4 C THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: AUGUST 20, 1916. TELLS OF SEA HORSEa Woman Seeks High Place in Woman s Relief Corps Roster Weird Combination of Horse's Head and the Body of a Caterpillar. IS NOT GOOD FOR FOOD ilic 'Ml' Washington. Aug. W -The inter esting little fisli known as (lie sci horse, or hippocampus, whu'li lias at traded much attention on account ot its curious form ami no less iiccuh.it habits from tune imnienioti.il. is .lis Cussed hy !r i'harle K I jsiinan of the American Museum of Natural History, in one of the SrnitK.nii.iii anual report papers u-t is-ne.l Occuniis plrntitnllv in the Medilet ranean. the tvpical species as ell known to the ancieiil-. and hwiiik to the wide disttihution of the remaining thirty-odd sprites composing the genu's, sea hotsts have now hr.ome famahat ohiects in inot laigr a.ua mints ot the woil.l l'hr appeal to he a iseitd comhnutton ot a h.-tses head ami a hodv or tail of a i.itrr- ndlar ll has hern said that it ....l.t r.rt.i Mere .lltaclu'd base of a chess knight the sea hoi would he well imitated We owe to the late l'r I hfnlnre X. Gill, associate in .-oologif the I'nited States National iimseunl. a fine account of the hie InjAory of the hippocampus, puhhshed in the pro ceedings of the 1 m'cM Slates Na tional museum n (J5. The move ments. feeding anl hreediiiR hahiis of these creatures are all extremely curious, and at i well described by Pr. full: Generally at Kelt. The most frequent position assumed is a state of rest, will) the tail wound arourd the stem of a plant or other substance, and the body carried nearly .or quite erect but notwithstand ing the apparent rigidity of its cm-rass-like body armor, almost everv other attitude consistent with such form can he assumed. The body can he thrown outward or downward t various angles, the tail being wound around a plant in. a double coil. Once in a while one eve may roll tow aid the observer, while the other may he passive or look backward or even in the opposite direction. The liltle fish can move its eyes independently of each other, and in entirely difier ent wavs. A comical effect is pro duced by the manner in which these fishes peer at some objects, reminding one of a very near-sighted person. Releasing ilscll from its support it can progress slowh, still in a ver tical position, its tail curved inward, its dorsal fin rapidly undulating, re minding one of a screw propeller, and ' with its pectoral fins vibrating in bar tnonv. i Incased as it is in an almost in flexible coat of mail, progression can not be effected by lateral flexion o the body as in ordinary fishes, and with the flexion in a vertical direc tion, is limited. Has Gas Bladder. With such limited powers of pro gression a nice adjustment of organs is necessary. One method is said to use an air bladder, comparatively large and always distended by a quantity of gas so exactly in harmony with the specific gravity of the body that this entire body is a hydrostatic apparatus of extreme sensibility. A proof of this is that if a single bub ble of gas no larger than the head of a verv small pin be extracted, the fish immediately loses its equili brium and sinks to the bottom, on which it must crawl until the wound has been cicatriied and a new supply of gas secreted bv the internal mem brane of the bladder. It is well known that the eggs of hippocampus are taken care of by the male in an abdominal sac or pouch. , , The name hippocampus is derived from the Creek wrils, hippos, signi fying horse, and kamnos or kampe. a caterpillar. And, in (act, the head is shaped and the neck arched like those of a horse, while the body or tail resembles a caterpillar. Not Good for Food. One sixteenth century writer states that: Its sire does not exceed a finger's length; it has a tough and rugose skin, and neither man nor fish of other kind esteem it as food. In color it is sometimes dark; in other cases white. It bears a small fin, a little elevated along the back, and another small one on the neck, where it joins the head. The mouth is small and tubiform. Dead or dried speci mens have the tail coiled inward, ike that of a chameleon; it is furnished with small, blunt prickles, and is of quadrangular section. The spinous projections arise from transverse folds which cross the fail. Certain authors profess that the ashes of hippocampus, when commin gled with liquid pitch, til o or 01 or sweet majoram. cure baldness and pain in the sides. An application of oil of roses into which the live ani mal has been dipped and killed is an efficacious remedy for chills and Medicinal Properties. Dr Eastman mentions alleged medicinal properties of hippocampus, gravely set fofth by Matthioli. BeW Lndelet. Gtsner and others. Aris totle does not mention the hippo campus, and this word was used by the poets of classical antiquity as the name of a sea monster, half horse and half fish, on which sea divinities ami n" , u.i.1.. t ne character 'ode It is piuui,ij . hat 'conventionalized representations )f the creature vy-' ind otner ancrcni v , . A curious confusion of this odd fish with some otner species uuu vear. ago,- when its identity was mixed with the remora or sucking fish, also known as Jf ::" Wich Cove to ships and he I h em '.hips w'ere aground, although the wind ana waves 4" Campus with the Uike 'reversus. Wid to have a cap attached to its 'head with which it captured other fish ind tortoise, and was therefore used by the natives, reported by Columbus, for catching other fish. It also was . once called "sea dragon, or zy- death," and again, from the Latin, "eouus maris," "horse of the sea on account of the fact that these creatures were all supposed to die in the air or at least suffer when out of water. Iowa Vails, la., Auk. W.-ftie mid - I'M v ill jirrk tlu rlf I'tiiMi tt M rv Kstrrlta K. Hopper ot this ity as tu Hutu! trraMirrr ol the Woman's Re lict (. Oips A tllC I'OlMltlfl iiation.il HI l Ainpinrnt 111 kanis l ily. For thirty uMis Miv i'lopprr ha li'rn Mi tivf in the cotps uork in this Matt and lus tilli-ti the (viluo ot dcpai tnii-nt prcsi !cnt ami ilqurtinrnt treasurer u ith n r.ht to Ihm srlt and to tin ilcpart- ; incut Iii uiiiik tin' election nt Mrs ! IMopprr tlir Women's Keliel K trs in lnw.i know that she i-, anipl jiulitird ; in t'vetx tu till the position amt ; th.it the niiil-vM-st is i iititlni t.i the ot tier, as it will hnnji thr hae ol sup .plus neairr the t''1 'K1 M'h n al n-titrr ot the departments am! rijuahr the hm den it tieinht tate Mis I'lopper was a tan Ik late for this poMtion at the national i on rut ion in Wasliinnhm, l. I , hut withdrew, leaving no oppo sition tiM the present tieasiirrr, who has tilled the position tne (einis. Mrs I'loppt-r is a hiiMtu ss woman ot many eai s rxpeneiu e ami her ipialitK".! tions eoiipled with her Iouk servue in the department eorps make her an ideal candidate tor the position which the Pcpartnient of Iowa will seek to till at the coining convent ion. What is Going On in Society Circles Sri ; f tCnntinurd frnm I'Mg Two.) leave the first d the week fur Hoill der, t'ido. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas 11. Fell have rtiltneil triun'a trip tu Kstes park and t idniadd SpnilKs. Mr. anil Mrs. Henry I'ierpont and i-hiMnn rellinieil Tiiesd.i' fruin two weeks at the O-4-Har ranch with Mr C. W. lloldrene and Mrs. Koh-. eit llollistcr. who plan to remain at the i audi till September. Mr. ami Mrs II. 11. Ver Mchrcn leave today tor a trip to ltuifalo via the Kteat lakes, returning about Sep tember 1. They will be accom panied by Mrs. Ver Mehren's sister, Mi-. Kemp. Summer Sojourners Return. Mrs ictor Caldwell has returned from Trior lake. Mrs. Kdith Wagoner returned this eek from the east. Mrs. S. I). Markalow and Miss llar- kalmv returned Friday from Estes park. Dr. I ierre Moriartv is home from a month's outing at Spider lake, Wis consin. Mrs. Taul Hoaglaml and children came home Friday from Lake Jelfer son, Minn. i Mr. and Mrs. N. 11. Loomis and family are expected home from Dome lake today. Mrs. Frank H. lohnson and dauch- ter, Jeauette, returned Saturday from Alexandria, Minn. Mr. and Mrs. V. J. Burgess have returned from California, where they spent the summer. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. letferis and family ami Dr. and Mrs. Wherry and family have returned from Madison lake. Mrs. John F. Flack arrived home Sunday from Fistes Park, where she was at Klkhorn Lodge for several weeks. Mr. and Mrs. John A. McShane will be home Friday from Atlantic City, where they have been for six weeks. Sam Burns returned Tuesday from Salter's Point, Mass., where Mrs. Burns and the children will remain until September. Mrs. r. A. Nash, with her niece and nephew, Miss Grace and Charles Allison, will be back today from two weeks at the Stanley hotel in lCstes Park. Mrs. Victor White and Miss Louise White returned last week from six weeks in the east, the last two or three weeks spent at Swampscott, Mass. Miss Hazel Frances Morrison will return the first of the week after a six months' visit in California and the north coast states. She is a sister of Mrs. Emery O Peterson. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Connell ar rived home Thursday from the east, where they spent a month at At lantic City and then visited New York and Washington on their way home. Mrs. R. V. Breckenridge arrived home Sunday film Dome lake and a trip through the Yellowstone. Her son, Warren, who accompanied her. stopped in North Dakota and is ex pected within a day or two. Mrs. A. C. Powell is expected home today from La Jolla, Cal., where she has spent the summer. Her daughter-in-law, Mrs. Charles Powell, who was with her, has gone to Sheridan, Wyo., where her parents have had her children during her absence. Mr. Powell has joined her there for two weeks. hrotlier, Mr. Harry Jordan, who sail September d tor Honolulu. Mrs. (ieorne V. J)oane, jr., left Tuesday t'ttr two weeks' visi at Hempstead, L. I. Miss Louise McPherson h ex pected from Maryland in Octoher to visit friends here. Mrs Bertha S. Hyde leaves today for I .os Angeles, ( al., for a six-weeks' visit with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Karl Huek have re turned from their wedding trip and are at the I olhert. Dr. H. Connell and his sous, Robert and Herbert, returned Tues day from Wyoming. Mr. and Mrs. ti. A. Mcllroy and Mr. Joseph (Jiiinhy arc the week-end guests of Mr. John I.avelle. Jude and Mrs. V. A. Redick and Mrs. Charles Kminte arrived home Wednesday bv motor from Minneapo lis. Mr. and Mrs. John V. Battin will leave Monday for a trip through Micbipan, Wisconsin and down the Cireat Lakes. Mr. and Mrs. C. C George re turned this week from several weeks in the east, most of the time at Nan tucket Island. Charles L. Saunders and his neph ew, William Henry Harrison, have returned from a five weeks' hunting trip in the Big Horn country, of Council Bluffs left Monday for Pultith and will also visit her niece, .Mrs. Donald McKcrren, at Hoope ston, 111. Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Hall and son, Robert, left Thursday for Minneapo lis and Duluth and from the latter place will take the boat for Buffalo and thence to Sorel, Canada, to visit Mrs. Hall's father. Mrs. Klizaheth Stewart Wildman Mrs. J. H. Van Dusen returned Sat urday from Minneapolis and Chicago, her daughter, Helen, remaining in Chicago visiting friends for another month. Mrs. Van Dusen's son, Har old, is here for two weeks from Holy oke, Colo., where lie is engaged in the banking business. What Women Are Doing in the World The Benson woman's club has been recognized by the city council in so far that the mayor has appointed two members on the Welfare hoard, Mrs. C A. Tracy for a five-year and Mrs. Dr. Loechuer for a four-year term. The program committee has decided on a miscellaneous program for the coming year and the year books are in the hands of the printer. The opening meeting will be held Sep tember 14 in a room in the new city hall. The Methodist Woman's Foreign Missionary society of Benson will meet Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. J. C. Campbell, when the yearly opening of the "mite box es" will take place. Social Gossip. Mrs. John Monroe and Miss Elder are at Palm Beach. Cal. Judge and Mrs.. J. J. Sullivan will be home today from Atlantic City. Mrs. Martha Heth went to Colfax Springs Friday for a week or ten davs. Kir. and Mrs. C S. Montgomery have just returned from an extended lake trip. Mrs. R. C Moore will spend the winter in California, leaving next month with Mrs. J. J. Dickey and her The Business Women's council will be addressed by the Rev. A. J. McClung. pastor of the Benson Pres byterian church, at the noonday meeting in the courthouse Tuesday. The King's Daughters of the Central I'nited Presbyterian church will serve luncheon between the hours of 11 and 2 o clock. George A. Custer, Woman's Relief Corps, will have its monthly Sunshine rlub meeting Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Emma Owynne. Frances Willard branch, Woman's Christian Temperance Union, will hold its annual picnic Wednesday at noon at Hanscom park. Election of officers will take place during the af ternoon. ( The Omaha Woman's Christian Temperance Union meets Wednesday at 2:30 o'clock in the Y'oung Men's Christian association to appoint local superintendents and delegates to the Douglas county temperance meeting in South Side, September 5. At Carter Lake. Mrs. H. F. Simpson won high score at the meet of the Carter Lake club woman's bowling club Friday morn ing. A luncheon followed the bowling. Florence Social Items iaPwi ,iRw Films Developed Free Wbn Prints Ara Ordarad. Prints 3c to 5c Twant-fur Hur Sanrka PHOTO CRAFT SHOP -ram SpacUlUU" 416 Bh Building. n Ask Your Friends About my Chiroprmetie treatments, and then it favorably 1m rresci eomf and Rpt the same satisfaction and results, wtueh mar be accomplished only by my careful treatment and expert aerriec If your ease needs Snjphnr Steam Paths yon may seeore same, as I am equipped to handle eases of Tmrious nature, aartiir the moat modern and ap-to-date parlors west ot Hxeelsior Springs. Lady Attendant far Ladies. Prieoa for hatha, $1.0 each. Where 1 una a rate of atx lor lb. 00. Straiarht Chiropractic adjustment, ft -90. Phone. DoufUa 7296. Scrfts --7-- Ottawa BUf, 5. W. Cm. 24th a4 Fanam. HiMns 9 a. am. a. aw Aiter a. as. hy Ipsrhl AaasaafV Dr. W. H. Knollenberg Chiropractic Specialist. 1 Miss Mary Jansseu, who has been attcndiiiK the Epwurth Icaitue assem bly at l.liHnln, has returned home. Mi . and Mrs. tieoryc Sin t, who have been visiting at Lake Okoboji, returned home the lu st of the week. Mrs. tilrin Morcan. Mrs. John Pet ers, hi, Mrs. tieoiKe li.il and Mis.s Jennie Dial, who have been spending Muni' time at Valley camping anil fishing, rellinieil home Monday. I . . Ncthau.iy, Arthur Dial and Miss Itl.inche Taylur visited at Val ley Snnda). Mr. and Mrs. I arl Peterson, Mr. and Mrs. l I'. Wall. Dr. and Mrs. C. A. Surenson, Mr-. Dudley Dodson, Mr. J. I'. Peterson anil Mr. A. J. t base visile'! .it Valley Sunday, being gut'-... ..f me b'h'rence women. wiio have been camping there for some tune past. Mrs. J. P. Peterson caught the fish that was served at the big fish dinner. Later Mr. ("lifiord Kierle, Miss Esther Dugher. Dr. II. II. Avery, Miss Dolly Morgan, Mr. Irving Allison and Mr. and Mrs. J. It. Drishon and family came out. Walter Pettigrew of Seattle, Wash., had been the guest of Mr. L. T. Amis the last week. Mis.s Kli.abeth PlaU of Beatrice. Neb., is spending some time here the guest of tier father. K. L. Platz and sister, Mrs. . L". Itenton. Mr. and Mrs. James Itreneman. Miss Mculah itreneman, James Myers and Mrs. tieorge Cole spent Sunday. Monday anil Tuesday at 7'ecumseh visiting friends. Mrs. M. E. Ilerskind entertained a small party of her friends at her home on Saturday evening in honor of her birthday anniversary at cards. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. F T. Parker, Mr. and Mrs. Orlie Wilson, Mr. Koy liatimhach and Mr. and Mrs. M. K. Herskind. Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Johnson and family, who moved to Holvoke. Colo.. about a year ago to make their home on a farm, have sold out and returned to Florence. They made the trip here hy automobile, stopping at several places to visit friends and relatives. Mrs. Maude Whistler of Atkinson, Neb., is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Golding for a fortnight. Miss Ott of Jefferson City, Mo., was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Steyer Friday. Mrs. T. '. Ilerskind and son, Roy, departed Monday for Hutchinson, Minn., where they will spend a month visiting friends and relatives. Mr. and Mrs. K. H. Olmsfed will entertain the Keystone class of hoys and the Sunshine class of girls of the Presbyterian church at a campiing party at Arlington this week. Mrs. Ellen Brough entertained at dinner on Monday evening in honor of Mrs. John Augustine and son of Stewartsville, Mo. Born to Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Allis Thursday, a boy. Mr. Kalph Bailey of Briggs station and Miss Marie Cook of Kennard were married at the Presbyterian church by Rev. J. B. Butter on Wednesday afternoon. They will make their home in Florence. Miss Hortense Beouschlein of Seattle, Wash., has been the guest of Miss Jean Butter the last week. Miss Beouschlein and Miss Butter were classmates at college at Dillon, Mont. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Price left Tues day for a two weeks' trip to Colorado. Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Fox entertained at their home Sunday in honor of a number of out-of-town guests. The following were present at the lunch eon: Mr. and Mrs. Monroe Spangler. Walnut, la.; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Spangler. Walnut, la.; Mr. and Mrs. G. G. Hines, Blair. Xeb.; Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Cafferty, Valley, Neb.; Miss Imogene Spangler, Miss Hazel Spangler, Miss Rena Fox, Messrs. Robert Spangler, Bert Caffery, John Hauzlik and Glen Fox. The following officers of the Ladies Aid society of the Methodist church were elected at the meeting held the first of the week: Mrs. Hayden. president; Mrs. Davis, first vice presi dent; Mrs. Foster, second vice presi dent; Mrs. Janssen, chaplain; Mrs. Gayman, secretary; Mrs. Kleever. treasurer; Mrs. Taylor, chairman of committee; Mrs. Dr. Chiles, chairman and secretary of visiting committee. "Clown Hair to Be Erected Here is Or.e of 24 Ringling Canvas Palaces A wonderful house is soon to be erected here. It will be built of can vas and the roof will be held sky ward by big red and blue poles as large as trees in the woods. At the very top of one of these poles will be a flag bearing the words, "Clown Hall." It's the traveling home of the Kingling Brothers1 army of jesters. Besides that which is made of can vas. there is still another "Clown Hall." This second home is located at the circus winter quarters in Bar ahoo. Wis. Here it is that the funny chaps gather after the big show has completed its tour, to plan their grotesque costume, rehearse a world of comicalities, rig up big wooden cannons, air-ships and whatnot, and to think out new frolics and jokes of every kind. Could the thousands upon thousands of children who laugh with these Merry Andrews from April until November but creep up to the windows of the snow-covered "Hall" in llaraboo on a Decem ber day and peek inside, they would surely think that they had discovered old Santy's work shop. For they would see big and little men busily engaged making all sorts of gaily painted carls and wagons, queer look ing guns that shoot nothing more dangerous than water, and no end of laughable masks and faces. Ami nearby, in big buildings frescoed with icicles, hut kept very warm within, they would catch glimpses of spotted ponies and Shellands. blinking mon keys, knowing dogs, shaggy bears and even baby elephants going round and round in big. broad rings or mounted on stages all very attentive tu their score of trainers and making ready for the long journey which always begins in the springtime. This tour has now begun and clowns and ani mals and all the rest of the wonders of Spaugleland will be here when the ONE OF THE HOST OF MERRY CLT-LPS DL'E WITH CIRCUS. circus comes to Omaha at Twenty first and Paul streets, on Monday, August 2H. J Benson Social Circles A large number from Benson went to Bellevue to attend the Woodmen picnic held Saturday. Dr. S. R. Butler left on Thursdav for her home in Superior, Neb., after a visit at the home of her son, Sidney Butler. Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Musk returned Sunday night from a visit in Des Moines, la. Dr. and Mrs. Loechner have re turned from a motor trip to the Da kotas. Mrs. Walter Snell will be hostess for the Presbyterian Ladies' Aid so ciety next Wednesday afternoon. Messrs. Paul and Joe Roth and Miss Lucy Roth, of Tekamah, Net., were guests on Tuesday at the Gorton Roth home. Mr. and Mrs. Westcott and family, of Plattsmouth, were guests last Sun day at the E. A. McGlasson home. Mrs. R. Rurford and daughter left on Wednesday to visit relatives in southern Missouri. Miss Esther Larsen entertained at dinner on Sunday evening in honor of Mrs. A. J. Stanley, of Los Angeles. Mrs. J. T. Pickard was hostess for the Tri-city Birthday club at her home last Thursday. Covers were laid for ! twelve guests. ! Mr. and Mrs. J. Gehrig entertained 1 at luncheon Sunday evening for four , guests of Omaha and Benson. Mr. George Stoltenbure was winner of both prizes awarded at the Rifle club contest held here on last Thurs day. Mrs. Nels Peterson was pleasantly surprised last Sunday evening by a crowd of Missouri Valley friends who came in honor ol her birthday anni-1 versarv. Mr.'and Mrs. V. R. Shelley and : Mrs. E. A. Mason have returned from : an auto trip to Wessington, S. D., to visit with Mrs. Mason's sister. The annual outing of the Masonic lodge was held Saturday, a week, at Elmwood park, with a supper in the evening. Miss Anna Plott returned home on Wednesday from a trio to Kansas ! City. Mr. and Mrs. D. S. Farnsworth gave a house party at their home when the guests were Rev. Angell of Valentine, Miss Ada Irwin of Garri son. Ia.; Dr. and Mrs. A. H. Farns worth of Meridan, la.; Victor Malm ston of Victor, S. D.; Mrs. George Childs, Omaha; Mrs. Harold Farns worth. Page, Net)., and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Malniston of Richfield, Utah. Mr. and Mrs. E. G. F"ase of Papil lion, Mrs. F. W. Monninger of Nor folk, Ms. and Mrs. Henry Crost of Omaha and Mr. and Mrs. F, E. Cald well of St. Cloud. Fla., were recent guests at a dinner given by Mrs. J. Specdie. Rev. C. A. Johnson and Mrs. John- j son of Ogden, la., who is considering' the call extended by the Atigustina Lutheran church, was a guest at the B. M. Samuelson home last Sunday. A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. FYed Kesser on last Thursday. Miss Madeline Morton returned home Saturday from Shenandoah. Ia., accompanied hy Miss Reta Birkhimer. The Methodist Sunday school held its annual picnic at Kiverview, and the Presbyterian at Elmwood parks last Saturday. Mr. Koy Kaiser, who grew to man hood in this place, was married last Wednesday to Miss Marie Iltsck of Bennington. Mr. and Mrs. Kaiser will reside in Benson. Mr. Nov Wolfe of I.ewellyn. Neb Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Paul of Omaha and Mr. and Mrs. Huntington of Council Bluffs were recent guests at the I'". C. Hodder home. Miss Bertha Wilson of Raymond. Neb., made a short visit in this place last week. Mrs. John Appleby anTt daughter, Mrs. Gaines, have returned home from a trip to Colorado. Mrs. O. S. Hoffman of Callaway, Neb., returned to her home last j week after a visit at the J. S. Marshall : home. Mrs. George Iradale is spending a few davs visiting in Sioux City. Mr. H. Herr of P.loomington, III., is visiting at the home of his daugh ter, Mrs. J. T. Pickard. Organized Waiters Refuse to Serve Lunch for Hughes San Francisco, Aug. 19. Union waiters refused today to serve a luncheon given to Charles F.. Hughes, republican presidential candidate, at the San Francisco Commercial club because the club exhibits in its win dows an open shop card as part of a fight being made here by the Cham ber of Commerce upon the closed shop. For the Hughes luncheon a request was sent by the dub manage ment to the waiters' union asking for sixty-five waiters after the union officials had protested to Francis X. Keesling, chairman of the republican state central committee, against din ing the candidate in an open shop club. The Waiters' association backed up the action of the local waiters and pickets were sent to the Commercial club entrance to warn union waiters away. Culinary workers struck sev eral weeks ago for shorter hours and the Restaurant Men's association im mediately declared an open shop re- gimc. v. One of the large downtown open shop cafes locked its doors over the lunch hour and sent its entire crew to the relief of the Hughes luncheon. Nick Carter's Dad Can Now Stroll Up Broadway "Now dad can see Broadway." Such was the remark of Paul (Nick) Car ter, leading pitcher for the Indian apolis American association club, when informed he had been sold to the Chicago Nationals. Carter said his father, who lives in a small Geor gia town, had long had a desire to see the bright lights of New York, and added that he would have his father with him the first time he goes to New York with the Cubs. IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII'.I Foresight Many foresighted people mostly women are al- ready getting out their Fall clothes and having them cleaned, altered or s repaired. It will pay you to con- 5; suit us before buying any E i new Fall clothes. Pos- 5' sibly we can make the old S: ones do another season, s Come in and talk it 1; over. Ei I The I 1 Pantorium S "Good Cleaners and Dyers" 1513-15-17 JONES ST. Pknn. nn,,.l.. QUI j Branch Office, 2016 Farn.m St. 1 South Side, 4708 S. 24th St. Phone So. 1283. N. B W. P..l p... one war on all out-of-town or- 5 aers. riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiif! Chicago School of Civics and Philanthropy General Tratnlna In Social Work. Special ,-oursp for Pla v around and KecrenUnn V orkers and Public Health Nurses. Term oi'tMia Of I. .' Address UEAN, lia&J Michl-fc-n Ae., Chkttii This Oiler Sells Pianos! 9 I ' c Better Than a Discount! BUY YOUR Pianos Now There is no more op portune time for you to purchase a piano than during this great $2 for $1 offer. Our stock of new pianos is complete, thus affording you a wide selection. Our regular low prices pre vail and our exception ally easy terms, togeth er with our $2 for $1 offer, means that you can buy a new piano at the price usually asked for used ones. Prices range from $225 to $750 and upon terms to suit erery purse as low as $1 per week. Your First Payment Is of Double Value Dur ing This Sale During this great $2 for $1 offer your first payment be comes of double value. No matter what you pay down up to and including $25 we will credit you for double that amount upon our books. You pay $ 5 down, we credit you $10 You pay $10 down, we credit you $20 You pay $25 down, we credit you $50 In order that following pay ments will not work a hardship upon any one we are inauguar ating the easiest payment plan possible you may pay as low as $1 per week. New Pianos and Players to Select From Your choice of any of the following new Pianos and Players dur ing our $2 for $1 offer: Kranich & Bach Kimball Bush & Lane Cable Nelson Henderson Hospe Brambach Grand Hospe Grand Kranich & Bach Grand Apollo Player Hospe Player and many others Free Stool, Free Scarf, Free Drayage, No Extra Charge Whatever. DURING THE COMING WEEK many people will take advantage of this offer so come early and make your selection. Our most expensive pianos, our medium priced pianos and our cheapest pianos are included in this sale. Whether you own a piano now or expect to own a piano some day, this sale will inter est you. For the conven ience of Out-of-Town Purchasers we will mail illus trations, descrip tions and terms of any or all of the Pianos. A. HOSPE CO. 1513 Douglas St. Telephone Douglas 188