THE BEE: 'OMAHA, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 16, 1916. 1 '0 -a y LEAVES $1,000 TO BRICKLAYERS' ONION Hugh Murphy in His Will Also Bemembers Nurses and Other Employes. BULK GOES TO HIS FAMILY "Being a journeyman bricklayer and, once a bricklayer, always a brick layer to a bricklayer, I hereby give and bequeath to Bricklayers Union No. 1 of Nebraska the sum of $1,000 to be used and expended in such man ner as said union sees proper." reads the will of Hugh Murphy, pioneer paving contractor, just filed for pro bate. The estate comprises property of estimated value of more than $100, 000. Mr. Murphy orders $2,000 paid to Wary I. trance, Jx9 tort street, Omaha, his stenographer. Among the other bequests are the following: for the removal of the body ot his mother from the old cemetery at Eluin, III., to the new cemetery at Elgin, $1,200. The grave is to be marked with a marble monument and inscribed with the identical markings on the old monument. i To Mrs. Marv Barr. a sister, 2652 North California avenue, Chicago, S5.000. To Richard Murphy, a brother, 54 South Broadwav. Denver. $5,000. To Miss Anna Barnay of Omaha, for faithful service as nurse during his illness, $1,000. To Dominic Anemy, 857 South Twenty-eighth street, Omaha, $1,000 for faithful services. To Roy M Hutton, 2710 Bristol street, Omaha, another taitntul em nlnve. S1.000. To Vernon N. Short, 1113 Pacific street, for constant and loyal serv ires. 11.000. To Carrie A. Kolarik, another nurse. $1,000. To R. C. Yant, Louisville, Neb., $1,000. Abraham L. Reed is made executor and is instructed to provide a home for the remainder of their days for George Duncan, Mr. Murphy s vet eran foreman, and his wife. A be- nuest of $1,600 is provided for the nurchase of a desirable home for them. . The remainder of the estate goes in 'Tindivided fifth parts to the widow, Ellen, and his four children, Mary, Richard, Helen and Hugh. Tolin C. Brodie and W. H. Herd man are witnesses of the will, whjch is dated March 14, lyio. Autoists Fined for Me Violations The followine violators of traffic rules appeared before Judge Foster this morning and were fined: William Bayer, 2014 North Twenty sixth street, pleaded guilty to running a truck on the boulevards ana paia $1 and costs. Robert Rasmussen, Benson, passed a street car on the wrong side ot tne street and was fined $1 and costs. L. D. Willis, 1119 City National Bank building, violated the parking rules and paid $1 and costs. C. O. Lind. 4910 Douzlas street, passed a car on the wrong side of the street; $1. The followine were fined $2.50. with sentence suspended, -for speeding: H. Hudson, 2862 Farnam, and George Coaley, 291 Nicholas street. Garland Latta. 1722 St. Mary's ave- nue, who speeded on Farnam street and did not stop when signaled, was lined $13 and costs, with sentence suspended. Omaha Minister Preaches in Some Historic Churches While on Vacation f Mayor Jim Shakes Hands With Prexy "Yes, I shook hands with President Wilson and he remarked he was glad I called," said Mayor Dahlman upon his return from the east. "I told the boys down at Washing ton," he added, "that Omaha would be the logical and proper place to hold the federal bank hearing in this territory. Mr. McAdoo told me before I left he would wire me on the subject. The mayor says Congressman Lo beck knows every nook and corner of the national capital. "It is a real comfort to go siuht seeing with Lobeck," declared J'ayor Jim. 4 Sent to Jail for Abusing Family "i Dan Shea, 3008 Sprague street, got ' ' a thirty days' sentence to the work- ;S, house because his wile and tour children have been unable to live with Kim nt lat Mre mfa ur9c afvi&fA to advertise in the city newspapers warning saloonkeepers to retuse to sell liquor to him. I he court awarded the wife $20, which Shea possessed H when he was arrested. Police and Firemen May Now Go Coatless City Commissioner Jardine secured the adoption of a resolution by the city council permitting policemen and firemen to work without their coats in hot weather. The resolution asks business men of the city to popularize this coatless movement. 1 Omaha to Try for Meeting of Bohemian Catholic Turners In 1919 Omaha wants the national meeting of the Bohemian Catholic Turners' association. The meeting this year is to be held in Milwaukee the fore part of Septem ber. Some eighty Turners from Ne braska will attend in Milwaukee. No less than twenty arc expected to go from Omaha. Charles M. Fixa of Omaha is to head the Nebraska dete ction. Mr. rixa and other local Bo- .emians have been fn conference with E. V. Parrish of the bureau of pub licity with regard to the campaign they will make at Milwaukee to land the next convention for Omaha. The association meets every three years.! Rev. L. Groh, pastor of St. Mark's Lutheran church, preached in two very old and historic churches dur ing a five weeks' trip to Pennsylvania, from which he has just returned. One of these was an old church in Schaefferstown, Pa. Schaefferstown is a little place, seven miles from a railroad. Some of the houses are built of logs. Sonic of the people have lived there ninety years and have never traveled ten miles away. The church was established in 1740. Dr. Groh attended there when he was a child. In the early days they had a little bell on each contribution basket and if any parishioner was asleep when the collection was taken up the bell was rung until he awoke. Dr. Groh also preached for some of his former members at the old Swamp church. This congregation was organized by Rev. Harry Mel chior Muhlenburg very early in the eighteenth century and his church records, written partly in Latin, are still extant. Rev. Dr. Muhlenburg was one of the foremost patriots in the American colonies. The church is not very far from Valley Forge and was used as a hos pital during the Revolutionary war Dr. Groh preached also at the old St. John's church, Boyertown, Pa., where he was pastor for twenty-five' years, with a membership of over 1,000. Major Thomas L. Rhoades, United States army, now in charge of the United States hospital at Colon, and one of Dr. Groh's confirmants dur ing his pastorate, was home on a vacation. Dr. Rhoades is a surgeon in the army and operated on William H. Taft in the Philippines and after wards became Taft's military aide fol lowing the death of Archie Butts on the Titanic. PAVERS GIVE NEW EXCUSE FOR DELAY 0. W. Hull Says There is Short age of Both Cement and Stone. Small Towns Fear Bandit Who Held Up Florence Bank Complaints from the vicinity of Springfield that houses were being broken into by a man suspected of be ing the gentlemanly bandit who held up and robbed the Florence bank, sent deputy sheriffs scurrying to the scene. Reports are being received at the sheriff's office from towns through out the surrounding territory telling of the believed activities of the "Gen tleman Bandit" in innumerable local ities. Post cards giving the description of the robber have been sent to all of ficers and other interested parties in Iowa, Kansas, Oklahoma, Colorado, Nebraska and the Dakotas from the sheriff's office. Milwaukee May Name Crack Train Ak-Sar-Ben Another effort is to be made to have the Milwaukee's crack train between Omaha and Chicago named the "Ak-Sar-Ben Limited." About a year ago the attention of the officials in Chicago was drawn to the fact that of all the names for the Omaha-Chicago night train, that of Ak-Sar-Beu would be the most ap propriate. Local Milwaukee men argue that the other crack trains of the system the Pioneer Limited, Southwest Limi ted, Olympian, Columbian are ex pressive of the territories they trav' RUPTURE EXPERT HERE Seeley, Who Has Supplied U. S. Army and Navy, Called to Omaha. F. H. Seeley of Chicago and Phila delphia, the noted truss expert, will be at the Paxton Hotel and will re main in Omaha this Monday, Tues day and Wednesday only, August 14, 15 and 16. Mr. Seeley say?: "The Spermatic Shield as supplied V the United States Government will not only retain any case of rupture per fectly, but contracts the opening in it days on the average case. This instrument received the only award in England and in Spain, producing results without surgery, injections, medical treatments or prescriptions. Mr. Seeley has documents from the United States Government, Washing ton. D. C. for inspection. All charity Cases without charge, or if any in terested call, he will be glad to show same without charge or fit them if desired. Business demands prevent stopping at any other place in this seraon. P. S. Every statement in this ad vertisement has been verified before the Federal and State Courts. F. H. Seeley. THANK YOUR GROCER if he asks you to try a can of Up BAKING IV I POWDER He wants todo you a favor heknowswhat brands to rec ommend from experience. erse, and that it would also be the case with the train between Chicago and the Nebraska metropolis. Eugene Duval, general western agent of the road, is planning to take the matter up with the Chicagoans. Cannot Tell Red from Green And Would Join the Navy The most color blind, or the color blindest man that Lieutenant VV. W. Waddell of the navy recruiting sta tion ever saw applied for enlistment. He had absolutely no sense of color. Given a skein of bright red yarn and told to select other skeins of the same color from a basket, he picked yellow, green, brown and purple ones, but none that matched the red one. He was Harry Beam of Birmingham, Ala., and, of course, he didn't get into the navy. CONTRACTORS GIVEN WEEK "There's another alibi," declared City Commissioner Hummel when C. V. Hull appeared before the city, council to explain the paving situation from the standpoint of a material man. Mr. Hummel opened up the paving situation anew and announced he would give the contractor in Miller park district just one more week in which to show signs of life. Mr. Hull explained there is a short age of cement and crushed stone, due largely to lack of railroad equipment at this time. He said a stone mill at Lake View, la., broke down and new machinery could not be secured for repairs, thus causing a delay, i Commissioners Hummel and Jar dine were appointed as a special com mittee to "see what can be done to arouse the paving contractors." "It is high time that the city coun cil takes some notice of irresponsible paving contractors and in the future invite bids from contractors out of the city to compete with these local men who are favoring their contracts out side of this city and slighting thelrJ wont nere, was anotner statement by Commissioner Hummel. Commissioner Jardine announced that the contractor on North Twenty fourth street actually had moved a concrete mixer to this job. Dr. King's New Life Fills. Regular bowel movement li essential to your health. Take Dr. King's New Life Pllla and hava'a dally movement. 25c. All druggists. Advertisement. SavZu Zutoi tne Lrrocerman ana hand him a nickel. Hell come back with the snappiest dinder i " siicrus von ever xjul in vour moum. orDicv.cnsD ana always iresn. S3 NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY Phone Tyler 1000 and you will receive the same courteous service as though you were delivering your Want-Ad to The Bee in person. July Smashes All Sales-Records For Our Wonderful Year Tire dealers this July sold to car owners more United States Tires than in any previous month of this year our sales-records to dealers prove this. And this is the year of astounding and record breaking sales increases for United States Tires. Such great sales growth proves two things, that car owners who have used United States Tires continue to use them; that car owners who have been using other tires are now largely buying United States Tires. Have you joined this gigantic army of wise motor car owners? ited Stat esTorigs: 'Nobby' 'Chain' 'Usco' 'Royal Cord' 'Plain1 Insist that your tire dealer supply you with United States Tires and see the difference. F m I