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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 17, 1916)
THE BEE: OMAHA, THURSDAY, AUGUST 17, 1916. THE OMAHA DAILY BEE FOUNDED BY EDWARD ROSEWATER VICTORROSEWATER, EDITOR THE BEE PUBLISHING COMPANY, PROPRIETOR. Enter at Omeka poetofflco aa eecond-tlan matter. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. flsily and Sunday Dally without Sunder... EvMitaiK and Sunday...! Evenlnc without Sunday Br Carrier par month (He si. 40. lit 20c. By Man par year. . ...M.oa .. .so 4.04 100 nunday Be only avo,... Dally and Sunday Baa, three yean In advance, 110.00. 8end notice of than, of addreaa or irremlarity in a.r livery to umana Bee, uircuiation uepartni.nt. REMITTANCE. Remit by draft, express or postal order. Only 2 -cent lUnpa uken In payment of email accounte. Personal eheeke. eieept on Omaha and ea.texn eachame, not aeoaptaa. OFFICES. Omaha The Bee Bulldmv. " South Omaha Silt N atraai. Council Bluffa 14 North Mala street. Lincoln I! I Little Buildtna. C'.iicaeo til People's Gaa Bufldmc. New York Room SOS, 284 Filth avenue. St. Louie 001 New Bank of Commerce. Waahlnston 7It Fourteenth .trees, N. W. CORRESPONDENCE. Addreaa communication relating to news and editorial matter tc Omaha Baa, Editorial Department JULY CIRCULATION. 57,569 Daily Sunday 52,382 Dwiiht Williams, afrctdatiom manner of The Be , Publishing company, koine duly sworn, says that the averaie circulation .for the month ei July, 11. waa ?,46 daily and it.lll Sunday. , D WIGHT WILLIAMS. Circulation Manaier. Subscribed in my presence and sworn to befo- m this Id day of Aaiust, Kit. .... ' ROBERT HUNTER, Notary PuMia. Sabaeribert leaving tba ity temporarily .' should Bar. Tbo Bea malWd to thecn. A4 V draaa trill bo cheated aa fta as raqnastael. 5 It's a safe bet that the threatened railroad strike will be aide-tracked. , Possibly the bear' marathon draws susten ! ance from the prospect of a feast of Lemberg-er. A challenge for a Kansas-Nebraska debate - with Governor Capper would be the proper caper for Governor Morehead. The water board boasts a net laving of 35 per cent in the fuel cost of pumpage. All right, let'i : have another slash in the water rate. ; - Georgia has just passed a law, after years of unsuccessful effort, to permit women to practice ' law. Georgia is a typical democratic state. It is not so much a scarcity of men and ma ' terials that . delays paving jobs. The reduced quantity of expected fat induces hesitation and inertia. - Despite their knocks on the porkish tenden cies of inland cities, it is confidently expeeted the navy yard towns will take the money for local Improvements. Aa this is the open season for political fence ; mending, the Kansas congressman who demands f an investigation of the packera is right on the job with popular timber. r ., Why bother further now that Art Mullen has assured the democratic national committee that Nebraska will go democratic by not less than 20,000? It's all over but the salaaming to Mullen. If pur, city authorities want to exercise a real leverage upon recalcitrant public works contract ors, they might establish a black list of contract ors barred from consideration for future jobs. That would make them sit up and take notice! , But the attendance In Omaha's public schools is supposed to Increase at the asm rate as the in crease in population, which wa 2 per cent a year during the lait census decade, and the school growth ha not exceeded thit appreciably on the average. Y-""" ..'"'..I.'".' Joy- radiates from the mahogany of Josephu and a naval fleet of imposing sire maneuver in the offing of hi imagery, . Experts mock and critics criticise, but Joe Daniel waver not in hi confident belief that' he is a born admiral lnJ civilian togs. ,;! I., It is definitely decided that President Wilson will not make a "stumping" tour, but that is no reason why he should not accept the Invitation to participate in the Nebraska semi-centennial pro gram at Omaha, If he want to, and work in a little politic a a aide line. -' - . The fall of Gorilla, aa the Italian call the Austrian city recently captured, brings a series of confusing spell to war new reader. Some map maker spell it Gorix and Gortza, and die patches range from Goritzia, Gortsa to Gorilla. A suapention of the shooting in the city is needed to get the name on straight. Notes From Many Lands Hotel bar throughout Australia ar now closed at 6 p. m. Since the beginning of the war the cost of liv ing in Australia ha increased 34 per cent. Wages of miner in Wale have increased more than' SO per cent since the beginning of the war. New South Wale, according to a report issued by its chief secretary, has contributed a total of nearly $12,000,000 to the various war relief funds. After yeara of negotiation Russia and Sweden have agreed to link up their railway system by a bridge over the Tornea, at the extreme north of the Baltic The growing support of the scheme for a tun nel under the English channel to connect England and France haa led to a revival of the similar projects for linking England and Ireland. . It is just eighty year aince Canada' first rait way was opened. It was but a modest affair, six teen' miles in length, running between La Prairie on the St La wren oe and St John's on the Richelieu. ;. - ; With the object, apparently, of furthering pro paganda of the new German peace committee, a new agency has been founded in Berlin rejoicing in the title of Deutchenachrichtenverkehrage ellschaft' ' The Cieeh language, the official use of which has been suppressed by an imperial Austrian de cree, is the richest and most developed, but at the same time the harshest and strongest (owing to its abounding in consonants) of the Slavonic tongue. A Belgian postoffice ha been established at Le Havre. France, whence lettera are addressed with .Belgian stamps, which are in great request among tamp collectors, because of the legal postmark of a French town on s foreign stamp, which is quite out of the ordinary. . An Interesting German association of the pros- fective new American possessions in the West ndies is that the ialand of St Thomas wa for a time, at the end of the seventeenth century, con trolled by the Brandenburg company, of which the elector ei oranaenourg waa the cnief director. Plana for the New Navy. Experience teaches a dear school, and the democrats have therein learned a valuable, but costly, leason in regard to the needs of the navy. While approving the general scope of the plan endorsed by congress for a construction pro gram, it is neither captious nor partisan to point out that the belated activity along this line will cost the United States a considerable sum. In the first place, the naval program could not have been carried through without the active assist ance and support of the republicans in congress. That this great program of construction is un avoidable at this time is due to democratic op position in the past. That party has' been in control of the house for the last five years, and has in that time absolutely refused to make the appropriations needed for the conservative in crease in the navy recommended. The presi dent's party is solely responsible for the decline of the navy from second to fourth place, and for the predicament that now is to be remedied by building ships with material at its highest cost. Plans are not yet complete, and the report from Washington indicate that democratic re luctance to do a thorough job is likely to leave much to be attended to in the future. The house resists appropriations' for the improvements of navy yards, an imperative necessity. On the Pa cific coast the United States has but one naval base that will accommodate a first-class battle ship, and it is entered under the British gun at Esquimaultm On the Atlantic coast the situation is also very bad. Provision must be made for caring for the tremendous dreadnaughts, but the majority party in congress hesitates to set aside the money needed. The work is at last begun, though, and an efficient navy will in time be provided for, as the republican party is not likely to permit this es sential of national defense to languish as did the democrats. What the Free Milk and Ice Has Done. One baby haa gained seven and one half pound in weight in a month, and' has been changed from a puny, atruggling mite with the chances of life against it, into a laughing, crow ing, bubbling bit of happy Humanity, whoae gurgle delights its parents, and whose smile rewards the nurse, all because free ice and milk was made available. How many times this can be dupli cated in Omshs doesn't especially matter, but it is reported from the nurse who are looking after the administration of. the fund that many babie are now thriving whose eyes might have closed on this world during the hot days just passed had it not been for this source of succor. The Bee is taking to itself no undue credit for this; it is merely passing along to the good women and men and the little folks, too, who have given to the Ice and milk fund, the confirmation of their wishes. They have done good, and happiness has been established where sorrow would have fallen if they had not intervened. "Even a cup of water to a little child" has been many times multiplied here. ' 1 Investigating Food Prices. All the way across the continent investiga tion into food price are either demanded or un der way. The feverish activity of the United State Trade commission and other agencies might deceive someone who did not know a cam paign i approaching, and' that the party in power had suddenly recalled a pledge it made four years ago and ha neglected ever since. But the price of bread and meat, and milk and eggs, and all other foods is being or to be investigated, while all sorts of combinations and associations in re straint of trade are accused of nefariously operat ing against the consumer. ' Spasmodic attempts at regulation have never brought relief to the people who pay the price. Somewhere along the line the ends meet and form a circle, Prices for steel and coat and iron and wages and everything else went up, so why expect the price of food to stand still? It is un fortunate, perhapa, but it is true, that all prices are interdependent, to such an extent that an Increase in cost of one commodity is likely to be reflected in an Increase in the cost of all. Combinations and corner undoubtedly affect price by artificial valuea, and as they Impose an unfair burden on the buyer they should be prevented; just how has not appeared, save through the dangeroua expedient of government intervention danger ous, because it end is not to be foreseen. ' As. to the value of investigations, residents of Omaha can easily recall what followed here after the thorough inquiries made by legislative com mittees three years ago. For the benefit of those who were not residents then, The Bee will restate the result of the reports and recommenda tions: Nothing. The Good Roads Situation. The decision of the district court, adverse to the validity of the county road bonds voted upon last spring, admonishes all interested in improve ment of the roads in and out of Omaha to take an inventory of the situation and get together upon the best plan of procedure. ; ' The road bonds that were submitted, received s majority of the vote recorded on the proposi tion, but arc adjudged to have fallen short of the requisite majority of the votes cast at the elec tion and, while there i possible room tor dispute on this point sufficient to go up to the court of laat resort, there is a serious question whether it is worth while to perfect the sppeal or whether the object cannot be more quickly accomplished in tome other way. ' Another road bond proposition could readily be submitted at the fall election, though not with out the same risk of carrying by a majority ahort of a majority of the totat vote. Then, too, we are sure to have enabling road improvement legis lation from the coming legislature, since all the political parties are committed to it and if state or federal aid is to be extended, there is no reason why we in Douglas county should not have a hare for our roads. Otherwise we would be helping, with our taxes, to foot the bills for road building elsewhere without sny returns of our own. :.' " i There are so many angles to th (ubject h behooves the different organisations pushing for good roads to get busy in time and concentrate their efforts along one and the same Una, ' Admiration for the British parliamentary insti tutions, while not openly expressed, undoubtedly grips the soul of the American congress. - Imagine with what keen joy the tatter would welcome the British plan of extending the life of parliament and escaping the worry and expense of an elec tion. ' iiohav Thought Nugget for the Day. A wide-spreading, hopeful disposition is your only true umbrella in this vale of tears. Thomas Bailey Aldrich. One Year Ago Today in the War. Balkan States reported busy with war prepa rations. Italians began another general assault on Austrian lines. Von Mackensen's army cut the Cholm-Brest Litovsk railway. Zeppelins again raided English east coast, kill ing ten civilians. United States accepted German offer of com pensation in Frye case. This Day in Omaha Thirty Years Ago. City Engineer Rosewater has now in his pos session plans for the basement of the new city hall. The building is to be about 120 feet square, broken into halls and corridors, closets, store rooms, together with offices for police and fire commissioner, police judge, etc. The cost is esti mated at $25,000. A train pasaed through Omaha carrying a beautiful wild horse on its way to France to be studied by Rosa Bonheur. Kuhn Bros., a couple of enterprising young men, have purchased the house furnishings and crockery store of M. Reichenberg, 1524 Douglas street. Emil Brandeis of J. L. Brandeis & Sons has returned from New York City. He was accom- anied from Chicago by his mother, who had een visiting friends in that city. A. D. Morse has left for his ranch near Ells worth, Kan. He will return in a short time with his wife, who has been summering at that place. Haverly's Minstrels at the Boyd drew the largest audience ever in the house and hundreds were turned away by Manager Boyd. After the performance a reception was given to the mem bers of the company by the Omaha lodge of Elks. Mr. A. B. Davenport was chairman of the session 'and "Pope" Gregory distinguished him self in the role of policeman. A. M. Clark has donned a new black hat, tied it with gold cord and bunches and left for the .reunion of veterans at Norfolk. This Day in History. 1808 Wellington defeated the French at bat tle of Roleia, the first action fought by the Brit ish in the Peninsula War. 1830 Charles X of France retired to England. 1840 National whig convention met at Nashville, Tenn. 1846 Commodore Stockton was proclaimed governor of California. 1863 Congress of German sovereigns met at Frankfort to reconstruct the Germanic confeder ation. 1870 Wendell Phillips was nominated for governor of Massachusetts by the prohibition party. 1889 John C Brown, noted confederate com mander and ex-governor of Tennessee, died at Red Boiling Springs, Tenn. Born in Giles county, Tennessee, January 6, 1827. 1890 Limited Kansas City express on Mis souri Pacific railroad stopped by highwaymen at Otterville, Mo., and robbed of $90,000. 1905 Norway voted in favor of a dissolution of the union with Sweden. 1915 Leo M. Frank, convicted of the murder of Mary Phagan at Atlanta, lynched by a mob near Marietta, Ga. The Day We Celebrate. Dwight N. Swobe, a well known Omaha boy, was born August 17, 1876. He is a son of Colonel Thomas Swobe and a brother of E. T. Swobe. Albert V. Dresner is just 42 yeara old. He was born in Lockham, Pa., and has been doing business in Omaha since 1900, with a branch es tablishment in Lincoln. C. B. Brown, the well known retail jeweler, is just 59 years old. He is a Hoosies and an old time watchmaker, for many years with Raymond and for many more years on his own account. Bradley M. Smith, clerk for the Burlington, is 35. He was born in Council Bluffs and edu cated in the Omaha public schools. E. S. Freeman, state agent of the Agricultural Insurance company, is 46 years old today. He was born in Fort Dodge, la., and started in the insurance business in Fremont in 1897. Captain Edward W. Eberle, superintendent of the United States Naval academy, born at Denton, Tex., fifty-two years ago today. Julia Marlowe, (Mrs. E. H. Sothern), who, with her husband, has retired from the stage, born in Cumberlandshire, England, forty-six years ago today. Grace Green Roosevelt, daughter of Theodore Roosevelt, jr., and granddaughter of the former president born in New York City five years ago today. Dr. Joseph W. Maude, president of Hillsdale (Mich.) college, born in Cheshire, O., sixty-four years ago today. Robert W. Broussard, United States senator from Louisiana, born near New Iberia, La., fifty two years ago today, ' Richmond P. Hobson, former naval officer and late congressman from Alabama, author of the so-called Hobson prohibition amendment, born at Greensboro, Ala., forty-six years ago today. Sir Francis Bertie, British ambassador at Paris since 1905, bom seventy-two years ago today. Timely Jottings snd Reminders. Charles E. Hughes, republican presidential nominee, 'is scheduled to leave Portland, Ore., this morning for San Francisco, where he is to speak tomorrow night All persons of the given name of John have been invited to attend the annual reunion of Johns to be held today at Riverside park, near Muncie, Ind. i The Nebraska State Saengerfeat is to open at Grand Island today and will continue through the remainder of the week. Abram I. Elkua, the new United States am bassador to Turkey, is booked to sail from New York today on the steamship Oscar II, enroute to Constantinople. . The annual convention of Seventh Day Ad ventists is to begin a ten-day session today at Dayton, O. Medical experts and public health officials from all parts of the country sre to meet in Washington today to discuss meana for prevent ing a further spread of infantile paralysis. The first no-hit game, no player' reaching first base, in the history of the great American base ball game, was played at Ionia, Mich., forty year ago today, when the feat was accomplished by James Galvin of the St Louis Reds, pitching in a game againat the Case club of Detroit Stprrette of the Day. The minister had to leave home on a long preaching tour. Just before leaving he called his family around him to say good-by. When he came to Bobby he said: "Old man, I want you to be a good boy and take care of your mother." . Bobby promised. All day long he looked pre ternaturally grave under the heavy responsibility thus suddenly assumed. When night came and he was called to his prayers the young guardian aaid: "Oh, Lord, bless father, and brother Tom, and sister Alice, and Aunt May, and the little Jones boys, and me, but you needn't trouble about moth er, for I am going to look after her." Chicago Herald. Deception Practiced on Laborers. Oelwein. la., Au,. H.-T. th. EdtU t Bee: The existing condition in th. Oelwein railroad shops are not quit, as "Presented by th. .mployment aaencie. in Omaha. Thera wa. twenty-"., of us In all. paid our 11 for a lonr Sunday nleht rid. to Oelwein. When w. arrived here thera was a great demand for our labor, but In.toad of getting from SI to 41 cents per hour, we were assigned to our different depsrtmento on a wag. scale ringUg from 17 nt. to 21 cent, per hour on eight snd nine-noor shifts, with a privilege of putting In overtim. and Sun days. It appears to me that such shipping would be stopped, as I baltev. Omaha haa plenty of work for all Ita men In.toad of shipping them to this community to work on starvation wages. So. men, take heed jid stay home. ' TWO OF THE CHUMPS. p s Ai long as there isn't no railroad strike and the tide door Pullman runs, wa will aoon be back. Tariff a Solution for Economic Diaaalara. San Francisco, Aug. U To tht Editor of The Bee: In tht competitive arena we And by Investigation that the cost of production alwari govtnu the eoet of living, and to compete with a nation or an individual who has a cheaper method of production than hie competitor, the reeult is the competitor must come to the level of the cheaper producer, or retire from competition, or per ee through legislation force his competitor by tariff or otherwise from his, the first named, from the letter's market. If he fails in this, the cheaper producer takes possession of the market, and as a se quence destroys the worker of the power not only 'to produce, but the power to purchase for if one cannot produce he cannot pur chase. Result : Factories close ; workmen idle, fi nancial distress, and the first and last analy sis is demonstrated, general panic and up heaval. Let us see in a terse manner what the principle of tariff for protection against tar iff for revenue (be it high or low) signifies to the nation, workingman as well as manu facturer: Suppose it costs to produce abroad owing to the difference in the cost of living. Democratic Theory To produce a given quantity .,,,$1,00 Tariff for revenue, not more than 99 Making ocst to consumer 11.99 Republican Theory To produce a given quantity 1 1 . 00 Tariff for protection, not less than. ... 1.01 Making cost to consumer ...12.01 Thus we see that basing the figures as we do on the principle that the cost of pro duction "at home being $2 for a given quan tity, quality and all things being equal, un der the theory of "revenue," the producer abroad has the advantage on the market of 1 cent, whilst on the other hand the con sumer animated by profit unwittingly de stroys his own purchasing power by destroy ing his home market. Whilst the difference Is but t cents be tween a high tariff for revenue and a tar iff for protection, yet the result is as if there were no tariff at all (or that the theory of free trade were in force). While we have used fictitious figures for the purpose of easy comprehension, we arc certain facts will bear ua out in saying that we have granted to our friends of opposite theory, the democratic majority, the advan tage. During President Cleveland's second term of office (1892-1896) as at the present time, we had a democratic house and senate ma jority, and their Ideas or theories of tariff were put into force. The results were, the same. Wide distress, uncertainty, doubt and un employment and as a sequence all manner of excuses. It was my province to protest at that time and again to protest, as I do at this time, against a theory of economic which if continued will cause greater misery than ever. . . Let us have a senate and house firmly rooted and grounded on protection for our people. When, after the campaign of 1890, the re publican party again became the dominant party, it was impossible . to find sufficient unemployed men to form a corporal's guard, and so It continued. The slogan of the party at that time was "the full dinner pail." And though It was laughed to scorn by the so-called economists, who offered "free silver," free trade and a great deal of "free advice," yet the idle men melted away as the snow before the summer's sutl. And the great mass of unemployed 'work ers, and employed as well, and I am quit sure I am representing the former by com mon consent, and many of the tatter as well, join me in insisting that we have a sane thedry of economics. Give to us the right to earn and we will soon be in position to discuss any sort of theory advanced by our opponents. We are tired of the vagaries of hair, brained enthusiasts, be they "capitalists or cormorant," and will aoon take our places among the men who are worthy of respect. We want protection for American indus tries nd we purpose marching to the polls and no more "marching to Washington" and when we do settle down to our work of build ing homes, educating our children and pro claiming to the world the gospel of contin uity of the republic against all comers. CHARLES T. KELLET. Wilson's Usurpation Sufficient Issue. Silver Creek, Neb., Aug. 10. To the Editor of The Bee: Your editorial, based on the attack of Senator Cummins on President Wilson for his interference in the matter of the child labor bill, was very much to the point and much to be commended. The whole country should ring with talk of that kind, and if Mr. Hughes tn his campaign speeches would take up the matter of Wil son's encroachments on the powers and pre rogatives of the legislative department of the government, he would be rendering a service of prime importance to free govern ment, not only in the United States, but throughout the world. By reason of long service at the bar and on the bench of the highest court in our land, .no man is better qualified than he to expose the unconstitu tional, traitorous work of President Wilson In his more than three years of ordering congress to do this, and to do that, and not to do the other thing; just as though the congress of the United States was but a mere instrument tn the hands of the execu tive; and, by reason of his eminent posi tion as a candidate for the presidency, his words would everywhere command the most profound attention. As you know, I have been harping on this very thing of Wilson's lawlessness ever since he has been president, and more than once in the public prints I have declared that he should be impeached. If the present con gress had had a tithe of the independent spirit and true American manhood of the congress of Andrew Johnson's time, he would long ago hav been impeached and Incontinently fired out of office. But I now find profound satisfaction in the conviction that not long hence the 'American people will fire him and, 1 trust, with such force that henceforth and forever no American president wilt ever again dare to raise a traitorous hand againat the constitution of hie country. The apologists and defenders of President Wilson are fond of saying that Hughes haa no Issue. No issue T He has plenty of them; but, really, what Issue should he want other than himself T What other issue should be required of him? Hughes Is a lawyer and a jurist; he Is able fully to ap preciate the saeredneas and binding force of aa official oath, and if on the 4th of next March it should be bis fortune to stand there tn the shadow of the dome of the eapitol at Washington and take that oath to "pre serve, protect and defend" the constitution of the United Statee to th best of his abil ity, the American people might feel per fectly sure that ha would do it While I have no doubt whatever what Hughes would do in the matter, I should like to hear htm say what, undoubtedly, la so mueh a part of his being that h might consider it a thing always to be Uken for granted, that if elected, president he would always keep strictly within constitution! limits, and that he would not under any cir cumstances attempt to arrogate to himself "powers properly belonging to either of the other great departmenta of government. 1 would like to bear him say that as president he would be content to execute the laws, and not demand the right to make them ; Z would like to bear him say that he would be quit content to be just plain president a servant of the people, and that he would not under a self-assumed leadership attempt to exer cise the powers and prerogatives of aa old Roman emperor. Hughes the republican the democrat, ver sus Wilson the autocrat; that la the issue, and it is issue enough. CHARLES WOOSTER. GRINS AND GROANS. "And whore are you from?" "America." "Is it true that In your country every man has a chance president?'1 Well, possibly we can t say that But almost every family can own a motor car." Louisville Courier-Journal. "We are having some trouble In fllllojr our chair In -mota physics." "What's the difficulty?" "We want a professor who can lecture in good seasonable slang," Louisville Courier-Journal. na mv uasut est hose M A VJEEK 60 t)U THINK HE S teSERS Afc? BEEM IN JrU-! "I say, waiter, have yon any bivalves In this place?" "Only the safety valve on the engine, sir. and I don t think you could buy that" Baltimore American. youHveT mrry my duhtr where will "Well. sir. I don't feel that I am well enough acquainted with you yet to offer my advice." Judge. "You." etclalmed tbe indignant old gen-iLn'.- w.nt ,0 mrrv daughter! Why. sir, it is only a few years ago that you were caddylng for me." "?. .,lrU ald the yng man, "but I don't Intend to let that stand in the way. I hope T am phloeopher enough to walla that a very bad golfer may make a f airly good Utter-In -law. "Boston Transcript "Brevity Is the soul of wit." "Tes." replied Senator Sorghum. But you've got to make your speech long enough to allow people who have traveled wm distance time to sit still and get rested up. Washington Star. , Lecturer The Idea of eternity, my friends, la something too vast for the nu mand mind to conceive. Voice from the Audience Did you evjer pay for a $700 piano on the Installment plan 7 Life. THE NEIGHBORLY MAN. Edgar A Oueat in petrolt rree Preaa. Some are eager to be famous, some are striving to be great, Some are tolling to be leaders of their nation or their state And in every man'a ambition, If w only understood , Jia There Is much that's fine and splendid every hope Is mostly good. So I cling unto the notion that contented I will be If the men upon life's highway find a needed friend In me. I rather like to putter 'round the walks and yards of life, To spray at night the roses that are burned and browned with strife j To eat a frugal dinner, but alway to a chair For the unexpected stranger that my simple meal would ehare. I don't care to be a traveler, X would rather be the one Sitting calmly by the roadside helping weary travelers on. I d like to be a neighbor In th good old fashioned way Finding much to do for other, hut not over much to say. X like to read the paper, but I do not yearn to aee What the journal of the morning baa been moved to say of me; In the silences and shadows I would live my life and die And depend for fond remembrance on some grateful paaaer-by. I gueea I wasn't fashioned for the brilliant thnigs of earth. Wasn't gifted much with talent or designed for special worth. But waa just sent here to putter with life's little odda and ende And keep a simple corner where the tlr- ring highway bends: And If folke should chance to linger, worn and weary through the day f To do some needed service and to cheer . them on their way. MINNESOTA THE LAND OF HIAWATHA Your nearest and best vacation land almost straight north with ten thousand lake and hundred of square mile of great pine wood; fishing the f inert in the world, beside bathing, canoeing and tramping in the woods; hotels, cottages, boarding house or camps, whichever you prefer; you can get board and lodging for about $10 or f 12 per week and frequently less. A Minnesota vacation will relieve, If not cure, insomnia, nervousness, hay fever, indigestion and "grouchine." See how low the round trip fare ara from Omaha via the Chicago Great Western: MINNESOTA VACATION FARES. Ak.l.r. Minn Alexandria, Mian. . . Annan dale, Mtnn. , , , Back, Mian Bat tl. Lake, Minn... Bemldji. Minn Buffalo, Minn...... Detroit, Mtnn Dersst, Minn Duluth, Mlna Elrslan, Mia Jenkina, Minn La Ports, Minn .23.rr .1T .WM .92BM .tae.ii .Z.T ..aae.33 .tzxia .S1S.4J .1X4.9 taaat M.dlscm Lake, Mlna.. Dear River, Mtaa, ' Mian.) MkuMapoll, Mian.... Nlaawa, Mow PameavilU, Ml.... Pelican Rapid, Miaa. St. Paul, Minn Seutk Havan, Mtu.. Salcer, Mlna Walker, Mtaus, (Caa Ce.) Watervflle, Man -.tlMl (MraU ,.2eJ3 ..fia ..244t . .2I Jl ..2M ..Ilea ..taoai ..2XJ .114 Write and let me give you free descriptive folder and booklets, telling you where the big fish are, hotel rates, etc P. F. BONORDEN, C. P. T. A, Phonos: Douglas 260. 1522 Farnaro Si, Omaha. (Emphasise the "Great") wni!nin A product of choice American barley malt and carefully selected im ported hops. Brewed and bottled in a modem brewery under the most sanitary conditions. Cannot be sur passed in quality. Its taste is most pleasant. No beverage is more re freshing or satisfying, especially on a hotday. Save Coupons and Get Premiums Phone Douglas 1889 and have a case sent home. Luxus Mercantile Co. DISTRIBUTORS a