Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 19, 1916, Page 2, Image 2

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    : . . THE BEE: OMAHA. SATURDAY, AUGUST 19. 1916, ,
- '- i I . . . . I
I "Ran for naiey in wnm i
I st Tnts. OHHIIOM 1 4
Beaches Omaha at Midnight
and Takes Early Train
for Lincoln.
ShskinK hand with a host of
friends and dmirer in true Roose-
veltian style and displaying a Saga
more Hill smile, Rev. "Billy" Sunday,
after a night, or rather, a morning, for
h arrived at midnight' from the west,
spent in Omaha, departed for Lin
coln over the Burlington at 9:15
o'clock yesterday morning.
Punctuating his remarks witn tre-
quent references to the success of the
"dry" movement in Nebraska, the fa
mous ball player-evangelist declared
that lie was feeling "bully" and that
he looked forward with pleasure to
speaking in Omaha again.
Take Detectives Along.
In the party going to Lincoln Friday
morning were Mr. Sunday and four
Omahans, F. D. Wead, Elmer
Thomas, James Allan and George
Stryker, the latter two oeing private
detectivei. Why the detectives are
rrnmnanvinff the Sundays to the
state capital was not divulged.
He arrived in Omaha at midnight
with "Ma" Sunday and in a taxi, ac
companied by Dr. W. F. Callfas.. 903
Mercer Park boulevard, drove straight
to the Callfas home, where he retired
immediately. .
"I'm too tired to talk now, Sun
day exclaimed, running nimbly from
the train to a waning uxicau, wucu
reporters approached him. No T'me.
Wa amiled th famous Sunday smile
nd the machine whisked away. He
was at the depot less than two min
utes and fewer than nan a dozen
fwnHa met him.
Sunday spoke at North Platte yes
terday afternoon to nearly 4,000 peo
ple, delivering his famous "Booze 1'
sermon, in tnt evening Dig ow
heard the same sermon at Grand
island. This noon at uncoin ne
will give the lecture again and to
night Omaha will hear him at the
Auditorium. Hie anti-liquor crusade
in Nebraska will consist of only these
four speeches.
At North Platte a girl was engaged
to call up every telephone aubscriber
and urge attendance at the Sunday
address. ..
Dr. W. F. Callfas and Mrs. Camas
putrid carcass swinging from the gib-
bit ot public opinion.
His closing was very nramaiic,
avine eariv in tne sneecn aispcnscu
with his collar and tie and unloosened
shirt He snatched an American
flag from the rostrum and asked sev
eral small boys to ascend the stage,
pointed those out as the raw material
on which the saloons feed. Waving
the flag dramatically, he asked all
who would vote dry this fall to rise
to their feet, while the band in at
tendance played "America" and the
crowd cheered and climbed on the
benches almost to a man.
It was one of the largest public
meetings ever held in Grand Island
and necessitated special trains, which
were run over the Ord branch to ac
commodate the crowds. .
Rev. "Billv. who arrived on a spe
cial train from North Platte this aft
ernoon, left tonight on No. 10 over
the Union racitic tor umana
l II ' WAD D tug nvuD
Little Son Has Tonsils Be.
moved at Methodist Hos
pital and Does Tine.
"Ma" Sunday sat at the bedside of
er baby son, Paul, fanning him gent-
Anxiety lined the countenance of
this figure of motherly solicitude, for
was at the Methodist hospital Fri
day morning, an hour after Paul, aged
was operated on tor tne removal oi
diseased tonsils and adenoids.
'Isn't he a brave boy!" smiling ten-
ust like
Poor little fellow, he is so eager to
get out of the hospital and get back
to Dr. Lalltas borne, out we cant
move him for two or three hours
Then "Ma" led The Bee reporter
out ot the sick room so as not to dis
turb the little sufferer, pacing up and
down the hospital corridor during the
interview, "I have just wired 'Pa,'
derly down on the suffering little boy.
UA-.I A k. I r !... ll,m P
rum uucbii . aiv iwn . -
', he is
went to the Sunday farm in Oregon
to accompany the evangelist to Ne-
hruka. Mrs. Callfas. with "Bill'
Sunday, jr., and Paul Sunday, arrived
in Omaha yesterday morning. Mrs.
Sunday will stay here all -lay.
Goes East Tonight ' '
Tonisht at midnight immediately
after the lecture at the Auditorium,
the Sunday oartv will leave over the
Burlington for Chicago, and thence to
Winona Lake to spend the Sabbath.
The next week Sunday will spend in
ihe eaat viiitinar with Teddy Roose
velt, after wnicn ne win open nis
meetings at Detroit ' '
Aside from two speecnes in Ore
gon, delivered against tne liquor in
terests, Sunday has done no speaking
durinor the aummer. but instead de
voted his time to recreation and farm
Crowd at 'Grand Island.
Grand Island, Neb, Aug. 17.
(Special Telegram.) "The saloons
would , shut the mouth of every
preacher of the country if they had
their way, but friends, you have got
your eyes on one preacher who will
ficht them till hell freezes over and
then get a pair of skates and chase
tnem on uic ICC, JTCHCU T.
Kundav to the first audience which I
ever addressed in Grand Island, and
which lathered more than three thou
sand strong at Lake view park this
evening to hear the noted evangelist
deliver a lecture on "Booze.
The Rev. "Billy" sccred the Pros
perity league, stating, tnat it was tar
from beinar what the name implied.
and paid his compttments to the
editors of the state who would allow
the businesa managers to dictate to
them and were afraid to write edi
torials against the liquor evil. He
complimented Grand Island and told
of the wondrous crops he had seen
while coming to this city.
' Farmer Would Gain.
The evangelist averred that he
could tlose every brewery and dis
tillery in the country and that the far
mer would even then receive more for
his corn, due to the increased demand
from men who now spent their sus
tenance for booze. If brand Islanders
who value their wives and daughters
would only stop and think they
would not hesitate in casting tneir
votes for the dry aide of the ques
tion. When it came to marrying
one'a daughter to a man whose only
real estate was found under hia fin
ger nails and who did not possess
enough money to buy birdseed for a
cuckoo dock, then let them vote for
a continuance of the liquor traffic
The doom of the saloon was sealed
and he would never be satisfied with
the liquor traffic until he beheld its
Leonard Lets in Three Buns
and Is Then Taken Out
of the Box.
Boston, Aug. 18. The Chicago
Americans won from Boston today,
11 to 6, ending up the series at two
games each. "Uutcn j-eonara was
batted from the box in the first in
ning, three runs being scored and
two put on the bases by his pitching.
With men on third and second he was
replaced by Gregg, who tinea tne
bases and forced a run across with
two passes. J. Collins then made his
second double of the inning and two
more runs counted.
Wyckoff relieved Gregg and re
tired the aide by fanning Weaver. He
held the visitors well in hand until he
gave way to a pinch hitter in tne
eighth. Shore, who pitched the
final inning, allowed three singles, a
double and a pass, which, with three
tnlm haii-a. netted Chicago four
runs. Excepting in the second and
eighth innings, Boston could do little
with Williams delivery.
Jtrillni.rt I
Lincoln, that the operation was
successful, so he will not worry." she
said and thereupon herself began to
worry about "Billy" Sunday's hay
fever, which has been troubling him
since the noted evangelist set out on
this speaking tour.
The farm in Oregon? Well, the
only trouble about it is that we had
to leave so aoon. See how Drown
I ami' extending her arms.
Yes, I milked the cows and fed the
chickens and 'Pa' and the bovs
shocked oats. Dr. and Mra. Callfas
had to help us, too, when they ar
rived at our farm last Saturday even-
Mrs. Callfas laughingly corrobor
ated this story, telling how "Billy"
Sunday forced the dignified physician
into overalls and put him to work,
while she and Ma milked the cows.
I'd give anything for a anapshot uf
the Sunday family aa th-y looked
when we descended on them unex
pectedly last week, said Mrs. Callfas,
"it." c... .1.... - i. .h..
... ., ... a. ucujcujt
summery figure in a pale blue and
wnne irocic ana low, wimf anoes, -
Parents Hear From Runaway.
Columbus. Neb- Aug. 18 fSoeciil
Telegram.) Arthur Wurdeman,
Hasty Brown and Charles Dickey,
who a tew days ago left Columbus
suddenly in an automobile belonging
to young wurdeman s father, have
been heard from at Belleville, Kan.
They will viait Kansas City before
returning home, having notified their
parents to this effect
Attacked by Angry Porker.
Columbus, Neb., Aug. 18. (Special
degram.) Mrs. fred
ing tour and a
finMlMr. JMnn RtAlcn has.: Howard. SM-
rlflcs bits: Bauman, Shocker, Magae. Sac
rifice fly: Turner. Double play: Walten
to Bauman. Bases on balls: Off Shocker.
! 0f Lambeth. . Earned runa: Off
Shocker, t. off Lambeth, i. Struck out:
By Shocker, 4: by Lambeth. 1. Umpires:
Owsos and HUdebrand.
Wild Pitch Belpa St Louta,
Philadelphia. Aur H- A wild pitch by
Buah, with two men out and Maraana on
third baao and Sarereld on aeeond, save
St. Louie the wlnnlnc run of an eleven-ln-nlns
gam heretoday, the score being 4 to
Bt. Louta oat only two hit off Nabora,
but theae were bunched with two baaea
on balls and a aacrlflce fly In the elxth
Innlna. and yielded three runs, Battery
and fielding error helped the Athletics to
z s o OHooper.rf S 0 1 9 9
0 14 OHhorten.rf 1
1 S S IBarry.Sb S
Al.ewla,lf S
11S OHobllt' 4
111 0 4
110 OO' S
111 OMcN' 1
all 0
0 0 1 OJ' 0
rr.,.1. ST 11 IT 11 IThomas.e 1
L'onard.p 0
Oregr.P '
Wyckoff.p S
Bhore,p 0
Qalner 1
Ruth 1
W' I
K'lllns.tb 4
Jeewson.lf S
Pelscb.ol 4 4
Schalk.o 4
McM' 4
Wlllla's,p s
Faber.p 0
Totals. II 11 17 10
Betted for Hooper In seventh.
Batted for Wyokoff In eighth.
Chicago S 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 411
Boston t l
Twe.haae hits: J. Collins, Hoblltsell,
Jackson (I). Boott, Walker. tSolen bases:
Fournler (1), BcftslK. nacrino ny: uur
nler. Doubla play: Weaver to Fournler.
n.u. a- bat a: Off Williams, a: oir uregg,
1: off Wyokoff, I; off Shore, 1. Hits and
earned runs: Off Williams, Ihlts, 1 runs
In seven and one.thlrd innings; on raoer,
l hlta. 8 runa In one aud two-thirds Innings;
off Leonard, 4 hits, I runs In two-thirds
Inning; off Oregg, 1 run, 1 hit In one
lnnlna: off Wyokoff, 1 hits, 1 run In seven
and two-thirds Innings; off Shore, 4 runs,
a hit. In one Innlna. BtrucK out. flj nil.
Hams. 1: by Wyckoff. S. Umpires: Evans
and O'LoughJln.
Arret Wins tor Washing-ton.
"Washington, Aug. II Brilliant pitching
bv Avrea enabled Washington to defeat De
troit today, I to 1. eDtrolt's only run was
scored by Crawford, who went all the way
to second on Shanks' error, was sacrificed
to third and tallied on a sacrifice fly. Arras'
hit scored Washington two runs, after a
single, a pass and an Infield out had put
man on sscond and third. The score:
AB-H.O.A.B. A.Ii.u.A.S.
Vltt.Jb 4 4
Veach.lf 4
Cr ford.rf 4
Burna,lb I I
Spencar.o 1
Baker.o 0
Dubuo.v 1
Mltcheil.p I
OHarpar 1
-Mrs. Fred Sterner, liv
half milea northwest
of Columbus, waa attacked by an
angry brood sow late yeaterdajr aft
ernoon and aevereiy Ditten aoout the
chest and ahouldera. J. E. Haney
went to; her assistance just in the
nick of time. A physician was called
to attend her, who stated her injuries
were not of a aerious nature.
School House Struck by Lightning.
Holdrege, Neb., Aug. 18. (Special.)
ihe Uberg rural school building.
situated three and one-half miles
northeaat of Holdrege, waa damaged
to the amount of $50 when atruck by
lightning during the electrical storm
Wednesday night. The damage was
entirely covered by insurance and the
building will be remodeled prior to
the opening ot school in the tan.
o o
o 1
OJa Ison.lf
10 4 0
4 0 0 0
4 0 4 0
110 0
score two of their runa. The acoro:
0 0 4 114
4 OLaJole.Zb
I 0McI'ls,lb
0 lMcEI'e.Sb
0 OHaley.c
1 OPtclnlch.0
0 uNaDOra.D
Bheehan.D 0 0 0 0
Totals. 34 (3119 IBush.p 110 1
Orimra 10 0 0
Rows 0 0 0 0
Austin ,3b
1 0
0 11
1 1
1 5
1 1
0 0
0 0
0 0
Totals. IS I IS It 0
Batted for Groom In tenth.
Batted for Sheehan In eighth.
Philadelphia 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 01
Stolen base: Sevoretd. Sacrifice hits:
Lewrv. Schang (I). Sacrifice fly: Slsler.
Double play: McElwee to Lajolo to Mclnnto.
Banes on balls: Off Oroom. 3; oft Weilman,
1; off Nabors. 4; off Bheohan, I; off Bush,
3. Hits and earned runs: Off Oroom, I hits.
I runs In nine Innings; off Weilman, 1 hits,
0 run In two Innings; off Nabors, 1 hlta, I
runs In sin Innings; off Sheehan, 0 hit, 0
run In two lnnlnge; off Bush, 1 hits, 1 run
In thres Innings. Struck out: By Oroom, 5;
by Nabors, 4; by Sheehan, 1; by Bush, 3.
Umpires: Dlnsen and Nalltn.
Auto Thieves Make Getaway.
Columbus, Neb., Aug. 18. (Special
Telegram.) A Ford automobile has
been stolen from the farm of Walter
Loseke, residing one and one-halt
miles northwest of Columbus, ine
thieves made their getaway in the
night. This makes five Ford ears
that have been stolen in this vicinity
in the last four months.
Paving Project Delayed.
Columbus, Neb., Aug. 18. (Special '
Telegram.) The Columbus paving
project has received another black
eye for this year, as Charles Wurde
amn has filed a motion in the supreme
court of Nebraska for a rehearing of
his case against the city and Horra
bin Brothers, the contractors. This
means that the twenty-six blocks of
paving will not be done this year.
OWlllla'e.lf I S T 0
OHenry.o 10 11
OMcB' 10 0 10
OAyers.p S 1 0 1
0 Totals. Jl Til I 1
Totals. 11 1 14 II 0
Batted for Spenoer In seventh.
Detroit 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 01
Washington ...0 I 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
Tws-basa hit: Cobb. Three-base hlti Mor
gan. Stolen base: Jamleson. Double play:
Morgan to Williams. Bases on naiiai uir
Dubuo, I; off Mitchell, 1. Hits and earned
runs: Off Dubuo, I hits, I runs In one and
two-thirds lnnlnge: off Mitchell. 4 hits. 0
run In six and one-third Innings: off Ayres,
I hits. 0 run In nlns Innings. BtrucK out: By
Mitchell, 1; by Ayres, 1. Umpires: Con
nolly and Chill.
Now Turk Wins Series.
New York. Aug. II. Now Tork mads
elean sweep ot the ssrles with Cleveland
today, winning the thlrteen-lnnlne oonteat.
4 to 1. The Tankeea now have won five
straight games. Ths game was a sensa
tional Ditchers oattis oeiween two young
sters, Bhooksr and Lambeth. Lambeth did
not permit A nil rrom tne sevenio inning
until the thirteenth, when he met defeat.
With one out. Peoklnpaugh walked and
Plpp filed to Speaker. Peoklnpaugh scored
on auocesslvo singles by Bauman and Mul
len. Smith, who played his last gama with
Cleveland, made thres nits, score:
Oraney.lf 1111 IMagee.ot I II II
Ch'p' 6 0 11 OHIgh.lf S
Spe'ker.ot I I I I OP'kp' I
ftmMh.rf 1110 4
W'bsg' soil OH' e I S 4 I S
Ho ard, lb I 011 1 OMullen.Ib 4
O'Nelll.o I I I I OMlller.rf S
La'beth,p 10 11 0Walters,o 4
Shooher.p S
FAtBle.iK 111S II 1
Totals. 41 I II 14 1
Two out whsn winning run was scored.
Clsveland 101000010000 01
New Tork 0 10101000010 14
Two-basa hits: Miller, Peoklnpaugh.
Three-base hlti Bauman. Horn runs
0 10 1
1 10 0 0
114 0
0 10 0
0 4 10
10 4 0
Beaton's Saturday Bargains
100 Hinkle Caacara Pilla...l9
lOe Solid Alcohol.... 5
60e Solid Alcohol Heaters. .24
lOe Cuticlena (for dirt and grit)
for 5
25c Whisk Broome 15
60c Nadinola preparatione. .34f
SOe Pebeeo Tooth Paste. .. .34
SOe Hind's Honey Almond Cream
for : 34
25c Mawatta Talcum Powder 12
26c Armour's Sylvian Talcum
for 12
25c Babcock'a Corylopsis Talcum
for 12
tl.00 Pinaud'a Lllaa Vegetal 59
25c Putnam's Dry Cleaner. 17
$1.00 Tanlac 70
lOe Eureka Cleaning Pads.. 5
50o Verm Form Bath Powder 25
25c Lua trite Nail Enamel (cake),
for 16
50c Samuel's 8P Capsules. .29
$1.00 Duffy's Malt Whiskey 79
Filma Developed FREE
$3.50 Pixie Camera, 2Hx4,
for 82.00
$2.50 Pixie Camera, 2 Hx44,
for $1.50
5c M. Q. Developer. 6 for 25
We carry the largest and
most complete line of Indepen
dent Cameras and Photo Sup-,
plies in Nebraska. We rent
cam eras for lOe a day.
10e Chancellor, Conchas size,
for 5
(Limited 6 to Customer.)
lOe George the 4th, each. .5
10c Gibraltar, Perfecto aize, 5
10c Odins, Monarch size. .5
15c Mozart, Perfecto aize, 3
for 25
15c Muriels, Breva size, 8
for 25
15c DeMars' Rose Glycerine Soap,
3 bars for 25
60c Doan's Kidney Pills. . . .34
60c Lambert's Listerine . .29
50c Kodol Dyspepsia Tablets 27
26c Colorit 19
85c Castoria 21
60c Syrup Figs 34
25c Carter's Liver Pills. ... 1 4
25c Sloan's Liniment 17
25c Wright's Silver Cream Polish
for 17
$1.50 2-qt Legrand Fountain
Syringe (guaranteed) 69
10c Luatrite Emory Boards. .5
60c Lavoris 34
85c box Fine Linen Stationery
for 14
50c box Fine Linen Stationery
for 21
$1.25 Goutorbe Rosa Face Pow
der for 85
75c Tivoli Face Powder. . . .45
60c Stuart's Dyspepsia, Tablets
tor 34
Mail Orders Receive Our Prompt Attention.
15th and Farnam.
Saturday Store
Hours During the
Month of August
8:30 A. M. 6 P. M.
The FasJu'on Gnier offte MklclIeWsl
Basement Bargains
Dresses for Much
Less Than Usual.
See These Values
Brassiere Special
Saturday we will dispose
of a small lot of Brassieres
and Bandeaux, some of
which have sold at $2, $2.50,
$3, $8.50 and $4
Your Choice, $1.25
Both lace and embroid
ery trimming; sizes broken,
mostly 36, 38; some 40 and
Corsets Third Floor.
for all
Every pair of this season's
New Sorosis Pumps, at $3.95
Regardless of former prices.
The newest styles and col
ors go in this clearing sale.
Leathers, white, gray, ivory,
and black kid, patent kid,
blue and brown kid. Sat
urday, $3.95.
r.a, . ., ' r
Women's Cool
Gauze Underwear
Gauze Vests, 12Vgc Low
neck, sleeveless, a good qual
ity; extra sizes, 15c
Gauze Union Suits, 35c
Fitted or wide knee.
Ribbed Lisle Union Suits,
regularly $1.25; special, at
$1.00. Fitted or wide knee.
Women's Fiber
Silk Hose, 59c
White or black, flare tops or
lisle; a particularly good
value at 59c a pair.
A Special Value
in Children's Hose
Children's black cotton hose,
fine ribbed, 18c a pair. 3
pairs for 50c
A Bargain:
Soiled Dressing Sacques Re
duced Made of figured
lawn, regularly $1.25 and
$1.50; Saturday, one price,
39c each.
Third Floor.
Saturday We Will
Clear Out All White
Embroidered Voiles
From Our July
White Goods Sale
Only a Very Few Left
35c and 50c white em
broidered voiles, 19c a
$1.00 white cord striped
voiles, 35c a yard. .
$2.25 fine French em
broidered voiles, $1.00
a yard.
Huck Guest
40c All Linen Huck
Guest Towels, 29c
50c All Linen Huck
Guest Towels, 39c
The Store for
Final Clearing
Sale of All Blouses
Every one from our ex
clusive stock all on sale
without reservation.
Georgette Crepes, Crepe
de Chine, Lace, Linen, Lin
gerie, Soiree, Voile, Organ
die, Madras and Tub Silks.
Blouses formerly priced to $1.50 79c
Blouses formerly priced $1.65 to $ 1.95 95c
Blouses formerly priced $2.25 to $ 3.95 $1.65
Blouses formerly priced $4.50 to $ 5.95 $2.95
Blouses formerly priced $6.50 to $10.50 $4.75
No Approvals or C. O. D's All Sales Final.
A Collection of Beautiful
New Tailored Hats
For Immediate Wear
In general, we may say
is the vogue of the mo
ment Narrow Silk Rib
bons, plain and with gold
riced edges, are very much
in demand. Colors: Black
with nanne velvet tops,
velvet facing, purple, dark
green, seal bown and navy
Twenty-five New Shapes.
$5, $6.50, $7.50,
$8.75, $10, $12.50
and $15.
AND TRIMS. Second Floor.
and learn why millions find
In it the very acme of whole
some, delicious refreshment
TWmmJ dia aanutna by full
rartnamaa ancourass suosuuraon.
Shop in THE BEE Before You Shop in the Storet
Exaerienced Advertisers Alumna Use THE BEE
. 1813-1015 SyZ
Will Save You Money'
Stoves at Sale
Get Them
Before You Buy
16-inch oven Peninsular Range, t01 TK
6-hole 3)1. O
18-inch oven Peninsular Range, 407 7 k
fl-hole V
18-inch oven Peninsular Stove, $ 1 5 75l
16-inch oven Peninsular Range, $17 75
like illustration
A large ship
ment of that
fine Alumi
num ware.
14 and 16-Guage
Aluminum Ware
The Large Double Router, 85c
The 6-qt Preserving Kettle, 6Se
The S-qt Coffee Pot 75e
Tea Kettle, cart spout, $1.60
Every piee at this ware
New Method
Gas Range
4-burner, alum
i n u m interior
finish $19.75
Large "Na
tional" Gas
Range, elevat
ed oven, four
furner, alumi
num interior
finish $22.25
This Double
2-qt size 85c
1-qt size 65c