Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 16, 1916, Page 12, Image 12

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Wheat Market is Somewhat
Stronger at Half to a Cent
Omaha, August IS, 1111.
Th wheat mark.t tu somewhat stronier
. today end ruled from Ma to lo hither.
The reoelpta today, while they wr not
i M heavy mm yesterday, wsra rood for Tuoa
' day, and tha hulk of Iha eamplea ware
aold at lo advanee. - Tha demand for the
better sradee of wheat waa particularly
. etrong and the demand for the poorer grades
waa strong enough to take care of the earn
- plea at advanoed prtcea.
Corn waa a trifle weak and aold from
unchanged to Ho lower. There waa only
a moderate demand for oorn and the re
ceipt of tm eereal continued rather light
Oata were tn good demand at Ho ad
Tanee, and the receipt were pretty good.
There were no aalea of rye or barley re
ported and theae market were quoted nomi
nally unchanged.
Clearance were: , Wheat and flour equal
to UMtt buahela; oorn, 1X.0OO buahala;
, oata, 118.000 buehela. .
Liverpool cloaes Wheat, 10104 lower:
torn, md higher.
Primary wheat reealpU were 1.171,000
bnihele and ahlpmanta l.llt.MO buehela.
agalnat receipt of 1.IIM00 buahel and
ahlpmenta of 11.101 buahela laat year.
Primary corn recelpU were 101,000 buahala
and ahlpmenta 111,101 buahela, agalnat re
ceipt of 181.000 buahela and ahlpmenta of
itl.000 buahela laat year.
Primary oaU recelpta ware 1,111,000 buah
ala and ahlpmenta l.lla.oot buahala. agalnat
recelpta of 1,781.800 buehela and ahlpmenta
of 171,000 buahala laat year.
Wheat Corn. Oata.
Chicago W
Duluth ' ;;
Omaha . " "
' Kama City , J"
t. Loula .....Ill
Winnipeg 1..I1I ...
Theae aalea were reported today!
Wheat No. 1 hard winter: 1 car, II.MHI
1 car. 11.11: 1 car. I1.I7H! 1 car, 11.17. No.
. I hard winter! 1 car, Il.ll! H care, !
t can, 11.17! 1 car. 1.W; 4 car lilt.
Ko. I hard winter: care. ll.Ml l
tar, 11.17; Mtt '"'
11.18 1, ; 1 care. 11.14: I car . II III
1 can. 11.14 s I oar. II-"- No- J
hard winter! 1 car, 11.11! 1 ear, ll.Ml 1
ear. 11.111 I ear. Il.ll! 1 tml. Ml I
cere, 11.14; Hi can, 11.11. Rempl hard . win
tar: 1 oar. I1.JU I car, il.ll! I Jan. 11.11:
I ears. 11.11: 1 car. I1.M. No. I mlaed: 1
' ar. l.7. No. I mixed: 1 ear, Il.ll. No.
4 mixed: I can, 11.17 Hi 1 oar, 11.17! 1
oar, Il.ll.
Cera No. I white! t can, 710. No. I
white t 1 ear, TI14l ear, 7c. No. white:
1 car, floi 1 car, 11c. Sample white: 1
car, 710, No. I yellow: 1 ear, lOltos I can,
too. No. yellow: 1 car, 7ic. No. I ,nl;edi
I care. 7IUo; I can. 71a. No. I mixed: J
car, tut. No. I mlaed: 1 car, lie. Cample
' mixed: 1 oar, tic: 1 car. "c.
Oata No. I white: 1 car. ".'
' ard: I car, 4!Uo: I can. 410. No. I white
II can, 41c! I can, 41 Ho. No. white:
can, 41H- . iarapHI I oar, 41i I care,
"it?"-..- e,..v mi! No. I hard.
1.1IH01 li No. I hard. V""',iN,V
hard. l.t7tl.ll; No. I wtof L,''J.4Ji
, No. I spring, ll.iiei.ll! No I durum. 11.11
'Jl.ll; No. I durum. 11.14 el.ll. - Corn:
No. i white, 'IHOJittOi No. I. white, 7ttJ
MHci No. '4 white, 7IH7lol Wo. white.
ttJlieVNo. I white. 7?e7lc! NO. I yellow,
IOVIloiei No. I yellow. loeiOHo: No. 4
lltZ 1 WOW. No. I yellow.
No. yellow, 71071c: No. i mlied. 71
TH..: No. I mld. N.,- 4
TlaMIVie; No. I mixed. 7lJ7lo No. 4
v "llei 7I07IO. Oaf: No. I hit 4IH0
4111c? atandard. 41He41Ho: No. I white
Hei'"l Ni7 .whits. 4141H. Barley:
Malting, T7tIOe: No. 1 feed. noise. Rye:
j?" u ii:uHi.inti no. I. li.nei.ia.
' Wkeet Airmooee Again, Tolhrwhaf Black
Heat Reports. :
Wheat scored another big adeanoa. rol
hrwlnrthe renewal e( black mat report, la
. the earing wheat oountry. m
The bulk of the trading era. to JBoeem
"bar wheat "nlch advanced lo, vm the
"Epumber gained abottt lo, . May
"K.'oor.'rSrk.t pretty uM. Vt
flowed a fractional gain. ...
Sicembor and May oata Otoaed atronger,
IntthiT September cloaed practically ua-
OnlaM aloatnt prloea on futurea lor thai
Oate ,
ll In
Trhgh, lLow.t6loae
1 17 111 1I1H
a n a
41 1H 4J
' 41 414 41
IUI 41 44H
. . . a ,.... 0.h M
Chicago cionng pnow, ...n,... vk-
by Logan Bryan, atock and grain Broken,
' " Corn
. Dec
. Sept
I Opn.
1 II H
: aa
74 -70
III' ll-tl
I II 00
It 11-17
I 11
I 11 It
t Va
Hi lO-lll
High. lw.l CloaaTl
I 41 111 ' 1 41
,l8t 18 MM
, 7i 7ih ; 4
10 (I1 10 II 11 40-11
11 47 II M li 41
II 41 II IB II 41
II -10 II 14 11 0
II II II 10 11- 10
14 II 14 11.10 10
II 10 II 10 II 14
40 ,
II 41
III 01
111 II
111 IT
II 10
14 It
II 10
balk, cobbler. It. 001)1. 01: Virginia, barrel,
cobblero. 11.1161 .00; Mlnneaota, Illlnola,
MUaourl and Ohio, lOtJI'c.
Crop Pmw eporta Bend Wheal Mock
, Higher. : I
Chicago, Aug. 11. Crop damage reporta
cauaed much excitement today tn the grain
market and wheat prloea had an upturn of
from 7c to IVjc from the low point of the
day, elbelng a little off from oho high point
. at a net advance of IHtVtHc, with Decem
ber cluing. at 11.41 and September at
. Corn flnlahed at an advance of c to
01c and oata c higher. Provlalon fln
lahed Btrong letlo higher. The aanaa
tlonal advance ta wheat prlcee came well
along In the aeaaion, after selling Induced
anirently by the break tn Liverpool had
carried the market well below yeaterday'
Oloalng figure, wop damage reporta giv
ing dtacouragmg new from the Canadian
and northweet field aent the prlcee away
from the tow levele. '
The flrat bulliah report of the day waa
from a crap expert who Inalated that hla
report allowed that the northweet tlelda
would not meet the government crop report
fiver. H contended that the ruet and
weather damage had continued In aplt of
recorded precipitation, ua top or rate eieie
mente from the Manitoba mlnlater of agri
culture waa made public to the effect that
the damage to Canadian flotda waa gnater
' than had been eatlmated,
Traden ruahed to the buying aide and
prlcee mounted ateedtly, the dealre to pur
chase rematalng almoet conatant to the
cloae of the seaeton.
Uocal ceah aalea totalled 101.0O0 bttehelf of
wheat, of which 100,000 buehel wa cred
ited to exporten. Export demand, evinced
by a report from Omaha that 60,000 bushele
of wheat had been aold there for the tea
board at IHe over the Chicago September
prtoe, waa a controlling factor after the
advance began. December aold from Il.ll to
1.41, while September aold from Il.ll to
. I1.4IH.
Thr waa a good trade In oorn, with eell.
lng general In the early houn, on reporta of
rain In the wat and cntral weat Caah
Bale aggregated 140,010 buahela of corn,
with 14.000 beehele for export
There waa a good demand for oata, caah
Intereeta Booking to replenleh auppllea de
pleted by export ahlpmenta. 'Unfavorable
reporta of crop conditions, alee tended to
. elrengthen the oata market
P-ov!alone responded to an advance In
live hog prices. The caah trade waa fair,
though the demand for rlba waa leu aotlve
, than the Interest displayed tn other llnea
Chicago Cash Prlcee Wheat: No. 1 red.
ll.!ldl.44Hi No, I red, 11.14 01,41(4;
No. 1 hard, ll.41tl.4l: No. I hard, 11.16
411.40. Cera: No. i yellow, Il4)l7e: No,
4 yellow. I4Hc; No. 4 whit, uneilc.
Oata: No. white, 4tH4Sei atandard,
414H4Hc. Rye: No. 1, nominal; No. 4.
tl.l. Barter, 7dceil 0t. Seeds: Timothy,
Homlnal; clover, 7.0e14.l. Provlalone:
Pork, 117.10! lard, 111.47 H; rlba, 111.100 - , i . -
Butters-No market. ' ,'
ISgga No market .. ." . .
. Poultry No market
Cheeee Tlrmf dnlelea, IIHeilHe; home.
-HtviTHct Amanca. intgunoi twin,
Peutees Weak; receipts, II can! Jensy,
Qaotatloaa of the Day ea the Loading Com-
New Tork Aug. 11. Flour Uniettled:
spring patent. 17.0000.10; winter patents,
17.1407.10; winter straight. .8S7.!0.
Wheat Spot strong; No. 1 durum,
II. 11; No. t hard, 11.17: No. 1 north
ern, Duluth. 11.14 i No. 1 northern Mani
toba, 11.41 f. o. b. New Tork. .
Corn Spot, Arm; No. t yellow, I4c,
o. I. f. New Tork.
Oat Spot Arm; No. 1 white. lOS&OHc
Hay Steady; prime, 11.10; No. 1, 11.10;
No. 1,; No. I, 11.01; shipping,
Hope Quiet; etate, common to choice
1116, llOllo; 1014, 0,07c; Pacltlo coast,
1111. Ilvl4c: 1014, I CI 0c.
Hide Steady: Bogota, tlHOHHc; Cen
tral America, 1! He
Leather Finn; hemlock Urate, !7o; sec
onde, 10c.
oPrk Firm; mess, lll.ioen.oo; family,
III. 00O10.00; short dear, Ill.l0ttl7.i0,
Beef Steady: met. lll.OO01l.iO; fam
ily, lli.iO01O.lO.
Lard Beay: middle west,
Tallow Firm; city, 7c nominal; coun
try special, 701c; apeclal. lo.
Wool Steady, domestic fleece, Ohio, 110
Rice Steady; fancy head, I0lol blue
rose, 4H04o.
Molaaeee Dull; New Orleana open kettle,
40 0 00c. . I
Butter No. 1 creamery. In carton or
tub. 10c; No. 1, lie, ,
Poaltry Broliera. loo l kena, lie; geeaa,
inll feathered, lOo; rooelen and ataga,
lOHo; ducke, llo; turkeys, lie; capon,
He: guinea, lie; squab 10c 0 14.00 par
Am , nlmna. 11.00 nr doa.
Cheeee Imported Swlae, lb., 41c: domee
tlo Swlae. lie; block Swlaa, 10c; twins, 17o;
iHnl.t. lib: daisies. 17HC! Toung Amer
ica, HHcl blue label brick, llHo: lira-
berger, loo; new ions wnite, , nwnw
fort, lie.
Beef Cute Rlba: No. 1, lb., llo; No. I,
llo; No. I. 11 He Lolna: No. 1, llHo;
No. I. lOtic; No. I, 17 Ho. Chucks: No, 1.
Hoi No. I. U0! No. I, 11 Ha. Rounds:
No. 1. Il0! No. I. JIHO! No. I. llVjc
Pletes: No. 1, 10c: No. 1, o! No, I. sc.
vnvjni WlflH Halibut llHo! eatflab.
small, 17o: catfish, large ateak. lie: red
ealmon, llHo; whltaflah, 14c; trout, No. 1,
170! ylelow pike, No. 1, lie: bullheads, lie!
carp, No. I, lo; black baea, He; cropple,
medium, lte; pickerel, iao; ( uvuiian.
lie: tilaflah (new). 7a: red anappor. llo:
Spanish mackerel, lie; sunflBh. Ic; Lake
Erie jumbo whlteflah, lie; flounders, fanoy
atock, llo; native mackerel, lie; roe ahad,
ach, lOe; frog, jumbo, 11.10; medium,
11.74; freeh headless ahrlmp, per gat, 11.14;
freah peeled shrimp, per gal., 11.00.
Fruit and vegetable prla furnished by
Olllnekr Fruit Co
rrulta orangae: via, ioob, sxaa, lave, nox,
1; Hla. 14.40; 110a. Ills. 14.74; 174a, lOOe,
114a. 110a. 14.11. Lemons: Ooldsn Bowl.
l0a. 110a, boa, 10.10; Silver Cord, 100a, 100a,
It.eo. Apple: uravnieio, dob.; oto
Ben Davla, II. 40. Declduoua fruits: Colo
rado poaohes. Carmen, 101a, box, loot 10a,
sen: Colorado neachea. larger alaae. 11.00:
California Blberta or Crawlorde, 11.11; Cali
fornia Blberlas, nve-oox lots, st.iv. r-ean;.
Bartletta, Cel., box, ll.lll Buaaock or Flem
ish Beeutlee, 11.60; l-tler or choloe l-Uer,
11. H; choice l-tler, 11.00; fancy, l-tler
Clappa, Il.ll; l-tler eholoe, l-tler fanoy,
11.00; l-tler choloe, U.K. Flume: Large
,l rblu. box. 11.00. Qranea: Malaga.
crate. 11.011 Thompson Seedless, 11.76.
watermelons: L,o., wwiuuiMi
M. B. itandarda, oral,; pony. 11.71;
flats, 11.40. Bananaa: Bunch. I1.76OI.10.
Apricots: Crate. 11.71.
Vegetable Sweet potatoes. Alabama, bn.
hempen, II; potetoee. be., lie; onions,
Spanish, crate, 111 onions, Cel., lb., I Ho;
cucumbers, baakbt llo: peppers, basket, iOa;
celery. Mich., dol, 40oi peSK Telephone,
basket 111 Bead lettuae, ao., ; com,
hteh eead. doa.. lie: tomatoes, basket tic!
beets, carrota and turnips basket 10c;
ahallota. radishes, doa., I0"! garlic, lb., loo.
Miscellaneous encxerjaoa. cnecKvra
oompopa, case, 11.50; H caaee. 11.71. Sp
clali Peanut, No. 1 raw, lb., 4Ho; Jumbo,
lo; popcorn, eaao, 11.10; flga, box. 100.
Tha wholeaala orlce of beef Outa WBS! NO.
I ribs, Hi; No. I ribs, lie; No, I ribs.
llHo. No. 1 loins, 12Hc; No. I loins,
lOHo; -No. I loins, 17HCj No. 1 chucks,
II He; No, I chucks, lie; No. I chucks,
10c. No. 1 rounds, 1I0! No. I rounds,
lOHei No. I rounds. llHo. No. 1 platea,
10a No. t plates, 0o: No. I plates, Ic.
Kansas City Oners! Market.
Vanaaa Cltv. Aug. 1 1. Wheat No,
hard, II. 1101.41: No. I red, I1.I0O1.44:
September, 11.17: December, 11.11 Hi May,
"r.'Jil.No. i mad I1U0I1C! No. I
whit. HHe; No. I yellow, IIHOtlo; Sep
tember, 1014c; December! 100; jay, )a
Ho. - .
Oata No, I White, eo; no. s nuxeu, aav
Ratter Creamery, llo! nnti. no; aao-
end, lie; packing, 111,0.
siggs sirats, sac.
Poultry Hons, llHo:. roostsn, lOHo:
broiler, llo.
. MlBBoapells Oraln Market,
Minneapolis, ani, , , " ,--. ,
Bl.aVia Vl.iait i wl mt.-mw 7 n,.
Cash: No. 1 hard. 11.14; No. 1. northern.; No. I northern, 1.470
1.11. . ...
Flour unenangeo. ,
Barley 71OI0o. . ?
Rye 11.1101.14. , , .
Bran 111.11010.10.
Corn No. I yellow, 110 IK. -
Oate No. I white, 41 041 & i
ritm.d-ll.17H01.llH. v I
. Rt, Loula Oral Market
a TAnia. Aue. II. Wheat No. I red,
,: ixT No. I hard. I1.IIH01.HH!
September. 11.11: December. 11.44.
Corn No. I. I4H0IIHC1 No. I white,
HHOIOHc) September, s hci ueoemoer,
- 1 Uwl OrtUa ItorlMt.
.. i A iLWittlMt Vft. 1
Manitoba, 111 Id; No. Md WMttrn wln
tr. JI -M. - . '
Cent flpot Aminotn miwo, nTf
fefftf MvkvM.
.(. ana lKMtlnArta that lira
ttlian uhlppan wr offtrlm coff more
fTMly t th hlihw prtcM wr ooaalderod
. . ,-H.I. ab Ika ejeaHraefah Pat St r t in
try Tendency of th market for ooffeo fu
ture hr lOOdy. onin w u-t
or ftriTMritv, but than wu kim caturli.
aftor opunlnt nt 1 polnti lower prlcw
. - a... 4. ula et VAr MF V. but
eud off to whilo March doclln
from M6fl to .o, ana ia pnc
at tho lot point of tha day. Sajaa. In
clud'nir twbingt of Bptmbr for May at
14 po'tita. amountad to 12.-00 tag. Au
uit MOot fcopttmber. I.6c;; lOctober.
S 7o, Novembar, I.To:' Uoeambar, I.T4o;
January, I.7CCS Fabruary. March,
S 19c; April, I.Moi May. Jan, "o:
Juiy, m
Bpot. iult ana unonanaaa, iw .a. vyv.
Santos 4at 10 a. Coat and freight of faro
ware. Kbout unchanged ranging from 10.70c
to U woo H'r .
The cTHcla! oablea reported advanoaa Of
T lO Ifl' rll ID tit's - - xoprve, a.. . -
kata while hnnto future wara IS rata lower
to 14 reli higher.
Omaha Hay Market. i r
Omaha. Aug... 14. Prairie Hay Choloe
upland, llQ.oo, ino. l,; wo. i,
ITOOfil.OO: No. 1, tK.009 7,00; choleo mid
land, tl.lOvlO.OO; No. 1. 9.00.t0; No.
t It 00t.00; No. I, $A.004T,00; choice low
land. M0VM9; No. 1, 17.4091. M; No. t,
M flfltO? 00: No. I. ll.OOtftl.OO.
Alfalfa Choice, tll.OOOH 00; ' No. ,1,
110 00 11.00; itanaara.; no. i.
li No. I. t4.aoe.90.
Straw Choice wheat e.00; choloe oat or
rye, ttt.00Qw.-Q.
' New York Clos Market.
New Tork, Aug. l.--Cotton futurea
opanad eteady: Augoat-Ootobar, 14.18c;
Deoember, 14.17c: January, 14.4o; March.
14.l7o: May. 14.41c.
Futurea cloaed firm, October. 14.14e; Da
eember, 14.4Se; January, 14.Hc; March.
14.61c; May, 14.71c.
Boot ateady; middling ' uplanda, 14.t0o.
No ealas.
Liverpool. Aug. II. Cotton Spot firm;
good middling, l.9Sd; middling. I-T7d; low
mtaaiingi l.fia. Miea, a.vve Daiaa. w
VMrth Cut Im Crude Oil.
Flttaburgh.' Pa., Aug. IS. Further re
duction In the prloo of the principal grade
of crude oil waa announced today at the
opening of the market, alt grade being
cut i cent a barrel, except taglantf which
remained at 7t cent. Tha new prlcee are
Pennayivanla erude. 11.10: CabeU. 11 11
Coming. Merger black and ' Near Cut la,
fl.; Somaraet, l.e, Thla taj tha fourth
out w .tain a monta.
' Dry Otvoda Market. '
VW York. Alflr. ll.-ea-rt-ftr1tf.aT In AAltnlt
goodawaa mora active today. Inqulrtea for
goooa roi axpon conunuaa quite nummua.
Hioad ellk Qtiotatlone for naxt aprlng will
in on t per wiiu lau iwm vaiuea.
Bit: Bun of Cattle Continnei
and Prices Hold Up Steady
Under the Strain.
Omaha, Auttut 11, 1014.
rteretnt . were. Tattle. Hon. SheeO.
Official Mondar 11.170 7.470 14,460
Ktlmte Tuesdar ... 1.000 . 10.200 14.000
Two daya thla week. .1I.H20 17,170 10.440
Heme day laat week.lZ.710 1S.4SS av.v.i
Heme dare I weeke aol0,747 11.111 10,440
Ham day I weak a(0 0,941 ll,40 11.111
Sam day 4 week afoll.ltl 11,004 30,001
Same daya laat year.. 14,431 11,141 41,104
The followtn- tble ahows tne rooelpte o(
esuie, nos and sheep at tne noutn umana
live etock market for toe year to date, as
compared wun last year:
ins. till. Inc. Deo.
Cattle .... 710,100 104.471 110,030
Hoes 1.177.(33 1.011.034 340.(11
Sheep 1,300.704 1,380.201 11,401
The followtn table enow tha avarea
price or nog at the Omaha live stock mar-
net lor tn last tew dy wun cotnpnon
Date. llllTTlilt, 11114.11111. 11011. 10U.
July 30
July II
July 10
July II.
auff. l
Au. i.
Au(. I.
Aua. 4.
AU4T. 1.
AU(. t.
AUff. S .
Aua. ,.
Aua. i.
Aw 11
Am. is.
aus: 13
Au. 14
Aua-. 11
I 40 'J
4 431
I 14
I 41
t 40
i ii
I 41
I to
I 17
I 70
I 10
S Sll
I 41
f II
t 70
I 13
1 03
I 70
I 30
I 14
I 14
a aai
I 17
I 111
I 41
I 17!
I 10
I 111
I 10
T 10
t 14
I 17
Receipt and disposition of ltv stock at
th Union stock yards, Omaha, (or twonty
four hours ending at I p. m. yesterday:
Cattle. Hoi. Bhaan. HVa
C. M. Bt. P..... 11
Wahaah 1 .. ... ..
Mlaaourl Pacific ... I 1 .. t
Union Paclflo .... II II 14
C. , N. W., nut., I 1
C. V N. W weal., 14 Jt It . ..
C. nt. P.. u. 4 O.. I II
C, B. Q eaat... 0 4 1..
C, B. A Q., wast.. .110 14 . 1
c, K. I. p., eaat 7 7 1..
C, B. I. P, weat 1 I ; ..
Illlnola Central s
Chicago 01. West 1 .. .,
Total receipts.... 3(3 . 114 - 17
Cattle. Hoes.
stoma CO Its
Swift Co ....1,111
Cudahy Packing Co.. 1,711
Armour a, Co 1.374
J. W. Murphy
Lincoln Packing Co.. 41
S. O. Packing Co.... 1
W. B. Vansant Co..., 71
Benton. Vansant La, 70
1,340 . 701
Hill at Son.
P.B, Lwts......
J. B. Root it Co.,
J. H. Bulla
h. r. Hss
Rosenstock Bros.
r. a. Kellogg
Wertbelmer A begen. 144
ill -II
'7 ,
7.011 10,017
H. P. Hamilton
Sullivan Bros
Rothschild A Kreba..
Mo. Il Kan. Calt Co..
Hlggln ,
Roth ,.,
Meyer , . , , rt
Baker, Jone St 8, ....
Banner Broe,
John Harvey
Dennis A Prancls....
Jensen A Lungren....
Other buyers
Totals .'.:..i.sao
Cattl Receipt, whll smaller than yes
terday, were quite liberal, 140 oars being
reported In. This makes the total for the
two daya ll,l3 head, the largest of any
similar period for a long time back and
larger than a year ago by 1,001 head.
There waa a fair demand and most
kinds of cattle moved off at about steady
prices. There waa only a small sprinkling
of oorn fad beeves, the supply oonatstlng
largely of rangers. Medium grades of feed
era were alow to a little lower. - ,
Quotations on oattiet Good to cholee
beeves. II.IO10.0I fair to good beeves,
I.I01.11 oommon to fair beevea, I7.7IO
1 11; good to choice yearlings, l. 40010.14:
fair to good yearling. II Ital 40; common
to fair yearlings. I7.00OI.10; good to choloe
grass beeves,; fair to good grass
beeves, I7.llf7.tli aommoa to fair grass
beeves. H.I0O7.00 good to Choice heifers,
I4.7IO7.I0;' good to choice cows, I1.I0O
I IS; fair to good cows, 11.0001.10; oom
mon to fair caws, 13.7001.70; good to oholos
feedere. 17. (00440; fair to good feeders,
I7.00O7.I0; common to fair feedere. 10.000
1.10; good to choice etookors, I7.I0O0-00;
Block heifers, tt.7IO0.7t; stock cows, III,
04.(0; stock calves. II.70OI.I0; vial
ealvea, ll.00OU.00j beef bull, atage, ate.,
I. HOT. 31; Bologna bulla. 11.(001.14.
Representative salea:
No. Av. Pr.
14 Ill l 40
I .-. Ill I II
11 077 I 10
t Oil T 00
171 1007 I II
74 ..1141 7 11
No. Av. Pr.
II........ 10l E0
II... Ill I 70
14 Ill I 10
111 1010 7 10
301 IUI 1 II
1 1111 I II
... 140
... 117
... 170
... 141
,. 0(0
... Ill
... 110
... 101
. 141
. 104
i 741
, 110
I 10
I 10
1 00
I 10
I 10
III I 10
101 10 00
100 11 00
7 10
1 10
I 10
I 10
I 10
, 100
I 40 7
I 71 II
4 10 I
I 10 11.......
I 71 10.
I 00 11.
7 10 I
1 II I
iso io io l
It 040 I 10 11 141
41 ...1141 1 10
8. A. Bowrlng Nob.
II cowa. . .1010 I II
Nlcholoon Broe. Neb.
It feeders. 1044 7 10 II feeders. 1111
J. a Musser Neb.
f feeders. 1131 7 31 I feeders. 1071
Fred WellnltB Neb.
II cows... 1033 I 10 -,
a B. Stewart Nebr
7 cows... 1007 I 40 t 17 steers..,
N. R. Hartman Neb.
llateera.. 141 1 10 leteere.,
J, B. Webb Wyo,
10 cows... 1011 I II 14 cowa... 1041
Fred W. Heeee Wyo.
It steers.. Ill 140 1 J cowa... 170
Spear A Zimmerman Cattle Co. Wyo.
11 cowa... 1044 III , Ifstoers..l00l III
J. P. Slbbltt A Son Neb.
II steers.. lilt 7 10 31 steers.. 1174
B. B. Brooks Wyo.
14 steers.. 1314 140 II cows.. .1111
Clifton A Orlck Mont.
Iataers.,1111 110' 4 cow... 1040
Mrs. S. Mortimer Wyo.
It cows,., Ill 140 11 feedere. Ill
J. M, Stephene & D.
steers.. 1117 I 11 II steers. .1111
W. L. Wolfe wyo.
11 steers.. Hi III Itl
O. H. Colling Colo.,
31 steers.. Itl III I calves.. 411
' Spurgen Waddell 8, D. -It
cows-. Ill III I cows.. .1141
It heifers. Ill 00 le steer.. Ill
Ill steers. 10(1 I It
Hog With more moderate receipts at
several other points a general reaction
from the two days' slump waa In order.
Local shipper buyera fitted their orders
at prfcee that were all of 10100 and in
moat lnetancaa fully lOo higher. Packers
were able to get a tew hoga at the start
that were barely le higher, but later on
bought droves a flat lOe higher, moat of
their hogs costing anyway tOlto mora
than on Monday.
Closing rounds were weak at early price,
moat of the advance being tost. Receipts
overran early estimate, and packer droves
were pretty well filled out before a clear
ance was made, buyera getting a pretty
good kind of hog late at figures that were
eteady to riot, over to higher than yes
terday. General market, which averaged I
OlOo higher than yesterday, waa a hamp
becked opening lOlOo higher, then
becoming fully loo higher at the beet time
and closing with meet of the advance wiped
out. Bulk of the hoga waa purchased at a
spread of tl.00OI.7l. with a good ehowlng
on up, the top reaching $10.10. Hogs are
still selling ltd) lOo below Friday, the high
day of the yeer, but the market la now
a flat l(c higher than at the open'ng of
Auguot and 7vo above the low time twelve
daya ago, when average eoat dropped under
It.eo for tne first time since Maroh.
Representative Bales:
No. Av. Sh. Pr. No. Av. Bh. Pr.
II. .Ill I0 II 41 16..274 00 It 10
71. .101 ... I II II. .244 110 t II
41. .134 ... I 10 70. .331 100 I II
10. .Ill 40 I 70 01. .371 4t I 70
47. .Ill 10 1 71 44. .340 ... 1 10
41. .330 00 II 70. .340 ... I 10
01. .147 340 10 00 (4. .201 ... 10 01
it.. Ill ... 10 10 30. .100 ... 10 11
Sheep Sheep and lamb eupplles were
about tne same else as Monday's flftv-nve
cars, or about ll.Ooo head, being reportedi
in. Tne total for the week to date of 30.414
Is 1,000 head smaller than a week ago,
about the earn also as two weeks ago and
13,000 snort of last year.
The market braced up today after hav
ing been steadily dropping for a solid week.
General quality of the offerings was not aa
good aa yeaterday, recelpta running more
largely to feeders, and while on paper the
prlcee paid for trie bulk of fat lambe did
not show up quite bo well as yeaterday,
the market ws called fully steady to, If
anything, stronger. A spread of 110.3(0
10.41 bought quite a few Wyomtna-e and
Nevadas, with Idahos and beat Wyomlnga
on up to 110.00.
Before the close as much aa lOo higher
was paid for fat lambs. A band of good
Idahos reached 110.70, the extreme top
for the day, and 10c above yeeterday, and
considering sorts some of the In-between
kinds were If anything a little higher.
Bulk of the ewes again went for feed
ers and breeders, snd packers found the
picking mighty slim. They paid, steady to
etrong prices for the few they did get, giv
ing aa high aa 10.10 for a few head, and for loads.
The feeder trade opened brlak. More
feeders wsre here than on any ope previous
day thla aeaoon, but demand waa also
Quotatlona on sheep and lambs: Lambs,
good to cholc. I10.40O10.70; lambs, fair to
good, 110.00010.40; lambs, feeder. I0.3IO
10.11: yearlings, good to choice, 17.0007.21:
yearling, fair to good. 14.(007.00; yearlings,
feeders, 14.0007.40; wethere, fair to choice,
3e.2BVT.ou; ewes, good to cnoice, ,0.2(00 00;
ewes, fair to good. (.7(0I.3(; ewes, plain
to culla, 4.OO0I.7(; ewes, feeders. 14.100
1.10; ewee, breeders, all ages, 10.1(01.00.
Representative sales:
Av. Pr.
1174 Idaho lambs . 40 10 00
707 Wyoming lambs 13 10 1(
101 Idaho lambs 70 $10 t0
111 Idaho feeder lambe II I 10
77 Idaho fedeer lambs 00 I 3(
10 Wyoming yearlings , (0 7 00
111 Wyoming feeder lambs II t 40
111 Wyoming feeder lamb.... II 10
111, Wyoming feeder lambs..... 14 I 10
las Wyoming feeder iamba 41 10 00
171 Wyoming lambe 13 10 IS
111 Wyoming breeding ewes.... 04 I 00
III Wyoming feeder ewes 14 I 10
' St, Leila Lire stock Market.
St Louis. Mo.. Aug. 11. Cattle Re
ceipts, 1,100 head; market steady; native
beef steers. 17.00010 SO: yearling steers
and heifers, 11.00010.00; cowa. II.(O07.7(;
Blockers and feeder, I5.,o0,.2(: Texas
seers, $1.1001,00; prime southern steere,
IS. 00 0 0.00; cowa and heifers, I4.I0OI.00:
prime yearling steers and heifers,, 17.100
1.00; native calves, 10.00011.11. .
Roogs Receipts. 11,000 head: market
higher; pigs and lights, 17.7(010.(0:
mixed and butchers, 110.10010.00; good
heavy, 110.40 0 10.40; allk, 110.10010,(0.
Bheep and Lambs Receipts, I 000 heed;
msrket etrong; lambs, $7.00010.41;
slaughter ewes, $1.00 0 7.10; bleating ewes,
10.00 0 10.00; yearlings, $0.00 0 0.(0.
Chicago Live Stock Market.
' Chicago. Aug. II. Cattle Receipts.
1,000 head; market steady to shade higher;
native beef cattle. 17.00010.00; western
stsers, 0. 04O1.70: extra fancy western cat
tle sold up t $0.70; stockers and feeders,
$0.00 0 7.10; cows and heifers, $3.1000.11:
calves, $0.00 011.71.
Hogs RecelpU, 11,000 head: market
moetly I to lOo higher; common closed
weak: bulk of sales 10.10010.41; light,
10.90010. 40; mixed, ll.70O10.03ft; heavy,
tl.lltyio.ll; rough, $1.(101.10; pigs, $1.20
Sheep and Lambs Receipts 14 000 head:
market etrong to l(c higher: wethers, 10.10
7.00; ewes, 11.3(07.(9; lambe, I7.30O11.10.
City Live Stock Market.
Kansas City Mo., Aug-. II. Cattle Re
ceipts, 10,000 head: market steady; prime
fed steers, II.I0O10.7I: dressed beof steer.
I7.I0O0.00; western steers, I7.OO08.7S;
atockers and feeders,' IO.00O1.00; bulla.
(.2(0S.; calves, 14.(0011. ou.
Hoga Receipts, 14,000 head; market
higher; bulk of salea . 10010.20; heavy,
I0.I0O10.00; packers and butchere, 11.000
10.24: light, 10.0(010.25; pigs, 18.000
Sheen and Lambe Receipts, l.aOO head;
market eteady; lambs, 110.000010.70; year
lings, 17.0007.10; wethers, I0.10OJ.2S:
ewe. $1.1,07.00.
aioax city Live Stock. ''
Sioux City, Aug. 11. Cattle Receipts.
100 head; market steady; butchers, 11.7(0
7.00; canners, 11.0001.00; calvee, 11.000
11.10: bulls, stags, etc., (.!(0i.7i.
Hoga Recelpte, 7,000 head; market 100
lie higher: light, $1.2(01.(11 mixed, II.K
00.70: heavy, ll.lO0lu.zo; ouuc or aies,
$1.100 10.00. .
8heei Receipts. 110 head: market steady;
ewee, i.ooeo.7(i lambs, II.00O10.30.
M. Joseph LIt Stock Market.
St. Joseph. Mo.. Aug. It. Cattle Re
ceipts, 1,700 heed; market steady; steere,
11.000 10.10; eowe ana heifers, I4.ao0s.2a;
calves, II.00O11.00. '
Hois Recelpta. 7.100 head: market high
er; top, 110.10; bulk of sales. 10.0(010.10.
Snea ana Lames iteceipts. s,xuu neaa;
market slow! Iamb, $10,00010.70; ewes.
1 Live
Tha flolowlng
meets from the
Kanaaa City .
Chicago .....
St Loula ..
St. Joseph ...
Sioux city .
Stock la Sight,
are the recelpte and ship
six principle markets yee-
. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
...10.800 - 1.000 10,000
...14,000 10,000 1,100
...13,000 1,000 , 11,000
...11.100 1.100 1.100
... 1,700 7,(00 - 1,100
... 7,000 000 0(0
...11,700 30,100 ' 11,110
V New York Maaey Market.
New Tork, Aug. 11. Mercantile Paper
1 per' cent.
Sterling Exohange 10 days, 14.71 Hi de
mand, 14.71 ; cable. 14.70 7-10.
Silver Bar, UKc: Mexican dollars, OlHc
Bonda Government - ateady; railroad
Time Loans Steady; 10 daya, 11401 per
cent; 00 dayo, 10114 per oent; six months,
11401 per cent I ,
Call Money Steady; high, IVj per pent;
lew, 114 per cent; ruling rate, !j per
cent; laat loan, 140 per cent: closing bid,
tu nar cent: offered at IVj per cent
U. 8. ref. la, reg.00 L. A N. un. 4B....04
U. S. ref. le. cou.Ot M.. K. A 1st 4s. 744
U. 8. 3s, reg....,100 Mo. Pec. con. Oa-lOlti
U. 8. la. cou. .UOlttMont Power is. ..0714
U. 8. 4s, reg 100 N. T. C. deb. 0s..mjJ
U. 8. 4a, cou 110HN. T. City 4 Its
Am. Smelt. 4S..101M (1001) 10714
Am. T. 7t. cv N. T N. H. A
414 100H H. cv. Is 11114
Anglo-French is..0(No. Pac. 4a lit,
Atchlaon gen. 4s.. 11 No. Pac la It
B. A O. 4s IlltO. a L. ref. 4s.. .11 14
Bethlehem Steel ( Pan. T. A T. 4s. .100
ref, is...', lOOHPenn. con. 4e 104S
Cent Pac. 1st. . .17 Penn. gen. 414s.. 10lS
C. A O. cv. 4U.s.l4Readlng gen.
C, B. A Q., Jt 4S..I7 "St. L. A 8. F.
C, M. A St. P. ref. 4a Site
cv. Is 100 So. Pac. cv. la... 103
C, R. I. A P. Ry, So. Pac. ref. 4s. . . 10
ref. 4tts........4S 'go. Ry. is 100
C. A 8. ref. 41ts..l3 U. P. 4 ...14
D. A R. G. con. 4 7114 U. P. cv 4 ,3
Erie gen. 4e 73U. 8. Rub. I.. ..103
Gen. Else, Os 104 V. 8. Steel ( 100
VGt.No. 1st 4l4.ltiv weat. union 414s.. 01
I". C. ref. 4 17 'Westlnxhous
I. M. 11. 4.. 14.. aIOJ Electrlo cv. is.ll!
K, C. 8. ref.
D. A R. G. le. . , .11
Bid. "Offered.
Turpentine and Boalaw
Suvarnah, Oa., Aug. 11. turpentine
Firm: 43c: aalea, llo bbla.; recelpta, 017;
shipments, ill; stocks. 11.331.
Itosln Firm; sales, 1,418 bbls. : receipts.
1,131: shipments, 738; stocks, 47.411.
vuote: A, B, (.oo; c, u, 10.00;;; ar,;
F, l.ll; O, $0.31;; H, I. $0.S(: K, 18.40:
M. $0.10, N. $l.ii; WO, 14.46; WW, $4.71.
, Metal Market. .. . '
New Tork Aug. 11. Metals Lead, arm
at 14.00. Spelter, firm; apot, Eaat St. Louie
delivery. $1,171$. Copper, firm; electrolytic,
$11.00017.00. Iron, eteady and unchanged.
Tin, quiet; apot
At London: Spot copper, 1114; futurea.
1111; electrolytic, till; apot tin, 1171 Is;
futures, 1171 la I lead, 130; apelter, ill.
Beak Clearing.
Omaha. Aug. II. Bank clearlnaa for
Omaha today were 14.141.441.31 and for the
correepoodlng day laat year 11,101,111.1$,
Dressed, eteady and uncnanged.
Ebb Irregular: recelpta. 11.110 - ea:
frtah gathered, extra fine. llOtlei extra
nrata, tovsie; nrsu. itcjxbc , ,,
London. Aug. ' 1$. Amerloan securities
continued dull, but eteady. .
Silver Bar, 11 d per ounce.
Money 4 per cent
Discount Rales Short hill.' 1 0!i per
cent; three months, taO0 nor eent
Host of the Trading Commodi
ties Etrong, Many Taking
on Harked Advances.
New Tork, Aug, IS.- Several Important
facton added appreciably to the ecope and
strength of today's aevalon. Cbtef anfrmr
theie were, the lncreaelnv optlmlem shown
In high quarters recardlnc the railway
labor negotiations and the Imminence of
the new British loan, which la expected to
relieve the local market of recurrent fears
of foreign liquidations.
Ralls and Investment issues generally
responded freely to a wide demand and
specialties of virtually all descriptions
scored substantial gains, under lead of the
automobile shares, which made Immediate
response to the declaration of Initial divi
dends on Maxwell common and second pre
Another factof of sentimental value was
United States Steel, which rose 1 points
to 99 A. Its hlshest quotation since lata
year, and within striking distance of itn
best price snice 1910. Steel and Reading
overshadowed all other stocks In point of
activity, buying of the latter being again
of an Impressive character at an extreme
gain of 2 tt points, which was partly
shaded In the profit taking movement of
the final hour.
Canadian Pacific and Union- Pacific reg'
istered marked gains, the latter Incident'
ally issuing Its preliminary statement for
the fiscal year, snowing a net increase or
almost lit 000,000. Norfolk & Weitern,
New Haven, and Nlckle Plate featured the
other rails.
Munitions derived much of their strength
from Bethlehem Steel, which Increased Its
recent gain by 10 points, with tor the
oreferred. Oulf State Steel common and
second preferred registered averago galne
of 4 points, Crucible and Lackawanna ad
vanced I and I, and equipments, with few
exceptions, made similar Improvements.
The shipping group was consistently strong.
with new high records for Atlantic, uuu,
and West Indies at 68, and Mercantile
Marine oommen at 29.
Total sales of stocks amounted to 670,
Exchange on London was dull, with
another lam imoort ef sold from that
center. Remittances to Berlin and Vienna
Bonds were steady, with a very large
proportion of the dealings llmlteti to Anglo
French Gs, and the new French notes at
unchanged quoatlona. Total sales of bonds,
par value, fE,S8S,000. .
United States bonds wore unchanged on
call, but the coupon 4s lost per cent
on a single sale.
Number of leading sales ana quotations
on the market were;
Sales. High. Low. Close.
Am. Beet Sugar.. 900 SO 8814 4
American Can..... 18.100 67 bli
Am. Car & Fndy.. 4,800 6&H 60 60
Am. Loco 8.700 74 72 72
Am. S. ft Refg.... 9,900 98 96 98
Am. Sugar Refng.. 400 110 109 109
Am. Tel. ft Tel... 200 130 180 130
Am Zinc. I . ft 8.. 1.000 33 82 12
Anaconda Copper.. 12.800 84 93 83
AtcniSon 11M JUS
Baldwin Loco 14,800, 7 74 75 .
Baltimore ft Ohio.. 2,400 87 86 87
Brooklyn Rapid Tr. 400 84 84 84
Butte ft Sup. Cop. 12,000 68' 67 67
Cal. Petroleum.. 18
Canadian Pacific1.. 2,100 178 177 177
Central Leather... 8.200 56 66 66
Chesapeake ft Ohio 600 62 62 62
C. M. ft St Paul.. 1,600 96 94 95
Chicago ft North.. 200 127 127 127
C, R. I. ft P. Ry.. 700 19 19 18
Chlno Copper 1,400 60 60 60
Colo. F. A Iron.... 600 45 44 46
Corn Prod. Refnr. 1.840 141i UK. 14
Crucible Steel 11,600 73 71 72
Distillers security. eow t t
Erie 4.800 77 16 36
General Electric. 1.600 170 170 16IU
Qt. North, nfd 600 119 118 118tt
fit North. Ore otfs. 1.900 86 36 36
lllnols Central.... 1,000 102 107 107
inter, uonsoi uorp mrt
Inspiration Copper. 8,200 51 61 61
Inter. Har., N. J. 800 116 116 116
Int. M. M. pfd. etfs 29,900 96 92 94
K. C. Southern 24
Kennecott Copper. 8,800 60 49 49
Louis, ft Nash : 128
Mex. Petroleum.... 10.000 99 98 198
Miami Copper 1,400 96 84 34
u., iv. st iex., pia u
Missouri Pacific... 1.800 6 4 4
Montana Power. ... 300 94 92 92
National Lead 800 66 66 66
Nevada Copper.... 1.700 18 18 18
N. Y. Central 6,700 105 104 104
N. T., N. H. ft H., 1,600 61 69 60
Norfolk ft Wast.... S.lltD 181 130 180
Northern Pacific. 1,000 111 111 111
Pacific Mall 20
Pacific Tel. ft Tel. ". 93
Pennsylvania 6.300 66 86 66
Kay (Jon, uoppar.. e.sov Z4 14 v
Riadlng 87.400 106 104 1 4
Rod. Iron ft Steel. 7.400 49 47k 4SU
H hat Ariz. Copper. 800 28 28 28
Southern Pacific. 1,200 98 98 98
Southern Railway. 1,100 24 34 24
Studebaker Co.... 17,000 131 128 131
Tennesee Copper.. 90Q 26 26 25
Texas Company... 690 195 198 192
Union Pacific 10,800 140 140 140
uiiii-n i-ntiiiu pi a sju
U. 8. Ind. Alcohol. 3,70 112 110 111
U. S. Steel 72.800 89 U. MU R
U. S. Steel nfd 7.300 HSiA lift 117U
Utah Copper 7,600 81 80 81
Viabasn prd B . . 1,100 18 28 38
Western Union 194
Westlngh. Electric. 4,000 68 68 69
j.uut. io iur me nay. o.u.uuv snares. f
Two Memorials Planned
For Late Dr. Murphy
Chicago, Auk. IS, Two memorial
projects for Dr. John S. Murphy, the
noted Chicago surgeon, whose,funeral
tooK place yesterday were announced
today. One is by a erouD of five
prominent Chicago physicians, and
tne otner oy tne punuc service com
mission of the Cook County board.
The physicians plan a joint me
morial for three of the city's famous
men of medicine, includine TVs. Mur-
ohy, Nicholas Senn and Christian
Fenger, 1 hey would build an institu
tion for medical research, the $1,000.-
000 for its erection to be raised by
popular subscription.
I he plan ot tne county commis
sioners is for a laboratory building
to be known as the ''Murphy Memor
ial laboratory, to be added to the
present Cook county hospital group.
Don't Use Dangerous
Antiseptic Tablets
It Is an unnecessary rfsk. Use the safe
antiseptic and germicide, Absorbtne, Jr., -It
kills germsv quickly and surely without
any possibility of harmful results; made of
purs herbs, non-poisonous, and there Is no
danger whatever If the children get hold of
the bottle. It retains Its germicidal powers
even when diluted one part of Absorblne, Jr.,
to 100 parts water and Its antiseptic pow
ers one part Absorblne. Jr., to 200 parts
The germicidal properties of Absorblne,
Jt, have been tested and proven both In
Isboratory and actual practice. Detailed
laboratory reports mailed upon request.
Use Absorblne, Jr., whenever a liniment or
germicide Is- Indicated; to reduce sprains,
wrenches and swollen veins; to heal cuts,
bruises and sores.
Absorblne, Jr., 11.00 and 12.00 per bottle
at druggists or postpaid.
A liberal trial bottle postpaid for 10c In
w , f. .ijunu, r. v, r.,
104 Temple St., Springfield, Mass.
. Successful. Prosperous,
going manufacturing insti
tution, now enlarging busi
ness, desires a few compe
tent, capable), honest sales
men. See tu today. Salary
and commiuion.
11th and Capitol Ave. '
No Guess Work by Uncle Sam in
Measuring the Depth of Rain,,
A skeptic came into the United
States weather bureau and spoke to
Colonel Welsh, saying:
"It's guess work telling how much
rainfall there is when it's only about
one one-hundredth of an inch, isn't
it? Y' can't measure one-one hun
dredth of an inch of rain."
Colonel Welsh fixed the doubting
Thomas with baleful look. Then he
led him Up the narrow staircase to the
roof of the federal building and
showed him the ingenious but simple
mechanism that measures the rain
fall. On each end of a little "see-saw"
about six inches long is' a tiny
"bucket" about half as big as a spool
of thread. One of these buckets isJ
always up and the other down.
The mechinism is delicately ad
justed and when the "up" bucket has
one-one hundredth of an inch ot ram
in it, it goes down and at the same
time tips the water out.
As it goes down it works an elec
tric contact that records .01 of an inch
of rain. When the opposite bucket
gets its .01 of an inch, it goes down
and so on.
"This is the best device for measur
ing rain except in freezing weather,";
said Colonel Welsh. "In freezing
weather we use this old measuring
stick device. It consists of a funnel,
eight inches in diameter at the top,
which empties into a tube 2.56 inches
in diameter. The area of this funnel
top is precisely ten times that of the
tube. So, when there is .10 of an inch
of water in the tube we know that .01
of an inch of rain has fallen."
There is still another device, used
for a long time at the local station
which registers the rainfall automati
cally by weighing the water.
The colonel led the ex-skeptic down
the narrow staircase from the roof of
the federal building,
weather bureau," he said with dignity
as he bowed his visitor out.
In Dangerous Condition
From the Loss of Blood
Jack Sheolar. a roomer in flat 10.
at 1325 Chicago street, is inSt. Jo
seph's hospital in a dangerous1 condi
tion from loss of blood and. shock
as the result of a fight with a negro,
Wallace Cay.
Shepler said that Cay and a white
man came to his room shortly before
noon and wanted to enter, but he
drove them out Soon they returned,
the white man armed with a brick,
and Cay with a knife. In the strug
gle which followed Shepler received
serious knife wounds in the left
breast, the right side and on the right
The two men got away, but Cay
was arrested by Detectives Dolan and
L.ahy and charged with intent to kill.
Police Surgeon Meyers, who attended
Shepler, says he will probably re
cover, but is very weak from loss of
Murray to Box at Wichita,
' Kansas, on Labor Day
Paul Murray has signed articles to
box on Labor day at Wichita with
Jack Tyler, the colored New Orleans
heavyweight. Young OXeary, a pupil
ot Murray s, has signed to meet led
Lewis and Chick Haves in South
America. v
Will of Late 1. M. Thurston
To be Sent from Washington
The will of the late ex-Senator Tohn
M. Thurston will be sent here for fil
ing by the widow uoon her arrival
at Washington, D. C, where the docu
ment is in a safe deposit vault. Mrs.
Thurston left Sunday with the ashes
of her husband. The ashes will be
interred in the Congressional ceme
tery at the national capital. There
is no estate, but the equity of a $40.
000 life insurance policy goes to the
widow. The affairs of the late law
maker are being handled by his Jaw
partners, Edward Morrison and Jo
seph Crow.
Villa Massing His
Forces Near Border
El Paso, Tex., Aug. 15. Private
dispatches here today said Villa is
massing hisespmmand close to ihe
Ourango border, near the line of the
Mexican National railway. While
the dispatches did not state the object
of the move, it was believed here that
the bandit leader may attempt to
seize a train and make a dash on Tor
reon or some of the other large com
munities in the state.
Core Year Cold.
r)i tflnr'a Nw TtUnnvara will amh wa.ih
cold. It, Is antiseptic and soothing; kills
tn com rerms. All drngglsta. Adr.
Courland S, Carrier, city ttckst agent ot
th Milwaukee, is attending a meeting of
the Veterans' association of the road, which
la being held In the Wisconsin metropolis.
All employes who have been with the sys
tem twenty-five years or more are eligible '
to the organization. Mr. Carrier'a service
dates back thirty-four years.
John P. Cummtna, Jr., general advertising
agent of the Unon Pacific with headquar
ters In Chicago, was a visitor at local
headquarters, conferring with heads of de
partments while on his way back to the
windy city after a trip through the west.
mer in unoroiteta parn.
W. W, Johnston, assistant general freight
agent of the Burlington, whose wife wan
taken to Rochester, Minn., a couple of weeks
ago for an operation at the Mayo hospital
there, la atlll at her bedside.
Home-Made Bread at 2Vk a Loaf
On sack of flour will make sixty-four leaves of Inroad Make your own broad and
' ' fight trust prices. Wo recommend our famous Diamond H Blend, made from
No. 1 selected Nebraska wheat nothing finer for bread, pies or eakei, 1 C(
, , fiiVV
per 4 8 -lb, sack.
13 lbs. Best Pure Cane Granulated Sugar
for $1.00
(The only kind for your preserves.)
12 bars Laundry Quee White Laundry'
Soap for 25c
4 pkgs. Skinner's Famous Omaha Made
Macaroni, Vermicelli or Spaghetti. .2ac
8 lbs. Best White or Yellow Corn meal
for 17c
lbs. Choice Japan Rico 25c
4 lbs. Fancy Japan Rico, lOe quality. 25c
S2-os. Jars Pure Fruit Preserves. ., .25c
No. 1 cans Faney Sweet Sugar Corn.
Wax. String, Green or Lima Beans
for ; 7Vac
No. S eans Golden Pumpkin, Hominy or
Sauer Kraut for.. 7Vtc
No. 8 cans Pork and Beans with tomato
sauce for AVac
Four 16-os. eans Condensed Milk.... 25c
16-oa. cans Condensed Soups 8 Vic
Large Bottles Worcester Sauce. Pure
Tomato Catsup or Pickles (assorted
kinds) per bottle... 8 Vic
Fancy Queen Olives, quart 35c A
Fancy Sweet Pickles, quart 20c
Fancy Sour Pickles quart 10c
8 eans Oil Sardines 19c
(Equal to Coffees Sold at 30c lb.)
LB., AT v .,..-.. 20c
Tho Best Creamery Butter, carton, per
lb- at 32c
Tho Boot Creamery Butter, bulk, lb. .30c
Fancy No. 1 Country Creamery Butter,
bulk, per lb 28c
The Best Strictly Fresh Selected Eggs,
per dosen 23c
Full Cream Young America, Wisconsin
Cream or Brick Cheese, lb 20c
Tomatoes for Canning, largo market
Baskets for 20c
Crabapples for Jelly, largo market bas
kets for 20c
15 lbs. Now Potatoes to tho neck. ...25c
Demand your weights.
Tho law requires it.
1 lbs. Good Hand Picked Cooking Ap
ples to the peck 20c
4 bunches Fresh Beets, Carrots or Tur
nips for $c
Large Market Baskets Fresh Cucumbers
Large Market Baskets Ripe Tomatoes 25c
2 heads Fresh Cabbage 5c
8 large Cucumbers 5c
Fancy Ripe Tomatoes, lb ,.Sc
Bermuda Onions, per lb .-... 5c
8 Green Peppers bc
Large Egg Plants, each , 7y,e
Fresh Denver Peas, quart ...10c
Fresh Denver Beans, quart Oc
8 Summer Squash rc
Fancy Head Lettuce, head 7Vic
8 heads Fresh Leaf Lettuce Sc
Put Up Your Peaches Now. Tho Market
Is Advancing Every Day.
Dally Mat., lf-M-SOc
Even's;. lS-25-0-7ac
Svaion a Initial Wk
Now tn the Nraw of their Goodneo. Doa L'Urk.
Bart How, Ju. OousltUn, Marfiret Let. Jscquella
Tallman. May De lal. Jess Weiss. Walter Wolff.
Dancing Colinls sod Hununer Girl Beauty Cbonis.
Ladies' Dime Matinee Week Days.
rr,..u..ri VirtMilaan-NEFrSKV TROUPE
IsiHrlal RumIss Uasen, saiwen snS Isitnnestailits
Cenetly Maslolasl an lltmieslitt.
MevlH Ptetvm el Naarsiks RaflMlU' MtUtlutles
- at kiiwwsit
1 :
Best! Love in ,
Keyttona Comedy.
Pauline Frederick ta
' Temerrear Msriuerlts Clark, ta
muse 4D:r;'r,ra;r
orrin johnson '
th light at dusk
Modern Woodmen of
America ind Royil
Saturday, August 19th
Dancing, Ball Games, Races
George Green's Band.
, in
De Luxe Dancing School
- Assembly Monday Evan in a.
Claa Wnbneiy Evuiinf.
laiermation. Apply Mia Matey,
Douglas 3441.
, Graa4 Opening August It - -
' Aug. 14, IS, 16, 17 f
Bos Seats, Barkalow Bret, ,