Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 20, 1916, NEWS SECTION, Image 1

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    Part One
PAGES 1 TO 12,
The Omaha Sunday Bee
Republican Nominee for Presi
dency Spends Busy Day
With People of Frisco
and Oakland.
Repeats Declaration for Pro
tective Tariff and Liberal
Working Conditions.
Hundreds of Tents in
Camps Near Br'
Are Blown 1 jvv10
Didst Ever Try to Rent the Modest Domicile?
v nt install ii
San Francisco, Aug. 19. Charles
Kvans Hughes, republican candidate
for president, spent the second day of ;
his San Francisco visit talking with
workmen at the I'nioii Iron Works, j
lunching at the Commercial cliih, con
ferring with ill c republican country
newspaper editors assembled here and
addressing a mass meeting in Oak
land. Between engagements he viewed
as much of San l'"rancisco and the
hay section as his limited time al
lowed. At the Union Iron Works, where
the men assembled to hear the former
governor, Ignatius Sullhan, a grimy
machinist, left his lathe long enough
to climb into Mr. Hughes' automobile'
and introduce him. The candidate re
peated his declarations tor protective
tariff, argued for more liberal work
ing conditions and saiil he believed
in better hours (or laborers, old-age
pensions, proper recreation and safe
guards for life and limb.
Must Be Co-Operative.
"You can't make wages out of in
dustrial turmoil,' he said. "Kndless
restlessness inu.-t stop. There must
be a spirit of co-operation between
all. There can be no success of labor
without co-operation with capital, and
no success of capital without co
operation with labor.
"A foundation must be formed by
contented workingmen, who know
they have a share in the nation's pros
perity. At present. I think the hu
man factor in production has not
been recognized enough."
Following his address, Mr. Hughes
shook the grimy' hands of several hun
dred workmen as his automobile
;dged its way in and out of the crowd.
At the Commercial club luncheon
the candidate again made his declara
tion in favor of a protective tariff,
irgued for preparedness and assailed
!he Wilson administration for its
Mexican policy.
Must Foster Enterprise.
Mr. Hughes told his business au
dience at the Commercial club: "I
do not believe we can run this gov
ernment by mixing business and poli
tics. I am for business honestly ad
ministrated. We have had abundant
surgery, but nobody can live on sur
aery alone; the patients body must be
nuiit up. We must foster enterprise
and make the man of business feel
he has free avenues to success.
"I do not believe in, nor do I know
any panacea for our governmental ills.
1 believe in cost sheets and getting
down to hard facts by a study of our
problems and then solving them on
that basis. The administration of
our government should be an ex
ample to business men.
"T like to sec where we can do for
America, not to look, to cut off and
Compensation Bill
Passed by Senate
Washington, Aug. 19. The work
men's compensation bill to provide
uniform compensation for government
employes when disabled and adequate
benefits for their families in rase of
death was passed today by the senate
practically in the same form as it
passed the house.
Randolph Brought Back
On Auto Stealing Charge
York, Neb., Aug. 1. (Special Tel
egram.) Sheriff Miller arrived this
morning with J. Harry Randolph,
charged with stealing an automobile
from the 1 ork Auto company, March I
18, w ho is also charged with murder-j
ing J. 11. Affleibach, who took him
in custody near Grass Range, Mont.
The car was driven back from Itoul-!
der. Colo., by W. I.. White and ).. M.
Lincoln. The Montana sheriff will
arrive Sunday night with extradition ;
papers. Randolph's lawyers w ill put
up a bard fight to hold bun here. j
Dallas, Tex., Aug. 1. Lives were
lost in the tropical storm at Rock
port, em the coast about twelve miles
north of Port Aransas, according to a
telephone message received here from
Heei!!e, Tex., about sixty miles in
land. The casualties resulted from a
number being caught in the storm
while in small boats. The exact num
ber was not learned.
Dallas. Tex., Aug. 10. The tropical
storm which struck the extreme south
Texas coast yesterday and last night,
inflicted considerable damage in the
legion between Corpus Christi and
Itrow nsville, passed inland southwest
of San Antonio, followed the Riu
Grande alley to aiiout Del Rio, and
then spent its force on the plains of
Mexico. This was the summary
given today hv Dr. J. L. Cline, head
of the loca! weather bureau, from in
formation available.
"There has been considerable dam
age on the coast where thousands of
acres of land have been overflowed.
The worst damage is probably in the
vicinity of Corpus Christi.
No Guardsmen Hurt.
Information received by the Ameri
can Telegraph and Telephone com
pany today said that the United
States soldiers and guardsmen in
the lower Rio Grande valley were not
hurt by the storm.
The telephone company announced
that a tram left Houston this morning
wiiii linemen to restore their wires.
Six Men Decide He Was Driv-j
ing in Careless and Negli
gent Manner When j
Accident Happens.
Jury Holds Violators of Law
Let Off Too Easy and
Disregard Rules.
That Christina Cunningham came
to her death on the 17th day of Au
gust, 1916, in the city of Omaha,
county of oDuglas, state of Nebraska,
by being struck and run over by an
automobile, driven by Charles K.
Stcckdale at Twenty-sixth and Far
nam streets, whilesaid Christina Cun
ningham was attempting to board a
street car; said automobile being oper
ated by said Charles E. Stockdale in
a careless and negligent manner, and
in violation of the statutes of the state
of Nebraska and ordinances of the
city of Omaha. We therefore recom
mend that Charles E. Stockdale be
held for the death of Christina Cun
ningham. We believe that the lax enforcement
1 of the ordinances and statutes cover
i ing the operation of motor vehicles
YOU wast -its either . -- f ,-
IN THE 000D NllQHBOfiHOODzp (jtH"! T J-J1 '
s I SUIPIN6 PORCH, ClOSL i t-Vj) I 'T' '
liri nlV A MnNTH S - --rz -r-r ..
f . S J 1 T . - : "V: -X Ail
The train could not arrive in Corpus j ?nQ A"e ,ac,K OI equate punisnmem
Christi before night, it was said. 'or the violators when arrested, has
. . been responsib'e for the growing dis
Heavy Damage at Corpus Chr.sti. regard of all tra(fic rueSi ordinanC(.s
San Antonio, Tex., Aug. 19. With i and statutes by drivers of these ve
army w ireless reporls received up to , hides. We, therefore, further recom
a late hour last night stating there I mend that drivers of automobiles and
had been little damage and no known motorcycles who violate the ordi
loss of life in the Brownsville dis-1 nances of the city of Omaha or the
trict, chief anxiety centered early to-1 statutes of the state of Nebraska, be
day on the situation at Corpus Christi ; arrested, vigorously prosecuted and
and that vicinity as a result of the , adequately punished, to the end that
tropical storm which struck the Texas! the rights of pedestrians on the
gulf coast yesterday morning. The streets of Omaha may be safeguarded,
and that the drivers oi automobiles
and motorcycles shall understand that
the ordinances and statutes are to be
obeyed rather than disregarded.
H. T. DANIELS, 506 Rose Buildings
fill t&Wt't,
7 (AN YOU Tli I
.HOUSt ? I
Will, "3 MAUD
roRnfn TtMANn
HAP 51 All POt.
CHROMIC f 0011
to iAie oorsioi
All J
only loss of life so far reported was
in the sinking in the Gulf of Mexico
ot the small steamer Pilot Boy, ply
ing between Galveston and Corpus
Christi. The vessel carried a crew of
thirteen, only three of whom were re
ported saved.
The last telegraph wire into Cor
pus Christi failed at 2:30 o'clock yes
terday afternoon, and the last tele
phone line went out shortly before 7
o'clock last night. Last reports from
Corpus Christi placed the velocity of
the wind at seventy miles an hour,
and it was stated the storm was ex
pected to increase in intensity until
midnight. Nothing later has been
The storm had abated somewhat at
(Continued on Par Two, Column Thre.)
Cooking Outfit for
Entire Company
Weighs 125 Pounds
GEORGE H. MERTEN, 22 Keeline
J. C. VIZZARD, 2417 North Twenty
second Street.
J. P. BUTLER, 816 North Forty-first
M. J. GREEVY, 2914 Hickory Street.
A. E. PATTEN, 1803 Locust Street-
Petrograd Announces Consid
erable Gain ' on Stokbod,
Southeast of Kovel.
The coroner's jury which inquired
into the death of Mrs. C. G. Cunning
ham, late yesterday afternoon
brought in the above verdict and the
significant commentary on the pres
ent disregard of traffic ordinances
and statutes, which follows the ver
dict proper.
At the afternoon session of. the in
quest, which adjourned at 11 o'clock
to get the testimony of the motor
man and conductor oflhe car which
Mrs. Cunningham was about to
hoard, the testimony against Mr.
Douglas, Ariz., Aug. 19. Captain C. I Stockdale piled up still further and
O. Thomas, jr., supply officer of the ,lls attorney, h, A. Conaway, decided
First cavalry, will leave here in a j 'hat it would be wise for him to take
few days for San Antonio, taking with the stand himself,
him by direction of General Frederick I Mr. Stockdale w as on the verge
Funston, a field cooking outfit of his j "f a breakdown several times during
invention for demonstration purposes. 1 his stay in the witness chair and al
It has been demonstrated to the satis-1 though he was sure that he was
faction of the commanding oliicer
here, it is stated, and according to
army men, will revolutionize the cul
inary department of the army in the
field if adopted.
The entire outfit, capable of pre
paring food and hot water for a com
pany of 150 men, folds into a pack
age fourteen by twenty by twenty
eight inches and weighs 125 pounds,
making a load for one side of a pack
saddle, the other side of the pack to
be filled with food.
Captain Thomas has had two stoves
made hiTc and will take them to San
Antonio with him.
Here is Young Lady
Who Would Be Queen
England once had a
"Good Queen Bess
Who never wore less
Than twenty gowns a day."
Ak-Sar-Iicn now has an opportunity
to get another Queen Bess. For the
morning mail Friday brought a letter
to President Kverett Buckingham of
Ak-Sar-Ben in which a girl, who signs
herself just "Bessie," filed her applica
tion for the position of queen
(( onlinuerl on Vag Two, Column One.)
Bulgarian Troops
Beaten at Moglena
With Heavy Loss
Saloniki. Aug. I1).- I Via London )
Bulgarian troop- who attacked the
posuion ot the entente allies along
the Serbian frontier on August 17
were repulsed and thrown back upon
their original position after sustain
ing enormous losses, says the Serbian
official statement.
The Serbian statement, issued Aug
ust 18. announces:
"Yesterday at dawn the Bulgarians
attacked along our front in the sec
tor of Moglena (Moglcmica), north of
the village ot Scupma and I'rojar
The Bulgarians were repulsed by our
counter attacks and were thrown
hack upon their original position aficr
sustaining enormous losses.
"The Bulgarians occupied the town
and station of Fiorina.
"An enemy air squadron threw
bombs on the British ambulances at
Verbekop. Six persons were killed.
.Nineteen allied aeroplanes dropoed
The Weather
For Nebraska Fair, cooler.
TerniM-mtur Ht Omaha YeMrilay.
Hi. nr.
i a . n i
hail her kintr a nicked nut. too.
tor she i.amed a certain man, well eighty bombs on the enemy hang
known in railroad circles, as the oneir at Monastir. Excellent results
whom she wants for king. I were observed."
Mr. Buckingham referred the mat-1 1 capture by Bulgarians of the
ter to W. U. Ilnsford, another of the,rceli town of Fiorina, five miles
board uf governors, and Hosford had , Jf001 the Greco-Serbian border and
the thing passed along to the secre- ""teen miles southeast of Monastir,
tary's office. Mavbe it will come upiwas "ported yesterday by the Her
at the next board meeting. Maybe1"1 war off'ce-
Pelrograd, Aug. 19 (Via London)
The Russians have broken through
the Austro-German lines on the
Stokhod river in YolhVnia and have
made a considerable advance, it was
announced today.
The break in the Austro-German
front was made in the region of the
village of Czerwiszczc, forty miles
northeast of Kovel.
The statement says:
"Last evening after an artillery
bombardment, the enemy launched an
attack near me village of Zviniache,
southeast of Svinichi. It was re
pulsed. "West of Lake Nobel (sixty miles
northeast of Kovel), our troops cap
tured a part of the enemy's positions.
"In t he region of Czerwiszcze, on
the Stokhod, our troops after a stub
born fight broke through the enemy's
position and captured the village of
Tobol (two miles northwest of Czcr
wiszcze) the farm. Tcherische and a
distillery, making a considerable ad
vance. The number of prisoners ac
counted for amounts to two officers
and 220 men.
"In the direction of Kirlibaba, fa
pass on the Transylvanian frontier),
the enemy is resuming his offensive
with considerable forces and has
pushed back our advance guards a
little distance."
Austrian Assault Checked
Rome (Via London), Aug. 19.
The Austrians launched an attack last
night on the left wing of the Italian
forces on the Carso plateau. It was
announced officially today that the
assault was checked by the fire of
the Italian batteries.
"Along the whole front artillery ac
tions occurred." the statement says.
Hostile batteries shelled the town of
Gorizia and the Isonzo bridges.
"Yesterday evening, after heavy ar-
Miss Dessie Westervelt's Body
Found With Bullet in Head
in Father's Office.
(t'oDtlnufd on Tage Two, klamn Four.)
Scottsbluff, Neb., Aug. 19. (Special
Telegram.) Miss Dessie Westervclt,
oldest child of Mr. and Mrs. E. T.
Westervelt, was found dead in the of;
fice of the Scottsbluff Republican,
her father's paper, at an early hour
this morning.
About 6 o'clock she left her home, a
block from the office, to take a walk.
Nothing more was seen of her until
the oflice force reported for work.
One of the men went to the back of
the oflice behind the presses to hang
up bis coat and found the dead body.
A 38-calibrc revolver belonging to
her father was on her breast and the
shot that had ended the life passed
into the temple.
Miss Westervelt, who was one of
the finest arid most highly respected
young women in the city, has lived
here all her life. She graduated from
the local high school.
For a number uf jcars she was in
the employ of the local postoffice but
for a few months she has been stay
ing at home. A coroner's inquest will
be held, but there is little probability
of its clearing up the reason for either
suicide or foul play. She is not
known to have had any trouble of any
kind and neither is she known to have
had any enemies in the world, On the
contrary everyone -who knew her re
spected and admired her.
Thirty-Six More Deaths
From Infantile Plague
New York, Aug. 19. The end of
the eighth week of the epidemic of
infantile paralysis was market! by no
material change in its development.
During the week just passed the dis
ease has neither advanced nor re
ceded to any extent. During the
twenty-four hours ending at 10 a. m.
thirty-six children wtre killed by the
plague and 134 new cass were reported.
Little Two-Ounce Bottle Causes
Consternation in Marshal's Office
' I'- Hi S3
('ompttratl ve I.oiul Rretird.
i'M. I'M... 1114 19n
Mlfc'lvit f'rUy 9'- i K i 97
M.-.,'-! t- rn-.i.-!- i- ir-' "
IT. :H'4M..-i . -00 T .''')
T- :nj'- r.itur- a-ul i rf. 1 pi Ut 1 1" ti ctfjm rt m
. r.f, t u. .-v. '., at n.i h.t itn-f Mint h 1 ,
Teller of Chicago Bank
Held for Embezzlement
Chicago. Aug. 1. George W. Wei
gle, receiving teller of the Harris
Trust and Savings bank, was arrested
t.d,iy, charged w;th embezzlement.
Bank officials recently discovered a
shortage in the accounts of the bank
of approximately ?7,.K0, and they as-
: sert that Weigle confessed the alleged
Strike of Coal Miners
In Southwest Averted
1 Kansas City, Aug. 19. A threatened
strike of .i.btX coal miners of Mis
souri, Kansas, Arkansas and Okla-
, honia has been averted. A compro
mise made by each side in the negotia
tions tor the two-year working con
tract t nabled the subcommittee of the
general conference to agree un points,
at issue here today.
Farmer Badly Injured
By an Enraged Bull
I North Platte, Neb., Aug. R -(Spc-icial.)
John Crandall. a farmer living
eleven miles southwest ot" here, is in
ja critical condition from injuries sus
tained when he was thrown lo the
! ground and severely mauled bv an en
I raged bull. Crandall was driving a
herd of of cattle from one pasture to
! another when the bull suddenly bc
jcame enraged, rushed upon him, threw
him to the ground and, dropping on
jits knees, mauled the farmer for sev
eral moments. Crandall finally man
aged to roll under a nearby fence and
; escape. He walked nearly a mile to
-his home where medical examination
I showed that five ribs were fractured,
!his body severely bruised and possible
j internal injuries. The bull had previ-
ouly shown Mgns of vicioiiMios and
i had bm recei.tly been dehorned. To
Mhis lact Crandall undoubtedly owes
j his life.
A little package caused a big feel-1
ing of discomfort in the office of !
1. nited States Marshal Flynn Satur
day, j
It was a two-ounce bottle done up i
in many thicknesses of soft paper.
The bottle was full of nitroglycer-,
inc. !
it belonged to Charles Davis, abas'
Charles I.evi, one of the men who,
robbed the postoffice at Oakdale,
Neb., Wednoday.
Davis, a little, smiling man, was in j
I lie room aw ait ing removal to the
county jail, and altogether too happy, i
it seemed, for a man who had just;
offered to plead guilty and go to
prison for from three to six years. I
What to do with that two ounces
of bottled calamity and devastation!
was what worried Marshal Flynn. j
"Pour it out in the street. It'll
fvapoiat' in a few minutes, " said;
Davis. "I'm going to plead guilty
anyway wont need it for evidence.",
"Guess there's enough there to
blow up this whole building," ven
tured Deputv Giant Yates.
"Yes." said the yeggman m a bored
son of tone. "It it gets too hot the
soup's liable to go oil' any minute.;
I Jon't need no fue." i
Everybody moved to the other side
of the room and several of the visit
ors "guessed" they "must be going"
and went at once.
"Four it in the gutter," suggested
"Jim" Nukerson.
"Yes, and have someone come along
and drop a cigar butt into it," replied
the marshal.
Eventually Deputy Marshal Quinley
was chosen to carry the bottle down
to the Missouri river and there care
fully empty its awful contents into the
swift-llow ing watt r
Everybody ade him an affectionate
farewell when he started ami asked
if he had any List wishes, but as no
explosion lias shaken the city up to
the present time (2 p. ni ) it is pre
sumed and hoped he executed his
commission with safety.
James Thomas was the other of the
pair who robbed the Oakdale postof
fice. Both waived hearing before t he
commissioner and were bound over to
the grand jui .
The were taken down 10 the police
station to be "mugged." Davis" pic
ture was found already in the rogues'
Besides the nitroglycerine the men
were armed with .44-cabber revolvers
and hud fuses, flash lights and com
plete burglars' kits.
Great Variety of Entertain
ment Will Be Furnished
Public This Year.
((Tom a Stiff CorrcfipondDnt.)
Lincoln, Aug. 19. (Special.)- The
forty-eighth Nebraska state fair be
gins two weeks from next Sunday
with band concerts by "The Kilties"
and the Nebraska State band, assisted
by the grand opera octette and St.
Paul's oratorio chorus.
The real opening of the state fair
proper is Monday morning at 8
o'clock, when the management lias or
dered every exhibit fully installed in
place. Monday, September 4, is de
voted to professional automobile rac
ing. A number of the best racing
cars and drivers are already assured,
I and patrons are guaranteed more
j thrills than usual in watching the
: marvelous turns on a half-mile track
i made by the speed demons,
j Ruth Law, aviatrix, will demon
strate up-to-date flying in her tractor
! biplane, looping the loop with all the
i ease of a Beachey or a Thompson, and
as an added event will fly at night
with calcium lights and burning fire
' works to mark her course through the
i darkness.
j Tuesday. Wednesday, Thursday and
f Friday afternoons will be devoted to
j horse racing, three harness and two
i running events each day. All races
; before the grandstand are scheduled
I to begin at 2 o'clock, in order to give
j patrons an opportunity to be present
at the start.
I Seven bands will furnish instru
; mental music. An octette will in
; terpret popular grand opera selec
! tions. The St. Paul's oratorio chorus
'will render portions of the "Creation"
and Messiah" Sunday afternoon at
4:30 and Wednesday afternoon at
5 .10 o clock.
! The Whangdoodle quartet will sing
daily and m addition three of the
bands, to-wit, the Kilties, the Ne
( braska State band, and George Green
land his band will present soloists with
i their concerts.
Aspleudid vaudeville program wilt
; be put on in front of the grandstand,
afternoon and evening, and the world-
tanious Johnny Jones Exposition
show will be found on the Midway.
In addition to these attractions the
world's best animals and exhibits will
fill the buildings, and there will be
machinery and automobiles galore.
To see it all come the opening day
and camp all week.
President Asks Fourteen Addi.
tional Railroad Heads to
Come and Talk Over
Strike Situation.
Executives of Roads Fail ' to
Give Answer to Proposi
tion Submitted.
WasliinKt'iii, Auk. W. Representa
tives of the fnnr brotherhoods of rail
way employes liehl a meeting; this
afternoon anil after hearins Presidnt
Wilson's statement read, adjourned
until 111 n'eloek Monday morning.
.Indr Chambers of the federal
board of mediation, conferred with
-ome of the leaders, hut declined to
make public his mission.
Reports were eurrent amcng the
employes after the visit of Judge
Chambers that a counter-proposal was
expected froui the railroad managers.
Mr. Chambers refused to confirm or
denv the renort.
President Wilson sent the following
telegram to fourteen presidents of
wer.tern railroads:
"Discussion of the matter involved
in the threatened railway strike is still
continuing. It is highly important
that I should personally ennter wttn
von or some one authorized to repre
sent yon at the earliest possible mo
ment. Hone vou can arrange mat-
terr so as to be able to come to
Washington at once."
Give No Final Answer.
After an hour's conference with
President Wilson today the thirty
three railroad presidents left the
White House without giving any in
dication that they had abandoned
their stand for arbitration but with
assurance that the negotiations were
not ended.
The railroad executives gave no
final answer to tne president's propo
sals, but will deliberate on them to
day and see President Wilson again
probably Monday,
While President Wilson was eon
ferring with the executives he made
public a statement outlining his plan.
In his address to the officials
President Wilson said:
"If a strike comes the public will
know where the responsibility rests.
It will not Be on me.
Question Is Not Closed.
All the railroad presidents said he
question was not closed and that the!
negotiations would be continued.
President Holden of the Burlington,
spokesman for the officials, said no
time had been set for them to see
President Wilson again, but that it
was necessary to confer with the com
mittee of managers, which has the au
thority to accept or reject plans.
Several of the executives indicated
disappointment over President Wil
son's statement, but showed particu
lar interest in his mention of the pos
sibility of the Interstate Commerce
commission considering an increase
in freight rates.
In his talk to the executives today.
President Wilson told them they were!
facing a condition, not a principle. Hei
asked why they should demand arbi
tration when there was no law fori
compulsory arbitration and he knew
sory arbitration law through congressJ
the employes, he recalled, had con
sistently refused arbitration and hei
believed it was impossible to gain in
in the present controversy.
Cannot Sit as Judge.
I have been asked to sit as a
judge, said the president in sub-
stance. "I cannot do that, I simply
I can suggest a plan, a way in which
: I believe this question can be settled
1 fairly to all sides.
President Wilson urged again thai
the railroads accept the plan, adopt
i the eight-hour day at least tempor
I arily, and then allow the proposed
commission to fully investigate the
tacts, tie pointed out that the rail
roads brought forward one set oi
statements and the employes another,
: and it was impossible tor him to tel
: which was correct.
t In conclusion. President Wilsor
, said he believed his plan was the on!)
I equitable way of settling the contro
; versy and that under it, both sides
! would be treated tairlv.
Mr. Holden gave the president esti
. mates of the cost of the eight-hous
day to the railroads. President Wll
( son. in reply, urged that the railrqad
otticiais. with the committee of mana
gers, very careiully consider his plan
hetore giving any final answer. Thai
was agreed to by the railroad execu
It was learned definitely that iij
their acceptance ot President Wilson'
Hughes and Fairbanks
Club Formed at Fairbury
Fairbury. Neb., Aug. 1. (Special
Telegram.) The republican central
committee of Jefferson county held
a meeting in the court room to or
ganize a Hughes and Fairbanks'
County Chairman Roy Steele is
sued the eall and quite a number oi
republicans was in attendance. It is
the intention to tonn a similar club
in each ot the rural precincts of the
The legislative and county tickets
will be warmly contested.
(Conttnurtl on P j- Two, Colanui STm.)
Indeterminate Term j
for Automobile Thief i
North PI atte. Neb., Aug. W.- tSpe-'
cial I- Kd Lewis, who says be has no!
home, pleaded guilty in district court
to a charge of stealing a motor ,-r
owned by Leslie Zook. lit was given
an indeterminate sentence of from one
to seven years in the state penitentiary.
Experience has proven
again and again that
persistent hammering is
what makes a steady
record on the sales
Keep your Want-Ad
running every day 'till
you make your sale.
Call Tyler 1000 -for
Bee Want-Ad