Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 17, 1916, Page 2, Image 2

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Directum Marks Up a New
1 Kecord on the Columbus
fcolumbus, O., Aug. 16. Free-for
all pacing at the Grand circuit meet
;v thia aftprnnan nroduced the fast
est racing time of theear. In the
Krct hrat 'aooleon Direct won in
:59'A, with Peter Stevens, the sec
ond horse, doing his mile in 2 minutes
flat. In the next heat the pace was
slower through the first, half, and
Napoleon uirect was lour icngina
back at the far turn. He finished a
head in front of Single G. Separate
timing caught Napoleon i Direct the
last half in S6'A seconds.
In a time trial Directum I became
the world's champion pacer for one
and one-sixteenth miles. The old rec
ord was 2MVa. made in 1904 by
Ceery Lass. Off to a slow atart, Di
rectum I did the distance in i:uyft.
The last mile was paced in Z:UUft.
, Fails to Lower Record. ,
Miss Harris M, 4-year-old pacing
mare, failed in an ettort to lower ner
mark of 2:01. She was tired when
the final quarter was commenced and
: finished the mile in 2:02. "
Napoleon Direct was one of three
winning favorites. In the 2:09 pace,
second choice Beth Clark won the
first, two heats.- inereatter tsaoy
Babv Bertha, highest in public favor,
was in command and took the next
three heats. The Eno won the 2:11
trot in straight heats. In the first one
he was but a head in front ot Mc
Closkv and cut his record to 2:064
in, keeping clear of the field the sec
ond mile. .." . 'v,' .'.', i -! - -.:-t i
Early Don,' Valentine's first winner
ot the meeting,, captured all three
heats of the Devereuz stake, for which
Brisac of the Murphy stables was fa
vored, cany Don equalled mi record
of 2:0 in the first heat and was
not so hard pressed in either of the
next two. The results: '.( (
Deveraaax Itakt, l;ll trottere, thra heats, .
Rurlr.Dsn (Valentlna).. ........ ....t 1
Brlaaa (Murpn) .., ,1 I
L.U Princeton (Co) ...... ..........I
Rnraraleea (Handrtck)....!.., . I
Tlma: :S)iT- S:0t, I;S7H.
' Fraa-for-all olaaa, paalnf, two (a three,
li;ees t
Napatoon Direct (Oaara) ... ,.1
Peter Stevena (Murphy) r I
Hlnsl O. (Ooanall) , 4 I
Ml Boy (McMahoa) ...I i
Tlma: I:M, I.MS. ,
I:Ct elan, peclat, thraa la tlra, tl.tstt
Safer Bortbe (Oarrlaon).;, ... .1 3 t 1 I
Bath Clark (H.odrlclo t 4 T 1
Blnten Polatar (Snow).. S 4 S I
, Tlma: 1:01)4, . litSH. I:S414. S:t7H
l:t. - ;
1:11 olaaa, trotting, thraa la five, ll.ctt
iiw jvm, tvaivnunej .,,. ,,a
Hnmfaat (Murnhr) S
McClaakr (McDonald) I
Tlma: l:0S4, !:, 1:01)4.
.T bant S:14, paolna, at ona and. ane
aiaaantn mueei Direetum 1 (Murphy), won.
lima: ;vfn. - (
To Wl 1,'IH, wrist! Mia 8antl It.
(MoOaoald), teat. Tlmai 1:41. ,. t ;
Down to the Fourth
Bound of ; Singles
On Newport Courts
Newport, It L, Aug. 16. Players
left to compete in the fourth round
of the singles tennis play for the
Casino cups, as a result of today's
i matches, are W. M. Johnston, San
Francisco, who will meet William
Washburn, New York; Harold A.
Trockmorton, Elizabeth, N. J, who
will play N. W. Niles, Boston; L
Kumaa-ae. whose onnonent will ha
Douglaa S. Waiters. New Orleans,
ana Clarence J. tirittin, California,
who will try conclusions with R, -Morris
Williams, Philadelphia.
: Willi.. tAH.t, k.rf A;tti..u
, in defeating another California player.
auniMuu nvvnu, u vile urat . BCI
Williams wai clearly outplayed, but
he took the second with ease. From
then on through thre aata hnrli
played brilliant tennis. Roberta tired
toward tne last and -with the aeore
tied in the final act at live-all. Will
iams won the next two games largely
on the jCalifornian's errors. c
The match between William John
ston and Richard Harte ran second in
inte rj to the Williams-Roberts
mate... Harte won in straight sets.
H. 'Mikamai, one of the Japanese
players fell before th strokes of
young Throckmorton, but his fellow
countryman, Kumagae, managed to
wrest victory from Harry C Johnson,
Boston., Kumagae won In straight
seta, but took forty-three games'to
, do it, ' . I
The first round of doubles was
completed and several matches were
glayed -in the second round. .,..
Schumann-Heink Popular
f With Hastings Audience
Hastings, Neb., Aug. 16. (Special
Telegram.) A promise to return to
Nebraska next spring to give a bene
fit concert for the Nebraska Chil
dren's Home society of Omaha was
made by Mme. Schumann-Heink be
fore her recital here Monday. She
made the offer conditional on the suc
cess of the engagement and as 4,000
persons went through a mile of mud
to hear her in a park pavilion, it is
supposed she was satisfied. . ,
Mme. Schumann-Heink gave the
promise to' Miss L. D. Kyle, traveling
representative of the society. The
noted singer is supporting four war
babies and she has seven children of
, her own., She gave Miss Kyle an un
solicited donation of $25 for the chil
dren's home,
No singer was ever given such an
ovation in Hastings as was Mme.
Schumann-Heink. Several hundred
Seople took seats in the pavilion five
ours before she appeared. , , , A
Society of, Equity Will ;"
Ask $1.60 for Wheat
Fargo. N. D, Aug.; 16-The grain
growers division of, the Society of
Equity, an organization of farmers in
( several northwestern states, today
' sent out an appeal to its members to
hold their wheat this season until
$1.60 a, bushel is offered at terminal
. l"f No. 1 northern, Equity leaders
' charge that grain manipulators have
, forced down the pries of wheat in
other years. - .' ;
Haas's IlnlanaH Manama Caafaallaa. '
Aa noon aa jt apply- Sloaa'a Llnlmant,
tlia ooatentioa dlaappaara and yoaa pain la
Kono, Bodily araraath la raawad. ito. All
drusiatawASaartlaamant, , . ':: -1
Persisttut Advertuing .Is the Road
to SoCCeSa, M. A .
Hri. Ella Shipps EiUeol by Mrs,
Q. A. Oilmore at Railway
Station at Waryaville, Mo.
Maryville, Mo., Aug. 16. While
scores of travelers at the Burlington
depot looked on today Mrs. Q. A. Gil
more, 45 years old, wife of a ' local
livery proprietor, fired four shots at
Mrs. Ella Shipps, also of Marysville.
All of the bullets took effect Mrs.
Shipps died a few minutes later. Mrs,
Gilmore handed her revolver to a by
stander, walked to the sheriff s oltice
and surrendered.
Both families are prominent.' Mrs.
Shipps was 43 years old and divorced.
Mrs. Gilmore recently filed suit for
divorce. Jealousy is said . to have
prompted the Shooting. ..
(Coatlimad Tram Paca Ona.)
disputes in, Jhe future and that it
should begin with the present one.
Whether it should be a semi-private
tribunal organised by agreement by
the railroads and men was not made
clear, but there seems to be some
sentiment in tavor of having it ere
ated by act of congress, somewhst in
the nature of an enlargement of the
present board of mediation and con
ciliation, ' ., ?
Brotherhood leaders would not aav
whether a ; compromise might be
reached bv nutlinv an eiarht-hour rlav
. . . i :- . r J
Into etlect tor six months for a trial
and allowing pro rata pay for over
time as has been suggested.
Under that -plan a man earning $4
ten hours would make the same
amount in. eight hours and overtime
would start at au cents sn nour in
stead of 40.' Thus st the end of ten
hours he. would have earned $5 in
stead of $4, as he now earns, and be
getting one and one-quarter i pay for
Insurance Board
Wants Inspectors,
To Watch Agents
(From a Bull Corraapondant) 1
Lincoln Aug. 16. (Special.) The
recent hearing before the State In
surance board covering the matter of
misrepresentation bv insurance solic
itors of policies handled by them in
sn endeavor to write business has
brought up the question , of , greater
protection to the people from the d.a-
honest solicitor By having inspectors
ot tne department' appointed whose
duties would be to Investigate reports
snd secure evidence,' yt .: ,,-,
Speaking of the matter today, one
of the board said that the board had
for some time been, considering, mak
ing a recommendation to the next
slature that that law be changed
so that one. or two or more, if needed.
inspectors could be appointed to look
after the particular business of se
curing evidence againat insurance
solicitors wno go out into the coun
try and make all sorts of representa
tions in order to get a man s applica
tion. ; V '
Mrs. Julia Schoemaker, 6maha
Woman, Killed Under Motor
Greeley, Neb.. Aug. 16 fSoeciaU
Mrs, Julia Schoemaker, aged 36
years, was killed near Wolbach this
morning. Mr. and Mrs. Schoemaker
were visiting her parents and other
relatives near Cotesfield, and had
started to their home in Omaha, On
bill the car proved defective and
Mr. Schoemaker lost control.. The
car coasted to the bottom and turned
over, pinning both occupants under
it , The windshield fell across Mrs.
Schoemker's neck and she was strang
led. A boy found them and secured
help, Mr. Schoemaker was s ined
but apparently not injured. Funeral
services will beheld at Scotia tomor
row. .-. v. ,.
Mr. Schoemaker is a musical in
structor of Omaha. ;
Plot to Poison Horses
Unearthed in Iowa
Port Madison, la.. Aug. 16. Inves
tigation of an-alleged plot to ooiaon
horses consigned to agents) of tne en
tente allies wss begun Here today bv
officials of the Atchison, Topeka &
Santa rt railway. I he serious illness
of as hipment of horses from Kansas
City to Fort Madison recently led to
the Investigation. Officers assert they
found evidence which tended to show
that the horses had been given
poison. ' v i
ugilist Benny Thomas ,
Ms Killed in Battle
Cardiff. .Wales, Aug. 16. The Ex
press says that Benny Thomas, the
Welsh Bantamweight boxer, has been
killed in action.
v ' Wreck Near SnurtvMe! V '
; umliilb, ncu. nu, iu. occiaiJ
On account of a bad freight wreck
near atnartviue, Neb., last night on
the main line,' the Kansaa City Lin
coln ana timings passenger trains
were detoured through Beatrice' to
day over the Burlington,,'
Petrograd Report More Than
Third of Million Prisoners
Taken Since June 4.
, Petrograd., Aug. 16. (Via Lon
don.) Between June 41 when the
Russian offensive was inaugurated,
and August 12, General Brussiloff's
forces captured more than 358,000
men, the war office announced today.
The Russians have captured a series
of heights to the west of Vorokhta
and Ardzemoy in the Carpathians. In
the Vorokhta and Delatyn regions the
Austnans are retiring to the west
Great numbers of guns also were.
captured, save the report, which gives
the following figures: Ufticers cap
tured, 7,757; men, 350,845; cannon, 40,
machine guns, 1,325; mine and bomb
tnrowers jsu; powder carts,
, Counter Attacks Near Bnexany,
The official statement says:
On the River Zlots Lipa. in the
region south of Brzezany. our troops
occupied at some Pisces the western
bank of .the river. The enemy, having
resumed his counter attacks, is check
ing our further advance.
In the region between the Zlota
Lipa and the Dniester our troops are
fighting their wav forward. The
enemy here is also making a desperate
"On the river Bvstritza we have
occupied Solotvina and Griava,
southwest of Solotvina. ,
In the regions of DelatVn and
Vorokhta the enemy, owing to our
pressure, is retiring to the west. Our
troops have captured a series ' of
heights west of Vorokhta and Ardze
moy. In the direction of the Kirli
baba region, at Capul mountain, at
tempts by the enemy to resume the
offensive were frustrated by our fire.
. Germane Announce Galna.
Berlin.. Aug. 16. (Via London.)-
German troops have won a success in
the Carpathian region, according to
the war omce announcement today,
capturing Starawipozyna height,
nortn ot capul,
North of the Dniester, in Galacia,
says the statement, the Russians onl;
attacked weakly and were repulsd
Tenth Case of Infantile
; : ' Paralysis at Billings
Billings, Mont.. Aug. 16. One new
eaae of infantile naralvala in Bilhncra
was reported to the health department
today and another child is under ob
servation. This brings the total casea
to ten. So far four deaths have re
sulted. ; ' ' .
Dr. A. J. Lansea of the United
States public health service visited
the Crow reservation at Prvor iodav
and found six esses of the disease.
Three of the cases were white chil
dren. The authorities have asked
that a quarantine be established on
rh rairvatirit ,
A meeting of the school board willv
be held here today in connection with
the, scheduled opening ot school on
September 5. , -1
Oakdale Robber ' ,
uriQiK, .ncot, auk. ig. ine re
port comes from Neligh today that
two men have been arrested there on
suspicion of robbing the Oakdale
postoffice yesterday morning. The
men are said to have had burglar tools
and money in Oakdale wrappers in
their possession when apprehended.
Kennedy Will Make Speech '
To Boone Old Settlers
' (From a Staff CorraapMdanL) ,
Lincoln. Aug. 16. (Special.)
Crawford Kennedy left this evening
for Albion, where he will deliver an
address before the Old Settlers' asso
ciation, which Rolds its annual gath
ering there tomorrow, '
, Mr. Kennedy went to Boone tounty
in 1876, when at county had very
few people ana- Albion less than half
a dozen houses. He is very popular
with the people of that community.
te for lots of answers.
' Whoa k Omaha Stop at
Hotel Howard
JNO. MARTIO, rra,v 'S
i Thraa Blacka tram Dopot,
Restaurant in Connection
tOOS Howard St. Corn or 1Mb.
Tal. Doualaa IMS.
Secrecy Snrronnds Wedding ot
Man from India to Girl from
Sioux City.
Leaning on the strong arms of two
kstalwart friends, Peter C. E Paul.
who came all the way from Calcutta,
India, to wed Miss Lu Tesa Wielenga
of Sioux City, la., hobbled to the resi
dence of the Rev. Mr. Gust Harvalis
of the Greek Orthodox church, 1709
South Sixteenth street, took the mar
riage vow and as mysteriously drop
ped from sight
During the last week mystery has
shrouded the movements of Mr. Paul,
his prospective bride and these inti
mately associated with them. '
Saturday morning, bright and early.
T. A. Smith of Sioux City appeared
before Marriage License Clerk Her
bert H. Stubbendorf and applied for a
license permitting Peter C E. Paul
and Miss Wielenga to wed. The
license was granted without the ap
pearance of raul or the lady ot his
choice, but not until Tuesday evening
waa the marriage ceremony per
formed. Friends of Mr, Paul assert
that he was unable to appear before
that time. The cause of his injury
is held secret,
Clothed in Secrecy.
The Paul .suite at the Hotel Fon-
tenelle has been beseiged by news'
paper men without avail. Inquiries
nave failed to elicit the information
shedding light on the assumed secrecy
surrounding the marriage ceremony
and movements of the principals.
James Harvalis, son of the officiat
ing minister, and John Givomas, b
Greeks, were witnesses at the mar
riage ceremony of the Calcutta capi
talist and his Sioux City sweetheart.
According to the marriage license
Paul was born in Calcutta, is 42 years
of age and a white man without
strain of foreign blood, while hia
bride is 28 and a native of Iowa.
New Head Takes Charge
Of the Linden Hotel
(From a Staff Corraapondant)
Lincoln, Aug. 16-(Special.) Man
agement of the Lindell hotel in Lin
coin has passed into new hands, or,
rather, new hands will assist in the
management. Miller 6c Paine, the
owners, leased the building to Harry
nail ot this city, , a hardware mer
chant. ,
R. W. Johnston, wno has had the
management of the hotel for the last
four years, will continue as president
and manager of the new company.
while Mr. Hall will act as the finan
cial manager.
Interior improvements are planned
for the place and when Completed will
make if a more modern structure.
The continuation as manager of
Bob" Johnston will be received with
delight by the public who have been
in the habit of stopping at the place.
Persistent Advertising Is the Road
to Success. J- t .. ,;,,.. j.I
Proprietor of Irvihgton Conn
try Olnb Violates Ee strain
' ing Order of Judge Lea'ie.
Nnety days in the county jail and
a fine of $200 is the penalty meted
out to George Brenner, proprietor
of the Irvington Country club, for vio
lation of a restraining order issued
by Judge Charles Leslie forbidding
him from operating his resort for im
moral purposes. Brenner was led
fromxfhe court room in the custody
of Deputy Sheriff Hogan and lodged
in the county jail. Habeas corpus pro
ceedings were immediately started and
notice of appeal to the supreme court
given by Attorney J. E. Von Dorn.
Motions for the arrest of judgment,
for the dismissal of the defendant and
attempts to halt action of the court
were overruled by Judge Leslie after
a lecture in which the court reviewed
evidence secured by the Rev. Thomas
Evans of the Irvington Congregation'
al church, F. A. Anderson, member
of the school board, and other mem
bers of the church who sleuthed
about in the early-morning shadows,
Expert Chicken Chef.
When the case was called Wednes
day morning. Brenner, who was sur
rounded by his bondsmen, took the
witness stand- in his own defense,
Cross examination by County Attor
ney George A. Magney disclosed the
tact that Brenner is known as an ex
pert chef and that he makes a special
ty of serving chicken dinners after
midnight, these dinners being ordered
Dy automobile parties" from Umaha
and vicinity.
In reviewing the evidence justify
ing finding Brenner guilty, Judge
Leslie said:
"Evidence 'presented has not been
as specific as desired, yet iris condu
sive. The hotel . is not conducted
along the lines on which respectable
nostemes are operated. It is an
suit to the intelligence of this court
to ask that stories tending to show
the respectability of the place be
taken as truth, Brenner has not di-
vuigcu me names ui Kucaia nor nas
he shown that he had not violated the
restraining order. Mr. Sheriff, take
mm to jau.
' James Marsh.
Fslls City. Neb,. Aug. 16. fSoe.
cial.) James Marsh of Verdoh died
at the home of his nephew. O. O.
Marsh, in this citv at Q:.10 n'rlnrtr
I uesday . morning. He suffered
paralytic stroke several weeks ago,
and blood poison in the leg followed.
The limb was amputated several
weeks ago in the hope of saving his
life. He was one of the pioneer resi
dents of Richardson county. The
lunerai took place from the residence
of Countv Clerk O. O. Marsh thia
morning. Interment was in the Har
ris cemetery, near Barada.
'I : ' v
For Your Old Suit or Overcoat
If you jplace an order with me for a winter suit
or overcoat before September 1, 1916. ' '
Just to Make Business Hum
Before the Busy Season Starts
My stock of NEW FALL WOOLENS ig at its best
and-it's to your interest .to place your order now. while
the line is complete. t '
Suits and Overcoats to-Order $30 to $50
15121 Dodge Street
"1 lReHa- . VJF
I 4m
For All Pain
"Tb afflolanor of any drag" ss Dr. 0. P.
Robblna. "la knnam an n. h ranlta
obtain from Its uaa. 11 wa art bla to con
trol twin and dLaaja by maaaa tl any prep
aration, wa eartalnly ara warranted u Its
uaa. On ot the principal symptoms ot all
diseases Is pan, and tola la what tba patlant
moat often appuea to ua for, 1. a, somathlns
to rauave bis pain. If wa ean arraat tbls
promptly tha patient la most liable to truat
In na for the other ramedlaa which will afleot
a permanent enr. Ona remedy wbiob I
aava uad larjel in my practlos Is anU
kunnla tablets. Many and varied are their
uaaa. I bar put them to tb teat oa many
Jocajlopi, and bar navar bn disappoint
ed. I found (bam especially valuable for
baadaobsa of malarial orKln, where quinine
was balnc taken. They appear to praranl
tba bad anar-aflaeaa of aha aninlna. ,mi.
kamnit, tablets ara alio axeellenl for tb
avawaanaa trout improper aiseauoni also
tor baadaoba of anaursltls origin, and at.
peoutlly for women subjaat to pains at
certain timet. Two aatt-bamala tablet tlva
prompt relief, and lnathort time the patlant
it abi to to about aa usual." Theae tablets
may Da Ha
haadajbe. nanralsla tad
draeaiata. A alt tnr
Thayaraalao unexcelled tor
i fsifira
Clark Nut Jaekmm Bomlmmi
The Hotel Success
" " of Chicago -
"YOUR busy day in Chicago
can best be managed from
the New Kaiserhof.
The hotel's excellent service, -its
convenience for the quick
transaction of business, its
proximity to theatres, shops
and public buildings make it
the ideal headquarters for a
crowded day. , 1 "
450 Rooms $1.50 np
With Bath $2.00 up
Hlsh Altitud. Fra fraaa Hay Fw.
Oppaelta HataL Capacity 141. .
Tanaa Modarata.
Suaariar lsHal Cell Coat as4
Malaria ta' Boat fUdUtlnt Center bi
BoaSmc OfNaa, 1IS0 BraWway, New Yark,
Ala MaptowaaS. N. H,
aTla)faTSSSV SarapA I
' iSU aaS OapNol,
State Tnjde Specially Inviteii
Kooma, $1.00 and $tJW
( With Batb, 91.80 and Dp -
Cafe the Very Best
PotwUr Frios
The Fashion Center eTHie HrddleWesr
- . ablish3dl886i- ,
Final Clearatice Sale
of Dresses -Thursday
A Sale Extraordinary
Taffeta Dresses
Georgette Dresses
Lingerie Dresses
Dancing Frocks
Every Dress From
Regular' Stock
New This Season.
Dresses that sold
from $lfrto $22.50
( Dresses that sold
- from $25 to $35
' ! '. '-- '1
Dresses that sold
from$35 to $50
Every dress on sale No reservations
Because of the low prices we cannot
- ' alter, send C. O. D., or on approval.
. All Sales' Final.
Starting at 8:30 A. M. Second Floor.
Thursday Linen Specials
From the August Sale ,
y Damask Lunch Cloths
$2.50 H. S. Cloths... $1.89
$3.50 H. S. Cloths. $2.89
$4.75 H. S. Cloths... $3.89
H. S. Table Cloths
$5.00 DamaskCloths, $4.00
$6.00 Damask Cloths, $4.89
$7!50 Damask Cloths, $5.89
Many other unusual bargains,
which space forbids mentioning.
Special 1
:' Knowledge!
One may be an excellent busi
ness man in other lines and
. yet know little of the problems
of estates.
This Company's special knowl
edge of such matters is of great
benefit to the estates which it
serves as Executor. I
. liWu. I'm ,
i ... , - - f :-i . . .
mportant Announcement
To Merchants of Nebraska, Iowa
and South Dakota : v -HIKE
Ws an & a position to allot terri
tory and supply your wants on receipt
of order for tjie World's Greatest
The Columbia
Graf onola
And their incomparable lin of foreign and domestic rec
ords. Write today for catalogues and complete information
how to make real money on a verysmall investment.
Schmqller & Mueller Piano Co.-
" ' , 1311-1313 rarnam St, OMAHA, NEB. '
Wholesalers and Dealers for Columbia Orafonolas. .
f V
.1 r
Most Modem and Sanitary Brewery in the West
Family Trade Supplied by WM. JETTER, Distributor.v
2502 N St Telephone Douglas 4231. South 863 or 868. v