Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 18, 1916, Page 4, Image 4

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Entered at Omaha poatoffiee aa aecond'Claae mattar.
Br Carrier
Br Mall
Bait? aari Sunday S6e
-ally without Sunday 4Se
par month par year.
-.enlng and Sunday 0e 0 00
Evening without Sunday 56 4
Sunday Baa only SOe
Dally and Sunday Baa, three yeara in advance. 110.00.
Send notice of chance of addreea or Irregularity in de
livery to Omaha Bee, Circulation Department.
Remit hy draft, (rpraee or poetal order. Only 2-cent eta-pa
taken In payment of email aceounte. Pereonal check.,
eoeept on Omaha and eaetern exchange, not accepted.
Omaha The Bee Rulldinir.
South Omaha 2D 18 N atreet.
Council Bluffa 14 North Main atreet.
Lincoln S2 Little Buildinr.
Chlcaa-o 118 People'e Gaa Building.
New York Room 80, 28( Fifth avenue.
St. Louie 808 New Bank of Commerce.
Washington 72 Fourteenth atreet, N. W.
Addreea communication, relating to newa and editorial
natter to Omaha Bee. Editorial Department.
57,569 Daily Sunday 52,382
' ' IHrlght Wllllame, circulation manager of The Bee
.TuMiehing company, being duly aworn, aaya that the
average circulation for the month of July, ISIS, waa
, 7,S6 dally and 82,882 Sunday.
- DWIGHT WILLIAMS. Circulation Manager.
Subeeribed in my preftenc. and aworn to befo- me
. thia td day of Auguet. 1(18.
' . . .. . . ROBERT HUNTER. Notary Publle.
Subscribers, Ua-iaf thai ily temporarilr
should bar Ths Baa mailad to tham. AJ
draaa will b. aha-fad of tan aa requeata-.
Ak-Sar-Ben's welcome didn't warp any dariii(f
the hot spell, .
No matter how higlt ice cream goes it is
bound to go down in a melting mood.
fC i-.ia . n r nreeilential nnlttira in
t ui wui.w ... r,w.ra., ...
i those prolonged railroad conferences. Perish the
thought I
Congress talks and talks and insists on print
ing it. The windjammers do not pay the print
. paper bill .. .
I . . .
-, -.It takes clever bookkeeping to "save" a million
- dollars in two years, while Increasing the expendi
tures all the time.
) ', Criticism of Colonel Bryan as a patronage dis
penser is wholly uncalled for. Family beneficiaries
art satisfied with the division.
1 Never mind; the state tax levy will be big
' enough to take care of the greatest total of ap
' propriations ever made in Nebraska. '
The recent Visits of rival kings to rival war
'fronts are chiefly notable for the absence of
- monarchial band wagons. . Safety firstl
King Corn's nodding plumes wigwag a mes
sage of robust joy as Old Sot smiles on
' Two tivet lost by auto accidents in Nebraska
.in one day..' .Unfortunately the solemn warning
"go slow" la heeded at the funeral only,
. AntMynchlng bills-' were thrown into the
wastebaaket by the legislature of Georgia. Native
loyalty to a popular industry remains unshaken in
the Cracker belt
,! . .:,'. i.i : i
. London regards the, Chicago wheat pH as the
refuge of arch-conspirators in price boosting;.
Such harsh expressions indicate that J, Bull fears
hot poach in the bread basket ;
: Primary voters in .Texas blew up Cyclone
Davis and Oklahoma performed a like operation
on Alfalfa BUI Murray. Still the thoughtless
maintain that primaries are. not worth the price.'
."Trust the Danes to drive sharp bargain in
the West India deal, If the proposed treaty con
cessans to natives are allowed to stand, American'
enterprise would, require crowbars to break into
the islands. ?-.'- ''' v ,
love taught at distance as well at locksmiths.
Journeying front India to the' realm of King Ak
to wed an Iowa girl is a gracious and deserved
.tribute to Omaha's superior facilities at a matri
monial port,' ' V ;-,;
Legislatfre doctors are being consulted by the
bttcutive staff on' the best means of treating the
sinking spells of the ttatehouse. Heroic remedies
must be applied lest the heft of the coming as-
ternary Drrng down the house.
"' '---- ' i ,'i,:,V (!
' Word of more submarines coming over or un
der would be more Interesting if the fate of the
Bremen and Deutacfiland wat known. While the !
success of the first venture it in.'doubt, the talk,
of another fleet may be discounted. '. rl
1 ' fc;
People and Events
Tf la aatif ru, -!,- U KHMJ i
I T. r iu win. now
romet the test For thirty veart a Missourian at
. . wl J. " awivin ww tne jod ot sheriff .
j ,1 . jwuvemoer will
decide the reward. ' , ; .. , A
!:' , Charlet Sidney Jump, crier of the circuit court
frob for forty years and has missed only one day.
J:. "J1" a lew pointers from
Ft k m eel ke .!. A- t - t . a
vwwsmav vh uic iiuiuuocuuii ox good grip,
; According to fuhlon oraclei attached to Xew
Yorlr nrtisy mtnrmm tUmm t
youngt men getting a nod of recognition in polite
discard. Salvation may be had by copious ap
plication of hair dyes. -
i.i i. Ci , pcrrccrea a aevice
t which enables baggage handlers to perform their
taalra more evneititiAnalw .:,u . ... .. .
celebrated trade mark on' 'the' goods. - The in
yentor is a retired baggage man anxious to prove
that hit repentance is genuine.
ThejUte 't)r. John Murphy, Chicago's dis
tmguishtd surgeon, was a cut-up in other than
professional wayt. When invested with the in
sajnia of the papal order of St. Gregory the Great
last spring, the doctor merrily remarked: "Now I
have the same title at both ends , of my name,
ir John Murphy, Surgeon.'" . . '
; - A Philadelphia man who jumped his happy
home because wife, 'persisted in doping his morn
frg coffee wjth anti-booze powders, has been stum
.far 16 a week to maintain the abandoned house
!I,,II:..A ; wfe -ports an automobile of her own
addition to.qther household drains, her lawyers
fear she will hot get very far with $6 per.
J Rwj'wj'-M R Fitagerald of Boston
hat pulled tmf of the senatorial race in Massa
chusetts, leaving the field to Hon. Henry Cabot
, Lodge, present republican incumbent and former
pvernor .Oavid 1. Walsh, democrat. "Honey
iitiV retirement makes a more interesting cam
paign but does. net alter the certainty of reoub
Uan success. V..,' .
Same Old Virus of Repudiation.
The admiring public is challenged to behold
another dazzling stroke of finance, championed by
our democratic senator from Nebraska, by which
Uncle Sam's treasure box is to be filled without
taking any money out of the pockets of his own
people. Sharp inspection, however, discloses that
the concoction is nothing but the old virus of re
pudiation put up in a new bottle freshly labeled
'Tax upon sales of foreign-owned securities."
What Senator Hitchcock would do, as ex
plained in his own paper, is to clip off one or two
per cent of all American bonds or stocks sent
here by foreigners to be cashed in or disposed of
and. of course, if we could take one or two per
cent, we might just as well take ten or twenty per
cent or, at a pinch, confiscate the entire holding.
The inherent dishonesty of the proposed trans
action becomes plainer on closer analysis. For
years we invited foreign investors to send their
money here to help develop our resources and
finance our industries and the property repre
sented by their securities, as well as the earnings
of that property, is being taxed here the same
.as our own investments. When the foreigner
sends his stocks and bonds back he merely asks
repayment of the money he loaned us and he nat
urally expects to get full value or at least to get
the same price they would bring to any other
holder. On past investments the Hitchcock
amendment would be equivalent to repudiation of
whatever percentage the tax might be, while for
future investments the foreigner would either re
fuse absolutely to risk his money on such a haz
ard or he would discount the tax in advance and
deduct it from the original price.
A good way to test the soundness, or rather
unsoundness, of such a proposal is to reverse it.
Suppose, for example, the Canadian government,
after encouraging us to invest money in Canadian
industries, suddenly notified us that we could not
get our money back without handing a slice of it
to the tax collector, Our Canadian securities,
supposed to be worth a hundred cents on the dol
lar, would at once be shaved by the amount of
the tax and our only recourse would be to let
our Canadian cousins know that they would not
catch us as their victims again.
The Hitchcock foreign-holdings-tax scheme
differs only in degree from that more ancient
democratic financial "cure-all" that was going to
enable us to pay off one-hundred-cent debts with
fifty-cent silver dollars. That 16-to-l free coinage
repudiation was, aa all know, rejected and so will
be this new-fangled repudiation.
Keeping Omaha Clean.
One of our correspondents touches on several
weak spots in the general plan of municipal house-
Keeping in umaha, but is unjust in at least one
statement The newspapers of Omaha, whatever
their many other shortcomings may be, have never
conceded that the city is kept aa clean as it should
be. Thit doetn't apply entirely to the matter of
sweeping the downtown ttreets, which are well
enough cared for, but it hat reference to the gen
eral scope of cleanliness. Garbage and household
refuse it not properly cared for now, and never
wat. Thit hat been referred to many times in The
Bee, and the council has been
adopt tome method that would bring better serv
ice and more satisfactory results. Discussion of
the topic never got very far in the council cham
ber, for lotne reason, and the unaanitary and un
tatitfactory, wasteful and annoying method that
now prevails is perpetuated out of all reason.
When will the council be ready to approach thit
vital question and properly dispose of it? .
Make the Streets Safer.
Enough of reckless driving ttill persists to
render certain of the city's streets extremely per
ilous. In spite of warnings and examples, thought
lest or inexperienced autoista continue to drive
at high speed along thoroughfares where ordinary
prudence would tuggest caution at least. Omaha's
police force' it not numerous enough to provide
the close tupervitlon that it needed, to much must
be left to the automobile driven to look after. By
far the greater majority of these exercise the care
that it required, but some of them speed along re
gardless Of their own or other's tafty. tome way
mutt be devited to reach these, for the ttreets
of the 'city must be kept tafe. Accidentt tuch
aa that of Tuesday are avoidable, and that they
do happen it proof that somewhere tomething
it radically wrong. The prudent automobile
owner ought not to t.ffer became of the reckless
ness of another, but his great chance to avoid
blame lies in hit helping to suppress the menace.
, Another Big Railroad Problem. .
.. According to the Railway Age Gazette, the
trantportation linet of the United Statet are
facing a titration quite at important in itt pot
libilitiet at that of the ttrike. It is the thortage
of cart for, hauling: freight The figures given
show that on August 1 the
the largest and the reported net surplus the small-
em in ten years. In other words, the railroads
now have their rolling stock workinir ..n
time than ever before. The manager! assert they
nave pienty ot equipment to move the business,
if it it efficiently handled, and appeal to shippers
to assist them in keeping the cars moving. Thit
state pf affairs interests the public only to the
extent that it.thowt the railroads are doing atl
the business they can do. and at k.
rates recently permitted, and to thould be prot-
.p-iuut,,. anc propiem tor the management is how
to keep the linet ur to a nnint ,h th... ...
- hisj ion
give the service required.
'- Publicity and Democracy.
, Publicity for Nebraska ia a good thing, and
t is well understood that the at. t,.. i-.j
the legitimate advertising to which it it entitled,
nu wnicn it tuny deserves. In considering this
fact seriously, do not overlook the further fact
however, that a representative body of newspaper
men and university authorities has gone twice to
legislatures, where the ,democratt held the purse
strings, asking for a modest appropriation to sup
port a bureau of publicity, and twice has the pro
posal been turned down by democratic votet. Now
that the issue seems attractive as a vote-getter,
the refrain it taken up by the, democratic chorus'
and it being attractively displayed in behalf of the
democratic office rhr vi..i
- ,,.v assurance will
be given ut that the democrats will not treat
tnit plan in the future as they have in the past
Nebraska will get the advertising it needs, but
not by waiting for the democrati to do the work.
The city planning board't expert has doped
out more than the coveted 200,000 for Omaha.
What is really required, however. It' the count'
that will stand up when the cenaua mu. coquet
I iohav
Thought Nugget for the Day.
Time is short enough for those who know how
to use it; time is so very, very lone for those wh
do not know how to use it that their main difii
culty is to devise means to get rid of it.
Robert Collyer.
One Year Ago Today in the War.
Russia reported a naval victory over the Ger
mans in the Oulf of Kiea.
Berlin reported the capture of th'e fortress of
Kovno, with over 400 cannon and much war ma
British reported another, advance aeainst th
Turks, $ gain of 500 yards being made at one
This Day in Omaha Thirty Years Ago.
John Erck has arrived home after attending th
Saengerfest and also visiting points of interest
in every prominent state east of the Mississippi.
l-rank Henham. late of Lhicano. a brother-in
law of A. R. Souer, has arrived in Omaha with the
mtcntion of opening a first-class merchant tailor
ing establishment.
Pat O. Hawes has arrived from Washington
with an $18,081 check in bis pocket, the proceeds
of a government claim of long standing which he
nas nnany Drougnt to a successlul termination. .
The marriage of A. G. Hunt of Omaha and
Miss Zasicek of West Point was celebrated at the
home of the parents of the young lady at West
Point. The couple took an early train for Omaha
and in the evening they were tendered a recep
tion at the residence of the groom's parents on
Pacific street
Fred Millard of the Commercial National bank
received a telegram announcing the sudden death,
caused by heart disease, of his father, Ezra Mil
lard, at Saratoga, N. Y.
The Omaha Maennerchor gave a very pleasant
summer fest at lohn Brandt's summer o-arrlen
The garden was decorated with Chinese and Jap
anese lanterns, one of which, around the electric
iignts, waa about the size of a barrel. The
Maennerchor sang several glees and Messrs.
Baureis, Schmitz. Puis and Mrs. Pula-Ahl ren
dered several highly entertaining vocal selections.
Twins a boy and a girl were born to Mrs.
nayes, wne ot roiiceman Hayes.
Thit Day In History.
Iflil S.I,.., J.-.: j .
"7 uuviianau, uiaunguisneu poci,
iiuvcnsi inn ararnaiisr., oorn in stattordsnire, tng
1856 The Vigilance committee in San Fran
cisco, having accomplished, its ends, disbanded
after a naraHe.
I860 An offensive and defensive treaty was
signca ai cernn, as tne nrst step toward the
yciiusnciu csiaDiisnment or tne new uermanic
,,1867 Meeting at Salzburg between Napoleon
III and the emperor of Austria.
1870 Bazaine's retreat cut off by the Prus
sians as a result of the victory at Gravelotte.
1890 Davis Dalton, an American, swam the
cngnsn cnannel trom Cape (iriz Nez to Folke
stone, in twenty-three and one-half hours.
1891 Storm at Martinique wrecked all the
shipping in port destroyed 340 lives and did prop
erty damage to the amount of $10,000,000.
1892 William' E. Gladstone became British
premier for the fourth time.
1905 Manifesto of the czar granting a con
stitution to Russia while preserving autocracy.
, 1908Mulai Hafid proclaimed sultan of Mo
rocco in place of ,hia, brother, Abdul Aziz, whom
he had defeated. ; , ; -
Thia Is the Dsy We Celebrate.
Gus Renze, Lee McGrier and Dan Whitney
are observing their birthday anniversaries today.
They all claim to be "over 21." They break
bread together on this day every year.
Rev. Leonard Groh, pastor of St. Mark's Lu
theran church, it celebrating his 83d birthday to
day. He came to Nebraska in 1891, having a pas
torate first at Lincoln.
L. M. Rogers was born in Greece thirty-three
years ago today, coming to this country as an
immigrant boy, and now claims to have the finest
flower and candy shop in Omaha.
A. G. Buchanan, the live stock commission
man, was born at Zanesville, O., in 1854, and is
therefore, just 52 years old today.
Emperor Francis Joseph of Austria-Hungary,
the oldest of the world's reigning sovereigns, born
at Schonbrunn, eighty-six years ago today.
Sir Robert Chalmers, former governor of Cey
lon and now udder secretary for Ireland, born
fifty-eight years ago today.
James P. Clarke, United States senator from
Arkansas, born at Yazoo City, Miss., sixty-two
years ago today.
Jack Pickford, prominent photoplay star and
brother of the famous Mary Pickford, born at
Toronto, 20 years ago today.
Bishop Francis J. McConnell of the Methodist
episcopal church, born at Trinway, O., fortyfive
years ago today.
Hamilton Holt, known as the father of the
Peace League movement, and editor of the New
York Independent, born ,in Brooklyn, N Y
forty-four years ago today.
Where They All Are Now. .
, Charlet P. Stromberg, formerly contracting
bricklayer and plasterer here, is living in Chicago,
j,.: V0'11- who vvat head of the Trans
Mississippi Grain company, is with a big grain
concern m Chicago. ,
Frank H. Blish, for many years Omaha man
ager for R. G. Dun & Co., is in Kansas City by
way of promotion.
Benton Heller, an Omaha High school boy, is
on a farm m Missouri.
The Jackson brothers. Tom and Edward, opeK
ated a photograph gallery in Omaha in 1867. Ed
ward is now m Blair, Neb., where he has held
the position of clerk of the district court for
many years. Tom Jackson is now a resident of
Timely Jottingt and Reminders.
The venerable Emperor Francis Joseph of
Austria whntii nti I, f . 1 v.
c : . -...v has ween a succession
of tragedies, reaches his 86th birthday today.
vuaiica c. nugnea, repuDiican nominee for
President. IS arherllileH tn artealr 1m C 17
Democrats and progressives of Utah meet to'
day to name candidates for United States senator,
flfovernnr. etr . th d,m.,,tu
ci ?'Pg,?n snd'the progressive convention at
nc ny.
t The annuaf meeting oi the Catholic Press asso
ciation Of Amirira urill h,n i T.. v..i.
today and continue in session over tomorrow. s
mc omciai investigation is to be resumed at
New York today into the recent explosion of
munitions on Black Tom island, which killed at
!55.aLj(our Person and did approximately $20,
000,000 damage. .
Storyette of the Day. '
The Rev. Sol Broils waa preaching what he
considered his best sermon, but for some un
accountable reason it failed to arouse sufficient
He decided "to try' his audience on another
theme, "Brethren," he shouted, "in dat Glory
Land dar ain't gwine ter be no mo' scufflin for de
good things to eat Everything gwine ter be fotch
to yo' sassage, spa re rib, chitlnrs, 'possum! Think
uv dat!" , . , .
Old Uncle Bill Franklin, who had been sound
asleep, woke up at this point and yelled out fer
vidly 'Tahson. say dem greasy wuhds agiuP
Everybody'! Magazine.
The Survival of tha Fittoat.
Omaha, Aug. 16. To the Editor of The
Bee: Some of our modern thinkers claim
that since man bettan to interfere with nat
ural processes or inclinations, the law of the
survival of the Attest ceased to act uni
ft ceased to act to a certain extent be
cause of unequal opporttoities in pur pren
society, but, if we talce a larger view, we
will find that it still works out in tne air
ferent races of mankind, even at it does -in
the plant world.
' E. Francis Andrews recently told ut oj
how the group of "composite" flowers, in
cluding tucb as the sunflowers, asters, chrys
anthemums, etc., (which constitute one-sev
enth of all known species) reached the head
of the vegetable kingdom by developing
system of co-operation. We also notice how
among the races of the highest product in the
animal kingdom, those socially inclined are
favored, while the more individualistic ones
succumb. The negr Increases in number
and. the Indian is being eliminated.
The present war battened the irresistible
trend of the white race. Over night, as it
were, private monopoly was changed to state
socialism. Thit in time will give place to
collectivism or more efficient co-operation.
The closer adhesion wilT necessitate the
condemnation of activlt harmful to thai
progress of society 'as a whole, while foster
ing others by offering unlimited opportunities
to individual development through publi
service. Thus will gradually be created eth
ics of a new order, bringing out more de
cisively the strongest rharacterlstict of the
favored survivor; vis., the intelligent and
humane qualities, and. the power of combina
tion will make it easier to break down bar
ricra of environment, hostile to the race.
. H. MELL,
2017 Leavenworth Street.
More Truth Than Poetry.
Omaha, Aug. IS. To the Editor of The
Bee: The Omaha Commercial club teemt
stumped in Itt effort! to tempt new fac
torlet to Omaha. They are about to eonduet
an extensive advertising campaign through'
out the land. A more valiant effort at home
to make Omaha a better place to Jive would
go farther toward attracting new people
than a bratt band campaign abroad that hat
nothing more substantial to eupport its ooite
than itt own brassy blare. . - ,
The faults of Omaha are adjustable, as
were tha tame faults In other similar tiled
towns, that have regulated them year ago.
The concern of Omahant teem to have been
to eover the faulte by having every good
booster thout himself hoarse for Omaha
every time a defect it mentioned. A casual
glance it sufficient to convince any one who
haa teen different methodt, that the admin
istration of city affairs In Omaha Is strictlv
on the rural town order, with not an inkling
oi what municipal efficiency thould be.
There doesn't seem to be a newspaper in the
city with spine enough to fltrht what thev
Know it nack ward and dangeroua methodt.
There is no regular, ash. rubbish and
garbage removal by a city deoartment. The
garbage that It removed tt not properly dis
posed oi, but a herd ox stinkina- hoars al
lowed to trample It into unspeakable filth and
dangerous contamination to the health.
The police department It underoaid and
lacking in number and efficiency. Thit de
partment sees fit to allow any itinerant.
fypty, fortune teller, to advertise Omaha by
sening up snop on tne main ttreets. Beg
gart are allowed to ply their trade ad libitum
giving the inference that the community does
rot protect its poor in institutions, but fos
ters vagrancy. Through lack of efficiency.
courage or desire, the police department al
lows congregations of thugs, blacklegs and
bums wherever the inclination of that gentry
deem it wise to gather. Loafers line the
down-town sidewalks and poatoffiee ateDB
wun no interference from the noliee.
I ne are department haa not seen fit to
protect ontlvintr with ..11
I nese things are a louder argument ain
umana tnan the noise down at the Ak-Sar-
tten dett can eliminate. - They delete th
preuy advertising about Omaha. Just make
Omaha . more like a regular Uv and th
Commercial club won't have to bally-hoo for
Omaha. It will grow like a well tended eab-
Wilton for Humanity.
Omaha, Aug. 16. To the Editor of The
Bee: "Issues and Events," July 29, HI,
brings under the heading, "Humanity Spark
in Washington:" Press reports read to the
effect that President Wilton haa tent a per
sonal appeal to European rulers urging their
co-operation in relieving the ttarving people
of Poland.
The president hat our hearty congratula
tion. At the tame time we cannot help but
think of that little syllable "co." . At far
at we aware there has never been any sign
of co-operation from Washington for the re
lief of war sufferers, nor even an independent
operation. There has been instead the most
cold-blooded calculation! as to how to sweat
at much blood and coin out of the warring
countries of Europe.
This might be given at a frank and open
summary of Pretident Wilton's administra
tion since the summer of 1914. We will be
charitable enough to say that tt hat not
been all hit own dolngt and that he hat
been under great pressure of greedy finan
cier!, . Even the witdom of hit or their
policy it open to challenge, tinea this blood
money will bring thit country little or no
good, in the end. After the present period
of artificial prosperity (President Wilton's
innermost wish wat on prosperity for re
election purposes) there will follow a period
of reaction.
And it may be well that tome humanita
rian feelings are awakening in Washington.
We ahall gladly tee them develop to greater
strength. Comparing thia "opening" with
the procedural of the past one it led to be
lieve that other steps In a similar direction
might follow and it it possible that this ap
peal it merely a prelude to a proposal for
general peace. Thit may be more of a with
than a probability, but we hope it It true,
and we trust that the pretident may take
these steps.
The above writing Is intended to answer
the editorial of the democratic "World-Herald,"
"Peace and Humanity." and the letter
of John B. Coady in the same organ of
August IS, 1916: but at the editor of that
paper personally hat refuted several of my
letters I could not expect thit Wilton editor
to print this one at all.
So kindly give me space again to offset the
misrepresentation of Hughee and the republi
can party as stated in the World-Herald.
Past, Present anil Future.
Avoea, la., Aug. 16. To the Editor of The
Bee: Everybody knows foreign nations are
entering the third year of one of the greatest
wars of modern or ancient timet. It is alto
known that thit nation it ttandlng on the
threshold of war, with our boys sticking
around the border ready to thrash Mexico,
when a long suffering charitable spirit, hat
suffered jufflciently with human endurance
exhausted. Then there it the railroad strike
confronting, at wherein every man. woman
and child. In proud and free America, will be
vitally a tree ted with difference and distinc
tion In the final decision.
Peering into a prospective future, we find
the present executive ard president of the
United States "jumping sideways'? with the
G. O. P. camping on hit trail after hit scalp
at it were. Thit disgruntled and disunited
party that placed Mr. Wilton in power four
years ago. "who would maamlfy the mistakes
of Motet to win their point of vantage are
echoing the battle ery of freedom on the
great highways and byways and in the
hedges. Divert onet appear to think he got
married at an Inopportune time of hit Ad
ministration. Watchful waltiiur could- h
been applied here with a force, that in their
estimation would have placed him. on a
pedestal of fame and glory from thit source
alone, had he only watched and waited. They
also hold him to aa accounting for the aink
irur of a ship tn mldoeean by one of the war
ring factions In war time, when we all know
the safest place wat under our own vine
and fig tree until the atorm on tha other
thoreo abates. Hit failure to make a mur
derous band salute the flag, it also a "mote
In the brother's eye," and to on ad Infinitum.
In perusinr The Bee's letter box. wo find
man holding up hit hand tn holy horror
at the public drinking cup. Here the guard
ians of public health get theirs. He forgets
a reading, thinking publle should be edu
cated. The pocket drinking cup should be as
common aa the Waterbury of a quarter of a
century ago, and in the pocket of every well
regulated cltlten. Let us advocate the beat
ing of the sword into tincups of the latest
improved pattern. Let ut teach the youth
of our land trades and .professions, with
common sense ideas attached. Let us forget
Dr. Neweomb'a ideas of the tnhabitability of
the tun spots published half a century ago.
Let ut remember "no man liveth unto him
telf alone," and a epirit f "live and let live"
thould obtain, and preaching and teaching
will not be In vain. Let honest toil have Itt
reward in employment of head, heart and
hand in productive fields. When the to-called
"grafter" it caught let him be taken to the
Missouri river and dipped seventy timet
seven, and It it believed the world will get
Complaint of Lata Sidewalk Sweeping.
Omaha. Aug. 17. To the Editor of The
Bee RtMn i .if. a M i-- i
four blocks in the business district I counted
even employes sweeping sidewalks, scatter
ing filth and dust in the faces, soiling the
clothing and incidentally trying the tempers
of hundreds of persons patting to their
placet of employment
Thit it of daily occurrence and it seems
singular that our business men will per
mit it after attention hat been called to it
through the press from time to time.
In the name of common decency, health
and for the good of Omaha, what it the rem
edy. Can some, one of the many interested
Suitor Bo you told your father that I wat
earning H.000 a year. What did he aay?
The Girl He said he knew you were get.
ting that much, but he doubted you were
earning It. Beaton Transcript.
mm ujvb ow widuwd,
"Don't Vflll knew fc ... ..
youra la a Joke? """
the reaaon I aelected it. It a a great thing
....! . .. " 11 coming instead of
getting mad." Waehington Star.
Patlene T ... miinM. , ... .
- . ' WI" on. oi
lL S?1 ? 'Uffht at the "mrnor
school of the University of California.
...,atrlcerrTet 1 ,mlne the traduatet wlH
till continue to ask, 'la my hat on
etraight.' " Yonkert Salesman.
Hush-md 7 .rii s.. .... .
- - Tie tne misers
we read about are old bachelors?
Wife Oh, married misers are to common
Star """in mention. ng. indlanapollt
Miss Ruffles Look at the rn -.. -.k.
ii typta sweater tne Dlonde In the nex four
some Is wearing!
Mr. Truffles AnvthiW .. t.
dlstractlng and should be euppreseed under
"w oi unnecessary noises. Judge.
Edgar A. Quest, in Detroit Free Prett.
Promotion comes to him who sticks
Into his work and never kicks.
Who watches neither clock nor sun
To tell him when his task is done:
"ho tolls not by a stated chart
Defining to a jot his part.
But gladly does a little more
Than he's remunerated for.
The man In factory or shop
Who rises quickly to the top
Is he who gives what can't be bought.
Intelligent and careful thought.
No one can aay Juet when begins
The service that promotion wine, ,
Or when it ends, 'tks not defined
, 3y certain hours or any kind
Of system that haa been devised.
Merit cannot be aystematlted.
It la at work when, it's at play,
It serves each minute of the day:
'Tit always at Its post to see
New ways of help and use to be.
Merit from duty never slinks.
It cardinal virute It it thinks!
Promotion comet to him who tries
Not solely for a selfish prise
But day by day and year by" year
Holds hit employer's interests dear,
who measures not by what he earn
The sum of labor he returns,
Nor count his day of tolling through
'TH he's done all that he csji do.
His strength is not of muscle bred,
But of the heart and of the head.
The man who would the top attain.
Must demonstrate he haa a brain.
Pittsburgh Dispatch: At any rate the ad
ministration can t complain it it not getting
the "pitiless publicity" it used to sigh for.
Wall Street Journal.. Twenty-five million
for th Danish West Indies it at the rate
of 1184 an acre. Danes must have been
reading about our pork barrel
Brooklyn Eagle: If the Paper Famine
can enlist King Corn and King Cotton to
gether tn a relief plan, an ancient feud will
incidentally disappear. Corn stalks and cot
ion stalks will mount in value together.
Chicago Herald: Mr. Bryan's citation of
the gift of a watch by employes In the ctvll
service at proof of his regard for civil serv
ice principles betrays a certain ignorance as
to the circumstances under which gifts to
official superiors are usually given.
Philadelphia Ledger: Now that tha United
States government hat got rid of the officer
who said the chief thing to do in tha army
aviation corps wat "to tit tight and draw
your salary," we may be able to mobilise
enough aeroplanes to save the wear and tear
on that lone machine on the frontier which
it laving ut from war with Mexico.
Philadelphia Bulletin: The democrat of
the tenate finance committee haven't the
courage to lower the income tax exemption
line to the $2,000 man, and teek to make
amend for that neglected revenue by doubling
the assessment on the M.000 fellow, making
the fault of discrimination. Inherent in thit
tax, the more glaring and offensive. A bad
case of "rattles" appears to be threatening
thete revenue-hunters.
Health Restored by Lydia
E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Jamaica, N. Y. "I suffered greatly
with my head and with backache, was
weak, dizzy, ner
tous, with hot
flashes and felt very
miserable, as I was
irregular for two
years. One day
when I was feeling
unusually bad my
sister-in-law cams
in and said. 'I
Jwish yon would try
Lydia E. Pinkham's
Compound.' So I
began taking it and I am now in good
health and am cured. I took tha Com
pound three times day after meals,
and on retiring at night I always keep
a bottla In tha home " Mra. L. N.
Burn ham, S5Globe Ave., Jamaica, N.Y.
Women who recover their health nat
urally tell others what helped them.
Some write and allow their names and
photographs to be published with testi
monials. Many more tell their friends.
If you need a medicine for Wo
men's Ailments, try Lydia E.
Write Lydia E. Pinkham Medi
cine Co. (confidential) for any
thing you need to know about
these troubles.
For Good Looks
a woman must have good
health. She can do her part by
helping nature to keepthe blood
pure, the liver active and the
bowels regular, with the aid of
the mild, vegetable remedy
La-raat Sab ml At Maafeh ia tha WwU.
$414 aw.whata, la bosaa, 10a 2S.
10th and Indlina Ave.. Eutaa Cltr. Me.
Only ach ool ot the Una In the west. Elec
trical, steam, aai. auto, aaatnr ntti-t.
tag. Two and three nonUts. rear aad two-mat
courses. Day and night sessions. Knroll aay Una
Call eithst phone, or write for taforaatlosu
For Woman. Laxlnrton. Ma. V
AnAMd Jonk Colli
nunjr fn a adrantegM. Cuioraad Vkw Beoa amt
rnce,. aw, a. M. IVIkklABia), A. M.O.O..
S ita LaalagM, at..
A Boardlas and Oar School for (Iris
and rount ladlaa, Unilar dtraetloa ot
Slatara of Lore no f Kaataekr. Haw
lar oouraas u Collaca. Aoad.mte and
Preparatory. Coaaerratorr of -uric.
BpMlal Daaartmanta. riraproof build
ing, baaatifui sarroqDdlnaa. For eata-
addraaa Motbar Ba parlor. Dept. Di
WaMar Oro.aa. St. aa. Ma. .
atAKnai, naaiusftA. rwtpiTY.r IFTM YEAR.
To provid. thorough mental, moral and phrsiaal training at tha tarma ann.latMit with .nlni.nt .nrk. Fn Kam .
to IS. Chargaa: ISSO.00.
Two mllea from Kearner. in tha Platta Valley.
IS acre, of land. Pour bnlldingt. Ojmnaahim, awimmhut
pool. Separat. lower aehool building.
College graduataa with buainaaa experience.
College preparatory: commercial iaw and buainaaa method.:
manual training i mechanical drawing: agriculture and animal
SH.ttt.mic",b""' b,ktb"' lrMk' "'. awl-Blag,
Addreea Harry Roberta Drummond; Headmaatw.
Unbeatable Exterminator
of Rjlta.Mtr-e. aawaeS ft,..,.
used the world Over- - Used by V.S.QovernrMii
7h Old JttmtNvrmr Mia 13c 25c. Af DruocVat
Persistence is the cardinal vir
tue in advertising; no matter
how food advertising may be
in other respects, it must be
run frequently and constant
ly to be really successful.