THE BEE: OMAHA, SATURDAY, AUGUST 19, 1916. THE OMAHA DAILY BEE FOUNDED BY EDWARD KOSEWATEK " VICTOR ROSEWATER, EDITOR TH BBS PUBLISHING COMPANY. PBOPWETOB. Entered at Omaha pottofffc aa eecond-elaea matter. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. By learner aflv mi Sunday tlaily withoat Sunday.... Evening and Sunday . . . . . Evening without 8unda.. Sunday Bee only. Bar Month 660... 46e... 40o... 25e... ..20c. Daily and Sunday Bee. three yeara in advance, fiend notice of change of addreas or irregulant; livery te Omaha Bee. Circulation Department. By Mall per year. .VT.SS.OO .... 4.00 .... S00 .... 4.00 .... J.OO 110.00. REMITTANCE. m it 1 jm .l A.r rrnlv t.eent ataiHOO taken in oavnient of email aeeonnta. Pereonal ohecka, except on Omaha and eaatara eachango. not accepted. OFFICES. Omaha The Bee Building. South Omaha 2818 N etreet. Council Bluffa 14 North Main etreet Lincoln 621 Little Building. Chicago 818 People's Gaa Building. New York Room 808. 188 Fifth avenue. St. Louli 808 New Bank ef Commerce. Waehingtoa Tit Fourteenth etreet, N. W. CORRESPONDENCE. , Addreea eoiamonleetUm. relating to mws and editorial matter tc Omaha Bee, Editorial Department. JULY CIRCULATION. 57,569 Daily Sunday 52,382 Dwight Wllllaau, errculetlon manager of The Bee Publlehing eorapuy. awing duly aworn. eaya that the average circulation for the month of July, lilt, waa "e "t" a. Subieribed in my preeenea and aworn to befo- BKBT HUNTER. Notary Public thle Id day of Augmet, 1018. RO Subtcribsra hewing the city temporarilr ohouM haw The Bo mailed to taem. Ai dreoe anil he changed ao often aa raquettad. Democrtcy and bond issues continue unwaver ing allies. Did you think that corn crop could be finished without some more hot weather? Farnam street traffic is heavy, and increasing, but it ought to be made less dangerous. ;And the president last December specifically warned the congress not to issue bondsl Representative "Jimmy" Hay seems deter mined to win that promotion the president pre sented him. Promised relief from taxes will not be noted very prominently on the receipts that will be issued next January. The careful driver may not arrive as quickly as the speeder, but he gets there without trouble or subsequent worry. Course of the Army Bill. President Wilson's refusal to approve the army bill in the form it was sent to him emphasizes, if it does not aggravate, one of the most remark able situations in which this country has ever been found. No more glittering example of one-man power was ever presented than is furnished by the course of this measure directed and shaped by Representative James Hay of Virginia, chairman of the house committee on military affairs. When President Wilson reversed his policy last fall, yielding to an irresistible public opinion, he called representative members of congress of both par ties into consultation and asked of them that they give every assistance to a program for defense. The agreement then reached was hailed with satis faction by the country. When the democrats came into power in the Sixty-second congress, Representative James Hay of Virginia was elevated from a position among the minority members of the military affairs com mittee and made chairman. In that congress, and the one following, he showed his firm opposition to the plans of the War department, and his de termination to substitute his own ideas for those of the experts. He did not give his assent to the president's program when the Sixty-fourth con gress opened, but began hit work by rejecting en tirely the recommendations of the Treat commis sion, which had been appointed to study and re port on the military problem of the United States. Secretary of War Garrison did his utmost to over come the powerful influence of Hay, to no avail, and when the Hay bill finally passed the house, Garrison resigned. In the senate the Chamberlain bill was substituted for the Hay bill, but in con ference the character of the Chamberlain measure was remodeled along Hay lines. It went to the president without the Wilson plan for a conti nental army, but retaining the Hay states' rights views, as well as the obnoxious provision that led to the veto. In its entirety it has been considered as a makeshift rather than a constructive measure, advocates of adequate defense hoping to secure proper legislation at another time, The astonishing fact in connection with the situation is that President Wilson has aooointed James Hay of Virginia to be a judge of the United States court of claims, rewarding him for his blockade of preparation for defense by giving him life position on the bench. This must be im mensely pleasing to Lindley M. Garrison, as well as .to other democrats who sincerely believe in s stronger and better military establishment. It is all over but the balloting in the Pacific coast state. The visit of Candidate Hughes cinched a republican certainty. However, should the railroad car shortage come up to the prophecy, it is probable the auto mobile will keep things moving. II' V V Railroad presidents are easily led to the White House fountains, but inducing them to take the eight-hour drink is quite s different task. Another leader of auto thieves has been cap tured, Precautions should not be relaxed, how ever. Several apt followers art stitl at large. The ease with which W. J. Bryan breaks into print at the psychological moment takes sn occa sional fall out of the desire of people to forget him. 1 . The saving grace of humor lightened the hurt dignity of Chicago holdup victims hustled into sn icebox snd ordered to keep cool Result! happily blended with the command. Grover Cleveland was the last democratic president He waa also the last president to issue bonds to secure money to defray the running ex , penses of the government But Wilson will tie him In this. Every time the doctors become confident mas i tero of common ailments, a new and more baffling enemy arrives. Medical science admits helpless- - ness in the face of the infantile icourge, but r grapples with it bravely with every available re . . source. , ,.. .: , Remember ths Union Depot With all the talk of railroad strike, car short age, new bridge over the river, and similar topics, one of the most vital of all of Omaha's needs is likely to be neglected. It is the Union passenger station. Agitation last spring fastened attention on this point for several days, but the change in presidents on the Union Pacific allowed it to go over. It should not be lost sight of, however, for its need is more pressing with each passing day. Not only is Omaha growing, and its travel in creasing, bat the general business of the railroads entering the city is expanding. This being true, and the present facilities having been outgrown, for how much longer will Omaha have to put up with inadequate and antiquated depot accommoda tions? Mr. Calvin has been here long enough to get s line on the situation, and ought to be able to tell Omaha what the Union Pacific is willing to do in the matter., Time doea not alter nor familiarity dim the brightness of Mr. Bryan's admiration for Mr. Bryan's peace treaties. It is safe to say that Mr. Bryan considers these formidable agreements the product of the highest statesmanship of this or any other age. A defeated woman candidate for the demo cratic nomination for congress in a Kansas dis trict is going to run independent just to show that she can play the game like a seasoned old school politician. Wonder what name she would have called her competitor for turning s like trick if she had won out? . Pedestrians have a certain amount of respon sibility, particularly when traveling along streets where traffic is heavy. They ahould cheerfully accept this, but it should also be understood that this acceptance does not deprive the pedestrian of bis rights nor give to automobile drivers license to exceed the speed limit or otherwise violate the laws and the dictatea of common sense. Shortage of Unskilled Labor Philadelphia Bulletta Importation to this and contiguous states by the Pennsylvania railroad management of un skilled labor from the south, a first instalment of Mexicans and a later force of negroes, is an em phatic suggestion of the condition of the unskilled labor field, which is an essential resource for all construction enterprise. According to the immigration, office nearly 500,000 peraons emigrated from this country in the last two years, or since the beginning of the war, a very .considerable percentage of whom were fart of the national force of common laborers, he higher prices commanded by skilled labor and the demand in excess of the available suoolv has increased the normal rate of graduation from the unskilled to the skilled ranks, which goes on continually, snd there has been no adequate supply ' to make up the decimation of the former. Im migration, which usually supplies the unskilled force, has averaared for the last two veara less than s fifth of the normal iapouring, and the per centage of able-bodied laborers in this diminished immigration is reduced. The question of restricting immigration takes on s new phase on ita economic side in view of these facta. -The Question of illiteracy mav be waived in view of industrial necessity, and from ' the social viewpoint, the average community wilt consider whether illiterates from the south of Europe are more undesirable than ignorance and viciousness from other sections of the United iutcs. , ITOIVW Thought Nugget for the Day. Summer is quickly going with some of you; yet learn that if one moment remains a great deal may be done in it. It is marvelous how the very greatest things we read of have been done, as it were, instantaneously. Joseph Perker. One Year Ago Today in the War. White Star liner Arabic sunk by German sub marine and twenty lives lost. British landed new troops at Suvla bay near the Dardanelles. Vigorous fighting continued between Austnans and Italians in the Adriatic district. This Day in Omaha Thirty Years Ago. Smith & Whiting have opened a brick yard south of the Union Pacific track near Twenty fourth street. The yard will have a capacity of 50,000 per day, which will be increased as occasion may demand. United States District Attorney Lambertson has gone to North Platte on a lecturing and con- PlaBjj Record of Accomplishment Not the most enthusiastic opponent of Presi dent Wilson will want to detract in the least from bis record of accomplishment But while making up the books, why not keep the record straight? For example, the provision in the Clayton law, declaring that human labor is not a commodity, was put there by Senator Cummins of Iowa, r whom the democrats scarcely will claim as a sup porter of Wilson. The amendment to the constitu tion of the United States, providing for an income tax, was introduced by a republican senator, and met its main opposition in democratic states. The Glass banking law Is the Aldrich law but slightly modified. As to peace with Mexico, the invasion of that country twice by armed forces of the United States and the presence of 150,000 soldiers of the United States along the border now is a fair illustration of the pacific methods employed. And Secretary Lansing very recently informed England that the presence of an armed force near the frontier is to be construed only as a hostile set. The more the list of the administration's accomplishments is paraded, the hollower it ap pears. Mr. Bryan Butts In. 'Old Doc" Bryan is a lover of peace, thor oughly committed to it in principle and practice, in the concrete and in the abstract, so much so that wherever trouble exists he will be found close by, with his first aid in his hand, ready to extend succor or advice. That is why he so enthusi sstically thrust himself into the dispute between the railroad men and managers. It isn't that he hasnt the fullest confidence in the skill of Dr. Wilson, who has proven himself the greatest ad juster of modern times; Mr. Bryan just couldn't resist calling public attention to the, fact that he has "something just as good." His peace treaty soothing syrup is warranted to send to slumber all angry feelings, and to engender among any set of belligerents that beatific state of brotherly love and devotion that makes a disagreement impos sible. He doesn t ask the rail wage disputants to withdraw from the ministrations of the president, but he would like to get one good chance to try his panacea. It doesn't look as if Dr. Wilson had any thought of giving over the patient to the in truder, however. cert tour. He will talk legal sense to the ranch men who have been fencing in government land and will sing "Woodman Spare That Tree" to those who have used the axe too freely among government timber. Lieutenant W. T. Best of Marshalltown, la., a prominent officer of the Salvation Army, was in the city arranging for the meeting which is to take place here in about two weeks. A force of thirty men was set at work tearing up the pavement on Tenth street for the Cable Tramway company. A. B. Jacobs of East Berlin, Pa., a nephew of the late John C. Jacobs, has just concluded a few days' visit to his old friend, Mike Maul. Joseph Leis and family, with W. F. Heins and family, will leave for Europe, where the latter will spend about four months. Mr. Leis and fam ily will probably remain in the old land. Mr. Shepherd Homans, the well-known insur ance expert of New York City, is with his family, the guest of Major Wilson. Mr. J. J. Jobst, a young mechanic of this city and a popular member of the bricklayer's union, has left for his old home in Peoria, where he is to lay several miles of cedar pavement. This Day in History. 1779 American force under Major Henry Lee surprised the British at Paulus Hook. 1793 Elisha Mitchell, a pioneer in the hem ot American seolozv. born at Washington, Conn. Accidentally drowned in North Carolina, June 27, IOJ, WnilC conauciing inc urai sidic Bcuivgivai survey ever made in the United States. 1835 Richard P. Bland, Missouri congressman who achieved fame as the father of free coinage, born in Ohio county, Kentucky. Died at Lebanon, Mo., June 15, 1899. 1841 The senate refused to pass the fiscal bank bill over President Tyler's veto. 1876 Fenian prisoners who had escaped from Australia in the American ship "Catalpa" arrived at New York. 1881 Queen Victoria held a review of 40,000 Scottish volunteers at Edinburgh. 1883 Jeremiah S. Black, attorney general and secretary of state in President Buchanan's cabi net, died at York, Pa. Born in Somerset county, Pennsylvania. January 1U. 181U. 1890 The National Military park at the battle field of Chichamauga was established by act of congress. 1891 President Harrison spoke at the dedica tion of the battle monument at Bennington, Vt 1909 Seven cadets were dismissed from West Point by President Taft for hazing. The Day We Celebrate. Henry C. Akin, former cashier of the Omaha Dostoffice. is 73 years old today. He was born at Spartanaburg, Pa., and came to Omaha in 1883 as manager for Her & Co., later becoming manager of the Western Newspaper Union. He was with the Dostoffice for sixteen years. Guy C. McKenzie, president of the Corey & McKenzie Printing company, is today scoring 4U. He was born right here in Omaha, where his busi ness has always been located. Orville Wright, aeroplane inventor and mem ber of the naval advisory board, born at Dayton, O.. forty-five years ago today. Elsie Ferguson, one of the popular actresses of the American stage, born in New York City, tlurtv-three years ago today. Fred A. Stone, of the well-known theatrical team of Montgomery and stone, born in Den VO , lui .-till ts jMia agv Frank A. Leach, former director of the United States mint, born at Auburn, N. Y., seventy years ago today. Henry Ives Cobb, one of the foremost among American architects, born at Brookline, Mass fiftv-seven years o today. Frederick II, sovereign of the German duchy of Anhalt. born sixty years ago today. Manuel L. Quezon, delegate in congress from the Philippines, born in the Province of layabas, f. i., thirty-eight years ago today. Timely Jottings snd Reminders. Charles E. Hughes, republican nominee for president, is scheduled to leave ban brancisco this evening for San Diego and Los Angeles. All Sweden is to join in a national tribute to Christine Nilsson, the famous singer, who will enter uDon her seventy-fifth year tomorrow. The republican national campaign in Massa chusetts is to be opened at Dorchester tonight with a speech by Henry D. Estabrook of New York. The second anniversary of the death of Pope Pius X is to be observed Sunday with special services in St. Peter's, in Rome. A school of musketry for officers and enlisted men of the United States army is to be opened Sunday at Fort Sill, Okl. The Stetson Kindred of America will hold their twelfth annual reunion today at the old home stead of Cornet Robert Stetson, the founder of the family in America, at Norwell, Mass. The fifteenth annual convention of the Ameri can Federation of Catholic Societies is to be opened Sunday morning with pontifical high mass at St. Patrick's cathedral. New York City. The mass will be sung by Cardinal Farley and the sermon will be preached by Cardinal Uibbons. Do Not Need National Trade Hark. One of the bills favorably reported by the house ways and means committee provides for the adoption of s national trade mark to designate American-made goods. The use of such s device is attractive at first glance, but as it is given de tailed consideration, its utility as well as its de sirability disappears. It could not be used ex clusively to mark superior goods, for the makers of the cheaper snd less worthy wares would have the same right to use it as the more commendable manufacturers. It would entail a great deal of extra work on the government to protect it abroad, and after it has been established, It is of doubtful service. The "Made-in-Germany" mark is said to have failed of all that was expected of it, and to have had some effect not especially ad vantageous to German trade. It will be well, per haps, to allow American-made goods to go into the world's commerce as they have in the past, and not undertake to give them an extra boost by attaching s national trademark. Storyotto of the Day. The old Scotch professor was trying to im press upon his students the value of observation, No, he complained, ye dinna use your fa culties of observation. Ye dinna use 'em. For instance Picking up a pot of chemicals of horrible odor, he stuck his finger into it, and then into his mouth. "Taste of it, gentlemen," he commanded, as he passed the pot from student to student. After each had licked a finger and had felt rebellion through his whole soul, the old profes sor laughed in triumph. "I told ye sol" he shouted. "Ye dinna use your faculties of observation! For if ye had ob served ye would ha' seen that the finger which I stuck into the pot was na the finger which stuck into my mouth!" Chicago Herald. Clever Work by Burglars. They really do things better in some ways in other lands. For example, crooks worked the com bination of a safe within five yards of the police station door in Vancouver, B. C, and got away with $10,000. In this great land a similar opera tion would damage the combination or leave some mark as a souvenir of the visit. Where to Invest Money. n u. a..- iT the Editor ot The . a.,no- letter in your paper few dayg ago from a gentleman who wai not able to place Ma money In one of this city s building and loan associations and for advice ai to what lie coum un will say there are reliable In thia city that could use thin money, can offer good aecurity and are willing to pay a larger intereat than the building and loan.. Factories already located in Omaha, with men .kfittsr .t he. ili. are struggling along without sufficient funds to accommodate their growing business because ol tne very pid and dangerous idea abroad here not to put money into manufacturing enterprises. Th. Commercial club of Omaha la quite ac tive at the present time boosting for new fac tories and offering prises lor tne nes. an swers as to "What factories will most readily ucceed in Omaha and whyT" r,eiinr ine factories already here nor new ones coming in are going to succeed in Omaha until the people of Omaha waken up. shake off their swaddling clothes and with them the primitive idea that real estate ii the only safe thing to invest money in. Omaha haa had one terrible slump in real state. This is well remembered in me east, and I was asked when there recently what this city now had to prevent a recur rence? Were there many factories here? Omaha has grown to a point where it is dangerous to go without more value creating and sustaining industries, and th people of Omaha must change their vtewa In this re gard and do something more vital than boost if it keep the factories it already nas ana sets new ones. There is s great deal of eastern money in Omaha, which ts all right up to a certain point, but it is unfair when we have become able to carry part of our own load to induce people from other places to start factories here, put their money in these enterprises, which means pull up stakes, cut loose from a great deal they hold dear, to root or die among strangers in a town that has no claim upon them be cause of its unwillingness to bear any of Its financial burdens, Omaha people being un willing to loan money to help carry on le gitimate industries even when good security is offered. Under these circumstances how can Omaha hope to succeed as a manufacturing city, when eastern cities with the best railroad connections, located on navigable rivers and where natural resources make manuraeture convenient and cheap are offering' large bo nuses and sites to Induce new industries to locate with -them, besides being prepared to give financial assistance to worthy concerns already located. As anyone coming from In dustrial centers knows, it is not bad sign for a firm to need money. This need does not always arise from the same cause, but whatever the reason additional money will, in the majority of cases, tide them over dearly bought experiences, lack from quick increase of business, etc. Shame on Omaha, that after a brave strug gle of two or three years a worthy firm was let go to the wall some time back, a factory, the only one of its kind in the city. I have never been a manufacturer, but having re sided most of my life in one of the largest industrial centers in the country and still being in touch with industrial people know whereof I speak. AN OMAHA WELL WISHER. One Way to Improve Omaha. Danbury, Conn., Aug. 15. To the Editor of The Bee: Referring to your editorial New Ideas Are Worth While" In The Bee of the 12th inst., I am at loss as to whether I should address my letter to you or to the Commercial club, so I'll take a chance on you. I have spent the last four seasons either in the east or in California and have met many people who have traveled from coast to coast through Omaha, and it has been a great pleasure to me to hear them praise our well paved streets, our beau tiful parks and our stores and modern build ings, both public and private, but they almost invariable ask : "Why do you allow your bust- ness streets to be so disfigured with over head signs and transparencies T" have never been in a city of near the population of Omaha where the disfigure ment waa ao 'universal or so bad, and I would ask: la It not within the power of the City Planning board to abate the blotch 7 It might Include the "Welcome" arch. If they have no power I suggest an ordi nance from our commissioners placing the power somewhere to wipe them out, and also prohibiting the erection of any sign or transparency that projects more than three feet from the building line, and that no pro jecting sign or transparency shall be erected until a drawing or model of the completed design has been submitted to and approved by said authority. There should be official supervision of their installation. Wherever I go I find lots of people who want to know about Omaha and I am doing the best I can to Inform them with the aid of the Commercial club and Grain exchange illustrated and statistical matter, and the letter's illustrated book of its inception and growth makes them sit up and take notice. It is hard for them to believe ao much has been accomplished in twelve years. JOHN A. MANCHESTER. NEBRASKA EDITORS. The Craig News and the Gibbon Reporter have increased their subscription rates to 11.50 year. Reed Fasaett, son of Editor E. F. Fassett of the Arlington Review, died a few days ago following an operation for appendicitis. Editor A. F. Buechler of the Grand Island Independent celebrated his twenty-fifth anni versary of hii connection with the paper, on August 8. W. B. Cissna of Hebran has leased the Byron Messenger from John Loetterle and will take possession within a few days. Mr. Loetterle, who has been connected with a number of papers In the southern part of the state, will travel for a type foundry. C. Marshall, editor of the Niobrara Tribune, has discontinued the use of ready- prints on account of the Increase of 60 per cent in price. Mr Marshall has informed his readers that he has on hand several monthe' supply of white paper, purchased long ago, to meet just such an emergency. Hart inn ton Herald: There is one subject which we would like to see given greater prominence at press association meetings, and that is the editorial and literary side of newspaper work. Man does not live by cost systems alone, and, important as the business sine ts, we would like to see a little more attention paid to such subjects as editorial writing, reporting, reading proof, etc., and even such details as grammar and punctua tion. All of us need Instruction and stimula tion along this line as much as we do alone the line of knowing how much to charge for a job or letter heady, and how to collect the same after it is charged. SAID IN FUN. . "-"ii a nine suspicious or our butcher, so 1 have made our house dog a tenter of hla meat, by giving him a sample every time we get It." mow oici the dog take It?" 'He snsnnarl at that Ink " t .tti. Courier-Journal. "I hear your ntivlv mari-iA rlBnht her husband are going to live with you." "Thut'a a Ml.4.l. ' A mistake? I heard it from good au thority." "A mistake all ths asms Thsv ra nnt going to live with ms they are going to live on me. Baltimore American. GROWING OLD LD GRACEFULLY r Unknown. tha Years have swept b SH0Ul X MS WIFE" OtT TD MET WftH ME ON SUNl ALL MGNS - REMEMBER SHE EffTS HER 0WM COOKING bURIKft 1W 'VALSO! VsM Author Softly, oh softly, thfi tnee, Tourhing thee lightly with tenderest care; Sorrow and death they have often brought nigh thee. Yet havj they left the but beauty to wear, Growing eld gracefully, Gracefully fair. Far from the storms that are lashing the ocean. Nearer each day to the pleasant home light; Far from the waves that are big with com- , motion, Under full sail and the harbor in sight. Growing old cheerfully, ' Cheerful and bright. Past all the winds that were advene and chilling. Past all the islands that lured the to rest, Past all th currenta that lured thee un willing Far from the course of the land of the bleat. Growing old peacefully, Peaceful and blest. Never a feeling of envy or sorrow When bright faces of children are aeen: Never a year from the young woutdst thou borrow Thou dost remember what lleth between. Growing old willingly. Thankful, serene. Heart- at the sound of thy coming are lightened. Ready and willing thy hand to relieve; Many a face at thy kind word haa brightened "it is more messed to give tnan receive. Growing old happily. Ceasing to grieve. Eyej that grow dim on earth and lta glory Have a sweet recompense youth cannot know. Ciars mac a row uuii v-v mo worm un aia story Drink in the songs that from paradlw flow. Growing old graciously. Purer than snow. Infants-Mothers Thousands testify HORLIGTS The Original MALTED MILK Upbuilds and sustains the bddy No Cooking or Milk required Used for Vi of ft Century free Stuspte Horttclt'i, BaKtoe, Wis. 'Tou women want to vote simply because the men do," said the man of ancient preju dices. "Yes." replied Miss Cayenne; "and con sidering the number of undesirable men who are allowed to participate, I think it's rather nice of us to be willing to join In." vvasniogion mar. Mrs. Casey Och, Pat, whin the docther told yea ye had something wld a Latin name to It a yar-rd long, didn't it scare yes? Casey Faith it did, Norah, darlint. But whin he only charged me a dollar Ol knew It didn't amount to much. Boston Tran script. The minister's daughter was entertaining several of her father's small parishioners. "Will you have more cake, Polly?" she saia. "No, thank you. Miss, I'm full," said truthful Polly "Then I think you may put some In your pockets." "They're full, too, Miss," said Polly New xortt lime. "The movies certainly give you the worth or your money." "How now?" "Saw a million-dollar film advertised the other day, admission 5 cents. Can you beat tnat 7 Baltimore American. "I can respect good motives, but" "Yes?" "There's Mrs. Flubdub. She considers It her duty to rome over and brighten my life a bit every day, and she's getting to bo such a bore. Ltoulsviiie Courier-Journal. "That Auger Is a sharp fellow," remarked the Hammer to the Saw, "but he runs around an awful lot." "Yes," replied the Saw, slowly, gritting his teeth. "And what an awful bore he lsr Indianapolis News. The Town Corporation had resolved to lay out a new park. "We have not only resolved to do It," said a leading alderman; "the preparations are already under way." "What have we done?" asked an unen lightened colleague. "Done?" exclaimed the alderman. "We've got the 'Keep Off the Grass' signs all ready." New York Times. TYPEWRITERS FOR RENT Evary Klad Prlcao Vary Low Over five hundred machines to select from. Rent applied on purchase. Central Typewriter Exchange, Inc. 1905 Farnam St Phone Douglas 4121. HOTELS AND RESORTS. Suburban Hotel Irrington Chicken Dinner a Specialty. Cafe Open Until 12 P. M. George Brenner, Prop. Phono Beaaen 43S WHITE HITS., N. H. MAPLEWOOD gfft?H MAPLEWOOD. N. a Hifh Alutuea. Free from Ha, Fever. MAPLEWOOD INN Opposite Hotel. Capacity 148. Term. Moderate. Superior IS-Hole Coll Course SOW Tarda. Motorists' Boat RaeUatJas Crater ta Mte. Beokmf Office, USO Broadway, Now York, Alee Maplawooa. N. H. ACIDS IN THE SYSTEM HUGHES AS A CAMPAIGNER. Chicago Herald: Mr. Hughes sounds no epic note, but he starts the campaign in ener getic fashion. That there is no disposition at Washington to minimue the possible ef fects of his speeches and personality is in dicated by the report that President Wilson himself will probably tour the oountry to offset the republican candidate's activity. Now that the opening gun has been fired the contest should soon begin to warm up. St. Louis Globe-Democrat: America has been made a term of contempt in Mexico and American citizenship a thing of no value. Americans have been tforced by their own government to abandon their property and leave the country. And all due to the rejec tion of the fundamental principle of inter national law. Mr. Hushes purposes to restore this principle and put It into definite and vigorous action. He has been asked what he would have -done, and what he would do, in relation to Mexico. This U his answer, and It is celar and complete. Philadelphia Ledger: If our friends the enemy have been hugging to their hearts the Illusion that six years of comparative seclusion upon the supreme bench have un fitted Mr. Hughes as a political campaigner the vigor and earnestness of his first day's work in the field must have banished the notion. His speeches and his general activ ities in Detroit, his first stop in his journey across the continent, showed that be not only has the purpose, but that he also possesses the power to conduct an aggreasive and ef fective warfare for the redemption of the nation. Chicago Tribune: Mr. Hughes' speech at the Coliseum was an Impressive utterance before an audience which was even more im pressive in its mood than in its great num bers. If that mood is to be detained in words as It defined itself yery clearly Tuesday night in its deep toned response to the or dered points of the address, we may beat borrow from the speaker's own words to de fine it. "Now, my friends." he said in one pas sage thunderously greeted, "I propose that we have a new birth of American purpose and courage," and there was that In the Intense attention of the packed auditorium which told of a deeply running current of feeling more significant and more encouraging than Us frequent outbursts of enthusiasm. Acids accumulating in the system in excess, poison the blood and cause a great variety of diseases, affecting the skin and other mucous surfaces, the heart and arteries, brain and general nervous system, joints and muscles. Some of these diseases are Rheuma tism in its many forms, Catarrh. Eczema, Hives, itching and burning of the skin, dizziness, mental depres sion and a variety of other ailments. You must eliminate the acid from your system and put if y your blood before you can be rid of your trouble. a. a. a. has been pontying and now fshing the blood for over half a cen tury. It is also a very efficient tonic and being purely vegetable, it is the most efficient agent known la the cleansing of the blood and testing up of the system. Call for it at yoor drvggttt and don't accept a substitute. If special medical advictj fs desired write Med ical Department 93, Swift Specific Co Atlanta, Ga- BRIEF BITS OP SCIENCE. A project has been started at Winnipeg, Canada, for the manufacture of starch from potatoes. The perfume industry of Italy annually makes use of 1,860 tons of orange blossoms and 1,000 tons of roses. A mixture of linseed oil. slaked lime and cotton fiber la used in some portions of Tur key as a substitute for cement. In Germany there has been invented a fireproof celluloid, chiefly for use In auto mobile windows and wind shields. Wool thirteen inshea long haa been cut from a marina sheep which had been lost fcr four yean In tha wilds of Australia. ram i Y.MI.V. Amrv "In a Ctaoo by 7(007- Brewed and Bottled by Jetter Brewing Co., Ltd. OMAHA, NEB. raallr Trade syUo kr Waa. Jettet. 80S m ttiool. raoa. Doaalae m. Persistence is the cardinal vir tue in advertising; no matter how good advertising may be in other respects, it must be run frequently and constant ly to be really successful