Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 20, 1916, NEWS SECTION, Page 4, Image 4

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    4 A
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Daughter of Former Nebraskan
Files Suit in Chicago, Al
leging Desertion.
jira.n - M:$. Helm Morton
l.i'.ii;Trr ol V..iik Morion, lo:mr:!y
... N .'t.Ua i"!t , !m:( '..trr of
on a-ii lake Koiot. li!, the militon
A'.re ..!. TiujiiMir. anl Krjin'.ii.uiplurr
o: 1 Merlins Morion ol Ncl'iU,
xvrnary of an 'unn e mnlrr ''!0i
!rnt t love '.i!V.. iild! a mi it for ;ib..
liitf t!:of to.'.; r; the 1 ako comity
court. hf .iciiM' V.rt Iuiuti.I,
Koprr Ktyh . Pt '...p!.t,u V.v, ol ilc
Ttior.. The hill oe into t!:e
relations of the couple. It ;il.Cr!. that
M iss Morton w nut t (. to H.ivly
June 4. W!4. at Ki rrbank Yill...
iieru'.i, 111 ; ;ie-t llut hf livc'il
h h,"-. nnt:i Aiikii;-! ol the .nnr
-r, u'-en -he ictiune-i to her pat
ents home ir, c MiSinhv t (. Incipo,
I'.rv iroilit'i 1 1 ill; in 1 .ike hoiol .uid
het l.u!:ci ieilii!fi on ht.s loimttv
rstate .u W'
Treated Husband Kindly.
I he hi1 1 that no ctnhlten cvri
have heui 'oorn and smics duniifi
h.rr teM.iriH'e with her heir
and in Yiminia, wliei r lie is owner
ot t' .Vhlcy Mock latin. he tiealrd
him kindly and atlrctu-nalely in .ill
ihinpv. Site contend -ho conducted
herself toward linn in a manner well
becoming a pol, tine and virtuous
w nr.
ufiii5t 1, 10.4. the hill continue,
lalv, without any reasonahle or iit
catiM whatever, deeilid and aban
doned her and lias continuou.sly since
absented himself from her.
Mrs. fiayly aks an absolute di
vorce in order that each party may
marry ajjain in like maimer a if
they had never been married She
asks that her maiden name. Helen
Morton, be restored. An alfidavit of
non-resident e of Bayly accompanies
the bill.
The case probably will be heard this
fall. The decision tf t he court may
close one of the most sensatirrat ot
the exploits of the young woman,
who is remarkable for her works in
sculpture, for her horsemanship and
for her devotion to sports, as well as
for her . iking departures from the
usual routine life of society, which
often have claimed the front pages of
the newspapers.
Mortons Not Talking.
The suit for divorce follows the last
ofthe visits of Bayly to Chicago by
ahtut six mouths. At that time, last
witter, Bayly spent about two weeks
in It lie city and let it bt known that
he-was negotiating with the Mortons
fo$ the purpose of securing a divorce,
ot "annulment of the marriage. None
of the Mortons tonight would say
whether the present suit is a result of
that visit.
Miss Morton met Rayly while tak
ing part in a horse show held under
the auspices of Chicago society folk.
There followed a visit by Miss Mor
ton to Delaplane for the porpoie of
picking out a thoroughbred animal
for her mount.
There were rumors she had mar
ried Bayly in July, 1914. but she de
nied this report, and suddenly began
a sensational dash across the country
to Whcaton. She proceeded a part
ol the distance on trains, but eluded
the most energetic efforts of news
paper men to intercept her by speed
ing on large sections ot her journe
by motor car across the country.
If Not a British Subject,
Then Keep Out of Ireland
London. Aug. 18. By a new order
in council the government is empow
ered under the Defense of the Realm
act to "prohibit from entering Ire
land, any person not a British subject,
or who. being a British subject, has,
since March,. 1, 191o, come or may
hereafter come to the United King
dom from parts beyond the seas."
Any such persons as described in
the order, embarking for or found in
Ireland, will be regarded as guilty of
a summary offense, says the order.
Department Order.
Wmhlnfton. Aur. 1 ft. (Spec!! TeUtrsm.)
Pension! rrtnlrd to Nebraska person :
Polly M. Clark. Falrbury. 112; Emma 8.
Palmer, Omaha, $12; Rthre A. BrooV,
i.tncoln. 12: Lillian R. Brown. Wakefield.
St 3. South Dakota: Kale Wright. Yankton.
$12; Marietta Mills, Hcrmosa, $12; Alice
Slater. Pollock, III.
Mrs. Nora Weetover vn appointed pout
mletrrsn at Lont Lake, Sheridan county.
Neb., vice P. O. Farrow, resigned.
The Treasury department has luued a
charter to the Firm National hank of
Grant. S. D. and to the First National
bank of Merrill. Ia., capital stocks, 1:5,000
and $40,000 respectively.
Nebraska Railway
Takes Shot
at Interstate Body
I ineoln. Neb., Au:. W- In deny-i
i r ac a TcijueM ot the lUii Imgton t.ul
: tot pctini-Moii to mi'; rae ut
.v.: treighit i.ito !a. the Nebraska i
M a'r K ,n !w A c million rvci rlv I
t it iCT-r the 1 n : ( ! - ; .i'e i iMiimcivc
-:;. i !',:: i m i The 1 o i : i n i t : . a s d
loi c to i .n-e t hi- rale on !i e
io, k lit 'in i letn , i b , in i hnali.i.
e .fati iviiinii-'-iuii dec hit ed in
p.: t " I'hc ii'iict.i! antli'.irities .tie
i::..irrt:ikint; tn h by .i i on in lain ut':o.:. i , t.i thr S !;t c f. : t meth
od, what the iniiinu'hf iulli-
Measure as Amended in Senate
Is Now on Way to Presi
dent for Signature.
mission prohibits, ami in their hur
ried etioits to u nlove o-i ailed un
lawful diM i iniinat U'li.s hetu ei n bor
der cities pioceed ! cause eipial or
more ;binnn di-crii.irnalions between
a':rs, t'.-tli ol wiii.h are hualed tu
ni:e ".tatc. and b --o (hniK, undetlake
tn tunc!. m' 1 hr :r ee and indi-priiflrut
.tci-i'i! ! il'.e h'Kall ant In n iy eil tate
,iilt!:iu i! n-i tti 'in otablhi!i UM,
l i'a n a 1 1 1 e and tu-r. dicnuin'i,i(i n
l .,ti I'.n I lie 1 1 aii'i ! lai i 'ii i 't cum
ill, .i I ;t :i -. bet fi ii pi 'illl s located
w h"l! u ,!lnn t!u- slale "
State Food Commissioner
Threatens Prosecution of
Omaha Dealers.
Suggests County Attorney In
! vestigate Death of William
' Oorham.
I'hc coroner's jury in the in finest on
the death of William (iorham, who
was killed by an mitninohile operated
by T. Lambert uf the Dcnby Taxi
-o , at Twenty-iittli and Larnani,
W ednesday evening, found that Lam
bert at the time "w as driving care-
; 1( ssly, thereby causing the injury,"
.and recoiiimt'tidea (hit Lambert be
held to the county attorney for fur-
; ther investigation. Lambert is still in
, jail.
j 'l estimony as to the speed of the car
just previous to the accident varied
ifiuiii an estimate uf not to exceed ten
miles an hour by the driver, Lambert,
to forty miles an hour ly J. (. White,
' motorman of a street car which Lam-1
bert passed. White said that the
speed was so great that Lambert be
ian applying the brakes before he met
the street car and (Tightened White
into looking out the window at his
Lambert said that he was traveling
slow and did not see the child until
he dashed from behind the car be
I longing to If. M. liinder, which was
standing at the curb. Lambert said
I he stopped in about three or four
I feet, but had already run over the
.child. When the child went down his
arm tlew up with sufficient force to
break the leuse in Lambert's right
No witness w bo actuaiiy saw the
child run down except Lambert ap
peared. All the others were either
j passengers on the street car which
had just passed or passersby who
I were attracted by the grinding of the
! brakes and the cry of a little girl
standing on the curl).
I Thomas Lynch questioned the wit
j ueses for Mr. Lambert, Assistant
i ('utility Attorney Abbott represented
I the county attorney's office, and E. S,
I Hrumbauglt, of Gray & Brumbaugh,
i was at the inquest in behalf of Mr.
! (iurham.
Mr. Brumbaugh tried to bring out
Wa-dunnloii. Aug. IS. Without de
bate, or record ote, the child lahoi
bill was acicpted bv the house tudav
w:th the senate amendments and put
ti lis v.i i.' become a law, with
Pi esuleiit's ilson's signature.
The bill icpresents the results ot
veais i1 1 struggle in congtess between
forces uiging the i onservatiou of child
hie and opposing it on many
gtounds, chietl that it was a ipioiion
foi the stales and nut tor the tedcial
Vm eminent ll would not have be
tome a law at this session of congress
had not Pi evident Wilson after the
democratic caucus decided to elimi-j
nate it from the administration pro- t
giam visiird the capitol and insisted!
upon it inclusion.
As it unginalK passed the house, ,
the bill proposed to bar front inter-'
state commerce, products on which
thild labor actually bad been em-,
ploved. As amended by the senate
and now perfected, it piohibits ship-,
ment between the states of all pro- j
ducts of any establishment which cm-j
ployes child labor. It bars products!
of any mine or quarry employing (
children under Ut years of age and i
products ot any mill, cannery, work- !
shop, factory, or manufacturing rstab- i
lishment employing children under 14
years of age or which employes chil
dren between 14 and lo, more than ,
eight hours a day, more than six days j
a w eek, or earlier than 6 o'clock in the !
morning or later than 7 o'clock in the I
evening. It becomes effective a year (
after the date of the president's ap-i
proval. !
Opposition to the bill was led by I
southern congressmen and its spon-'
sors charged cotton mill owners with j
being the principal objectors.
Whit Mar Continue on Ills Wmy. i
Washington, Aim 1 S. Col-mM .1 C
White, rettretl, helil up at the Herman bor
iler In Denmark mi his way to Itoiniiotila to
buy puppllrB fur AnuTlrkii relief In 8erM.
tiBR been perrtilttetl by Oprmaii RUlhiirlllen
to continue. Hfi-mi.n' of his KiiRllsh hlrtli.
uthnrltlei reftmert to h How hint to aia
through Herman y. The Stae tri)ar(mnt
Intervened through Minister Kfn at Copenhagen.
State pond t ummissiouri' Harmon
called Health t unimissioner ( oiinel!
over a tei-;'hone frnm Lincoln ester
dav and a-ked this queslioii: "Is it
a tact that vun are not cnloiving the
slate law uhuh icquues IS per cent
butler f.H in cream:"
"Ves, that is a fact! 1 am requiring
not less than lb per cent butter fat,"
teplied the Omaha health commis
sioner. Then I'll have to proseuite (hem,"
itplied the state coiniin-iouer.
Hi. ( onnell explained his position
in the tollowuig words: "Two years
ago w e changed the local orduiaiu e on
cie.ini to read IS per cent instead of
lo per cent butter tat, to agree with
the state law.
Prevented Price Raise.
"At a meeting of milk men last
Pebruaiv these dealers told me they
would have to raise the price of cream
from S tents to 10 cents per small
bottle it I insisted upon the IK per
cent requirement, and they said it
would he better for them to sell the
mtlk under the then preva.ling price
than to lake of.' the cream and hold
it to IS per cent butter fat at 8 cents
per small bottle. 1 told ihem 1 would
not prosecute if it fell below 18 per
cent, but would insist upon a mini
mum of lb per cent which the milk
and dairy inspector was directed to
Holds Difference Small.
"I maintain that cream having 16
per cent butter tat is just as good as
the IS per cent kind, although it may
not have quite as much nutritive
value and it was the belief last Feb
ruary that I was conserving the inter
ests of the consumers when I had the
agreement with the milk men."
Dr. Connell is not at all perturbed
over what the state food commis
sioner may do, but seems confident he
will be able to defend his position be
fore any board, court or tribunal. He
stated that forty milk dealers attended
the meeting last February when he
agreed to suspend the state law in
their behalf, lie insists that he gave
them to understand l.e would hold to
the 16 per cent butter fat requirement
and gave such instructions to Milk
and Dairy Inspector Bossie.
Good Cream-Poor Cream
and Our Four Creams
TP It takes a quart and a half of average milk to
make a half pint of legal cream and not overly
good cream at that but much better than the average
cream sold. This we sell at the rate of 1 1 1 2 cash
tickets for $1.00.
flp Our "SPECIAL JERSEY" a much better cream
J testing about 23 per cent butter fat is higher than
the legal standard; consequently better in flavor,
keeping quality, etc., and sells for 10 cents per half
pint. Tf Our "XX EXCEPTIONAL CREAM," the finest
cream ever put out in Omaha; testing about 35
per cent almost double the standard required at
15 cents per half pint, suitable for whipping and ex
ceptionally fine for coffee and table uses.
rj "WHIPPING CREAM" is supplied at 15 cents
j per half-pint and 25 cents per pint.
rf"T The body of the cream is not always a true indi
j cation of its richness nor will a single day's trial
of milk or cream tell you the true value.
jrWe recommend our SPECIAL JERSEY and XX
Cream. Compare them with other creams in
your coffee.
Do not be deceived by low prices.
"Milk - White"
Douglas 409.
Mm. Baas Looka After Women Voter.
Chicago, Aug. II. Mrt George Pa, Chi
OHgo, wa loiltty )Miitei1 chairman of the
Women Voters'' borenu of the western h-ait-quarters
of th. ilemo emtio . national eom
mlttt'i?. The appoint ment was annoutu oil
by Senator Wmteh' of Montana, "who Is in
churRi of the western headquarters. Mrs
Bass will have' chrK if organising tho
woman vote In the twelve suffrafo states.
evda Men Enlist in I tsh.
Salt Lake City, L'tah, Aug. IS. Nevada's
late National Gii-ml. consisting of about
forty men, la arriving' here in small de
tachments, traveling mostly on freiitht
trains, to enlist In the L'tah National Guard
and go to the border.
BEE 'n t&
JITNEY Biwisi jl
1 " . . ' .1
S3 Our Furniture Repair Shops Will Save You Money on Repairing, Refinishing and Reupholstering fg
The Rousing Beaton & Laier
But a Short Time Longer
And owing to the recent sharp advances in all lines of home
furnishing essentials, you will not soon, and in all probability
never have another such opportunity to choose from such
Superb New Stocks
Of Distinctively Superior
Furniture, Rugs, Draperies,
Stoves and General Homefurnishings
At Anything Like the
Unparalleled Price Reductions
Afforded by This Sale
Sale Discounts, 10 to 50
Apply to
Everything in the Store
Way Saglczs Bed Springs and Whillall Rugs OrUy exctpted.
that had Lambert not been going at
a high rate of speed that he would
have had time to turn to the left in
time to miss the boy.
There was a conflict of testimony as
to whether the boy was standing in
the middle of the street waiting for
the car to pass or whether he ran
out from the curb. White, the motor-
man, was certain that he was in the
street, while Lambert was as positive
that he was not.
Will InvMtlgat Noft Coal, Too.
Washington. Aug. IS. Th Federal Trade
nmrnlHslon was directed In a resolution
Hdopted by the houee. to broaden the acope
of Its coal Investigation to lake In the
bituminous industry, as well aa anthracite.
Kugel to Ask for
Bonds for New Jail
City Attorney li in e has prepared
for City Commissioner Kugel an or
dinance providing for the submission
at the fall election a city jail bond
proposition in the sum of $150,000.
The commissioner is undecided just
when he will introduce the measure,
but he believes the bonds will carry,
as he maintains Omaha should havt
an adequate and modern central po
lice station and jail.
0 i
Omaha Home Furnishing Headquarters
Remarkable Road And
Race Track Records
TUNE, July and August have re
I corded a series of remarkable
racing records achieved with the
aid of Goodyear Cord Tires.
These victories are valuable be
cause they offer corroborative evi
dence of the very qualities for which
Goodyear Cord Tires are famous.
The terrific speed of the shorter
contests, and the sustained speed of
the longer ones, are added proof of
that stoutness, liveliness and speedi
ness which every Goodyear owner
experiences in every -day use, and
which led to the adoption of Good
year Cord Tires as standard equip
ment on tie Franklin, the Packard
Twin-Six, the Locomobile, the Peer
less, the White, the Haynes Twelve,
and the Stutz.
Goodyear Cord Tire achieve
ments to date have been as
WorVTi record for oar. mile on onernuc trad,
Dea Motor, la. Jrme 25, 1916, Do Palma
drnrtnc Mercedes car. Speed at tbe rate of
103 muea per boor.
World! record for S rrjfJea on opjeseofle trade,
Des Morose, ts , Lewie diiulisg Crawford
car. mirnrtra, 2 armnrls., 98 miles per
Fcstrcn place, laae-cuBe track,
Des MoinaaIa- June 2(1, 1910, Lewis dnr
Kig Cnaviord or.
First place, SOrjfle race, on orjesrrdle track,
Des Moinea, lau, June 26, 1916, Lewis driv
ing Csswford car. 89 miles per boor.
Second place, SOnnSe race, Dea Momea, la.,
Jane 26, 1916, Lewis drrirmg Crawford car.
Second place, lfeeaile race. TVs Moinct, Isu,
june u, "lu, mwsb anrsosi car.
am, U,
. Jane 20. 1910. Lewis
umxa cm. w muea per none
Fine placa, 100-mlle nee, JH mile dirt trrk
(poor ecndltioo), Kmomm Oty. Mo Da
WIum drtviof liercxAa est. 63 xxiik per
Mercedc or. Fifth place, Hoxlenon driv
inc ManveO ow 350-tTiile race on 3 -mile
track, fit Tmanm. WaalL, Ang. 5. 1916.
Speed of wirroer 89 miles per hour.
Ia tide nee, the blgge event of the wemton
on the Pd 6c Coaat, and one of the few
face leongrdwd by tne American Auto
on Oaodyear Cord Tlret without tire tronbte.
He chanted hit font tirea for safety sake
only. Lewii who won third chungwl but
one tire. De Plma who woo fourth chanired
but one tire. Hsnderson who won fifth went
tbroncb the sstvs race without stop.
A Vt O N
Osslseer IVas, eTasw, rasrisl Tasat asaf TVa eW jtai.iiiMi
an asqr Is H rem Q-ifm eWsiss Assis. Dalm mm,,im:
Persistence is the cardinal vir
tue in advertising; no matter
how good advertising may be
in other respects, it must be
run frequently and constant
ly to be really successful.