Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 17, 1916, Image 1

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    Use the telephone for '
Be Wnt Ads. Tyler 1000
Seven trunk lines.
Intelligent ad-takers.
One cent per word.
. 3 AIIY
"fair. n,
VOL. XLVI NO. 55.-
On Train, at Motrin,
, ( 8lAiid, etc.. Sc.
cm ITT nnnnniii
Administration Leaders Anx
ious to Push Program Nand
Need Votes of
Senator Owen Anxious to Get
!' Bill Through at This
., Washington, Aug. 16. Republican
senate leaders and Senator Owen
democrat, tied the legislative situation
in the senate into a hard knot today,
threatening the-'plans of administra
tion leaders to expedite the shipping,
workmens compensation anflrevenue
tills, and assure an early adjourn
ment of congress. ,
The obstacle interposed was the
Owen's corrupt practice 'bill to limit
and regulate political icampaign con
trbutions.i The democrats did. not in
clude the measure in their legisla
tive program, . but Senator Owen
wants it passed and republican leaders
want definite assurances of its post
ponement until the frecember session.
When Semttor Fletcher sought an
agreement to voteron the shipping
bill late today, republican leaders de
mandedTin return a promise fromithe
administration fordes that the corrupf
practice bill would not at pressed
to a 'vote before adjournment. Most
of the democrats were willing to
give such a promise inasmuch as the
bill was not in the imperative pro
gram. They found Senatof Owen,
jiowever, determined to call his bill
up sometime before adjournment and
to demand a ybte an it, no matter
what the result might be.
WiU Hot Agree. . ' '
Senator Owen's attitude resulted in
a declaration by the republicans that
they would not agree to unanimous
consent in regard to fixing a time
for voting on either the shipping or
revenue bill. Senator Owen then an
nounced that he would refuse unani
mous consent on request to fix a
time to 'vote tin the other bills, so
long as opposition to his measure
persisted. -
That was the tangled situation
when tlie senate adjourned tonight
: "without - a vote1 on the shipping bilL
Some administration leaders thought
President Wilson mighthave to be
tppealed to if the- way were, to be
cleared for the shipping, revenue and
workmens' compensation -bill, which
, would complete the legislative iiro
f gram. If JSenator Owen and republi
can leaders remain determined; it was
'iarrl rnrMQ-resa mav be held in
session indefinitely. . '
By a Party Vote.
n a frirt dpmnmtic vote, re
publicans - opposing it,y the senate
finance committee ordered a favor
able report to the senate on the re
vised revenue bill, calculated to raise
$250,000,000 a ,year.
Chairman Simmons submitted the
report when the senate met and an
nounced that republican senators
would be given several days to study
the measure. . '
Meanwhile he proposed jfter dispo
sition of the shipping bill the senate
should take up the workmen's com
pensation bill. If this program .is
carried out the revenue, bill will be
' the last important measure to be acted
upon at this session.
lAlthough some democrats are ex
pected to oppose some features of the1
bill Senator Simmons said he could
see no reason why congress should
not adjourn about September J. "
The finance committee today added
a provision that after ninety days fol-
lowing passage of the revenue bill no
frozen halibut or salmon from the
. north Pacific' ocean shall be -admitted
into the United States through
jmy foreign country except when they
ihafl be in bond from an American
?ort The proposal is made tdTen
:ourage Americans in this industry,
' -which has rapidly been taken overby
' Great JJritain.
4From a Staff Correspondent)
. Washington, Aug. 16. (Special
Telegram.l-Some discussion , waf
started today,' but oiily in a passing
way with reference to Judge in
kaid'syote on the so-Called "bhilding
program" in the-navy bill, which was
adopted yesterday by a vote of 282
to SlJfifteen republicans being in
cluded in the negative of-whom Judge
Kinkaid was one.
In a frank discussion of the reason
for Uis vote "Uncle, Mose" said he
was wholly in-favor of the navy bill
and the immediate increase uduch it
carried, but he was opposed to that
part of amendment No. -238, which
provided for the construction of six
of the ten battleships of the "capital"
class in 1920 and of two cruisers not
to be built until 1920. '
K "I think on account of the prob
ability of the great Luropean war
terminating within a year or less that
the number ot ships to be constructed
in 1920 could have been left to an
other congress when It could act
the light ot existing conditions. 1
will vote for tfu provisions of the bill
which provide for an immediate pro
gram. I do" not believe it wise to
anticipate conditions as far in advance
as 1920 when we are facing the condi
tions of 1917 as t the, size of the
navy. '
Get Condemned Cannon.
The omnibus bill making donations
of condemned cannon and cannon
baJJs to numberless eities and towns
throughout the country was passed
unanimously ay the house yesterday.
Among the items in which Nebraska
is interested ar- the following:
Two condemned brass cannon, with
the carriages end cannon balls, for
Antelope park, in Lincolnr Neb., by
Mr. Keavis; one brass cannon, car
riage, and suitable supply of pyramids
tor tlie city ot Wilbur, saline county,
Neb., by Mr. Sloan: one condemned
brass cannon and carriage, with suitr
able supply of cannon balls, for two
pyramids for tlie city of Friend, Neb.j
by ir. sioan. '
' The Weather
K - . v
'For Nebrajki Fair.
Temperature at Omaha Yesterday.
, 71
. 74
. 83
. 84
2 p. m 84
8 p. m...... 83
- 4 p. m. 84
6 p. m. . ,'. 83
6 p. m 82
7 p. m....T7 82
8 p. ,A. 80
: Comparative ,Jocal Boord.
' int. 1915. 1914. 191S.
Highest yeiterday.... 86 '82 97 . 100
Utweut yesterday.... 8 . 8 - 76 7-S
Ueaft temperature..-: 76 76 88 89
Precipitation '.. T .21 T .01
Temperature and precipitation departures
from the normal:
Normal temperature .n.V; 7JN
Exceu foe-the day f ........... . 1
Total exoea Ince Marcb 1 ..(...22
Normal precipitation... r,; 11 Inch
Deficiency for-the day 11 Inch
Total rainfall since juarcn i....u.jfz incnei
r . - Hours. v
fffAElE.' itsi
M. 'lam.
Deficiency ulnae March
v Kxces for.cor. period, 1916
8.(6 Inches
.ii man
r.xupM ior.uw. irauvu, .11 ihui 1 vdiiic iu me itotm., uvui ncic unun
Deficiency for oor. period, 1914..70 Inches Lclawed befofe the anjma waa frjght.
BeporU From Station at 7 P. M.
Station and State - Temp. High- Rain-
,of Weather. p. p. in. est. fall.
Cheyenne, cloudy -66 80 -a .02
Davenport, clear........ 8ft 88 .00
Denver, clear ... 78 84 .00
Pea Moines, . clear 84 J 60 ',90
Podn City, part cloudy. 88 ' 94 .24
Lander, clear 7 80 .00
North Platte, clear.,.. 88 90 .00
Omaha, clou9y...r,.... 82 HIT
Pueblo, aloudy 7s , 8fl .99
rtDld tMtv. cloudv 82 i to 1.44
i Suit Lake Ctty, clear... SO .' AZ . .02
rtama f, ciouay. ...w. . w
Sheridan, cloudy........ 80 ; 88 v .00
Hioux City, rain 80 84 . . T
Valentlner clear 84 IB , .00
t Indicates trace of precipitation, 1
,. . . U A. WEiaii, Ueteorolofflst
Congressman Favors Letting
Future .Congress JTake
Care of Problems. '
RENMNANTS OF SERBIAN ARMY JOIN ALLIES IN NEW DRIVE About 150,000 Serbian soldiers, the remnants of
the army driven out of its own country by the Austrian, Germans and Bulgarians, have been re-organized and now form a
part of the allied army making a new drive in the Balkans. The picture shows some of the Serbians marching into their
camp near Salonica. ' ' . ' '
Cooler Weather
Checks Wheat Rust;
x Rain Helps Corn
i Washington, Aug. 16. "Damage by
blight and rust tontirmed on late
sownspring wheat in the northern
part 0 the spring wheat area and
extended 'into northeastern 'Montana,
aitnougn me extension ot rust slam
age was checked somewhaj by the
cooler weather that prevailed," the
weather, bureau today announced in
reviewing crop conditions for the
week which ended .yesterday, in the
national weather and cpop bulletin.
Corn generally was benefited by the
weather, except in Kansas, Oklaho
ma and north and west' Texas, where
little or no rain fell. ,
"In .Kansas-the prospect for corn
decreased steadily and in many places
in that state the crop promises to be
a failure because of fhe lack of rain
fall, says the bulletin.
"Corn was damaged almost beyond
repovery also in Oklahoma. In both
states cutting for fodder and ensilage
was begun. Corn deteriorated in
western and northern Texas also, but
elsewhere in that state the crop has
matured. J ' , .
"It is feared that the rain came too
late for most of the corn in Missouri,
although the late planted will un
doubtedly be greatly benefited. Early
corn was .badly damaged in Iowa and
many stalks have failed to ear well,
but tlie rain will greatly benefit late
corn in that state. The rainfall was
verjf. beneficial in Illinois, Indiana
and Ohio. Thr late) corn crop im
proved iti Nebraska also."
. 1
Proposes to Talke
s All Duties Off
Nejvs Print taper
Washington Aug. 16. Senator.
Martine of New Jersey assailed the
o-called "paper trust on the floor of
the senate today because of the tiigh
price of news print paper and sub
mitted an amendment to the revenut
bill to place news print paper and
materials entering into it on the free
list of the tariff. ,
The revenue bill, as reported to
day, would place on the free list print
paper costing up to S cents a pound.
Under existing law, paper costing up
to 2li cents a ppund is, on ther free
list. -
Guide and Cook Hurt
in Fight With Bear
Codv. Wyo.. Aug. 16. Ned Frost.
a guide, and E. D. Jones, a cook, were
brought here during the night suffer
ine from serious injuries received in
a battle with a large grizzly bear near
me iaKe noici, in ictiuwsione ixa
tional park, Monday night. Accord
ing -to their story,. Jones caught the
bear raiding the commissary and at
tempted to frighten it away.V The ani
mal Was mauling Jones when Frost
came to the rescue. Both were badly
ened away by approaching tourists.
The Injured men werejtorought here
on a- two days' overland trip. Both
will recover, say physicians. , '
What Mayor of Lincoln
' Said to Mayor of-Omaha
Mayor "Brother Charles" Brvan of
Lincoln visited- Mayor Dahlmah at
the city hall. Inasmuch as the outer
door waa-nloseri it wan rliffirult tn r1.
'tcrmine what the mayor of Lincoln
said to the mayor ot Omaha.
Eva1 q K mr$Wmw&
New York Banking Houses Will
Underwrite Big Loan for
British Government.
New York: Aug. 16. rormal an
nouncement was made today by J. P.
Morgan and company, as syndicate
managers of the new loan to Great
Britain, aggregating $250,000,000, to
run for two years at 5 per cent inter-)
est. Associated jvitn Morgan ana
dorftpany are several of the leading
banks, trust companies yand banking
houses of this city, Boston Pittsburgh
The detatfs of the terms of the loan
are' virtually the same as have al
ready been published in 'unofficial
f,,.o 1, -. j.o.;i,..i ,-
negotiation by "the United Kingdom
of Great Britain and Ireland," and is
in the form of gold notes, dated Sep
tember 1, 1916. - j.
The government reserves the right
to redeem the. entire issue in whole
or in part on 30 days' notice at anyJ
time up to August ii, l'Jl, at 101 and
accrued interest. . 1
Pledged against the loan are securi
ties to the value of .1-300,000,000 di
vided into three groups of $H)0,000,
000 each, which include stocks, bonds
and other securities of American cor
porations, securities of the Dominion
of Canada and the Canadian Pacific
railroad ami" securities of Argentina,
Chile, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland,
Denmark and Holland.
The banking syndicate will under
write the notes at 98 and interest.
Peahody Faction
' Wins Point in Rock
Island Litigation
Chicago, Aug. 16. Judge Ferdinand
A. Geiger of the Umted States dis
trict court yesterday entered a de
cision which permits the Peabody
committee to file suit to foreclose
fhe mortgage owthe Chicago, Rock
Island and Pacific railroad. .
Seven men who control about 20
per cent of the $111,000,000 of underly-.
mg bonds 01 the railroad comprise
the Peabody committee. The com
mittee holds that under the receiver
ship, the security of its bonds has
been injured.
Judge Geiger's decision is -onoosed
to the argument' presented by the
stockholders, Nathan L. Arms
ter of Boston and the-holders-of most
of the secondary securities, including
the debenture bonds. NeitherDavid
R. Francis, ambassador to Russia, one
of the trustees for the underlying
bonds, nor the other trustee, the
Central Trust company of New York.
approved the Sction of the Peabody
committee. ' v
Howell to Help ;
-.Manage Campaign
In Western States
Chicago. Aug. 16. Alvin T. Hert
of Kentucky, manager of the western
campaign headquarters of the repub
lican vpational committee, returned to
Chicago today from a week! vaca
tion at Mackinac island, pernared to
complete the organization of hisT
forces for the direction of the republi
can campaign in the territory between
yinio ana tne racitic coast.
He announced the appointment of
a western campaign committee of five
composed of James R. Garfield of
Ohio, Harold Ickes of Illinois, James
AJfemenway of Indiana, R. B. How
ell of Nebraska aid John T. Adams tf
lowa. -
Fatal Fight Over '
Bill for Room Rent
Webster City,- la.. Aug. 6.WfSoe-
cial Telegram.) J. B. Riy lies at
Mercv hospital in this -eitv nrnhahlv
totally wounded, and B. R. Cameron is
in jail, because of a fight early this
morning over the division of a $2.50
room rent bill.i Ray charges Cam
eron with having stabbed him six
times. - One of the thrusts tore ooeri
the left lung badly, snd this wound,
ij is feared, will prove fatal. Ray
was formerly a member of Company
C, Second Iowa infantry, ..but wa
discharged in Des Moities before the
Man Who Tries to Get Better
. .
of Public Is TraitorHughes
'Portland Ore., Aug. 16. Charles
E. Hughes, in an address to the
Portland Advertising club, in which
he advocated commercial prepared
ness) for European competition
through the agency of a protective
tariff, today branded as a' traitor to
his country the man who sought to
build tip his private fortune at public
expense. ' .
"The man who tries to get the bet
ter of the public fbr his private pur
poses," the nominee said, "is a traitor
to the government. We will go
ahead and put the, traitors out of
everything for granted. Its indus
tries won't be conserved by indulg
ing in good wishes around the club
table. We have got to. take account
of the lessons learned on the other
side and apply them. We have got
to consider honest business with the
success and pride that it deserves
and we have got to fearlessly con
demn abuses. ,
"We have got the basis for suc
cess. For what we now ncd i first,
the motive power of unswerving loy
alty and a real consciousness of na
tional unity which will till us with a
business, while we build up the busi-Ldominant sense of -patriotic loyalty
ness ot the umtea states. ,1
The (commercial problems whichl
,1.. Ill fr.m ...APT
Mr. Hughes said, will be greater
than evet before.
"We must save this country every
day. It won't be saved by letting it
drift. It t won't be saved by taking
Texas Insurgent
Enlivens the Union
Printers' Convention
Baltimore, Aug. 16. Today's ses
sion of the sixty-second annual con
vention of the InternationaLJypo
graphical union was enlivened by a
vigorous address by Delegate Dan
iels of Dallas, Tex., in which he
charged that the administration
forces were indulging in steam
roller", tactics. 1
Five of the twenty-two propositions
for amendment Ho the laws of the
union, reports on which Were submit
ted by the laws committee today,
stood in the name of Mr. Daniels.
Each of them the committee reported
unfavotably. - Mr. Dainels severely
criticized the laws committee, which is
regarded as the stronghold of the-administration,
for its unfavorable re
port on his amendment aimed to pre
vent the executive committee of the
union from having the authority to
transfer money from one fund to an
other "to maintain the integrity of
the organization." The convention
adopted the unfavorable report.
Philippines Bill
With Amendment
Passes Senate
Washington, Aug. 16. The Philin-
pine bill as reported-from conference,
with the Clarke amendment providing
for independence of the islands with
in tour years eliminated, but contain
ing a promise of freedom whenever
fhe Filipinos have demonstrated their
ability to maintain a stable govern
ment, finally was approved today by
tne senate, ine vote was j to a.
to the United' States.
"With that we want a conception
of real government. Wewant to be
well prepared, well organized com
mercially and industrially. We have
got to match organization with or
ganization, preparedtiese abroad with
preparedness at home in all things,
War Summary
THE RUSSIANS, after aSsonatderable period
of Inactivity tn the Carpathian, are mov
ing aweailvelr aralnat the Teutonic
foroei there.' Folio wing the taking qf
Jablonltsa, one the chief gateways to
Hungary, they hare eaptnred a serif
of heights west of Verokht and Ardie-
moy. - ,
BtfeSIAN CAfTVIiES of prinoneri from
Jnne 4 to Augnst IS are officially report
ed by Petrograd to have totalled more
than SS8,(H9 men. v
Somme region there was no marked ae-
, tlvltr dnrlog taut night. -
AT VERDUN THERE WAS a rlolent aerial
bombardment east of the Menee, but no
Infantry activity. '
men are orrnrrfng with 'frequency In the
region around (iorlzia, where rival avia
tor are endeavoring to indict material
damage 'behind the oppoitlng , tine.
fort to Induce Rumania ; to play a more
active part In the European iur. Cter
manr, Nnzlou to inn ore Romania's con-,
tinned neutrality, 1 reported by m Bucha
rest newspaper to have, offered her ter
ritorial compensation to thH end at the
expenM of Austria.
from tiorlsla so ath eastward toward
Trieste, la which, direction additional Aus
trian tranche We reported eapurcd. A
Milan newspaper dispatch carries a re
port that the Xtorman will take over the
'defense of Trieste, , ,
pressure In tlallcla Is Increasingly strong.
Berlin reports only minor fighting north
of the Dniester, while Petrograd an
nounces s check to the Russian advance
In northern Oaliola.
Section of Arctic
Exploring Party
; " Arrives at Nome
Nome, Alaska, Aug. 16. Vilhjal-mur-Steffanssonthe
Canadian Arctic
explorer, who went into the, polar
regions in the summer of,1913, prob
ably will not return to civilization
during the present season, but will
continue his work of exploring newly
discovered land north of- Prince Pat
rick lanft This news was brought by
members of the Steffansson party,
who' returned here ' today on the
power schooner, Alaska.
'The party' aboard the Alaska was
the southern party, under Dr. Ru
dolph Anderson, Steffansson's chief
subordinate, who had been exploring
and1 charting file coast line border
ing Union and Dolphin straits and
the Coronation gulf region, far east
of the Mackenzie rjver moutW ' -
All of the- little party which left
here on the Alaska in July, 1913, re
turned with the exception of Daniel
Blue, engineer, who died of disease at
Bailey Island during May, 1915, The
members of the bronzed crew which
reached here today were Dr. Ander
son, J. J. O'Neill, geologist; John R.
i n i . 1
logist; I. Johnson, oceangrapher ana
entomologist, and Oeorge Wilktns,
photographer. ' ,
The schoonef was under the com
mand of Captain Sweeney, who joiucd
the expedition while it was in Arctic
Waters. All members of the , party
are in good physical condition and ex
pressed themselves as having thor
oughly enjoyed themselves on their
long experience in the Arctic despite
the many hardships encountered ill a
land sq remote from civilization.
Most of the time since the spring
of 1914 the party has been in quar
ters at Bernard harbor on Coronation
gult, east ot tne Mackenzie river, one
of the least known sections of the
habitable earth. , ' ,
Damage Suits May
Be Filed Over the"
La Platte Accident
(. ' - :
Further legal rumblings pointing
toward the filings of a flock of dam
age suits against Sarpy county, alleg
ing negligence in failing to protect the
deserted roadway where their automo
bile leaped into the .Missouri river
the night of July 30, have been heard
in Douglas county courts, this tune
in the tilth application tor the ap
pointment of administrators of estate-;
of the Victims.-
Thomas ' Snyder, father of Grace
Snyder and Gertrude I.etncr, both of
whom were drowned, appeals to
Judge Bryc Crawford asking thai
he, be appointed administrator. He
asserts that the estate of Grace
Snyder consists ofi personal property
valued at $100 and the money ex
pected to be recovered from the
county through tle damage suit. .The
estate Of Gertrude Latner conshrts of
personal property worth $300 and a
similar claim on damage suit money.
John Galvin of Council Bluffs has
been appointed administrator of the
estate ot May Swift, another of the
victims, while the case of John Harold
Larson, a minor, has been taken un
der advisement by Judge Crawford.
The mother who resides at Lincoln,
has taken legal action in the state
capital. The. decision will be handed
down Saturday. , ,
Trenches on Slopes of 'Monte
Pecinka and East of Oori
" zia Are Captured "
Ronfc, Aug. -16. (Via, London.)-
Further advances for the Italians in
their campaign against the- Austrians
cast and southeast of Gorizia were
announced today by the war office.
Austrian trenches along thf slopes of
Monte Pecinka, on the northern edge
of the Carso plateau, and in the neigh-
borhood of Sail Caterina, and San
Marco, east of Girrizia, have been
taken, the announcement states.
' The. official statement says:
"On the Carso and in the hilly area
east of Gorfzia, heavy artillery and
trench mortars are active.) Our Infan
try succeeded in ' capturing enemy
trenches along the dopes Monte
Pecinka, on the northern edge of the"
Carm. and in the neiehborhood of
San Caterina and San 'Marcov east of
Gorizia, We took 453 prisoners, in
cluding eleven otticcrs. ... ,
Teuton Attacks Repulsed.
"On the remainder of the front the
usual attacks were repuisea. uur oe-tnrhmint-ji
nn the Asiam nliteaii
raided some trenches on the 'slopes of
Monte Mosciacg. Under heavy artil
lery and rifle fire, they inflicted dam-.
age upon the enemy defenses and
withdrew unmolested with some pris
oners. '
"A squadron of"fourteen Caproni
aeroplanes, escortedjjy Nieuport pur
suit machines, yesterday Domhardea
railway and military establishments
near Prvacina and Dornberg. Ninety
high explosive shells were dropped
and good results were observed. Our
machines returned safely. '
Trieste Attacked From Air.
"Rome, Tuesday,. Aug. IS. (Via
Paris, Aug.' 16.) A squadron of
French and Italian aeroplanes made a
raid near Trieste today and is re
ported to have inflicted extensive
damage. A French aefoplane was
lost. i
"A squadron of Italian hydroplanes
together with French hydroplanes and
aerftolanes this morning bombarded
the munitions factories and hangar an
Muggia, near Trieste, causing numer
ous destructive tires, says an otticial
statement issued tonisrht. - t
L "The French lost one machine while
resisting inose 01 me enemy; uincr-
wise the entire Franco-Italian squad
ron returned sately to its base.
Muggia is arr-Austrian sea port five
miles southwest opTrieste. It is on
the gulf of Trieste and has an ex
cellent harbor for war ships.
Artillery Duels in France.
Paris, Aug. 16. A violent bombard
ment was carried onV last night on the
Verdun front at Thiaumont, -Fleury,
Vaux and Chapitre, east of the Meuse.
Along the greater part of the front
1.1 1 .1..
tne nigut passed quicuy, uic umciai
report issued today says. ,
The statement says;
"The night was calm oh tlie greater
-part of the front. ,
"In the Champagne, in the region1
of Tahure and in the Argone toward
Harazee, we dispersed some German
"On the Verdun front there was a
fairly lively bombardment in the
TbJaumont, Fleury and Vaux-Chap-
irf cprlnrt
"Aviation: Last night enemy aero
planes dropped bombs on Belfort
Ihere were no victims.
British ' Trotrj Inactive.
London, Aug. 16. "With the ex
ception ot minor infantry engage
ments in the vicinity of Pozieres,
where our line is being consolidated,
there' was no ' change between the
Aucre and the Somme," the war office
report of t6day says. "There was
some heavy shelling by both sides
during the night." 1
California Girl is
iN Bride of British Earl
' London, Aug. 16. The Earl of Cot
tenham was married in St George's
.church, Hanover square, today to
Miss Patricia Burke, daughter of the
late T. H. Burke of California.1 Wal
ter Winans gave the bride away; Vis
courlt Crownhurst, eldest aon of the
earl, acted aa best man. The Karl
of -Cottenham's first wife was Lad
Hose; Neville. She died in J913,
President to Go Before Com-
' mittees Today With Prop,
osition Looking to
Regular Pay for Overtinx for
t Railroad Men and Investi- '
gation of Other Issues.
. , N '. - 1
Washington,' Aug. 16. Presidents
W ilson, late today, completed a -definite
plan for settlement of the ,
threatened railroad strike, which tye
will submit tomorrow to the general 1
commutes of theWO representatives '
of the employes and to (he managers',
committeer- ': ' , ,
The plan involves the Acceptance of
a basic eiaht-hour dav. with reeular
pay for overtime and' an investigation I
by a commission of other issues. , 1-
Judge William I Chambers of the
federal board of mediation and con
ciliation laid before the president late -
.today figures on the costs of an eight-
hour workday, and Jlien went to take
up in tentative form with the mana
gers the plan which will be placed v
before the employes' committee to
morrow. -. 1 V
The general committee ofemployei '
will see the -president at 3 o clock
tomorrow afternoon and the mana
gers' committee will see him earlier
in the day in case-there are any ques- .
tions concerning the plan put before 1
them byJudge Chambers. .' "
The president Regards the plan he
has prepared, after a conference with , '
both sides;" as a fair one which can
be accepted. He has fortified himself
with figures regarding the cost of an
eight-hour day to the railroads in or
der to enter fully into a discussion
with both sides. . . . '
Should either side reject the pro- '
posal, it is. .understood the president
will turn' to public opinion to force '
a settlement, The details of the presi
dent's Iplan, probably will be made
public should a break, appear inevit
able. ......
dt was stated that irr case the prenf ;
dent's efforts fail, action of some kind
may be taken in congress. '
Conference Held, Today. -'
The president decided to postpone
further conferences with the represen- '
tatives of the railroads and employei
on the threatened railroad strike uiW '
til tomorrows; when he will receive
the general committee of 640 work- ,
men in the East room of the White
House..".." ''-:.'- v , ' ' f-;' '
: In the meantime the committee of
managers'-here and. the general com
mittee of the employes will meet to"',
discus tentative plans now before
them. f ,' ,
- The president. through Judge Wil
liam . L. Chambers of the federal
board of mediation :anf conciliation,
will keep in dose touch with: the rep
resentatives of both tides. No en
gagement has been triads, fory the "
managers' committee, but it is proba
ble that the president will see them
tomorrow.. . ... " ' -,
- Eight-Hour Day Provided, -
The plan on which the president is
working is to put into effect' the
eight-hour day ind have a federal x
commission investigate collateral (a..',
sues. Details of the plan have not "
been worked tut, but it was said to
be oossible tndav that if th rail..
roads conceded an eight-hour day the
employes will be urged , to give up
their demand for time and a half
overtime. ', -
The proposed commission of inves
tigation would not have power to en
force any decision, but would inves
tigate all of the questions involved
in the controversy aijd make recom
mendations. . r - . . - '.
The halt in the negotiations 'has
been caused "by the fact' that the.
brotherhood' leaders who have been
meeting with the president hav no ,
plenary power and have to refer all, ;
important questions back to their gen- , '
eral cgmmitfie in New York, ' ;
General Committee to Washington.)
President Wilson decided time
would be saved and better results
achieved if the 64 members of the
general committee were Drought to i
Washington and met him. Therefore,
it was decided to hold a general meet
ing at-the White House Thursday. Yv
The committee of managers re
mainec? in session almost continuous
ly today . discussing . the conference
with the president and the tentative
suggestions outlined. It was stated
that the negotiations arc now in such
form that definite decisions may be
made by both sides before the end of '
the-week. 1 -..- :. - .
' Permanent Tribunal Suggested.
' Among the railroad managers today
there was discussion of a' proposal
for some sort of permanent com
mission to consider all railway wags
Continued on hit fm, Column Tin.)
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