Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 17, 1916, Page 10, Image 10
10 THE BEE: OMAHA, THURSDAY, AUGUST 17 1916. GRAIN ANDJRODDCE General Advance in Prices Fol s lows Brisk Demand for All Cash Cereals. WHEAT JUMPS PROM 2 to 3c Omaha, limt II. lilt. The timul for cub a-relna u Qulte active today and there u a general ad vance In price. . The wheat market Ml Tory .trolls', Mil tnf rromtete higher. The bulk of the No. I hard ranted from tl.lt44ei.40tt, and aome of the cbolceat samples aold aa hlth aa 11.41. No. I bard aold around II.IIOl lilt, with a few cara aelllnr at Left. The corn market ruled from ataadr ta a half eent hither, the bulk sePilnc Ma orer reeterday's prices. Tallow corn aold at a food premium above 'the white and rntasd grade. Oata were much tnora aetlva and aold fiom litit hither. The cash demand for Oete waa very food and No. i white aold up to el Ho. Stan dard aats aold at 420 and the No. I whit aold around 4fe. re advanced 1030 and barley waa uoted a cent higher. x Clearar.cea were: Wheat and flour equal to Ull. SCO bushels;, corn. I20,!r0t buahela; oata. ftl.Mt bushela. Liverpool eloae: Wheat, J Old higher; corn ateady. Primary wheat recelpta were t,lt,t"t bushela and shipments 1,111.000 bushels, against receipts of 1.7(1.000 bushels and shipments of tlt.lM bushels last year. Primary com receipts- were 111.000 bush els and ehlpmenta 011,000 bushels, against receipts of 180.000 bushela and shipment, of Sls.OdO bushels lastly ear. ' Primary oata recelpta were 1,(81,000 bush els and ahtpments 1,180,000 buahela, against reeslpts of 1,488.000 bushela and shipments of 4(8,000 bushels last year. . ' ' CARLOT RECEIPTS'." Wheat Corn. Oats. Chicago .127 "0 Minneapolis V '"'H ululh ! Omaha 1"' Kansas City I" , J , fit, Louie Winnipeg ... '..,....." ... ' ',. These salsa wera reported today: WheatNo. 1 hard winter: I cars, 11.41; I cars, 11.40 Mi. No. t hard wlntsri 1 oar, 11.41; 15 cara. 11.4014; U cars, 11.40; 1 csrs. tl.tltt- No. I hard winter: I oar, 11.48; 1 t"i 1-dL: ars, ' " il.n? I ears1. ll.Jtl 1 car, 11.18: I cara. 1.17: I ears, Hit. No. 4 hard winter! 1 car. 11.18; a cara, HUH; J cars, I1.MH: 1 car,; I cars. 11.11) 1 oar, I cara, ll.JI. Sample hard winter: cara. 11.10; X ctii, 11.18; 4 cara, '1.14. No. I Jtmm)' i 8'.. 81. No. t mixed: 1 Car. 11.11 M. No. 4 mined: 1 ear. Il.ttr- No. I sntxed, durum: 1 car, IMS. . J Dm Mm S 1 rmr. 11.13. Corn No. 1 whits: t car, too. No. 1 white: 1 car. tt. v No, t white: 1 car, TO Ho. No. 4 white; I car, 7tc. No, I yel l. 1 ear. He. No. I VellOWl 1 car, 10 Ho. No. i mixed: oar, .71: I cara, Tllac. No. t mixed: car, II Ho, No. 4 mixed: ' I ears, 71c. No. mUedi , 1 oar, 7Un. . Oata No. i whiter t cars, tltto. Btav dard: car ll.o. No. Ixrhltel I cars, 410. iVO. While: a cara, e uum. 1 oar. J8U.O. Omaha Cash Prtcea Wheat: No. I hard, 11 tint II: No. I hard. 11.1801.411 No. 4 si liariiU! No. 8 soring. 11.14 I. 41; No. t eprlng. I1.I1O1.40; No. J durum, II. I84H.H: No. t durum, I1.UO1.I0. Corn: He. 1 white. 7IHJ8ioi No t waits, 70 nui! Ho. 1 white. 78 07to: No. t white, TH4478ios No. t white. 77.t1ltio: sam ple white. 7eo(ro; . s r"""7 ..v 110! No. t yellowi l00Hci No. 4 fellow. Itueitc; No. I yeiiow, immi yellow, 77 M, O 7lo ; No. I mined, 7lOTifto i a kind. 7le7JUc: No. 4 mind. 7IHC 71c: No. t mixed,jT107IHo: No. I mixed. T777HO. oats: HO. s wniie, .v.7Bu. JIAIIVO! NO. I WhltO. 410 .I. N. 'V white. 41 UO 41 Ho. Barley: Malting, 780loi No. I ieed, 18010c. Kyej. No. 1:; ho. i. ' Cm renditions.. ' '- Summary of weather and crop condlilont in com andvwheat region for week ending August 11. aa prepared by the government: Damage to corn by drought continued ' In Kansas, Oklahoma and north and welt Texas, and the crop la apparently Injured beyond recovery In sections of these slates. . Aalna caused Improvement An other central ii. . weather waa generally favorable for corn elsewhere, and, crop la making good progress. Harvest or wheat, rye, barley and oata la general to the north .m o.rt of tha country. Spring wheat damaie by mat and blight continued, el tHANh KM.kil anmewhat by, oool weather. The weather waa favorable for flaa, gardens. truck Crops, to 0000, sugar cane. .!.. ... ta msadowg and pastures, except In the southwest. Potatoes war Improved by cool er weather In the extreme north. Plowing H. TJ5 v... k..i,n in the Ohio, cen- ' tral Mlaslaslppl and lower Missouri valley. but It Is too dry In the aoutnweat. ,. - ' OlaABA JTTL'REA, Wttaai Optloaa Clooe I-rwer Cor. afakaa 4iet441ic: atandard, lHtm Rys: No. I, new. 11.16. Barley. 7!ctll.06. Seeds: Timothy nominal; olover, I7.00O14.I0. Pro visions: Pork, 117.00; lard, . 111.48;-rlba, ll!.tt)1408. Butters-Receipts, t,4ll tuhe: oreamery, extras, 10c; extra firsts. t80Hc; flreta, 17HOIIVc; seconds. 26 4 37c. Kggs Receipts, 7,604 raaesj firsts. HI e4tec; ordinary firsts. IIOIIc; at mark, caes lncluded,16028Hc Cheess Unchanged. PoUtoee Finn; recelpta, 48 cars; Jersey, bulk, cobblers, 61.10OM1; Virginia, barrel, cobblers, 13.26 0 3.48; Mlnneaots. Illinois, Missouri and Eatly Ohloa, .11.000186. Poultry Steady; fowla, 14017c; aprings, Llf lie. NEW- YORK STOCKS Market Talcei an Upturn and More Than a Moderate -, Demand. " NEW FEENCH BONDS SOLD W Nw Tork, Aug. - ll.-Plifwflinf deadlock In th railway labor controversy and tha lncraailpt peuitnlim reported from weatern and JiartnwcRtern agricultural can tara, today'a market added variably, but .tor the moat aart aubatantlally, to price accre tion! of the early week. Tradln waa civ largeat on tn up swinv of any aeaaloa thua far this month and comprehended a far treat number of iaauea. There were Indication of extenalve abort coverlne; and more than a moderate Jtwjuiry from lnvaatment eourcee. , Price ware merely firm at the outlet, but fathered force before midday. "The terms of the new sriuan loan, wmciv-iB apectea-to eaae forelm preisure upon tliu market, aeemed sufficiently attractive to tlwulate apecuntiv sentiment m aorae - ansa to the point of buoyancy. ' United State Steel, Mercantile minus common send preferred, Reading, and the mora oromlnent motor and equipments con stituted the roost active features. Hteel, on an overturn or about .to,uuv snares, rt 3tt, to Jl'A, Its highest quotation since 1901, when It made the record price of U. -Marin. Mmmoii attained a new record on It rise of t, to 4,-lth new maxi mums for tha old and new bond and an other shipping lieue, Atlantic, Oulf and West indies, eaiapiienea a, new .. iiu inxMoBiBllv. ttenub to Iron and SCWel preferred achieved, like dlstinoUon, LIVE -STOCK MARKET Steers Steady to Stronger and Cows 8teady to Lower Sheep 15o to 2 Bo Up. . HOGS ABE 10 CENTS HIGHER 20.621 tl.220 11.167 80,184 14,407 14,784 7,600 18.784 48.848 81,006 14,878 14,844 tt.ioo Other striking features inmuiwu Amsrlcan augar, which rose t points, on tns declaration of eitra cash and atook divi dends, ths Independent steel and Iron shares, munitions, motors, flnits4' States In dustrial Alcohol, ana Mexicans. vancea In theea Various Issues, which wsre retained In large part t the close, ranged from to t to 4-polnta. Total-sales amoiintsd H..vv deallns In Anglo-Frsnch ts and ths new French 6s, aa well as mtrlnei, foaturedA'the ateady bond , 'kat. Total sales, par value, aggregated 10,160.000. Number of leading salss and ouotatlona on tha msrael were LAm. Beet B'Jiar. . Am.nutn w . . . . Am. Car Fndy... Amsr. Loco... ... AnTT m. nerng.. Am-lTel. Tel... Am. Zlncl I 1.. Anaconda Copper. Atchison ......... Baldwin Loco..... Baltimore unto. u . si Buitc BwrCopl'ktOO 8 . 07H 17. Cal. Pstroleum...., . too is is .anadlan racuio..' s.swv i . : tsther... 1.700 Chesap'tks 4k Ohio 1.100 si. m du Chicago North.. I... V C, R. I. Ry.a, J.ftj Chlno Copper ...jv. .'5 Colorado F. ll.loo Corn Prod. Being. t.OOO Sruclble Steel 11,100 Istlllarf Ssourlty. t.ioo (i.n1 'RUntrle.. 1.100 171 at. North, nfd.... 1,700 in 111 Ot. North. Ors ctft '( . Illinois. Central..., HO lot,!, 101 Inter. Consol, Crop. ...... ..... Insnlratlon Coppsr. 4,600 H intsr. Har, N.-J ..... nt. M. M. pfd. otft 18.800 Hie M.. - enuinern.., ...... ..... Kennacott Copper v 18,800 41 Loula, 4b Nash..,, ...... ..... llsx. Pstroleym.,. t0,40t 101 Wlsmla Copper... 1,100 86 u V 1 Tev. ntd. i . . . Missouri PaelflO... 1,00 IVs . s-k. wa - little eealee til dav and closed ka lower on the Beptember Jnd .mbar.Ptln with the Ma, dosing 1 11 n Ln-aTr. ,'. . TM wheat market advar about during tha surly part, of tha seeslou, but SSeA oll hsavy selling toward the clo Trade to oorn was very light, b the ' market waa firm, adwnclnf and tha Th.rV very llttls lntirest In aata. but ' tne market fallowed wheat ud wi in ths advance. "September and Hay oata " cioacd Vjo hjghtr and (Peoember closed un- honS2a closing cHoes itsJ for this lilgh. ILow? day: Art. I Open, Wht. Sept Dec. May Corn Sept )eo. Oata flept - Deo. May 11714-! lei- 1 41 7HJ-I0 41 141 H , ee 41 48 ... , nrloM. furnished The Be by Logan Bryan, stock and grain brokers. SIS ouum CIOSO. I 100. 1 lH ''! tl 'k 1IIH 13l ii4; 61 47 cToi llH 140 !! 0114 47 1 Art I OpenT Wht. rsept, Dec. May Cora Sept Bee. May Oau Sept Deo. May ' Pork ' bwpt x Deo. Lard Sept Oct, ' Dec , Rlbe 1 sept Oct. 1 41 tt I146-46U, U0-4tf IV Tlbi- 741.-J6 4IV-44 4V it It t It II 46 lit 67-l lit 80-611 U II . 14 It 14 M High. Low. 1 44 Vi 1 41 1 IStt - it a 14 ' ; 47 to 16 tf II to SI 46 ?! !! V IS ev II 00 14 IT 14 00 140 1111 141 II 71 14 'St 41 16 601 26 86 II II II 46 II 47 11 It It II ill t6 T 1 4114 144- 4 ee ;' 4i 48 . t tl 86 II 86 II II II '41 l! 47 II II ft It II t ill 111 111. 11 71 4 25 II IS i 11 41 II to 11 $9 14 10 CHICAGO OBA1X AMD PMTIH6N Crf Prospect BulUah. But Oralm to Utg. Chloago, Aug. 11. Testenlay's advance In wheat apparentif satisfied thetrad for the moment, as bulge war Mlbed upon today to take profits. The result wasa net loss tt tn .Hfi Corn closed lower to a shade higher, oat unchanged and provision lr reular from Sfto lower for December' pork . to 10o p tor October ribs. - Tbs best price lor wheat were attained early la the esloa. Crop advice continued f butUfh and Liverpool waft higher, and those factor! encouraged holder for the time it..., .TtA ttnitl bt&ck tor a further rise.' When It came, however, there was plentr for ' sale, and theiWfter every bulge f ouml gall lug orders waiting. ' KluctuattOBA-eoverod as extreme range of tlte. Borne of the selling here was for the purpose ot dosing apreadHetween this maraei ana inoee vi um iiui i,u wttwjv. ung expert In Canada telegraphed that black xust damage In Canada had reached maximum. The earliest arrival of new ' wheat ever known at Winnipeg waa . re- . ported. , v grade no. s, Cora prtcea covered a range of and war influenced largely by wheat, advancing early and reacting later on profit taking. Officii weather reports Included Information that crop damages in IUUnola 1 lea than 21 per oaatr and the same la Iowa. New or tn oat crop waa aoi eonaiaered i uiflcant and v rices reelected the trend neighboring pita. Buying by seaboard porter ws more than offset by looal proat - .i ins, PrwWrni advancod oartar n liberal ektH. rwttits ot ,rd and the advance oa hoc. with shorts UAfng in the buying, but , ratllslng sale later found Uttl support and Tih- gatawae mostly loot. .Cloelog prion vttrrt at lie nouom. l Cash PrleasWheati No. I ted, 11.46 o. I red, l.Mtl.UK;Ko. 1 hard, 11.43 sa 14f; No. S hard, tl.7Qi.U. Corn . yeHw, UQ1c; No, 4 yellow. 14c . Vwbue nomlnaL Oata; ho. I whit. y' Omaha, August IS, 1US. TteelDt, ro: Cattle. 'Hoh. Bheep. Offtclnl Monday 11,124 T.470 14.4R0 Official.. Tiieeday I.64S f.121 Wednesday. 4.600 , 10.700 Three Jays this weik.S4.471 27,193 flarne days last Week..lM7 Hams' days t weeks agol4,337 Same days t weeks ago .01 Same duys 4 weeks agol3.676 asms aays last ear..w,Z77 The following, tabi snow tne receipt of cattle, hos and sheep at ths Bouth Omaha llvs stock market tor tne year to data, as oompared with last year: . 114. im. rf Inn. Deo. Cattl .... 714,754 . 01,7tl llfi.!6 Hon 1.187.264 1.141.6U1lt.7 ...... Sheep .....1.-407.0I0 1,412.514 141,464 The followlne- table ahttwtr tha averaae -prices of hoirat the Omaha live stock mar- net ior tne iaat,few days with companaon: Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. t. 1. Aug. t. Aug. 10 AUK 11 Aug. 11. Aug 11 AUg. 14 Aug. It Aug. 14 Sale. High. Low. Clfls. 1,1900 68 17 BJH k fina aa cou, 41 0,800 73 73 71 700 HOI 108 n -1,100 111 110 130 -1,400 14 , , 1 , M 16,200 84 H M 9 AAA in " 10B 103 11.000 77 74 , 74 1.000 17 17 , 37 Huoday Cattle Receipt were liberal again today, 170 carp being reported tn. This make the total for tho thro day this week 24,471 head, the largest of any recant week ana larger man a year aao. ine aemanL.waa ooa and aesirani beet oatti were steady to stronger. Host of the cattle consisted of western rangers, tho beat oeec steers sailing up to si.oo. Tnere waa only n small sprinkling of cornfeda. but tnere were yearling good enough to bring in.-v. Tho beat eowa war not far from atoadr. but ther grades wera generally a little lower. v. Peslrabl feeding cattle war In demand at ateady to stronger prices. Quotations on cattiei oood to choice beeves. Iff.600io.06; fair to good beeves. 18.0000.86: common to fair beeves. 87.76A 8.76: aood to choice vearllnn. 10.60010.161 fair to gooa yeaning,; common to fair yearlings. I7.00d8.60: good to oholce grass beeves, 88,0041.16, fair to good grass beeves,; common to xair grass beeves. 10.60497.00: srood to ohoio neiiers. 16.7607.60: aood to choice cow, 16.81) 7.16; fair to good cows, $6.0004.40, com mon to fair cows, ll.7696.76ti good to choice feeder. 17.60!. 40: fair to good faeders, 87.0007.60: commotr to fair feeder, aood to choice stocktrs. IT.5001.00: stock heifer, 6.7606,7(i stork cow. $6.60 4I6.&0." atock calves. I4.76ol.60: val calve, 9I 00O11.4O; beef bull, stag, ato. n.sov i.w, ioiona ouiiSt te.susyise uepressntativa sates: BEEF 8TEIBR0, 8 17B l'(S 11 61 El 2 " 1.1 18 It II tlJ 10 II, 46V " 1L '! T. 1 1 46 46 87 86 71 170 loS 71 4S 17 170 111 17 101 .... 10 11 61 .... Ill 14 16 tJ3 '7 IOOV 14 14 , 1 401 II V 4,100 Hi 11,100 106 M , 100 oi , l.iot 1IIM 1,100 1114 Montana Power. National Lead... Nevada Copper,. n, s. centre,..., N. T.. H. H... Norfolk ' West, Northern PaoUlo Pacltio Hall.... Paclflo Tel. Tel Pennaylvanla 4,100 Hay Con. Con 6.800 Reading 81.100 100 ttan. irnn m. nun, i.iuu dv Bhat, Aril. Cop... 700. 18 Southern Pacific.. 1,100 II Southern Hallwar. 1.600 24 Studebaker Co.... 11.70 183 Tenneseee Copper.. 1,100 86 Texas Company. ., 1,400 104 II 10 s. 06 II 101 104 68 It llUH 1SB 111 HI ::::: V, 6t II 66 84 14 14 00 108 106 60 1 48$ 49 18 STi 88 It 88 18 .80 181 86 14 Union Teciric... 16,100 141 181 140 Union Paclflo pfd.. ... 82 U. B. Ind. Alcohol. 7,600 114. 111. 118, si s; . Mtl 188.900 B. Steel pfd.... 1.800 111 118 117 Utah. Copper .1,100 11 11 11 Wabaah pfd "B".. 1,100 11 18 18 Westsrn Union.... 18 Westtngn. El.etrlc 7,100 8t 11 61 Total saiea ior tne nay, sbb.mwb anares. A . Xew ,Tor Meaer Harkst. , New Tork. Aug. It. Prim, Mercantile Paper I per asnt. Burling Sichango Siitr-day I bills, 4.71i demand, 14.78 11-11; cables, 4.71. silver Bar, seito; aisxioan aoiiara, ia . Bonds Government, . steady i .railroad. teady. ' ' I Time Loans Steady: ality days' 03 par cent: nlnsty daya, St8 per oent; Us montns, 8jve per oeni. Call Money Steady: higheet, 1 percentl lowest, 1 psr cent: ruling rata, 114 . per oent; last loan, 8 per eent; closing bid, ?' per cent: offered, at 1 per cent, u. S. rs Is, rg. tt L. N. un. 4s.. 14 U. S. reg Is, M..K. A T. 1st Is. 71 II. 8. Is. reg..,looMo. Fac. con. Is.101 u,. 9. Bs, eou... ini Mont, rowsr 6s..7 V. s. 4s. reg...lotN. r. C deb. Am. Bmelttrs is.107 (1161) ' 107 8. ov n. x., n. h. VI 101 K. cv. Is Ul Vreneh ls..sgNof Pao. IS 11 Atchison gen. 4s..l8No. Pan. 1 46 S. et O. 4,......l0O. S. L. rsf. 4s.. 11 thleh.ra Steel 'Penn. con. 4s.l04 roll. 6s .100 Penn. gen. 4s.l01 Cent. Pac. lst...l7Readln gsn. 4s..ll C O. V. 4s.l4.s. L. S.-f. , C B. Q. It. ret. 4s 14 V ss. SI Dk a. N. rw. or. es..ivt sv. Is 104 So. Pac rsf, 6s.. 81 ft, R. I, P. So. Ry. ta......l01 Ry ref. 4s UU. P. 4s 16 CAS. ret. 4s..8fU. P. ov. 4t....lstl D.R. O. con. 4s.78U. 8.. Rub. is. ...108 Erie gen, 4s.,....78U. a Btsel 6s. ..106 Qen. Slec. 6s. ..104 Weet.Unlon 4s.ll Ul. iNor. (BC exts.... IS nesungnouBA U u. rer. ts...t..n.ia Aiee. or. es.,.liv I. M. M. 4s...108d. R. o. rtr.-ii X. C. 8. "Bid. ".Offered. . Kansas City General Market, " Kansas City, Mo., Aug. II Wheat No. I hard. I1.87 01.4I1 . NO. I red. 61.40ai.47 Beptember. tl.1; Deoember, 11.11) May, ll.eiB1.ts. . Corn No. I mixed, tlc; No, I white, fta asked; No. I yellow, I40; September, I0ci December, 7tc; May. 74074o. Oats No. I whit. 4iiio: no. l mixed, 44OI60. - i Butter Creamery, llof tint, lloi no. onds. 86c: packing, zte. Ban First, 840. Poultry Hons, 10al. roosters, 10o; Am. Dniei..i Am. T, Angio.Fre'nc broilers. . MlaneapoUe Orala Market. - Minneapolis, Aus 16. Wheat Bsptsmbsr, II. 41V,: December. tl.47S1.41. ICaeh: No. 1 hard, 11.66: No. 1 northern, 11.60 Vi.t6: no. i' nortnarn, oi.eiiVi.Bl. FlourA-Unchangsd. . . Barlsy 71t86c. f j Rye-ll 1I4JI 14. - .. x ; Bran 818.I18I.II. ' . -. . Corn No, I yellow, ltt81e. : Oats No. I Whits. 41 041c. .' : ; eTIaxaeed II.14I17. . . yearlings, feeders, I6.t04t7.ll; wethers, fair to choice, awes, good to choice, tt.6Ofi7.O0; swos, fair to good, 86.76f84.80; ewes, plain to cull.. I4.0OS6.7I; feeding. i 4.6006.16; awes, breeders, all agea, 16.11 M.oo. , Bepressnutlvs salsa: ' Hsol Nevada lamba '.. 180 Novada feeder bLmbe ... 114 Wyoming lambs 71 cull lambs 101 Wyoming lamba 117 Wyoming lamba ...v..... Ill Wyoming lambs Ill Wyoming awes . lit Wyoming ewes Ill Wyoming ewes 7t Wyoming lambs 1118 Wyoming lambs 117 Wyoming Jambs Date. 1116. Ilrlt'rnill. 118117 t 00 i titZ I 14 11 11 I 40 3 I IIU ss t tl I 71 I II I 10 I 81 t 48 10 t 17 I 111 t 61 I 88 t 70 I 681 I 60 t lOj ! e ! " 7 881 t 70 i ul '."I t to t 01 I 71 I 86 I II I III I II I 41 I 41 t II I 17 I II I 14 1,11 I II 7 16 7 16 7 701 7 78 1 771 llll.lltll. ! " t it ti T tl t to 7 781 t 16 s I 01 t08 I 12! I II I 111 I tl It I II I tl T 14 iV. 7 11 7 17 7 II 7 il e T It 7 01 7 17 No. Av. Ft. I lit l 16 14. 161 I 80 88. ........1030 1 76 14 1081 7 06 17 lit 7 '16 18. ...... .1101 7 60 II 1100 t 76 1 107 t It 8TEHR8 AND HEIFERS. IBS s uv - 10 . sue V so t 40' 10 8J0 10 40 HF.1PER8. I 86 IS 687 , 6 40 t 60 ' 61 701 1 I It COWS. v 10, I. ...... .110t 4 71 No. 1 Av. Pr. 1 766 16 It It 766 I 60 If, 107 I 70- 16. , 761 7 00 ... 046 7 10 .,, 701 1 16 ... 716 .1 10 ...1180 10 101. 744 , 1(0 ...170 ... 110 ... 720 ... Ill ...1100 ...1210 ... 780 v.. 4 II t 00 (' I., I 60. 12. I 00 I, . BULLS. I 76 1., 0,01 l,. I 7t ' ' CALVES. 7 16 11.. I 00 1.. t4l ... 110 ... Ill ...lilt ...1410 I 16 I II I II I to I 10 It.. I.. T It f tl T It 7 It 70 I 40 I It t If AY.' Pr. .. 80 10 10 .. 47 10 10 .. 61 10 10 ...40 t 60 ..61 It 26 ..77 . 10 10 ... 71 10 00 ..108 I 10 ,.,100 I 00 ... II t 00 ... II 10 26 ... 71 10 10 ... 41 10 16 , St. Louis Uts Stock Market. St. Louis. Aug. Og. Cattls Rseslpts, t.OOO head;, market higher; native teef eteers. f7.OOOrO.60r ysarllng steers and heifers, 18.60010.00; cows, 16.60 0 7.71; stockers anoT feeders, 16.1098.16; Texea eteers, !6.60OI'tv; sprlme southern steere, I8.00OI.O0; eowa and helfere, I4.60O8.00; prime yearling steere and heifers, 8760 It 1.00; native calves, t6.00.fjll.60. Hogs Receipts, v.soo neaa; mersci higher: pigs and lights, and butchers,1 110. 110.60010.60: bu k of Hneen ano LimH Hecetpie. e.euv neao market higher: lamba, I7.00O10.60; slaugh ter ewes, 06.oofy7.ib; nieatingewes, ts.wv ITW YOBK CENKBAL MABKM. QaoUtlons of tha D.yon tha Loading Com , modi tics. New Tork,' Aug. 16 Unasttleoii spring-patents, I7.80fj8.10; winter patents, 87.35fs7,co; winter siraigms, ' Wheat Spot, easy! No. 1 durum, 11.62; No. 1 hard, 11.56; No. 1 northern, Duluth, ll.tlj No. 1 northern; Manitoba, 11.60 f.o. b.. New York. v Corn Spot, easy; No. 1 yellow. 6c, c 1. f.. New York. .it. 17 56.. li mlsed-l""h peeled ahrlmp, per gal., 12.00. ,,.w.o,..'.J?.1ood, J-Ssss, VrV'cr1'" Of ..lea, I10.20O10.60. . SLZaSi,-. . rMs.-l24s. 360.. box. . ChUago Live Stack Market, . Chicago, Aug. It. Cattls BscelpU,17,- 000 head; market, strong to lla higher; natives, I7.10O11.10; western eteers, 11.660 8.10: stockers and reeders, ss.quo7.bbi cows and heifers,; calyea, 88. 86018.76. Hogs Receipts. 13.000 neaa; mantel ctoaed strong and ltOlte htghsr; VQIk of sales, I10.10O10.70; Hght, 810.1601060; mixed, ll.10O10.S0; heavy, ll.70O10.80i rough,; Pigs. I8.1IOI I0. Sheep and Lambs Receipts. 10.000 head; market, firm to 16c higher; 'sheep wethere, 6l60O7.t0; ewea, tl.1107.6t; lambs, 17.160 11.16. . Bsstsas City Lire stack Market. ' Kansas City. Mo.. -Aug. It. CattleRa- eelpte, 11,000 head; market stsady; prima fed steers; 7.QOO.oo; stockers ana xeeaers. tf.00Ol.ll; bulls, lt.16Ot.60; calves, 16.80 OH.oo. t Hoas Receipts. 10.000 liead: market higher; bulk of salea, II.I6O10.36; heavy, ll.76O10.2b; pacaers ana ouicners, fv.vuw 10.40; light, I8.I0O10.40; pigs. I8.00O6.60. ' ni...n nA IariIm Ree.lDts. 4.000 head: market higher; lamba, Ill OOOH IOf' year- llnge, I7.tooi.60; wetners, ,e.70O; ewes, I6.60O7.00. M. foMph Live Stock Market. St. Joseph, Aug. .It. Cattle Receipts, 8.000 head: market 'Steady: ateera. 11.100 slO.80; cows and heifers, 14.0001.10; calves, I6.00S11.00. Hogs Receipts, s.ouc aeaa; marxet higher; top, 110.86; bulk of sales 11.160 10.26. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, head; market higher; lamba, 110.00 011.00; ewes, I8.60O7.I6,- i , . St. Louis Orala Market. St. Louis, Aug. II. Wheat No. I red. 1.48 01.61; No. I hard, I1.I301.61; Sep tember, tl.40OI l0; December, ll.ll. Corn No. 'I, too; No. I wnite, 66c September, tlo; Decfmber, 71cV Oats No. I, toe ; no. s wave, 440. ' V Liverpool Grain Market. W ' Liverpool, Aug. It. Wheat Spot: No. 1 Manitoba, lis Ud; Nb7 red, western win. tor. 18a Sd. Corn Spot, American,, mixed, new. 10a d. . OMABA GEJrraAt, MASiliET. Butter NoT'l creamery, la cartons or, tubs. lOo; No. 1, lc Poultry Broilers, 10c: .Jtena, lie; geese, MllY'cathered, 10; roosters and - staga, 10o ducka, llo;. turkeya 13c: capons, llo: guineas, 16c: squaba IOcOH-OO per dos.: lgsons, 11.00 per dos, Cheeee Imported Bwlsa. lb., 4tc; domes, tic Swiss, tOcihlock Swiss, llo; twins. 17o; triplets, 17c; daisies, 17c; Toung Amer ica. llc; blue label brick, 18c; 11m bergtr. 10c; New Tork white. Its; Rocque fort, 66c. Beer-cuts Hies; no. 1, id., ic; no. flR. .hinnlnr 76 loi No. 1. 18U.C Lolna: No. 1. 21o: I No. I, 11. 10O1.16; No. 1, IMS, snipping, No. t. 10ol No. I, 17o Chucks: No. 1, O80c . '.UT-rai... ,.H.. I Hons Easy: etats common to choice, Not itSo- No.' 1 ItiiV No. t. llo. I'll. 10tjl7c; 1914, -J7o,; Paclflo coast, Pla'tet I 1. 10.: No' .Ttoo.l.lcJ 1015, 10 13c: 1814 ft to.; FRESH FISH Halibut, lsHCi catnsn niuoa xvut.a, 71 v. -ts smaii, -lie: catiisn, iro t.vslh, nu, -- salmon, llc. whlteflsb, 14c; trout. No. 1, 17c; ylelow pine, no. 1, im; ouuneaaa, ioc, carp. No. 1, 9c: black bass, 140; croppie, medium, lDo;-piCKerei, ia sieas; coainn. lloi tlleflah (new), 7c; red snapper, 13c; soanlsh mackerel. 16c: sun flat). 0c; Lake Brie lumbo wnitensn. 220; riounaera, zancyj IOT:K lie, 111,1 W HISHiFlOf 1 01, t , SUB S3 IIKU, each, 0c; frogs, jumbo, $2.60; medium.ftry. special, 767a; special, y. i $1,75 J fresh headless shrfmp, pr gal., (12. 94; 126s. 14 60;-1 60S, 38S., 4.76; Hfts, 3A(js. 31 fs, 264, 14.15. Lemons: Uoldn B'.wi; 100. 140s, box. t.h0: Bilver Cord, a 00s. lavs. It. 00. Apples'. Oravensteln, box. old Ha TaaiHla kl RA rsalliirii tr,titm- fnln.1 redo poachea. Carmen, 108s, boa, 806; 10. 90c; Colorado peachea, larger size, fl.OO; California Siberia or Crawford. Sl.lfr: Cali fornia. Elbertas, Ave-box lots. 11.10. Pfars: uartiecta, uai., oox, ..; xsumock or riem Ish Beauties, $160; i-tter or choice e-Uer. 13. ; choice f-t)er, U-00; fancy, f-tler C lappa, '$2.26; K-tler choice, Jtler fancy, 92.00; l-tler choice, 91.71. Plums: Large red if blue, box, 92,00. Graven; Malagas, enrfe, '92.00; Thompson Seedless. - 91.76. Watermelon : Lb., lac. Cantaloupe : M. B. etandard. crate $3.26; ponys, 92.76;h fiat, 91.40. Bananas: Bunch. i.7& Apricot: Crate, $1.76. 1 Vegetables Sweet potatoes Alabama, bu. hamper, 92; ' potatoes, bu.. ifc; onions, Spanish; crate, i; onion. Cal.. lb., mc; cucumbers, basket, IBc; stoppers, basket,sOc; celery. Ulch., dos.. 40c; pass, Telephone, basket, 91; head lettuce, dos., 91; corn, high grade, dos., 1,6c; tomatoes, Basket. 86c; beets, carrots and turnips, basket 600; shallots, radishes, do., 20" garjict lb., 20c. Ulsoellaneous Crackerjack, checker and cornpops. case, $8.60; cases. $1.76. Spe cial: Peanut. No. 1 raw. lb.. 9c; Jumbo, to; popcorn, case,' 92.56; figs, Iwx, 80c - The wholesale price or oeer cuts was: no, 1 rlba, lto No. rlbe, 18c; No. t ribs, 18 40. No. 1 loins, 2Ujcf -No. I loins, SOHo; No. 2 loins, 17Hc; No. 1 chucks, 1244c; No. S chucks, 13t No. I chucks, 10o. No. 1 rounds, 16 Sic; No. Smunds, HHofNo. 8 rounds, 124c. No. plates, 10c; No. 2 plates, 0c; tN.y, plates, 9c. 1 Omaha Hay Idarket, Omaha. Aug. 14. Pratrle Hay Choice Upland, 110.00; No. 1, I8.60tjl0.60;' No. 3.1 IT.oot.oo; iNo. 0, Vt.gow7.uu; cnoice mm land, 99.60910.00;. No. 1, 99.0099.60; No. 2, 97.009.00; No. 9. $6.00 7.00; choice low land, 98.00t99.00; NO. 1, 97.O04jM.0O: No. 2, 9.0097.OO; No. 9, 98.0096.00. Alfalfa Choice, $11.00 12.00; 1 No. 1, 910 00911.00; standard, $8.00 10.00;, No. 2, 96.00AS.00: No. 1. 94.0006.00. b Straw Choice wheat. 96.00; choice oat or rye, 99.0009.60. Oata Spot, easy; No. 2 white, 5O05flHc. L. Decemb'er, 14.45c; January. U-t H-tv StAudv; nrlma. 21.30: No. 1. $1.26 ; I , . ' w -. M.v' 1. 77c . Futures closed steady; August:, ii.iac; uo- j tobef, 14.90o; December. 14.98c; January 14.4c; March,. 14.60c; May. 14.74c. Spot steady; middling uplands, 14.29. " "Liverpool, Aug. 16. Cotton Spot, steady; " good middling. B.4d; middling, 8.78d; loiHx middling, 8.62d. Sales, 7.000 bales. all JMlirriun, 7H-. a Leather Firm; htmlock flruft, 37c; aeo- onds. 36c. -Provisions Pork, firm; mers, $28.50i8) 29.00: family. 828.00 & 20.00: short cleur, 92S.6C27.60. Beef, firmer; mess, $19.00 N ljt.ed; jamiiy, iw,ww.i.o. -m u, , middle wtst, 9IS.76ln.8fi. , ' , Tallcw Firm; city, .He, nominal; coun- Butter Finn ; receipts, 12,479 tub; creamery extras, SI ft 32c; f nrsts, 290304c; stfeonds, 27 28 4c,. 1 : li-Cge irregular; receipt, to.tvt fresh gathered, extra line, 2233cf extra firsts, 30 31c; Ants, 271929c. Cthceae Frm; qecelpts, 6,700 boxes; state whole milk flats fresh, specials, 17 17 4c; state whole milk flati average "Vncy, 164 0 16c. . ( - - Poultry-Allce, market .uncertain: no prireraUled. Dressed, easier and un changed. V;' Coffee MarkrtV . - New Tork, Aug. 16. Coffee The market for futures was very quiet today. Owing -to the holtnay there were no official cables from the Brazilian markets, whlrh may have 'had a tendency to restrict business around the local ring, while offerings weroj llgntciv after the scattering liquidation of yettterday. The opening was dull and un changed, hut December sold up to 8,80c dnrlnir thfLdav. while May advanced to 9.Hc on 'local buylngr Later fluctuations were somewhat Irregular, but the -clone was steady on a llttls trade buying with lnet prices S to 7 points net hlghnr. Sales, 12,600 bags; August, 8.67c; I September, 8.71c; Oc- " . Dry pood Market. v " New Tork, Aug. 16. One of the leading handlers ot bleached goods today advanced priced 4 cent a yarti. , Some print cloth mills advance their Nsjiotatlons in narrow goods 4 cent a yard. Demand for many, line of finished cotton goods continued to bo brisk. Worsted yarns were firm! . We Offer Russian-Imperial rnternal 5V2 Bonds of 1916 , Dinct obllgatlbn of the Russian Government Free' of all present and future Russian taxation' ' INTEREST FAYABLEf HERE Profit over 60 and interest yield over 8 figuring present tow ex charge rate, at the normal value of rubles. , v N K Circulars, particulars and also certified English translation of bonds on request A. E. JOHNSON &C0i RUSSIAN AMERICAN LINE " RUSSIAN OFFICES l ' Petroerad Moscow Odeaaa Riffa Archangel Mrfnk Wilna. Etc. 37 Broadway Ney York tober, I.t4ci November, 1.77c; December, l.7to: January, 1.84c; February,, a o-. lT,- M.V. t.OlO! JUIIS, l.07o; ' July. ' 1.12c' The spot market was -ir quiet at IHo Icr Rio 7a and 10H .. im nil frelaht- oflere fromT Braxll were fairly Numerous, .with little changa In quotations, which ranted Irom above lt-.tOo to 11.00c for Santos 4s. , J -v. New York Cottoa Market. " New Tork. Auff. it. Cotton Kutursl onened steady: Auiust, 14.280; Ootobsr. I.Uo; New York, 6.06jl6.16. Metal Market. Aug. 18. Metals Lead firm; Hoelter firm; soot bast St.. Louis delivery, offered at 18.00. Copper flam; eleclrolytlo, 26.00t)27.00. Iron steady and unchanged. Tin quiet spot, S8.l71tt s 81.1 H At London; Spot copper, till; futures, 1111; electrolytic, 126; epot tin, 1171; fu tures, 1172; lead, 10; spelter, 41 10a , Price of Gasoline RedneeA. Chicago, Aug. 16 Gasoline was1 reduced In price to 17 Uj-cents a gallon here today, a reduction of 1 cent.1 , Take Duffy's Qn Your Vacation Change of water and diet need rot be feared if you are prepared. You. will feel .more comfortable on your - vacation, ad it is really an element of safety t have readyl at hand ior emergencies, a bottle of Duffy's Pure AV alt Wr Taken in medicinal tjoses of a tablespoonful in water before meals and on retiring, it benefits digestion of food and assists in its assimilation, so that the body is given strength and vigor to resist the uncertain ties of summer diet, impure watei and tphe dangers of sunstroke or heat prostration. "Get Duffy's ; and Reel) Well" At most druggists, grocers ar(d dealers, $1.00. If they can't supply you, write us. Useful household booklet free. Tho Duffy Malt Whiskey Caw, s ' Rochester, N. Y. ; so....r;.. 4ii t is ii....... i i 0 11. .....J. 290- 00 I,. 10 10 00 ... tn 10 so . i. wo u 99 .. . IRA 11 as STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. ... Mt i so si. ...... m rto ... 970 T 00 5. ...... .1020 ? it WESTBRffH. ' Lob Broa.-?sWre. ltoows...l07J IS 10,. 11 steers.. 711 J 00 r. n. ivunMr o. v. 14 steers.. 787 0 10 81 steer. s,10II j. m BiDbeti eon eo. 17 steers. .UiO 110 10 steers.. 1114 p. j. -wiison yvyo. 11 steers., oil 0 SO w. f. Peterson- WTO.-mex. 30 steers.. 1017 '0 10 f steers.. 1010 C. aabrieisoA wyo. U feeders. 1004 1 01 Uteers,. 001 Leva B. Howes hoik. 4loows...loa0 I TO 19OOWS...1080 Mrs, B. Mortimer wyo. feeders. 81 4 10 10 cows... ISO 1DAUU. lTstsers.;UI7 TOO 0 eows. . .1041 21 steers.. 1160 7 00 7 oows.1060 Hon-fteoelots were tolerably liberal as compared with most recent days, being the heaviest of the week to oeM. Ksumaiee placed supplies at 100 loads, or 10,700 head. briuaina tiie total lor tne nrsi nan ox ine week uo to 17.893 head, this Is 7.000 more than were nere auring tne same penon wi. woeK, snq ,uoo neavier inan ior in cor responding -days a year ago, but smaller than two weeks ago by 7,000 head. - values scored another gooa aavarioa to day, hogs selling mostly lOo higher and la; spots even more than that Shippers bought their hogs at prices that were any way 11910c Is her. i While general quality naa oeen isiriy oeu mis ww, uiini. loads of good llgn( of butcher weight hogs have been lacking, and tops have not, on that account shown as much advance as the general market too last couple of aaya, Today no full loads sold above 110.10. i ne pacner traue varit sun oin higher. As waa tho case yesterday buy ers' were able to get ta few hogs right at the start that hardly showed tho full advsnoe, but most of their purchases were all. of 10c above yesterday. Best time of the market was la the middle, trade again, becoming a little draggy towards the olose. 'Today, however, there was -no quot able weakness on lata rounds, last sales Lahowlng the general advnce A good clearance was made before 0:30, though, ae usual there were scattered loadfstlll la tha pens at that time, , ,M In the last two days .most of tho de cline of Baturday and Monday has been made up and bulk of the hogs Is mow sell ing almost as high as on tho high spot Friday, though owing to the absence of choice shipping hogs tops today fell a dime short of Friday's August record. 'Most of today s ernes landed at i.fi040.00, with scattered loads of packers on dowa towards 10.60, and shipping grades .on up to 110.10, the top. . Representative sales: i 1 PROSPERITY IEA8UE ' W ' ' - 1 i.'.Vo ' v" ; H No. Ihy. : So. Pr I II ... t w 40 t It 111 . It t It ' ... It Ot ... It II ' lndon. Aug.. 18. American ' seeurltlea' were quiet and the general tone ataadr. Canadlaa Faclno aharea. However, . rather aasr. Silver Bar. II 11-lld pe euneo. i , .. Honey 44 Ver cent. i 1 Dlaooant Hatea Short kills, IHDHk er eanti tara, months, paf eent. J : TurpMtlaa sad BoaSa Market. . Vavannah, Oa, Anr. II. Turpentine. Firm. 48e.l140! sales, 107 bblai recelpta 417; stock, 11.180. Rosin Firm; aale, 1.11 bblai rsoelpts, I, 1111 stock, lt,0M. Quotations: A, B, II. ltl) C, D, S. tl.Ot; P,; O, .88l H, I, K. 8.48 II, ll.ttl N, t.ili Wa.1t.1t; WW, ' . - -: ' i ' ' . ,v Bank Clsaitan. : . ,: " Omaha, AMg. II. Bank elearln,. (or Omaha today were 14.671,108.71 and for the correspond! of day last year 11,101,101.11, No. Av, io. .loo ... to io 17.. m. 15. .110 ... 0 00 10. .111 10, .SIS ... 0 70 7a..S30 70..11T ... 1 70 73.. 131 07,. 141 10 0 00 Tle.SiO 71.. l&O fl I OS 17., SIS 00..10T 40 10 OS , 18., 110 Sheep Sheep and lamb receipts were hot mucB more than half as large as on fit her k ine preceaing aaya or ine weeK. only thirty two cars, or about 7, BOO (teed, being reported In. The total for the three days la a-,134. being T.voe smaller than last Week, and but little more than half as large as a year ago. Demand for lambs continued good, and with much mora moderate receipts a sharp advance was In order. Packers were a little slow about giving sellers - their way, and nothing aold during tho first couple of hours, but when offerings finally began to novo It was at prtoes thafr-were anywhere from 16c to a quarter or more higher than' yester day. The toir'reached ( 10.00,1 while more than one hunch sold as high sis $10.10, with In-between Wyoming on down to $10,60. Th foots , of the. case sre that owing to supply shortegS packers actually gtvo prices that were 10 T0o .higher for some of to day's offerings, but compared with the way the best lambs sold they were out of Una. Monday's decline Has been more than re gained and prices are now strong to a dime or more above last week's olose. Last week when old wheep were -breaking so sharply (ho declino could not be seen from day to day, because bulk of the 'offerings was not selling. - N Quite a.few feeders were hero again to day and while -there wer fewer buy ore here frem ths country tho actions of the trade during tho forenoon Indicated that offerings would soil readily enough at any way steady prices. One bunch of lambs had made $10.11 before midday.' A string or gooa reeaing yearungo snowe a- in advance, bringing $7.70 today. Toung breed tng ewes of about ths same sort aa yes terday's 11.00 stuff mads. Ml 00, but they were sortea onomrn closer to' make up any difference -In prtres: ,',' 'Quotations , on sheep and lambs: : Lambs, good to cholV i-?ftOlr0; lambs, fair to good, 10.25fQ.T& lamba. feeders. 40.15 eiO.U; yearlings, good to choice, IT. 009 t.OOl yearlings, fair U gMd, M.60f'.0i WISLVY f. AOKIHS SOUTH OMAHA MMN ALtttWTSOH MSM HA NT, C. C. ALLISON , l . susosaM .. OHM AMT1L inVSSTMBNTS. SUMS A L. SAKkn v , HAMUrAOTUMBS J. W. SBMOta .X . PAaHBR. MUMMISBV ALPMtO PHATT" ' MVSSTMtMTS. oUnoa CMA. H. HOWN 0 CAL BSTATS INVBSTMBHTO w. J., sunosss V IMVBSTHBNTS MAftnV V. lURKLIV ' MNTtB W. H. BUSHMAN JACOB ALBSfTT CAHN . M AMur AeTU sea ' LUI8 S. OBITS STOCKMAN, RSARMBY I. M. FAWFIgLO . aSAl BSTATg INVBSTMBHTO john m. ragHien SEAL BSTATS INVBSTNBNTS DM. ft. aiLMORS 1HVSIC1AN ANS) SUROBON T. V. OOLDBH CAPITALIST, O'NIILL . ' PBRDINAND HA ARM ANN MANurAOTURES . J. HAN WHEN V CONTRACTOR MEB SI HUNKER ATTORNEY, WIST POIIfT 8-, PRANK . JOHNSON OMAHA PRINTtNO SO. . O. J. KANBACH INVBSTMBNTS HON. J. T. KEELEY VALENTINE . . J. KELLY , MSRCHANT, NIOBRARA PRANK . KINNARO CAPITAL I ST JACOB KLEIN X HE RON ANT, rsaxriok UO AATTA v TANOH OWNfN, TBKAMAH g. M. P. LgPLANO v ( CAWTAUST W. MgOBATH OOAL OnflATOR JOHN A. MOMRSACHER ' INVESTHINTS, WVMORB SOPH US P. NKBKg' PRANK Ae NIMS - simis niHIB. Clf ' J J. NOVAK I ' BANKER, WILSBR " J. A O'CONNOR -. ATTORNEY 'ejfOROt PARR MERCHANT, N EM AON A OITT . , HON. WATSON L PUNDV LANS OWNKR. MASISON THBOOORg REIMBRS STOCKMAN, PULLBBTON " ' CARL ROHDI BBTiatS' r ARRIS. I JOHN O. ROS1CKY t C. ROTH v irtTiiTsii, wmmrnvmr JOHN SCHINOLKR StaNTON W. H. SCHMOLLIR , J. THIOOORI H, RK ' N SJDCKMAN. RELISH K. SHCKERT ' S . NANUPACTUVBR-'X MAfjRY V RIM AN WINSIOB PAUL P. SKINNBR " MAMUPACTURBR .. ''A, Ps SMITH JtBBSBI N. A. SPIISSEROER WHOLrSALBR HON. KTAPPORO WILLIAM STORK , INVBSTMBNTS, ARLIHOTSM ROBERT . STREHLOW V BONTRACTOR 7' ' OgOROI S. TYLER mVSSTMBNYS. NASTIHaa A. J. VttRLINtS , - ) PRES. PAXTON S VIERLINO ' IRON WORKS THBOOORg W DAMAN ." STOCK S4JY BR. AURORA . S. W1LLEY ATTRRNSt, RANSOAPM N. WOLRACH MERCHANT. ORAM MLANR M. M. WOLCOTT M ENCHANT, CENTRAL CTTV HON., OTTO 1UBLOW sIayor, SOMUVLBR The Promise Advocates of State PROHIBITION predict there will be fewer criminals in the penitentiary and fewer- boys and girls in industrial schools .and reformatories, in use the people of Nebraska wipe out their Local Option, Hgh License Law and adopt State PROHIBITION. t , ' Let us see what are the results In Kansas under 35 years of State PROHIBITION, arid what the results are under 35 years of Local Option in Nebraska. TKe Actual Result SENTENCED INMATES OCTOBER 1, 1915: L ' KANSAS NEBRASKA Penitentiary i. . . , . . . Reformatory ......... Boys' Industrial School. .... ; . . .1 Girls' Industrial School, , 830 330 264 154 326 None 199 99 Totals.., 1,578T 624' TTae foraaUI la a aaravlata Mat al Slats Paul mmi Carraeliaaal laarlratleei. la tka rwa stales. Taa IUaa ara allleUl. Nebraska has Helormat.rr. Iaasalaa la ke FWexa PrlMa ai astimaa la tke auu tel.L) ( The Cost to the Tiaxpayers Fumrasfar Kai onpaaes M, M sad 1ft, First Blenalal Report Sute v Board ot Correauoos. Firuree for Nebraska ara v found on'paga 77, Biennial Report Board of Commie. '' sloaars of Sute lostitutiona KANSAS, expenses of albve institu- & tionsfor fiscal'year 1914 ....... ..$457,899.78 l NEBRASKA, expenses of above insti-' i tutions,for fiscal ye 1914.TTr.$279,418.80 The Alley Joint in Kansas Warden J. K. Codding of tne Kansas 'penitentiary says that the "LITTLE ALLEY JOINT" in the cities of Kansas makes criminals. ; . - "After being -iff the penitentiary tor three years and nine months (the 1 average sentence served) the KANSAS BOY who has gone wrong walks out of the institution under parole " Cleaned, disciplined, re. v formed, be leaves the penitentiary walls behind him to return to his s " " native? city the city 'that permitted him to become schooled in crime .. . . . He Bnds that -his native city, the city, that spoiled hint, hasn't reformed any.' IT HAS THE' SAME LITTLE ALLEY JOINT, the same rendezvous yfhere some of the men and boys slip down C after night t) play poker and shoot craps, He resists it for a while', but the pull of the destructive Sght of his native city is too much for him. He slips a little andeeps slipping, and some morning be wakes ap after a debauch to nd he has broken his parole " Saa OfHelslBaaaH af tka Kaaaaa CMsltaaa al Cksaltiaa aad Casvaattaaa V . kald DaTaaaaas, IBIS, rata 43.) v . . These, are the "conditions surrounding the men and' boys of Kan sas. Is it any womler that the penal and, correctional institutions' in Kansas contain two and a half times as many inmates as do sinv ilar institutions in Nebraska? ,V v s,; , , v V- , - The Nebraska Prosperity League V , OPPOSED TO STATE PROHIBITION. IN FAVOR OF LOCAL OPTION, HIGH LICB3NSB Pitaident, L. F. CROFOOT ' TTftmrtt, W. J. COAD Secrefaiy, J. B. HAYNES Send for our literature. ' , . OMAHA," NEBRASKA 1 ) I IE H l :8Sm - ' send to .Vulture. -: ; ' ? V OMAHA, lSEBRASKA U J J.laB.IIIWIIWWiItt """''" ' ' "