Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 16, 1916, Page 7, Image 7

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Brief City News
Townssnd's for Sporting Goods."
Hav Root Print It-New Beacon Prssa.
Elertrlo Fans S7JW Burgsss-Qranden Co.
Halt Karat Whit Dlamonda ITS Edholm.
Building Business (or years ahead
to always safe, when located In The
Bee Building, the building that la
known to all.
"Today's Movie Program," classi
fied section today. It appears In The
Bee exclusively. Find out what the
various moving picture theaters offer.
To Ropave Fifteenth Street Com
missioner Jardlne of the public Im
provements department Introduced an
ordinance which provides for the crea
tion of a paving district on Fifteenth
street, Howard to Leavenworth streets.
It Is proposed to repave this street.
Take a day off and go to the home
coming of the old residents of Ne
raska City, Friday, August 18. Ev
erybody Invited and good time prom
ised. Special coaches'from Union sta
tion 8:10 a. m. Return 8:30 p. m. via
Missouri Pacific. See the committee.
Parks and Noyos to Chicago City
Commissioner Parks and Superinten
dent Noyes of the street cleaning and
maintenance department have gone to
Chicago, where they will look over the
street department for ideas. They
will be gone four days, visiting several
other points enroute.
Lewis Seigcl Discharged Lewis Sel
gej, In the jewelry business at 1315
Douglas street, not in 1313, as first re
ported, was discharged for lack of evi
dence connecting him with the three
men who flim-flammed William F.
King, a Kansas merchant, out of
11,000 on a fake horse race game.
Bath House Hearing Thursday Au
gust 17 is the date set for proceedings
against Evan B. Worthing, proprietor
of the bath house at Sand Point beach,
on Carter lake, asking that a receiver
be appointed. Oak C. Kedick, owner
of the land occupied, has sued Worth
ing for $2,600, a division of the profits.
George D. Gesman is suggested for re
ceiver in the application filed with the
clerk of the district court.
Wife Gets the Property Lettie
Alice Dumbauld has been granted a
divorce from John P. by Judge
Charles Leslie on the ground of non
support. The decree awards the prop
erty at 2322 North Twenty-first street
to the wife, the findings showing that
the home was purchased by plaintiff
before marriage.
Cholera Breaks
Out in Nagasaki
And Yokohama
Nagasaki, Aug. 15. An outbreak
of cholera here has resulted in forty
eight deaths. One hundred and nine
cases so far have been recorded.
A dispatch from Yokohama August
5 stated that there were fifty-two
cases of cholera in that port and that
Tokio had declared a quarantine
against the city. The Japanese steam
er Hawaii Maru, bound for Tacoma,
was quarantined with fifteen cases of
cholera on board. The ship was later
released and sailed for Tacoma Au
gust 10.
Mexicans Coming
To Work in Fields
Laredo, Tex., Aug. IS. Four hun
aa fhirtv-tw'n Mexican labor
ers were admitted into the United
States by' immigration' autnormes
here today. '
The Mexicans are said to be en
route to the Texas cotton fields. This
is the largest number of immigrants
admitted through this port in more
than a year.
Danish Folkething is for
Selling the West Indies
Copenhagen, Aug. 15. The Folke
thing, or lower house of the Danish
parliament, today voted in favor of
the Danish West Indies to the
United States, if a plebiscite favored
it. The vote was i tor the proposi
tion to 44 against it, one member be
ing denied a vote and six being ab
sent. ,
Having taken this action the Folke
thins took ud the question of ratifi
cation of the treaty itself, providing
for the sale of the islands. The vote
was the same as that upon the ques
tion of the sale. .
Brandeis Will Not Serve
On Mexican Commission
Washington, Aug. 15. Associate
Justice Louis D. Brandeis of the
supreme court, informed President
Wilson tonight that because of the
mass of business before the court, he
would be unable to accept the presU
dent's designation to serve on the
joint commission which will attempt
to solve the difficulties between the
United States and Mexico.
Culls From the Wire
rrfd W KnauD. Belolt. K.. won tha
republican nomination for itate auditor over
Dan B. Dyer, Smith Center, by a plurality
of twenty-two votea,
The directors of the Canadian Pacific de
clared dividends of 2 per cent on the pre
ferred atock for the half year and 2 per
cent on the common stock.
Orders were received by Adjutant General
Gamble at Chicago, directing him to post
pone entralnment of the Colorado National
Guard units for the Mexican border.
Dennis W. Leonard, engineer on the Twen
tieth Century limited. New York Central ;
train, wrecked at Amherst, O., last March I
29, was found dead In bed at hta boms In
Toledo, O.
Carransa government officials expressed
curiosity over the delay by the United
States government In naming American del
egates to the American-Mexican conference
on border difficulties.
In Colorado Springs, Colo., the contract
for the arena In which the lightweight
championship twenty-round bout between
Charlie White and Freddie Welsh, to be
held Labor day, has been let.
Two men robbed the bank of Crowder, at
Crowder, Okla., of about $1,000 yesterday.
John P. Bt. John, former governor of Kan
sas and at one time presidential candidate
on the prohibition ticket, Is critically 111 at
his home in Olathe, Kas.
Two men were killed during a fight at a
picnic of working men on a plantation near
Maugnlto, Matanzas province. The trouble
grew out of political enmities and the lib
erals and conservatives are accusing each
other of having started the trouble.
Saved Her Daughter's Life.
"Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy saved my daugh
ter's life when she had chojera mor
bus at the age of fourteen months.
She vomited every few minutes and
we were unable to keep any medicine
down long enough to benefit her un
til we $ave her this remedv. The doc
tor being at our house 1 asked him
what he thought about our using it,
and he said as he was unable to do the
child any good, I had better use it.
The second dose she kept down and
in a short time the bowels were
checked and she improved rapidly
after that," writes Mrs. Jennie Mover,
Lima, Ohio. Obtainable everywhere.
Well Organized Band Operates
Boldly in Territory of Whioh
Omaha is the Center.
Approximately 100 machine!, worth
on an average of $400 each, have been
stolen in Omaha since January 1, 1916.
Approximately 500 machines have
been stolen since the first of the year
from various places in Nebraska.
Approximately 3,000 machine! have
been stolen from five states in terri
tory contiguous to Omaha.
Theft! total more than a million
and a quarter of dollars.
A special telegram from The Bee's
staff correspondent at Des Moines
"Sheriff John Griffin, of Polk county,
towa, believes he has uncovered a
gang of automobile thieves who have
stolen thousands of dollars' worth of
cars in this and adjoining counties
as well as in Omaha, Lincoln and
Fremont. He says the gang operates
from Ottawa county, Missouri. Three
members of the gang are under arrest,
he says."
A man and woman wanted in Lin
coln are being held in Fairfield.
Edward Graven has been arrested
at Bedford charged with stealing a
car there. Part of the gang, Griffin
says, were members of the Mabray
gang, which operated fake horse race
swindles in this territory.
One Caught in Omaha.
C E. Caldwell, of Shenandoah, la.,
was arrested Sunday night by Omaha
detectives in an automobile from
which the engine numbers had been
partly effaced. He is out under bond
furnished by City Attorney Harry B.
Fleharty, who is acting in a private
In Nebraska, Iowa, South Dakota,
Kansas and Missouri nearly 3,000 ma
chines, worth more than $1,250,000,
have been stolen since January 1,
1916, and of this number the percent
age recovered is so small as to be
almost unworthy of mention.
Private detectives employed by in
surance comoanies find that their ef
forts are practically useless. The po
lice in most cities discovered tms tact
a lonar time airo.
"Carefully organized bands of
thieves are making this territory their
stamping grounds," declared the rep
resentative of a national detective
agency who is in charge of investiga
tions of stolen machines.
Thieves Work Boldly.
"The cars are stolen, hauled to a
garage or barn where they can work
under orotection. and so transformed
as to be beyond recognition of the
owner, even though subjected to
closest scrutiny.
"Engine numbers are filed off and
new ones stamped on, the cars are
repainted, accessories changed about,
and then they are driven or shipped
out of range ot tne owners investigation.
"The business of auto stealing is
mighty well organized and pront.
ahle. sinre it offers enormous win.
nings and can be carried on with a
remarkable degree ot success.
Car Owners Must Help.
"The solution lies not in efforts of
ri-Bularlv constituted authorities, in
stead, car owners should be more
careful of their machines. Adequate
inMna devices should be installed
and secret ineradicable identification
marks, duly witnessed by responsible
oarties placed as wen.
''As the situation now u, even
though a stolen car is identified, and
iHi.ntifiration is not so easy as it
sounds in most cases the thieves go
"Cars are in many cases taken en
tirely apart, and sold piecemeal."
Omaha authorities for a long while
have been working on clues which
pointed to former members of the
Mabray gang oi "
uinHlrra as the leaders of a syndi
cate of auto thieves, but their investi
gations brought no results.
lov Riders a Nuisance.
Of the hundreds of cars reported
stolen -every month, at the local po
lice headquarters, perhaps 75 per cent
are taken by "joy riders" who simply
"borrow" the cars and after riding
around for a while, abandon them on
the streets. The remaining 25 per
cent is stolen by thieves who are in
the business for pecuniary reasons.
Occasionally the police recover a
car stolen from Omaha, in some out
tu. ,,, ntare. but the thieves are
rarely caught, and the net result is
that an innocent purcnasc. w...
pelled to turn his "bargain car back
to the real owner.
. . ii .1 1 . I Mm
ttvuiut, Oa.. Aus. 15. Th. elshts.iith
with a PUDI1C mwoiiii. " ---
Savannah welcomed th thousands of
5"? .m .11 nsrta ot tha country. Tho
sddrsss ot welcom. was by Mayor W. J
Ths first business ..Ion will b. h.ld
tomorrow. Th. convention will continue
tbroush Friday.
Persistent Advertising i! the Road
to Success.
That Troublesome Pork
I .1.-. v j jmrm to r f M l
Hughes Scores Democratic
Effort to Protect Markets
of America.
I do not orooose
simply because 1 am a candidate ior
without abuse.
office to seek office under false pre-
tenses. I am a candidate and a good
republican, but if I am elected I shall
endeavor to the best of my ability
to see that princip'e applied for the
public good and not for private 'f
Six Persons Give
Blood for Serum to
Fight Child Paralysis
New York, Aug. 15. After three
and a half ounces of blood had been
taken from six persons today who
have recovered from infantile paraly
sis, to be used in the preparation of
the human serum which is said to
have afforded relief to sufferers
from the disease, the health author
ities toniorht issued a call for more
volunteers, stating that the supply of
serum was inadequate.
One of the sufferers to whom the
human serum treatment is being ad
ministered is Dr. Leroy B. Vail,
whose condition is said to have shown
decided improvement. William A.
Major, president of the Independent
Iron Workers' union, died from the
disease today in a hospital at Eliza
beth, N. J.
Health officers from the District of
Columbia and from Tennessee dis
cussed the epidemic today with Dr.
Charles E. Banks, in charge of the
federal service here. Three more sur
geons, it was announced, have been
added to the federal staff to assist in
regulating interstate travel. J
Ten Thousand Box Makers
In New York on Strike
New York, Aug. 15. A strike of
paper box makers here was called to
day by leaders of the Box Makers
union who said that demands for
higher wages and better sanitary con
ditions had been refused by the em
ployers. The leaders asserted to
night that 10,000 workers had quit
and that there would be 25,000 out
tomorrow. Representatives of the
American Federation of Labor are
supporting the union leaders.
Railroad Men and Shippers
For and Against Increase
Washington, Aug. 15. Railroad
men and shippers from many parts
of the country appeared before the
Interstate Commerce commission to
day to argue over the reasonable
ness of proposed increased freight
rates from the Atlantic seaboard to
the intermountain section and from
Pacific coast points east. Some of the
increases are as high as. 100 per cent
and unless suspended by the commis
sion will go into effect September 1.
Take no Chances,
But Shoot Hampton
Deadwood, S. D Aug. 15. Refus
ing to surrender his gun, when offi
cers who sought his arrest demanded
it, Ham Hampton, an alleged stock
rustler, was shot and instantly killed
bv Georae B. Russell and his son,
John, both deputy sheriffs, at a dance
rL.l....1 nar tinnrlanri.
Wyo.. known as "Hell's 400." Both of
ficers were arrested and maintain that
they saw Hampton's gun in his belt
and took no chances when he denied
having one.
War is Declared
On the Mosquitoes
Laredo, Tex., Aug. 15. State and
federal authorities today took steps
to eliminate mosquitoes In this vicin
ity in an effort to prevent the bringing
of dengue fever to this border from
interior Mexico, where it is said to be
raging- .... ,
Dengue is epidemical at several in
terior points, according to Dr. Hall,
quarantine officer here, there being
1,000 cases at Monterey and 250 cases
at Victoria alone, he said. No for
mal quarantine has been declared.
Mexican Band Crosses Over
To El Paso and Gives Concert
El Paso, Tex., Aug. 15. For the
first time since the inception of the
recent crisis, a Mexican band crossed
into El Paso to give a concert on the
local plaia. The band, attached to
the brigade of General Jose Santos,
who arrived in Juarez today for a
conference with General Francisco
Gonzales, included thirty-two stringed
instruments. The concert was ar
ranged by Andres Garcia, local Mex
ican consul, with the consent of the
American military authorities.
Flahlaf Schooner ftank.
Hallfx N. 8.. Aug. IS The Qlouceeter
Sahlns chooner Oriole. we aunk In a
colllalon with the Norwsglan atsamer Pors
hlld which reported the Ices of the
on lie arrival here today. Four of the
schooner's crew were drowned. The colli
sion occurred during a denee fog late on
Saturday nlsht. Eighteen ot the oriole
orew were aaved.
Induce Bleep.
Take Dr. Belli Plne-Tar-Honey for that
hacking nlfht oough; It etopa the coush
and yon sleep. lBc. All druisliU. Adv.
Chinese Attack the
Japanese Garrison,
Killing Seventeen
Tokio, Aug. 15. Chinese troops
have attacked the Japanese garrison
at Chengclnatun, between MUKoen
and Chaoyangfu and have killed or
wounded seventeen Japanese soldiers
and killed one officer. According to
official advices from Chengchiatun,
the Japanese barracks now is be
sieged by the Chinese soldiers.
Reinforcements are being rushed
to the beleagured garrison from the
Japanese forces stationed at Kaiyuan
and Sudinghai. The fighting resulted
from the arrest of a Japanese mer
chant. Mrs. Monahan, New Orleans
Only Police Woman. Dead
New Orleans, La., Aug. 15. Mrs.
Alice Monahan, New Orleans' first
and only police woman, died here
tonight, following an operation. She
will be buried tomorrow with police
Mrs. Monahan was appointed to the
police force in July, 1915, and until
a few days ago policed the cabaret
district in an effort to protect young
Spokane, Wash.. Aug. 15. Charles
E. Hughes last night told an audience
in Spokane's stadium that the pro
posed democratic legislation against
the dumping of rordgn made goods
in this country after the war was
not worth the paper on which it was
. "This piece of legislation," Mr.
Hughes said, "would be about as valu
able as the piece of paper I hold in
my hand, in effect, in protecting the
American people in the economic war
that will come when peace comes to
Mr. Hughes read a synopsis of the
proposed legislation. The democratic
party, he said was not equal to the
task oi protecting
tries by a tariff.
"If you want to see what they are
equal to," he said "read the anti
dumping clause they put in one rev
enue bill."
"I shall not read it in full. sou
would need to sit down and put a
towel around your head, get down
close to it and study it, read it over
again and again and then you would
be puzzled to know what it meant.
If you found out what it meant, you
would agree with me that it was ob
viously ineffective and would not
The Proof Required.
"Now, what would a prosecuting
attorney have to prove as a violation
of this act?" Mr. Hughes continued,
after reading the synopsis. "He has
got to prove that this act of com
monly and systematiclly bringing
goods into this country contrary to
their prohibition, is being violated.
He has got to prove that such act
is done with the intent to destroy
or injure any industry of the United
States. If he does not prove that
h hae ont tn nrove that it is for the
purpose of preventing the establish
ment ot an inaustry in inc umm
States or for the people, restraining
any part of the commerce of the
United States. , ,
"Whv. that is a niece of legislation
that would be about as valuable as
that piece of paper in my hano in
effect, in protecting the American
people in this economic war.
"Vnui there was a remedv. a coun
tervailing duty which was proposed
but our friends were so strong to
their traditions of tariff for revenue
only that they would have none ot it.
Would Do Hit Beit.
Mr. Huehes devoted his attention
almost exclusively at the night meet
ing to a discussion of the tariff. At
an earlier meeting he addressed his
first audience, composed exclusively
of women voters, and in an address
at Couer D'Alene, Idaho, at noon,
defended himself on the charge that
he lacked constructive policy.
The nominee left tonight at 9:45
o'clock for Tacoma, where he will
speak tomorrow afternoon.
To Report To Washington.
Ottawa. Ont., Aus. lft. The city authori
ty will make repreentatlone to Washing
ton. It wi. announced today, respecting the
tratim.nt received by nureee from Ottawa
who were last Friday night refused ad
mlsnlon to the United States, at Alhurg, Vt,
under the alien labor act. The nurses had
been engaged by a New Tork hospital to
help light the Infantile paralysis epidemic.
Wife Cured by Lydia E.
Pinkham't Vegetable
Des Moines, Iowa." Four years ago
I was very sick ud my life was nearly
spent. The docton
stated that I would
never get well with
out an operation
and that without it
I would not live one
year. My husband
objected to any
operation and got
me some of Lydia E.
Pinkham'a Vegeta
ble Compound. I took
it and commenced
to get better and am now well, ant!
tout and able to do my own housework. '
I can recommend the Vegetable Com
pound to any woman who ii lick and
run down as a wonderful strength and
health restorer. My husband says I
would have been In my grave ere this
if it bad not been for your Vegetable
Compound." Mrs. Blanch Jems
son, 703 Lyon St, Dei Moines, Iowa. ;
Before submitting to surgical opera
tion It is wise to try to build up the
female system and cure its derange
menu with Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege
table Compound ; it has saved many
women from surgical operations.
Writ to the Lydia E. Plnkham
Medicine Co., Lynn, Mass., for
T em teiriMis tliat this matter
of the tariff should be attended to I advice It will be COilfldentlaJ.
sStore Hour.: 8:30 A. M. to 5 P. M. Saturday Till 6 P. M.s
Price reductions of
rare interest at RAY
INGS, especially fea
tured during this week,
bo tomorrow SURE.
You might miss get
ting just the suite or
piece you want.
W31 frvYeuMmr ThAffcaS
K01:! Raymond's Sale
Featuring Dining
Room Furniture
at great reductions from
our every day low prices
for this entire week. Suites
in many styles, odd pieces
innumerable, marked with
the big white and red tag,
showing just what the re
ductions are.
This Golden Oak or
Fumed Buffet,
46-inch length
Chairs in wood seats and
leather seats. Reductions
on many best patterns.
This quartered oak Dinner
Leather-slip Seat, an ele
gant and durable chair.
"n '11 f
V This Golden Oak
V Buffet, quartered
and beautifully jlO 75
finished 1u
Ask to See
Golden Oak Suite, at $44.65
And the larffe suite In Old Eng
lish, 10 pieces, at 865.00
Will Save You Money
TWeJ A Reason
Burgess-Nash Company.
Tuesday, August IB, 1916.
"everybody's store
Phone Poof. 137.
All Eves Are On Our Third Annual August
Blanket Sale
Because of the Unusual Value Features
. . i j t , , li - ltA.,.vV.t 'viAnf Via o rrn in larcrA
"QRACTICALLi every Dianicet in mis assemuunse wb uuu,u -
X quantities, ana in mis wy we ukuuku h"v vh , vo
ders, as well as getting our oraer in Deiore me recent uv
in wool and cotton goods.
This enables us to offer you unlimited selections from
MonW tv,ftr r known for their wearinsr quality for color
ings that defy time and for patterns that represent real artistic
offnrr (which, bv the way. are an jjurgess-asn
specifications) at fully 338 per cent under pres
ent market quotations.
Wool Auto Robes
$3.98, $4.98 and $7.50
i-iVF.RY auto reauires from one to three robes,
Jjj and the saving on these robes is fully one
third during the August sale. The smart appear
ance, the combined warmth and durability, the
soft texture and beautiful designs are sure to
Wool Surface Blankets, were $3; ffl QO
August Sale Price, pair pi.JO
Jacquard Blankets, were $2.50 ; CI
August Sale Price, pair $l.OJ
Wool Finished Blankets, were
$2.50; August Sale Price, pair
Blanket Sheets, were $1.50;
August Sale Price, each
Blanket Sheets, were $1.00;
August Sale Price each.
.. 98c
. 50c
The August Sale of Furniture
Continues With Renewed Zest
in on turn linuspfl into homes: vacant
1 rooms into livable rooms ; fill in extra pieces ; furnish
homes outright witn lurniture proporuoneu nu uuu.
right at savings of 15 to 50 per cent.
This $35 Kitchen Cabinet,
Constructed of solid oak,
fully equipped with alum
inum sliding top, metal
cake and bread drawer,
with enameled cupboards
and metal flour bin. Ten
styles to choose from ; reg
ularly $35.00 ; August Sale
price, $24.50.
Library Table, $10.45
Made of solid oak, in
the popular fumed finish,
has magazine racks on
each end and one large
drawer; top is 24x42;
August Sale Price, $10.45.
Burfau-Nash Cl-IWri Flaar.
Blanket Sheets for Child's Bed,
were 50c : Auirust Sale Price, each
Wool Blankets, were $12.50; P7 CA
August Sale Price, pair pi.JV
Wool Blankets, were $10.00;
August Sale Price, pair
Wool Blankets, were $6.50 ;
August Sale Price, pair
Jacquard Blankets, were $5.00;
August Sale Price, pair
Burgsss-Nash Co. Down Stairs Star..
We Will Allow
$15 for Your Old
Sewing Machine
ON any Cabinet or Princess
Standard Rotary Sewing
Machine in our stock. This ia a
splendid opportunity to secure a
brand new reliable machine and
still get something out of your
old sewing. machine.
Wednesday Specials
Clark's Standard Rotary flJOO
No. 97, was $46, now PW
Standard Vibrator, ffOO CA
was $45, now. ....... . POsi.aJU
Paragon Sewing Machine, QflC
was $32.50, now
Cleveland Sewing Ma- tfOJ. Ktl
chine, was 32.B0. . . . -'.
Howe Sewing Ma- 4JOO CA
chine, was 28, now. . aJ.4i4i.aJU
Singer drop head (slightly used),
was $48.00, M CA
White (slightly used), -0 AA
Unique drop head
(slightly used) . .
Burfau-Nash C Dewrn Stain Stage,
iBurge-Nah Co. Everybody'! Store 16th and Harney StreeUi