THE BEE: OMAHA. FRIDAY, AUGUST 18, 1916. Brief City News "TownsMd'a far Sporting Osoas." Hot. Boat Print II New Beacon Praam. Electrl. Pajia 17.50 Burseee-Grandm Co. Half Karat White Diamond! IIS Edholm. Johnny Get a Girl, medley fox trot, latest Victor dance hit. Record No. 85562. Orchard & Wilhelm Co. Good Crops Are Assured Now Is the time to secure office quarters. See the Bee Building the building that Is known to all. "Today's Movie Program," classi fied section today. It appears -in Tht Bee exclusively. Find out what the various moving picture theaters offer. To Jewelers' Convention A special ear over the Northwestern will carry a party of Omaha Jewelers to the na tional convention at Minneapolis Au gust 28. Grocer a Bankrupt Jacob Lieb, groceries and meats, 818 North Thir tieth street, filed a petition In bank ruptcy, with assets of 11,140 and lia bilities of $2,266. Files Bankruptcy Petition Nich olas F. Krlebs, a sheet metal worker, who lives on a farm in Sarpy county, filed a petition to be adjudged bank rupt Liabilities, $10,461; assets, $6,690. Improvers Meet The Northwest Federation of Improvement clubs will hold a regular meeting Friday even ing In the auditorium of the Deaf In stitute building at Forty-fifth street and Bedford avenue. Watermelons Cheaper Last car priced at 1 1-io lb., guaranteed ripe; 1 l-6c lb. not guaranteed; Mason fruit Jars Lacq. caps pts., 40c; qt., 44c; Vi gal., 66c; heavy white Jar Rubbers, doz., 6c; corn flakes, 10 pkg., 6c; soda, 10c pkg., 6c; sticky fly paper, 4 double sheets, 6c, at any of THE BASKET STORES. Butler's Ordinance Referred The city council referred to the committee of the whole Commissioner Butler's resolution, requiring that all con duits laid In the future shall be ap proved only on condition that the city shall reserve the right to use a por tion of such conduits at a reasonable rental price. Looking for William Rohrbach City Clerk O'Connor has received from J. H. Rohrbach of New York City a letter of Inquiry as to . the whereabouts of William Rohrbach, who Is said to have left Berks county, Pennsylvania, in 1860. It is stated that "valuable information" awaits William Rohrbach. Go Into Auto 'Business Dr. E. L Thomas, formerly vice president of the City National bank in Omaha, and L. E. Crampton, also formerly with that bank, have gone into the auto mobile distributing business for the Chalmers company. They have es tablished themselves at Norfolk as the Norfolk Chalmers company, and ex pect to serve northeastern Nebraska. Secures Divorce and Daughter Ida Olson has been granted a decree of divorce against Adolph J. Olson by District Judge Charles Leslie. She Is also awarded the custody of a minor daughter, Lillian. Failure to provide Is alleged. Nina L. Hoffner has filed a petition asking divorce from Benja min F. Hoffner, 'a locomotive engi neer. She also asks custody of the daughter. They were married In Council Bluffs, August 4, 1909. Watchman Injured By Fall Into Shaft Employes who were working at the M. E. Smith company plant, at Ninth and Douglas streets, last evening tele phoned the police that they heard groans from the bottom of an elevator shaft. Detectives Dunn and Kennelley in vestigated and found the watchman, Olaf Johnson, 2527 Rees street, lying at the bottom of the shaft, dazed. He had made a misstep and had fallen twelve feet. A cable that he struck eased his fall. He was sent to St Joseph's hospital. Tom Alley Arrives Minus Mechanician - Tom Alley, auto racer, arrived in Omaha last night on his Chicago-to Sn Francisco tour for an eastern au tomobile company. He had bad luck it a little village outside Des Moines, where his car turned over, breaking !he wrist of his mechanician, De Vere Barnes. . . "If you know of a good mechanician who wants to go to the coast, let me know," Alley told newspapermen. He will remain here until he can find a mechanic. His car was damaged. Fraud Order Issued Against Automobile Supply House Washington, Aug. 17. The Post office department today extended its fraud order against the International Automobile league and A. C. Bidwell, president, to include the Buffalo Automobile Supply company, Buffalo. Since the first order was issued Au gust 3, citing that the league had used the mails fraudulently to collect money on representations .that it could secure automobile supplies at reduced rates for its members, letters were sent out by the league, postal authorities assert, requesting that all mail be sent to the Buffalo Automo bile Supply company. Omaha Motorist Fined for Violating Fremont Road Law Fremont. Neb.. Aug. 16. (Special.) When T. Gaughan of Omaha backed his automobile out ot the parking center of the street here to day and collided with another car, driven bv a woman, he was taken into custody by an officer and haled into riolice court on a charge ot vio lating traffic rules. He paid a fine of $1 and costs, amounting to $5.80. Mr. Uaughan pieaaea guilty. Constipation the Father of Many Ills. Of the numerous ills that affect hu manity a large share start with con . - -. r i .I- w, , and thev may be avoided. When a laxative is needed take Chamberlain's Tablets. They not only move the bowels, but improve the appetite and strengthen the digestion. Obtaina ble everywhere. Advertisement Jackson Dies in Hospital As Result of Stabbing Affray lohn lackson. 1104 South Sixth street, who was stabbed Tuesday eve ning by Everett Bryce, a negro, died of his wounds last evening. Bryce, who is in jail, used a long butcher knife ground to a fine point and this weapon penetrated the stomach, ab domen ana one lung oi nis viciim. Dr. Bell's rine-Tar-Honer. For your cold and bronchial cough, me Dr. Bell's Pins-Tar-Honey, it cuts the -phlegm, relieves congestion. Only 26c. All druggists. Advertisement. BOY KILLED BY AUTO ON FARM STREET Wm. Oorham, Aged 9, Struck by Machine Driven by 0. L. Lambert. SKULL BADLY FRACTURED Four men walked into the police station soon after 9 o'clock last eve ning, two of them were dazed and half crying and the others had bloody shirt fronts. One of the men was 1. O. (lorham. whose 9-year-old son, William, had been killed by an automobile at Twenty-fifth avenue and Farnani street less than an hour before. Another member of this strange group was . 1. Lambert, 1HU Lapi tol avenue, who drove the car that killed the boy. The third was H. M. Binder, 2501 Farnam street, who saw the boy crushed, picked him up and, in Lam bert's car, rushed him to the Wise Memorial hospital. The fourth was a brother of Binder. Stunned by Grief. The four men stood in the station until someone asked them what they wanted, and then told their storv. The boy had been struck, taken to the hospital, had died, ..nd the coroner had been notified. Yet the first news the police had was when the prin cipals in the tragedy told their story to Captain Heitfeld.. The Gorham boy was going on an errand with 14-year-old Lenora Bur ton, who lives with the Gorhamt at their home, 2901 Farnam street. At Twenty-fifth avenue and Farnam street an automobile was standing. The two children started to cross the street-in front of this standing car. Wheel Goes Over, Shoulder. Half way out they saw a street car coming east. They started Lack. Lambert was coming east also, nearly abreast of the street car and at about fifteen miles an hour, he said. The boy was struck and one wheel went over his shoulder. Mr. Binder and h' brother picked up the little victim, and Lambert, who had stopped, carried them to Wise Memorial hospital, only two blocks away. " The doctors there said the boy had received a fracture at the base of the srain and other injuries, which ren dered death almost instantaneous. Lamber was held in jail without bond to await the verdict of the coroner. Omaha Boy Scout Gives President Word From Home (From a Staff Correspondent.) Washington, Aug. 17. (Special Telegram.) John W. Welch and his son Merchon of Omaha, aged 12, who is an enthusiastic boy scout, were in troduced to the president today by Congressman Lobeck. Mr. Welch was pleased at the recption, but Mer chon delivered a message that pleased the chief executive not a little. "The boy scouts will welcome you, Mr. President, when you come to Omaha." Fifty or more people heard the young lad and everybody smiled, as did Mr. Wilson. E. H. McMasters, delegate from Omaha Typographical union, No. 190, to the International Typographical union convention, now iit session in Baltimore, was a Washington visitor today. Two More Subseas to Start for America London, Aug. 17. Two new Ger man submarines of very large size will depart shortly for America, ac cording to a Central Mews dispatch from The Hague. It is said these submarines have made trial trips off Heligoland. Huge Muskrat Felled By Detective's Bludgeon A huge muskrat. evidentlv lost from the river, was killed by Detective John Dunn in front of central police head quarters at Eleventh and Dodge last night. Dunn was sitting in front of the sta tion when he saw the rat and yelled: "Hey, Cap; look at the rat. It's as big as a dog I" Captain Heitfeld advised him to quit drinking, and Dunn, to make good, ran the animal down and killed it with a club. The pelt will be presented to Chief of Detectives Maloney for a winter cap. Culls From the Wire The Texaa company announced a cut of If centa a barrel on Caddo and DeSoto llabt oil. -. Six Hawaiian auger plantation distributed M 1,000 In monthly dividends. Of this amount, plantations on the island of Oahu contributed 300,000. Preparation for starting an aviation ehool at which men will be trained for duty in time of war were begun In Chicago by Captain Joseph A. Morrow of the tgnal corps of the army. The death of Major William Alexander Trotter, a breeder of fine Virginia horses. In a trench with an English regiment before Trlcourt, France, while In action, July 11, has been reported. Forty-flve provisional regiments, Including approximately 50,000 men, have been or ganized among the veterans of foreign wars of the United States since the sending of state trops to the border. American Minister Jeffery at Montevideo notified the State department that the Uruguayan cabinet had resigned as the re sult of defeat of the government in the re cent elections for constitutional reforms. President Wilson has nominated F. J. H. von Engelken of East Palatka., Fla., to be director of the mint, succeed Iny R. w. director of the mint, succeeding ft. W. Wool ley, who entered the democratlo cam paign. Frank Wylie, 26 years old, a carpenter of Idaho Falls, Idaho, developed a case of Infantile paralysis In Lake City, the first there since the present epidemic be gan in the country. There Is much specula tion as to where the man contracted the disease. The hurricane which stuck the eastern end of the Jamaica Islands Tuesday night resulted In considerable damage to banana plantations, but so far as has been ascer tained cocoanut trees and sugar cans were not seriously affected. At Grand Junction, Colo., O. J. Trumbo. constable, while attempting to serve a sum mons on an unwilling witness fell sixty feet, breaking both legs and suffering internal Injuries. Trumbo had climbed to the roof of the union station to serve papers on a painter. New Jersey congressmen and city officials, at hearings before the house commerce commltteee, asked that the local authori ties be permitted to control shipment and storage of vast quantities of explosives and munitions at New Jersey ports In order to prevent repetition of the Black Tom Island explosion. When the Coats Come Off BRITISH GAINS OF GRODNDARE SLIGHT Correspondent in the German Trenches Near Somme De scribes Artillery Duels. TRENCHES MADE USELESS (Correspondnc of Ths Associated Press.) German Trenches, Opposite the British Position at Gommecourt, Monday, Aug. 14. (Via Berlin and Sayville Wireless, Aug. 17.) Half a million British have been engaged in the effort to break the German lines on the Somme front. Often, as in the fighting between Gommecourt and Hebutorne, the British outnumbered the Germans six to one. They have gained ground to a depth of from three to five miles over a front of about eighteen miles, but nowhere have been able to break through. Shells Widen Trenches. More than ever, death has become commonplace in this most murderous battle of all times. The Germans in the first line know that they probably will be killed if their positions are attacked. Trenches are virtually use less, for the heavy British shells widen them into broad channels, af fording no cover of any sort. The first line usually perishes. . The advancing British foot troops are no better off, because the Ger mans reverse the process when part of their positions have been captured. After the British artillery has leveled the trenches, the infantry rushes in, often to be thrown out again as soon as the British artillery ceases fire, which it has to do owing to the proximity of the opposing lines. Thus the battle has been going on for weeks, the opposing forces now gain ing, at terrific cost, and then losing at even greater cost, a few yards of trenches. At present all the fighting by the British is carried on from their Pozieres salient, where their drum fire is unceasing day or night. Ger man officers, who were in the Cham pagne offensive, said no such artillery fire ever had been developed pre viously. German Fire Terrific. ' The German fire, too, is terrific. An idea of its intensity may be gained from the fact that on certain British troops, German guns threw 1,600 shells in one minute and forty-five seconds, resulting in great slaughter. Ofter the British assault dies away before the German second line, frcm which machine guns pour out streams of bullets which literally cut the men into fragments. At one point the As sociated Press corresoondent stood within 800 yards "of the British trenches near Delville wood. Nearby the Germans had buried 1,600 British as lulls in the firing permitted. Some 500 British prisoners, whom the correspondent saw behind the fir ing line, were still dazed from the shock. They were a sorry spectacle, glad they had escaped from "hell," as they termed it. Each Man His Own Leader. The correspondent visited the en tire front of the present offensive and everywhere found from talks with Germans that they were more de termined than ever to stand their ground. The men are in capital shape physically and of easy mind, although they are looking upon death each time. An officer said each man is his own leader, as it is often impossible under the present battle conditions to transmit commands. While the gen erals might still plan the actions, the officer said, it was plain that the in fantryman, acting on his own initia tive in the presence of death, must save the day. Back of the German lines, within artillery range, hardly a single house was standing. Embers were still burn ing in the ruins of two villages as the correspondent passed through. Of ficers said there were no German troops in such places and that the victims were mostly French civilians. Of these the correspondent saw scores of wounded. Whenever possible, the Germans removed the civilians, as at Buoquoy. The population of this town was sent out at 2 o'clock in the morning and the bombardment began at 1 o'clock. By noon the entire vil lage was razed. The village of Ran court met with a similar fate. The correspondent saw part of the popu lation rushing for safety, and a few hours later looked on the burning de bris of the town. Girls Killed by Bombs. British aviators have made attempts to burn the grain crop, apparently un mindful of the fact that it belongs to French peasants. One aviator, de scending to 800 yards from the ground, threw bombs among a har vesting party, killing two French girls and wounding others. There is no safety anywhere in the zone behind the front. What the ar tillery does not reach is exposed con stantly to the bombs of aviators. While the correspondent was at Bug ny, eight civilians were killed. Eigh teen others were wounded, of whom four died in the German hospital the same day. At Cambrai four persons were killed and two wounded on the same night. A French civilian pointed out that, while the German soldiers have built bomb-proofs in which to seek refuge, the civilians have -only cellars. He begged that this be brought to the attention of the British military authorities. County Fathers Will fix Tax Levy Friday Douglas county commissioners will fix the county tax levy at a special meeting Friday morning, at which time figures sunntied hv the state and announced at Lincoln, Wednesday, will be checked with records ot the assessor. The state levy has been tixed at 6.1 mills, divided as follows: State tenersl fund (mills) 8.4 University fund 1.00 special university building fund 70 Normal school fund 60 State aid bridge fund 1.00 The 1916 levy has been reduced .7 mill from the levy of 1915, the onlv change being the the amount assessed tor the state general fund. In 1915 it was 4.1 mills. On a valuation of $51,514,445, as placed by the assessor, Douglas countv's actual valuation is more than $257,000,000, or five times the assessed valuation. On this basis the state will derive the following amounts in taxes: Oeneral fund 17fi. 149.00 univereuy 0.101.44 Special university 3.063.60 Normal school 4,318.72 Bridge aid fund 6,171.44 Total 1814,233.09 Eagles Name Officers and Go to Buffalo Next Year Savannah, Ga., Aug 17. Selection of Buffalo for the 1917 grand aerie, Fraternal Order of Eagles, became practically assured today when that city was the only one offered at the annual meeting here. These officers were nominated: Grand worthy president, Rex B. Goodcell, San Bernardino, Cat.; grand worthy vice president, Frederick Hughes, Yonkers, N. Y.; grand sec retary, j. S. Perry, Kansas City, Mo.; grand treasurer, Joseph Dowling, Dayton, O.; grand worthy chaplain, Henry J. Lemcke, Saginaw, Mich.; grand worthy conductor, J. )N. Heller, jr., New York; grand inside guardian, C. T. Laird, Brockton, Mass. Police Make Trips With St. Louis Milk Wagons St. Louis, Aug. 17. Attempts by three of the large dairies affected by the strike and lockout of union milk wagon drivers to break the strike to day, resulted in the sending out of nine wagons to make household de liveries. Each wagon was guarded by a policeman. ' Making Hecord of Attacks. Washington, Aug. 17. A record' of alt recent submarine attacks on merchant ves sels Is being complied by the State depart ment. Secretary Lnelng said tonight, but In only one esse has It been found that Americans were Involved. That case Is still being Investlgsted. What attitude the department might take In caeca where American lives are not Involved was not disclosed by the secretary but there sre no tndlcstlone that representations have been decided on. tllahop Brewer Improves. Helens. Mont.. Aug. 17. Right Rev. T, R Brewer, bUhop of the Montia dlorese of the Proteetant Eplecopal church, who was eerioueiy ill at m. reiera noepttal, has been removed lo hie home. At his residence to dsy It wss stated that he was doing nicely. The Illness is a complication consequent upon old age, White as Feaes Commissioner. Wsehtngton, Aug. 17. Andrew D. White, former president ot Cornell, has been selec ted ths American rnmmt.iilnner under the Bryan peace treaty wlh Chine. V. K. Well Ington Koo, Chinese Ifnlnlater here. Is the Chlneee representative, and the premier of Sweden, ths neutral member. NATION BOUND TO DISCHARGE DUTY Hughes in Hia Portland Speeoh Attacks the Policies That Democrats Adopted. REFERS TO PHILIPPINES Portland. Ore.. Aua. 17. Charles E. Hughes, before a large audience in I the ice rink here tonight, assailcl the democratic party for its pulley toward he Philippines. "We raumil afford in this country to lose sin li t of nati.uiai o'niigalions, ' Mr. Hughes said. "Our friends on the other side were almost ready to say that we should abandon the Philip pines. That was a matter of national honor. We assumed obligations there which we are bound .o discharge. "It is not so much a matter til self ii terest. 1 do not tare so much with respect to the argument of self-interest, hut when this nation undertakes before the whole world a responsibil ity, it must discharge it. "And we ought not consider the sub ject of scuttling out of the Philippines. lo leave them in the predicament which you know perfectly well with out my describing it. Need High Standards. ."We need more of a sense of ob ligation, as individuals. If we have the sense of national honor, a domi nant consciousness of national unity, a proper upbuilding policy of con serving the opportunities of Ameri can enterprise, we shall do well, hut we need still more. We need, through out our administrative departments, high standards of public work. We need efficiency in every department of American government." Mr. Hughes, speaking of the tariff, referred to a letter written, he said? by "an eminent democrat," July 28, to the president of the Illinois Manu facturers' association, in which it was said that it "Ought to be possible to make the question of duties merely a question of progress and develop ment." For Protective Tariff. "I do not care whether this letter is authentic or not," said Mr. Hughes. "If it is not authentic, then the pro vision of law is little more than a sham. If it is authentic, it does not represent the sentiment of the demo cratic party." The nominee reiterated his argu ments for a protectice tariff, for com mercial preparation, for co-operation with Europe, for reasonable, adequate preparedness, and repeated his dec laration that the democratic party was opposed to national progress. "Why, if I were a member of that party and I speak with all good na ture, because we are threshing things out here now and looked through the platforms of the past, I should feel that I was going through a cemetery richly embellished with monuments." Mr. Hughes referred to the number of unemployed in 1914, due largely, he said, to the Underwood tariff. All Tariff Experts. "They knew why they were unem ployed, he said. Every one of thein was a taritf expert There were 300,. 000 unemployed tariff experts in the city of New York alone. "You can't :Jt American working men along side of workingmen of other countries who work at less wages and expect the American work ingmen to survive. You have got to get down to the common basis of co operation. It is perfectly idle to sup pose you can have the American wage scale and the American standard of goods and let in goods made under a lower standard of living without hurt ing American enterprises and Ameri can working men." In reference, to Alaska Mr. Hughes said: "I would not have much confidence in speaking of a new spirit in Ameri can life if I did not believe in the integrity of the business men of America. I believe that we can do things right in this country and de velop our resources.' You have got an empire in Alaska; I want to see it developed; I want to see it developed right. i Time Has Now Come. "I think the time has come when we have got to be sure of ourselves, sure of our integrity, confident and equal to our emergencies. "I have had something to do in my life with correcting and preventing abuses in connection with public mat ters, and I tell you now my friends, that whether I speak of Alaska, or whether I speak of the tariff, no one is going to pull any thing out at the public expenses if I can prevent it. "If I am charged with the high of fice for which I am candidate, Mr. Hughes said in closing, "to put my principles to the test I am not afraid of the test. I know what it means, but my friends of Oregon, you who mandamused me and made me become a candidate at the primary against my will, I have left the bench to under take the active work of this campaign with but one amhition. "It is not an amhition to hold high office. That h;..; no illusirns for me. But I have the ambition to try, so (ar as within me lies, to have efficient American government worthy of America's best capacity, and Ameri ca's n unc honored throughout the world." Would Take Nine Days to Sign Up The Commissions Washington, Aug. 17. Completion of the reorganization measures au thorized for the regular army under the bill which became effective July 1. is being delayed by the fail thai President Wilson has been unable to find time to sign the thousand or more officers' commissions which have accumulated on his desk. Until the commissions are signed the of ficers have no authority to exercise the functions of their new rank. The tax upon the president's time is so great that army officials have recommended passage of a special act, authorizing delegation of the power to sign commissions to some other person. That practice is followed in the land office, and it has been pointed out that it an army ot 500,000 vol unteers were to be formed, with its $0,000 officers, it would take the presi dent, the secretary of war and the adjutant general, the three officials whose names must appear on com missions, nine full working days each to carry out their part in this purely routine matter. Corporal Clement Shot and Killed by Corporal Dunches Brownsville, Tex., Aug. 17. Cor poral James Clement, ' Company C, Second Virginia regiment, was shot and instantly killed tonight, and Sofia Valdez, a Mexican girl, was probably fatally wounded by Corporal Dunches, assigned to the quartermaster's corps of the regular army. The Valdez girl had repulsed Dunches' advances, according to members of her family, and when threatened with violence, it is said, called for assistance. Just as Cor poral Clement appeared to aid the girl, it is charged, Dunches shot her twice and turned his weapon on Clement, killing him instantly with two bullets in the breast, Dunches was being held in the county jail to night. ilgursa on National Banks. Waehlngtnn, Aug. 17. Resources of tho national -banks of the United Blates, June to, amounted to I1S.927, 000,000, an Inorease over those shown In reports of June, 1016, ef about 92,131,000,000, and a decrease of sbout 1280,000.000 from May 1, last. rig. uree mode public today by Comptroller Williams show total deposits June 10, of f lO.OfiO.OOO.OAO; losns and discounts of 17,171,000,000. circulation of 1(70,000,000 and reserves of 92.070,000,000. Rev. Luther Kuhns Resigns as Secretary , Of Luther League Toledo. O., Aug 17. Invasion of South American with the organization of a branch ot tne Luther League of America in British Guiana, was an nounced in the first business session of that body, in convention here today. Rev. Luther M. Kuhns, Omaha, general secretary, made the report He stated that 108 additional local branches have affiliated with the na tional organization since the Balti more convention. Rev. Mr. Kuhns tendered his resignation, to take ef fect at the close of the present convention. Hoihrool. Defeats Frontier. Hnlhrottk Nfb.. Aug. 17. (Special.) Holl-ronk defeated Frontier here Monday HfVn.Koi., i lo 2. F ron tit' r wan splkod up with three rcuntla player Orlmm. Mackey ami KtBstl. The features of the game waa Mi-Clltititck'H ruiintntT rat Ch In center field, pulling rtttwn a hih fly with one hand. Bat t fries; Holbrook, Stufbor and Smith; Fron tier, tJrlmm and Hat key. MIX AT ED IRON fjf"""1"! Increases strength of. sVwa?VaYil delicate, nervous, ran 1 ml Fi C I II I If 1 many instances. 1100 IM1J I forfait If It faili u per run explanation m lane article aoon to appear in this paper. Auk your doctor ot -us.-, .uu. it. Sherman 4 MeConneU tjrug Store always earry it tn stock. Use Cocoanut Cil For Washing Hair ConTlcted of Accepting Drlbee. Olrard. Ala., Aug. 17. -City Marshal John Oakea, waa con vc ted today of accept ing bribes from Illegal liquor vendors. Mayor Karl Morgan, Clerk I. A. Weaver of Olrard were arrested on similar charges, but released on bond. Oakea testified that he waa Instructed by the Olrard city council to collect 16 a month from blind tiger proprietors, and admitted receiving money. New, Positive Treatment to Remove Hair or Fuzz (Beauty Notes) Women are fast learning the value of the use of delatone for removing hair or. firzz from face, neck or arms. A paste is made with some powdered delatone and water and spread on the hairy surface. In . 2 or 3 minutes it is rubbed off. the skin washed and every bit of hair has disappeared. No fail ure will result it you are caretul to buy genuine delatone. Sold by all druggists. Advertisement. If you want to keep your hair in good condition, be careful what you wash it with. Most soaps and prepared ' sham poos contain too much alkali. This dries the scalp, makes the hair brittle and is very harmful. Just plain mill entirely greaseless) is much better sifted cocoanut oil (which is pure and than the most expensive soap or any thing else you can use for shampoo ing, as this can't possibly injure the hair. Simply moisten your hair with water and rub It In. One or two teaspoonfuls will make an abundance of rich, creamy lather, and cleanses the hair and acalp thoroughly. The lather rinses out easily and reraovea every particle of dust, dirt, dandruff and excessive oil. The hair driee quickly and evenly, and it leavea it fine and silky, bright, fluffy and easy t manef. You can get mulalfied cocoanut oil at most any drug store. It is very cheap, and a few ounces la enough to last everyone in the family for months. Advertisement What to Use and Avoid On Faces that Perspire Skin, to be healthy, must breathe. It also must perspire must expel through the pores, Its share of the body'i waate ma terial. Certain creama and powders clpg the pores, Interfering both with elimina tion and breathing, especially during the heated period. If more women understood this, there would be fewer self-ruined com plexions. If they would use ordinary mer co Kited wax they would have healthy com , rlnxlona. This .remarkable substance ac tually absorbs a bad skin, also unc logging the porea. Result: ' The fresher, younger under-akin la permitted to breathe and to show Itself. The exquisite new complexion gradually peeps out, one free from any ap pearance of artificiality. Obtain an ounce of mercollsed wax from your druggist and try It. Apply nightly like cold cream for a week or two. washing It off mornings. To remove wrinkles, here's a marvelous ly effective treatment, which a lap acts nat urally and harmlessly: Dissolve an ounce of powdered sexollte In - a half pint witch haiel and use as a wash lotion. Adv. HERE'S A NEW WAY TO MAKE YOUR FEET GLAD When your feet are sad with the sorrows that come of standing or walking long hours, when they bum and throb, when they perspire excessively and grow tender as bolls and you wish that you had wooden legs, then you will remember thla tittle story of how a clerk In a big store found relief from his foot woes. He wag a sufferer. None more so. Then one dee he heard of a simple, easy method of relieving hla ag onlea. He took this hint and bought a II cent package of Wa-Ne-Ta at the drug atore. Two tableta In a basin of hot water, then a few minutes' Immersion of the aching, throbbing feet, and lol the pain had gone, the aorenesa vanished, the burning sensation had been replaced by a cooling comfort. Tou can easily try It yourself. Delightful for use In bath. Leaves skin soft and sani tary. If your druggist hasn't WeNe-Ta, send us 10 cents for a sample package and we will mall It to you prepaid. Tou'll thank us for the suggestion. L. C. Landon Co., South Bend, Ind. Advertisement. 4 YEARS AT 1324 FARNAM ST. I TPFTH We Please Yon or Refund Your Money Dr. McKenney Says: "All work done in my office is personally guaranteed by me it must be satisfactory if it isn't, no matter what the cause may be, I'll make the necessary changes absolutely, free of charge." B.t Silror C A. I 22 k J I Wond.r Plates CC Q CIA I Bridga A Vl r..A r P ... .,. D0, PO, P1V wu . P1 Filling worth flB to 25. . . Work, por tooth H.ur.1 tt30 A. M. to P. M. and Saturdays Till SiOO P. M. ' Not Open Sundsy. cKEfjriEY DENTISTS MTH AND FARNAM STS 1324 FARNAM STREET. Phono Douglas 2S72. NOTICE Out-or-Town Patrons can cot Plates, Crowns, Bridfss and Filling. Compl.tod in On. Day. Fro Exomlaa- -Hon. No Stud.nU. Lady Attendant. Maltless Alcoholfree A Brannev Beverage On Tap and In Omaha Beverage Company 6002 to 601G South 30th St. Phone South 1287. SOUTH SIDE STATION, OMAHA, NEB. Q?s .r " .a