I 5 THE OMAHA SUNDAY REE: AUGUST 20, 191(5. '3 C Council Bluffs Social Notes WILL STUDY ART IN NEW YORK THIS WINTER. s I'lulaj in Ucs Moines ;ti! Iowa liiaiuh ot ihe Con gross ion ill union tunned to work in connec tion wm!: the union and t!u women's l'rft elsewhere, to secure the pas .k.iiie i'i the Su-an li. Antluuu amend ii'cm in ilif tt'dt-ral constitui ion. The i " i;.m i;u ion of the separate districts, l' vcxt :ep, i arousing a great deal oi Tst and many Council Mulls w -t: n-ii have already signified their 'Men::.-!! ot taking an active part in tl-e work. Vr and Mrs. H. J. Clark enter t.ii:.ed a number of their friends at t lit n country home, the KvergrotMis, la 'i Sundiiy. A delight l til picnic T u r i c h was served at noon mi a table S'U-ad out under the old oak trees .i1 in the evening light refreshments v, i re served. Mrs. Stewart Wildman left Tues tU evening tor Chicago and llooj es t.n. 111., where she will visit her niece. Mi. 1 onald Mcl-'erren, and M r. 1 i. n;i!d M c Ferrcn. Mrs. Carol ine K. Theinliardt enter tamed ,ii dinner at the Fontcnelle ;uit.l;iy evening in honor ol Miss KaTherine McChire of I lolly wood. a!., who is visiting friends here. ' overs were laid for Miss McClure, ' Miss Mary Mitchell. Mrs. Theinliardt, M' John Allen and Mr. Louis Koss. Mr. S V.. Polies and son, Stewart, of ew- York, are visiting Mrs. Holies' parents. Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Hutts, SJD KiKt avenue. ( nc of the prettiest home weddings of the season occurred at .1 o'clock Monday afternoon, when Mr. Wayne 1 1. Copeland and M iss M ahel Xor gaard were married at the home of the bride's sister, Mrs. Oyster, on Carden street, Rev. Dr. C.eorge A. Kay officiating. The bride is a daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. John N'orgaard. The bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Copeland. Mr. Xorgaard is a Northwestern engineer and Mr. Copeland is secretary to Judge Smith., The wedding was an extremely, quiet one, only the immediate rela tives being present. 'I he young peo ple arc spending a week's honeymoon camping at Lake Manawa, alter which they will make their home for a time with Mr. and Mrs. Oyster. Mrs. J. I Reach of Second avenue has as her guests her sister, Mrs. Arthur Cowles, and daughter. Miss Helen, of l)es Moines. While here they expect to visit another sister, Mrs. J. H. Kieth, and other relatives in Omaha. Miss Mary Gregg left Monday for a visit at Milwaukee and l'ort Wash ington, Wis. She expects to be gone until about the first of September. Mrs. Martin Sanderson entertained at a very delightful luncheon on Mon day. Three small tables were beauti fully decorated in pink and white and the guests were delighted with the many novel features. A very delightful reunion was neici at the home of Mrs. C. F, Cox, 103 South First street, when she enter tained three former high school fiiends at luncheon. A little club of seven girls fifteen years ago at Ful ton, N'eb., made quite a reputation for themselves because of their many unique parties, but since then the members have been so widely scat tered that a reunion has been impos sible. This week, however, four of them, Mrs. Frank Cox of this city, Mrs. William Tatroe of Cumberland, Md., Mrs. Gunner N'asburg of Omaha, and Miss Ada Morgan of Lincoln were present and greetings were sent to die absent members. Mrs. Wilber Pausing of Morenci, Ariz., was also present. Mrs. William Marquart and daugh ter. Vera, left Tuesday for a few weeks' visit with friends and relatives at Tabnr and Sidney. The Neighborly club met for an all day session on Monday at the home :if Mrs. John Kief. A three-course dinner was served and music and ken sington work furnished amusement. Mrs. Joe Omack was awarded the club prize. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Will Al corn on August 17. An automobile party consisting of Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Rohrer, Mrs. Caroline Theinliardt and daughter, Caroline, Mr. ami Mrs. I. H. Rohrer awl ilaiiRlilcr, spent Thursday at Vallcv, Xfb., taking dinner at the Kecd' hotrl and later enjoying a pluiiRc in the pools which have made Valley so popular a resort within the last few vears. Miss Lola Arnold, Miss Althea j Levi and Miss Emma Peterson left Thursday for Lake Geneva, where ! liicy Ko to attend the conference of j the Young omen s nnsiian asso ciation. A special car on the Mil ivaiiV.T has been provided for the Omaha and Council liluti's delcga-: tions. Miss Minnie Krukenhtug of the high school faculty was guest of honor at a picnic given Wednesday evening at the Ed Hess (arm. Ine party included Miss KrukenlmrK, Miss Edith Hess, Miss Gladys Hess, Miss Nell Ewall, Miss I.enorc I'.evcr ;,! Mi Gertrude Clark. Wcatoli Clark, Wendell Heveridgc and Eldon j Anderson. Miss Ethel Collister, deputy clerk of the I'nitcd States court, and .Miss leiinie Jones ot the Lnion i acme "freight offices left last week for a vacation trip on the Great lakes. Miss I'atiline Branson entertained a few of her school friends informally Tuesday evening in honor of her cousin.' Dorothy Atimann of Port ngeles Wash., who with her father ami mother, Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Au inaim, is visiting here. Mr. Torwakl Knudson and Miss Carrie lensen were married Wednes day afternoon at the parsonage ot j the St. John's English Lutheran 1 church bv the Rev. Mr. Ringer. Mr. I Knudson has a position in llie Wilson chemical works. The young couple will he at home at 405 Park avenue. Oakland Avenue chapter of St. Laul's guild had a picnic at Manawa Wednesday afternoon and evening iu.-iead of the regular meeting. Over i unity were present, the husbands of members being present for a picnic lunch served at 0 o'clock. HER ENGAGEMENT TO WED IS ANNOUNCED. - "Ski-. ' -W :! I I : W. -.iSeST1-. i I Ml Daroihy Morton Social Affairs of the South Side Mrs. T. G. Laur, who has been ill with typhoid fever at the Nicholas Senn hospital, is now at her home, where she is slowly recovering. i Mr. Ernest Gowland is in St. Jo I seph, Mo., for a few days on business, j Mrs. S. S. Ballew of Norton, Kan., is a guest at the home of her brother, I Mr. Erank Bird. j Miss Evalyn Clark, 2411 B street, is I spending the week at Red Oak, la. Mrs. C. Mortinsou and daughter i Margery left Eriday for a visit with ' fi iends out in the state. ' Mr. and Mrs. V. C. Lambert left Saturday for an extended motor trip through Colorado. Mrs. Albert Noe and children have returned from a visit at Yutan, Neb. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Cummins and children will leave Monday to spend a week at King's lake, near Valley. Mr. and Mrs. James Sheahan are on a motor trip to Excelsior Springs, Mo. Miss Edna Elster is at Cedar Falls, la., for a few days, visiting school friends. Mrs. Virgil Smith is confined to her home with two badly poisoned hands. Mr. and Mrs. J. Muer of Minne apolis have been guests at the Man gan home, 2415 B street, en route home from Denver and Colorado Springs,, where they spent the sum mer. Miss Inez Mangan will return Mon day from Lake Okoboji, where she has been since early in June. Russell Clark is home from Lincoln, where he has been for some time. Mr. and Mrs. N. F. Barker and family have motored to Hooper, Colo., where they will make their future home. Mr. and Mrs. James G. Martin are expected home about September 1 from Richards Landing, Out., where they have a summer home. The Keno club entertained at a large dancing party at the Hanscom Park pavilion on Friday evening. About twenty-five couples were pres ent. Mrs. William Berry entertained Chapter M, P. E. O. society, at her home on Thursday afternoon in honor of Miss Florence Smith, whose en gagement has recently been announced. Mr. and Mrs. William Carlson en tertained at a dinner party on Wednes day evening, when the guest of honor was Dr. Joel Anderson of Gothenberg. Mrs. P. J. Farrel, assisted by Mrs. Alice jewet, entertained the Kensing ton club of Adah chapter, Order of Eastern Star, at the home of Mrs. Farrel on Thursday afternoon. Many South Side families will at tend the Scottish Rite picnic which will be given at Carter Lake club Thursday. The Sunday school of the United Presbyterian church gave a picnic at Elmwood park Saturday afternoon and evening. The Good Samaritans met at the home of Mr9. L. E. Knight Thursday and as usual spent the afternoon do ing fancv work. Those present were Misses Edna White. Nellie White, Mildred Rover, Bertha Winter, Ada line McCullough, Ruth Duff and Be atrice Canfield, Mcsdames A. Royer and L. E. Knight. The Misses Lori mer, guests of Mrs. Roy Towl, were guests of the club. The New Century club was enter tained Thursday at the home of Mrs. W. M. Davis. Prizes were won by Mrs. M. Kalamaji and Mrs. J. M. Cummins. The Jolly Dozen High Five club was entertained at the home of Mrs. W. B. Routt Monday afternoon. Prizes were won by Mesdamcs Routt and Bowker. Mrs. Francis Roesing, 3907 South Twenty-ninth street, was given a birthday surprise Thursday after noon. Three tables were placed for high five. Those present were Mes dames Langc, DeLanney, Routt, Bowker, Havalka, Pulliam, Dawson, liurke, Cline, Hathaway, R. Hathaway. Mrs. A. Bedel entertained the Jit ney club at a kensington Friday. The afternoon was spent doing fancv '. work, after which a nicely appointed luncheon was enjoyed. Members present were Mesdanies Hamilton, Hancock, Routt, Shainholz, Dennis, Chizek. The marriage of Miss Marie Ahra hanison, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Abrahainson, 42W South Eight eenth, and Herman Boden of Cedar Rapids, Neb., took place August 9 at the residence of Rev. L. Arlander of the Swedish Baptist church. The attendants were Mr, annd Mrs. Alfred Abrahainson. After the wedding ceremony the wedding party en joyed a dinner at the Loyal hotel. Thursday evening Mr. and Mrs. J. Abrahainson, parents of the bride, entertained at a reception, when about thirty guests were present. Mr. and Mrs. lloden will make their home at Cedar Rapids, Neb. Mrs. Frederick Hart entertained at her home, 25.11 I) street Tuesday evening at a miscellaneous shower for Mrs. Antonc Karvles, formerly Miss Edna Nevins. After a pleasant even ing a dainty lunch was served bv the hostess. Those present were Misses Grace Sutter. Florence Irvin, Ruth Johnson, M. McConnell, Alta Gillet, Esther Hickson, Elsie Bush, Carolyn Cone and Mesdames Hodges and Harte. Mr. Loyd Atkinson, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Atkinson, 925 Missouri avenue, ami Miss Nellie Bildt, a well known young woman of the North Side, were married July 26 at Papillion by Rev. Jungmeyer. Mr. and Mrs. A. Kervles were the attendants. The marriage was a surprise to friends of both families. West Ambler Social Activities Mrs. A. Allen and granddaughter, Miss Mabel Ray, left Monday evening for a five-weeks' visit with relatives in Chicago. Frank S. Davie returned home this week from a month's visit with rela tives in Wisconsin. George Stewart of Pomeroy, la., hasjcen the guest the past week here ot his brother, li. 0. btewart and fam ily. Mrs. M. J. Virtue left Monday evening for a month's visit with rela tives in Galena, 111., and southern Wis consin. Mr. M. Sanstedt and Miss Matilda Raw of West Leavenworth street were united in marriage by Rev. O. Haltzly on Monday. They will re side in Omaha. Mrs. Ella Campbell and Mrs. I. Mil ler were dinner guests Wednesday oi the former's daughter, Mrs. S. A. Davis of Benson. Mrs. Louis Krnmmes had as her house guests this week Mrs. A. Glea son of Council Bluffs and Mrs. C. Roehford of North Omaha. Mrs. Will Wreath of South Dakota Get Rid of Your Burden of Fat There was an excuse for over-fat ness when starvation, diet and weak ening, laborious exercises were the onlv known means of reducing the flesh, but nowadays when it is pohbI ble to net rid of two. three or four Bounds of fat a week by merely tak ine a tiny tablet after each meal and at bfd time, the man or woman who remains fat does so from choice alone. Thousands of people who have used Marmola Prescription Tablets (pre pared from the famous Marmola pre scription) know by experience that this treatment is not only quicker, eMier and more pleasant than o d fashioned methods but that It Is also wonderfullv successful and harmless. Instead of belnu any way harmful or Injurious. Marmola Prescription Tab lets are truly beneficial to the gen eral health. The use of them does not Interfere In any way with work or pleasure. Tou need not restrict you diet or alter your habits in any wav whatever. Simply take It easy and enloy yourself while your fat vanishes. Tou can tret Marmola Pre scription Tablets at any srood druit store for 75 cents per case or by send ing the price direct to the Marmola Company, 864 Woodward Ave.. Detroit Mich. Trv them and the results will surprise you. . Ask tor and Gft Skinners THE HIGHEST QUALITY MACARONI KhgtiedptBookFnt i JKIKNER MFG. CO, OMAHA. USA 1 lAflOtSIHCMOIUFnolMJtlCA. I Turpins School of Dancing Season Opens Monday, September 11th Adult Beg Inner, Monday, September 11, S p. m. Adult Advanced, Tuetday, September 12, 8 p. m. High School Clats Bo gini Saturday, September 30, S p. ro. First Children's Clan Saturday, October 7, 2:30 p. m. Private Left ton Any Tim. Applications received now. Terms most reasonable, bent at once. Strictly a school of dancing. Harney 5143 Mr. Turpin tearhes all the new, modern dance. You gat tha 28th and Farnam is ihe wrfk-end Ruest of West title rclaitves this week. Mrs. William Rapp assisted by her mother, Mrs. Kelly, will entertain the West Side Women's Christian Tem perance union on Thursday afternoon, August 24, at their home, 484 Walnut street. Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Arnold had as their week end quests their nephew. John Arnold, and wife. Kev. Orville I. Myers and wife en tertained I lie former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. 11. V. Myers, ot Murray, la., tins week. l.yle Jaekson left for tlastniKS Mon day, where he has a music studio. He will also have a class at Grand Island. Mrs. James Hatttnan ami two sons left Monday for a tortniKht's visit with relatives at Atchison, Kan. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Wisler and Mr, and Mrs. Klnier Getchu have none to La Platte on a fish in k trip. Mrs. M. U Kiee has gone to Water loo. Neb., to spend the week-end with her sister. Mrs. Kd McCreary of Pes Moines, la., was the guest the past week of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Martin Johnson. Miss Olhe Miller, who has gone to Boston on a three-week's vacation, will also go sightseeing in Maine and Vermont by auto with lloston friends. Lafayette Gihuore. from Murdock, Mo., has been the guest of West side relatives this week. Harry M inert and his aged mother, Mrs. 1. Minert. of Vail, la., arc the l week's guests of Kekerman relatives ' this week. I'i .ink St tilt , accompanied by on, Master harl, went on a trip in Minneapolis this week i Mis, flans Neilson and small daugh iter, Jane, have gone to Kaiwetl. Neb.. i on a week's i.it with relatives. Miss Helen Hanoi! ot I Imago, who has been ihe summer guest oi tui .Hint, Mr.'-. II. G. Glaggett, left this week for Summefville l"arni at fieu- j mgtou to spend the rest of the nionlh. ! Mr. Harry Davis of West side has j gone to Chambers, Neb., for an out ing of two weeks. j Mr and Mrs. J. W. Lyman have re- j turned from a month's visit wiih rela j tives at Marshalltow n. la. Mrs. Ola Carlsen has returned here from a week's visit with her son, h'red I ( arisen and family at Harlan. la. The fourteen "fllue Feather" girls. I under the care of Miss May Tyler of Klmwood Park, returned Friday evening from a week's outing at Val ley. Mr. and Mrs, Swen Oleson wel comed a son to their home on Korty eightb and Pierce streets Wednesday, August lo. Miss Gusthe Long entertained at dinner Thursday for house guests 'the Misses Margaret and linny Arm- I'ttrst and Minnie llihhlu from near M ill.it tl. M iss Martha Gat man has as her week end gm-M In t niee, Miss Kath at i, kalev trmu neat Hansom Park. Mr W ill taut an I Hisen en let tamed at dinner I hursdav Inr ihe Mesdamcs Iv t. oi kavne, .V Moms and William ; Vickers. ; Mrs. I'avid Johnson entertained at dinner 1'hui sdav ev ening for her il.ilher, I). Kenttedv, sister, Mrs. Lred I H.iynes ami M iss Kale t ngan. Mr. and Mrs, I . Give ns have hail as their week end guests Mrs. K. Gasser aud two children of l-ietnont. Neh. Mrs. Albert Policy s gave a luncheon j on Wednesday for the following mem bers of the A. A. H. Towel club: ! Mesdanies S. W. Weston, U. J. Sut J ion, I'. C. Kern, A. Hatfield, A. Wiig, S. T. Bullock, Grant Hayes and N. F. Thompson. The Ladies' Aid society met in the basement of the church Thursday for their all-day meeting and completed a quilt. A fine fried chicken dinner was given and a farewell reception for the pastor, (.). ! Myers and wile, who leave soon for Delaware, O., where the pastor takes un bis college work as junior in the Ohio Wesleyan uni versity. Mrs. Martin Johnson entertained on Wednesday for the following of her West side neighbors: Mesdanies T. Smith, M. Mcllvaine, M. Johnson, E. Stevens, II. G. t'laggett, l;red Jensen, M. J. Colby and the Misses Andreen and Agues Nelson and L. Nelson. Ico cream and cake was served. I Omaha Bank Clearings i Make the Usual Big Gain j Omaha bank clearings this week nade ihe usual healthy gain over the con- ending week a year ago. The ! inial Oeaiins for the week this year w ere $2.40J,.475, a gain of 000,000 lover the mark of $17,(VW..WM9 last ( year. HUM oo ttTr5jrr OO m Special Easy Monthly Paymenls Gladly Arranged on Any PurchaseIf Desired MASHIVB ROTAL IMITATION CIR CASSIAN "WAL NUT DRIGSHHR -Beatittfully ffralD d and o finely xoutd that tt l Impossible to tIt It from th fn tiln: hftt havr pl&nk top; full well front: wood pulli t o mttoh; F r n o h beval plat mirror m a raring 24x28 in ches; well made tod carefully ThU week sale price only $17.95 Yoa Can Pay More, But You Cannot Buy Better Furniture THIS HATfTWOMB BKT la mad In a Try arllRtlc Napolfton deilffn to matah chiffonier and drfaaer Uluatratad; htad board standi AO Inchea high, and oomea tn full width only; alae 4 feet e inches wide; note tha handaome full roll foot A 4 A A and headboard; a wonderful value 2 I la.rlaia at the rary low price V tJV LAROE SIZE IMITATION ROYAL CIRCAS SIAN WALNUT CHIFFONIER M a t c h a tha dresser shown to left; It la mad of aelected wood; having full awell front and ill roomy drawers; heavy plank top; French bevel plate mirror; our eale price only $16.75 Hartman Quality Means Lite long Satisfaction and Service A BPLENPin VALUE IN A FULL ROLL EXTRA ROOMY AND COMFORTABLE FIBRE RK.KIl ROCKER Suitable for either porch, llvlna room or aun room;. well braced and strongly built; specially prloed for this week, at $2.69 A Rare Talae la a High ttrade Davenport. Term i $2JW Cash, 9200 Month. WB ARB OFPERINf XT AW TTNTTSTAI.LT ATTRACTIVE PRICE thti week thla high trade duo fold bed pavenport; this piece of furniture can be ueed aa a roomy and comfortable bed at ntght or a beautiful divan by day; frame la made of genuine aolld oak flniehed golden and bark and aeat are upholatered in guaranteed Imitation leather over full eteel aprlng con- AArf mg tructlon; a child can operate It; be sure and see this great mS i mw fore nurchasltiaT : our low nrlce onlv v EXTRA MASSIVE WELL MADE MISSION ROCKER Frame butlt entirely of aolld oak; hae heavv two-Inch front poet; eeat and back upnolatered In guaranteed imitation npanisn .earner; nn- lined rumed; atx ateel aprlnga aup port aeat; only. .. ,. SANITARY COMFORT KITCHEN CABINET Built of olid oak throughout; large roomy cabinet for dlahea; utenall a h e I f , silverware drawer, handy bread board, entire cabinet oil rub finish; no kltohen oomplete without one o z wiese peclal Bar gain. . . . BEAUTIFULLY PROPORTIONED IN A WEIL DESIGNED JACOBEAN OAK IHN7NO: ROOM Gt'ITE Conelate of seven plecea; correctly finished fumed; table la made with 42-inch top. extends to six feet; ftve high barked full box seat diners with cane back handlea and upholstered In Imitation Spanish fffO PA leather with one roomy arm chair to match; complete combination ZSll.'l Itll of aeven plecea specially priced at VVVW 813.95 FULL SIZE PUIJjMAN SLEEPER Thla roomy baby cab has full tubular steel frame; sixteen-lnch wheels: heavy rubber tires; fin lehed natural or baronial brown; Interior upholstered to match; constructed of high Aia ap grade reed; a ape- Sl.i.Zil cial value at only.... Sip LARGE SIZE SANITARY RE FRIGERATOR with 90-pound lee capacity, heavily Inter lined: triple wall construction; provision compartment fitted with two removable nickel wire shelves; patent drain pipe ana arip run? sa rraat lr economXser, only1 patent arain $13.75 ID-Tear Tama i SS Cash, W a Monte. 0 U A H A N TEKD HIOH ARM DROP HEAD SEW ING M A -CHINE, hae heavy solid oak cajie; six drawers; all acoMsortee and attach ments; complrt. with all the needed improvementa; ruuy worth double our low price of. unrj ws a ryHr thV ill (11 9 Complete j naaay t. Nert SaTlSr 1U.SV llast I ImP M mil ''" el Shade Lined with Flowered Cretonne. A WONPERFTL SPECIAL IN A WICKER TABLE LAMP Finished In baronial brown. 19 inches his;h shade Is 11 Inches wide and lined In fancy flowered cretonne: complete with five feet of cord; AS flaw our very low price for 3 I t- this week, onlv Viltftl AN ATTR4CTIVKLT rES10NEH THHHE-PIECE MISSION I.IPRART St"ITK Made entirely of genuine solid oak and correctly finished fumed: chair and rocker unhnl.f nrerl tn Kirn ..r.H c..-k. -..- .rni.tm , .n.n. my iiranurr iixit incnes; rirted with sliding desk drawer and magaslne compartment; en tire set of three pieces onlv $16.50 $17.50 AMKHICA'S GRBATL6T HOMK FUKKlJSUEli8 1 1414 - 16 - 18 DOUGLAS ST. STRONGLY CONSTRUCTED LIBRARY r A FILE Has heavy plank top fitted with secret drawer, four massive legs roomy magaslne shelf; made entirely of American quarter-sawed Imitation oak; finished golden: must At mm be seen to be appreciated, All 4ll our sale prloe only V v Itl 55 $4.59 rjon n ! I value be