Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 20, 1916, SOCIETY, Image 17

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The Omaha Sunday Bee
Happy at Home in Spite of the Unusual Heat
' ' 'I'lVn'ibiViK
Calendar of Club Doings
Husincss Women's Council, luncheon and
prayer meeting, conn house, 11 to 2 o'clock.
Custer Woman's Keliet' corps, Sunshine dub,
Mrs. Knima Gwynne, hostess, 2 p. tn.
Society of American Widows, Crounsc block.
1 p. m.
Ilenson Methodist Women's Foreign Mission
ary society, Mrs. .1. C. Campbell.
Woman's Christian Temperance union, Frances
Willard sm-icty, annual picnic at Hauscoin
park, at noon.
Woman's Christian Temperance union, Omaha
branch. Young Men's Christian associa
tion, 2 -JO p. m.
Society of American Widows, Croune block,
7:30 p. ni.
Railway Mail Service, B. T. club, Mrs. I. E.
Crandell, hostess.
A THRILL of anticipation was experienced
by Omaha clubwomen Friday, when an
nouncement wa made by Mrs. Edward M.
Sylcrt. president of the Omaha Woman's
club, that Mrs. Josiah Evans Cowles of Los
Angeles, newly elected president of the
General Federation of Women's clubs, will he here
for the opening meeting of the local club, Monday,
October J.
Mrs. Cowles comes to Nebraska late in Septem
ber and from Omaha goes to Hastings for the tatc
tederatinn meeting. Mrs. Syfert extended an invita
tion to Mr. Cowies while yet at the biennial council
meeting in Xew York, and feels that local club wom
en are favored by Mrs. Cowles' acceptance.
Another harbinger of the opening of the woman's
club season is the announcement of the study pro
gram of books and short stories which the Dundee
W oman's club will pursue. Included in the list are:
"The Song of the Lark." by Willa Sibert Cather;
"David Fenstephen," by Richard Price; "The Rent
Twig."' by Dorothy Canfield; "The Leatherwood
God." by W. D. ilowells; "Caliban by the Yellow
Sands," by Fercy MacKaye; ''The Voysey Inheri
tance," by Granville Barker; "Lyrics," by Alfred
Xoyes; "Sonnets," by Masefteld, and short stories
by the following writers; Granville Barker, Inez
1 laves Gilmore m April Century; Max Beerhohm,
Willa Cather, Mary Heaton Vorse in May Century;
Almonier, Aberl, Johnson, Wood in July Century;
Robert Merrick in May Scribner; Mary R. S. An
drews in July Scribner; Edna Ferber in June Mc
( lures; Booth Tarkington in August Everybody's,
and Sophie Kerr in February American.
With the declaration of Mr. Hughes that he fa
vored a nation-wide suffrage amendment and the re
iteration of the state rights attitude by President
Wilson, suffrage leaped up unquestionably as one of
the issues of the present campaign. It is significant,
however, that the lines are not between suffrage and
anti-suffrage. All parties and candidates have de
clared for the enfranchisement of women. The only
difference is on the method by which suffrage shall
be extended.
Following in the wake of these declarations, de
velopments arc noted by the Woman's Journa as
"I. Renewed efforts on the part of suffrage sen
ators to secure a vote on the nation-wide suffrage
amendment in the upper house.
''2. Appeals on the part of both major parties
for the support of women both in the suffrage and
non-suffrage states.
".v The announcement by the National Ameri
can Woman Suffrage association that it was can
vassing every nominee for congress on his position
toward a iederal amendment.
"4. A hnal appeal on the part of the woman's
parly to President Wilson, and the action taken at
its convention in Colorado Springs, August ID to 1J,
to work against the democrats in the suffrage states.
'5. The issuing of a statement by Miss Kate
Gordon, president of the Southern States Woman
Suffrage conference, supporting in accordance with
preponderant southern sentiment the state rights
altitude of President Wilson.
(. A declaration by Former President Roosevelt
supporting the woman's party movement, hut de
claring that the women of the suffrage states would
not have done their utmost for the non-enfranchised
unless they dt finitely supported .Mr. Hughes.
A statement bv the X at ion a 1 Association
ed to Woman Suffrage, which has been left
:ily suiTracisls i-bon-.c from .is presidential
;: t c. ;o the -""'"( t that it would oppose Mr.
:s because of his stronger stand. The anti
s may adopt- the anomalous position of sup
Mr. Wilson, who is a suffragist, even though
not an advocate
:M 1
.f th.
-e memo'-
t tin1 p.-' per which r-.v
ru'd hc-f to com'mu'
loiirtvil 1 beisi
f a fedcraramendnu ul."
hi. Irtve been :i''CUlomed to
cy S'one day and to honor
f-r by furthering the work
oundeil. This year it lias
! ticy Stone day with The
v. arming at 1 .nrv Stone's
'd home and the Journal's new home in Dorchester,
o-to';. M a-?.. September 1 1 to U.
The recently fi.itcd women's and girls' divis;on
:' t'ir cninl"; r.ent "rvicv of the I 'iiired States
:-re:i!i of hum 't ration is now organized upon a
-" ' 'ng basis, l ommisMoiU'r General of Immigra-
i. l aminelti r -certiv announced. Hranchc? of this
:;' i';mi have been e-.labli-.ii
all tlie leadinc cities
;intn r
aii'-n d
'Mil hureau
lent !-"M to j
"1 are in c'-rree of
rioted i!at wnnui!
! n it!: nu n when th
mien, r eneral
and girls pre
v go to an em-
Tl:e service sta'iors will give spe
le repic. of wage earners
lectin rhe demand for female help
v. ;!! as urban communi'iie--.
men :n char..rc of the bureau mut "pro
'in.i, and giris from (";p!oi;;ition and mis
ird no woman or girl sK.ll be directed to
iti:v unices the '-!i:-.:c'r;- l) ihe tdaec and
been cs: i'd: -' cd to the satisfaction
a ret
u !i;.i i"n ) tne ' cii!,ra; I'db-rat ion of Women's
i ';)' vili i'ic National ( ouncil of Women is the
- - ;S j' i : f an an icie by M rs. i 'hji:p Xortb Moore.
-i-Lnt of the la'ter organisation, in the current
i-. ue of the General Federation magazine.
Mrs. Moore emphasizes the greater need for the
solidarity of women. "Wc realize the broadening
,-. ope of organization work, the closer touch with
k.oups of women in other countries." she writes.
"The women of nil nations are ready to begin the
v ork of reconstruction after t ho conflict. Tlie fact
that our own women have responded so gloriously to
war relief has broadened our sympathies tor those hi
the afflicted countries, and brought us much more
closely in touch with them.
"We have stepped from nationalism to interna
tionalism. and have opened the avenue of communi
cation through a body of women who number in the
Cnited States alone, live million. The added iwo
million of the General Federation will vive courage
to all who have ;it heart the amelioration of condi
tions abroad, both moral and physical"
These Daughters Have Spent Their Vacation
with Mother and All Have Enjoyed the Summer
Under Conditions More Pleasant than Might
Have Been Found at Any of the Famed Resorts
A foot e
and daughters
It fori orie and Wild red
Y vl
7. - f 4ai: .ISt
Social Calendar
1. 11111 he. n fur Miss li'ssaminr Jones of Madi
M'li, Wi-,., Kivvn ly Miss Lillian Jolinson.
KvcmiiK party for Miss Myra Luniry of Water
loo, la., givcg liv Miss Marie llixcnhatigh.
Oinnc r-daiu'f and matinee dansant at Happy
Hollow dul.
I)innrr-dancc at Seyintur Lake club.
Tuesday bridge tournai. ent at Field club.
Dinner-dame at Carter fvke club.
box parties at (-Jniaha Orbing club races at
Speeilwa' track.
Luncheon for Mrs. (.'. K. KmnirVlioK of Water
town, Wis , and Mrs. L. II. LiniX'rld of Madi
son, Wis., Riven by tlirir sister, Mfs. J. H.
Mltlitn. ,it Happy Hollow club. V
VV ednesday N
Uinuer-dance at Country and Field clubs.
liriddc luncheon for Miss Marion Tbompsori.
Mrs. John McCagiic, hostess.
Kensington for cluti women and matinee dan-
sant at Carter 1 ake club.
Lawn party and dance given by the North Side
l'roi;ressive club at Fort Omaha.
L'aharc; dance at Carter Lake club.
Women's Howling club at Happy Hollow club.
Married folks' dinner dance at Happy Hollow
Scottish Kite picnic at Carter Lake club.
Iinner-dance at Seymour Lake club.
Dinner-dance at the Council HlutTs Rowing
Dinner-dances at C ountry, Field, Happy Hol
low, Carter Lake and Seymour Lake clubs.
PAL'SF- a moment, curb for a short time your
impatience to read of the doings of your
fellow women, and lend an attentive ear to
my humble preamble. The dreadful mo
notony of summer society had been palling
on me. It worried me. it tormented me, I
could not get away from the urn cntl'ulness of it.
What ideas 1 had had about society had proved out
rageous, wholly unht to pass the national board of
censorship; that is, they were not immoral, but hope
lessly radical. 1 was driven to long for a column
all my own, like the sporting editors Hpodermtc
Needle, where, as he, J might unload all tiie junk of
my mind, the brilliant ideas which flood my fertile
brain. 1 was in the veriest slough ot despond.
Then, gentle reader, 1 met a person. She is the
sister of tlie wile of a prominent Omaha judge, but
that has nothing to do with her charm. She is the
most abundantly cheerful person I ever met. Don't
mistake me, she is no nnlu, gentle creature who sits
in a corner and smiles inanely. Neither is she a
boisterous person, with one oi those much-admired
hearty laugns. She has education and brains and a
most unlailmg sense of humor. It was she who lifted
me out oi the dumps and gave me the heart to write
all that remains for me to write until the social sea
son opens soon. What did she say.' You'll think it
simple when I tell you, but it made a big difference
to me.
I thought that there were only two facts to be
realized aoout society just now, they were the two
self-evident conditions of society, the same two con
ditions which have furnished such delectable gossip
all summer long that they have been worn as thread
bare as a Brussels carpet on a living room floor.
Society, as you can not uut realize, is either at home
or away from hime. Because of the heat those at
home do very little to create newspaper talk, while
those away from home are furnishing copy for the
society editors of other cities.
But I know better now than I did before I met
the cheerful person. Society is doing such a variety
of things that it takes all the tenses of the verbs
to express them. Listen Society will go away, is
going away, has gone away. Society will return, is
returning, has returned. What more could you
want? 1 am in spirits again, there is news a-plenty t
When we first began to talk about the Western
Circuit races, to be held in Omaha under the aus
pices of the Omaha Driving club, I thought, surely
society will be interested, but will it be very enthu
siastic after having supported three such big sport
ing events, this summer, as the Stecher-Lewis
wrestling match, the gasoline derby and the smaller,
but just as well patronized, Wild West show? My
expectations have been surpassed ten times. Society
is waxing enthusiastic about the races. Our most
prominent citizens are making box reservation!
every day until the list of supporters of the race is
becoming a blue-blooded stream. The events will
begin Tuesday and will last until Saturday, with
feature races every day and a grand climax on Sat
urday. These events will occupy much of the time
which would otherwise be devoted to luncheona, teas,
picnics and dinners.
Although we hear less of it, the swimming craze
is still among us. I heard a funny thing about a man
with a pompadour the other day. He was a very
virile man, and refused to wear a rubber bathing
cap to protect his hair. His friends heard him mut
tering gloomily on the bathing beach one evening
and inquired the cause of his disturbance. "My pom
padour is driving me crazy," he said, "I can't do any
thing with it since I got it wet." No more let men
laugh at the woman who has "just had a shampoo"
and is bothered with soft, falling hair. He laughs
best who laughs last.
Happy Hollow should be the popular club on
Thursday evening of this week, because that time
lv : asi k for a dinner-dance for the mar! people If ,:i are newly married this is an
opportunity to appear with due dignity as becomes
timsc wl.o rave entered the state of connubial felie
it. Those who are our fathers and mothers and
uncles and aunts and youthful grandmothers and
grandfathers will all appear looking their charm ing
est maids and their swains will be obliged
to cu e place on that occasion to more experienced
beau-.ies and gallants than they. None of the jiggling,
lai.guoriius or interpretative new dances will be al
lovst.l To lively strains our elders will bow and
pivct in the good old Virginia reel. There will be
the lusty call of the good old-fashioned caller for the
intricate quadrille and the jolly square dance.
I ast year a similar dancing party proved so de
Ixhunl ,ittd successful (looking at it from the stand
p nut of the patrons or the managers) that everyonS)
is anticipating this year's event. It is even said that
:' !'"e Thursday evening party lives up to its repu
tation another may follow in less time than a year
(Additional Society News on Next Page.)