Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 17, 1916, Page 5, Image 5

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Brief City News
ToWBSond's for Sporting flood!."
RftTO Boot Print II N.w Boacon Pwos.
ElMtrlo Pan $1.50 Burfaoi-Orandrn Co.
Ball Karat Whlto Diamond! S7J Kdholm.
Good Crops Are Assured Now l
the time to secure office quarters. See
the Bee Building the building that is
Known to all.
"Todav'n Mnvln TVfurrnm. class).
fled section today. It appears In The
Bee exclusively. Find out what the
various moving picture meaters ouor.
Gordon Visits Omaha J. A. Gor
don, general manager of the Great
Western, with headquarters in Chi
cago, arrived in Omaha aDoara a apo
dal car for an Inspection of the com
pany's Interests here. v
Take a day off and go to the home
coming or tne oia resiaenio ui
braska City, Friday, August 18. Ev.
erybody Invited and good time prom
id. Snnctal coaches from Union sta
tion 6:10 a. m. Return 8:80 p. m. via
Missouri Pacific. See the committee.
Through Sleeping Car, Omaha-Sioux
Falls, Chicago & Northwestern Line.
Through Pullman sleeping car service
leaving Omaha dally 9:05 p. m., ar
riving Sioux Falls 7:00 a. m. Leaving
Sioux Falls 10:15 p. m., arriving
Omaha 7:31 a. m. Ticket office 1401
Farnam street. Tel. Douglas 2740.
Warmer Again Watermelons going
fine, another car just in. guaranteed
ripe, l2c lb., not guaranteed, lc lb.
California lemons, dos. 18c, 20c, 29c,
!8o. great for pies. Try "Queen of
the tub soap" a dandy white bar, 8
for 28c. "Big Smoke" sardines are
fine for luncheon, can 6c, 3 for 13c.
Comb honey 18c. Queen olives, pt.
17c, atany of the Basket stores.
Social Thursday Evening An Ice
cream social will be given by the
Young People's league of St. John's
German Evangelical church on tne
church lawn at Twenty-Iourtn and
Vinton streets on Thursday evening.
The league is going to purchase a pipe
organ for the church and the proceeds
of the social win oe piacea in ine
fund that is being created for that
Plestina Must Put
Fixings to Danish
Champion in Hurry
Marin Plestina, the big Omaha
wrestler, who has signed to tangle
with Harold Christensen, the Danish
champion, at the Brandeis theater
August 24, has contracted to throw
Christensen twice in an hour on a
winner-take-all basis.
Plestina has undertaken considera
ble task and it will enable Omaha
mat fans to get a line on the prow
ess of the big Austrian who has been
disturbing the wrestling sea of late
by hurling challenges at Stecher,
Strangler Lewis, Earl Caddock and
all the rest of the top-notchers.
Justice Kubat Meets Negro
Friend of Many Years Ago
C. H. Kubat, justice of the peace, at
the close of a session of his court,
made this announcement:
"One block over to the right to the
Grand hotel; the best hotel in town."
The words were meaningless except
to a venerable negro who sat in a
corner of the court room. The ne
gro was John B. Showers, 86 years
of age.
Showers' face beamed with enthu
siasm when he ha I time to allow his
memory to respond to the words of
' the justice.
"Ah surely knows dat you hab been
in Cedar Rapids, foh dere it was moah
dan thirty years ago ah said dem
very words:
"'One block over to the right to
the Grand hotel; the best hotel in
town.' "
The justice and the negro compared
notes and renewed old acquaintance at
Cedar Rapids, la., where both lived
many years ago. Mr. Kubat had not
seen Showers for thirty years. Show
ers settled in the Iowa town fifty
years ago and was a well-known char
acter. The negro was in the justice court
as plaintiff in a suit wherein he was
allowed $6 on a claim for wages. He
was represented by Attorney McGuire
of the legal aid department of the
Welfare board.
Porter Shot Through Breast
Is Held to District Court
Glenn Grove, the 21-year-old por
ter at the ller-Grand hotel barber
shop who was shot through the right
breast last Friday evening by Police
Officer Joe Baughman, who says
Grover was trying to hold him up at
the point of a revolver, had his pre
liminary hearing in police court and
was bound over to the district court
under a $1,000 bond on the charge of
assault with intent to rob.
In the police court were Clarence
Grove, a brother, and Robert Grove,
his father from Evansville, Kan.,
where, he is one of the big potato
growers of the state. The father
says that the boy could have had no
necessity for robbing anyone, as he
had repeatedly offered to send him
money if he ran short, and another
brother in the city would have .been
glad to- have loaned Glenn money
had he been in need. The elder
Grove said he would arrange for
bond this afternoon".
Greeks Say Their Club
Nonpartisan in Politics
The Demothenes club, a local or
ganization of Greeks, are anxious to
make it known that their body has
no affiliation with the recently formed
partisan Greek political club, whose
announcement of organization was
published several days ago. The presi
dent of the Demothenes club says,
"Our number is made up of the lead
ing Greeks of the community, who, so
far, have not become thoroughly ac
quainted with either party and will
therefor vote nonpartisan. We of this
club are for the best interests of the
state and community and are not
bound to any clique or set in the po
litical field."
"Jim" Wootan Seriously Sick;
Pleurisy With Complications
Word comes from Chicago that
James B. Wootan, formerly of The
Bee stair, is seriously sick at his home
in Evanston. He was in Nebraska
on business early in July and suffered
then an attack of pleurisy, contracted
at Beatrice. On returning to his
home complications set in and he has
been in bed for several weeks. He is
now improving and it is thought he
will soon be at his desk again.
Distressing Cong-b Cured.
Dr. Kins'! New Discovery not onlr stops
your cough, but harden! your lyitetn
acalnit colds; kill! tho serais. All drug--fUto.
Council Grants Company Per
mit to Lay Conduit After
Work is Already Started.
The city commissioners find the
electric light situation a hard problem
to solve. The latest phase of the
question refers to conduits. Among
the pending features are: A suit re
lating to franchise rights to distribute
current for light and power purposes,
municipal plant and improvement of
street lighting.
The Omaha Electric Light and
Power company fs just now laying a
conduit along the curb on the south
side of Farnam street, Twentieth to
Twenty-fourth streets, preliminary to
repaving. At an executive session of
the council, the commissioners de
cided to grant the company a permit,
although it is said the work was
started before a permit was asked. It
is understood this new conduit exten
sion is for, the particular use of the
proposed new ornamental lighting
system along Farnam street.
Reserve Space for City.
Commissioner Butler stated he will
on Thursday morning offer a resolu
tion to require that space be reserved
for the use of the city in all conduits
hereafter laid.
On March 8. 1902, the city council
passed an ordinance requiring that on
and after 'October 1, 1905, electric
current wires would be required to be
placed in conduits within the follow
ing district: Eighth street,-Capitol
avenue to Leavenworth; west to
Thirteenth, thence south to Jackson,
west on Jackson to Eighteenth and
north on Eighteenth to Capitol ave
nue. That ordinance was not modi
fied. The light company, however,
has gone beyond those limits of its
own volition and recently made an
extension on West Leavenworth
Prepares New Ordinance.
Corporation Counsel Lambert has
prepared for introduction Thursday
morning an ordinance which provides
that the city may issue permits tor
conduits for distribution of electric
current in any district or districts be
yond the limits defined in the old or
dinance. Under the proposed new
ordinance the city reserves the right
to revoke the permits at any time and
reserves the right to use any portion
of the streets for drains, pipes, sewers,
conduits or subways. Provision also
is made that the city shall have charge
of restoration of the surface of streets
into which conduits may be laid. One
clause stipulates that these permits
for conduits shall in no way effect
franchises or franchise rights.
Another provision is that these con
duit permits may be issued only to
companies already holding a lawful
right to operate.
Gasoline Prices ,
May Take Drop Here
Following the announcement of a
raise in ice cream comes the com
pensatory news that gasoline has
gone down in Chicago and Iowa.
The price of gasoline in Chicago
has been reduced 1 cent a gallon to
dealers, the price being 7l2 cents.
Manaeer Richardson of the Stand
ard Oil company here declared he
had not yet received the news and
was unable to state when the price
would be reduced in Omaha.
The manager 6f another large local
gasoline concern made this state
ment: "I expect gasoline will drop
I cent a gallon in Omaha on Thurs
day, or during the last of the week."
Babies Grow Fat
On Milk Bought by
The Bee's Fund
An 11-monht-old infant at Thirty
second and Burt streets increased in
weight from nine and one-half
pounds to sixteen pounds since the
establishment of the Visiting Nurse
association baby stations and the milk
and ice fund of The Bee at the be
ginning of the summer.
The mother is Mrs. Mary Wittuski,
living at 3201 Burt street.
Report of this case was made at a
meeting of the association in the city
hall. The weights given are exact
and show the possibdities of proper
care of babies in the summer time.
The mother of the infant had neaily
given up in despair when a nurse vis
ited the home and drew upon The
Bee's fund. The nurse also gave di
rections for bathing, clothing and
feeding. The child is getting along
splendidly and is in the best of health
at this time.
The baby stations have cared for
121 infants this season.
"You cannot estimate the amount
of good that has been done this sum
mer through the milk and ice fund.
It cannot be estimated in dollars and
cents." said a nurse at the Visiting
Nurse association's headquarters.
The association attended forty-one
maternity cases during the month
ending August IS.
Minneapolis to Send Fifty
To Credit Men's Convention
In the neighborhood of fifty credit
men from Minneapolis will come to
Omaha over the Chicago Great West,
em to attend the annual convention
of the National Credit Men's associa
tion here August 21' to 21, inclusive.
Passenger Agents Are Busy
Answering Questions But
Autoist Rolls Along.
The railroad strike situation is al
ready exerting iu influence upon pas
sengcr traffic, local lii'tct agents
While city folks like to lie far. far
from the maddening crowd when
they know that they can scurry back
to the apartment house zone in I
night or so, it's a much different mat
ter in the light of a possible tie-up of
the country's transportation facilities.
Reservations for tickeis lo vacation
places are being canceled daily, rail
road passenger men report. Also,
many who have planned trips are al
most daily visitors at the city passen
ger offices to inquire "if llicy'd he
stranded some place it uu-y made
their trip at this tune.'
As the ticket agents are in no wise
better informed than anyone else on
the strike situation, the obvious reply
is that "they can't give guarantees
with tickets that a railroad tie-up
wouldn t leave them stranded high
and dry in some out-of-the-way vaca
tion spot.
Some Hurry Home.
The seriousness of the situation is
causing vacationists in large num
bers to hurry hack to their home
towns before the "choo choos" them
selves take an enforced vacation.
The national vacation places in the
west are reporting that erstwhile
11017 1 CURED
Without Apparatus, Inhalers, Salves,
Lotions, Harmful Drugs, Smoke
or Electricity.
Heals Day and Right
It ii ft new way. It is something absolutely
different. No lotions, Bprays o sickly smell
ing salves or creams. No atomizer, or any
apparatus of any kind. Nothing to smoke or
inhale. No steaming or nibbing or injections.
No electricity or vibration or massage. No
powder; no piasters ; no keeping in the
house. Nothing of that kind at all. Some-
Get Our Estimates on Furniture Repairing.
U ffilra nB9atH a II a insist fn),
MIP at mm u
Omaha Home Furnishing Headquarters
Save 10 to 50
by taking advantage of the
Beaton & Laier
Expansion Sale
A sale that discounts everything (two contract
lines excepted) in one of the best assorted stocks
of reliable new furniture, rugs, draperies, stoves,
etc., in the entire middle west.
You don't need to pay all cash to profit by this sale.
tmng new and different, omeihuiK delight-
ful and healthful: something instantly suc
cessful. You do not have to wait and linger
and pay out a lot of money. You can stop it
over night and 1 will gladly tell you how
FREE, I am not a doctor and this la not a
so-called doctor's prescription but I am
cured and my friendB are cured, and you
can be cured. Your suffering will stop at
once like magic.
I Am Free You Can Be Free
My catarrh waa filthy and loathsome. H made me
I. It liiiilad mv mind. 'It undermined mr health
and waa weakening my will. The hawktrt. coufbtnjt,
spitting made me obnoxious to all, and my foul
breath and dinguntinn habits mailt! even my loved
nun avoid me secretly. My delight hi life was
dulled and my faculties impaired. I knew that In
time It would bring me to an untimely grave, be
cause every moment of the day and night It was
lowly yet surely satming my vitality.
But I found cure, and I am ready to tell you
about It FREE. Writ me promptly.
Send no money. Just reur name and address on a
nnatal card. Hav: "Dear Sam Kitr. Please tell me
bow you cured your catarrh and how I can cure
mine." That's all you need to y. I will unrfenitand,
and I will write to you wltb complete information.
FUSE, at onne. Do not delay, Bend postal card or
write me a letter today. Don't think of turning this
page until you hats ailed for this wonderful treat
ment that can do for you what it has done for me.
2909 Indiana Avanua. Chicago, ILL
Classy Bedroom Furniture
in Unrivaled Variety
Reduced 10 to lA
Not a few "close-outs" and odds and ends,
but one of the best assorted stocks in the middle
west to choose from at these unprecedented re
ductions. Note These Example Choosings
From Hundreds of Like Values.
Sale Price
$118.50 Hand Carved Mahogany Four Potter Bed $68.00
2152.00 Hand Carved Mahogany Colonial Dreiser
to match $87.00
$140.00 Hand Carved Mahogany Colonial Chiffonier
to match, for only $81.50
$95.00 Ivory Chiffonier with plate glass top $47.50
$27,50 Ivory Princess Dreiser, Adam design $18.50
$84.00 White Enamel Dreiser with plate glass top $49.75
$78.00 Chiffonier to match $48.75
$42.00 Desk to match $25.00
$18.50 Cane Seat Chair to match $10.00
$70.00 Circassian Walnut Bed, full size $39.75
$30.00 Mahogany Four Poster Bed, full size $19.00
$69.50 Tuna Mahogany Chiffonier $39.50
$38.00 Mahogany Four Poster Bed, full size $22.00
$12.50 Sheraton Mahogany denim seat bedroom Rocker $ 6.75
$16.75 Colonial mahogany rush seat Chair $10.00
$26.00 Bird's Eye Mapla Dressing table $16.00
$52.00 Colonial Mahogany Cheval Mirror $35.00
Thousands of Dollars' Worth
of Superb New
Dining Room Furniture
Living Room Furniture
Also Reduced 10 to 50
Open a Charge Account and Welcome.
recreation seekers are seeking the
nearest railroad stations with the
idea of getting "back home" as soon
as possible.
Meanwhile the motorist, with the
price of a lew gallons oi Mr. Rocke
tellow's dividend-maker available, is
vacationing with a care-free mind
and remarking that "he should
City Approves Assessment
Against Property Ownrs
The city council, silling as a board
of equalization, voted to approve the
plan of assessment covering curb and
gutter on Florence boulevard. Grand
avenue to north city limits, in the
sum of $12,M.54. I'rotests of prop
erty owners were overruled. Pro
tectants maintained tb.1 city was
morally bound not to assess the cot
of this improvement against the abut
ting property.
Northwest .Crops to be
Better Than Expected
"The harvest as a whole in territory
served by the Chicago. Milwaukee &
St. Paul railway is considerably larger
and of hetler grade than was expect
ed a short time ago," said an official
today. "While the wheat crop in
parts of Minnesota and the Dakotas
will he light, encouraging reports are
coming in from territory west of the
Missouri river, especially the Galla
tin valley. Musselshell valley and the
Judith basin and from Idaho and
Start to Register Pupils
At South High Next W::k
Pupils intending to enter Soutl.
High school in September may regis
ter next week at the school building,
where Kdward Huwadlt, the nev.
principal, will be in attendance.
Seniors and juniors may register on
Monday and Tuesday, sophomores on
Wednesday and fres!imcn on Thursday.
(.:.. tUH i
( 'heap nhstltiitf(OHtjrOU8arn price
Indigestion. Onepackag'
proves it 25c at all druggists. 1 j
! Store Hour: 8:30 A. M. to 8 P. M. Saturday Till 6 P. M.
Burgess-Mash Company
Phone Doug. 137".
!"!EYERYBODT,s store"
Wednesday, August 16, 1916. STORE NEWS TlM THURSDAY.
The Misses' Store
Always First to Show the Newest Ideas
In Apparel For the College and School Miss
For the Girl 6 to 14 years
For the Junior 13 to 17 yean
For the Misses 14 to 20 years
SCHOOL and College time will soon be here, when a plentiful
supply of dresses, shoes, blouses, etc., for the young Miss
will be imperative and we know of no better place to equip the
school wardrobe than here at Burgess-Nash. New Fall models
now ondisplay.
One-Piece "College Suit Dress"
Exactly as Illustrated, $17.50
THIS is one of the most popular and becoming: frocks of the season.
Fastened in front; has stunning back with pleats to correspond with
pleats in front. Rolling collar with silk tie. Full pleated skirt. Material
is fine quality navy serge. Sites 14 to 20 years.
For Young Daughters
The "Drezwellsley" Dress, $19.50
THIS fascinating model was featured in the last issue of "Vogue" and is
called "Drezwellsley," which simply means that it is about the nicest
thing imaginable for young girls. High waisted, with long swinging lines for
active girls. Made of French serge, pleated effects, with belt and pockets,
and white pique collars.
This same style dress in taffeta, at $29.50.
Misses' 'College Suit, $25.00
A suit that has a style-individuality all its own, combining youth and
grace with general good looks. Made of fine poplin, in navy, brown and
green. Pockets, belt, bone buttons and velvet collar are the style touches.
' NOTEi These models, are on display
at Burgess-Nash exclusively. i
BurgttS'Nash Co. Second Fleer.
Trunks and Bags Built to Withstand
the Wear and Tear of College Days
THE most popular vacation, college or school trunk now-a-days is the Hartman Ward-
-- robe trunk. It stands erect in your room, iou uniocK ir ana taKe out
your clothes un wrinkled, unrumpled, ready to put on, ready to wear, v
Hartman Wardrobe Trunk, $27.50
Fully equipped, fibre covering over cold rolled steel frame,
reinforced throughout.
Other wardrobe trunks, to $125.00.
$17.50 Steamer Trunk, $10.95
REINFORCED throughout, 8-ounce army canvas covering,
3-ply veneer wood, all sides and ends rounded and rein
forced (the Hartman way), to withstand many hard knocks.
Dress and steamer trunks, $3.95 to $125.00.
Walrus Traveling Bags, $7.95
Genuine Walrus traveling bag, 17 or 18-inch size,
leather lined, has trimmings, reinforced corners, good
lock. An exceptional value at $7.95.
Bags and Suit Cases, from $4.95 to $60.00.
Burgsss-Nssh Cp. Fourth Floor.
A Rousing Sale of Women's
Including Values to $6.00, Choice, 98c
WE have an accumulation of women s high grade pumps
and oxfords in sizes 212. 3, 8V2 and 4, in B, C, and D
widths, that we have assembled in one big group for quick
clearaway Thursday. If your size and width is here, this is
the "shoe event" of the season for you.
Women's Patent and Dull
Kid Pumps and Oxfords
Were $3, $4, $5 and $6, at
Of Particular Interest
For Infants, Children and Misses
A clearaway of ankle ties and 'strap pumps in patent,
gun metal and kidskin. Sizes from Qf
infants' 2 to Misses' size 1 ; were $1.25 rSM tf
Bur,..l-N..h Co Don Sulr. Store. $1.50 to $2.50 choice . .
More Extraordinary Value Enter The Third Annual
ale of Blankets
Affording Money-Saving Possibilities of 33 1-3
Tf AVE you attended this August Sale of blankets? A really remark
1 able offering of blankets at specially low prices, considering the
advancing market prices. The patterns, quality and workmanship are
of the highest standard the sizes are those most in demand. Price
concessions on large quantities and orders placed months ago, allow for
the substantial saving of 33 13 . -$6.50
Blankets, $4.75 Pair
THE celebrated St. Mary's wool blankets and Kentucky wool blank-,
ets, all the attractive color combinations in pretty plaids, full
bed size.
$10.00 Blankets, $6.98 Pair
Fine California, Ohio and Amana So
ciety all-wool blankets, white with colored
$5.00 Jacquard Blankets, $3.50
Attractive designs in various color com
binations, full double bed size, special, at,
pair, $3.50.
$2.50 Wool Finish Blankets, $1.69
In gray, tan and fancy colored checks,
all are double bed size and nicely finished..
$1.50 Blanket Sheets, 98c
Large assortment black check and blue,
gray, pink and tan; regularly $1.50, each,
at 98c.
These items listed are only partial list of the many unusual values you will
find here Thursday. Burt--,-.-Njh Co. Dm stiim Ssr
iBurgescNath Co. Everybody's Store 16th and Harney StraataEgf