Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 20, 1916, NEWS SECTION, Page 8, Image 8

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8 A
i r ,t.l. !' a tor -Morning f rt ire, 1 1 .
i l ''itlo n . T .
SuMMi. Ninr-iornlh d Hurt. Ousts
I't i . .in, I '.tit; or Sun.ttt.- s- hool. 1 "
l'IV.,,-.!Utf, II. Ki-WOtlll Ir-rtKHf.
jr.-, hlng. S
Truiin. TwnM firs' and Hmnev rrea.h
Inc la m.-rnlns si I .;. .n. "d He
t'lfii''."" I'e. ii,-n in Sun. I . h.-.'l !
1 3 i rp.-r s.-r i. . In i he r tit MB at 7
Vi-. T,vuMti Hti.t l'M' Tliu
!..'.-. lt-.r HiK.- rtsss. !.' mertiltin
MOT1l H J-.1-I1.H1 t' It-'V .1.1 till i'alMTt.
i:i..itti i.r.t friium ..--iM.-e. : tu
1. nn TM-! (..iittli mi. I l.arlm.ire. Karl
K Unwen. MiMMri Sinnl.iv . bool. ! 4,'t.
iii,'m;:,:i; .'thip 11 1 :i .-ri l .'B'i". ." ,
.'t.MWIl; -Ml.r r.t n I ., , ft, frllim
fhiV !'"'ir
tit-nun. l-'t.t o:th Hi.-I iVnlt-r. Rev i) .1
Jhim i . l'.tTnr- Sun. la li".'!. 1 " . preach-
Be?. F. N. Riale of Cleveland
to Preach at First Pres
byterian Church.
A Cleveland, (CM pastor. Kev.
Frank N. Kiale, will occupy ttic pulpit
at the Kut le shyieru.n church.
Thirty-fourth and Karnani streets,
Sunday morning- Kc. Mr. Riale is
pastor of the Chiton rresttcn.i
church in Cleveland.
FxrniiiR services will he resumed
at the North lYc'v wruit church,
Tu enty -toin t h . i: 1 W u t M reet.
start in ! t'ii week 1 lie pa-tor, Kev.
M Y. HtRl-ee, !m tcMirned Ironi !u
vacation ami will picli Nind.iv . Vhi
chiucli i prep.iMii; to entrnam the
t.t'l itiectir.K ot the Om.itu Virh-
Kti-ie Hapti-t. a n.ttiie te.uliei ni
nuema, uil! lecture in the per-ecu
ttcn oi tin' I hn-tiaii-i in that countiv
at the mo: mt: t t ice ot the 1 m
manucl Hap! i-t t hureh, Twont -tour
t h and Tniknev streets.
TVot. I't it? i at lon and v ife of
Kati-as l ity. Kan , are isiting in
Omaha. Prut lail.-tMi i a son ot
Kev. J. Y. I ar!-.Mi He i an Omaha
hoy ami i now m chaise ot the music
deparinient ot ;lic public school v
tetn of Kansas City. Kan.
Prof. Carlson wit! take part in the
services at the ion l- nh-di Lutheran
church Sunday morning.
The Holiness association will hold
a husincs- meeting at the Pamsh
church, l' enty -ttt tit ami Oecatur
streets. Monday event at 8 o'clock.
Council Hint is Methodism is to
hear Or. Homer C. Stunt, the newly
assigned hthop tor N'ehraska ami
Iowa, at Kpworth Methodist Kpts
copal church. Twenty tilth street and
Avenue H. al, 8 o'clock Sunday eve
ning. It is expected that the other
Methodist churches will join in the
Bishop Stunt was tendered a re
ception last Tuesday exenitiR at
Broadway Methodist KpUeopa!
church. This will he his first s.erinon
in Council Mutt's.
Oltvft drove Misftl.Mi. Tlilrli -jittth 9trft
unA Orown t'ntnl nvuniia. Itil.l.i h h.ul mxl
mrtlrm, S 4S. T.'?i.l cv.muiik. . wt-oklv
metttnc for wor.thip nrt fpintvhht.
l'lvnry, Hnnillttn unti Twenty fifth ntn-i't,
-T A MbxhpII, Is(.t-1HI.I,. mho..'
It. prfrhlnn. "Th" Prunintl i'Iihth.-i.t 1
thr litis I " 7, Hhi I l(t Ymintt tVoplc'p
unl.m, S, pr. htn ' I'hriBt nt .'hur. h '
Olivet, Thtrty-eiKhth street unit iJmnit
A venue. Rev, W A. Tnnlur,
Mornhic, 11. Sermon by Hev ,t H. Henrl
Kvenlim, 7:10. Kveninir wurnhtii nt K. Wetl
nwUy evnttif at , prayer unit frllowhti
ImiimnUi'l. morn1n ervr, 1t:!l(. Roste
BrtiMM. n.itive lea.-her of Armentn. tvtll
Ulk on lh peret'Utton of the ("hrtnttaiis
In thut country. lllblt m-honl at noon
KvenlnB servlt-e. Yonir lenple meet t nn
Kt 7. t'ren t'Hl tig at I. Sermon by Itov A
B. MnrshU.
Worth (Mile. Twenty-wernnd iinfl Lothrnp,
twrg !.. IV' tern. Past or ItUile nrhont,
'3fl. Morning aorvlt-e. 10:45. Kvrnlng ser-
ic, S. Emlfavor. 6 4V
(iirUtiait .SelMff.
rirst Ohur.h .f rhrlut, Solentlitt. St
vitr s ii venue nntl Twenty -fourth street.
Serlti', tl Sutt.(evt, "Mlnrt" SumUy
s hi'ol, S :U itnj 11. Wadneatiay evening
-li -ItUE, ,
S.-t-onrt I'hur.-tj of ChrtBt, SrlentUt. Dun-tl"i-
hull, I'mlerwoort avenue mul Ftf iteth
slrtet. StTvd t'M. 1 1. Subject, "Mtnd."
W 'ftlnemlay evontnir meet Inn. s.
Thlf.t Chur.h of rhrtst. Scientist. Drutil
hull. 214 Aitieo avotiu.- rt It-en. tl. Sub
ject, "Mlmt '' Sumlny tt ...n.l, ?.4&. Wfil
noaUtty vcnltiR iiifetlnK.
4'onirreraf tnnat.
Ft rat, Nineteen t h and 1 'men port streeta
Pennon by Kev. A M. Perry at 10:30.
Sunday school at nnon. Prayer nieetlntc.
Wetlncsttny evetitnR Ht 7:30
Cantral Park, Forty-aerontl an1 Saratoim
atreeta, D. K. t 'I e vela ml. Factor Sunday
nrhool at 10. Sermon at II. I'hrlntlan Kn
deavor mcetiuf l T. Uvangellatlc aervlci
al .
lltlUtde, Thirtieth and Ohio atrera, W
8. Mmnplon, Ps(nr Service, at 10:30 and
K. Morntiif theme : "fry Nebraaka." Sun
day fthool ai l!. Senior Kndeavor at T.
Prayer meeting, Wednesday at I.
Urman. Twelfth and Ooroaa treta,
R. tlilkerbaumcr. Pastor Morning, 1 1
Subject: "The Hitrren Kir Tree" Kventng
at S. subject: "The 1'lague of lha Heart."
SumUy achool. Young Peoples' met't-
tnr, 1.1& P- ni.
PlWHith, Kndnet and Right tenth. Fred
erick W, lMvltt. Mtntuter Servtco at 11;
sermon toptr, "The lli lributlon of Truth."
Bible school at 1". Young People's Society
of t'hrintian Kndeavor at t. Church night
WedneMU) at S.
St. Mary's Avenue. Pt Mary a avenue
and Twenty -we veil th stfeeta. Rev. li. A
Hulbert. Minister Suml.ty chool at to.
Sunday morning worship nt II The ser
vice will he In chnrge of Kalph Yeoman
o( the Young Men's Christian Assoc la turn.
Kv angelica I.
Ft rat United. iv: Franklin, Rev. Ira Mr
Bride, I'sstor MoinliiK cornum at 11. live
nin sermon at . Smulay achool at 10.
Junior league at 3- Senior andlnieriuedlate
leagues at 7.
Graca United, ramdon Avenue and North
Twenty-seventh Street, Thomas M. Kvans.
Pastor Preaching al 11 and S. Sunday
sr-hott) at 10. Key sione Ucugue of Christian
Kndeavor at 7.
Thurch ot the Hood Shepherd. Twentieth
and Ohio -Morning prayer anil sermon by
Bev. Arthur Morrison of Trinidad. Colo.
Church of St. Philip, the Peacon. Twentv
flmt. Near Paul. Hev, John Albert Williams,
Vlrar Holy communion ai 1 .30. Holy
eucharlst (choral) an.l sermon at 11. Sunday
achool at 12:30. Kvening prayer at h.
St. Andrews. Char las and Forty -first. J.
S. Flockhart. Itet nr Early communion t
8. Sunday school t 9 4. l.ate communion
at 11. Kev. R. S. Flockhart. assistant rector
of All Saints church, will preach.
Grace Lutheran ilranch Sunday school,
hall. Forty -eighth and Leavenworth.
Uraee English. 132fi South Twenty-sixth.
C N. Sihart, Minister At 11, "Truthless
Teaching." Sunday school at 9: SO.
St. Mark's English. Twentieth Hnd Bur
dlie, L. llroh. Pastor Preaching at 11.
Sunday school at :4t. No evening service.
First. Twentieth and Mason. Rev. Titus
I. ng. Pastor Herman service at in, Eng
lish s-nkea at 7:30. Subject. "Uod a Visita
tions." Our Savior's Danish, Twenty-second and
leaven worth. P. H. Amrnentorp, pMStor
Sunday school at 9:30. Services at 10 :4P
and S:l&. Meeting Thursday at :15.
7.1on English. Thirty-nlxth Street and
lafuyetls Avenue, Rev. A. T. Ijorimor.
Pwatnr Sunday school at :45. Services at
II. Mid-week service Wednesday evening.
St. Paul's Twenty-fifth and Evans, Rev.
K. T. Otto, Pastor Services at I. in Eng
lish avery Sunday at 8. Assistant pastor.
Rev. J. Hilgendorf, conducts all services
during tha pastor's absence. Sunday achool
at .
Kountit Memorial, Farnam Street and
Twenty-sixth Avenue, Rev. Oliver D
Baltxly, Pastor; Rev. C. Franklin Korh. Ag
oclate Pastor Morning; worship at 11. Sub
ject. 'Temptation." Sunday school at :4&.
Branch Sunday school, Druid hall. Twenty,
fourth atret and Amea avenue, at I.
Ludden'g Memorial. Nineteenth and
Caatelar, Rev. a. W. Snyder, Pastor
Morning ten-tee at 11. Subject, "Chooalng
a Ievlj." No evening service. Sunday
chool at 1ft. Subject, "A Oreat Riot."
Iadiaa' AM and Missionary society will meet
Thursday afternoon at the residence of Mrs
M. C- Nernesa, 111 South Twentieth street!
Walnut Hill, Forty-tlrst and Charles
Oliver Kve, Minister Services, 10;J0 and 8.
Hanscom Park The pastor. Rev. E. 1.
Hull, has returned from bis vacation and
Will preach.
1 Cabe, Forty-first and Farnam, W. H,
lh.' pttntor. 11. 1'h- i .'iiilriK of '''!'
V 'Tin- r.t T.I- '.tre.l in "he
i-f 'ni' Enenile!- '
1 Memorial. Tt-nfh nti.t Pierce, C N
ti. l-.tNi.T Sur.lny hoot. V !'.
trtpr. 11. "Hore ni,,!" PpWol'lh
of i'.-Hv
I. JltilK " ' ll-v !
I 111. -tUK. . .tl es.lay,
1 l''!r, SUIeenth nn, ..sleUir K.'V C
r M. -..i,,r M,. tnng --1 v I. e. t t , lt-v
' II Ullll-r of Kl.-ifti.e Mill Te,i,ti. S.i It
bn Hi h"..I. (.
. -stt-.hier. ml,! Avenue ,m. Mason
Sit.'. I Itl'.l. s. tlooi 111 ?t C 111.. I li llig Wol
slui' nt I I. He A H t 1 th.t ! I. I 1' .
I'l.-fllHiR . I '111 11 l.l It KILL H ..I nt 7
..Mh. Tn-nt f.oirin t.t:. Will. M V
ilni.e. Pt-ior Umniiin. 11 et.-iiiiiR : in,
Sun.,i 1.-I1..0I. 9 4;., S.uing v,..e S... 1.U
.f 1 In Im ia 11 End. it or, t. ;i" KellowsMp
no- -ling owning,
Metison, A .1 M. flung P:tstor Sund.iv
v I", m.omi.g v..ihlp. n . .mm
nmnl.ii ".'fx l. 1 brl'.l'nn End- .r. I.
union e..T,n, -, -vi.. v, -ui.,-, i Th- N.-w
Hirh " l'i.t.T iot-"(hiK l '.iie-.l., , 1
Lin.- A i-iiije. r,.,-1lel ll 11 ml Me 111' 1.1 S -
Sun l.ii -. li....!. 1 1 .1 it l.m.-t ill Hi--iiU
i 11. S- nt. .r, 7 Etilt.-.l flnl.
Mill le:iKU- till 'told lis flflh In-ellllK n( It
1 ' 1 1 1 s n tp.-Mjiil Ini K.-d to alien.)
iKinf, l' 1111. 1 Tw-nlv seve. I h,
fh;irl,- II l-l-Mii!tiK l':lf.t. h Mormng nor
-hip. I" N the Hll.le Eot or Agitlnsl
th- Slooi- Mil.'- -..-hMoi. noon, JunbT En
d.--i t or. ,( .0 StMitur End-it t or. 7 , evening
wor-hii-. - . nine M.K.k nlKlM and an .ikIu
.-en nil 11 11 1.. set 111011 1.11 " th HtHr!"
Tea - h M.oitt l'r..yer " Wedn-'sdav, 1 Flul
Thevmilotil;,!! i- h United, ' Willi t Hoes It
Tea. h About the S. enrol C'tu1n of
Christ ?"
National E.-iiinetle Milrtlual. 3414 Cum.
lug -tt. . I Mrs Kiln t i.11 diner. tness.iue
I'. ster S. ri. e. Sun. lay and Thursday al
Tile -., I,i (ed Hi I'le -indents H In
l,rie biilldlt.t;. N in-t. en I li hii.I E.trti.ini. Ht
" ' l" k ' 1' l-u-.e Hill leelure. Toldc,
"The M It rt'ltt g" Slll..e'."
I nitr.l Mrettu-en, N ine t ne n t li Hnd Ei.lhrori
streelM Motriinc. 11. eV..iliig, .Str lee
In 1 Imrge of f lit humi Eintenvor society.
Siiii.lni aclitit.1. in. Piaycr nit'ettng, Wert
nt'MliO. H.
niiinhH lltdhcst A. -01 latloii. W K. Fo
shlei. Pros I. lent --tios-f. I servl.e ttnd cluan
me. Mug, .1 ."o, ni li.mlth 1 hureh, Tweittv
tlfth .tlid I'.etttur Mteels KusllieSs meeting
Moinlny night at s.
IV.. ides Chnr.'h, dir. North Eighteenth
.(reel, Ki' Ctinrl.'H W Mavldgo, Pastor
Morning, "Titos-, who Know Their tied lo
Exploits '. owning. "If Two of You Agree "
1 nd m s.h oi.l nt iunn. Prayer meeting.
Tliillsdu .'lolling.
te,.i gnni.ed Church of Jesus t'hrlat of
l.ntl.r I'uv Salnls. Twenty-fourth anil Ohio
Streets Sunday m hoot ut 4f. Preaching
m 11 RtdiRlo. ti :ti) Preaching at s. At
the Moose. Imll. Soiilh bide, Hunday school
nt ll. Preut hliiK Mt It und ft.
Takes Two Cops to
Subdue Fierce Lad
Who Puts Up Battle
David Chcsno, alias Bear Cat,
whose strenuous struggles in Hayden
Hi others' grocery department re
quired the attention of two strong do-
liceinen, was returned Saturday to
the Kivetvtew home for incorrigibles
wih a suspended sentence to the State
Industrial school at Kearney when
Judge Sears concluded investigation
ot" one of the most aggravating juven
ile cases that has recently been
brought to the attention of the staff
of Probation Officer Miller.
"The way to tame these young bear
cats that kick shins of the officers,
bite them and abuse them after steal
ing cookies and insulting older people,
is to put them in a place where the
dogs won't bite them," said the judge
in sentencing the bate-footed boy.
Young ("hesuo. according to Traffic
Officer Mansfield, who was called to
settle the disturbance in the store,
put up a stitfer fight than any pris
oner he has arrested during his seven
teen years on the Omaha police force
The lad, according to his own testi
mony, has been in juvenile court so
many times that he has forgotten the
When separated from her head
strong boy at the doorway of the
detention room of the court, the
mother became hysterical, requiring
the attention of three attendants in
Iter struggles to claim hei son.
Persistent Advertising Is the Road
to Success.
Miss Mamie liillin, daughter of
CharL'S K. Gillin, of Lorton, Neb.,
and Mr. Garth Reed of Auluirn, Neh .
were married by Kev. Charles Y.
Savidge at his residence Friday even
ing at 7:.t0. The witnesses were the
hride's brother, J. K. Gillin, of Lor
ton, and Dr. F. C, Kowman of Du
luth, Minn.
1 ll.i M. Wilhitc and Harold H.
Reoder were married by Rev. Charles
. Savidge at his residence Friday
evening ai S:.?0.
Stella, N'elv, Aur. !8. t.Spcctal.1
F.dward A. Reimcrs and Miss Mande
McTagnart, who left Stella Tuesday,
were married in Falls l ily that aftcr
non ai the court house by County
Judge Wiltse. After the ceremony
Mr. and Mrs. Reimers left Falls City
tor Wichita. Kan., to visit his par
ents. Mr. and Mrs. John I', Reimers,
who moved from here to that city
early in the summer. The brute is
the daughter of V. C McTaggart of
Falls City. N'eb.. Aug. IS. (Spe
cial.! Miss Huldah Werner, daugh
ter of Martin Werner, and John
l'icrce were married at the home of
the bride's sister. Mr. and Mrs. V. F.
Rieschick. a mile east of Kail s City.
They were attended by Miss Martha
Werner, cousin of the bride, and
Frank Pierce, brother of the groom.
The groom is a graduate of the State
university agricultural school and for
the last four years has been the man
ager of the Cedar Grove dairy. They
will reside here.
Falls City. Neb.. Aug. 18. (Spe
rial.) Mrs. Grace Holt of Falls Citv
and Frank Streeter of Atchison. Kan'.,
were married in Kansas City on
Thursday at the home of the bride's
sister, Mrs. Frank Clegg. They will
make their home here.
Persistent Advertising Is the Road
to Success.
Acting Mayor of Des Moines
Numea Committee to Look
Into the Prices.
(I'mni a ftff Corronpondent l
Des Moines, Aug. IS. (Special Tel
egram.) Acting Mayor 'loin Fair
weather today appointed a committee
to look in I n thr cost nf living in Des
Moines, particularly groceries and
coal, and to ascertain it prices here
are higher than eNewltere and why.
J.mtrs K. ll.nina, former mayor, is
chairman. grocrrvmrn are pro
tecting against claims that food i
higher here titan elscwhcie.
Oil Inspection Cost Cut.
A i eduction in t fie o M t oil ui
spection fiutii 7 cents to 'i cciils a
barrel has hceii ii'drrcd by John P.
Ivislex , state nil inspector. 1 tie de
pat tinent is required lo make a'
charge sufficient to pav the expense
ol tile inspeitit.M. I'nr the vear end
ing June M a lee of H cents
i barrel was charged for inspect ion
I Ins was reduced to 7 reuN and now
:o o. The fe on gasoline was dropped
by the last assembly,
Raid Big Beer Camp.
Twenty-five men and women were
eortcd bv the poticr from a luxur
ious beer camp north of the city to
the police station shortly after mid
night. I'nttke the average raid the
guests ot the camp came into the city
in automobiles owned liy them, each
under police escort. 'I hree barrels
of empty beer bottles were brought
At the camp several tons of
ice were found m a cave fixed up as
a storage place for bonze. The main
office and parlors of the camp were
in a shack. Monty Montague and
t wo partners, a man and a woman,
were arrested as the proprietors. The
otticers said nothing could be done
with the guests.
Want's Slain Daughter's Estate.
John S. Banks, father of Mrs. Sa'ie
Parnienler. killed by In r husband on
their farm north of the city a few
weeks ago, has brought suit against
the administrator of the I'aimentet
estate, valued at $7,D0n. to get his
daughter's share. Pa nn enter, after
killing his wife killed himself. The
other relatives are making a fight for
the property. Mure was no will
Bull Moose Party Has Ticket.
The bull moose party of Iowa now
has a full tnket in the field tor state
nltices. V V Allen, ot
state, lias ret rued notice from the
progressive s.,te , ruiial committee
that S II Ha-dmr ol Waterloo has
hern nominated tor governor. The Pil
lowing candidates for pre mi lent lal
electors uric al-o tiled, which tills
in the di it nets not already having
candidates: Second dt-trit i, K. J.
I.ockaid. Iowa county; 'I ruth district.
Pied I.. I ash, Hamilton county;
l-Teventh districl, Joe Meicall, I'lii it-n
county. l . Binl (ionld .of )cs
Moines has withdiavvu as a candidate
for representative in Polk coimtv on
the progressive ticket. II. VI. Shively
of Perry, who was nominated for rep
resentative oil -the bull moose ticket in
Dallas county, has also withdrawn.
Notice has been received by the sec
retary of stale that the democrats of
I. inn county have nominated Peter (i.
Henderson for senator, ami Maurice
Cahi!l for representative. No nomina
tion was made at the primary so the
convention made the nomination.
Camera Men to St. Paul.
The North Central Photographers
association will hold its next annual
convention in St. Paul. This was
voted at yesterday's session. Officers
were elected as follows: President,
Sam M. Judd, Minneapolis; first vice
president, H. H. Kgbert, Atlantic; sec
retary, John H. Snow, Mankato, Minn.;
treasurer, Mrs. Worthington of Aber
deen. S. I K. U. McCracken of
l aigo, Y 1)., and P. A. Bramerd of
Havre, Mont,, were also elected vice
Henry Purry died in the state prison
at Anamosa, Tuesday, at the advanced
age of 72 years, thirty years of which
have been spent in prison. The old
nun's pardon was under consideration
at the tune of bis death by the state
parole board, which was holding a ses
sion at Anamosa. He said he wanted
to be paroled to the Iowa Soldiers'
home at Marshalltown, for he was an
old soldier, hurry was committed to
Anamosa July lo, IhNo, from Polk
county, on conviction of having killed
his brother-in-law, a man by the name
of West, at his home on a farm south
eat of Des Moines, hurry ami his
mother were living with West at the
time and the two men are said to
have had trouble. Puny was con-'
victcd of having murdered his brother-,
in-law with an axe while he slept.
Old Settlers of Harrison !
County Hold Reunion
Logan. la., Aug, 1H. (Special. )--The
thirty-second annual reunion of
the old settlers of Harrison county,
held at Magnolia) yesterday, was at
tended by over eight thr itsand.
J. P. McDowell made the address of
welcome and Colonel M. W. Wilx n,
chairman of the day. responded, i )n
the program w.:s band music by Mis
souri Valley, vocal music by Mag
nolia ant! Logan, violin music by
Mesdames Ofscn, Hardy and Depue
readings by Miss Kayl and Miss Mills,
memorial address by A. H. Snitf.
Judge Horace Deemer of Red Oik
gave an address. Merne Johnson, the
"boy orator of Iowa," contributed a
full measure to the days' program.
The 8-year-old lad, in knee trousers,
never hesitated for a word, and for
twenty-two minutes he walked the
platform with the practiced ease of a
seasoned campaigner.
Sidnev Pitt
president, Ellis Jones, Missouri Val
ley, vice president; A. M. Pryando,
Magnolia, secretary; II. N. Frazier,
Persistent Advertising is the Road
f Persia was elected 1 to Success.
Astonishing Power of Iron
to Give Strength to Broken
Down Nervous People
Physician Say Ordinary Nuxatrd Iron Will
Increagr Strength of Delicate Folk
200 Per Cent in Two Weeks'
Tim In Many Instances.
NEW YOIIK. N. Y. In a recent difoure
Dr. K. Saner, a well known Specialist, who
hntt studied widely, h.ith in thin country and
Kurope, AAid : "If you wort to make n ac
tunl blood tent on nil people who are ill you
1 would rrolialtly be ureatly astnnished at the
exceedingly lame number who hck iron and
who are ill for no other reason than the lack
of iri'ii. The moment iron in supplied all
their multitude of dnnvrernu nymptomn dis
; appear. Without iron the blood at once loses
I the power to chnnirc food into living tisttuo,
, und therefore ii'ithinjr you eat doe you any
i Eootl; you don't lift the strength out of it.
I Your food merely pawsen throiifth your y n-
tent like corn through a mill with the rodent
so wide apart that the mill cun't grind. As a
! result of this continuous blood and nerve
i starvation, people become (tcnerally weaken-
ed, nervous nnd all run down, and freijuent-
ly develop all sorfu of conditions. One is too
' thin ; another is burdened with unhealthy
1 fat ; some are so weal. thy can hardly walk :
some think they have dyspepsia, kidney or
liver trouble ; some cbii r sleep at nipht ;
others are sleepy and tired all day ; some
fussy and irritable; some skinny nnd blood
less, but all lack physiral power and endur
ance. In such cases it is worse than foolish
ness to take stimulating medicines or nar
cotic drugs, which only whip up your fait
dintr vita) powers for the moment, maybe
at the expense of your life later on. No
matter what any one tells you. if you are
not strong and well you owe it to yourself
to make the following test; See how Ion (r
yuu can work or how far you can walk with
out becoming tired. Next take two f I ve
rmin tablets of ordinary nuxnted iron threo
times per day alter meals for two weeks.
Then te-t your tttreiiHMh again, and SCe for
yourself how much you have gained. I have
seen dozens of nervous, run-down people who
were ailing all the time double, and even
triple their strength and endurance and en
tirely get rjj) of their symptoms of dyspepsia,
liver and other troubles in from ten to four
teen days' time simply by taking iron In ths
proper form, and Ibis, after they had in
some CHses been doctoring for monthis with
out obtaining any benefit. You can talk as
you please about all the wonders wrought by
new remedies, hut when you come down to
hnrd facts there is nothing like good old
;ron to put color in your cheeks and good,
sound, healthy flesh on your bones. It is
also a great nerve and stomach Btrengthener
and the best blood builder in the world. Th
(inly trouble was 1 hat the old forms of in
organic iron, like tincture of iron, iron ace
tate, etc., often ruined people's teeth, upset
their stomachs and were not assimilated, and
for these reasons they frequently did more
harm than good. But with the discovery of
the newer forms of organic iron all this has
been overcome. Nuxated Iron, for example,
is pleasant to take, does not injure the teeth
and is almost immediately beneficial.
N'OTK The, manufacturers of Nuxated
Iron have such unbounded confidence In Its
potency that they authorize the announce
ment thnt .they will forfeit Jl 00. (10 to any
i 'liarltable Iiih'ttutlon If they cannot taku
any man or woman under sixty who lacks
Iron ami Increase their stre ngt h 2 on per
rent or over In four weeks' time, provided
they have no serious orKanto trouble. Also
they will refund your money In any case In
which Nuxated Iron does not at least dou
ble your strength In ten days' time. It is
dispensed In thin city by Sherman A Me.
Conned Oriig Htores and all other druggists,
1 22
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Red Inner Tubes
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But Not in QualityJ
Michelin Tubes are Red because certain in
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Many inferior tubes are simply dyed
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the Michelin ingredients are lacking, so these tubes
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