2 h THE OMAHA SUNDAY REE: AUGUST 20. 1916. THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE rouNpfcp &y Edward rosewater. VICTOR ROS K W A T KrT E V 1 TO It . Ti; Bet lib!itiins romiiiy. I'wrt.'i RVr iniuiiNWjjrABNAM m' :yrrisvh" Kntwed ) Omsha ofTift at Menm. -Iim nitiirr. TERMS' OF SUBSCRIPTION. " oarnut !' null IhtHj and (tuttrlu THsly uthut Smut? ..... IbWitag n KidiIm ntruj wiuSimii SumHy. . pw mont. ,.i,V ....IV ,,.,.4(V. ,..,:v lil? an Sih.Uv Iw Ihrw in icbktv If ivrm .(- iif i.ii'ijr of a1lrM i" invfii'.ir.ij; ui REMITTANCE. OFFICES. -It:. P.siMiiti; or", 11 M. i'Si! 'ifih tii CORRESPONDENCE. ArtdlVM r-'nilM' ill:. mi- rr:.t(i!.( ti' i.n.1 Ml- ,-"t- TrfAM t l'nl.t K l!l M)! l.rtmm. IIHY CIRCULATION. 57,569 Daily Sunday 52,382 lw.ihl willumi r.rv-uUiL'n tiifr of Tli. n P"tOl;m, .wi;'.!. Km, JiiIt irn. ltit lh .Tprr crvii.ih.vx f.'r il.c iii'ilti Julj. K'l. I'ttKlHT HT, 1.UMS rifnliiKw Mn,fr NiiTivrjlwd in iiu i'M'M'n.v ati.l l.i lnd.r m. ...1 !' . f v:; i.r 1SI n.'ltniT lUNTVR. N.'Ur luN!, Sib.rribvia Irnvinf th city t.mpor.rlly heula hnv Thf Dm m.lUd to Ihtm. Ad dmt wilt bt changed at olun raquitltd. liciii;. ior America first. Mr. Hushes is also serins: America first. It will he easy to keep those boys in Nebraska when they Ret back from Texas. Look both way before yon start to cross a street, ami take no unneces sary cll.itH'CS. Yes, the democrats usually carry V.ait-e three weeks before the elec tion -."hich loses it to .hem. One building it. C't'.iaV.a was found big etHHifih to boM a'i who cared to hear "Billy" Sunday, and not all the scats were taken at that. House hunters also testify to the Ktow.li o! Omaha's population. With all the expansion due to building, it is lar from easy to find a good place for rent. The attendance drawn by "Lilty's" return visit, compared with his origi nal Omaha engagement, shows what advertising and the lack of advertis ing will do. The retail credit men, who are to be with uj this week, will find Oma ha's prosperity tad hospitality alike ji the cash Ttriety, and not merely protniiet to ytj. Omihi :n't the only place where careless auto driving leads to acci dents, but that it no reason why care should not ke taken here. Safety irt ii always in order. While the tax rate in Omaha is to be a trifle lower in per cent, the pro ceeds of the levy will be bigger and the nontax levy will also be bigger. Municipal retrenchment is an iri descent dream. Carranza has the better of Mr. Wit ion' on another point. The Mexican commissioners were named when the note was sent, and the "first chief" now pointedly but politely asks, "Why this delay J" Carranza's method of dealing with strikers is not likely to be more pop ular in the world than some of his other notions. It is quite edifying, though, as indicating the extent to which liberty prevails in Mexico un der the "Srst chief." Governor Morehead almost has been convinced that Nebraska needs a new state house, but the old building came pretty near to falling in on him before he'd admit it. Maybe he'll be fully converted before his term of of fice expires. Omaha is a genuine center of the automobile industry, but watch the people turn out to pay tribute to the horse this week. Autos are all right in their way, but they'll never evoke the thrill that comes with the brush in the stretch between well matched equine rivals for speed honors. Shackleton and Stefansson. From the opposite ends of the earth telegraph wires have recently carried word of the doings of two intrepid explorers who find their mission in polar regions. From the south first came news of Shackleton's failure to reach the members of his party stranded on Elephant island, which meant very likely that all will have perished before another attempt at rescue can be made. The terror of the Anatarctic winter has taken toll again of-the daring spirits who brave its rag in search of the secrets hidden under its awful ice. Following this from the north came the word that Vilhjalmur Stefansson was not lost when he disappeared from view two yearj ago, with his face set to the north. A portion of his party reached civilization at Nome, and sent in some word of their achieve ments and discoveries. Neither of these announcements took np the (pace given to some of man's other activities, but the mes sage they contain is not entirely lost, and in time the work these men are doing may be esteemed of value quite as great as that which is now absorb ing to much more of mankind'! atten tion. Geography will be richer be cause of islands Stefansson has mapped, and for his observations as to tidal currents and other data, while Shackleton has at least contributed the example of a soul undaunted by misfortune. , Omaha's Military Strategic Value. ' Discussing the strategic value of our trans ! poration system in an article entitled "Our Kail- roads and the Next War," coutrilmted to Collier's, the author, Kdwjrd llungerford, stresses the militarv itnpoiuit'-e of the I'nion Pacific as the union's cliiri transcontinental thoroughfare. After noting the tact that the eastern terminal on the hank of the Missouri river is hut an overnight ride from Chicago with which it is connected by six excellent lailroatls, most of them double tracked, ami the further fact that its own main stem is thiiildo t! ackt'd I'r.ictically tile entire dis tance of UW. miles to Og.lni. where it divides into three great teeding lines, to S.in Francisco, to 1'i'rtl.tnil anil Seattle, and to l.os Angeles, he s.iv s : While llice three lines nrr noniitullv set:i r.ttc r.nhi'.i'K they are, in filed, component p.uls ot llic 1 nii'ii I'.icilic svstcin. In any mih t.lly ciims ninning a i.inl tr.iiisr.intinent.tl movement .'t ti." ps they would lieconle e trcmrlv unp.'il.uit p. ills, lly the use ot these roads ithe l ni"ii I'.uific and the suppleinent.il Iransi'ontniriM.il linesl it would be possible to throw .i gn.it nunihcr ot troops ami niuinii'tns actors to ..Iiiinst anv section of the Pacilic co.tst within it linlt tune. (If the coast north ,tntl south tnink line, which will he exteii.letl. t.nlv a stn.ttl p. lit is dotihlc-tr.icked. 1 h.tvc hud stress an.! constant repetition upon this tpies tton of tlonhle-track, simply because a tlouhlc track ritilroa.l is almost ten times as olhcitut as a single track railroad. And further on, in view of the capacity of its low grades ami tloiihle track to Ogden, he adds: It will hardly he exaggeration to suggest that the I'nion l'.tcitic could handle a military ti.iin, bound west tiom the Missouri, at least every thirty minutes. Taking one thousand men to a train, as a moderate estimate, this great railroad could dispatch nearly fifty thou sand men a day without in any degree congest ing itself. This puts it so concretely that no one who can grasp the possible military requirements of the I'nitcd States, if called on to repel a foreign invader, can possibly misunderstand. As the eastern terminus of this artery of travel, abso lutely necessary for a military highway, Omaha has an immense sirategic value on the war map, notwithstanding the fact that it is not itself ex posed to attack. It is the central radiating point from which men and supplies can be quickly ad vanced in any direction, an equally ideal location for reserve stores as for mobilization for the cen tral territory. With the object lessons we are having in Kurope and the knowledge gained by surveying our own military resources. Omaha's importance as a military asset is strikingly accentuated and must figure prominently in all preparedness plans. Infantile Paralysis and the Doctors. In the face of a discouraging epidemic, the doctors have done a brave thing. They have ad mitted that so far their science has been baffled, that research has so far been unable to disclose the cause of the disease, its cure, or the means by which it is transmitted. On its face, this situation wears the sign of hopelessness, but it is really not so bad as that. A science that has met and over come other forms of plague and pestilence is not likely to retreat because a newer disease is for the moment proof against its efforts. Humanity will not be left helpless to protect its tender off spring against the terror which for the time eludes the dure. Unnumbered diseases have afflicted man throughout the ages, and these have surely been met and successfully dealt with by the man of medicine, and so in time will lie discover the secret of anterior poliomyelitis. For the present he oilers advice that, if care fully followed, will go far towards eliminating all disease. It is to keep the premises clean, to be careful of the person, to avoid unhealthy food or drink or over-indulgence in any form of food or drink, and to consult a doctor at once in case of illness. This advice is good at any time in any community. The cause of infantile paralysis will yet be found, but it will help a lot to follow the doctor's advice always. Mystery of the Boomerang. Many years ago the blackfellow of the Aus tralian bush mystified his white brother by means of the boomerang. Through some agency not yet entirely clear to the able physicists who have studied flic matter, this most benighted of all savages was enabled to make his peculiar weapon do such wonderful things as to suggest the uncanny. In time he was successfully imi tated by the white man, and exhibitions of boom erang throwing have entertained multitudes, but without disclosing just why this instrument does as it does. Its outward flight is simple enough, perhaps, involving the underlying principle of the aeroplane, but its return flight is not so easily ex plained. To master this, and to apply it to aerial navigation is the inspiration of a series of experi ments being carried on by a student at Chicago university. His work so far has progressed to the point where he has greatly improved on the black fellow's boomerang, and he hopes to unravel the entire mystery of its flight. When he does, he will have almost unlocked the real secret, and have mastered not only the art of flying, but the more important and infinitely more difficult matter of alighting. Daniels Warns the Women. Josephus Daniels is not only an able seaman, but something of an astute politician as well. He can peer as far into the future as any and occa sionally he discloses what he can see waiting just a little way head. One of these occasions of prophecy came over him w hen he warned a woman suffrage leader what would happen to the move ment in event the women vote for Hughes in those states where they already are enfranchised. If they do, says Josephus, they seal the doom of the constitutional amendment, as the angry demo crats will then withhold their assent, just to get even with the ladies. Not that he wants to frighten anyone, or coerce a voter; oh no, but Mr. Daniels wants the women to see whither they are drifting, and to pull back in time, that they may go along with the gallant party that holds the suffrage question to be one of states' rights, such as the legislature of Georgia exercised when it set a date for consideration of the bill at the next day after the adjournment sine die. Plenty of suggestions are coming forward in response to the invitation, but the better way to make Omaha bigger and happier is to go after one thing at a time and settle it. Don't scatter your fire. Bre'r Magney's inquiry into the milk "trust" recalls the fact that he was county attorney when the legislature ordered legal proceedings against several alleged local food trusts iohav Thought Nugget for the Day. There's a narrow ridge in the K'avcyaril Wouli! scarce stay a child in his race. Hut to me and my thought it is wider Than the star-sown vaxue of spare. James Kussell Lowell. One Year Ago Today in the War. Italy declared war aKaint Turkey. I if una tit utlic i. illy anmiunml cap tun' f the RusM.ui inrtn-ss ot NotKeorick, with JOniH) men and 7t"( cannon. dermal! licet engaged Russian licet in Gulf of liKa, each Mile losing several ve-M'K ( icnnan submarines reported to have Mink fourteen hhips in two da s. This Day in Omaha Thirty Years Ago. A. (iortschinann nl this cil y has invented a contrivance lor preventing junaways, which works evcellenilv and hiils t.ur to heroine very popular. Several ol them have already been niauuiactured and are in use in the city. X n man Leslie, who recently arrived here from I'aiuda with a view to locating here, has pur-eha-e.l the interest ol Mr. Morrill in the handsome drug store on Sixteenth and Dodge and the husi nevs will he conducted under the iirni style of Leslie Uros. Miss Nellie Plum, sister of Miss O. Plum, one of the teachers ot the Deaf and Dumb institute, has left to assume charge of a school at Weeping Water. 'I nomas F. Hrennan, state secretary of the Catholic Knights of America, leaves for Wood Kiver to establish a branch of the order at that place. A small ten-pound police judge has put in his appearance at Judge Stenberg's home and the fTHtl court y?0 It n I older judge is figuring on resigning in the young Insnet'h.r Sn.inoler anrt ntUr- the local ofnee ol postal inspection, are packing up their effects preparatory to leaving for otheC posts of duty t'll September 1. ur. s. K. hpakling and wile have returned from a pleasant western trip. The new ni;in nf (Imnh nln.-l...t I... r T? ,. ' ' ' ". "' uy y. i Mayne. is now ready tor sale by Kosewater & Christie, Room !.'. Cranite blurb lr;.- $15.11(1. Great Railroad Strikes in the Past. First general railroad strike in America beiran at Martinsburg, W. Va.. July 16, 1877, against retiuccti wages. Lastctl three months and became extensive and widespread. Many millions in prop- city uesiroycu. jrrmc unsuccesstul. General strike of telcuranhers. involving 67 - flOO men, began at Pittsburgh, July V), 18K.1, for 15 per cent advance in wages. Lasted thirty days. Strike successful. General strike on Missouri Pacific railroad system, ordered by Martin Irons, March 6, 1880. Lasted two months and involved 9,0(10 men. Loss in wages, $1,400,000. Strike unsuccessful. Strike of heading Railway employes, heean in Pennsylvania, December 24, 1887, for advance in wages. Lasted two months and involved 30,000 men. Loss in wages exceeded $3,500,000. Strike unsuccessful. Strike of Chicago, Burlington & Ouincv rail road employes, began in Illinois, February 27, 1888, for adjustment of wages. Strike unsuccessful. General strike of New York Central railroad employes, began at Albany, N. Y August 8, low, against dismissal of members of Knights of Labor. Lasted two days. Strike unsuccessful. Strike of Erie railroad switchmen, began at Buffalo, August 14, 1892. for adjustment of waire scale. Lasted ten days. Strike unsuccessful. Strike ol Lehigh Valley railroad trainmen, be gan November 18, 189.1, for settlement of gen eral grievances. Lasted eighteen days and in volved 2,000 men. Strike partly successful. Strike of Great Northern and Montana Central railroad employes, began April 15, 1894. Lasted sixteen days. Settled by arbitration. Strike partly successful. General strike of employes of the Pullman company, licgan at Chicago, May 11, 1894, against reduction in wages. Lasted four months and in volved 2,000 men. Strike unsuccessful. Greatest strike in history of the country, in volving all western railroads, began June 26, 1894, in sympathy with the Pullman employes strike. t.ontiucieo oy American Kailway union, a power ful railroad organization under the nresidenrv of Eugene V. Debs. United States government interterrcd on account ot the mads and federal troops ordered to Chicago on July . Pierce rioting at many points and millions of dollars' worth of railroad property destroyed. Debs and other leaders arrested and imprisoned for viola tion ot lederal injunction. Strike proved unsuc cessful and was officially declared off by the .American Kauway union, August 0, 1894. The Day We Celebrate. J. M. Harding of the Harding Creamery com pany is 29 years old todav. He was born in Wis- ner, Neb., and was educated in the Omaha schools. 1 nomas Kilpatrick ot the Thomas Kilpatrick company was born August 20, 1841, in Scotland. He went into the wholesale dry goods business in Cleveland, later removing to Omaha and finally taking up the retail dry goods business e.xcl'i sivelv. William Heald, member of the Omaha police force, is celebrating his 42d birthday. He is a native of Mount Pleasant, la. Christine Nilsson. for many years one of the world's most famous singers, born in Sweden, seventy-four years ago today. Raymond 1'oincare, president of the French republic, born at l!ar-La-Duc, fifty-six years ago today. Julia Sanderson, popular actress and musical comedy star, born at Springfield, Mass., thirty two years ago today. Margaret Courtot, celebrated as a motion pic ture comedienne, bom at Summit, N. J., nineteen years ago today. Otto H. Tittmann, whose removal from the superintendency of the United States coast and geodetic survey is now a subject of political con troversy, born at Belleville, 111., sixtv-six years ago todav. George E. Anderson, United Slates consul general at Hong Kong, born at Bloomington, 111., forty-seven years ago today. This Day in History. 1629 John Winthrop was chosen governor of the Massachusetts colony. 1745 Francis Asburv. the first Mefbnrllet bishop in America, born in England. Died at Richmond, Va., March ol. 1816. 1794 General Anthony Wayne defeated the Indians at Fallen Timbers, near the present city of Toledo. 1827 Thomas Carney, civil war governor of Kansas, born in Delaware county, Ohio. Died at Leavenworth in 1889. 1866 The war in Texas was declared at an end by proclamation of President Johnson. 1S68 Burlingame and the Chinese embassy visited Boston. 1882 Suer canal occupied by British naval brigade, during the Egyptian war. 1891 Cardinal Gibbons delivered the pallium to Archbishop Katzcr at Milwaukee with great ceremony. 1897 Prince of Wales and Lord Roberts in vested with the order of St. Patrick at Dublin. 1912 General William Booth, founder of the Salvation Armv. died in London. Born near Not tingham in 1829. Uy Victor Roiwatr. 'TO FOLKS familiar with the formative period of Nebraska's history, many pages written in that interesting volume are recalled by the death ot John M. Thurston, whose career was really inrteorie ami whose passing presents many ele ments of the pathetic. At the zenith of his public career, capped by his election to the United States senate, Mr. Thurston was unquestionably one of the most powerful factors, it n.'l the most power lul factor, in Nehr.tska's politics. When he pre sided over the rt 'publican national convention of 1SSS as its trinptiniry chairman, ami a-aiii over the republican national convention of lWo as its permanent chairman, his name was blazoned from one end of the country to the other, lie was seriously considered as a candidate lor vice presi dent on the ticket with Mckinley, but there seemed to be a star of ill-omen hovering over him which took control of his destiny when he quit public life and rescinded his avowed deter mination to conic hack to Omaha and resume the practice of law here, l or reasons which perhaps few know, he stayed in Washington, no doubt ex pecting his great legal talents to command recog nition, only to meet disappointment and when he finally came back, nearly fifteen years after wards, it was too late,' even if his strength had not alreatly gone. Despite bis conspicuous faults, Senator Thurs ton had many admirable traits. First of all I should place his intense loyalty to his friends to whom he would stick through thick and thin re gardless of their deserts. He bail come up with what was called "flic railroad brigade" and the on-hangcrs he inherited were tlead weights all the time. A striking example of this loyalty is found in his recommendation of Colonel Champion S. Chase to be surveyor of customs at Omaha. To take care of Chase, it was necessary to let out Dr. George L. Miller, who had been appointed by President Cleveland and who had, as a gold democrat, done valiant service for the election of President McKinlcy that ordinarily would have earned him retention. Senator Thurston, how ever, harked back to the time when he, himself, had come to Omaha as an ambitious youth, with out friends or experience, and had been taken by Chase into his law office and helped to a start at law practice. And, although Chase then in his old age (he died in office shortly afterwards) no longer represented any political influence what ever, the senator insisted upon doing him this good turn in defiance of the clamors and protests of the horde of office seekers. In a similar way he repaid Church Howe by using his influence for his elevation to the con sular service. Major Howe had been Nebraska's member of the republican national committee in 1888, and in that capacity he had been instru mental in securing the selection of Thurston for the temporary chairmanship of the national con vention and Thurston never forgot it. Another thing for which Senator Thurston should in fairness be credited was his faculty for overlooking personal antagonisms in working for measures for the benefit of Omaha, Nebraska or the country at large. The Bee and its editor were at outs, politically, with the senator most of the time, yet there was a continuous interchange of correspondence relating to subjects of public in terest which The Bee was advocating here at home and which the senator was looking after down at Washington. Mr. Thurston claimed the leadership of the party while he was in the sen ate, but he seldom came home without calling upon my father as the editor of the leading re publican paper, and conferring with him on mat ters of party policy and pending measures of legislation. In a word, he was big enough to fight his political enemies, and fight hard, but also to fight shoulder to shoulder with them for a common object and to do this realizing that in the next round they would probably be again fighting on opposite sides. As an orator, Senator Thurston possessed what is known as personal magnetism in an ex ceptional degree. He had a clear, resonant voice and a pleasing and effective delivery but, above all, that indescribable something which evokes re sponse and enthusiasm. His was the spread eagle hurrah style of speaking, but it was the style that was popular and it clamped to him a personal following which I believe no other Ne braska orator except Mr. Bryan has been able to develop solely by talking from stump and rostrum. As forensic efforts, the joint debate be tween Thurston and Bryan in the campaign of 1894, when both were running for the United States senate, will always rank high. Someone has recently sent me one of the admission tickets used for this series of oratorical duels bearing the names in autographic fac simile, on one side "J. M. Thurston" and on the other "V. J. Bryan." If I remember rightly these tickets were divided equally between the two speakers so both should have the same chance for applause from the au dience and make sure that neither could monopo lize the house for his friends. It is of record that Mr. Bryan polled the big popular vote, while the legislature went republican and Mr. Thurston pulled the senatorship. Some samples of the Thurston oratory may be interesting. Here is an extract from the speech he delivered to the legislature accepting his election as senator and expressing his thanks for the honor: "Nebraska put one star in the azure of our flag, and New York put another, but when they took their places in the flag, they were no longer stars of New York and Nebraska, but stars of the greatest nation of the earth, shining for the protection and happiness of every American citizen. Let it be the ambition of all good and patriotic men I pledge you, my countrymen, it shall be mine to stand for the welfare and prosperity of the best government that has ever blessed mankind, and for the up lifting and glorification of the dearest flag that ever kissed the skv." Here is the peroration that stirred the country to its depths, being the conclusion of his famous Cuban speech delivered in the senate in March, 1898, on his return from a visit to that oppressed island and advocating forcible intervention: "Force compelled the signature of unwilling royalty to the great Magna Charta; force put life into the Declaration of Independence and made effective the Emancipation Proclama tion; force beat with naked hands upon the iron gateway of the Bastile and made reprisal in one awful hour for centuries of kingly crime; force waved the flag of revolution over Bunker Hill and marked the snows of Valley Forge with blood stained feet; force held the broken line at Shiloh, climbed the flame-swept hill at Chat tanooga, and stormed the clouds on Lookout heights; force marched with Sherman to the sea, rode with Sheridan in the valley of the Shenandoah, and gave Grant victory at Ap pomattox: force saved the union, kept the stars in the flag, made 'niggers' men. The time for God's force has come again. Let the impas sioned lips of American patriots once more take up the song: ''In the beauty of the lilies Christ was born across the sea, With a glory in his bosom that transfigured you and me, As he died to make men holy, let us die to make men free, For God is marching on. "Others may hesitate, others may procrasti nate, others may plead for further diplomatic negotiation, which means delay, but for me, I am ready to act now, and for my action I am ready to answer to my conscience, my country and my God." SECULAR SHOTS AT PULPIT. DOMESTIC PLEASANTRIES. Houston Post: A Minnesota pastor un thert will b work for all in heaven. If we were tryina to recruit for the land of Klory we would tell them that in the other place men would have to etoke the furnace In the nummer time and drive the ire wagon in winter. SprintrfiVId Repuhlii-an : The vote of the Wt-sleynn Methodist conference tn England to appoint a committee to coniiiler a plan for a federation of the free churches ia an event of importance, for it meant that the leading Methodist body ii not opposed In principle to co-operation with the Haptiste, Cimjtrt-Kationalists and Presbyterians. Kmptiria (Kan.) (inzetfc: A minister ! nmler the consulerahle handicap of being ohlitfeil to speak the truth, and upeak it so Hint it cannot be questioned, itealuinff this law. Rev. D. Y. Donaldson, Emporia's preacher-fls herman, brought his iifty-tive-pound rntlish down town, and passed in re view with it, thereliy leaving no loopholtf lor h doubt that the Neosho river can grow lifty-fUe-pound catfish In a dry year. Mr. DonuMson now may he expected to preach a Hermon, using as his text the truth that lnin;in home the big ones you get is one of the easiest ways of getting people to be lieve ymi really did it. Ilfiltiiimre American: The Baptists have adoptetl a new slogan for a campaign of church advancement, taking these words t The Maximum for the Master. The words are striking, full of meaning, and carry with them a thought from which all churches and all denominations can profit. Too often I does it happen in the life of every congrega tion that the service becomes perfunctory and instead of giving to the Master the max imum and the best, the gift Is the minimum, if not the worst. It is on account of such iervices that the church finds it a hard stniKcIe to keep in lead, that it fails to make the projfresis it might make under better con ditions. nd it is on this account that Sun day after Sunday sees so many empty pews in houses of worship that might be packed o the dour. Brown Is it alWHys raining In London? Green No, sometimfs It Is Just going lo or Just has. Judge. "Olit Braasy keeps up his golf talk all tlif viir round." "IV M, he plitys only from April to No- VfllllHT " "I know; but he runs a bHlky furnace from Notnit.T to April.'' Juilge. "Duos your boy Josh know luw to run thf f j r in 7 " ".lush ain't Biippof d to botbT with any trtriln' detail HkH tliat."' replied Kanir i 'rn toss"!. "Josh In tin- only om r ii.it known how M run uiir Hew automobile."- .i.-liiUKH'ii Mar. KTWMR-KABI6ci,. A VlWTtR HAS PROPOSED TO MC-3H0uU I MARoy HIM? -MARGARET SEE VF HE'S A ?oot SoWr ytftTER -TRVTD HAVE HIM RH7ME "MARGARET J FIRST He!tr Our 2-year oM boy buby (hrmv; every hnnk bo cun lay his hands on stiiiit;!.; Into the tire, Skelter Mm alive! You've bred a v.- anl of rttianco, Llfi "nh, papa, Jack stiys my love for him makes him frel strong enough tu iu'-1 mountains." "Yes, but la he strong enough to go to work ?" Hoistun Transcript. WOMEN'S ACTIVITIES. The Yale School of Medicine has opened its doors to women students. The National Girl ScouU organiration has massed the 10,000-mark in Its membership. Nellie C. Pierce of Santa F ia the secre tary of the New Mexico State Bar associa tion. British firms that have been forced by war conditions to employ women as traveling salesmen report that the work of the female "drummers" is entirely satisfactory. Mrs. John A. Logan, who has Just passed her 79th birthday, is actively engaged in raising a fund for the erection of a Clara Harton memorial in Washington. "Lotta" Crabtree, the former famous act ress, now in her 70th year, has taken up painting and has spent the summer as a member of the artists' colony at Gloucester Maxs. The women's section of the Navy league, hnving found the national service school at Chevy Chase so valuable, has decided to open three schools in different parts of the coun try. One in San Francisco is now in opera tion, one at Lake Geneva, Wis,, and the third at Narragansett pier. HUMAN STILL. Arthur iIoodennuKh Tho sunk iNti on g through Eden en pt Is In the world today; Thioush all of time's vlcljsttudei It Iiu not passed away. The pr.in.'il iiisUuetfi of tin) rare. Convention cannot kill Tlu tides of life go in or out. Hut we ara human still! The bard, thi patriot und the jer h'ach with his own go gift, Strives from a plane of enrthltrusi His brother to uplift But Ingraltied tendencies of life Oft bring results to nil When all is said, we are nut changed We are human still! Our hrartu take hold on higher things Our souls have dreams sublime; We beat In vain our spirit wingi Agalnut the bars of time. Life's ruthless, rude realities Dispel the heavenly thrill Tha bright-winged butterfly eludes And leaves us human still! We clutrh at wealth we clutch at fame Repsons've to some' law Whose source we guers; a deathless namo Inspires us all with awe; Th promised land as Moses did Vv'e view from Moab's hill Llkn him we may not entei In, For we are human still, We strive by heaven's perfect plan Our brdng to adjust; To find that moital man remeing But one remove from dust. Immortal longings stir the soul With many a maKlc thrill And waves dlvln) across us roll iiut we are human mill! 00. tR.Btnj F Bailc A Sanatorium This institution is the only one in the central west with separate buildings situated in their own ample grounds, yet entirely dis tinct, and rendering it possible to classify cases. The one building being fitted for and devoted to the treatment of non-contagious and non-mental diseases, no others be ing admitted; the other Rest Cot tage being designed for and de voted to the exclusive treatment of select mental cases requiring for a time watchful care and spe cial nursing. Dl miriTvn JasBHw Westgate Hot At The Junction On Main and Delaware at Ninth Kansas City, Mo. S50 25 Rooms at $2ii Evtry Room His Exposure Absolutely Fireproof PertonaRy Managed bit JAMES KETNES? UIIMIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIinilUIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIll 1 Thousands I of Widows and Orphansl ARE TODAY ENJOYING A WARM FIRESIDE, OWING - TO THE FORESIGHT OF THE HUSBAND AND FATHER PROTECTING THEIR LOVED ONES IN THE I The Woodmen of the Worldl o WHAT ABOUT YOUR LOVED ONES? ARE YOU f S r SURE OF A COMFORTABLE HOME FOR THEM r AFTER YOU ARE GONE. 1 LET US ASSURE YOU 1 "TELL" DOUGLAS 1117. I NO COST FOR EXPLANATION I J. T. YATES, Secretary. W. A. FRASER, Pretident. 5 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiimiiiii mm mmmimmiiiiiiiimil EXCURSION FARES EAST VIA ILLINOIS CENTRAL R. R. Choice of circuitous and direct routes to NEW YORK and BOSTON. Attractive routes to all Eastern Resorts. OPTIONAL OCEAN, LAKE AND RIVER TRIPS Liberal Stopovers Why not let us assist in planning trip affording visits at Principal Cities and Summer Resorts in the East? Tickets on sale daily, with 60-day and October 31st limits. For further information and attractive literature call at CITY TICKET OFFICE, or write S. NORTH, District Passen ger Agent, 407 South 16th St., OMAHA, NEB. PHONE DOUGLAS 2G4. S llllHMii mi i Ma a. t