Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 16, 1916, Image 1

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    A peddler make sales A
merchant make customer.
Custosaars arc mad by conatan
dTortiaiaf, good valuoa aad uni
forta eourtoay.
Bo a atorckaal not a paddle.
The Omaha Daily Bee
On Tmtnf, at Hotelis.
Svw bland, etc.. 5c.
Charles E. Hughes Tells Ta
coma Citizens How Vree
land Law Carried Them
Over Thin Ice.
Party Under Wilson Compelled
in Part to Change Position
- To Protect Citizens,
Taroma, Wash., Aug. IS. Charles
E. Hughes, republican presidential
nominee, told an audience in the Ta
coma stadium today that he would
not shring from war in enforcing
American rights "abroad.
Mr. Hughes read the democratic
program of 1912, declaring for the
protection of American rights abroad.
"I wanf that made real," the nominee
said. "I do not think in making that
real that we encounter the danger of
war. I would not shrink from it if
we did in performing the obvious
Mr. Hughes confined his remarks
almost wholly to what he termed the
need for a protective tariff. "I pro
pose a wise tariff without abuses, ' he
said, "but frankly a tariff to build up
and maintain American industries."
Mr. Hughes reviewed democratic
tariff legislation and the democratic
platform plank of 1912 relating to the
As to Cost of Living.
"Our opponents said they would re
duce the cost of living," he said. "Be
hold the result.
"Through an unfortunate develop
ment in the republican party, which
is now happily healed, our opponents
got into power, and they did not re
duce the cost of living. We don't
propose that the short-comings of the
administration with respect to the
protection of American industries
shall be forgotten. They want to for
get them. They think that the.
European war, like charity, covers a
multitude of sins."
Mr. Hughes referred to a statement
issued by Secretary McAdoo soon
after the war started in 1914, in which
it was announced that $500,000,000 in
emergency currency was available to
relieve financial stress.
To Still the Fear.
"Our oponents. had to resort, to a
republican measure of precaution, the
Vreeland law," he said, "to still the
fear that their policy had engendered
among the people of this country. It
was that republican measure that took
us through a critical period." .
Reverting to the tariff, Mr. Hughes
asked-, why . the democratic . party
wanted a tariff commission.
-"Do they want a commission to
frame a tariff for revenue only?" he
asked. "I want a tariff commission
for the purpose of carrying outthe
protective principle, not block it."
The antidumping provision of the
pending revenue bill was discussed by
Mr. Hughes. "I have had some ex
perience with statutes," he said, "and
if that statute works it will be a tre
menduous surprise to me."
Mr. Hughes left at 4:40 this after
noon for Seattle to fill a speaking en
gagement there.
Watertown Auditor
Given Prison Term
Watertown, S. D., Aug. IS. O. M.
Lane, formerly city auditor of Water
town, pleaded guilty in district court
here today, to embezzlement, and was
sentenced by Judge Sherwood to four
vears in the .penitentiary at Sioux
Falls. Lane was charged with having
embezzled more than $13,000 of
municipal funds while in office.
Representative Hastings Has
Print Paper Resolution
Washington, Aug. 15. Proposals
to authorize President Wilson to lay
an embargo upon exports of print pa
per, to relieve present shortage, until
the federal trade commission reports
on the paper situation are conttaned
in a resolution introduced today by
Representative Hastings of Oklahoma
which was referred to the foreign af
fairs committee.
The Weather
For Nebraska Fair.
Temperature! at Omaha Yesterday.
nuur. ijog.
m. .
7 a. m 67
8 a. m 68
9 a. m 6ft
10 a. m 71
11 a. m 73
12 m 75
1 p, m 77
2 p. m 81
3 p. m M
5 p. m 84
6 p. m A3
7 p. m 82
8 p. m 79
Comparative ocal Record.
1916. 1915. 1914. 1911.
Highest yesterday
Lowest yertterday
Mean temperature
.21 .00 .00
Temuernture and Drectoitation deDartures
from the normal:
Norma) temperature 7G
Excess for the day 1
Total exctss nlnce March 1 225
Normal precipitation 11 inch
Deficiency for the day 11 inch
Total rainfall since March 1. ...11.32 inches
Deficiency ln,ce March 1 8.76 Inches
Excess for cor. period, 1915 01 Inch
Deficiency for cor,, period, 1914.. 4.69 Inches
Be ports from Stations mt 1 P. M.
Station and State - Temp. High- Kaln-
of weather. 7 p.m.
Cheyenne, cloudy 66
Davenport, clear 76
Denver, part cloudy..,. 74
Des Moines, clear 80
Dodge City, cloudy .... 86
Lander, part cloudy,.,. 70
North Platte, clear .... 86
Omaha, ulear 82
Pueblo, cloudy 74
flapld City, clear 88
Sal: Lake City, clear., 86
Kanta Fe, cloudy Y" '
Sheridan, part cloudy. . 82
Hloux City, cloudy , 83
Valentine, part cloudy.. 82
T Indicates trace of pm;t!ttttlon.
, I. A. WKL8H, Meteorologist.
est. fall.
80 .64
80 .01
86 .00
84 .00
n .02
86 .0!)
94 .00
8 T
84 . T
90 00
It .01
78 .08
92 .01
84 .00
94 .'id
War Summary
EMPEROR W1I.MM I again on the eastern
front, where the Anstro-German armies
are struggling deaperately to withstand
the heavy strokes of the Russians In ia
llcla and Volhynla. In the latter region
the opposing- forces apparently are at a
standstill, but In Oallcla the rapid on
ward sweep of General Brosslloff Is con
slans croaslng to the west banks of the
Zlota Llpa river at some points. .Further
south General Letehltslcy Is continuing his
advance below Hallos.
BRITISH WAR OFFICE today reports the
clearing of the Germans from nearly all
the trenches In the Poileres region, In
whlett they gained a footing Sunday. The
French 1b the Verdan region, aceordlns; t
Paris, haw recaptured German trenches
In the Vanx-Fleury sector.
for the Italians In their campaign on the
Carso plateau, southeast of Gorilla.
dreadnaughts, according to a Turin dis
patch, which tells of the blowing up of
the 23,000-ton Leonardo Da Vinci In Ta
rauto harbor as the result of a fire. Of
the crew 300 were drowned.
Employes of Carter Lake Club
Lose Their Lives Near River
Two employes of the Carter Lake
club were drowned Monday in the
sewer pumping station. One was
Frank Nusco and the other was the
gate keeper, E. P. Griggs.
These two men were sent Monday
morning to open up the sewer which
runs from the Carter Lake club to
the Missouri river. When they did
not return their friends arid the di
rectors of the club became apprehen
sive and a search was instituted with
the result that their clothes were
found yesterday morning on the edge
of the sewer pit, in East Omaha.
Concrete Tower.
The circumstances of the drowning
were most revolting and horrible.
The pumping house is a square con
crete tower standing just north of
the railroad right-of-way in East
Omaha. The lower part is a collect
ing and settling tank for the sewage
which is then lifted about fifteen feet
and allowed to run through a pipe to
the Missouri river. Above the tank
is a pump room with an electric dyna
mo, mounted on a platform. A trap
door leads down to the tank below.
It is supposed that the men found
it necessary to go down into the tank
to make some repairs and they
changed from their street clothes to
old overalls, leaving their better
clothes outside. It is supposed that
while working in the tank they were
overcome, falling in and drowning.
Ho search was made until they had
been in the tank for more than twelve
hours, and when Jack Murray, Six
teenth and Corby streets, who went
out with Fred Flodman, superinten
dent of dock and boats at the Carter
Lake club, went down into the tank
he Iwas nearly overcome by the fumes
and had to stop work.
Officers Go Into Water.
Murray and Officers Joe Baughman
and Charles Plotts stripped off and
went down into the foul water reek
ing with poisonous sewer gas to hunt
for the bodies with grappling hooks.
The body of Nusco was recovered
by Murray, while Baughman and
Plotts were away and when they re
turned with the oxygen helmet and
could endure the fumes for more than
a moment at a time the body of
Grigg was brought up.
The pump house is in a peculiarly
inaccessible location, entirely sur
rounded with the stagnant waters of
the marsh at the lower end of Car
ter lake and can be reached only by
way of the railroad embankment.
When the bodies were recovered it
was necessary to bring them in on a
railroad handcar for a distance of
half a mile before they could be
transferred to an automobile ambu
lance and taken to the coroner's mor
gue. Series of Misfortunes.
Much misfortune has befallen the
Griggs family in the last few weeks.
The Griggs came here from Nash
ville, Tenn., several months ago. Dur
ing the summer Mr. Griggs had been
gatekeeper at the Carter Lake club,
and his wife, secretary.
While standing in front of the club
grounds' entrance three weeks ago a
laundry wagon struck her. She was
thrown against the running board of
an automobile an suffered a com
pound fracture of the leg, her condi
tion being serious. The shock result
ing from her husband's tragic death
served to add to the seriousness of
her condition.
About a week ago Mr. Griggs re
ceived word from Nashville that one
of his sisters was seriously injured
in an accident.
A sad feature of the case was that
Mr. Griggs was ixpecting a visit from
his mother in the near future. A spei
cial delivery letter was received a
couple of days ago telling of the in
tended visit. Later another letter came
saying that .the trip had been post
poned for the time being.
Frank Nusco, or Frank Mias, as
the police reported his name, worked
for the Rod and Gun club and lived
at 2624 North Sixteenth street. He
was 25 years old.
Photo Engravers Asked Not to
Demand for Higher Wages
Kansas City, Mo, Aug. 15. Mem
bers of the International Photo En
gravers' union, in annual convention
here, were asked today not to press
newspaper publishers for increased
wages because of threatening print
paper situation. This was done by
H. N. Kellogg, Indianapolis, chair
man of a special standing committee
nf the American Newspaper Publish
as' association. . .
All the Disputed Points Agreed
Upon and Big Feature of
Present Congress J,
Out of Wf' .,,' ;n
Army Bill 1 .0 yVrofison for
Bringing Uj. 'Peace Strength
of the United States.
Washington, Aug. 15. After two
hours' debate the house today adapt
ed all of the naval bill agreed upon
by the house and senate conferees
and proceeded to a vote on the build
ing program and the increase in per
sonnel, the only two disputed points.
Their passage was predicted by ad
ministration leaders.
The defense program, with the
approval of the naval bill by the
house virtually completed, lias been
the most important achievement of
the session and has involved appro
priations aggregating $661,418,000.
In addition to the navy bill it in
cluded reorganization of the regular
army and National Guard, bringing
the enlisted peace strength of the
armv to 187.000 men. capable of ex
pansion to 220,000 men in time of
strees and providing a federalized
National Guard which at tun strengin
will number 450,000 men.
For maintenance of the reorgan
ized army and militia and supplies
and equipment, congress appropriated
$267,597,000. More than $13,000,000
of this is for development, of aeron
autics, and $11,000,000 is for govern
ment plants tor the manutacture ot
armor plate.
The army bill also carried an ap
oroDriation of $20,000,000 for a gov
ernment plant to produce nitrate for
use in manufacturing munitions.
Provision wa9 made for extension
and improvement ot the coast de
fenses with appropriation aggregat
ing $25,748,050. f
For More Officers. ,
To furnish needed officers in the
army and thejiavy, the personnel of
the naval and military academies were
enlarged, the former to 1,760 and the
latter to 1,152. For the military
academy a special appropriation of
$1,225,000 was made, the fund for An
napolis being carried in the naval ap
propriation bill.
Congress also provided for the
creation of a council of national de
fense, .composed of cabinet, official
and citizen experts to co-ordinate the
military, industrial and natural re
sources of the country in time of war.
Four Big Packers
Held for Violating
Anti-Trust Laws
Washington, Aug. 15. Formal
complaint charging Swift & Co., Ar
mour & Lo., Ludahy & Co., Morris
& Co. and other meat packers with
violating the anti-trust laws and en
gaging in unfair business methods and
omnopolistic practices was filed today
with the tederal trade commission by
Representative Doolittle of Kansas.
A prompt and thorough investigation
of the live stock industry was asked.
Representative Doolittle filed the
complaint, he said, on his own re
sponsibility, in an ettort to have at
least a preliminary investigation by
the commission. Supporting his
charges, he filed a copy of testimony
taken by the house judiciary Com
mittee on the1 Borland resolution pro
posing investigation by the commission.
BAKING BREAD FOR MEXICAN BORDER GUARD Here is a battery of field ovens at
Nogales, Ariir, where 5,000 loaves of bread are baked daily to supply the hungry lads of
the border guard.
Jersey City Is
To Take Its Case 1
Before Congress
Jersey City, N. J., Aug. 15. The
injunction granted by Federal Judge
Rellstab to the Central railroad of
New Jersey, restraining the city of
Jersey Cjty from interfering with
shipments of war munitions on that
railroad, caused the Jersey City com
missioners to decide tonight to go to
Washington tomorrow in an effect to
obtain legislation which will safe
guard Jersey City against high ex
iJie commissioners announced they
will call on Senator Martine and
Representative Hamill to urge them
to push the bill introduced in the
senate and the house after the Black
Tom explosion for the protection of
the city. it is the intenUon o appeal
to the Interstate Commerce commis
sion and Secretary of War Baker, it
was said.
"This is a case of putting collars
above the lives of men. Women and
children," Mayor Mark M. Fagan said
tonignt. - vve are up against the
powder trust."
Gardner billed in Wyoming
When Automobile Overturns
Deadwood. S. D.. Aug. 15. While
coming toward the Black Hills in his
automobile, Asa Gardner of New Eng
land, in. D., was instantly killed near
Beaulah, Wyo., thi$ morning, when
the car overturned 6n a steep curve
and pinned him under. With other
members of the Dartv who were unin
jured, Gardner's body was brought to
Volunteers Sail on
Battleship Illinois
Norfolk, Va., Aug. 15. Trie battle
ship Illinois sailed today with between
lyu and lUO civilian volunteers on
board from Virginia, Kentucky, Ohio,
Illinois, Iowa and Wisconsin for a
month's practice cruise. It will pro
ceed to Fort Pond Bay, L. 1
1 ,V V-"" '" : --., i? ' VV,.,,,,, V i
Conference of Managers and'
Men With President Wilson
Today Expected to Bring
Feeling of Oloom That Had
Possession of All Tester
day Disappears.
Greater Part of Austrian Fleet
Said to Have Left Port for
Unannounced Destination.
Geneva, Aug. 15. (Via Taris.)
The Italian advance guard, moving
southeast from Gorizia, is within
thirteen miles of Trieste, whence the
greater part of the Austrian fleet has
sailed for an unknown destination,
according to a telegram from Buchs,
Switzerland, today. .,
According t a message from Buchs
today, the southern and western sub
urbs of Tolmino are burning and the
fall of the city is expected at any
Italians Storming Tolmino.
Paris, Aug. 12. Italian troops have
entered the suburbs of Tolmino,
which is under continuous s'hell fire,
according to a dispatch to La Li
berte from Turin today. The Aus
trians, says the dispatch, are evacuat
ing the city.
Austrian Trenches Captured.
Rome, Aug. 15. (Via London.)
On the Carso plateau and to the east
of Gorizia, along the Isonzo front
the Austrians have suffered further
reverses at the hands of the Italians,
today's official statement says. Aus
trian entrenchments in both these re
gions were captured.
Wheat Jumps Up
Eight Cents Near
Close of Market
Chicago, Aug. 15. The wheat mar
ket made another sensational advance
on crop damage reports today. De
cember options, forty minutes before
the close, had advanced an extreme
8 cents, from $1.38 to $1.46 per bushel.
September, less active, rose from
$1.35, where it sold early to $1.42.
Later December sold at $1.46 and
closed at $1,455. September closed
at $1.42. The net advance, com
pared with yesterday's close, was 4$
cents for September and 4J4 cents for
Wilson Not to Go
On Speaking Tour
Washington, Aug. 15. After a con
ference today between President Wil
son and the members of the democrat
ic campaign committee, Vance C. Mc
Cormick, chairman of the national
committeeAannounced that the presi
dent would make no speaking tour,
but probably would accept invitations
to speak at different places.
Mr. McCormick explained the presi
dent's decision by saying Mr. Wilson
considered a stumping tour incompati
ble with the dignity of office of presi
dent. Last week congressional callers at
the White House gained the distinct
impression that Mr. Wilson would
make a trip to the Pacific coast. So
far the president's only speaking en
gagements arc Hodgensville, Ky.,
September 4, and St. Louis, Septem
ber 20.
Mr. Wilson Will Be
Notified Sept. 2
Washington, Aug. lS.-'-Formal no
tification to President Wilson of his
nomination will take place Seotember
2. That day was definitely settled to
day, when arrangements were made
for the president to go to Long
Branch,' N. J., for the ceremony. The
president has already completed his
speech of acceptance. The notifica
tion sn:ech will be made by Senator i
Tames '
Guards Will he Held in State
Camps Pending Result of
Railroad Wage Crisis.
Washington,' Aug. 15. Orders for
the remaining mobilized units of the
National Guard to proceed to the
border liavt.. been suspended by the
War department. No official expla
nation has been made, but it is known
that the delicacy of the railroad strike
situation has been the moving consid
ration. , --
The suspension of the orders to the
troops, which would havt moved
some 25,000 men to the border, should
not be taken as an indication that the
president's negotiations with the
railroad brotherhoods and the rail
road managers have taken an un
favorable turn, but is a measure of
caution. It is considered highly un
desirable that all the remaining
guardsmen should be moved to the
border while there was a possibility
of a railroad strike in which they
might be called upon to preserve or
der throughout some of the states.
The suspension of the orders pre
vents the immediate movement of the
troops from Kentucky, Ohio and Ver
mont, and the movement of all other
mobilized units which were to have
gone forward as soon as they were
It is clear the suspension is not a
revocation of the orders, and that if
the strike situation clears up the
troops will be moved to the border.
The official explanation of the
change at the War department is that
difficulties of transportation and
equipment developed and made a de-J
lay necessary.
Suggested by Funston.
A telegram from Major General
Funston, made public by the War de
partment,, disclosed that the general
recommended the suspension of the
orders. His telegram follows:
"In view of the possibility of a gen
eral railroad strike, I desire to call
the attention of the War department
to difficulties that will follow in main
taining food supplies, not only of
troops in this department, but of the
civilian population as well. These
border states produce but little food
stuff except cattle.
"In view of foregoing, I recommend
that the National Guard organizations
which are about to start for border
stations be retained in their mobiliza
tion camps until such time as the
question of a general strike shall have
been determined."
Trainmen Killed in
Head-On Collision
Pittsburgh, Pa., Aug. 15. Threj
trainmen were killed, three injured
and four slightly hurt when two
heavy freight trains, each drawn by
two engines, came together in a head
on collision on the Pittsburgh &
Wheeling division of the Baltimore
& Ohio railroad at Vance, Pa., today.
All traffic was tied up for several
hours. The dead are f. W. Eustice,
engineer; C, D. Hutchinson and C.
R. Wright, firemen, all of Pittsburgh.
Telegraphers of Northern
Pacific Vote on Strike
St. Paul, Minn., Aiig. 15. Teleg
raphers of the Northern Pacific rail
road are taking a strike vote, it was
learned here todav. relative to their
demands for increased ,wages and
changes in working rules. Efforts to
reach an agreement in conferences
btween representatives of the men
and railway officials have failed.
1 lie main demands or the telegraph
ers are for shorter hours, increase in
wages amounting to nearly 10 per
cent and two weeks' vacation annu
ally with pay.
Italian Dreadnaught Catches
Fire in Kitchen and One of
Its Magazines Explodes.
Paris, Aug. 5. The Italian
dreadnaught, Leonardi Da Vinci,
caught fire and blew up in the harbor
of Taranto, Italy, and 300 of its
crew were drowned, says a , Turin
dispatch to the Petit Journal. The
date of the disaster is given only as
a day in August. e
The 'fire, says 'he . dispatch, was
discovered in the dreadnaught'!
kitchen and spread rapidly. The cap
tain immediately ordered the maga
zines flooded and tried to beach the
battleship, but one magazine exploded
before this could be done. The vessel
was turned over on its side and a
large number of the. crew thrown into
the sea.
It was believed tin battleship can
be righted arid refloated.
The Leonardi Da Vinci was a sister
ship of the Contedi Cavour. and of
the Giulio Czar and was launched in
October, 1911. Its displacement was
22,000 tons and it was 575H feet long,
91)4 feet beam and carried a total of
957 men. Its main battery consisted
of thirteen twelve-inch guns and its
secondary battery, to stand off tor
pedo attacks, was composed of eigh
teen 47-inch guns. Its engines were
of 24,000-horsepowcr, designed to de
velop a speed of 22.5 knots.
Hoosier Mike Drops
$15,000 on Race Bet
Detroit, Mich.. Aug. 15. One man
has been detained by the Detroit po
lice as ine result oi a cnarge mane Dy
Don M. Kelly of Lafayette, Ind., that
he lost $15,000 in a race horse swin
dle. Two other men accused by Kel
ly are being sought. He alleges that
he met the men in a local hotel and
allowed them to place several small
bets for him. His money and "win
nings" were returned, he said. Then,
he declares, he was induced to give
the men $15,000 to bet. This time
Kelly told the police he did not get
any money back.
Stone Prepares to
Push Danish Treaty
Washington, Aug. 15. Ratification
yesterday by the Danish lower house
of parliament of the treaty providing
for the sale of the Danish West In
dies to the United States has served
to hasten consideration of the treaty
in the senate here.
Chairman Stone today called a
meeting of the foreign relations com
mittee for tomorrow morning and he
hopes to report a recommendation for
its ratification to the senate by to
morrow night.
License of Insurance
Agent is Cancelled
(From a Staff Correnpondlnt.)
Lincoln, Aug 15. (Special Tele
gram.) After considering the evi
dence in the complaint against Perry
and Ted Anthony, charged with mis
representing policies on insurance, the
insurance board this morning can
celled the license of Perry Anthony
and has taken under consideration the
charges against Ted Anthony.
Hughes Will Speak
At Topeka August 31
Topeka, Kan., Aug. 15. Charles
V.. Hutrhea. rpnuhliran. nrcMnttal
nominee, will speak in Topeka August
31 instead of September 1, according
to a telegram received here from Wil
liam R. Willcox, who is in charge of
Mr, Hughes' itinerary. .. j
Washington, Aug. 15. Another day
of conferences between President
Wilson, the railroad managers' com
mittee and the brotherhood leaders
brought no settlement of the situation
which threatens a country-wide
strike, but paved the way for further
conferences tomorrow.
After the managers had seen the
president this morning the situation
was described by those in touch with '
it as very precarious.
The men went into their conference
at 3 o'clock this afternoon feeling
rather gloomy. When they left the
president nearly two hours later, with
the, prospect of meeting him again
tomorrow, the leaders were more
hopeful. It was said there was a pos
sibility of a direct settlement be-'
tween the two sides without resort to
It was asserted at this aftrnoon's
conference that neither side had giveri
in so faron any material points and
that the crisis probably would be
reached tomorrow.
"Nothing is done and nothing is un
done. We will see the president again,
possibly tomorrow," said A. B. Gar-'
retson. snokesman for th railwav
employes, as the men's representa
tives left their conference with Presi
dent Wilson this afternoon. ' .
No form of arbitration now Is un
der consideration, members of the
employes' committee declare. They
said there was a possibility that an
agreement would be reached on one
of the several compromise proposals
under consideration. ..-'
mittee, said that both the workmen
and the employers had jeveral pro
posals and counter proposals before
them, and that both probably would
see President Wilson tomorrow and
give their decision.
"I am very hopeful," said Mr. Let.
This dispelled the ait of pessimism
which had prevailed when the con
ference began. .
President Wilson gave but the fol
lowing statement after his confer
ence with the employes this after
noon: ;'
"There is ho change) there is an
earnest effort being made to .work
out a settlement."
May Accept Eight-hour Day.
After the committee of railroad
managers had a conference with Presi
dent Wilson early today it became
known that a proposal was under con
sideration by which the railroads
(Continued oa Tag Two, Column Two.) v
Roger Sullivan Will
Not Help Manage j'
Wilson's Campaign
Chicago, Aug. 15. Roger C Sulli
van, former democratic national com
mitteeman from Illinois, will not take
an active part in the management of
the western democratic campaign
headquarters in Chicago this fall, ac
cording to a report in circulation here
today. One report is that friends of
President Wilson are inclined to
blame Sullivan for Raymond Robins'
support of Charles E.vHughes.
According to report, the principal
assistants to Senator Thomas J.
i .. u c n .. . .v.
ment of the western democratic cam
paign headquarters are Senator Owen .
of Oklahoma, and Irving Shuman,'
Carl Vrooman, assistant secretary of
agriculture, and Morgan Davies of
Illinois. , '
' uunuuqi niuaim cam
paign will be conducted from the Chi
cago headquarters by Senator Sauls-
bury of Delaware, Senator Walsh of
Montana and Senator Stone of Missouri.
Postoff ice at t !
Oakdale Robbed
Norfolk, Neb., Aug. 15. The post
office at Oakdale, thirty miles west of
here, was robbed early today by two
men. A citizen discovered them at
work and tried to alarm the town.
The robbers fired one shot at him
and made their escape with $65.
Many business men aura "
able to enlist the aid of
additional capital be
cause they locate willing ' '
investors in the "Business
Chance" columns of The '.
Bee. . ... ,. :
Call Tyler 1000
For Bee Want-Ads f