Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 20, 1916, NEWS SECTION, Page 3, Image 3

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    T11K OMAHA SUNDAY BEH : AUGUST 20. 1916,
3 A
Sebraa ka
Superintendent Thomas Com
pletes Plans to Get Patrons
Together at Lincoln.
- vniu a St.. L r I'onvsiuiml.'iu.t
I nunln, Auk. !.- iSpwial.) State
S 1 1 i . i i n 1 1-n t i t-1 1 1 rhoiiKi i i i' t-J .i i i 1 1 4
f'r vihu'.tt'.-'iKiI wuik (hiring tin- Mate
I.iir .iImi! i ui.ll i'll".i liiu am! has
isMu'ii rt-.u ! 11 the
urk ihn'int; lair wrck:
"I' arc laid lor a Mii'iiMiw mas.s
inciting vi rural ;-di"il patiuiis, Sep
ti'tnhor 0 and 7. 111 onm'lii.n uith the
stale latr. A pit liminary ini'i'ting
convened in I .i 11.-. ln M.ty J. ill the
oilii'c t'f tilt' state Mipet llltnt.lellt, at
vlncli iritere-teil patnuis irom all
parts .it tin stale were present. The
. Ci'llierenee was talle'l in response to
resolution p.isseil lit various organi
zation vat li ,is ihe tiralii;e ami l'al'lli
ei s' untuns. ami tin lite request ot in
ra! patrons thelliseKe. I lonoi alile
Y .HI. raylMf ,,t Mania. el... has
had iiutelt to tin with the puhlieit
iveti this movement ami was one o!
the prime movers in the eall. At
this eonterinee State Superintendent
A. O. Iho.ii.i,, Secretary W. II.
I aniphell ot llle etiuealional eolnnnt
tee ot the l-'altneis' union, anil lion
orahle . J Talor, representative
tr.-iu ( uster connly, were appointed
as a ooimr.iltec on committees ami on
general arr an cements.
Meeting Places.
"Ihe forenoon sessions will he giv
en over to work in the eoininittees.
committee reports ami general discus
sions. Meetings held in the tore
noons will begin at 9:.l. The chan
cellor ami hoard of regents ol the
university have very kindly oiterctl
the use of the Temple theater in con
nection with the university for these
lorcnonn meetings. The afternoon
meetings will begin at .i:00 o'clock
and will he held in the auditorium on
the state fair grounds.
"Karh .listrtet nrr-.injel under snh-
a:. ill 1 1,,..,.-,, -j 0,1,. .1
school district, is entitled to represen
tation. If delegates were not selected
at the annual meeting, special meet
ings may he called or local hoards of
trustees may appoint. Kach county
is entitled to as many delegates as
there are districts in the county, and
if the districts fail to make provision
for representation, the county super
intendents may appoint. It will be
well to make sure that the delegate
appointed will be in attendance. If
each district responds this will be the
greatest mass meeting and represent
the greatest forward movement ever
held in the slate, as there are over
6,000 of these districts. School offi
cers and interested patrons are wel
come, even tliouhg they may not be
regularly appointed delegates. In a
multitude of counselors there is wis
dom. County Superintendents.
"All county superintendents are
regularly appointed delegates and it
is hoped that many will attend and
participate in the councils of the con
vention. Special Committees.
"''The committee on committees an
nounces the following list of subjects
for special consideration and the com
mittees in charge of the same:
1. Committee on courses of study
and industrial education: State Su
perintendent A. O. Thomas, W. H,
Campbell, Central City; C. II. Gus
tafsou, Mead; O. J. Shroycr, Hum
bolt; E. Von Kurell, ScottsblutT
2. Committee on finance: Y. J.
Tavlor, Mcrna; J. W. I'arlon. Morrill-
J. M. Matzen, Fremont; h. 1).
Howe, Table Knck; D. H. Hummell.
Nelson; M. F. Kickard, Guide Rock;
H. D. Lute, Paxton,
). Committee on selection and ten
ure of office of public school officials:
VV. T. Ziglcr, Marquette; Mrs. Sybil
Olney, Stamford; Norman Shaffer,
Hooper; E. L. Seely, Nelson; Eddy
Holmes, Nemo; James Elliott, Mor-
4. Committee on school districts,
consolidation, transportation of pupils
and the housing of teachers: A. H.
Collins, Papillion; J. M. Burdick.
Creighton; Ada M. Haldeman, Ger
ing; Con McCarthy, York; George
Jones, Dawson. ,
5 Committee on standardization ot
school buildings: V. G. Baker, St.
Paul; E. S. Place, Tecumseh; L. A.
Kecd Elk Citv: Steven Norton, Uni
versity Place; P. V. Kimball, Wake
field. h. Committee on the government of
higher institutions: (), E. Wood, Beth
any; Carl E. Slatt, Edgar; G. V. Svo
bo'cla, St. Paul; John Gilmore, Valley.
It is hardly possible for these com
mittees to get together before the
dates announced. At the first session
at 9:30, the morning of the Oth, mect-
Three American Cardinals Preside
At "Catholic Week" in New York
Warm Weather
Don't let it overtake you. Kp the
system and body in goud condition
drive it from you if it has already taken
hold by using
Pure Malt Whiskey
the reliable tonic stimulant.
Thousands who suiffer from that Mtiri'.
fooling" do not H.-ofiatc it with a con
dition of lowered vitality. Duffy' will
booh relieve the ff rime of lassitude,
stimulate the circulation, improve appe
tite nnd digestion and hf!p restore vigor
to the body nnd elasticity to the Btep.
A hottle of Duffy 'a should be kept
in the medicine chest an first aid for
relieving and preventing all summer illy.
The very best for emerifenciei.
"Get Duffy's
and Keep Well''
At most druggist"
St. Oft.
and dealers.
If they can't
I'epfiil house
hold l,.okl.t flee.
The Duffy M.It Whiskey Co.,
Rochester, N. Y.
N't'w York, August l'. Three
American cardinals ami a host of
other Catholic dignitaries will lie in
New York tomorrow at the opening ot
"Catholic week," as the fifteenth an
nual convention of the American Fed
eration of Catholic Socities has been
Cardinal Gibbons of Baltimore, the
dean of American cardinals; Cardinal
McConnell of Boston and Cardinal
Farley of New York will preside at
the various meetings during the seven
davs of the convention, which will he
inaugurated with a pontifical mass
at St. Patricks cathedral tomorrow
morning, celebrated by Archbishop
Ronzano, the apostolic delegate to
this countrv.
Madison Snuarc Garden, Carnegie
! hall and Cathedral College have been
engaged as meeting halls for the vari
l 011s societies. Fully 1,000 visitors are
expected during the week.
ing places for these committees will
be announced and the work begun.
It will be well for each member to
come to the meeting prepared with
some definite notions of means of im
provement along the lines suggested
by these committees, and to have
such materials as may he gotten to
gether before hand. This will great
ly faciliate the work of the commit
tees. At 9:30 in the auditorium on the
fair grounds, J. D. Ream, Broken
Bow, master of the state grange, pre
siding, Governor John H. Morehcad
will deliver an address of welcome to
the delegates to which the Honorable
E. Von Forell of Scottshluft will re
spond. This will be followed by an
address on 'The Schol oof the Open
Country.' ".
Hamilton County Teachers to Meet.
Aurora, Neb., Aug, I1'. (Special.)
The annual session of the teachers' in
stitute for Hamilton county will be
gin next Monday at the Aurora High
school building. Miss Margaret Mc
Connell, county superintendent, ex
pects a large attendance. The instruc
tors will be Miss Ruth i'yrtle of Lin
coln, J. A. Woodard of Seward and
O. Y. Nealc ot Stevens Point.
Old-Time Salesman
Of Columbus Dead
Columbus, Neb., Aug. 19. (Special
Telegram.) James Drawbaugh, one
of the oldest salesmen traveling in
this territory and making Columbus
his home, died this morning at the
David City hospital after an illness
ot several weeks, rle was 5 years
old and had been a resident of this
city for several years. He leaves a
large number or relatives.
Funeral services will be held Mon
day afternoon. He was a member
of the I'nited Commercial Travelers
of America, which organization w
have charge of the services.
Cozad Votes Bonds for
New School Building
Cozad, Neb., Aug. 19. (Special Tel
egram.) At an election called to Vote
on a bond proposition tor the erection
of a new $31,500 modern school build-
, ing, there were J" votes for bonds to
; 3 against. 1 Ian s will be adopted,
! bids advertised for and the contract
1 let at once.
A Very Unusual
A group of men with affairs of their own de
manding attention have been compelled to take over
the actual management of a large manufacturing
concern in Omaha. These men put their money in
originally merely as an investment. They never ex
pected to be compelled to run the business. They
own the control. This they will turn over to a high
class man who will assume the responsible manage
ment, guarantee six per cent return on their invest
ment and put into the business approximately $25,
000 working capital. This business is thoroughly
established. It has a sales organization covering the
territory served. It manufactures a staple house
hold article which is supplied to each customer con
tinuously. The demand has always exceeded the out
put. We will deal only with parties known to us to
be responsible. A confidential interview may be ar
ranged by addressing Box 5212, Omaha Bee.
Silver Creek Pioneer
Killed ou His Farm
Silver Creek. Neb,, Auu, IS, tSpe Telegiam Aaron I1 Stiltwi, tor
t lni t v f i e ears a eidt H . it t lii
ii initv, w.i- tiiM.intly killed in his
ill. ilia I leld hew lln tti.n utug. He
was m replug .ill.ill.i and in leaehing
l.'i the levels to taw the sweeper lie
li'st hi lul.inee, l.illmg ti itie Ktiuuid
The team kept hacking up, and a
wheel of the sweep ,iue.hl liis head
nil' U t ti his IhhU hi neli a man
ner a Im ! .e.ik In-- neck
Mr. ult.'it was oS e.n - t .1 . 1 . and
leaves a wile and 1ic ehildwn He
wa a l,ni;e land and pinpetlv ewnei
News Notes of Geneva.
( .ene a, Neb Vl. F i pe tal
CotniM tipt i uMeiideiil I illuil
letuined H"iu a tnp ! llii
we!ei:t pail nl a ! in " 1 -it . wlu-ie
she isited. a MMei win- is ill
i he eiMintx leai liet s' institute .'pens
nol Monda, . 1 1 1 1 continues lhiouj;h
the week
J cpul i oinu ( Ralph Mien
has put l liase'l a new antoiii"l.'ih , in
which lie will in.iki his latnp.iin l"i
ihe elli. e ol t . .im t lei k, tin-- fall
Keith e ille, ih nioci af u candidate
lor go ei not . w a im I tein v j e-P t
day and poke in the pai k. I was
introduced 1 T ( V II us-...?; 1 lie
audience i,h a modeiatelv moI one.
Doctor in Auto Hits
Boy and Attends Him:
Columbus, Neb., Aug. 19. (Spc- j
cial i'elegtaut.) - l-'teddie, the b-yeat-1
old son ot Mr. and Mrs. V. ti. (eit-
ten, wa- tun down al l';15 tt'clock last;
night by an auloiuobile drieu hy ,
lb' A t i. I uescheii on (Hive street
near l-'rauktoi t pai k, and had his ;
st, ilp tut open for twelve inches un
der lii- ttuht cai tn the back of Ins
I h I ih-m hen gtahbed the little
fellow and took him 1o the doetoi's.
oitiee where lliu ly stitches were tak
en 1. eloe the w oiind 1'at ents ol
the bov do mil att.P h an blame to
the phsuian. wlio iimnedialely
biougln llie tar to a sudden halt
w hen he hit the bo I o.lay tin
ho is i rst:iu; i asily
Lindsay Wants Station
Moved Across Track
Lindsay. Neb.. u 1" (Special.)
mass iiieeluin' "t I'ttietis ic
ipiesti d tin Noiihwesteiti railroad n
moe its stalioii acios ihe track and
M nio.h 1 it Woik of n pair had
ahea-U b itn oil the depot at its
pi e sen 1 site and the machines weie
w itluliaw n as some of the t iiieus le
tpif t was teceived. Ihe people here
a"' hoping the company will deride
to liieet their lew s.
The Bee's Fund for
Free Milk and Ice
The Girls' Sewing club at Gretna,
Neb., "sowed" some seeds of kindness)
when they gave an entertainment and
devoted the proceeds to helping the '
poor babies in the hot city. They,
sent $13.05 to The Bee's fund, which
will do a lot for the little ones.
The temperature is again away up
in the 90s these days and the nurses
are finding plenty of use for the funds ,
sent to The Bee. 1
We'll be glad to add your contribu
tion. Iu. I, m. !,,.. IMI.H0J
(.trip,' ScmIi.b Hut,, l.rrlnii. Nrl, i:t..'A
Mr. Vtllw.n M. tuff!.,. H j . :'. (10
. .1 ... l.(Hl
Barn Burned Near Beatrice.
Ileum .-. Ni l'., Ann 1" -( Special. I
A !,ukc Lain on tin' tar in "f William
W'tilic. si iinl.'.. .soulliwrl cf
Ht alru r. .(, ilcsliHi ( .1 hy t iff ta?,t
ninhl ah.. ut In ..Vinci.. 'I in- t.inn is
(u . iiii. i liy W illiam ( auM'iitrr and
lie iIim'ov crcil tlif lire just as hr was
letliillH Im tile lliillt. rilli'c llllll
(licil Inisliels nl coin, oats ami five
slacks ol allalta were consumed. Mt.
Carpenter succeeded in removing the
stock from the barn in safety. The
loss is placed at ab;iut $2,(J00, partially
covered hy insurance.
News Notes From York.
York, Neb., Aug. l'A (Special.)
Mrs. ("niton, wife of Mayor William
Colton, who has been confined to her
bed for Ihe past eight weeks, was
thought to he on the road to recovery
when she was taken with a relapse
and at this time but little -hopes arc
entertained for her recovery.
(i. II. Kinney, who has been chief
of police fur the past eighteen months,
lias tendered his resignation, which
has been accepted, and Charles A.
Kranke has been appointed to the po
sition. The board of supervisors hu re
duced the levy on lands in this county
10 per cent and also made a levy of
1.! mills, state, ft. I; county, 6.0. Last
year I ho total levy was 14 mills.
York's rhaiilaunua closes Sunday
evening. The attendance has been
better than was ever known since the
association was organized. Hon. John
I.. Kennedy of Omaha, candidate for
l:tiiied Slates senator, delivered an
address on Thursday afternoon.
Sadie Wilson and John Srhlciger
were married al the home of Mr.
and Mrs. (ieorge Schleiger Thursday
Persistent Advertising Is the Road
to Success.
We have positions optn for several
liiKh-pra'le nalesmpn. which we have
been unnble to fill fnr the dimple rea
M.n that our advertising, ho far, has
not elicited replies IVm men of suf
ficiently hich calilier. Thin in lue, we
feet, to the fact that competent men,
at wrirk and e-atisf icH. are not readers
nf the help wanted riIh. which we
have used, ('onflctiueiitly we are try
ing tit in more noticeahle advertise
ment. We hincerely hope this nd v rrl tsement
men, to whom we can w-C"rl intrvirwu.
Our present nalenmea maVe from
lo.OOO to $3,000 a year. We want to
get In touch with men to whom auch
fifturea are attractive and who. In ad
dition, can present evidence that ten
tative negotiations would be worth
while. On our part we are very wHI
Unown orftanization. with head quartern
in Omaha, and operations extending
to neurby Mates. It is merely a fact,
not a hoant. to say that our nalesnifii
enji-y prettiuc aecond to none,
will t.rinc replies from several hiiih-trrad'1
Addreh 01M lice.
The Credit Di'iKii'tnii'iit anil
Department of Accounts had
moved from the Third Floor
to .Main Floor, rear, where
Flower Department was formerly.
l '
Wedding Invitation
Wedding Invitation. Birth An
nouncements, Mourning Cardf, Buti
neti and Viiiiing Carda. Our newly
enlarged Printing Department offerB
the best wnrk nt lowest prices.
Quick, satisfactory service.
Main Floor.
Starting the Season With Stylish Suits
Fall Dress Goods
Come Trooping In
The evidence thus
far is that Velours,
Bolivia Cloth, Duve
tynes and, of course,
Broadcloths will be
the first to find high
est favor. But then?
is room to add to this
list, in capital letters
Two splendid items
in this always wanted
material, we offer for
Monday selling:
SO-Inch All -Wool
French Serges, spe
cially adapted for fall
dresses. Fine quality,
closely woven and
nicely finished. The
selection embraces all
the new fall colors
and shades of navy,
also black. Monday,
yard $1.19
42 and 50-Inch All
Woo! Costume and
French Serges,
Crepes, Poplins, etc.,
in all the new fall
and winter colorinps.
A pood weight for
tailored dresses, suits
and skirts. Yard, 98c
Main Floor.
With Serges and Other
Splendid Fabrics
They say "Good Things Come in
Small Parcels," and we are more than
ever ready to believe this because, while
the shipments from New York have been
small individually, every garment sent
here thus far is distinctively new and
fascinatingly fashionable.
For this little preachment, weare go
ing to say a word or so about suits. Paris
decrees that the lines will be slimmer,
and that the tailored effect will stand
first in the procession. Blue Serge claims
priority for its favored position this Fall.
The prices we quote run such a wide
range that every woman can find the
type best fitted for her, at a price low
enough to be lower than she expected to
We arc offering:
Serge Suits
Broadcloth Suits
Gabardine Suits
Velour Suits
Poplin Suits
In Navy, Green or Brown.
$22.50, $25, $29, $35, $39 up to $59
New Serge Dresses for Autumn
A dress that is in perfect taste for every occasion. Pretty
pleated straight line effects; the new Russian models with
wide, fancy and embroidered girdles; many combined with
pretty rich satins. The large and novel collars are quite
a new feature this season. Prices, $15, $19, $25, $29 and $35
Second Floor.
4A Woman Is Known
by the House She
3 ''I'i'liES IBjgffi
Sewing Machine
will enable her to keep
house in the most efficient
NOTE We will rive veil a lib
eral allowance en yeur eld ma
chine to apply on llrat payment
ol Ihe Beautiful Cabinet "Free."
Brandeis "H" J20.00
The Omaha $18.00
Our "Special" $12.98
One Wheeler & Wilson,
for $30.00
One Domestic $22.50
Fancy Linens Importers' Samples
Offered at Very Fine Savings
It's a real piece of news to make an announcement like this,
at a time when the wholesale markets are quoting linens at a
high premium. It is a very extraordinary thing for a buyer to
come back from New York, stating that linen prices are so high
that it is almost impossible for importers to fill anywhere near
their normal orders and then turn right around and make an
announcement of Importers' Samples very much under their real
worth. We leave it to you to judge whether an announcement of
this kind is likely to be duplicated. We leave it to you to decide
whether or no it is wise to buy NOW.
The newly enlarged Daylight Linen Store at the rear of the
main floor offers better facilities than ever for the display and
distribution of linens that measure right up to the high Brandeis
Hand Embroidered $1.75 Madeira Towels, $1.00
Beautiful Embroidered Madeira Towela, with scalloped ends, in
the guest size only. Each $1.00
Utopia Madeira Center Pieces, $1.98
Thia Lot Consiats of 24-Inch Madeira Piecei, beautifully em
broidered designs, scalloped all around. Worth today $2.75
and $3.00, at $1.98
54-Inch Lace Cloths, $2.98
These are made of a fine embroidery cloth with drawn-work
centers, trimmed with deep lace all around. While this lot lasts, ,
each $2.98
$5.00 and $6.00 Values, $3.98
This lot consists of an entire sample line of 13-Piece Hand
Embroidered All-Linen Luncheon Seta, also a few 54-Inch Em
broidered Lunch Cloths, scalloped all around. Specially priced,
at $3.98
$3.50 and $4.50 Mosaic Center Pieces, $2.98
This is a Sample Line of Beautiful Mosaic Designs, all pure linen,
hemstitched ends, in the 24, 20 and 36-inch sizes. While this
lot lasts, each $2.98
Fancy Linens, 25c
One Lot of Lace Scarfs, plain hemstitched, also Fancy Colored
Embroidered Scarfs. Kach 2o
75c Fancy Linens, 59c
Beautiful line of scalloped, embroidered Scarfs and Centers,
with colored embroidered designs; also Lace Trinmed Scarfs
nd Squares 59
$1.25 and $1.50 Values, 98c
This lot consists of an entire Manufacturer's Sample Line of
Lace Trimmed Scarfs, Squares, colored embroidered designs.
Renaissance and llrawn-Work Linens. Choice, each 98c
EXTRA All-Linen Damask, $1.50
About 25 Pieces of Full Bleached, Double Satin Damask, made
of a fine Irish Flax. Two yards wide, in a range of pretty pat
terns. Today it is worth $2.00. Monday, yard $1.50
Napkins to Match Above Damask, dozen $3.98
Wall Papers
Over Two Dozen Bedroom Papers, in the newest colors and
designs; all have cut-out borders to match. Regular values
to !,")(, roll
Imported Plain Oatmeal Papers Xothiiljf is more popular
or decorative for parlors, living rooms, halls and dining
rooms, with one of our choice cut-out borders to match. All
colors. Regular 30c values, special, roll 19
Third Floor.
Voiles. Gingham, Longcloth, Etc.
36-Inch Woren Tissue, neat checks and stripes, absolutely fast
colors. Just the thing for this season's wash dresses; 29c value,
yard 19jl
Leader Voile, in neat floral designs. A soft, clingy dress voile;
Monday, yard 8s
27-Inch Dress Ginfhain, neat checks, stripes and plaids. Best
gingham for girU' school dresses. Light and dark designs.
Regularly worth 12 He, special, yard 10J
36-Inch Curtain Scrim, with fancy floral borders. Lengths to
10 yards. Special, yard 7 hit
Best Grade Apron Gingham, all the wanted checks In blues and
blacks. Lengths to 20 yards. Specially priced, yard. . . .74
36-Inch Silkoline, beautiful oriental and floral designs. Long,
serviceable lengths. Worth 12 He, special, yard 9
36-Inch Bleachel Longcloth, very good, soft finish. Worth 15c,
yard lOHt
36-Inch Brown Muslin, good standard quality. Off the bolt Mon
day, yard
White and Colored Wash Goods
Silk and Cotton Fabrics, Brocades and Foulards, in plaids and
dots, for blouses, party dresses, dancing frocks, etc. 27 inches
wide. Yard 25
32-Inch Silk and Cotton Wash Goods, white ground with colored
stripes, for wash blouses. Special, Monday, yard 39
Very Fine Quality White Dotted Swisa, 40 inches wide. On sale
yard 25
36-Inch White Gabardine, wool finish, for middy blouses, suits,
and separate skirts. Yard 35
Union Linen, pure white, medium heavy; can be used for all pur
poses. 36 inches wide. Yard 50
36-Inch Pajama Pin Checks, good firm quality, for undermus-
lins. Special, yard ." ljiHs?
Hardware-Housefurnishing Dept.
3-Hole, High' Flame Oil Cook Stoves. .$6.85
2-Hole, High Flame Oil Cook Stoves. .$8.85
Food Choppers
Medium Size Standard Food Choppers, easy
to clean and easy to operate 98c
Large Size Food Choppers $1.19
Chopping Bowls
Medium size 19c
Large size 29c
Chopping Knives 8c
Preserving Kettles
6-Quart Enamel Preserving
Kettles 29c
8-Quart Berlin Kettles, with
cover 49c
Tin FruitjCans, dozen . . 29c
8-Quart Enamel Preserving
Kettles 39c
5c Pontius Sealing Wax. 3c
Parowax, per package.. 8c
Fruit Jar Rubbers, doz..3c