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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 16, 1916)
THE BEE: OMAHA, AUGUST 1916. Want-Ad Rates cash with nuuta. I C Pr word Meb tBMrttoa (Bet eolid no display.) Ad, ParaaranCMd at sat In Dlsnlar Style. to pw lln ,. , on. time To pt lis,.. ..... ..thro conaeoutlv. UmM (Count alx words to tho lino.) rmitna umi fe op lino... . ono time To por lino.... ..... thro conseoutlv. time. (Count oil worda to tno lino.) Farm and Ranch Lands. per lino each Insertion (Count ill word! to tho line.) FOREIGN ADVERTISING UNB.ER AGENTS UK HELP WANTED tLoi So Dor word ono time Hio por word three conesrutlv. limes NO AD TAKEN FOR LESS THAN A TOTAL OF No OR USI THAN . Mo A DAY. CARD OF THANKS. DEATH AND FU- too nor lino ooclf Insertion (Minimum charge 40 cent..) MONTHLY RATI FOR STANDING ADS. Ono lino .:!!!! Two line, or moro por lino 1.10 (Count oil wordo to tho lino.) ' (CdMraot rats, on application.) THB BEE will not bo reeponstbts for moro thnn ono Incorroct insertion or on saw iiumui nH.rMl nr mora thnn ono tlmo. ADVERTISERS ohould retain receipt, given by Tho Bee In payment for Wont Ado. as no mtatak, eon bo ratified without them. USE THE TELEPHONE l you oonnot con veniently bring or oend In your ode. Ask for a, Want-nd Toker. and, you will re- eetv, tho same good service as wnon ae Uverlng your ad at the office. PHONE TYLER 1000. WANT-AD COLUMNS CLOSE wwnrun rnttinHR .....1I;00 M MORNING EDITIONS P. M. r MOVIE PROGRAM howl M Pfctare Theater, hi Osasha. (Chang uour-) Carnal fieri, re of Downtown. PRINCESS. 1217-11 DOUOLAS. BLUEBIRD, RBDFEATHJ5R and .... UNIVERSAL PRODUCTIONS, lo PRESENTED HERB FIRST lo. FIRST EPISODE. ' "LIBERTY" i ; " In Throo Parta. ANIMATED WEEKLY. .. KDDT LYONS and LEE MORO AN It "ALL BETS OFF." North DIAMOND 24TH AND LAKE "SUBMARINE." - i 'TASTURES OREEN." "JEALOUSIES A LA CARTE." URAND 14TH AND BINNEY FRANCES NELSON and ARTHUR ASHLEY In "WHAT HAPPENED AT 'II.' . a S-reel World feature and a good comedy. LOTHROP '. UTH AND LOTHROP PEARL WHITE in "HAZEL KIRKE." alto "SEBINO AMERICA FIRST." 1 South. IITH ANP LEAVENWORTH WM. RUSSELL IN "THE HIGHEST BID. BOULEVARD IID AND LEAVENWORTH ' "FATHER AND SON." WEEKLY NO. 83. kOHLFF, ltd LEAVENWORTH. H. B. WARNER IN THE MARKET OF VAIN DESIRE." Wit DUNDEE. llwT AND UNDERWOOD DB WOLFB HOPPER In "Mr. Ooodo SamarlUn," Fine Arts. HARRY M'COY In "Ruhfcleo of Trouble." Kayatono. FARNAM 1411 FARNAM MART PICKFORD In . "HEARTS ADRIFT. ' Wednooday HenfT Walthal In "BEULAR." Our fans will cool you. Change of pro- tram deny. MONROE, , itll FARNAM MARTHA HKDMAN and JOHN H1NES In "THE CUB. OMAHA. 40TH AND DO DOE "For tho Love of a Olrl," l-r. Blsoo. . "Jitney Jack and Gasoltna," Powers. "The Mask of Fortune," Laommlo d. "Spring Favor," L-KO comedy. South Side. BESSB' , I4TH AND N "THE SUMMER GIRL" a t-act picture. OHPHUUM 4TH AND M "OUTWITTED." alas BILLIB BURKE In "GLORIA'S ROMANCE." DEATHS ft FUNERAL NOTICES. THOMPSON Oracei daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ira D. Thompson, Monday, August 14. Private funeral from Crosby's -chapel, Tuesday, August It, at 1:10 p. m. . Inter ment in Holy Sepulchre eemotary. CARD OF THANKS. iv B WlflH to extend to our many frlenda our thanks for tho kindness shown ui and ttio beautiful floral offerings m our late bereavement and Ion of our bolovtd saother, Elisabeth Christie. MRS. , LOUIS LRBDRR, ' MRH..C. O. AHLQUI8T, ' BOBT, . CHRI8TIH, v i DAVID H. CHRISTIE!. PUNERAt DIRECTORS. DUrrT JOHNSTON, aa.Deim.ra and fu aoral T17 8 lath Tyler ls.. lr K- BURKKT BON Funeral directors tad smbalroor, 8804 Loavonworth. Mar. It. riUUs li HlWHtCN. undertaker and n banners, Ui m 14th St iMuglu 1121. Monument and Cemeteries, HBAUT1KUL, markers, utblou ana cnum for an mark d gravoa. . Kodman Oravo Markor Co lilt Sponoor tt. Wotwtor otv FLORISTS. BEST QUAUTT CUT FLOWERS oi plants, Art Combinations, shlppod ovary whsro. Kxootlont aorvtoo to our tuitonv tors In past yoars rocommonda HHS A pwpHOjJA. rarnam at. Pou. lBOI. LARGKST ASSORTMENT of freuh fiowers, dttltvond or shlppod anywharo. L. HEN PERSON. 1.11 Farnam 8U Poug. USt, PARKER Fiowor Shop. 411 S. 16th. D, 1101. A, DONAOHUK. IC2! Hartfsy. Doug. 1091. BATH, florist 1104 Farnam St, p. 1000. MARRIAGE LICENSES. Tho following marrlaga lloonao hava jn . BU3 ; Nam and Roaldonco. Ago. Tboodoro Larson, Fromont Nab... IS Carrls B. Soronsoa, Fromont, Nob.,,.,, II Angus Waltsr Soronaon. Fromont, Nob., II Holes M. Donnls, Fromout, Nob.,..,.,, II Albait Branch, Slous City, la , IS AUco H. Oiiflon, Omaha,,.,..,,.,.,.,, j ChruiUaa Jotuon Omaha.,,. u Filoda RathloS, Omaha... , ji Morlas O. Skavtan, Omaha..,, t-f H Loo K. Bring ham, Los Abccloa,, Cal. S Will R. Naioa, Omaha..,...,,,,, 31 Dorothy HaatUas, Logan, la....,...,,,, n Cnostsr A. llouat, Kansas City Mo., ovsr 11 Kathrya MtoUt, Osaaha, arsr. H Franolaes Marine, Omaha....,,,,,,., SC ; Nunslata, Satouttro, Omaha. , if 3oh H Fo4d. Klkhorn, Nob . (4 WillMlmlna Dolfs, Millard, Nob 44 ARderoon T. Cart or, Ceunell Bluffs... II Mary Cloroland, Council Bluffs. li Pelor T. Bock or, Omaha,4.,, IS llaxoi C. Lyons, Omaha... ..'.,!,.,,.. .10 Itoy S, XTsUor, Bonaon, Nob............. 91 Mario Iltssch, Bonnlngton, Nob lo . Albert Durtrin, Kansas City, Mo. 14 bitacbo McKltrtek. Kaosas City Kan.. 11 BIRTHS AND DEATHS. Birth Harry O. and Ada Turpln, 1116 Javnoi. girl; w. R. and DaUy Pennls, Forty-f irst .and Fowlor, boy; Harold O. and Nolllo Fottor, Sl Mart, boy; Oaorgs and Francei Shubort, lb 01 South Twentieth. boy: h. o. ana Btta Bnteo, 1190 South Thirty Dtnth. boy; Jan and Mario Maris, HI William, girl: Arthur and Cat hart no Flit ton. bos pltsl, flrl ; Rudolph and Anna Flue her. hot B. boy: jooopb and Ellfabtth Koros, 1110 South Twonty-oighth, boy; Mat and Lillian Moldlus, hoapltal, girl; Zonobl and Anna Ztgorac, 1711 Madlaon, boy; Jamos and juiia Mcuroa, 113 Amoo, boy, Doatho Harry Cavanaugh, II, hospital; Margaret Haganholta, i months, 1117 Jf foraon; Vlolot Potsroon. 1 yoar, loll Cam den avenue; Mrs. Francos Ann Juels, II, 1121 Ami avenue: Nina DeForeet Brown. 10, Twenty-fourth and Pratt; George H. niner, ti, eut sou in Twontyseventti. BUILDING PERMITS. Katie Hynek, 1444 South Fifteenth, frame dwelling,; wuiard Conoetruction com pany, 1411 Patrick avenue, frima dwroll Ing. ISflO; Wlllli Realty company, 1447 Vic tor avenue, frame dwelling, 3,000; Willis Raslty company, 164 Victor avenue, frarao dwelling, fs.oao ; urmke Realty company, im South Twenty-ninth, alterations and repairs, 11,000. LOST-FOUND-REWARDS $150 REWARD. Stolon Friday August 4, from tho corner Seventegnth and Douglas st roots, umana, neo. auicic light lis tour ing car, described mm f olio we j Frame, No. IK IB Sl; motor. No. 117414: license. No. 11317; Qoodyoar ttrss, Diamond tread on roar wheels, black body. , , Tho above reward will bo paid for tho propenj in running; condition, wire all particulars to C O. Keys, Springfield, neo. IF YOU loss anything and wlli advtrtlso It hare, you will surely recover It If found by an honest person. Remarkable re eoveriei are brought about every day through this column. THE LAW Poop Is who And lost articles ars Interested In knowing that tho ststs Isw Is strict In requiring them to ssek tho ownar through advertisement and otherwise, and that a failure to do so, f earns can bs proven, Involves a severe penalty. 1 OMAHA A COUNCIL BLUFFS STRKET RAILWAY COMPANY. Persons having lost soma artlcls would do well to oall up tho olTtoe of ths Omaha A Council Bluffs Street Railway company to ascertain whether they left It In the itreet oars. Msny articles each day ars turned In and the company lo anxious to restore them to ths rightful owners. CaTT Tyler loo. LOST Friday, cameo ' breastpin, Id smalit bolt probably near Vinton ball Dark: reward, Return 1104 Webotsr St Phons Douglas not. LOST Antique pin, .with coral contort val ue Die to owner as sin noirioom, ttewara. Call Harney 1840, LOST In ths downtown district, a' green silk paraeol. Phono Walnut 1HI. Reward. LOST (JoU watch fb, Saturday; with monogram. Reward. Call Douglas III, LOST A brown coat, near lltb and Locust! Call South 441. FOUND Gold watch chain; Saturday. Har ney 4414, FOR SALE Miscellaneous FurnituTs and Houiehojd Goods. UNDERWRITElt'S FURNITURE BALE. Ths ouallty at this ssle ts as substan tlal as ths wonderful saving. Buy now during tnis big sals and save money. STATE FURNITURE. CO. 14th end Dodge. Douglas 13 IT. OMAHA PILLOW CO. Felt and hair mat- tresses msds ovsr In new ticks st half ths price of new ones, . Phons us for sam ple of ticking. Mall orders filled. HOT uuming at. uougias ist. MUST leavs city, will null all or any part of my nice furniture, Including book oass of fine bound books and largo fish aquarium. Call 14 U Laurel Ave, FOR SALE Patented Ironing board, neat ana weii duiii; win iam a lire tiros, raone us for particulars. Doug. Bill. lie ICE boxes, It gas stoves! 100 rugs of ail kinds, poultry wirn and nstting. open till I p. m. 111! N. 14th -t. FOR SALE Household furniture, Inquire 1811 N. Uth Nt. Pisnoi and Musical Initruments. An Angolus Piano Player, In perfect con dition; with record. Webster isO, $Sft0 UPR1QHT piano, lit. Tyler 146-J. UPRIGHT Wlekart piano chea tl. 6144. Typewriters and Supplies. NEW machines sold the same as rent; ft per monin. eee as neiore you buy or rent Shipped any place on ton days free trial. Butts Typewriter Kxohangs, in b. inn, umana, neo. TYPEWRITERS sold, rented and repaired. v Rent an Oliver typewriter, i months 1101 Farnam. REMINGTONS, Monarchs and Smith Premiers for rent; sent snywhere. Rem- Ington Typewriter company, p. 1314, BARUAINS in used typewrttariu ribbons 14 dosen; carbon, 1 a box. Midland Co. Ill Bee Bldg. Billiard and Pocket Jables. FOR SALE BILLIARD TABLES, Brand new, carom ana pocitei, wun oompieis outfit lll ssoond-hand" tables at re ducsdwprloee, bowling alleys and supplies; sssy payments. Cigar stores, drug, dell' eateaaen and aoda fountain fixtures. THE BRUNSWICK-BALK B-COLLBNDKR CO., 4 07-' 4 li I South 10th St, Jewelry. Diamond a and Watches. BRODEOAARD'B "Lucky Wedding Rings" at Uth ana uougias Bis. Machinery and Engines. NEW AND SECOND-HAND MOTORS EXPERT ELECTRICIANS AND ' MACHINISTS, . LI HRON ELECTRICAL WORKS, 118-10 B. 12th St, Omaha. BOILERS, steam,' electric, gas engines. pipes. Proas wrtcn m uo m cuming. Sewing Machines. "Dewing machlnes. Ws rant, repair, sell needles and parts of all sewing machines. . MICKLB'B NEBRASKA CYCLE CO., llth and Harney Bts. Doug. 1161. ' Printini snd Office Supplies. COMMERCIAL Duplicating Co., also public Bteno. rnons ior prioss, twugias isog. 140 Paxton Blk. Qkf our prices on Job printing. CAMf AlUiN VARUS A VrUUlALiTT. U. 8. PTU. CO.. BEB BLDG. DOUQ. 1171. Waters-barnhart pig! co!! quality printing. Tel. Doug. til S. Uth St Miscelianeoui. - . BUE Want-Ada GAINED 11,111 , MORE PAID ADS than any other Omaha news paper gained In first seven months HIS. . . .. Oood results at leas cost Is ths reason why. MY high standard of quality wilt be main tained; I quarts of Old Fontenells whisky, Ilia; bottled In bund. Hanry Pollock, mall order house. Doug. IH1. m-m . iatn hi. ALEX JETTE'S LIQUOR HOUSE , Thirteenth and Douglas. v Bottled la bond whisky. 16c, 11.00, $1.1( full quart. aibNUlNb! California wine vinegar, white or red: quart bottle, IV cents ; gallon, seats. Imported olive- oil, Tl cents per quart Cackiaar Bros. Phone Doug, aoii. DESKS, aafaa, acalea, showcases, shelving, etc. We buy, soIU Omaha Fixture . ft Bupply Co., Ill -ll-ll B. Uth. Doug 1711. ONE large popcorn and peanut vsadlng gooa new, easy ,urma Aa- , dress Y 140., Bee. FOR 8ALB Now 11-10 repeating rifle; cheap. Box 1017. Bee. WANTED TO BUY W ANTnJt titlrt claes surveyor's transit an instrument that Is dealgued for gea- oral land survey li as well as drainage woriL race must oe ngst. Aaarees I lul. Bee. WANTsiU To BUY Having rented a build . tag on track for oar office and warehouse we will want to buy some glass partition. Paone Basket vtores orncs, Tyler 44. DESKS ; DESTaSDESK New desks, aswd desks, bought, sold ana traaeo j. 4j. wee a. im Farnam. HOLMBS paya your prior for Id-hand Clothea shoes and hats. Web. 1310. WANTED -Fron. twenty -five to fifty feet of second hand shelving; stats kind and nrlnat 1ft iniir. Hrt hoik na. WANT TO BUY MERCHANDISE STOCK. 411 ROSE BLJD42. TYLER 1417. ATTRACTIONS. WANTED Concessions snd merry-go-round for If, W. A. logrolling and plcnlo st Believuo. Neb., August 11. "rank Lewis, pnone jMuevua in. , ANNOUNCEMENTS BRODEOAARD'S "La-ky Weeding Blags" at lam ana uoogio. ,ts. DAT ana T. M. C A. Wight gcsjoL Bikerie. CAKES, pastir sod fancy baker goods supplied o parties, lodges and sntsrlaln- ments. z. H. Reader, 1,0, N. Ktn. w.32,7 Bragg and Iron Foundriei. Patton-MltPhell Co., th and Manna ta Accountant. M. A. DWORAK, C. P. A. A VAN ORDER. ,11 Ramgo Bldg. Phono Doog. lit, Costumes. THBATRICAL rowna. full dre, suits, (or rent, in N. 17tb. John feldmaa. Carpenter, and Contractor. Loosanl a gon. 1,0, Capitol Ave. lltl, C W. Ilnkanson. IWt taven'th T Camera and Finishing. "REXOKTE" cameras. tUiau. lid,: (onl venal focuo lons. Oroen's Pharsnacr, lit son nowarq. awe inem today. Cleaning and Pressing. BUTT cleaned, preesed 11. 00; pressed. 4eo; lire, cisss work guaranteed. II a. llth. SUITS pressed, !5c;vcleaned and pressed, tl. Phil Greenstone, K0i Harney. Red 87,1 Baths. HTOIENTC BATH INSTITUTB. Uadam Edna H. LaBell. 70f South ltb St.: vapor bathe. Swedleh masaag, taught every Frl dey for men and women. Lady attendant rorisaies. Phono Dougls. 7041. DR. KN-OLI.ENBKRO. sulphur, steam batks. maeeage and CHIROPRACTIC. Lady at t.nd.nt for ladles. S. West, corner Uth nq ..mam, wnv. BlOg. UOUg. T,,. DR BErTDAflulnhur. ' ate.nv Umimrm Turkish BATHS AND MAU8AOK. Private apartments fnr Isdte, with Isdy attsnd. am. 1,1, ramsm. Phone Doug 1,77. RITTENHOUSE Sanitarium: all kind. hatha tlO-IH Balrd Blk.. 17th and Douglaa i Chirooracrlc- DR. KNOLLENBEHO, s. W. Cor. llth and Farnam. Doug. 72,6. Lady attendant Buttons and Pleating. DRESS pleating, hemstltchlog and cover. od buttons. - Van Arrtem Dress Pleat. Ing and Button Co., Id floor Paatea Blk. Doug. 1101. Dancing Academies. LB LUXE ACAHKMY. Ill S. llth It Chiropractic and Spinal Adjustment DR. . BUHHORN1 modern, sanitary ehlro- Sractle adjuatlog parlors. 41,-11 Ross Bid. . 1,47. Palmer Sch. grad: lady attendant Dr. Francea Dawson, D02-1 Rose Big. Ty. 2144. Dr. 3. C. Lawrenue. J Balrd Bldg. D. ,441 Detectives. ' JAMBS ALLAN, 111 N.vllle Block. FM- qence Mcorea In .11 caaoo. Tylar 1114. Dressinaking, ACCORDION. (Ida. Knife. Bog Pleating. Co. Buttons, Hemstltohlng, Neb. Pleating Button co. 411-1 Paxton Blk. R. 4142. Expert dressmaker In alt llnaa. Doug. 4541. Keleter Dressmaking Col., 1431 City Nat Terry Dreoatnak'g college. 20tb and Farnam. Dentists. D. Bradbury. No pain. 211 W. O. W. Bldg. Taffs Dent. Rms.. 201 Rosa Bldg. t 21IJ Express Companies. TWIN CITY Kipreee Co., 1412 Caa St Douglas 1.17. Heavy hauling a .paclaltr. ANYWHERE 25c WB. 2104 Everything lor Women. ACCORDION, side, knife, sunburst, bog pleating; covered buttons, all slsea and styles; hemstitching, pleot edging, em broidery; beading, braiding cording, yelet cut work, buttonholes, pennant. I DUAL BUTTON AND PLBATINO CO. 201 Douglas Blk. Douglas 1121 Fixtures snd Wiring. IT IP IT TM E'octrlo washing machines, u iv nnii ,,otrlo lron ini ...din, lamps. 2111 Cuming St. Doaglas 2611. Furnaces, and Tinware. - ROOFINO, furnaoe. and general tin work., iso, N. 14th. Bt web. 1441. . . Hair Dressing. IDEAL Hair Parlors, 107 laird Bldg. Manl- uMnns, ipiiet articles. Loug. else. Hand Laundry. CALL DOt'OLAS 4121 snd bav. your I qry none ngnt ana reasonahla. Hat Cleaning and Blocking. STRAW, Panama, all kinds hats, cleaned ana reoiocKeq. lftio.iiio Harney. Attorney at Law. R. H. BREMKHH, lot Crounee Bldg. D. 2221. PRANCIB MUKUAN, til Bee. Doug. 4M. Justices of th. Peace. H. H. CLAIRBORNB. Ill Paxton Blk. Red m. notary puoiic; depoaltlon stono. C. W. BHITT. 201 Barker Block. ' Osteopaths. tr. Mary Andersen, 405 Bee Bldg. p 2111 latent Attorneys. H. A. BTUROKM, 110 Brandels Th. D. 1411. Piano for Rent. 11.11 I'er Mo. A. Huapo Co., 1511 Douglas fir-all. Ponalrintr Om. Standard Wcalo Co.,H a llth. P. 1,11. Towel Supplies. OMAHA Towel Mupply, lu) g. llth. D III. V .cuum Cleaners. CLEAN QUICKLY AND THOROUGHLY WITH KCLIP3B Bl.BCTRIC; RENT l AND 11.50 PER DAY. DOUOLAS 1760. Wedding Stationery. WEDD1NQ announcements ;' and nrlnUns. . v...h . i,ti.,i.. v.w. . .i, eefc SWAPPERS' COLUMN Is yob bave anything to trade, make up a lime an aim run it inis column for seven days It only costs it bo and lo psr gnawer. This offer Is good only in Omaha, and oacludes Real sistate, oash offers, and business WoperUeo Vor Sals or Trade. These, as well as mall orders (or use el Hwspisrs' Column must pay regular rates. One ur two answers are Sufflclsnt to make your trade and ths whole iranaactloa only costs about loo. Try 1L JREATUR Increases In PAID WANT-ADS id inai Divai man in any Other Omaha paper. 11,011 MORK PAID WANT-ADS first soven months 11I over asms period of lllk. This tlgurs saceeda by ll,69t paid ads the Inorease of any other Omaha paper for the same period. "LION FORTY," l-paaaenger touring car; "' wvwiwiiifu mnn - mecnanicaiiy per ' foot: tires ixi one brand now. Ua ohlne never , run over miles; will trade for light , roadster, late model motorcycle outfit or beat offer, This la a bargain for someone and best offer gets the car. Address 8. C. IA, Bee. NON-FRKEZABLB, outalds Sanitary Toll eta; ' wu yvu r oui-ouiiaing; complete to connect with sewer; uaed 1 mo., then building wss wrecked; coat new for the 4 of them, $104); what have you i7. i. ""H' smaqreae o. u., ia Bee. OR EAT Majestic range, cook stove, gas sous, nvr mni 14 uoun BK1A COSt; will trade for horse, light wagon, har ness v anything I can use on farm. 8. C. 121. Bee. X HAVB an extra good top buggy, almost new; win eon or iraue ior a good one borae iprlng wagon; muat be good. What have you. Address S, Bee Office, South Omaha. WOULD trade automatic Winchester nearly new, ror ua siai monater, aign pitch, Oli ver plated, base upright or pelican model C. Paul Thompaon, Maryvllle, Mo. BGBI Want-Ada GAINKD ll.fivft MORS ai auo man any oiner umana news paper gained In first seven months Ills. Good results at leas coat la the reaaon why. COIN collector would like to exchange' hia uuiiii.sivej w,,,u uiiioi coiieciore, or will trade anything he can spare for some old, " . siwn, nee. POWERS A. Moving Picture Machine,' wviiiiMni sui a operating equipment to trade for light oar. Address 8. C. 371, Bee, , HAVU an electric parlor lamp to trade for omeiBing; wan; uorary igDie or good clock, or what have ysT Address S. C. til, Bee. THRBB lots, sxchangfj for tsvring car; tltls fj.varj jiriuen mnij wan. gooa; win pey cmm uinerence. COX CO la, BSS. FILMS developed free when prints are . oerea, one-aay aervice. rAi?K BTUDIO, 11. Neville block, lath and Harney. HAVB a Xnabe Square Piano worth MQ.ftfl to trade for a ahotgua vt good rifle. Ad dreaa 8. a 276. Bau, FINK MlLLlNKRY stock, value f 1.00ft wnai nave you le awap tor iniar Addresa B. C. MI, Bee. A L ITT LB sd In thla column will bring abeiti some remarkable sachansea BUSINESS CHANCES AN old established, growing mercantile con cern, wanting to Increase their working capital 16,000, will conalder straight in vestment proposition or will conalder the servlcea of a man with Inveatment If sstiafactory references can be furnished In the capacity of office man or salesman. MOVING PICTURE THEATERS. Weetem Iowa and Nabreeka locations, exclusive houses, towns 1,600 to 2.S0Q; guaranteed atrlctly money makers; ma chlnea, 'hairs, screens, ate, new and slightly uaed. OMAHA THEATER SUPPLY CO., Balrd Bldg. Omaha. Neb. CONTRACTORS Have a fins building lot in West Far nam district; fronts on two atroets; which I will make very liberal terms for build ing; let ua get together and figure some deal on this property, Aak for Carss at lit a llth St. or call Doug. 8S. POR SALE Old establlahed dry goods store: good Iowa town; annual businesa 140,000; Invoice $10,000; caary' dry goods, millinery, floor coverings; a money maker; aell reaaonable. Answer Y 664, Bee. FOR SALE 6-chatr barber shop, 10-table pool hall, countera. ahow casea, etc. Will sell the bualness r the" tsbles and fix turss separate. 0, . A, Lang, 1807 Far nam Bt. BEE Want -Ads OJINED 11,619 MORE PAID ADS than sny other Omaha news paper gained In first aeven months 1916. Oood reiults at leas " coot Is the reason why FOR SALE City esfe at Plain via w, Nob.; possession at any tl me. FOR SALE -Confectionery itore; machinery to mass own cream; town or a.ouo; gooa paying business. Will sacrifice. Box Y 548, Bee. - FOR SALE 6 -chair barber shop, 10-table pool hall; counters, show casea. ste, Will sell ths bualness or ths tsbles and fix tures separate. O. A. Lang. l'OT Farnam. FOR SALE Furniture and flxtureo and long leaae of Humphrey Hotel, Mlnden, Neb. Will require 14.000 caah to swing. FOR BALE Hard wars. Invoice about 12,600. Prefer cash. A. C. Behl, Mid land. S. D. WANTED to buy a pool hall; one that paya well; will pay cash; give all details first letter. Address Y lit, Bee. IF YOU want to sell or buy a business or rooming house cell on Busch & Borghoff. 780 World-Herald Bldg. Phone D. 8811. FOR SALE Oood, clean stock of hard ware; live town, central Nebraaka. Oood reason for selling. Us quick. Address Y 167, Bee. WB BUY, we sell motion picture theaters, machines, feature films. Co-Operailve Film and Bupp ly Co.. 810 Bromley Bldg. WILLIAMS, eetabllahedS years. To buy or sell buslneas see him. 411 McCague Bldg. Reference, TJ. 8. National Bank. DOWD Sale Snd Auction Co., Omaha, have cloaed out more mdss. stocks than any other firm In U. 8. Write for terms. MOTION PICTURE MACHINES. - New " and rebuilt bargains, supplies. Omaha Film Exchange, 108 8. 14th St. FOR SALE by owners-Drug store, dwelling and stock; square deal. Address owner. 918 West 0th Ave., Denver, uoio. TO GET In br out of business, call on OANOESTAD, 423 Bee Bldg. Doug. 1477. SITUATIONS WANTED WEEKLY RATE, lie PER LINE. Day work or business ads, regular rates. I linos one week , 80c 8 lines ons week... 46o Esch extra Hps lie per weak. HELP WANTED MALE Professions slid Trades. . WANTED Man as f Are man In automobile repair ahop; must be man of good habits, uaed to handling men, and familiar with all makes of cars; best of references re quired; married man preferred. Addreas Box r t7, omaha liee. AUTO mechanics, earn big money, never Idle, big demand, easy to learn our methoda. National Auto Training Aas'n. 2S17 N. 20th St., Omaha. (Send for free catalogue. 8KB US FOR DRUG JOBS. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO. A Established Ten Yesrs. 1016-1 City National. WANTED Watchmaker and engraver. Must either be an optician or have drug store experience. Address Y 668, Bee. WANT ehowcard wrlurs and commercial artlata; steady work. Studio 8010 N. 24th. Warren Film Co. SHOWCAHL) writing taught eves, by work . Ing expert, complete for flO. Address Box 4603, Bee. . WANTED A-l Auto Repair man. Address 021 Castle , hotel; call between I and 7 P- rn. ? WANTED A No. 1 sausage maker. Wash ington Market, 1407 Douglas. ' DRUQ store snaps; jobs. Knelat. Bee Bldg. Salesmen and Solicitors. WANTED Salesmen la eastern Nebraska and western Iowa to secure proaoects for Irrigated Montana farms. Call, write or phone. Beaverhead Land Co.. 1117-11 City Nat. Bk. Bids., Omaha. Douglas 8801. AN experienced automobile salesman for a popular, fast-selling car, guaranteed sal ary of $1,200 per annum or better. Western Referencs and Bond Aas'n., Xne 768 Omaha National Bank Bldg. WANTED Two teachers or college men, by an eastern book bouse; A No. 1 proposi tion; experienced men preferred, F. p. Browning, 212 Balrd Bldg,' ' ST'r'r7 tn1 bond salpaman. 8TANDARD SEC sc INV. CO., 1017 W. O. W. Bldg. SALESMEN Big money for business get , ters. Call at 1017 W. O. W. Bldg. Trade Schools1. M0LER BARBER COLLEGE Largeat In ths U. 8, Earn expenses while attending by our plan. Positions guar anteed. Special aummsr rates. Write for Illustrated catalogue or eall In person. 110 Bo. 14th St., Omaha, Neb. X (Establlahed 1893.)i OOOD MEN WANTED. To learn auto work for the big spring rush. Fine training work on autos and electric starting systems. AMERICAN AUTO COLLEGE, 2068 Farnam, Omaha, Neb. LEARN barber trade, mors thsn make your tuition while learning; set of tools Included; Job guaranteed. Call or writs for catalogue, 1402 Dodge, TRI-CITY BARBER COLLEGE. ' Miscellaneous. ' ARMY OF THE UNITED STATES. MEN WANTED Able-bodied unmarried men under age of SB; ettlsena of United States of good character Vnd temperate habits, who can speak, read and write the Eng lish lauguage. For Information apply to Recruiting Officer, Army Bldg., 16th and Dodge fits., Omaha, Neb.; 130 N. 10th St., Lincoln, Neb., '827 4th St., Sioux City, Iowa; 207 Dth Ave., Des Moines, Iowa. Male. MAN 36, strictly sober, Industrious, not afraid ox worv, warns responsiDie position where labor and intelligence Is consid ered, capable of following: Experience at any heating system, electrical work; good hand at plumbing and carpenter work; all around repair man, able to give satis faction i well recommended. Box 4974, Bee. . WANTED -By young man, aged 21, good education, no bad habits, position wun responsible firm, anything considered. Bed 8M14. WANTED By experienced young man. work driving private car or true. Aa dross 124 S. 20th. Phone Douglas 8216. POSITION wantsd as carpenter, janitor or houseman, In hotel, apartment or room ing house. Box 4946 Bee, POSITION By experienced meat cutter; young man; married, will Jones, rre mont, Neb. ' GUARANTEE First-class French cook. Leon Blsachard, 1618 Dodge St. Doug las 2076. . ' Miscellaneous. A. ODD Jobs and janitor work by the day or month; experienced in an lines or wora; can furnish best of references. Telephone Harney 4730. , TOM JOHNSON, chimney sweep, furnace cleaning and riue repairing; iu years sx perletice. Phone Douglas 7866. ' Hotels and Restaurants. RELIABLE EMPLOYMENT AGENCY, 1610 Davenport Bt. uougias iqb. Headquarters for hotel help. Female. , YOUNG lady would like a home as com pany to an elderly couple or lady while attending bualness college in-Omaha; "one preferred with piano., Addresa Y 666, Bee. STENO Light and power, also law; eight years' experience; want position in umana. Best of references. Box 6008, Bee. THE BEE charge tc'r "Situation ads" Is lower than any otner xorra ui eavenising not enough to cover cost of printing. PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER. Publlo stenographer and notary pubMe, 107 Be Bldg Doug, i860 Ross rates. LADT wishes position as housekeeper In amall family or companion with agea couple. Call Colfax 2362. ' WANTED By ; lady, position as general pusekesper; city only. Address v 66a, COLORED girl wishes position ss chamber maid, wen expenenccQ. Tyier iaoi. Laundry and Day Work. ANY kind of day work wanted by two southern colored ladles. Phons Web. 2766, COM P. col, girl wants maid work, rooming houae or hotel: or anything. Har. 1269. BY experienced colored woman, work by ths aay or oy ine pour. uau nanny iias, BY competent colored woman, day work and launary; oesi oi worx. neo. laui. BUNDLE washing; piece work; lace cur tains; work guaranteed. Webster 12 60. EXPERIENCED laundress wants bundle washing, Phons Harney 4022. FIRST-CLASS colored laundress, with ref- erences. Call Douglas 6661. WANTED Day work or house cleaning, Phone Douglaa 7084. Laundry, day work; any kind. Doug. 8688. B'dlewash; call, del.; guar. Mrs. East.H.8964 DAY work wanted.- Phone Harney 1401. BUNDLE wash, and day work. Web. 2082. Experienced woman, day work. Web. 8694. LAUNDRESS wants day work. Web. 7971. WHITE laundress; half days. Web... 1261 HELP WANTED MALE Stores and Offices. AUTOMOBILE salesman, 9100 guarantee; steno, and elk. 886; steno., 276; bkpr., bank, $76; ledger clk,t 68; steno and bkpr., $76; office elk., 66; multlgraph operator, 946; gen. office elk., 146; bank elk.. 860. Western Referencs and Bond Ass'n., Inc., Originators of the Reference Business, 762 Omaha National Bank Bldg. YOUNG men bookkeepers, stenographers and for general oritce worn, we need sev eral good men. Our Mr. Newton will ,pe at the Fontenelle hotel, August 16th and lth. Call oa blniev The C-O Service, Dea Moines. 1 AN office man with knowledge of automo bile mechanics for position ss manager of large garage. Must be good office man and be able to handle men. Good salary to right man. Box 6060, Omaha Bee. 8TENOORAPHEK 10.00 STENO. Md CLERK . ............ 06.00 CLERK . fO.&O THE CANO AGENCY, 600 BEE BLDG. BOOKKEEPER for bank Work; must have experience and furnish good references; give full particulars In Srat letter.. Box 6001, Omaha Bee. ' YOUNG MAN study law! EVENING, Downtown SESSIONS. -UNIVERSITY OF OMAHA Law department, Seo'y Thomsen. 406 Om Nat'l. Bank. IF you ere open for a position ta any Mrmmerctai itne bkh ub at oivub. WATTS REF. CO., 840 Brand. Theater. YOUNG MAN in furniture store with ex perience In linoleum laying and shade worn. Hox ii3i, see. OFFICE clerk, rapid on adding machine; state etparienre and salary wanted. Box Mil, nmiha lies. BEE Want -Ada GAINED 19,699 MORE PAID ADS than any other Omaha news papet gained in first aeven months 191S. Good results at less cost is ths reason why. WANTED Young men as railway mall clerks, 76.to0 month. Sample examination queatlons free. Franklin Institute, Dept 221 R, Rochester, N. Y. WANTED Experienced frelgllt handlers. Union Pacific Freight House, 9th and Jackson Sts. MEN wanted to enlist in Signal Corps at once; report at Lincoln. AGENTS AND CANVASSERS AGENTS wanted tn every town for Day kerosene burners, for cook ranges. West & McL.. 1667 Leavenworth, Omaha. HELP WANTED FEMALE Stores and Offices. STENO., $66; Bkpr. and Typist, 860; Comp tometer Opr. and Typist, $60; Bteno., $40; Bookkeeper, $76. No filing fee, only ( eents to Investigate references. THE MARTI COMPANY, I3Z7 w. u. w. Building. PERSONAL PILES, FISTULA CURED Dr. E. B. Tarry cures piles, fistula and otner rectal diseases without surgtcsl operstlon. Curs guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Writs for book on rec tal diseases wtlb testimonials. DR. E. R, TARRY, mo-Btrt Bldg., Omaha, Neb. . r M. BRUGMAN. D. M. T., maasage, atesm shower baths, electric and radio llrht treatment. I have also Installed the Gard ner reducing and therapeutic machine for reducing stout people, Rm. 202, Karbach Bldg. Phone Red 2727.' THE' Salvation Army Industrial home so licits your ol'l clothing, furniture,, maga sines. Ws eollect. We distribute. Phone Doug. 4126 and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect our new homo. 1110-1112-1114 Dodge Bt. FOR RENT FURNISHED Apartments and Houses. Apartments. WANTED Nurse tn share apt. in Traver ton. Phone Douglaa 734. aaatgi t mi sassasaasesBamasmaBKxamBamm FOR RENT HOUSES West NOTICE TO FARMKRS You farmers, set tosether In your locality and set your coal by tbe ear lot ana eave money. Price 11.6, pr ton, lump coat Theodore uerwert. Hox 43. Diets, wyo. PTTPTTTPT? Succesifully treated wltb IV U J7 i VJlVUout . sunlcal operation. Call or writ. Dr. Prank H. Wray, 104 Mee Hint. RITTENHOUSE Sanitarium. Bath, of all kinds; massas. and chiropody. 210-114 Jituru ttlK.. 17tn and pouxlas. JP. 84,4. COrtSKTS made to order. Prlcea 13.6, to 1.10.00. Expert fitting. Nu-Bone Corset Shop. Brandeis Thea. Lobby. D. 4316. HISS L. LILLY Bath and maasaar.. 1122 Farnam St.. 2d floor. Phone Dou,. 2410. MISS WILSON Bath snd manlcurlnc. Mo. 2 David,, Blk. Phone Douglas 1761. MISS CLARK, sea salt baths and manicur ing. 1202 Farnam St., Room No. I. LUELLA WEBSTER, maanus.. 511 Paxton HI.. 10 a. m. to I p. m. D. 1217. A PRIVATE maternity home. 4414 N. 38th St. Phon. Colfaa 3042. SCIENTIFIC massage., 620 Bi Bldg. Phone FOR legal advice call Douglas 3621. EDUCATIONAL ' ' BAT SCHOOL. BOTLES COLLEGE. NIGHT SCHOOL. Every day la anrollmont day. Bookkeep ing. Bnortnaml. stenotypfc Typewriting, Telegraphy. Civil Service alt Commercial and s.ngllsh branehes. Catalogue free, BOYLES COLLEOE, llth and Harney Sts. Tel. Douglss 1661. ' VAN SANT SCHOOL I of Business National Bank Bide. ENTRANCE 220. D. 5890. Musical BOURICIUS MUSIC BTUDIO Our system is at ones attractive and understandable so pupils cannot help learning. Harp Limited number pupils accepted com ing season ; eariy application favored. Harps fur. Loretta De Lone. Its Lyric Bid. WILL accept nunlls In Hsrmonv and Theorv I of Huslo. Miss Irene Sedgley. Call D. 6306. FOR RENT ROOMS Furnished Rooma. ATTENTION, HOOU HUNTERS! desire smong these ads, call at Ths Bee office for a Room List Gives complete detailed description of va cant rooms in all parts of the city. If more convenient phone The Bee Want Ad Dept. and give your name . and address, and a Hat will be mailed to you at once. New lists ars L Issued every week. IF you are out of a position and oars to work, SEE US AT ONCE. WATTS REP. CO., 840 Brand. Theater. CO M PTOM ETER OPR $50.00 STENOGRAPHER , J 66.00 ' THS" r aV Mi. kn.WtJCV BAA ttn tirri STENOGRAPHER and Bookkeeper for per manent position, wun good luture, see to begin. Box 6061, Omaha Bee. LADT stenographer; also bookkeeper. See Mr. Newton at Hotel Fontenelle, Ausust -toth or lth. STENOGRAPHER and Clerk, small office. must oe gooa on aiciauon, JJ&O. , Box, 6060, Omaha Bee. Professions and Trades. WANTED Girls to mske house dresses and aprons, machines are driven by electric power and require no exertion. Pleasant jrorkroom, excellent wages and perma nent positions. Experienced operators are desirable, put m few beginners will be welcome and will be Instructed how to make good money as they become pro ficient Ask for Mr. Anderson, M. E. Smith Co. Factory antrancs, tth and Douglas Sts. GIRLS to work at Itsn Biscuit Co. Apply to timekeeper at factory entrance, 13th and Capitol Ave. WANTED Girls In flat work dept. Apply Evans Model Laundry, llth and Douglas, WANTED- Instructor to review Integral calculus in private lessons. Walnut Iftft. WANTED Two salesladies. Call - Colfax iubs aiter is a. m. Household and Domestic. WANTED Experienced girl, for general nousewora, lamuy oi tnree; nest wages. Nice room with bath. . Phons Walnut 171. 6116 Casa. WANTED A competent girl, In a family os two. Appiy ssii isarney at. lire. W. r. Burgess. COMPETENT woman to do cooking end assist wun nouae wora;; go home nights. Nurses' Central Club, 180 Harney St. WANTED Competent maid In family of three; light housework and cooking; good wages. Call Walnut 1346. WANTED Middle aged lady to do house work; goods home and reasonable wages. 1024 Pacific. WANTED A good girl for general house work. 638 Lincoln boulevard. Doug. 6686. WANTED at once, experienced cook. Mrs. N. B. Updike, 3614 Jackson. Harney 8064. EXPERIENCED white girl for gen. house work: no washing. Phone Walnut 1601. WANTED A 'girl for general housework. Harney 1646. 132 list Bt. WANTEl--Girf for general housework, cars of children. Walnut' 368. GIRL to aastst with housework. Harney 33116. 3UB Cass St. NEAT girl wanted for general house-work. 103 N. 30th. WANTED A girl for general housework. Tyler lilt. - GIRL for housework; family of two. Har ney 604?. . - Hotels and Restaurant. WANTED Chambermaids. Apply house keeper, Hotel Fontenelle. WANTED Scrub girls. Apply housekeeper. Hotel Fontenelle. WANTED A dining room girl. 101 N. 14th. D. 3001.. Miscellaneous. WANTED Young women, aged 17 to SS. with common school education, perfect sight and hearing, for local and long dis tance telephone work. Apply to C F. Lambert, 181T Douglas St. WANTED Girls to. work In tdy Minstrel and 40 shows. Call or addresa L. Cross man, room 7, Merchants' hotel. Call fore noons or Between 0 and 7 p. m. WILL give working girl furnished room In exchange for, company evenings. Phone Harney 340 T. Persistent Advertising Is the Road to Success, HELP WANTED, t. MALE AND FEMALE. . WANTED Names sf msn or women, 18 or over, wishing government Jobs, T6 month; vscatlona. Answer Immediately. X. 476, LARGE FRONT ROOM; Strictly Modern. Splendid location, walking distance Re- fined family. Sunday rates. Phone D. 4080, LARGE FRONT ROOM; Strictly Modern Splendid location, walking dlstanost Re fined family. Summer rates. Phons Dv 4283. ALCOVE room, whits furniture. Cretonne covering. Modern home, walking dis tance, serve breakfast. Everything, above average, good service. Harney Slot. , FURNISHED ROOMS, POR MEN ONLY," 807 NORTH 17TH ST. LARGE roomy furnished room, to one or two persons, - with or without board; reasonable rates. 1S7 N. S2d Ave. THREE clean rooms, walking dlstanos from car; private family; gentlemen pre ferred. Phone Douglas 6336. N. S18T, 2S!2 Entire top floor; kitchen, two closets, bath, living room and bedroom; 14. Webster 6620. ' 2308; DOUGLAS, under new management, newly furnished; housekeeping or sleep- lng rooms. , i 114 N. 25TH BT. Large, cool sleeping rooms newly furnished at great expense. Striotly modern. Reaaonable. NICE, large, cool room; east front; shady lawn; private family. 1003 Wirt. Web ster 8664. S. 26TH. 661-Two large front sleeping 1 rooms, wbU ventilated; also small rooms CHICAGO 2610 In private borne; Urge south front room with alcove; also side NEAT, refined young lady, living In pri vate family, wishes roommate. D. 6010. 614 N. S1ST Modern, single or snsulte; walking distance; 12 up. Doug. 6612. NICE, cool, well-furnished, home-like front room. Red 6. 2241 Howard St NICE, cool, well furnished, homelike front room. Red 64SS. 3248 Howard st 3004 FARNAM Large front room, suitable (or two-: SS each. Harney 3612. FRONT room In strictly modern house; ref erenoe required. - 636 So, 87th. TWO furnished rooms, one with sleeping porch. 1453 Bt Mary's. . ROOMS in private ramlly. 824 S. Slat St Phone Douglas 8618." i- , Ons large comfortable room In private fam ily. Call Doug. 8198. t . , , , . THE SHR1NUR -New' management. Harney 4768. ... Housekeeping Rooms. LARGE room, with porch, complete for housekeeping, In strictly modern home; best location. 1218 Park Ave. Harney 1868. COOLEST, best, cheapest, modern; light housekeplng rooms In etty. Rsd 6188. Walking distance. . . NICELT furnished modern apartments. 2 or 3 rooms, steam Jieat, 271T Jaokson. Harney hod, 2417 CAPrtOL Rooms on ground floor, cool, clean, modern, walking distance; reasonable. 2 ROOMS for light housekeeping, 82.60 per week; one room for fl.26 week. 0017 N. 19th. 2 Semt-Basement houaekeeplng rooms;, pri vate entrance;' reasonaoie. sxsv narnr 3407 CAPITOLr Nicely furnished, clean, cool front room, with kitchenette, ilose In. LARGE, Cool rooms for 1 housekeeping, sleeping, spos Harney, SOUTH S6TH AVE., 663 Houaekeeplng rooms. Harney 3860. 616 8. 17th St. One housekeeping room, furnished, Tyler 1827. 614 N. 21ST H. K.. also sleeping rooms. Board and Rooms, ST. MART'S AVE, 2663 Board for four Isdles; 34 each; two nicely furnished rooms free. ; 8. 26TH AVE, US Large rooms with sleep. Ing porch; home oooktng. Meals" 26c. Doug. 746T. 3214 DOUGLAS One south front, suitable for 1 or 4; board optional Red 666L . S, 25TH. 121 Cool r. bord. D. 6063 Unfurnished Rooms. THREE large rooms for houaekeeplng; 11 2;. unfurnished. ,3011 Weuster St. TWO modern light housekeeping " roonii, 38.60 per week. Harney 444 . Rooms Wanted. YOC PEOPLE WHO RENT ROOMS. CAlZ THE BEB WANT-AD DEPT. and find out all about the FURNISHED ROOM GUIDE. It'a a plan that ta heloins many people rent their rooms ..... NO. , North. 8220 ' Burt Bt 7 rooms and reception hall ; hot water heat; all modern and in good condition; nne, large lawn; half block from car. Make appoint ment to see this. ARMSTRONG-WALSH CO., 833 Rose Bldg., 16th snd Fsrnam, Tyler 1636. South. Miscellaneous. Douglas, 8 rooms, steam best, $33.00, 208 S. 41st, odsrn, 7 rooms, 123.00. JOHN N. FRENZER, DOUGLAS 614. HOUSES FOR RENT. CRBIOH. SONS A CO. 101 BEB BLDG., DOUG. 300, COTTAGES and House--!, 6 and f rooms. First Trust Co. D. 1161. 8666 DOUGLAS, 8 rmsw steam heat. 333.60. FOR RENT Ap'tt and FUU West, THREilS rooms and -bat n, near 3611 Har- nsy. very desirable, only 338. Erneet sweet, new Hamilton. D, 1478. 6 LARGE room apt, modern except heat; sd noor, to smau xarauy, fis; near Jam nrl'niinnrirf Walnut 111 4-ROOM, all modern, steam-heated apt. inn ana .voage. uarney jk ar Doug,' 6412. MODERN Apt,"? rooms, $36; near postof- nce. u. r. Btsnnins, mo Chicago. North. CHOICE APARTMENT. $37.60 4 rooms and bath on main floor; dak floors and finish; all convenlsnjss. Including jantor services - $26.00 6 rooms and bath, semi-basement; janitor service and other con veniences. Nathan Apta, Sherman and Willis Aves. SCOTT A HILL CO, " Douglas 1001. South. WALKING distance, 3607 Dewey lvs. t- room oricn, stnctiy monern, hoc watsr heat and combination lights; $86. W. W. Mitchell, owner. Phone Webster, 4871, WILL share our strictly modern flat with aesiraoie coupis. dub s. zcn Ave, Miscellaneous. AUGUST RENT FREE. l-r. flat newly decorated, an modern sxospt heat 3221 No. 20th 8t FOR RENT Business Pr'p'ty Stores- STORE ROOM at 1806-1811 Farnam St Tnos. F. Hall, 42S Ramgs Bldg. D. 7406. 2006 N. 20TH Suitable confectionery, dry goons, etc., living rms. rear. P. 1868. MODERN store, near postoftlce, $50 per mo. CHOICE office apace. Balrd bldg., 17th and uougias. sicuague inv. jo. Offices and Desk Room. ..... aaa IXUWW. DESIRABLE office rooms in the remodeled; vruuiw oreci., uv . in Bt. fOppCSltS postoftlce), $10 to $16 per month. Conrad orauunw i neeter. uoug, I art. VERY desirable suites of rooms In Weed mag. ana tssiange Bldg,, now available at reasonable rental. F. D. Weed, Wsad Bldg. D. 171. OFFICE ROOM, welt eaulnned. eetitr.ii l. catd, rent cheap. Wright A Lssbury, P. 163. OFFICE room with phone and reception" WANTED TO RENT. WANTED To rent wheeled chair. Keith. It 43. Uin Affi - MOVING AND STORAGE FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. Separata locked noma, for household foods and pianos; movlnf. paoklna and shipping. OMAHA VAN AND m ' 201 8. llth St. , Douilss 4141. Globe Van and Storage Co. For real mortn, serrlM try u. m l-hor.. padded Tans. Btorace, II month. Satisfaction guaranteed. We mo v. rod QUICKER, CHEAPER AND- BAFIUt. Phone Tyler 130 or Douglas 4222. GORDON VAN CO. FIREPROOF WARS HOUSE. Packing, storags and mov ing, sil N. llth St. Phong Douglas 384 or Webster 3410. METROPOLITAN VAN Jitib ' STORAGE CO. Careful sttention gtvsn ts trdsrg for moving, packing or storage: office at Ray mond Furniture Co., 1613 and lilt How- ara at. rnons v. seie. FIDELITY mSvicbI FREE Phone Donslaa 188 far rnmntata Hat of vacant houses and apart ments; also - for storage, moving; 4 SPLENDID, NEW FURNISHED. TRAVERTON. FIREPROOF. 24TH AND LANDON COURT. Catering to pmpl. of refined taste,. Apartment la completely equipped for housekeeping: up-to-date and comfortable. TRAVER BROS., Tel. Doug. 6184. 701 Omaha Nat. Bank. Or Call Web. 4121. 411 N. UTH ST.-e-Very One brick hou..; tight larg, rooma; east front; largs yardl plenty of ahade; on. short block, to ear; referencea required. Alfred Thomaa. 101 Flret Natl. Bank Bldg. . 2020 Lake; modern 10-rftom housel hot water heat; good ahade. 120.00. Web ster 2SII. 151 S GRANT ST. 7-r. conn., modern, 121. T. F. Hall, 431 Ramge Bldg. Doug. 1IM. SIX ROOHS, all modern houae, 42th and Decatur. Walnut 1124. 7-ROOM house, modern eicept heat; ce ment walks and garage; good lot; cheap at ll.aoo. 4744 S. Uth St. Douglaa 2210. WE HAVE WHAT TOU WANT. HOUSES AND COTTAGES. MODERN EXCEPT HEAT. -R. 2407 Seward St lit. If 7-R. 2701 Seward St 12.10 STRICTLY MODERN. Ill No. 41th St., I-R. cholc bunga low, In Dundee 140.0, l-R. B22 So. 21th St.. (a good cottage, having hot water heating plant, wlth ' In walking dlatanc. to business can ter) 227.1, l-R. III! Charles St. (good detached house tn flrst-elsas reeldenoe, garag. In th., largo enough for three cars, bargain) 121.00 l-R. 1512 No. 40th St. (choice detached house having hot water heating plant, flrat-class resldenc. Motion).. III.O, I- R. 1711 Lincoln Blvd. (strictly modern detached houee, In very cholc. real d.nca district) ...140.0, II- R. 411 So. llth St, (larg. brick dwell ing, atrlctly modern In vry respect, very cholc. residence district).. 17. 01 14-R. 2111 So. I2d Ave., (striotly modern i and up-to-dat. In .very respect, hot x water heating plant, well arranged lor keeping roomers) 171.00 FLATS. 7-R. 7U No. 10th St., (clos. In). .121.0, HEATED APARTMENTS. STOECKER, 111 So. 24th St 4-R. Apt A III.M WE HAVB OTHERS. BEE OUR COM PLETE LI8T BEFORE RENTING. PORTER 4 8HOTWELL, 201 S. 17th St. Doug. 1011, lit, l-r. part mod., 1111 S. 22d. 21, 7-r. all mod., llll S. llth. II, l-r. mod. cottage (new), pavad rtreet. 1114 Parker. 11. l-r. mod. ax. heat, newly decorated, paved atrMt cloee In, 111 N. 17th Are. P. J. TEBBBN8 CO., m Omaha Nat Bk. Phone D. 1112. U.u.J 1 Van n4 . iuaggai-u -,,:,- ph van ana oiarvs. Moving, paoktng, storage-and shipping. Phone -Doog. hm. .T H REED W"Cg. Mtrrlog. U. U. iLjlXJ pftoklag and sterags. a srssw mu AouglSS f 48, o. I g. T I.e. m rajTZW- MtSK raw- i s 1 1 1 ,s 'J-.iatr''j! r.T -