Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 20, 1916, SOCIETY, Image 18

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    2 C
is Going Ou
in Society Circles
Popular Guests in Omnha This Week
At the Countrv
Mr. ih...;''
fit a prt ..
evening t,u !
1 .
I l
VX I WW ' ' iff 1
V'w' , ft. Ttt 'P
C- W SSf -jks I t !
KN V "...! It,-,, N:r M, ,, Mr, I ivm Il.uu, at! KTvVtX M t Formerly Miss Grace A. Jones. B-W I
. ,, ,, irn. .. i hi.- I ;? jjk. --jC: ttrj.iraitn wooer
At Harpy Hollow. , ,,r ,,,. ,, ,.,.., . ,r ! MWSSS A "
..Ir.aml Mr- I-. W t.M-uuri ,,,, X))S ,,, . .,, , lllv. T'W , ------- .I structor ... German and assistant ..,
i ii i.,i ..... u .. " .rrfTJfc.. . . . . , xw. ininiuer o.
oonsm. who an iMting hn iom.s , ,,, M, , ., , 1if, I 4fF .
were hul (oi. II.imik,. I , will I,. .it home tn V
c'k'k'"", ..i N'i'"iV''in-M ,.t ilu-ii itx-mU 4t .MH Cipitol avenue. Iv ' . A !
mo...'""1:.;: !:?vw.;: r -fV?r !
an.. Mr 11
.Mliuilo Hll.-:
Motoring Trips
lr mi i ! : !.
tin it'll li i 1 1 1 ,i
Mi. Harulil I .million entiTl.illutl at Ml ninl Mr
a ila.icing party at Happy Holl.. Sal- irtiirnnl Ii
nrda eiemiiK l Nit" Jes.nmiie t" I akt- l k. tlx . i
loni'i. nt Matlison. Wis. lio i- tin' Mi ami Mr-
guc-t tt lier eouMlis, tlie Mi.-ae- iina nl Mi
a.ltl Kuliv lone-. 'or a Ii
Amonn t he ilineis Saturday evening ne
at Happv Hollow eliih were .Mr. and
Mis. K. A. Nelson. Mr. and Mr- ll.
Koheits and Mr. and Mis. K. II.
Klitton with parties of thiec ami
Dr. and Mrs. I. . V. IVIIaid gave a
dinner party at tlie eluli last eveniiin
1 heir guests were
llMaii- and Mill
.inloinoliilc trip
l II ItiiM'li and Mr
Mlieil llii-tli lelt Nitllldal
ii In. niek-,' motor t'lji in Mm
I'r and Mr- l II. II, ,,,n,. ;mfi
l.unily inotm nl lo their -liniint'i home
lai t wei It. run tit
Auluir Mel,
Mrs. A 1
li'oni Prior
Miss ;
Smith i
Mttnnrn ml M,iatlnitH-
ThrlM lUrrtlng. w. t: l;ins, .
Jnlin Mttrrlittiii. llnrtiM L:vriH.
Me(lani MiH.lntuvN -
Arthur lirair Smith. LpIIi ivrnhr.
Mpsr Mor -
Alvln .lohnaon, 1. II Mt-htilis.
lr. H. 11.
Mils Dllc Ri'iin.
At The Field Club.
Mr. John l.avelle entertained at
dinner Saturday evening Mr. and
Mrs. G. A. Mcllrov and Mr. loseoh
QuinBy of New York, and Mr. and
Mrs, J. II. rrauenburK ot this city
Mr. and Mrs, Lee Huff had a party
tor etgnt guests. ir, ana ,irs. .. a.
Montgomery had a party of six, as
did also Dr. Alfred Sehalek. Four
somes were entertained hy C. E. Bur
mester, E. H. Kranr, J. B. Simon
and Judge Shields.
Wedding Announcement.
Mrs. Marie Antony annonncet the
marriage of her daughter Adeline Al
berta to Mr. Jay Marr of Tabor, S. D.,
will take place Wednesday at St.
John's church.
Mrs. Katherine Higgins announces
the marriage of her daughter, Helen
Marie, to William T. Danaher, for
merly of Omaha, Wednesday morning
at St. James church in Chicago. They
were attended by Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Donahue of Chicago. Mrs. Donahue
is a sister of the bridegroom. After an
eastern wedding trip, including stops
in Detroit Buffalo, New York and
Washington, they will return to Chi
cago to make their home.
Family Reunion.
The arrival this week of Mrs.
George F.. Burdick of Sioux City will
bring together for the first time in
more than fifteen years the complete
family of Mr. and Mrs. Lorenzo
Whitehorn. Those who will come for
the regular reunion are: Mrs. W. H.
Bowdlear of Lushing, Okl., Mrs.
Burdick of Sioux City and Mrs. A. M.
Blackwell of Portland, Ore. Mrs. D.
A. Smith and Kdwin Whitehorn of
Omaha are children of the White
horns. The visitors and their families
will remain for some time visiting
friends in Omaha and nearby cities.
at I limit
700 miles
Mr. and Mrs.
Olga Met an. I
motored home
Mrs. John W. Towlc and daughters,
Miss Marion and Mis Naomi, accom
panied by Fritz llucholz, motored
down from Christmas Lake, arriving
Wednesday noon.
Albert Sihhcniseu. accompanied l
Jahin Caldwell, Paul Shirley am
Clarence Peters, motored down fun
Prior lake, arriving home Monday,
after ten days at the lake.
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Sands and
family returned Friday to their hone
in Kansas City by autiimohile after a
two weeks' stay with Mrs. Sands'
parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Gunner.
f;. 11.,.,....- -i;ii: i. ,
wwi .it u i ii ii ii , who nas , , ...
been the guest of Miss Amy Gilmore i eSUa, , m a- summ" a Allan tc
and Miss Alice Switzler, returned
Thursday to Logan, la. Miss Switzler
and her brother Robert plan to motor
to Logan for the week end.
Mr. Thomas A. Fry anil daughters,
Elizabeth, Anna and Ethel, returned
Friday from a trip of 1..W0 miles
through the lake districts of Iowa and
Minnesota. Stopovers were made at
Lake Minnetonka. White Hear lake
and Christmas lake in Minnesota, at
Clear lake, Storm lake and Lake Oko
boji in Iowa.
Mr. and Mrs. Saul Davidson, Mr.
Abe Davidson, Mr. Hyinan Davidson
and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas 1. Levitt
of Des Moines motored to Omaha to
day, accompanied by Mrs. J. Harry
Kulakofsky. who has been their guest.
A dinner will be given for them to
day by Mr. anil Mrs. Saul Levy, who
announce the engagement o( their
daughter, Miriam, and 'Mr. Abe Dav
idson today.
Box Parties at the Races.
Others who have box reservations
at the races are A. J. Love, T. J.
Donahue, A. W. Carpenter, li. F.
Roth. E. P. Meladv. William Frazicr.
I. M. Albers. W. 11. Yohe. George H. i mother
Miller, George Brandeis, Jay Foster, j Mrs. G. J. Ingwersen and Miss
C. V. Ingwersen. George M. Llurkee, j Helen Ingwcrscn will be home today
Arthur Metz, W. B. Tagg, C. C. ri,1 Illinois, where they have been
Cone. O. M. Smith. H. K. Shafer and Vlsl,mR a ,a" 'or a month. Mr.
Random Notes of Society.
Mr. and Mrs. Gould Dietz returned
Friday from the cast.
Miss Nell Moore of Council Bluffs
has been the guest this week of Mr.
and Mrs. George Prinz.
Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Clarke, jr., and
family came home Wednesday from
two months at Okoboji.
Mr. and Mrs. John I Webster have
left Atlantic City and are now at the
Aspinwall hotel at Lennox.
Will Coad returned Tuesday from
Elmhurst. N. J., where he and Mrs.
Coad spent a month. The latter is
now at N'antasket and will be home
in another week.
Miss Martha Dale returned
Wednesday from St. Paul, where she
spent a few days after leaving Madi
son lake. Mrs. Dale was called to
Kankakee. 111., hv the illness of her
City with her sister and their uncle
Mr. Isaac loties of Washimrton. I).
C. The summer was saddened for
them by the illness of Mr. Jones
and his death. Mrs. Byrne went to
Washington for the funeral.
Mr. R. C. Howe and his daughter,
Miss Marion, and Miss Kine of Al
ma, Mich., returned Mondav from a
delightful three weeks in Colorado at
Arbor Lodge, where they enjoyed
horseback riding and an outdoor iife.
Miss King remained here only a few
hours and then went on to Michigan.
Y. E. Metzger.
Birthday Dinner.
Mr. A . Evanston of Chicago,
fiance of Miss Pearl Greer, entertain
ed at a birthday dinner at the Hen
shaw hotel in honor of Miss Greer.
Aster baskets and tulle decorated the
table. The guest? were: .
Mn. P. B. Grlevei.
XlMft MIm
Artie Pen. B. 1u.
Edna OU.
Messrs Messm.
R A. bwuniton, C I.. Johnson,
P. E. Pontlon. H. R. Brysoa.
Rife-Jones Wedding.
The marriage of Miss Grace A.
Jones to Mr. Claude S. Rife was sol
emnized Saturday evening at 8 o'clock
at Kountze Memorial church in the
presence of a few intimate friends.
If your
eyes hurt
from fail
ing sight,
The Optician
. 807-809 Brandeis Bldg,
Ingwersen returned last Mrtndav wiih
his sons.
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Parish, Mrs.
X. L.. Guckcrt and F. J. Norton all
came down from Clearwater lake,,
Minnesota. Tuesday and Mr. and Mrs.
J-. H. Conrad and daughters. Kather
ine and Dc weeuta. will be home from
there tomorrow.
Mrs. Joseph Byrne arrived home
Vacation Notes
Mr. and Mrs. George Tunnicliff left
Saturday for Story, Wyo.
Mr. Myron Learned is east visit
ing his relatives at Northampton.
Mr. Ward Burgess left Friday to
join his family at Wianno, Mass.
Mrs. E. O. Hamilton and children
left Wednesday to take the lake trip
from Chicago.
The Misses Marie Elsasser and Ag
nes Johnson leave Monday for a sev--eral
weeks' stay at Clear lake, Iowa.
Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Gaines left
Wednesday for Eaton's ranch, where
their son Francis has been for several
Miss Stella Gertrude Robinson will
leave Monday for a visit in Indiana,
Chicago and at Lake Wauwausee near
Arthur C. Smith returned Wednes
day from Cohassett, Mass., where his
family have a cottage tor the sum
mer. Mrs. Smith will not come home
until October.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred C. Wilmoth.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur B. Stokes and
Mr. and Mrs. C. W. De Lamatre of
Omaha are all stopping at the East
Lynne in Manitou, Colo.
Mrs. A. P. Tukey leaves Tuesday
for Gloucester, Mass., for a short
stay. Her daughter, Mrs. Louis
Korsmeyer of Lincoln, arrives Mon
day to remain here during her absence.
Notes of Interest.
Miss Jessamine Jones of Madison.
is., arrived here Monday for a
week's visit with her cousins, the
Misses Verna and Rubv Jones. Miss
Jessamine attended the University
of U isconsin last year and expects to
enter Wellesley college this fall. A
social functions are being
given in her honor.
Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Montgomery
have returned troin ( 'aliform;,, where
they Mere at ( arniel-hy-the-Sea, an
interesting arti-ls' and authors' colony
across the mountain from Monterey.
Mr and Mrs. Montgomery occupied
the bungalow belonging to her sis
ter. Miss Eunice Gray, who has writ
ten several articles on Carmel for the
Miss drelcheii McConnell arrived
lininc Tuesday from the east, where
-he went to be bridesmaid at the wed
ding of Miss Margaret McPlierson at
Auburn, Md. Since then Miss Mc
Connell has been visiting in the Adi
roudacks and at Gawanda. X. Y. She
was also at Pittsburgh, X. Y.. where
she saw some of the Omaha boys in
training camp there, and also met Mrs.
Storrs Ilowen, whose husband. Cap
tain Howen, is one of the officers in
charge of the camp. Mrs. Bowen is
staying at Pittsburgh Barracks dur
ing the captain's tour of duty there.
Mrs. Frank Page, the young daughter-in-law
of Ambassador Page, who
died of infantile paralysis at Garden
City, Long Island, this week, was a
next-door neighbor of Mr. and Mrs.
Gardiner, the latter formerly Margaret
McPherson of this city. Mr. Page
and Mr. Gardiner are old friends and
both were married on June 3 of this
year, Mr. Page at Auburn. N. Y'., and
Mr. Gardiner to Miss McPherson at
Auburn, Md., and they brought their
brides to Garden City to live next
door to each other.
Evening Party.
Miss Minerva Quinby entertained
at her home Friday evening for Miss
Myra Lumry of Waterloo, Ia former
ly of Omaha, who has been visiting
in the city since last Wednesday.
Miss Marie Hixenbaugh will give
a party for the same guest on Mon
day evening. Those present were.
Missos Misses
Louts Cral-rhead, May Carney,
Mmrlo Hoxenbaufh. Molva Macaulay,
Betrothal Announcements.
Mr. and Mrs. Saul Levy announce
the engagement of their daughter,
Miriam Jessie, and Mr. Abe David
son, son of Mr. and Mrs. Saul Dav
idson of Des Moines, la.
Mr. George W. Tierney announces
the engagement of his daughter, Elh-1
Margaret, to Frank T. Pfeitfer. The
wedding will take place some time in
Children's Party.
Mr. and Mrs. H. White entertained
Wednesday afternoon at their home
in honor of the fifth birthday of their
son. Bernard. Games were played and
prizes were won by Dorothy Rich
and Arthur Romm. Thirty-five chil
dren were present.
Army and Navy News.
Colonel Daniel E. McCarthy, for
merly quartermaster here, has been
detailed to the Army War college in
Washington, with orders to report
there by September 15. Colonel and
Mrs. McCarthy have been in Chi
cago since leaving Omaha.
On the battleship Illinois, which
sailed from Norfolk, Va on the naval
training cruise for civilians, were two
Oamha boys, Donald Hall, son of
Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Hall, and Drexel
Sibbernsen, son of Mr. and Mrs. I
Sibbernsen. The cruise is to last a
- vrvv photo -
mouth and is part of the War de
partment's preparedness program.
Captain Stritzingcr, who is well re
membered for his work here during
the tornado, has been promoted to
major and is ordered to Denting, X.
M.. for duty. His wife and child have
been at Ocean Grove, N. J., spending
the summer while he was on the
Pauline Mason,
Minnie Johnson,
Helen Clifton.
Ratph Carney,
Prnnk Hlxenhauiih,
I.e.lH Williams.
Leonard Kerr,
Altred Adams,
Porter Allen.
Atleo Boyt-n,
Florence Whalen,
Ornce Robinson,
Helen Hatch,
Walter Hlxent-aufh,
Barl Lowe,
Leslie Quinby,
Sam D. Wtllard.
Warren Filt h.
Ollbort Eldrldie.
Messrs. and Mesdames
P. O. Craighead. Harry Mason.
Laurie J. Qutnby,
Brownell Hall Notes.
Brownell Hall graduates have pass
ed, most creditably, college entrance
examinations. Miss Geraldine Hess of
Council Bluffs for Bryn Mawr, and
Miss Martha Leavitt for Radcliffe.
Two members of the junior class,
Miss Emily Burke, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. E. L, Burke of this city, and
Miss Charlotte Rosewater, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. C C. Rosewater, took
successful examinations in third-year
Latin and final English.
The faculty at Brownell Hall for
1916-17 will be much the same as it
has been in the last year. There are,
however, several important changes.
Miss Alice West is giving up her
private school in St. Joseph, Mo., and
will have charge of the elementary
day school on North Fortieth street.
The elementary day school includes
the years from first primary through
the sixth grade. Physical training
and sports in both the main school
and the elementary school will be un
der the charge of Miss Mary Rose
vear. a graduate of the Savage School
of Physical Training at New York.
Miss Elizabeth S. Sherman, a grad
uate of Radcliffe college, will be in-
Throw Away Your Eyeglasses
Prominent Eye Specialist on the
Witness Stands Swears He is Taking
Classes trom Patients Every Day
IT .'.Li C a -La J nM a , ..
... . ! V- -Yo Jn " the same method Just tell them to ,o
Week s Tim in Manv Instance .',".."n .,,ru ""re and jot a tube of wl N. V This siart.hic announre- f ;:.'S'V' J"".t 'Vn " luarter slaas
Ohio- .l,-.,,i
ni-nt will sound tb keynote of joy lo many four Times dam- rt . from '
who er and als to Urn,,, who used ,? h,,,, ' t. , ! Prepared nd
have ceruln other e,. trouble.. In a re- Kf?l th . ,a . '"utely harmlees,
rent trial In the United Stat,., vourl of Baf. I i ,, "'A' ' 'Ives is eatonl.hln-r."
falo one of the prominent eve , ,,.,,,,,,,? "lt;le was shown
flitllsls III the stale ,.f N-w York wa .-HI...! I " .fro'iil lent oily phy-lelan he satd: "Ye.
as an expert and testified that nearly every ' i h.v. i ,? .. ' wenderful eye remedy
,. .... cu.-t-rssiuiiy in mv nn,.-
on patients
ssfully n my prae-
y ear." w. C !fr,V'th ""k S.lS
of thia expert I ''"V'i'' '". ?' ". -
day he tutik glass,- from sump of his pa
riiia worn (tlKost's fur twpiily
thHt h Irfldert to tn -it Ills own eyes nd 1" t.V'1'' "mrt,h' -tchlnit. burning')--,
e.. If could not ru of his Klsses f AftVp I lit "ds am vlslt,. inflamed from
a penoa oi inre ks itvntimiu, mmli to
hl aniajtfmnt. h- UM them aside and now
dnf not feel h n-td of them. One of his
frioods met him on the str"t and asked
hlra what Vad brought about the change In
his appeairanr. 3 h, look.-d ten years
unatrr. in n:nR mi ot ff i h nst3 in ifte
exposure to smoke, sun, duat or wind
The nianufarturers have much confidence
in Hon-Opto that they guarantee It will
strera-then the t-yeslght ;o per cent In one
week a time in many instances, or they will
refund the money. Siiu'k th" above artti-le
ha b"en DUUllshed thd rlnmnnd ti...
of 11." the law)r Hiitwt'tvd. When nskra 1 Opto has beon no ureal thai liie Sherman
how ne n.rl acronij.'iiinlird m h surprising I ( onriell I'rutc Slrres In Omaha have boon
winders, he j,nld: " U :. .1 very simple- runt- iff- bus; filling ordt-rs for It. Advertlsu
ler; so bimpU, In f;tcl, Uidt anyone can M- mint.
Train Your Hair as
an Actress Does
No class of people devotes as much
time to beauty as do actresses, and
naturally no class must be more care
ful to retain and develop their
charms. Inquiry among them de
velops the information that in hair
care they find it dangerous to sham
poo with any makeshift hair cleanser.
Instead they have studied to find the
finest preparation made for sham
pooing and bringing out the beauty
of the hair. The majority of them
say that to enjoy the best hair wash
and scalp stimulator that is known,
get a package of canthrox from your
druggist; dissolve a teaspoonful in
a cup of hot water and your shampoo
is ready. It costs less than three
cents for this amount. After its use
the hair dries rapidly, with uniform
color. Dandruff, excess oil and dirt
are dissolved and entirely disappear.
Your hair will be so fluffy that it
will look much heavier than it is. Its
lustre and softness will also delight
you, while the stimulated scalp gains
the health which insures hair growth.
- Advertisement
Buy Your
Stein way Now
Save $50 to $100
Stein way Pricte Advanc
SeptamW lit. For the first
time in many years the prices
on Steinway Pianos will be ad
vanced. This condition Is the
result of the great increase in
the cost of labor and materials.
We urge you to let us have
your order at once. You can
save $50 to $100 according to
the style.
The piano can be delivered
at any date you specify and
only a small down payment is
The various styles at present
prices are going fast. Don't
Schmoller& Mueller
Piano Company
1311-13 Farnam Street,
Omaha, Neb.
Exclusive Steinway Repres
entative for Nebraska and
Western Iowa.
News of the Visitors.
Judge Morris of Duluth spent
Tuesday here, the guest of Mr. and
Mrs. M. C. I'eters.
Mrs. Frank Cooper of St. Paul ar
rives today with Miss Mae Engler,
whose guest she will be.
Miss Pauline Fordtran of San An
tonia, the guest of Miss Alice Coad
most of the summer, has returned
Miss Lynn Curtis, who is at pres
ent at Kennebunkport, Me., expects
to be in Omaha next month with her
father, Colonel S. S. Curtis.
Pr..l.MA W;.,,T ,iH small
daughter, who have been visiting her
I sister, Mrs. Harry 1 ukey, and Sir.
Tukey, will return to Chicago Tues
day. Miss Nora Drown of New York,
formerly of Council HlutTs. who has
been visiting Dr. and Mrs. (". t".
Allison for two weeks, left Thurs
day. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wilkins spent
Wednesday here with Mr. and Mrs.
I Moshier Colpetzer, en route to Chi
i cago from a trip through the Yel
. lowsiune.
j lieurge H. Haynes. general passen
ger agent of the Chicago, Milwaukee
! ii: St. Paul railway in Chicago, was
'in Omaha this week the guest of Mr.
and Mrs. J. I',. Haynes.
1 Personal Mention
Mr. Charles Murcarty is spending
the month at Faribault and Minne
apolis. Shaji Osato Uics today for a mo
tor trip to Minneapolis, St. l'aul anil
Peoria, 111.
! Mrs. N. A. Miller of 1 iiicnln ha
f arrived to spend some time with Mrs.
ti. S. ltenewa.
Mr. and Mrs. O. C. I Ionian an
limine frmli a two weeks' auto tour
, Iowa.
i Mr. ami Mrs. I . J. Hauler, jr.. left
Friday evening t"r a two weeks' trip
' to Minne-ota.
1 Miss Mane Hortenlanger lias re
turned from Lake Okoboji, where she
I spent five wecka.
! Mr. and Mrs. William J. Brown ami
i William, jr., returned Friday irom
a four weeks trip to Denver.
Mr, and Mr0. S. K. Hanford and
daughter. Miss Marthena, have re
turned from a three weeks' trip to
Mr. and Mrs. H. V. Whalen have
been visiting friends in Minneapolis
for the past ten days. From there
they expect to go to Duluth, taking
the boat trip via Chicago, home.
Mrs. Nathan Shelton, formerly of
this city, but for several years a resi
dent of Annapolis, Md., will leave the
latter place this autumn to make
Washington her home and will have
an apartment at the New Hampshire.
The Misses Margaret and Allele
Blackwell of Muscatine, la., have ar
rived in Omaha to spend about two
weeks with their grandmother, Mrs.
Martha Blackwell. A number of af
fairs have been planned for them dur
ing their stay here.
Pleasures Past.
In honor ot Miss Helen Talbert,
who is to be a September bride, a
china shower was given at the home
of Mrs. W. J. Cusick. Twenty-eight
young women were present.
In and Out of the Bee Hive.
Miss Stella Kelly left Saturday for
the east on a business trip.
Mr. and Mrs. Howard B. Smith
(Continued on Pace Four, Column Two.)
i Columbia Grafonolas
i Columbia Records i
Our Talking Machine
Department is completely
stocked with the full
line of styles of Grafon
olas, in Mahogany, Satin
Walnut and quartered
Oak cases.
The famous Talking
Machines are priced at
$15, $25, $35, $50, $60,
$75, $85, $100, $110,
$125, $150, $175, $200,
$225, $350.
We carry a complete
stock of Columbia 10-inch 1
and 12-inch records and
can give you a selection of
from over 12,000 records.
Prices on Columbia rec
ords are 65c, 75c, $1.00,
$1.50, $2.50 and $3.50.
Hear the sweetest music
of the world on Columbia
records, played by the
We invite you to visit
this department and buy
what you want, and, as
usual, you make your own
r-uimffflii a
t . 3
Like Cut, $75
V J 1
, gg
We Please You or
Refund Your Money
Dr. nflcKenney Says:
"My policy is to never advertise anything but the truth, and to always religiously
stand back of any claim or promise I make. To my way of thinking, this is the only way
to sure and permanent success."
Beit 22-lt Cl I Wonder Plates CC (TO CIA
w..K ,e . t,K JJ OO,
Best Silver
Filling .. 0VQ
Gold Crown
Heaviest Bridge
Work, per tooth
Hount 8:30 A.
M. to 6 P. M.
and Saturdays
Till 8:00 P. ML
Not Open
Phone Douglas 2872.
NOTICE Out-of-Town Patrons Can get Plates, Crowns Bidges And
Fillings Completed in One Day.
No Students.