis separate lighting and starting system; big doable external and internal brakes, which stop the car at the in stant of command and hold it safe. on any grade Bear in mind that you get all of these highest grade, high priced features and scores of others which, together with Chandler warkmansMr go to make up a car the superior quality of which cannot be questioned in comparison- with the quality of any one of the many marked up' cars. And remember, too. that in the Typei7 Chand ler you are offered the beautiful tonneau cowl bodies which preceded the rnid-sommer "new models" of other makes by seven months time. In the Chandler you get mechanical excellence, luxury of body design, trim and fiirishjat the min imum oi purchase price. If we asked you to pay $100 more or 200 more that wouldn't make the car a bit better. In considering your purchase of . a new car. think for yourself. Measure what Chandler offers you along side of what any other car in the medium priced field offers you, regardless of price, and we think we know what your decision will be. Measure it along side of what any other car offers, keeping the marked up price in tnind, and we know what your decision will be. Chandtor3emn.Ptmengr Springfield Conrertrble Scdtn, S1CTS Chandler Limousine ... ti5'3 CARD-ADAMS MOTOR COMPANY, Distributors LINCOLN. NEBRASKA. OMAHA CHANDLER COMPANY, Distributors. 2520 Fimtn Strvet, Omihi, Neb. A. D. NORTHRUP. CUS BOLTON. Chandler motor car company, Cleveland, ohio