Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 17, 1916, Page 6, Image 6

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Society Notes : Personal Gossip : Woman's Work : Household Topics
Habit is Growing and Many Art
Trying Their Hands at Some
B MELLIF1CIA Auguet 16.
prom tht time when you write
Stories in school about the folks of
-'youfc bunch" to the time when you
art grown up you and everybody like
to late a try once in a while at writ
ing.1 Writing, like everything else,
ruin in channels. If all the people
are , riting short stories you are
pret r apt to write a few short stor
ies, i jo; or if your friends are writing
poci y. you take a chance at fame by
writ ig poetry. Just now hundreds
of i eople have the "movie" craze.
Contests, offers and movies all over
Practical, Smart, Yet Inexpensive
Only for a Time
ll4nd ar Mirlnrillfr "tans" to COll
tribute to the stock of moving pic
ture sceneries.
Omaha people are in the business,
too; some openly, others surepti
tiously, are constructing movie scen
arios. "Dick" Stewart, who, with the
collaboration of Miss Lynn Curtis
of New York, formerly of Omaha,
wrote the society play, "One Summer
in Omaha," is an acknowledged au
thor. Others who are known to be
engaged, or to have engaged, in this
fascinating work are Miss Margaret
McShane, Mrs. Will Crary, Mrs. A.
F. Tyler. Miss Margaret Riley and
Mist Helene Bixby. Mr. Stewart is
not the only man who has ventured
into the field. Mr. Albert E. May is
a movie author and Mr. Jack Baldwin
has been reported an aspirant to
movie honors. ,
Breakfasts for Vititore.
Mis Louise . Bailey entertained
eighteen yontif women at breakfast
at htr home for Miss Helen Masten
of Kansas City and Miss Ruth Pur
,cel! rf Htmpton, la. The guests were
seated at small tablet decorated with
baskets .f coreopsis and golden glow.
Miss Marian lonea gave a breakfast
at her home this morning for Miss
Mildred Olney of Minneapolis, who is
visiting her grandparent. Mr. and
Mrt. Charles W. Brag;, and for Miss
Winifred Brande of Pierce, Neb., who
it the guest of her aunt, Mrs. Frank
Frahm. Thote pretent were;
Mlano Mlaaia
Mildred Oto.r f Dora WIm..
Mlanoaaolla, Lout Wlau,
Mary B. Hamilton, , Dorothy Twlford,
llltrd Whlto, Dorothy Jonoo,
Wlnlfrod Brando ot i Ealhor Nolaan,
Plarca. Helta Ntamaa.
Mary lIU.
At Happy Hollow Club. .
Mr. John W. Parrith, who hat Just
returned from a vacation trip among
the Minnesota lakes, entertained a
party of hit friendi at a fish tupptr
at the club last evening. ,
Further reservations for the lunch
eoii tomorrow have been made by
r j. r a , r t . . .
aire, J. A. Moore lor acven guvou,.
bv Sir. Victor White for a party of
eigV and by Mrt. George B, Darr for
eleven guests.
The Happy Hollow women I twfm
ming and bowling club met this morn-
At the Country Club.
For Mrt. Frederick Wing of Chi
cago, who it the guest of her parents,
Mrf and Mrt. G. P. Moorhead, Mr.
and) Mrt. John W. Madden will enter
tain) at dinner at the Country club
i thi evening. Their guettt will be:
Him and Mnadamae
H.rtr Tvkoy, Joan bhui,
ntofto nodlok, D.nlao Barnalow.
Barion Millard,
Mrs. rrodorlck WInf of China no.
f Mtoa Naa Maddoa St Nntley, N. J.
UHin- Maaare.
Elmer Rodlok, aimer Copt.
Mr. and Mrt. Norril Brown will
give a dinner party at the Country
club thit evening. Covert will be laid
for: .
Moaara. and Haadamoa
C. W. Ruaatll, 4. K. Lndla.
. Mltaoa lllaaoa ,
Afnaa, rioraaoa Kuna.n,
Anna Ruaaoll,
lira. I. 8. Baltar. :
Mrt. W. S. Poppleton had a party of
five at luncheon today. - ' -
rr R S Anslin and Mr. and Mrt,
C. G. Powell each will have dinner
parties of four thit evening.
ninnar.Dance for Mia Madden.
Misa Sadie Hayden entertained at
a itinnor-dance at the losCDh Hayden
residence last evening for Mils Nan
Madden of Nutley, N. J who it the
truest of Mrs. John W. Madden.
Eighteen guestt were pretent
Mouht-Minix Wedding.
Mist Kathryn Minix and Mr. Chea
ter A. Mount of Kantat City were
married on Monday at the Nortn
Presbyterian church by the Rev. M.
V. Higbee. After the tervice Mrt.
L Minix. mother of the bride, who
is visiting here from Madison, Wit.,
1 gave a dinner in their honor at the
Lastie notei. itie coupie icit toaay
in their trip and will be at home after
October 1 at 3726 Wayne avenue,
Kansas City, Mo.' Those present at
I' I the ceremony were:
l, J- Moaara. and Mtadamaa
1 r. A. Moanl. John Vlaaarl,
i I. tV. Bkoflund, '
r , Mint Maraae Minis.
J Mo,. . t Moaara.
Roy Mlnli, 1. C. Mount.
At the Field Club.
: ! Reservations for thia evening's din-
! ner-dance have been made by R. H.
: 1 Lhamberlen and by Dr. J. F. Anton
' for fourtomct.
r ' Seymour Lake Country Club. '
; j Mrt. John Bektna entertained at a
golf luncheon today. The tables were
prettily decorated with garden flow-
' I era. Two priaet were awarded in
I the golf contest, a tet of therbet
. glasses and a fancy vate. The guettt
: included:
T. U Combo.
. M. Adaaa,
Frank Amoa.
Jainoa Oorv,
.1. H. Pnrratt,
. A. Bona.
Ooorao' Macdonald.
lohr, Urlon,
B. c. voraiiuioa.
( ,
' '
Sir Andrew Clark, the famous phy
sician, had a patient who was afflicted
with a complaint that Sir Andrew in
formed him would only need a little
time to put right.
The information did not cheer him
at all. He was one of those joyous
individuals who look back at all the
afflictions of the past and forward to
all the' possible afflictions of the fu
ture. He had, he declared, been be
ing "put right'' ever since he could
remember and then he understood
that such an illness as he had pre
disposed one for a perfect host of
other inflictions. If Sir Andrew
Clark "pullled him through" on this
occasion, was it likely he would suc
ceed on the other future ones?
The great physician at last got an
I can cure you of what is the mat
ter with you," he said, "but ifyou are
not content with one complaint at a
time, but are determined to compH
cate it with a dozen you haven't got.
no skill will save you. Think it over
and let me knew tomorrow when I
call what you have- made up your
mind to. Good day, sir."
The natieut. having the state of af
fairs put to him as plainly as that, re
solved to be content with one com
plaint at a time and leave the others
till they actually assailed him. There
is a terrible dissipation of energy in
meeting imaginary troubles half way.
Persons of a pessimistic disposition
are ever popping off on such excur
sions and the meeting docs not come
off after all. They feel sure then that
trouble must have decided on com
ing by the other road. They have
missed it. It's nowhere about. They
must have mistaken the day. Trouble
will come tomorrow.
"Concentration on the present wor
ry is half the battle half the victory,"
declared Roosevelt. "You need all
your forces directed to one end. Don't
let them be scattered. Mass your
energy and you will win.
It is excellent advice, but we poor
human creatures are apt to shirk that
concentration. We don't look wor
ries in the face because we fear the
face will be toOi ugly for us. We can
imagine that face. It is the most hor
rible face in the world. We shudder
as we think of it. If we really looked
on it we would find it nothing so for-
A WHITE voile waist, frilled with white organdy ruffles, edged
with rote, blue or black, is pretty and serviceable, too. In
gabardine or in pique, the white skirt, with real pockets and at
tached belt, may be had for a very moderate turn.
NOVELTY is combined with practicality, and a reatonabte price,
too, in this coat of autosoie transparent oil silk. It is juat
right for sailing or motoring, or to slip on when it showers. In
purple, rote, champagne, porcelain blue, dark green or Nile green.
will be in charge of the dancing and
pretty favors will be presented.
Note of Inttrett.
Mrt. Emma C. Johnston will leave
next week for a visit in Denver.
Mtta Rote Newman of Chicago it
the guett of Mitt Louite Schon-berger.
Mm Ethel L. somers ot Bound
Brook, New Jersey, who hat spent
the last month at the home of her
uncle, Mr. W. W. Long, leaves for
Minneapolis Wednesday night to
spend tome time at the home of Mr.
and Mrt. J. P. Seymour, and will
stop in Wisconsin and Chicago before
returning to her home.
Adah Kentincton Meeting.
Adah Kensington, O. E. S., will
hold a meeting Thursday afternoon at
the home of Mrt. P. J. Farrell, 4116
Soutn twenty-third ttreet. Mrt,
Jewett will astitt at hostess.
MatAr Ptente.
A party ot young people save a
tixty-mile motor party Tueaday even
ing. Alter driving halt the distance
a desirable tpot wat telected and a
weiner roast wat held. Those in at
tendance were:
Mlaaat Mlattt
Oraoa Tuokar. Holon Harto.
Mary Dawnay. Htloa PhtHttr,
Marffllorlto tavato,
Maaars. , Mtatra.
Jay Colllna. f . Bob Babalna,
Ooorto Urakt, Harry Colllna.
Bok Hoatk.
Moadamat -
H. C. Townaand.
Otaraa Jonta,
David C. Doddo,
n. U Boynaldo.
I. I, ntatoimld, '
i-harloa t. Vollatar,
. Ootrat Mlllor,
A. Mldlaa,
X a Ball.
Allan Dadloy,
I. . Rlnfor.
C. f. A Town,
t. t. Mathaon.
f. W, Waoarouf h.
Motel Malekar.
Ida Kaloy.
' Uartvatlt Orion,
. B. Ovarralro.
Oaoraa Franola,
W. B. Tan,
U M. Lord.
Mary Cannar,
Doris Mvry. ,
Thursday afternoon, from' J to 5
o'clock, the children will enjoy a fancy
-"iiume ball. Miss Louise Watkins
Advice to Lovelorn
By Beatrice Fairfax
Don't B Mtrctntry.
Dr Him FaUrfts: ! int It ntt lev,
young min on. yaar my awnlor, who urni
a mall tftlatry. Ho It vry ambttloui. And
hi Inuntlom tiro of th boot. Kindly
dviio m It I huld ralt our acquaint
eoT w . WAY B.
A girl at young as you ought to hive
an attitude of friendship rather than
love toward a boy who interests-you.
You can well afford to wait a number
of years before marrying, and if your
interest in this young boy lasts it will
be a fine thing on which to base mar
riage some day in the future. Don't
be so mercenary as to put him out of
your life just because he has not a
great deal of money.
Yo AniMd YoorMlf.
Door Mlu Folrfat: I am SS, and know
younf man who la vary fond of mo.
Thoro la a voniloman about 41, who Mvoa
notvr and ttvoo mo raaoa and candy and
tidoa In ana of hla two bit tout-in r car
and owno bouts with two aorvanu and
la alono. Ha aaya ha lovoi m.
My ottaor frlond la In Now York and
will la about tls yaara hdvo a good pool
Uoa. Do you think t would bo happy with
thta aldorly gonotlomanf In ftva yaara
bo will bo juat twioo my act.
Tau will aot bo happy with any man
w.laas you lovo himdud It m fairly art
dost that you do ml Iot thta aidar
Mb for it yam, 14 you would nat bo
worrytaa avar (ha 1 diaoropajicy la your
atroa aad offartni youraaif oanooilng ra.
mlndcra at hta waaltk and tha worldly
tbinfa ha uaa attar you, You can hardly
bo eoaaldorlaf matrimony aarlauaiy wtth
oithor at thta aultoro lnca ana will Aoi
ha la a pattilaa ta marry you tor ao Hong
a ttmo, and tha ethor vary much
your aanler,.; j . ' ..
-Menus for a Week
For BraoJtfaat.
Bakod pflara. Span Ian
omolot; baking powdor
btaoulti, coffee,
Cereal, (rape marmalade,
buttered loant, doughnuti,
Cereal with atlcid peachtl,
eava on toaat. coffee.
Melona, oereal, waffle
with maple ayrup, coffee.
Orapoa, baron curie,
ban hod brown potatoea,
oatmeal muffin., coffee.
Bakod apples, rereal, aalt
oodflah hath, muffin-,
oof tea.
Melona, oereal, eavory
. chipped beef, eplder corn
t oake, coffee.
For Luncheon.
... Baked atuffed tomatooa,
omorvenoy muffina, caraway
aaod oookloa, oheaae
aquaraa, taav
Eioaltoped oyatera ahredded
cabbage, clover leaf
bliculta, aultftna atloka.
Huaalan tea.
Corn chowder, unaweetened
wafer craukara, oream
cheeae, crab apple jelly,
Che fondue, groham
tiand win ba, cinnamon
toaat, cocoa with whipped
Bradley toaat, coffee
jelly, nut wafera, Huaalan
Sauted tomato altcea,
buttered toaat, lemon
par tie tj, tea,
Vegetable aalada, flncer
rolla, marahmallow
glngerbreada tea.
For DlnBer.
Artichoke aoup, Maryland
chicken, mashed potatoea.
auccotaah, dreaaed lettuce,
grape frappe, aponge cakea
Holtenden halibut, paprika
potato cubea, atuffed
onloiifi, Joplln tomato aalad,
wafer crackera, ratlin puff.
Jutlenne aoup, pan-broiled
lamb chopa, baked potatoea,
Templeton tomatoea
compote ot rlca,
Ox jolnta en caaeerole,
dinner rolls, cucumber cups,
peach shortcake, whipped
Tomato eoup, crisp r.rarkere,
wit cod ft h balls, cucumber
aalad, Boston brown bread,
coffee, oream.
Mock consomme, veal
cutlets, brown gravy, tried
potato balls, shell beans;
apple pie.
Roast'rtbs of beef, Franconl
potatoea, creamed cauli
flower, tomato salad,
coffee snonge,
Ladlee Homo Companion.
Ginger Sherbet
Four cupfula water, one cupful
augar, one-third cupful lemon juice,
quarter pound Canton ginger, half
cupful orange juice.
Chop ginger into very small bitt
and boil for fifteen minutes with
sugar and water. Add fruit juices,
cool and strain. Freeze in usual man-
Will bay
You a Piano at Our Big
Many BiouttotnBl BtargBtee In New
aot SataiXty Vi Upright
Pnuot to Select Froov
The Jitney Plan
let Week Pay bowa....$ .Ot
M Week Pay Down 10
Id Week Pay Down K
4th Week Pay Down 40
6th Week Pay Down M
6th Week Par Dowb.... l.oo
Thaa pay SI M per mat or
Ot.M per month tloaraaftar
aotU Ptaao at pM for.
Call Todar and Make
Toar Selection.
Ml IKMglat 8k
TeiapaMM IrvagUt 188.
midable as it presents itself to our
Mark Twain knew a man who lived
by laying ghosts or, perhapt, I
should say, presumed ghosts. He
took to the ghost-laying line "by
persuasion of his wife,' declared
Mark Twain.
The fact was, not' being particular
ly happy with that lady he hit upon
the idea when a house was for sale,
tenanted according to popular repute
by a frightful ghost to buy it as a
bargain. His wife would never oc
cupy the house, and he was prepared,
in pursuit of peace and happiness, to
take the house with the ghost to liv
ing anywhere else with his wife.
, His boldness in facing this spectre
got him a reputation. Then the atory
spread of how he had actually met
the ghost and the apparition had been
utterly worsted in the encounter. So
people sought him to come and lay
ghosts on their premises, and he did
quite a profitable business. Having
made a fortune he retired and, being
no longer dependent upon ghosts for
a living, he now and again spoke verjj
contemptuously of "the whole breed '
in confidence to Mark Twain.
In a time of emergency one needs
"temporary expedients" what will
suffice for the occasion. "It's only
for a time." I find a good number of
people who want to make a perma
nent job of dealing with a difficulty
that will necessarily, ill time, remove
itself. They are like a man with whom
Archibald Korbes once found him
self in a boat in the middle of an Irish
lake. The boat was an old dilapi
dated craft and suddenly developed a
startling hole in the bottom, through
which the water poured in such fash
ion as extinguished all hope of their
ever reaching the bank unless "some
thing was done."
Forbes' companion thereupon pro
ceeded to explain all that was needed
to make the boat perfect. If he only
had some proper wood there, a ham
mer, nails and everything would be
right. But the boat was sinking.
Forbes took off his coat and stuffed
it into the hole. It was all that was
needed to save them. They had time
to reach the bank.
In the temporary trouble one wants
to "see oneself through it." It is
probably as much as one can do. Ur
gency forbids one striving to combat
it in the most perfect and permanent
fashion posible. It is hard, perhaps,
to reconcile oneself to a makeshift.
But it may be all that is possible at
the time.
62 1 Residents of Nebraska
registeredat Hotel Astor
during the past year.
1000 Rooms. 700 with Bath.
A cuisine which has made
the Astor New York's leading
Banqueting place.
Single Rooms, without bath, fxjoo to
Doubla . 3.00 to 44
Single Roomi, with bath, 3.00 to 6-oe
DouMe . . 4.0010 yxm
Parlor, Badroeca mi bath, ftoMtefsad
At Broadway, 44th to 45th Stzeeca the center of New York's social
and business activitie. In dote pcoxjmitw to alt railway terminal.
1 WrmttmwimmHntwimin.nnmimnuiiiniiKiiiiti
A good habit cannot be formed
too early start the children on
Dental Cream
A JtanaM ffrMtaf OanrlMao
' Sand 2c stamp for ganarooa anmpla of oithor Dr. Lyon't
Parfact Dtntal Cream or Tooth Powdat.
I. W.Ly5ow,Ic,577 W. 274 St, N. Y. City
Weak Fish Larded
This method of baking Ash will be
found quite easy, rendering the fish
very palatable. ,
Cleanse and wash the fish in cold
water, then drain it and dry thorough
ly with clean cloth; put in the stuf
fing, sew up the opening with a truss
ing needle and lard the tides of the
Bin with lardons-of fat salt pork;
trim these evenly -with a pair of scis
sors. Larding is easily done and
much improves the flavor of fish or
meat The larding needle which
can be bought for 5 centl at any
hardware store holding a lardon it
preated through the turface of the
meat ao as to appear ornamental; the
stitches should, be taken at regular
intervals. Draw the fish; into . the
shape of the letter "S" by running a
cord through the tail and middle of
the body tie the cord firmly. It is
better to have the fish . in an upright
position in order to cook evenly.
Dredge the fish with salt and pepper
and lay it on slices of larding pork
in a large, flat baking pan; baste fre
quently with the gravy that flows
from the fish. Garnish with cut lem
on and parsley.
Will Take Off
All Excess Fat
Do you know that thcr it a simple, harm
fcw effective remedy for everiatneai that
r be used wfely and lecretty by any
nan or worn mi who ia loting the alimtusi
I youth?
There 1st and It la none other than the
tablet form of tha now famous Marmola
Prescription, known jss Msrraola Prescrip
tion Tablets. You can well expect a reduc
tion of from two to four pounds a week
without dietinr or xerciung. Marmola
Prescription Tablets are sold by all druggitts
at 76c for a large case, or if you prefer you
can order direct trom the Uarmola Co..
' S6t Woodward Ave., Detroit, Mich.
wond.rfdftyM Soap
A tor and Get
36 hp faff Bool frtt
lawsr MaMON avciwr wm(Ca
The Baby Food
Always Safe
There's sickness for your
baby in old milk there's
trouble for you in sour milk.
Summer complaint comes
nearly always from rawcow's
milk and summer com
plaint carries off more ba
bies than any other cause.
There are only two ways
to keep your Mby safe and
well this summer. One is to nurse him yourself. Your
milk can't sour or spoil or carry germs. The second way
is to give him
(A Compltte Food-Not a M3k Modifier)
Naatle't a aafa, bocausa you add
only watar and it ia ready.
Where one mother used Nastl6'a
avan yaara ago Ave uae it today.
Aa the "Batter Babias" movement
mart, to also growl the uae of
Naatle't la the milk of healthy
eoara in clean dairiaa. The parte
too heavy for your baby are modi
led thote things your baby needa
that are not. in cow's milk are
added. Raducad to a powder,
packed in air-tight cant, 00 (arm
or aicknaaa can gat near It. You
add only froth water, and too
may know that you are giving
your baby health and atrtngthin
each bottle of Nestli'e Food.
Sana tha coo port Jbr a FRBB Triml
Pttmf of 12 laorf infa and a too atoat
eaaioa r apaetatfata.
204 WeaWtk BaJidaas. Now Yavlt
Plaana eond no FRBB your book aad
trial pacnag a.
Clt7. l,M4tM,ltlMHNHHa