Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 18, 1916, Page 2, Image 2

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London Sayt Line it Pushed
Forward West and South of
Ouillemont. .
,. London,, Aug. 17.-The British
hav made another advance on the
Somme front. Official announcement
was made today that the line has
been pushed forward west and aouth-
west of Guillemont.
The communication follows:
1 "As a result of fighting undertaken
yesterday evening in conjunction
with a French advance on Maurepaa,
we have pushed forward our line both
west and southwest of Guillemont.
West of Highwood we captured some
300 yards of hostile trench about 300
yards in advance of our previous line.
East of Mouquet farm our machine
gun fire nipped in the bud a German
attack. .
"Wet of Vimy we exploded a mine
and occupied the crater with only
alight opposition. Both we and the
enemy blew up amall mines sooth or
, Loos, causing no damage.
Violent Artillery DueL
. Paris, Aug. 17.-A violent artillery
duel is in progresa north of Maure
paa, in the Somme1 region, says the
war office statement today. There
were no infantry attacks during the
night " -r
The announcement y:
"On th.-Somm- front the enemy
made no attempt at a counter attack
during the night . .
"Our troops are organising the po
litlons they won. Artillery fighting
continue! with great violence in the
region north of Maurepaa and in the
sector of Belloy-En-Santerre.
3Orf the remainder of the front the
night was calm."
Assaults Fall, Sy Berlin.
Berlin, Aug. 17.-(Via Lojdon.)
French and British troops made heavy
attacks on the Somme front yester
day. but were beaten back by the
Germans,'' lays the officialannounce
went today. -: '.. V ;''!
The statement says: .'
"The enemy's fire increased at times
to great violence west of Wytschaeta
and on the La Bassee canal and to the
south thereof. ; ; ' t , ''
"After strong British attacks from
the Villers-Pozieres line and west of
Foureaux woods had been repulsed
iu the morning, the French, after the
strongest artillery preparation ad
vanced to the assault between Guil
lemont and the Sommei and irt the
same time very considerable British
forces advanced between Poiifcres and
Foureaux woods. 1 The assault failed,
as did five nocturnal attacks attempt'
ed by the French. After stubborn
fighting portions of the enemy troops
which penetrated our positions west
f Foureaux woods and south of Mau
repaa were driven back again. The
enemy! losses nm large. ', .
"South of the Somme fighting took
place in th neghkot hood of ;Belloy.
The French obtained a foothold here
in our-first-line trenches over a
width of about 500 meters. . East
theteof and near Estres the enemy
' ha beta repulsed." ' ,.
Brotherhood has
plan of wilson
? (cHa I Tmf Oaa.)
Mrs. Mary A. Stephens, a resident
of Omaha for thirty-five years, died
Wednesday afternoon from internal
injuries suffered, by. a fall Saturday
afternoon in the yard of her home in
Florence. .
Mrs. Stephens was born in' Ger
many, March 6, 1836. She came to
this country at an early age and in
April, 1881, with her husband, Adam
Stephens, came to Omaha.from New
Haven, Conn. She has- resided nere
ever since. Mr. and Mrs. Stephens
observed their golden wedding -anniversary
seven years ago. '
She is survived by her husband,
two daughters, Mrs. Emma Richard
son and Mrs. Louise Alberts of
Omaha, and two sons, Edward of
Omaha and George of St. Louis. She
is also survived by eight grandchild
ren and eight great-grandchildren.
runerai services win oe ncia irom
the residence Sunday afternoon at 2
o'clock with interment in Forest
Lawn cemetery.
cede the eight-hour day, but are witl
ing to arbitrate that Question and all
others before any tribunal the presi
dent or the men may decide upon.
The men are willing to arbitrate
soma questions under certain condi
tions and are unwilling to arbitrate
This afternoon at $ o'clock the pres
ident will present his plan to tne xuu
committee of 640 employes in the
hope of getting them to approve tt.
The result .will be presented to the
railroad presidents later.
multy telephoned to Daniel Willard,
president of tbe Baltimore & Ohio,
stating the invitation to the railroad
presidents to come to the White
ttouse, and Mr. Willard said he would
do everything possible to arrange a
. rnnference, .
In case President Wilson finds that
any of the railroad presidents cannot
apeak absolutely for their roads, he
may invite to the White House the
financiers who control them. Officials
aaidtoday that the president wants to
' deal with the "ultimate authority" on
both sides, in order that negotiations
may be conducted nere.
, List of Presidents Invited.
President Wilson's invitation was
sent to the following railroad prest'
Daniel Willard. Baltimore & Ohio:
, Samuel Rea, Pennsylvania; Fairfax
' Harrison, Southern railway: Samuel
M. Felton, Chicago & Great Western;
George W. Stevens, Chesapeake &
v Ohio; William Sproule, Southern Pa
cific; E. E. Calvin, Union Pacific;
J. Harahan, Seaboard Air Line; How
ard Elliott New Haven: B. F. Bush.
Missouri Pacific; A. H. Smith, New
York Central: r. D: Ui.derwood,
Erie, and William ti. Truesdale,
Lackawanna. , ; . . .
'. Chamberi See Union Heads.
Judge Chamber! 'of the federal
beard of mediation and conciliation
held a brief conference with the
brotherhood - heads this morning.
Further than to say he had one ques
tion on which, he wanted a definite
answer and that he got it, the con
feree would not discuss the nature of
. his visit Mr. Chamberi went to the
wane House immediately upon leav
ing the brotherhood official. .
. 'I should not like to say that the
uuauun sun u nopeiui, A. o. uar
retson. spokesman for the employes,
said after Mr. Chamhera lft Hnn.
ful if hardly the word that I should
, use. - I would say, though, that I deem
, a setucment atm possible.'
; Want Smaller Lines Incmded.
Some of the Wriers of the men
- were planning to meet the demand
of the railroad managers for arbitra
tion by insisting to President Wilson
that seventy-five more lines for which
railroad managers, contend they have
no sutnonty to apeak shall be in
. enAe.A in tha, nftflwiriarirma .
la that way an old dispute between
the managers and the brotherhood
officials will be opened and probably
tswut us iiMjiMi j uuh uis owner.
ship and 'control of the seventy-five
roads in question.
. Investigation will prove, tne em
ployes' representatives insist that the
larger railroads foe which the man
agers are acting, control the majority
of the smaller lines.
' President! for Arbitration.
The feelina- prevailed that the atti
tude of the railroad heads was now
the same as the managers' committee.
The railroad presidents are expected
to make a 'Strong plea tor preserva
tion of the principle of arbitration
and ' will express their fear , if the
present difficulty cannot be settled
without it, there is little hope of its
being successful in the future.'
Anotnet indication ov. tne uencacy
of ths situation was seen m.'the de
cision, at the White House not to
make public the president's remarks
to the men. at this time at least. It
was first intended to publish the pres
ident s statement end then nil state
ment to the managers, thus laying the
case before the high court of public
opinion. . .
Large Delegation Leave New York
for Washington at 4 O'clock. .
New York. Ausr. 17. The railroad
presidents of the country have ac
cepted President Wilson's invitation
to visit and confer with him in Wash
ington on the railroad strike situation.
A number will leave this city for the
national capital at 4 o'clock this after
noon ana anotner delegation win
leave for Chicago. .
Those who will leave from New
York are:
A. H. Smith, eresident of the New
York Central; Frank Trumbull, chair
man ' of the Chesapeake & Ohio;
Benjamin r. Hush, receiver ot the
Missouri Pacific: Hale Holden. nrcsi-
r.:.r. n...i:HMH J. r-t..: .
W. W. Atterbury, vice president of
the Pennsylvania; W. J. narahan,
president Seaboard Air Line: W H.
Truesdale, president of the Delaware,
lackawana ot western; U r. Loree,
president of the Delaware & Hudson;
E. I. Pearson, vice president New
York, New Haven , & Hartford;
leorge w. Stevens, president ot the
Chespeake & Ohio: R. S. Lovett.
chairman of the Union Pacific; Julius
&ruttscnnitt, chairman ot the south
ern Pacific, and F. D. Underwood,
president 01 the trie.
uaniel willard. president of the
oaitimore at unto, wno nas oiten
been spokesman for the railroad
presidents oa other occasions which
have taken them to Washington, is
understood to be on his way.
Heads of Five Mid-west Systems are
on way to Washington.
Chicago, Aug. 17. Presidents of
five railways with headquarters in
Chicago left for Washington on the
Broadway limited today in response
to President Wilsons' call. Thev are
W. J. Jackson, Chicago & Eastern
Illinois: 1. n. Markham, Illinois Cen
tral; H. R. Kurry, Chicago, In
dianapolis & Louisville; M. J. Carpen
ter, Chicaio. Terra Haute & South.
eastern, and R. H. Aishtcn, Chicago
Nta tar BnUdlac AmiM
WuhlnttOB, Aus. 17 (8pclI Talaenm.)
Th Trauorr oprtmnt hu acoapted
th lit donated br Habar Hord (or a public
bulldlna to ba arantad at Cantl ntv. In.
aatad at tha aouthaut oomar tt Blxtaanth
Tasua ana eixiaanta atraat.
State Saengerbund Open at
Grand Iiland With Eeception
Concert bj Local Musicians.
Grand Island, Neb., Aug. 17. (Spe-
cial.) The local committee for the
biennial Saengerfest of the Nebraska
German singing societies have every
thing in readiness for the event, which
begins this evening with the reception-concert,
as given by' the local
choruses. Of these there are the male
chorus, the ladies' chorus, the mixed
chorus and the local orchestra. This
concert will be completely under the
direction of Prof. Carl Schluer, di
rector of the Liederkranz choruses,
who has arranged orchestral accom
paniment to nearly all of the songs.
The musical numbers will be in
terspersed by addresses of welcome
by Richard Goehring, president of
the Nebraska Saengerbund, and
Mayor Charles G. Ryan. . Among the
more pretentious numbers on the pro
gram are "Der Heini von Steier, by
Heinrich Zoellner, for k large mixed
chorus, with solo parts for soprano,
bass and violin obligato and orches
tral accompaniment, as- also "Fair
Ellen." by Bruch. the well known
cantata, with soprano and baritone
solos, mixed chorus and orchestra.
The Saengerbund, comprised of the
individusl singing societies from Oma
ha, Lincoln, Madison, Council Bluffs,
i. . rMA 1.1. vr.
.name, ..a.,...-,
and Columbus, will be under the di
rection of Prof. Theodore . Keese of
Omaha. The Omahans are coming
with two distinct organizations, in
cluding large ladies' chorus.' The
first of these concern will' be held
on Friday evening, and the second on
Saturday evening. . -,
Sunday afternoon there will " be a
general picnic in the grove and
grounds ot the riattaeutscne neim,
the club property of an organization
of 600 local Germans. Thr concerts
and other entertainments will be held
1 the Liederkranz auditorium . and
arden. In the two concert! by the
aeno-erbund there will be solos by
Miss Margaretha Damm, dramatic so
prano; Miss Margaretha Kinder, lyric
soprano, and Mr. Fritfc Rieth, bari
tone. The Saengerbund will have a
business meeting on Saturday or Sun
day. ' : ' "
1 (OmnniMd 1Mb Past Ona.)
Georgia Disposes of
Woman Suffrage and
- Antl-Lynching Bills
Atlanta, Ga, Aug. 17A bill
Providing that the sheriff of any
Georgia county in which m lynch
ing occur shall be removed by the
governor was tabled, US to 29, by
the Georgia house today few
minutes before the close of the
legislative .session, after it had
passed the senate. The outstand
ing accomplishment -1 the session
was the passage of the compulsory
education law. A woman suffrage
amendment waa disposed of by
setting it eonaideration for to
morrowon day after adjourn
ment . y, x. ...... .
War Summary
loav a tract of aoarlr thraa aUlai In
tha Ram ma rttfon tha much ara buallj
aonaolldattnt tha nawlr won traund. Tha
Parts btillatln today ra porta IntcnM ar
tUlarr aatlvltr Borth af Matmpu. Tha
aaw allla advanaa north of tha omme
haa far an obJaaUve tha Important rail
war aaartar of Faroana.
Laadaa raporu tha pvahlna forward af
tha Brltlih Una waot and aoatharaat af
Oalllamoat, tha report apporantlr rar
lac tha aparatlon announcad br Parts laat
rtKTHKX INDICATION of tha atlffanin
a tha Tantanla raalatanaa ta tha Buaalaa
advaaaa la OaUela U aeatalnad hi tadar'a
talcmaat from Patroa-ra, wblah an
Baaaeaa re no wad conn tar attack! br tha
Anttra-Oarmaa foroao.
la tha Balkans ara laaraaalnf.
the ntional powers which will give
us national prosperity."
Mr. Hughes was accompanied on
the trip frem Portland by Chester, H.
Rowell, former progressive nktional
committeeman irom Califonia and at
present a member of the republican
national Campaign committee. Mr.
Rowell discussed with the nominee
the situation in California. After his
speeches in, San Francisco tomorrow
Mr. Hughes will remain in the city
until Saturday , and will discuss with
republican and progressive leaders
campaign affairs, in which the nomi
nee 'teeis were snouia. oe ciose co
operation between republicans and
progressives in California.,
The nominee' spent most of today
resting. ' He said he felt "bully" and
mat mi voice was improving.
Three Minutes at Oakland.
At Oakland, Ore., a three-minute
stop had been made while Mr. Hughes
shook hands with as many as could
reach him.' At Sutherlin, the candi
date' wife was presented with a
large, bouquet of roses. The first
rear-platform speech of the day was
delivered by Mr. Hughes at Roseburg,
where the train stopped for fifteen
minutes. He dwelt upon the subject
of Americanism and the tariff. He
also spoke briefly at Beyers.
Mr. Hughes was up early today to
view the mountain scenery and to
greet the people along the way.
Braving the rain, Riddle's popula
tion turned out in large numbers to
greet Charles E. Hughes, republican
candidate for president, as his train
stopped there a few minutes today.
Ihe private car ot Mr. ana Mrs.
Hushes was banked with roses and
other flowers, the gifts of admirers
along the route, and additional bou
quets were added here. The nominee
also was presented wtih venison.
Williams Is Out
Of Tennis Playing
Newnort. R. I.. Aua. 17. A new
name on the Casina bowl for the an
nual invitation tennis singles tourna
ment waa assured today when R.
Norris Williams, II, Philadelphia,
who won last year's competition here,
waa eliminated by Clarence J. Unthn,
San Francisco.
To some extent the downfall of
Williams was accounted for by a weak
ankle, which compelled him to play
a back course game. In this style of
play alone, he was unable to place
tne Dan wnere wuuama, unaotc to
move rapidly, could not reach it.
Harold A. Throckmorton. Eliza'
beth, N. J., who, in the earlier days
of the tournament, eliminated W. J.
Clothier and H. Mikami, added to his
laurels, defeating N. W. Niles, Boston.
Johnston's defeat of Watson of M.
Washburn of New York was acconv
olished without great effort. Wash'
burn taking only seven games in three
Unidentified Woman
Killed by Motor Car
An unidentified woman, who was
struck by an automobile as she was
alighting from a westbound Farnam
street trolley car at Twenty-sbtth end
Farnam streets at 3:30 o clock yes
terday afternoon, died at the Leonar
do Da Vinci hospital, where she was
taken, a few hours later.
Both legs wereb roken and she waa
injured internally. The machine that
struck the woman waa driven by
C H. Stockdale, 2200 Farnam afreet
The woman wore a straw hat. white
waist and dark skirt. She carried
Health Authorities of Thirty
Eight States to Flan
. Washington, Aug. 17. What of
ficial regard as one of the most im
portant medical conferences in the
country' history will meet here to
morrow to discuss means of combat
ting infantile paralysis.
t Health authorities from thirty-eight
states. Officials of the Federal Public
Health service and many leading
scientists will exchange views on
methods of treatment and prevention
and will work out a more definite
scheme of co-ordinating their cam
paign against the disease. Repre
sentatives of various railroads will be
present for consultation on the ques
tion for checking a further territorial
Health Service Aroused.
While officials here have insisted
that there is no occasion for panic
and no likelihood of a country-wide
epidemic, there is every indication
that the health service has become
thoroughly aroused by the persistence
of the disease in spite of the best ef
forts of local and federal officials.
The outbreak has presented many de
velopments baffling to scientists and
there are questions relating to the
origin, transmission and control of
the disease on which authorities dif
fer widely.
All of the subjects will be gone over
in detail at the conference which
frobably will last at least two days,
his statement regarding its purposes
was issued tonight at the Treasury
department which has the health serv
ice under its jurisdiction:
Reason for Conference.
"The conference is made necessary
by-the seriousness of the infantile
paralysis situation and is considered
one ot tne most important confer
ences of this sort eyer held.
"Consideration will be given to the
prevention of the interstate spread of
the disease, research problems,
symptomatology, epidemiology, gen
eral principles of control and the rela
tion ox tne aucrcarc oi lnianmc
paralysis patients.
"One of the most important points
that will come up for discussion un
doubtedly will be the prevention of
the interstate spread of the disease."
In his call for the conference, issued
Auirust 9. Surgeon General Blue.
asked each state to send one repre
sentative. Four secretaries of state
health boards are among those who
have been designated to attend, while
twenty-four other states have desig
nated chief health officers, health
commissioners or other officials to
represent them.
Scientist to Attend.
In the absence uf the surgeon gen
eral, who is ill at Hot Springs, Va.,
Acting Surgeon General Glennan will
open the conference. Secretary Mc
Adoo will make an address and then
reports on the prevalence of the dis
ease in the various states will be
heard before discussion of research
nroblems. svmntoma and methods of
cure are taken up.
Among those who had arrived to
night for the meeting are eminent
scientists, bacteriologists, physicians,
surgeons and leaders in past cam
paigns against various diseases. Ex
perts with long experience in com
batting infantile paralysis are included.
Bryans Will Not Move
To North Carolina to Live
(Prom a Staff Corraapondant)
Lincoln. Aug. 17. (Special Tele
gram.) W. J. Bryan will not -move
his residence to North Carolina, in
order to run for the United' States
senate, as reported in dispatches yes
C. W. Bryan, mayor of Lincoln,
pronounced the message a fake. Ac
cording; to the Lincoln mayor, the
Bryans will continue to make Fair-
view their official residence.
Persistent Advertising Is the Road
to Success.
Would Apply Principle Set
Down in Treaties Between
Lincoln, Neb., Aug. 17. W. J.
Bryan sent the following telegram
Tuesday, suggesting the peace-treaty
plan for settlement of the differences
between the railroads and their em
ployes in the present crisis:
"Mssrs. Garretson, Stone, Carter
and Lee, Railroad Brotherhoods, New
York If it is found impossible to
agree upon arbitration, I venture to
suggest for your consideration the
plan embodied in the new peace
treaties between this nation and thirty
other nations, representinga three
fourths of the population of the
world. These treaties provide for in
vestigation of all disputes before re
sorting to war, but reserve the right
of independent action at the conclu
sionsof the investigation. The fact
that the commission's report is not
binding on the parties insures fair
ness. The commission on investiga
tion provided for in the treaties is
composed of five members, one ap
pointed by each nation from among
in own citizens, one appointed by
each nation from a friendly nation,
and the fifth is agreed upon-by the
contracting parties.
"In applying this plan to the pres
ent labor dispute, each side could ap
point one member from ' among its
own ranks and one member from the
outside. The fifth member could be
agreed upon by the parties or be
selected by the president.
"Pleading, as justification for this
suggestion, my deep interest in the
industrial situation and my earnest
desire for an amicable settlement
which will be just to all concerned,
I am, Very truly yours,
"W. J. BRYAN."
Guards at Cement Plant
Who Killed Man Arrested
La Salle. III.. Aug. 17. Two guards
at the German-American cement
plant, Joseph Burkhardt and W. A.
Davy, were removed to jail at Ottawa
today as a result of the killing last
night of a young Polish worker, who
was discovered, the guards say,
prowling around the plant. The vic
tim was shot to death. A strike of
cement workers has been in progress
here a month.
Guards in large numbers are said
to have been imported to protect the
mills. Conditions in the strike zone,
the authorities say, are becoming more
Piano Prices
Art Yo Llttenlxf f
for the
j School Girl J
I To stimulate August tales we J
... ntfarirnt JtA.inrh ftVira MIT.
are offering 86-inch fibre cov
ered trunk built with first'
class S-ply veneer lumber, mas
sive hardware, sturdy locks and
hlnvaa ana rlaien trav divided O
into convenient comMrtment.
on extra drew tray, all nicely
cloth lined.
a TL.-.M- B.ll.t.1. T.L
Price $14 !
J Freling & Steinle I
-Omaha's Boat Bat Bellewt."
I 1803 Farnam St I
Many hrwwd buyer ha
taken advantage of the greet ear
ing that we ere now oftetnc, on
hlgh-cnde ptanoe and player
piano during cmr mld-etrmmar
oletratK eal o all atti&Uy aaad
piano, dteocetlnoed style ot
new pianos end playasvplanoa.
We nreet have floor spec tor
our tell (took, which will (tart
to arrive soon, which MMomst
for each tow prloee end easy
Coin eawvev anol matte
yoer aeleeMan. You wfll find
eueh plaflo Stelnway, Weber,
Hardman, Stager A Son, Enter.
son, Knabe, Sohmer, J. O,
'teener, Bohaeffer, Cable end
Sehmoller Mueller;
GAINS for This
1275 Katthee uprlgba..
MOO Sohmer npr1gat....$;
11,000 CUckerlng t Bone grand
tor $175
$5S0 Sehmoller tt Manner player
Pino $360
1250 Heine upright $QQ
$M Both Gert uptight (or
only $175
MOO Weber upriM-..$360
ISO Cble apnght....$185
1600 Cbiokermc Sons upright
for ..$100
$760 Stelnway upright. . . . $375
475 Hardman upright. . . . $360
$600 Stager A Bon upright tor
only $345
MM Aeto player ptao...$gg5
1700 Stnyreeant pianola piano
tm'i.' H.' Haie 'VvlchV.V.$5
M00 Stager A Bon aprlght for
only $175
1600 Knabe upright $138
M00 Chiokerlng A Son upright
for $350
$315 J. A C. Fischer upright
for $120
$1,000 Weber pianola piano for
Term, II to 2 Per
Pre eteel end eoart Planee
fer rent, SUM) month. 1 Six
en pur
St Cteeea P. M.
Sanweejaa, S P. M.
Schsoller & Mieller
Fuse Co.
1l Ml PivtNMi )' OmeAe INej
TIm LaMMt Rfltftltef(i ejf
Msaes la the VVMc. -
Randolph Wanted
On Murder Charge
By Montana Officer
York, Neb., Aug. 17. (Special Tel
egram.) County Attorney Gilmour
today received a message that the
county authoritiet at Fergus, Mont.,
held a warrant charging J. F Ran
dolph, former York county man with
murder. Sheriff Miller of York is at
present on the way back from Boul
der, Colo., with Randolph, who also
...i. . ,..t,,hll here. Randolph,
was located in Montana by ex-Sheriff
J. H. Affleirbach of York and while
the latter was bringing
back, Affleirbach disappeared. Hi
t-j ' j..m Innir lime alter-
DOUV wa ,wui. -
ward, it is said, and the Montana au
thorities desire to press a charge ot
murder against Randolph.
Datla Aaltlda, ra Jiiflr. ,,,.
nuvn or victoria, f- w hii rfainortdant
fn'rJBiT-iW'. Jir, da-
Mr, uavia ,", i,.irii
Hie Fasliion Gnler ofllie Middle Wes!" -ibblihedl8&
Table Cloths and Napkins
Less Than Ever During This Sale
Bleached Table Cloths Bleached Napkins
$3.75 Table Cloths, $2.89 $4.50 Napkins, $3.75 doz.
$4.75 Table Cloths, $3.50 $6.00 Napkins, $489 doz.
$6.00 Table Cloths, $4.89 $7.50 Napkins, $5.89 doz.
$7.50 Table Cloths, $5.00 $10 Napkins, $7.50 doz.
$10 Table Cloths, $6.75 $12 Napkins, $889 doz.
Bookfold Challis Fine Damask
(36 inch) 15c a Yard tj y i
Persian designs for com- DV tne I arO
forts, wrappers, etc, spe- t , ,
ially priced at lBc. $1-75 Bleached Damask
Basement. $1.25 a yard
Baby Shaker Flannel $1.75 Silver Bleached
Heavy twilled, bleached Damask $1.25 a yard
baby shaker flannel, 27 ft aiivf Rlpftphod
inches wide, Friday, 10c Bllv BieMRea
a yard. Bement. Damask $1.50 a yard
Change of Date
Friday, August 18, at 7 P. M.
Note the Early Hour.
So the Public May Know
Tiiifina- tha nat flvt months nine locating In Omaha
I have treated hundreds of cases of both MEN AND
WOMEN. I have not had one knocker, but many boost
ers and friends have I made by my business plan of
medical practice. MY BUSINESS IS DIFFERENT from
tha other doctors, In that I do a cash office practice ex
clusively, but yon pay me only half what others charge,
and I furnish the medicine at no extra cost. -1 DO NOT
I can do any work they can do at half their price. The
word "specialist" does not fit well to some of these men,
excepting the special big fee yon have to pay. NO
prepared to treat you, and give you honest service at a
fair price. I HAVE TREATED MANY WOMEN, and
am treating many new eases every day. My work is not
confined to the women alone, as I can take care of any
ailment of men. Men and women with special or private
ailments are Invited to call. Consultation $1.00; exami
nation or office treatment $2.00. Medicine free.
SOt Roaa BuUdfaif. Phoaa Tyler ISO.
Offlca hourai t . 8 . m. Waaaaada?. 10 to U Sua day.
Dtcous Satisfaction is an Edelweiss Attraction
HenryRohlff Company
2567-69 Learenworth Street
Pkon Douglas 876
Prompt deliveries to any
part of greater Omaha
MaO order by freight
or expreu to any point