THE OMAHA SUNDAY FEE: AUGUST 20, 1916, 66 The Grip of Evil Author of "Til. Wings of th. Morning," "Tho Pillar of Light," "Tha Tarma of Surrander," "Numbar 17," Etc. y lquis TRACY Nli,1 ,rom sj," ''"lp,,'j'' of tl sm Nm- I I ' " '" hi 'l' J i Copyright, 1916, by Louia Tracy. Sixth Episode The Hypocrites CHAUTKR XIII. The Tyrant. I'ttcrly dispirited. John PmliMi tenth tnatijuis ot tasth'toii. .Mitfhi peace alter Ins l.nt iliMHuM.mmi til His thoughts turned with i r a ! .( M t lie quirt and seclusion of thr open country. He cared not whither !ir went. The one dominant ,1cm: r ot a heart sick and ill at rase v.i. to Ket far away trotn cities, to htnl lmne!l under the hlne sl,ies. hreatlnn clean air, mixing- for a while anionn tliosc simpler folk who wrest a hard hm i-oni Mother Karth. So he packed a Krip with sunpie necessaries, chose a tetnote district at haphazard, and,'i the tram. A directory, compiled for the purpose by the railway company, save hun the address of a small town hete sum r.ier hoarders were receive,! He refthrr wrote in advance nor made any inquiry, hut preferred to trut to luck, which surely would not alwas p!a him false He neither knew nor cared what sort of place Kreshtield, Yl., iiukM he. nor what sort of people he would en counter in the Simms family, tenants of the Mradowland farm. If the lo cality suited his needs he meant to remain there indefinitely. If trouble befell as he had only too Rood reason to dread he could leave the place at a moment's notice. Kor once in his lite, John Hurton ielded to a selfish feeling. He want ed rest. He wanted to escape from the ever-present Shadow of 1 il which seemed to attend his vexed pil grimage through this vale of tears. When, therefore, he alighted from the train at Kreshfield, he was pleased to find himself the only passenger with business there that day. He asked the stationmaster for directions The man eyed him curiously. It was , quite evident that distinguished-look- j ing yonng men. expensively, if quiet-1 ty, dressed, were rare birds in that : district. 1 "The Simms farm lies a matter of four miles away among them woods." said the official, pointing across an undulating landscape basking in the sun of a summer's afternoon. "There ain't no automobiles round about here, mister. You see that old feller i over there near the buggy? That's Mike, and mehbe he'll take you to Meadowlaml for a couple of dollars." Some bargaining with Mike ensued, but the price was quickly agreed on. and John climbed up beside the driver on the front seat of a vehicle which reminded him of the deacon's "Won derful One-Hoss Shay' 'in all but the said shay's soundness of material. In effect, the poor old buggy contrived to keep intact, but the rotten harness yielded on a hill towards the close of the third mile and' repairs became necessary. Mike produced a prickler a id some whipcord. Evidently he was prepared for such emergencies. "How long before you're ready to lake the road again?" inquired John cheerfully. The delay did not irritate him. His bruised soul was already yielding to the spell of placid nature. Here were trees and brushwood, rountry lanes and tumbling grass. What a blissful change from the imooth ways of the city which led with such deceptive ease to the haunts of misery and crime I "Reckon I'll be ten minutes or more fixin' this darned trace," growled Mike. "All right," said John. "Glv me a hail when you're ready. I'll not be far away." He sauntered into a wooded glade and did some botanizing among the wild flowers. This was a hobby he had taken up. Somehow, by analyiing the structure of plants he believed he drew nearer comprehending the great purpose of the Creator. Flowers of many varieties grew in profusion on a steep bank at some little distance. Burton was busy among them, having found no less :han six differen'. species of butter cups, when he was startled and sur pr sed by the unexpected vision of a young anc pretty girl falling head .onj down the bank. She rolled almost to his feet, having obviously lost her balance at a critical moment. He would have picked her jp, but she gathered herself together with the agility of a fawn, and, after one shy and embarrassed glance, took ;o her heels again and ran swiftly out jf sight. Not a word did the two exchange. For one instant their eyes met. Then ihe woodland sprite was in full flight ind John was laughing heartily. He new exactly what had happened. This maid of the wild had been sur prised in finding a stranger in her do main. She had hidden in order to ob serve him, but curiosity was stronger than prudence hence the fall. John returned to the broken-down buggy and related his adventures to Mike. "That'll be the Simms gal, Jessie," was all the information vouchsafed by the grumpy driver. John reflected that if the remainder of the farmer's household was up to the first sample he had seen, some streak of belated luck must have led him to Arcady. In due course the buggy drew into the farmyard of Meadowland. The surroundings were somewhat squalid, but that element did not worry John at all. There was no sight of the fugitive, Jessie. An elderly woman, all a-flutter because of the arrival of an uaexpected visitor, and wiping soapsuds from her hands on an apron, came from an outhouse and inquired his business. Before John could utter a word Mike explained. "Reckon this young man wants to board liere for a spell," he said, with a knowing wink. The very tone of his voice told that prices were to be raised for the newcomer's benefit. But John only smiled. Even the bedraggled Mrs. Simms looked honest enough, and there could be no doubt whatever that she was a woman who worked hard to wrest a mere pittance from the soil. Mike, taking charge of the situa tion, yelled to two bent figures hoeing in a distant turnip patch. They straightened, and came at the hail Soon John was talking to Farmer simms and his son, Peter, the latter sturdy and bright-faced boy of 18. The youth was very like his sister, and John imagined, rightly as it hap pened, that the girl was some eighteen months younger. The whole party entered the house. Peter carrying John's portmanteau at bis father's somewhat gruff command. In the sitting room John met Jessie, and the eves of the two tlahcd .hi understanding. Nothing was said a ; to their culler encounter, howevei. miicc John ini.iuieil that dav dream , 1 1 1 K would not he Cll, oui .ine.l l the i hard uoikiliK fanner and his wife He went to his room to wash and brush up after his Ionh' joururv. Thr apaitmcnt was humhlv turiiished, hut spotlessly dean. He frit at peace with .ill the world. At last, he be lieic'l. he had found true heaits .dwelling in idyllic conditions. t That evening after supper John was icoiuk out for a -.moke, hut was Hiwli to understand thai the taniily athereil lor prayers, and would he honored hv the presence of their Sliest Nothing lothe. he listened to the elder Sitnins leading a ilupter from the llihle w ith an unction whi, h condoned a Kreat maiiv inac curacies. He could not help uoticiiiK that both the ho and itl weic ic.toe. hut attributed then attitude P the natural exuberance of oiitli. When the reading was finished, I'eter sprang up eagerly and invited John to come with hun to his attic, banner Sitnnis frowned hut said nothing, and his manifest disapproval was not no ttced by the stiaiier. J The reason for the hoy's request ; was soon laid bare. Hi' hail fitted a small workbench in bis garret, and hail constructed several crude but m genious models of various sorts ol t machinery "I am ciav to be an cnymecr," be confessed, "hut father won't hear' of it. Some day I'll have to Kit out on my own. That's just all there is to it." The door opened, and Peter swung round in a sudden alarm difficult to undrr.stand Hut the intruder was only Ins sister. Jessie had recovered fiom her fit of shyness, and now car ried a portfolio of drawings which she was anxious to exhibit, yet girl ishly diffident as to the opinion this tall, reserved man with the singularly expressive face would express on thein. John soon put the girl at ease. Kxaniining the diawmgs. be found, as was only to he expected, lhat they broke every rule ot art, even as he I understood it. Yet they displayed some force of conception, and the color sketches were distinctly good. i To his thinking, both brother and I sister tnrrely lacked training. Neither might be a genius, but there was no gainsaying the fact that the muses, rather than the rough ways of hus bandry, appealed very strongly to these two. Somehow, the girl seemed to be excited to a pitch hardly warranted by the conditions of the moment. Her pretty face was flushed, her bright eyes were shining, and her bands manifestly trembled. "I don't want you to feel afraid merely because you are exhibiting your work," he said soothingly, at tributing her agitation to the natural nervousness of one who was little more than a child in years. "Oh, it isn't that, Mr. Burton," tittered Jessie. "Soon after seeing you today 1 was chased by a bull " ' You were not hurt?" be broke in. She reddened more deeply, the hot blood incarnading even the shapely throat and neck. "No," she said, with stammering hesitancy. "I might have been but a gentleman, an artist ran up and and saved me I" Now, the fact was that Jessie had been rescued from a really grave pre dicament by a young artist named Robert West, who, like Hurton him self, had fled front the city to seek inspiration in the country. West had quite valiantly chased away a young bull which, in the stupid manner of such animals, was angered because Jessie happened to stumble and fall while running across a field. He bad thereupon picked the girl up in his arms and carried her to safety, and her whole being tingled yet with the memory of that loverlike embrace, since Robert West, impressionable as any of his tribe, had been in no hurry to set this delightful sprite on her feet again. Peter Simms was eying his sister curiously, and to save the girl fur ther embarrassment, John turned the talk back to the sketches. "It seems to me," he said, "that if you were given lessons by a good master, you could accomplish some really excellent work. Yon have a sense of atmosphere, and your ideas of color strike me as daring, yet not too farfetched." The three heads were bent over the sketch, which provided a text for this criticism, when rough hands. snatched away not onlv the drawint which John held, but the whole of lessie's collection. The farmer, suspecting the purpose of this gathering in the attic, had crept stealthily upstairs, and now snorted like the bull which had threat ened his daughter. He was sallow with anger, and his deepset eyes glinted evilly. "This foolishness has got to stop right here," he growled. You, 1 eter. will be a farmer like me, and Jessie will be a farmer's wife, like her mother, or I'll know the reason why." Then .in dour brutalitv. he tore up the girls' drawings, and, turning to the bench, seized a mallet with which he smashed each of his son's models. Jessie burst into tears and ran out. : Teter's face blanched, and his fists clenched, but John caught him by the ! shoulder and restrained him by a i warning pressure, lie well knew that protest was useless where a man of Farmer Simms' bovine intelligence j was concerned. Indeed. Simms him , self regarded the incident as closet,, : and went out. (jiving the distressed boy a reassuring pat. Burton followed. Overtaking Simms in the sittino- room, where the latter was again thumbing the Bible, he ventured to suggest that it w as a mistake to si Im press youthful talent in such an aroi trary way. "It's the Lord's will." grunted Simms stubbornly. "If he had intend ed them for anything else, he wouldn't have sent them here. What's good enough for their parents must be good enough for them. Anyhow, mister, there's no call for you to interfere. I am master in my own house, aqd don't you forget it." So John's first dav in Meadowland , farm did not close happily. He was bitterly conscious that Jessie Simms was sobbing her heart out in her own room, while poor Peter was disconso lately picking up the pieces of his be loved models. If n is v iv THORPE OBJECTS TO THE ARTIST BEING WITH HIS SWEETHEART. Tlif fir x t day happened to be a I Sunday, and a S.ibhatli peace de-, srendrd on tin' household. John ac companied the Simnises to church, where the fanner was evidently held in ImkIi cMeciii, heiiiK an elder of the community. After the service, when groups of residents gathered for a few minutes1 chat before KhiK their separate ways, a b.R. hulking fellow approached and hailed the Simms family with gruff cordiality. Simms introduced the newcomer. "This is Mr. Thorpe," he said, with a sign i I ii" ;in t look at Hurton. "He's tilt man who has spoke for Jessie, ami he'll make her a good husband, loo." The significance of this needlrssly frank statement was not lost on John. It was clcarlv meant as a climax to ttie strained situation of the previous night. Thorpe grinned, and at once took Jessie away in the direction of the farm, so John merely uttered a casual "Indeed?" and followed with the others. Thorpe did not go far. Waving a hand to Simms, he lifted his hat in awkward farewell of the girl, and turned into a path leading to his own homestead, whereupon Burton had to hear a long discourse on the man's qualifications as Jessie's prospective bridegroom, his main asset, apparent ly, being a well stocked farm clear of any mortgage. After the midday meal. Burton in vited the two young people to accom pany him for a walk. The farmer gave a grudging assent and the three went off. John purposely steered the con versation clear of personal matters. He spoke of the benefits of education, even in agricultural pursuits, and tried to show that farming ought to be as scientific as any other occupation. He laid particular stress on the quiet happiness attainable by reading good books, and, choosing a sunlit clearing near a stream, invited the others to sit down while lie read a lew selected passages from Kuskin's "Sesame and Lilies." I'eter Simms listened eagerly, but the girl's mind seemed to wander. Whether by accident or design Bur ton could never determine afterwards, she got up after a little while and be gan picking flowers. Soon she was luTTden by the trees, but John and her brother assumed lhat she was not far distant. Now, the fact was that Jessie either knew, or guessed accurately, where a certain good-looking young artist would be found at work. At any rate, she undoubtedly met Robert West, and the two began an earnest talk, which quickly developed into Jessie's posing as a model while West sketched her. This, of course, was very delightful to the artistic temperament at sweet seventeen, and the well-considered compliments of the town-bred man made strange music in the girl's ears. In a word, matters were progressing quite nicely when Bill Thorpe broke in on an idyl. By unfortunate chance, he happened to pass that way while making for the Meadowland farm, and his anger at the sight of what he re garded as desecration of the Sabbath was heightened by iealousv. He approached so threateningly that Jessie screamed, and W est sprang up to protect her, whereupon he was sent reeling by a blow from a man twice his weight and of much stronger physique. Disregarding his prostrate rival, Thorpe seized the girl, htted her in a near-like nug ana car ried her home. Naturally, she screamed and struggled, but her ap peals fell on deaf ears. They did, however, reach Burton and her brother, who feared that some evil had betallen her, and could not at first determine where to search. When at t last they hit on the right direction and ran in swift pursuit, they were too late to prevent Thorpe from fulfilling his loutish purpose. Setting the girl on the ground in front of her aston ished father, who, with Mrs. Simms, was seated in the porch, he bawled angrily: "Nice thing, ain't it, that a feller should find the girl he's going to mar ry carryin' on with a dude down there in the woods?" "What d' y mean?" cried Simms, rising slowly and blinking at the ac cuser and his captive. "Just what I've said," was the furi ous answer. "Some artist chap ia j layin' around Kreshtield, and your Jessie was down there settin' fer him, J fer a picture, on the Sabbth." Kach phrase formed a wrathful crescendo which seemed to arouse in almost maniacal rage. He ! eyed the girl vindictively for a few 1 "You just huld her right there," he said at last to Thorpe, "and I'll teach lier a lesson she won't forget in a hurry." Lumbering into the house, he emerged with a rawhide whip and, without ttirther ado, hegan lashing the shrieking girl mcrcilcssl v. The unhappy mother tried to interfere, hut Simms pushed her aside with a vio lence that almost amounted to a blow. This, then, was the scene which met the eyes of John Burton and I'eter Simms as they ran up a frantic girl held in the grasp of one human bruite, and quivering under the blows of another, while her hapless mother could only sand by in tearful dismay and witness her degradation. CHAPTER XIV. The Outcome of Tyranny. No matter what the consequences, Burton resolved to put a stop to this outrage. He rushed forward and was dimly aware that Peter, who had ut tered an inarticulate howl when he saw his mother struck, had raced ahead of him into the house. Grap pling Simms, he stayed the infuriated man s arm for a moment, whereupon Thorpe closed with him and, finding an opponent of different metal to an effeminate artist, put forth all his great strength. John, therefore, had to defend himself, and was bitterly aware that the elder Simms was not to be deflected from his cruel intent, but was now holding the terrified girl with one hand and wielding the whip with the other. It looked as though a very serious struggle was imminent when every eye turned at a hysterical yelp from I'eter Simms. The boy was standing in the doorwav and covering his father with a shotgun. Stop that 1 he cried, .stop it, I tell yer, or I swear I'll shoot!" lhat horrible whip, raised tor an other blow, dropped to the farmer's side, and the man gazed in sheer as tonishment at the son who thus dared to threaten him. He could scarcely believe his ears. Never before had any member of his family flouted his authority. Thorpe, equally amazed, wrenched himself free from Burton, and was ohviouslv more inclined to witness this new phase in a dramatic situation than continue a struggle in which he was likely to be worsted. "Tut down that gun, Teter!" shout ed John, authoritatively, striding to ward the desperate boy. "Not me I" came the defiant reply. "I'll not see my mother and sister ill used by any man, whether he's my father or not! This horsewhippin' proposition has to stop right now. or I'll end it with an ounce of buck shot . . . You hear me, father? I mean what I sayl Drop that whip, or I'll blow the top of your head off." Farmer Simms could hardly have been more staggered had his son lit erally carried out the threat. He was almost palsied with anger and be wilderment The girl, rinding herself free, ran to her brother as though seeking from him the protection de nied her elsewhere. At last Simms recovered his senses. He pointed toward the highway. "Get out of this 1" he said, mouth ing the words with bitter emphasis. "Get out now! You ain't no children of mine no longer. Neither bite nor sup will either of you have under my roof again. Get out. just as you arc I You can both starve by the roadside for anything that 1 care." ihe hapless mother broke in, but jher appeal was ruthlessly swept aside, j "You've got to stay here, Marty." i said her husband, "but them two arc going. I've said it, and I've never j gone back on my word yet." It was quite certain that the man's decision was final and irrevocable. 1 Even the maddened boy and the i weeping girl were aware of that. Peter's -chin lifted and a determined i look replaced the momentary frenzy : which had covulsed his young face, j "Good," he said defiantly. "That's what we want both of us. Good-by, j mother. We'll see you later, I guess. Come along, Jessie, Til take care of you ail right. Giving his father and Thorpe a wide herth. and still clutcliing the gun, he led his -sister to the gate. Burton, quite at a loss to know how to act for the best, realized that these two waits were surely penniless and wholly unprepared for being cast : adrift in this fashion. He went after j them. j "Here," he said, pressing some money and a card into the boy's ' hand. "This will serve your needs ; during the next day or two. Look ; after your sister, Teter, and conic and sec me. I shall return home at once, and will make it my busmen i to help you." Peter was sufficiently self-possessed to murmur some words of thanks, but poor Jessie could only weep as though her heart was broken. They passed away dovi e road until hidden bv a bend. . Burton was 1 left to face the two infuriated men ; and a nearly distraught woman. ! Realizing that argument was use- less, and seeing that Thorpe was by no means keen on facing him once ! more in a fair fight, John entered the house and packed his few belong- ings. Then he made his way to the ! village and found Mike, who drove ! him to the station. There was no newg of the two young people, and Burton did not I care to set gossiping tongues wag ging by telling what had befallen at : the farm. He half expected to find ! thein at the depot, but they did not 1 put in an appearance, so, with a sad ! heart, he ' took the next train for home. 1 However, the pair turned up at his ; house on the following afternoon. Entrusting them to the care of a re- liable man servant, he secured them respectable lodgings, gave them suf ; ficient money to purchase a small ; stock of clothing and promised to look after them until Peter was es ; tablishcd in an engineering works and I Jessie had undergone a thorough I training in an art school. ! Out of evil might come good, he . fancied. Nothing but misery await j cd such alert young minds in the i sordid environment of Meadowland farm. A break was bound to occur j sooner or later. Certainly, the man ; ner of the change left much to be : desired, but it was fortunate that the, youngsters were still at an age when I careful tuition was possible and char-j acters might be molded anew. j Some weeks passed in this way. Jes ! sic attended an art school, but Peter ; did not at once avail himself of a proffered opening in the mechanical i department of an iron works. He ex plained that his utter ignorance ! would prove a serious handicap and j wished to devote some time to text hooks nefore undertaking practical ; work. Burton, mindful of his own I early experiences, fully approved of . this project. He could not devote much time to actual supervision of the young peo ple's studies, but contented himself with a weekly visit, when it was his habit to settle their accounts in the boarding house and hand to Peter a few dollar bills wherewith the inevit able expenses of residence in a city might be met. Generally he called on a fixed day, though Peter was sup posed to be always at home in steady devotion to hi hnnlcs whilp If cci'c hours at the art school were limited I to the mornings only. One week-end Burton decided to go ' out of town, so he paid his wonted . visit to Peter and his sister a day j earlier than usual. They were at home. : as he anticipated, but even he, a pre- occupied man, never inclined to be suspicious ot his fellows, could not help noticing that while Jessie, to all intents and purposes, was dusting the furniture, her jacket and a decidedly smart hat had evidently been thrown aside in a hurry. Peter, too, though seated at a table with an open book and a copybook in front of him, had clearly not made many notes of late. hecause the ink was dry on the paper ! and the pen he held in his hand had i not been plunged in the inkstand. Ihe weather was line, however, and it was only natural that two healthy youngsters should plan an outing to gether, so John merely asked as to theirwell-being, and was assured that they were working hard and felt very happy. Then he gave them their reg ular allowance of pocket money. Something in Jessie's manner im pelled him to hand her an extra five dollar bill. "There." he said pleasantly, "you girls are always in need of some small frippery or other. You can be extrav agant this week." She thanked him with a grateful smile, and he went out soon after ward. He would certainly have been surprised and shocked had he heard brother and sister chortling with glee when the door closed on him. But en lightenment was nearer than he im agined. He had not been at home mure than an hour, and a man was al ready packing a grip for the projected journey, when a visitor was an nounced a lady with whose name Burton was unfamiliar. He received her in the library, and found himself looking at a woman of very attractive appearance, but whose somewhat too flashy attire impelled him to give his manservant a secret signal which meant "remain within call." Unhap pily such safeguards were essential if a young man of great wealth meant to avoid certain snares laid for lrfs unwary feet. The lady, however, seemed to be in genuine distress. She seated herself with an air nf abandon. When she lifted her veil, John saw that her eyes were swiimni'i:; wit!: tears. "I hnpc yov. will pardon this in trusion," she -sail!, obvious!)- spenkin with a cahnnesa induced by strong effort, "but I know you are interested in the welfare of a girl named Jessie Sim m j " "Yev what of her?" he broke in anxiousiv, because this woman's ma:; ner conveyed a hint ol threatened dis aster. ''Mif govr;.' ilie di!H' way as I've goih', ,in d liun.irr .!:- nioi'i.' hU nit." i an it the jtassioiKite itittl.ursi. "'s v !iy Tm hen-, Mr. 1'ut'i"!:. Tin h-( dead htt on suvi':;; her. Why shoul-1 1 he? But I'm p'uy::ig my own hand. -I'nti! she cnn- t, thi city I sto.,d ail right with KoVn Wet, the cele brated arti.-t, you know. ! was Model, and evcrytKu,; was O. K.. but lU'W he wants no m;ic except Jf-ssie Simms. He's simply craj her." Kobe-l West! " as not that the name ol the man whose devotion to art on a certain unfortunate Sunday had led to the disruption of the Simms household? Burton glanced at nis in formant keenly. ".V re you sure of ymir tact s r" he demanded. "No matter what your quarrel with Mr. West muy be, you should not drrig an innocent girl into it.'' "Innocent girl, indeed! I like that! She put my nose out of joint in l-'S than a week, anyhow. If you don't believe it, come and ee for yourself." John was sick with apprehension. The woman's words were horribly convincing, yet he strove bravely to defend an ideal. "Surely you are mistaken," be said. "Little more than an hour ago I left this girl and her brother hard at work in their apartment." The other laughed shrilly. "The brother is just as had as the sister." she vociferated. "If you want him now, you'll find him in a pool room, playing with the money you were fool enough to give him. But I'm not worrying about him. Jessie Simms is in West's studio at this min ute. You have a car. haven't you? Take me there and you'll soon find out whether Tin lying or not." There was nothing else for it--Button had to face one more" disconcert ing exposure. Deferring his departure from the city to a later train, he ordered the car and gave the chauf feur an address supplied by his com- fanion. They alighted at a studio iiiilding. The lady, being well known there as a model, had no difficulty in leading Burton to West s flat with out being announced. "Now." she whispered vindictively, halting in front of a closed door ana producing a latchkey, "walk right in and put the double cross on Mr. Rob ert West" The woman seemed so sure of her position that, after a momentary hesi tation, John opened the door, trav ersed a carpeted passage and entered a room which his guide indicated by a silent gesture. No intruder could have appeared at a more awkward moment. There was no sketching toward. Jessie Simms was in West's arms, and their lips had just met in a long and lingering kiss! Of course the two started apart. Jessie uttered a slight scream, but her pretty eyes sparkled now with angry dismay rather than girlish confusion. She realized that this discovery meant the killing of the goose which Ilid the golden eggs. As lor West, ne was inclined to bluster, but a hot protest died on his lips when he caught sight of Burton's companion. ' Somehow he guessed Burton's identity, Jessie having been quite out spoken as to the circumstances which preceded her dramatic departure from the farm. He knew, too, that he ami the girl were the victims of a woman's vengeance. Still, putting a bold front on matters, he bellowed a demand lor an explanation, John did not an swer, but gazed sadly at Jessie Simms, whose fortitude promptly de serted her, because she hid her flushed face in her hands and began sobbing. "I've nothing to say." he announced at last, "I neither explain nor apolo Ki.'e. That poor girl can tell you why ! .oh here." lie turned and went out, paying no heed to the bitter taunts which the discarded model was now flinging at I lie artir. Entering his car, he bade the man go home. He was minded at til s' to call and see I'eter. but felt iinc-(tia! to any further strain that day. When all was said and done ; lie had kept his word to the boy afuY" his si ter, and meant visiting them duriiit' the following week, when per haps the i.'irl might have repented her folly and be willing to start afresh. . His mind was so taken up with brooding thoughts that he did not notice a disturbance in the street ; until the ear stopped, being unable ' to advance further owing to a dense crowd which had gathered in front of a saloon. The heads and shoulders of a couple of policemen were tossinp to and fro in the center of the mob, and at last the uniformed men seemed to swing the crowd with them in the direction of a police telephone box. John let down the window and leaned out. "What is the matter?" he inquired of a bystander. "Oh, nothing much, sir," said the man. "Just a couple of young drunks started fightin' in the saloon. They wouldn't quit, even when they was chucked out, so now the cops have got 'cm and they're in for thirty days apiece." The car moved on. One of the policemen was ringing for a patrol -rr,,r, , o 1 1, o nlh.r lia , th. W'ould-be combatants at arm's length. And one of them was I'eter Simms, the student, whom Burton himself had seen that same afternoon porfttj? over his hooks and, of course, quite V sober. He halted the car again, mean ing to interfere. It happened that the man to whom he had spoken be fore was walking alongside, and John addressed him excitedly. "Why, I know one of those boys." he said. "His name is Simms, and I can vouch for it that little over an hour ago he w-as no more under the influence of liquor than I am." "Are you the gentleman who pays his board hills and gives him money?" inquired the other curiously. "Yes " "Well, take my tip, sir, and let up on the game. He's just playing you for a sucker. I was in that very saloon when he came in and told the crowd you had flashed an extra five spot on him and his sister this week!" Utterly disheartened, John sank back into a corner of the luxurious limousine. Evil showed no signs of relaxing its grip on humanity. His well-meant assistance had only made easy the 1 downward path for Jessie Simms, and opened the prison door to her brother. (End of Sixth Episode.) TO BE SUCCESSFUL LOOK SUCCESSFUL The appearance of success begets success. Get the habit of appearing successful. It's the prosperous looking man or woman who forges Ahead. Nothing betokens prosperity and success like a Dia mond. Get your badge of auccess NOW wear a Diamond. Your credit is good with us. Come in and use it. 241 La Vat liere, solid gold, beautifully de signed, 1 Dia mond, Baroque Pearl Drop. IB chain. .$975 91 a Month Call or write for Catalog No. 903. Phone Douglas 1444 and our salesman will call. 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