Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 17, 1916, Page 3, Image 3

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Board of Assessment Makes
Reduction of Seven-Tenths
of Mill in General Levy.
(Prom a Staff Correspondent.)
Lincoln, Aug. 16. (Special.) A re
auction of the state levy seven-tenth
of a mill was made by the State Board
of assessment this morning, making
the total state levy six and one
tenths mills.
This ill reduce the amount to be
raised by general taxation about $212,
300, on an assessed valuation of ao
proximately $501,000,000, or aboutl
S2U,000,000 more than last year.
In considering the matter of a re.
duction of the levy the board took
a report prepared by State Auditor
Smith showing how much money
would be needed and estimating the
amount which would come in under
the reduction compared with what
might be spent.
State House Is Sinking.
Governor Morehead has taken steps
to call a conference of members of
the state legislature with the board
having charge of the state: capitol
building to consider what is to be
done about the condition or the capi
tol. The east wine has settled down
and out seven inches, and its safety
is seriously questioned, lhat wing
contains the hall in which the lower
house of the legislature meets.
Fined $105 for Killing
Prairie Chickens
North Platte, Neb., Aug. 16. (Spe
cial.) Out of the frying pan into the
fire. When William Otten, George
Voseipka and Lharles ccedcr an
peared before County Judge French
on a charge of having twenty-one
prairie chickens, shot out of season
n their possession, the men denied
shooting but one chicken. From the
witness stand they stated, however,
that they had flushed two flocks of
chickens ' containing about forty
birds. Whereupon Judce trench
turned to another section of the game
awn. wn rn nrnvinps a Tinp. nr i mr
each prairie chicken "fiursued" out of
season. Ihe defendants squirmed
uneasily, for they now saw prospects
ot a Ml) tine instead of one for S105.
Judge French again brought the de-
tendants back into the Irvine pan
however, by finding that they had shot
the chickens and fining them $105 and
costs, fine and costs to be split by the
Seek Aged Columbus Man
Who Disappears From Home
Columbus, Neb., Aug. 16. (Special
Telegram.) Edward Clark, aged 76
years, wandered from home yesterday
ternoon and no trace of him has been
found. He was seen walkinsr east to.
ward Richland by railroad men, but
where he went from there' no one
seems to know.
Searching parties were organized
last night and they worked until late
today, looking tor the aged veteran
of the cival war. When he left home
he said nothing to his wife as to
where he was going, and when he did
not return for supper she became
alarmed and notified relatives. Sher
iff Burke has sent out notices to of.
ficers of near-by towns.
Celluloid Doll Nearly
Causes Death of Girl
riaGmaf Q T"l A 1 C 1
a n..i-.:.i i ' j lL:
little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. W.
Crane of this city. The child while
playing opened the door of a kero
sene stove and stuck the doll into the
flames. Instantly the celluloid doll
exploded and became a mass of flames
and the fire was communicated to
the clothing of the little girl. For
tunately tne motner was able to reach
the little girl and extinguish the fire
betore she was fatally burned.
Romance of Southwest
Culminates at Iowa Falls
iun a alio, ., nug. v. i.3JC(.uu.
At the home of Judge S. M. Weaver
of the Iowa supreme court tomorrow
will occur the marriage of Miss Helen
weaver, only daughter of Judge and
Mrs. Weaver, to Arthur T. Estgate
of Phoenix, Ariz. This marriage is
the culmination of a romance of the
western plains. Miss Weaver has been
teaching in Arizona and there met
Mr. Estgate. The couple will make
their home in Phoenix, where Mr.
Estgate is employed in a bank.
Hugh A. McCargar, Former
State Senator, Is Dead
Crete, Neb., Aug. 16. (Special
Telegram.) Hugh A. McCargar.
prominent citizens, died suddenly at
his home this afternoon. ,
Mr. McGargar had for years been
an implement dealer here and other
wise interested in state affairs. He
vas in the state senate in 1898 and
1900. He is survived by his wife, a
son, George, and two daughters,
Mabel, and Agnes Plouzek, all resi
dents of Crete.
Large Barn is Burned.
Falls City, Aug. 16. (Special.) A
large feed barn on the A. J. Weaver
farm southwest of Falls City was
itruck by lightning during the storm
of Monday night and was entirely
destroyed, with the contents of 100
:ons of alfalfa hay and a silo that
was filled last year. The loss, which
is about $2,500, is covered by insur
ance. The barn was protected by
'ightning rods of approved style.
Wymore Rejects Sewer Bonds.
Beatrice, Neb., Aug. 16. (Special.)
The special election held at Wy
more yesterday resulted in a defeat
for bonds to construct a sewer sys
tem by a vote of 78 for and 273
against the proposition. The proposi
tion to authorize the mayor and city
council to sell Arbor State Dark, the
oldest in the city, was also defeated
a vote ot W for and 244 against.
A Good Co urn Keuedv. '
Dr. Ball'a Plne-Tar-Honejr will eaaa your
cough, aoothe the raw apota and prevent ae
rlous lung allmeota. J6c All drugglita.
Advertlaement. ..-
90,000 Numbers-Everybody's Riding
Adventist State
Conference Opens
At Hastings Today
Hastings, Aug. 16. (Special.)
The thirty-ninth annual session of the
Nebraska Seventh Day Adventist con
ference and camp meeting will'be held
in Hastings again this year, beginning
Thursday, August 17, and closing
Sunday night, August 27. The open
ing service will be an address by
Pastor D. U. Hale, president of the
conference, at 8 p. m. tomorrow. Camp
will be pitched in beautiful Heart
well park, in the northeast end of the
city, near to their sanitarium, school
and church.
From 400 to 600 visitors are ex
pected to attend the meeting during
ine ten aays session, representing the
eighty companies of Adventists scat
tered throughout the conference. Del
egates elected in the local churches
will meet to enjoy a feast of good
things in the nature of evangelistic,
educational and devotional services.
and also to elect officers, adopt plana
and resolutions and to issue licenses
and credentials to its ministers. The
officers to be elected are a president,,
secretary-treasurer, secretaries of the'
educational, medical, missionary. Sab
bath school, religious liberty, young
people's and colporteur's departments,
managing boards for Institutions and
an executive committee to carry on
the business of the conference during
the interim between the confrence
Among the speakers to be present
at the conference brides the talent
of the local conference are listed all
the officers of the union conference
and Elder F. W. Paap of the North
American division and Elder J. T.
Boettcher. president of the Russian
union coufernce, who will have many
things of interest to tell the campers
concerning war-stricken Europe and
the effects of the war upon evange
listic efforts.
Slight Decrease in
Paralysis Plague
New York, Aug. 16. A slight de
crease in deaths and new cases in the
epidemic of infantile paralysis was
noted today in the health depart
ment's bulletin. During the twenty
four hours preceding 10 a. m the
plague killed thirty-four children,
while 113 persons were stricken. This
compares with yesterday's figures of
thirty-nine deaths ana ioj new cases.
On account of the epidemic in Ho
boken, the authorities today decided
to postpone the opening of schools
there until October.
The opening of schools in New
York has already been deferred, but
the date has not been fixed.
Man to Man
"You say your heart is acting up, and that you
don't sleep well at nights, and yet you don't believe
coffee hurts you.
' "There's a subtle, cumulative drug in coffee ;
about 2i grains to the average cup. A little today
a little tomorrow, and so it goes on, irritating the
nerves, interfering with digestion and working changes
that very often lead to ill health and discomfort.
"Hard to quit coffee, you say? i Not if you have
the pleasant, healthful, pure food-drink
Made of whole wheat, roasted with a small
amount of wholesome molasses, it contains only the
goodness of the grain no drug or harmful ingredient
no coffee troubles.
Postum comes in two forms. The original Postum
Cereal, which has to be boiled; and Instant Postum
soluble made in the cup with hot water, instantly.
A delicious, economical, healthful table beverage.
'There's a Reason"
for POSTUM '
Committees of Both Parties in
Headquarters, But Not
Going Fast,
(Krom a Staff Correspondent.)
Lincoln, Aug. 16. (Special.) Poli
tics is not expected to take on a very
strenuous appearance until the
publican and democratic state commit
tees have got the full forces under
arms and have settled down to busi
Republican headquarters at the Lin
dell opened this morning, but 'there
will be nothing uing ot very much
consequence until Secretary Uecbe ar
rives on the job, probably next Mon
day, in tne meantime, Chairman
Beach and Major Craig, who is in
charge of the speaker's bureau, are on
the job and this morning were going
over the preliminaries.
At the Lincoln hotel, where the
democrats expect to hold forth, mat
ters are being left open until the ar
rival of Secretary Spraguc of the com
mittee, who will not be here until
Saturday or Monday. Chairman Lang
horst has not yet selected his assist
ants and headquarters is being main
tained in one room on the third floor
until suitable quarters can be opened.
With both committees money is
needed to make the wheels turn
round and any patriotic citizen who
desires to donate to either cause may
rest assured that contributions will
not be turned down, neither will the
committees feel antagonistic to the
donors who respond to the political
Pleads Guilty to
Stealing Motor Car
North Platte, Neb., Aug. 16. (Spe
cial.) Ed Lewis, 30 years old, who
says that his home is no place in par
ticular, entered a plea of guilty to a
charge of theft when, arraigned be
fore County Judge French. Lewis
toook Leslie Zooks' motor car from
in front of the Christian church Sun
day night and drove to Julesburg,
Colo., where he was arrested at 5
o'clock Monday morning. The Jules
burg officers notified Shcrm Salis
bury and Lewis arid the car were re-
Train Your Hair as
an Actress Does
No class of people devotes as much
time to beauty as do actresses, and
naturally no class must be more care
ful to retain' and develop their
charms. Inquiry among them de
velops the information that in hair
care they find it dangerous to sham
poo with any makeshift hair cleanser.
Instead they have studied to find the
finest preparation made for shampoo
ing and bringing out the beauty of
the hair. The majority of them say
that to enjoy the best hair wash and
scalp stimulator that is known, get a
package of canthrox from your drug
gist; dissolve a teaspoonful in a cup
ot not water ana your shampoo is
ready. It costs less than three cents
for this amount. After its use the
hair dries rapidly, with uniform color.
Dandruff, excess oil and dirt are dis
solved and entirely disappear. Your
hair will be so t luf f y that it will look
much heavier than it is. Its lustre
and softness will also delight you,
while the stimulated scalp gains the
health which insures hair growth.
Don't wrelect a pain anywhere, but find
out what causes it and conquer the cauae.
A pain in the kidney region may put you on
your back tomorrow. Don't blame the
weather for swollen feet, It may be an ad
vanced warning of Brifrht's dineaae. A pain
in the stomach may be the first symptom
of appendicitis. A creak in a joint may be
the forerunner of rheumatism. Chronic head
aches more than likely warn you of serious
stomach trouble. The best way la to keep
In (food condition day in and day out by
regularly taking GOLD MEDAL HAARLEM
OIL Capsules. Sold by reliable druggists.
Money refunded if they do not help you.
Beware of substitutes. The nnlv dui Im
ported Haarlem Oil Capsules are the GOLD
BUbUAXi. Advertisement.
Young Lincoln Man Waits in Vain
For Bride Who Elopes With Another
Detroit, Mich., Aug. 16. (Special
Telegram.) With everything ar
ranged tor the marriage of Miss
Sarah Levin, popular in local Jewish
social circles, to Morris Grossman, a
prosperous young business man of
Lincoln, Neb., the bride-to-be eloped
with her personally favored suitor,
Max Wellans, while Grossman, the
turned to North Platte. Lewis has
asked that he be given a hearing be
fore District Judge Grimes' at the ear
liest possible moment and be allowed
to begin serving his sentence.
Constable at Beatrice
Sued for $3,000
Beatrice, Neb., Aug. 16. (Special.)
J. O. Clark of Lincoln, who recent
ly moved from Beatrice to that place",
yesterday instituted suit in the dis
trict court for $3,000 damages, against
Constable J. W. Ashenfelter. The
plaintiff charges that while he was
at Lincoln the officer "levied on his
household goods, which were stored
at Palmer's, and sold them at public
auction to satisfy a claim of"$48. He
says he had no knowledge of such
transaction until he arrived in the city
yesterday after his household effects.
The officer states that the goods were
levied upon, advertised and sold ac
cording to law.
Maude Ballington Booth in Lincoln.
Lincoln, Aug. 16. (Special.)
Maude Ballington Booth will be in
Lincoln tomorrow aiid will deliver an
address to the inmates of the state
penitentiary in the afternoon.
Persistent Advertising Is the Road
to Success.
parental choice, waited at the syna
gogue tonight.
The first news that Mr. and Mrs.
Abram Levin, parents of the young
woman, who are in the grocery busi
ness, had of the elopement was a tele
gram received a few hours before the
scheduled ceremony.
"I am safe; don't wnrrv." said the
message. The girl had left home os
tensibly to purchase a few things to
complete her trousseau.
"We know that she has eloped with
Wellans," said the parents, "because
he is missing too, and he was the one
she liked best.
"Wellans' friends also told us that
our daughter had eloped with him."
Besides telling Detroit guests that
the wedding had been postponed by
an "accident," the parents had to ex
plain to Grossman and his friends,
who came all the way from Lincoln
to take part in the festivities. All the
presents will be returned. Miss Levin
met Grossman while on a visit to
Lincoln a year ago.
Pocket Boxes of 12
Botdes of 24
Bottle of 100
Th tndt-mirfc "Aiplrin" (Ref. U. 3.
Pat Off.) il guarantee that the mono
' eceticacideittr ot ulicylicackl in these
Ubloti is of the relitbte Beyer manufacture.
Credit department
is now located on
Main Floor, rear,
where Flower De
partment formerly
Credit department
is now located on
Main Floor, rear,
where Flower De
partment formerly
On Sewing Machines
THIS SALE IS very timely,
coming: when women are
making- their plans for their
fall sewing;. There are some
very remarkable values in
this offering and every
woman will do well to read
We Are Disposing of
taken in trade. All guaranteed
in first-class condition to be sold
now tor
$4.00, $5.00, $6.00 and
$8.00 Each.
Also Brand New,
Long-Time Guarantee
Sewing Machines
all of well known makes, at
$12.98, $18.50, $20.00
and $26.00
Of course, the best purchase is
Music Cabinet
Sewing Machine
Any style wood to match the
furnishings of any room.
We Allow $12.00
On your old sewing midline to ap
ply on first payment for the
Boye Hemstitcher, latest inven
tion, with instructions by an ex
pert in the use of same, special,
at 35c.
Best Darner Attachments for
all makes of machines for 35c.
Belts for all machines.
Third Floor.
Satin Dresses Stylish and Smart
The Newest Features Exemplified
FASHION HAS favored Sat
in Dresses for Fall wear we
are showing extremely pleasing
types, at prices that will be
within reach of every pocket
book. Attractive long lines, shpwing
pleats confined to the figure with
sashes. Trimmings of embroidery
and buttons; smart collars of sat
in and georgette makes them at
tractive. $17.50, $19.00, $25.00
to $39.00
White Chinchilla Sport Coats for cool
Second Floor.
Desirable Draperies Low Prices
$2.00 Colonial Curtains, $1.18 per set
We have just 250 sets made of good grade scrim,
trimmed with Filet Lace. Valance and side curtains,
3 pieces for .$1.18
$2.50 Marquisette Curtains, at $1.98
Six new Fall Patterns of mercerized Marquisette
Curtains, well made, trimmed with linen lace. Reg
ular $2.50 value, for Thursday, pair. .$1.98
Thrd Floor.
Stylish Shoes for Women
Mary Jane Pumps, made of white canvas, patent colt
and dull leather; hand-turned soles; ankle (M 7C
straps. Sizes from 212 to 8, pair J)l.f J
200 Pairs Women's White Canvas Shoes and Ox
fords, rubber soles and heels. Sizes 2ya
to 7. Very special, pair
Women's White Pumps, in canvas, white kid; hand
welted and turned soles. Leather, Cuban and covered
heels. Sizes 2 y to 7, widths AAA to D. &) 7P
Every pair worth from $4.00 to $5.00, at. . . . $L,,lj
Main Floor. "
I 'ST"
II tk III ll I jf
1 in mKmammg
K Package Foods
"In the good old summer time" days of joyous outings and
air-sharpened appetites Armours hundred or more lUitut Package
Foods provide many delicious repasts.
Palate-tempting Veal Loaf, substantial Corned Beef, de- y
lightrally appetizing sandwiches from Potted and Deviled tTAsTroirjl
Ham or Tongue, flavorings of ICSfSf Ketchup and -g' H'iij'rjr
Chili Sauce all these and many more are to be rjf '
AkmourAcompamv VpRODUCTS.
had under the Armour Oval Label.
Let Armour prepare the Lunch I
obt. Bnanu, Krr, 3th ea fonee ate,
none B. JOBS. Omfche, Vet,
W. WUUneoa, lth en Q. Til. go. 1740.
teek for tfcW riea ea