THE BEE: OMAHA, AUGUST 1916. ft Want-Ad Rates kCASK WITH ORDER, per word each InMrtton (Si muI go display.) Ads Paragraphed or gat In Dleplay Style. lo par Una .ona time to par Una three coneerutive .times (Oouat ilz word! to the Una.) OHABOK RATES l 1 par Una ona time To per Una ..throe consecutive timee (Count ell word! to the line.) ftparlal Retain Farm and Ranch Lands. To par Una each Ineertlon (Count alx word! to the Una.) FOREIGN ADVERTISING UNDER AGENTS OR HELP WANTED CLASSI FICATIONS. to per word ona time lHc par word three ooneecutlve tlmee MO AD TAKEN FOR LEW THAN A TOTAL OF too OR LESS THAN Ma A DAT. CARD OF THANKS. DEATH AND FO- MUKAJ. rfUTllBia. 19a par Una each Ineertlon (Minimum chare BO cents., MONTH LT RATE FOR STANDING ADS. (No change of copy allowed.) Ona Una .. !5 Two llnea or mare..... per Una 1. 10 (Count ,11s worde to the lino.) (Contract rate, on application.) THE BEE will not be reeponelbla for more than ona Incorrect ineertlon of an adver tisement ordered for more than one time. ADVERTISERS ehould retain receipts given by The Baa In parment for Want Ado. aa no mistake can be rectified without them U8E THE TELEPHONE It you cannot con venient bring or send In your ads. Ask for a Want-Ad Taker, and you will re ceive tha aama food service aa whan de livering your ad at the office. PHONE TTLBR 1000. WANT-AD COLUMNS CLOSE ' EVENING EDITIONS v 'J:' 5' UnSNlNfl EDITIONS.. :00 P. M- MOVIE PROGRAM Carraat arfertar, al the beet Motion nature t Dealers m yw (Caaoied DaUy.) Downtown. FARNAls liTTFARNAM THOU BROADWAT TO THE TYRONE" Featuring Carter Da Haven Tueeday Mary Pirkford In "Hearts Aarui FRMcitSfl 1117-11 DOUOLAB BLUEBIRD. REDFBATHER AND UNIVERSAL PRODUCTIONS la PRESENTED HERB FIRST lo KING BAGGOT in "CAPTAIN OF THE HYPOON" A Three-Reel Drama of the Sea THE HIGHWAT OF FATE," Two-Reel Society Drama -THE YOUNGEST IN THE FAMILY," L-Ko Comedy WATCH FOR "LIBERTY" North DIAMOND NTH AND LAKE v "OUT OF THE RAINBOW" THE OINK LANDS AOAIN" SEE AMERICA GRAND 11TII AND BINNEV : BILLIB BURKE IN 1 . .i . "OLORIA'S ROMANCE." ALSO EDWIN COX EN IN "BITTER STRENGTH," v A 1-reel drama. LOTHROP 24TH AND LOTIIROP FTVB REELS OF SPLENDID PICTURES South. BOULEVARD J!D AND LEAVENWORTH "KING O' MAKE BELIEVE" "THE FATE OF THE DOLPHIN" "JUST FOR A KID" ROHLFF 2181 LEAVENWORTH ... I "GRIP OF EVIL," No. I LEAH BA1RD and I VAN DYKE BROOK In "THE BOND OP BLOOD" Wett. ' ' APOLLO 32TH AND LEAVENWORTH DONALD BRIAN IN A FIVE-REEL PARAMOUNT PICTURE, I "THE VOICE t IN THE FOG" EUNDBB , 11STAND UNDERWOOD WILLIAM FAVERSHAM in '" 'THE RIGHT OF WAT," Metro. "NAILING ON THE LID," Vogue MONROE . ,, , y ' - 8665 FARNAM MARY fHxER in ' ' "A HUNTRESS OF MEN" OMAHA-" ' TTOTH AND DOBSS FRANCES NELSON in "WHAT HAPPENED AT 22," World One-Reel Scenic, "8IBKRIA," Patha MARRIAGE LICENSES. The following marrlago licence have been Issued : Name and Reeldence. Ace. Elmer L. MeAlteter, Dee Melnea to Mamie M. Rltchhart, Des Moines .24 Sterlan Jonee, Omaha to Lula Wheeler, Omaha tO William P. Dore, , Omaha 14 Margaret Vaughan. Omaha ....10 Peter C. E. Paul, Calcutta, India 42 Lu Teea Wtdenga, Sioux City, la 21 Frederick W. Fellwock, Malcolm, Neb.. 10 Mrs. Florence E. Gaylord, Malcomb, Neb. .24 BUILDING PERMITS. William Holder,, 6514 Florence boule vard, frame dwelling, $4,600. O. H. Barome ter, 623 North Thirtieth, brlrk dwellinf. $80, 000; J. L. Tennant,641l North Twenty-eighth avenue, frame dwellinf, $1,600; J. L. Ten nent, 1413 North Twenty-eighth avenue, tram dwellinf, 11,800. LOST-FOUND-REWARDS HOLMES paya your price for 2d -hand clothes, snoes ana nata. weo. iizo. WANTKI Conceaitom and merry-co-round for H. w. A. logrolling and picnic at Bellevue, Neb., August It. Frank Lewis, phone Bellevue 137. $50.00 REWARD. On Ford touring car, model yaar HI 5, factory No. 611697. motor No. 748267. Equipped with nearly new Pennsylvania ttrea on rear wheels and Flreatone tires en front Had double tire carrier wttb two axtra casings on left aide. Extra targe ise an tl-rat tier tie rod. ,60.00 CASH RBWARD will be paid for tha return here of aald car in good con dition within ilxty daya from theft, or flrat In format tea directly responsible for Ita return and aource of aama will be kept trictly confidential. Stolen from W. T, Wsldron, Fremont Neb., Aug. I, 1U. Notify D. B. Weipton, Adjuater. Ar lington Block, Omaha, Nebrssks, Phone Douglaa 1st. Bakeries. CAKES, pastry and fancy bakery gooda auppiied x partlea, lodge and entertain ments. Z, H. Reader, 1604 N. 16th, W.32I7 $150 REWARD. Stolen Friday August 4, from the corner Seventeenth and Douglaa atreeta, Omaha, Neb. Bulck light six tour ing car, described aa followa: Frame, No, 1803; motor, No. 187486; Ucenaa, No. 20327; Goodyear tires, Diamond tread on rear wheel, black body. Tha above reward will ba paid for the property tn running condition.. Wire all particulars to C, G. Xeya, Springfield, Neb. Costume. THEATRICAL gowna, full dree suits, for rant lot w. nth. John re id man. Cameras and Finishing. "REXOETB" camera, tttxStt, 12.00; (uni versal roeua lens). Green's Pharmacy, lot ana Howard, sea tnem today, IP YOU loa anything and wilt advertlee It here, you will aurely recover It If found by an honest person.- Remarkable re- , eovarlea ara brought about svsry day through thla column, THE- LAW-Popte who And loat articles ara interested In knowing1 that tha atat law la strict In requiring them to aeek tha owner through advertlaamant and otherwise, and that a failure to do o. If aama can ba proven, involve a aevara penalty. SUITS cleaned, pressed $1.00; pressed, 40o; tumv Kisi wars sjustraanieai, mio a. lain, Baths. HTOIENIC BATH INSTITUTE. Madam Edna H. LaBelt, Tot South 16th St.; vapor baths, Swedleh maaeaaa tauKbt every Fri day for men and woman. Lady attendant for ladles. Phone Douflaa 7044. BB. KNfJLLENBKRO, sulphur, steam baths. maesave and chihupkactic. Lady at tendant for ladles. 8. West, corner 24th and ramam, Ottawa Bldf. Doug. 7225. OMAHA 4V COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. Persona having lost some artlole would So well to call up tha office of the TJmahe 42 Council Bluffa Street Railway company to aaoertaln whether they left tt In tba street oars. Many articles each day ara turned tn and tha company 1 analoua to restore them to the rightful owners. Call Tyler too. LOST Friday, cameo breastpin, In small boil probably near Vinton ball park; reward. Return 2104 Webster St. Phone Doaalas 4204. LEFT handbag In car driven by unknown party 2 o'clock Sunday morning. Re ward for return of seme. Plnkhard, 1612 Lake St. LOST Oold watch fob, Saturday; with monogram. Reward. Call Douglas 862. LOST A brown coat near 16th and Locust. Call South 441. '' FOR SALE Miscellaneous Furniture snd Household Goods. .. ' AUCTION SALE. BiaH GRAPE FURNITURE. 2602 North 12th Street. Tuesday, August It, at 1 p. m., wo will sell all tha furniture of a new bungalow, oonsletlng of parlor, bedroom, dining room and kitchen furniture. Thl, furni ture la all new. Owner moving to Waah Ington and furniture must aell. Don't fall to attend thla aala. DOWD AUCTION CO., AUCTIONEERS. - UNDERWRITER S FURNITURE SALE. The quality at this sale la as substan. , tlal aa the wonderful saving. Buy now during this big sale and aava money, STATE FURNITURE CO. 14th and Dodge. Douglaa HIT. OMAHA PILLOW CO. Felt and hair mat. tresaea made over lUynew tlcke at half the prloo of new ones. Phono us for sam ple or llcKing. ssaii oruera uiieo, irui Cuming St. Douglaa 1447. MUST leave olty, will sell all or any part of my nice furniture. Including book case of fine bound books and large flab aquarium. Call 8421 Laurel Ave. CHOICE furnishings of T-room house. Bar- gain, for quick sale; Isavlng town. Phone Colfax 4028. South Bide. Hesse ; i4TH and n ITHB LITTLE ANGEL OF CANYON ':... CREEK," In Five Acta - ' " Alio. "WHO'S GUILTY." with TOM MOORE and ANNA NILSSON FOR SALE Patented Ironing board, neat and wall built l will laat a lira time. Phone aa for particulars. Doug. 6114. 66 ICE boxes, 29 gaa stoves, 100 rugs of all klndat poultry wire and netting, open tin l p. m, laas . Etn nt. ORPHEUM 14TH AND M "BRED IN THE BONE" "IN THE LAND OF THE TORTILLA" "DOUGHNUTS" DEATHS ft PUNJERAi'NOTICEsT DUFFY Peter, aged 4T years; ho la sur vived, besides his wlfs, by one son, Fred K. Funeral Tuesday afternoon from Gen tleman's chapel at 1:46 -to St. Peter's ohuroh at 1 p. m. Interment Holy Sepul ' ehrs cemetery. 'wALKOENIO Mrs, Elisabeth, at Waahlng ton, D. C. April 11, 1216, widow of Valen , tine Walkoenlg and mother of two sons, Johnand Harry, enjne daughter. Carrie. FOR SALE Six-room flat! new furniture. mono 'lyier jt. flSO UPRIQHT piano, 122. Tyler 646-J. CARD OP THANKS. . CARD OF THANKS. Wa wish to thank our frlenda and neighbors, also the Baptist ehurch of . Benson, Re. Burrlll, Rev. McClu'ng and Rev. Autrltt, far their kindness and sym pathy during the lllnees and death of- our dear brother and husband. MRS EMIT. SACHS AND FAMILY. WE wish to thank our friends, oepectally . . tha bricklayers' union, and a. n it vu , for tha kindness and sympathy shown us during aur reoent bereavement In the death of our beloved huaoand and father, alee for the many beautiful floral offer- i weyer and family. PUNESAI. DIRECTORS. btJFF 4V JOHNSTON, amnalmara and fu neral airaciore. ill a. istoa Tyler 16T4. B. K. BURKET SON Funeral dlreoters ana .mwrniir. e.g. iavenwortn. Har, HUUB R1KPEN. underULke7andat oa'Tnera. wt . in m uougiaa mi, Monumenta and Cemeteries. BBAUT1PUL markera, Ubtata and eroaaea tor unmarked graves. Redman Qrava wir ytj., 4iiw opBimer aw. weoaw l-ya. Isumslatarr Unniimainl UTntba ... ,.-i. - AU kind carters, llth and Charles, FLORISTS. ' Keri5 QUALlTf CVT PLOWBRB 01 '; plants. Art Comblnatlona. ahlnnsMi vr. whars. Excellent aervioe to our ouatom ara In past jreara reoommenda HESB 4k prruHutvA, ilia yarnam Bt, iJoug, 1601 iARQEST ASSORTMENT of freak flowera! . uguieiTU VI awippvu MYWDtrf, Lj. ft tSN a.,, ' 9tw ga-rnam an. uoug. mi, ElZlgyiLj000' m 8. Uth. pi7! 101 A, DON AO HUE. Hit Harney. Pou. lOOlT VATH nortat. 1104 Farnam St. D. 1060. BIRTHS AND DEATHS. Births Artkur and Nellla Tinker. t70 Jtorth Twenty-fourth, alrl: Vld and Anna Rlbtch, 1114 South Fifteenth, girl; Charlea R. and Amolda Donnelly, ftllf North Twenty-third, boy and girl: Carlton and Birnma wwtj. aunt wortn jvinateents. boy; Paul and LroretU Furay, 170) Porcaa, girl; Thomas and Smma liaaon. 1T1? D. bov Oeorge A. and Eva Sea bury, 111 South Thlrty-aaeond, hoy; John and Emllle K raj leek, Ml South Thirteenth, boy; eJoaeph and Bertla, Bradka, Sarpy county, twy: John and May Strangton, S414 South Twentieth, hoy; Kdmond and Anna Mar gaard, 1014 South Thirty-third, hoy, Charles im ninon oruao, av.a rowi9r avenue, Sin; Jonan and Joale Burghardt, Forty seventh and K, girl. . ,. Deaths HMrd Mhy, f daya. 4131 Fowler avenue; William J Kally.l 30, 1401 Mapla; Harry Cavanaugh, U. hnapltal; vioiet rsisrifm, lt ton camden avenue; John Dampsey, 4. hoepltal; Oeorge H. Rtlner. 70. 664 - Snulli Tnv.uviilh: , Pettr Prdwoa, JS, hoantal; 1'rederlck Doecwald. Tl, ISOt Plero; Mlnnla B. Nel. . ann, 80, hoaultai; Charles rounnt tf, tiio North Twenty-iljun; Fred Davis, 74, hoa- . 'iial : Cathorlne Pod w Irak I, , Thirtieth sua n. ,: Pianos and Muaicai Inatrumcnta. An Angelua Piano Player, In perfect con dition, wttn record, wenater seo. UPHKIHT Wlekart piano cheat. M. 6848, 1 ypewriters and Supplies. NEW machines sold tha asms aa rent; 91 per monin. saa ua neiors you nuy or rent. Shipped any place on ten daya' free trial. Butts Typawflter Exchange, lis B- litn, omana, Neb, TYPE WRIT ICRS aold, rented and repaired. Item aUI Utivwr ijtijjwi nor, niuniui for K. Cantral Typawrltsr Eachanga, 19011 Farnam, RKMINGTONS, ' Uonarchs and Smith Premier for rent; aent anywners. am- Ington Typewriter company, v. ijb4. SaRUAINS In uaed typewriters, rlbbona 14 doien; carbon, 1 box. Midland u., Bea Bidg. . Billiard and Pocket Tables. FOR SALE BILLIARD TABLES. Brand new, earora ana pooicst, witn eompieis outm, llaa; aeoami-nana laotea at ra diHifid Driaea: bowline alleys and auDDllea aaav naymenta, Claar atorea, drug, dell' cateaaen and aoda fountain fixtures. THE BRUNSWICK- BA LKE-COLLE1SDER CO., 401-40 BOUin lOIBOl, ewelry. Diamonds and Watches. BRODEGAARD'S "Lucky Wedding Rings' at lBth and Douglaa tfts, Macl.inery antl Engines. New and second-hand motors expert electricians and MACHfNISTS. LB BRON ELECTRICAL WORKS, 118-20 B. 13th St.. Omaha. BOILERS, a tea in, electric, gaa engines. plpea. ,Oroea wrecmng v-o., iiw ejuming. Sewing Machine . "SEWING MACHINES. We rant, repair, soil needles snd parti of all sswtng maoninea. M ICICLE'S , NEBRASKA CVCLB CO., IBth and Harney Sts. Doug. 1001. Printing and Office Supplies. COMMERCIAL Duplicating Co., alao public Steno. Phone tor pnoes, iougtaa iivx. 40 Paxton Bik. GET our prices on 'job printing. CAMPAIUN CAItUS A Hl'KtJlAL.TX. U. S. PTO. CO., BBB BLDa. DOUO. 11TI. WATERS-BARNHART Ptg. Co., quality printing. Tel. Doug. 1100. 824 S. llth St. Miscellaneous. LEATHER BELTS, all kind; 41 ft ltln. daubla nlv drlvlnr belt, alao 41 ft. 10-ln. double ply driving belt; absolutely good condition; bargain, Jtnaen'a, Family Laundry, Itui at. ana wuua avs., umana. SEE Want-Ada GAINED lt.BOl MORE PAID ADS than any other Omaha newa papar gained In flrat aaven montha 101 1 Oood reaults at less : ' coat Is tha reason why. IT hlah standard of Quality will be main talnad; 4 quarts of Old Fontenella whisky, bottled In bond. Henry Pollock. mall order house. Dons. 7101. , 1I.-1S4 N. lttn bi. ALtU JEtTK'S liquor house Thirteenth and Douglas. " Bottls4 is bond whisky. ga, 11.00, $1.1. full quart. GENUINE California win vinegar, white or red; quart boil las, 10 cents, gallon. 40 sents- Imporud olive oil, 71 cants par quart, cacmey tsroa. rnona .voug. tvsa DESKS, aafes. scalea, ahowcaaaa, ahetvlng. ate. Wa buy, aell. Omaha Fixture A Supply Co., 414-14-11 8. Uth. Doug 1714. ONE" large popcorn and peanut vending wagon, goo as aaw; assy terms, as. dress T 140, Has. WANTED TO BUY WANT UD High class survByora transit. an tnatrumenl that is designed for gn oral land aurveylug as wall aa drainage work. Pries must bs right Addresj T l!B. Bee. ' HAVE a Knabe Square Piano worth MO. 00 to trade for a a hot gun or good rule Ad dreaa 8. C. J7&. Be.. - WANTED TO BUY Having rented a build ing on track for our offlce and warehouse we will want to buy some glasa partitions. Phone Basket Stores Offlce. Tyler 440. FINE MILLINERY atock, value 11,000. What have you to awap for thla 7 Addresa B. C. 142, Bee. A LITTLE ad In thfe column will bring about , aome remarkable exchangee. Hitfheat price paid for Zd-hand clothca, shoea, trunks autK-aaes. o esai or u. ioiz. DESKS DESKS DESKS New deaks. used desks, bought, sold snd traded. I. C. Reed, 1207 Farnam. ATTRACTIONS. ANNOUNCEMENTS BRODEOAARD'S "Lunky Wedding Rings" at istn and Douglas bis. AN old eatabllshed, growing mercantile con cern, wanting to lnoreaae tneir wonting capital 0,000, will consider atralght ln veetment propoaltlon or will conalder tha aervlcea of a man with Inveatment If aatlafactory reference can be fumlahed In the capacity of office man or aalee-man. DAT and T. M. C. A. Wight School - Brass and Iron Foundries. Paxton-Mltchell Co., 87th and Martha Sts. Accountants. E. A. DWORAK, C. P. A. A VAN ORDER. Ill Rsmgs Bldg. Phons Doug. Sill Carpenters and Contractors. Lssssrrt A Son. 1106 Capitol Ave. Ty. 1013. C. W. Hokanson. a0f laavHn'lh Ty -192 J. FOR SALIfl One of the ,beat general mdae. torea In Nebraska; atock Vltv.uuo to W, 000; clean and atrlrtly modern; reaaon for selling, owner wlahea to retire; buatneaa eatabllihed 88 yeara and la steadily In creaalng. Inveatlgatlon solicited. No trade. Geo. A. Brooks, Bailie Mil la, Neb. POPULAR restaurant location, reasonable rent, With best equipment in olty. com plete bakery. Will sell or lease equip ment to responsible party. Place, 16th and Howard. Inquire Thorson. Phone Douglas 2405. FOR SALE t-chafr barber shop, 10 -table pool hall, count era, show caaea, etc. will ell the bualneaa or the tables and fix tures separata. O. A. Lang, 1107 Far nam St. BEE Want-Ada OAINED 19,500 MORE PAID ADS than any other Omaha news paper gained In first seven montha 1118. Oood results at less - cost Is the reason why. ?R BEN DA Sulphur, steam. Modexn rum IBS BATHS AND M Ann AUK. mvatS apartments for ladles with lady attend- ante, nit rarnam. Phone Doug. 41 TT. FOR SALECity cafe at Plalnvlsw, Nb-(i yvarn'omomu m. mij wins, RITTENHOUSE Sanitarium; all klnda baths. 110-114 Balrd Bik.. 17th and Douglas. FOR SALE (Confectionery store; machinery to maks own cream; town' of 0,000; good paying business. Will aacrlflcs. Box T 14 S, Bea. Chirooractic DR. KNOLLENBERO, S. W. tor. 14th and rarnam. Doug. 7Zts. Lady sttendanL Buttons and Pleatinn. DRESS pleating, hemstitching snd cover ed buttons, van Arnam Dress Pleat ing and Button Co., Id floor Paxton Bik. Dsug. 1100. Dancina Academies. LB LUXE ACADEMY. Ill B. 18th St Chiropractic and Spinal Adjustment. DR. BLJR HORN'S modern, sanitary chiro practic adjusting parlors. 414-ia nose ma. V. 4S47, Palmer Sch. grad; lady attendant Dr. Frances Dawson, 501-1 Rose Big. Ty. 3381. Dr. J. C. Lawrence. 1 Balrd Bldg. D. 4ai Detectives. JAMBS ALLAN, 111 Neville Block. Bvl- oence secured in sli cases, Tyler 11 M. Dressmaking. ACrORplON, Side, Knife, Box Pleating, uov. auitona, liematitcning. Neb. Pleating A Button Co, 431 -3 Paxton Bik. R. 4043, Expert dressmaker In all lines. Doug. 6640. Xelstar Dressmaking Col., 1028 City Nat Terry Dreaamak'g college, 30th and Farnam. Dentists. D. Bradbury. No pain. 112 W. O. W. Bldg. Taft's Petit Rma.. 308 Rose Bldg. D 3181. Express Companies. TWIN CITY Express Co., 1023 Cass 8L fjougias 1717. Heavy naming a specialty. ANYWHERE 25c WB. 2104 Everything ior Women. ACCORDION, elde, knife, sunburst, boa pleutnt; covered buttons, all slsea and atyies: oettietltcoina. -Moot ea.lnff, em arotderr; beadlnf, braiding eordlnv. eyelet out work, bttttonholee, pennanta, 1DHAI, BUTTON AND PI.BATINO CO. tOODouila, Bik. Dou.laa 1226 Fixture! ind Wiring. , riTTDVTKT Eleotrlo washlni machines. UU1VU111 eleotrlo Iron and roadlna lamps. ' 228a cumin, at. Dou.las 2612.' Furntcei and Tinware. . ROOPINO, furnace, and general tlnwork. S, Abrame. IIDI N. 24th. St. Web. 1444. . Hair Preiiing. IDEAL Balr Parlors. 20T lalrri Bid.. Haul- nunni, wuei aruoiea. uouc. eise. -r - Hand Laundry. CALLPOUOLAS 42t and have roar laun- qry gone and roaaonable. Hat Cleaning and Blocking. - STRAW, Panama, all kind, hats, alsaaed an. rablocted. 1S14-1420 Harney. A tnrnt, a, R. H BREMKItM. ,o, Crouna, Bid., P. 1222, PRANC1H MUHUAN, 412 ,Boe. Lloua. lot.. tiiarlfaa nf ,h Pabam H. H. CLA1RBOBNB. 242 Paxton Bik. Sed T4B1. Notary public; deposition stsno. C. W, BR1TT, 201 Barker Block. Patent A.torneys. H. A. BTUROE8. 120 Brandela To. D. 1411. ' Pianoi for Rent 11.11 Per Mo. A. Hiispo Co., 1(12 Douglaa Scale Reoairina. Om. Standard goals Co., ail 8. llth. D. 1211. ' Towel StiDDlies. OMAHA Towel Supply, U7 B. llth. D 121. Vacuum Cleaners. CLBAN QUICKLY AND THOROUOHLT WITH KCL1PSB BLKCTRIO; RENT 1 AND 11.11 PER DAY. DOUGLAS 171b. Wedding Stationery. , WBDDINO announoementa an4 printing. vouviaa rrinimg ua .ai voug. see. SWAPPERS' COLUMN IF you nave anything to trade, maks up--. iiviie a ana run u in inia ooiumn for seven days It only costs 1 60 and lo par answer. This offer Is good only in Omaha, and ssoludea Real Estate, cash offers, snd Business Properties For Sals or Trade. These, aa wall as mall ordars for ties of vwappars' voiumn must pay regular rataa. Ona or two anawwrs ara sufficient to-atak your iraa ana tha whole transaction oniy ooata aoout goo, Try it GREATER Increases In PAID WANT-ADS 10 ins usibi tnan in gny other Omaha paper. i!,038 MORE PAID WANT-ADS flrat seven months 191 over same period of 1010. This figure sxcaeds by 19, MO paid ada tha increase of any other Omaha papar for the aama period. "LION FORTY," 0-paaaenger touring car; name overnsuiaa ana mecnsnicaliy per fect; tires 37x4 fc one brand new. Ma chine nevvr run ovsr 1,000 miles; will trade for light roadster, late modal motorcycl outfit or heat offer. This hi a bargain for someons and beat offer get me car. Auarcaa a. u. ate, ae. NON-FRKEZABLB, outside Sanitary Tolteta; ww "sww wu yurvii or eui-DUliaing; complete to connect with aewap; uataxi 1 mo.i then building was wracked; cost new for the 4 of them, $100; what have you m trinn ivt tnira i areas a. u., jus Bee. OREAT Majeatlo range, cook stove, gas range, man's northern coon's akin coat; will trade for horse, light wagon, har ness sr anyming can use .on firm. X HAVE an extra good top -buggy, almoat new; will sell or trade for a good one- , horaa Baring wagon; must bs good. What have you. Address S, Baa Office, South umtni. COIN collector would ltks to exchange his . duplicates with ether collectors, or will trsda anything he can spars for soma old rare coina. AQaress p. u. J til. Bee. POWERS' I A. Moving Picture Maahlne. good shape, compenaaro and operating equipment to trade for light car. Address a- I?!, flea. HAVE an electric parlor lamp to tradtt for someining; wsnt tiurary tame or good clock, or what have youT Address 8. C isi, tiee. HAVE new Ansco folding kodak: alao Edl son phonograph. Will mp for pump or automatic snotgun. Aaareaa is. ... xta, ties P1LUS developed free when prints e-i or dered, one da sarvta KAPK STUDIO, tit Neville block, lath sud iiaroey. SWAPPEaRS' COLUMN BUSINESS CHANCES LAWYERS, REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE AOENTS. An established bualneaa for tha price of office fixtures, with or without library. Will turn over good, live, paying business more than enough to pay for the fixtures. Only a small cash payment required. Leaving the state. Lock Box D, Fullerton. Neb. FOR SALE or trade, a business In Omaha that Is doing a cash Business 01 sia.ouu to $20,000 a year; will consider aome trade for property that can be realized on Immediately, or will sell at a very low figure, reasonable terms; owner wishes to spend time tin other Interests; will bear Investigation. Box 4847, Bee. MOVINO PICTURE THEATERS. Western Iowa and Nebraska locations, exclusive houses, towns 1,600 to 2,300; guaranteed strictly money ma'kers; ma chines, chairs, screens, etc., new and slightly used. , OMAHA THEATER SUPPLY CO., Balrd Bldg. , Omaha, Nato. FOR SALE 5 -chair barber shop, 10-table pool hall; counters, show cases, etc. Will sell the business or the tables and fix tures separate. O. A. Lang. 10T Farnam. FOR SALE Hardwars. Invoice about 12,500. Prefer cash. A. C. Behl, Mid land, S. D. WANTED to buy a pool hall; one that paya wen; will pay casn; give ait oeiaiia first letter. Address Y 640, nee. IF YOU want to aell or buy a business or rooming house call on Busoh Borghorr, 780 World-Herald Bldg. Phone P. 3319- FOR BALIS Oood, clean stock of hard ware; live town, central Nebraska. Oovd reason for selling. Be quick. Address Y !57, Bee. WE BUY, we sell motion picture theaters. machtnea, feature films. Co-Operative Film and Supply Co., 210 Bromley Bldg. WILLIAMS, established 29 years. To buy or sell business see him. 411 Mcuague jcsiag. Reference, U. S. National Bank. DOWD Sale and Auction Co.. Omaha, have cloaed out more mdse. a toe us man any other firm In U. S. Write for terms. MOTION pfOTURE MACHINES. New and rebuilt bargains, supplies. Omaha Film Exchange, 108 8, 14th St. FOR SALE by owner-r-Drug store, dwelling and Stock; square aeai. Aaureea owner, 9U West th Ave, Denver. Colo. TO OET in or out of business, call on GANGESTAD, Z wee uiag uoiig. .111, MOVIE SHOWS AT REAL BARGAINS. 419 Rose Bldg. Phone Tyler 2487. Rooming Houses. . ROOMINO HOUSE. 1UI DAVENPORT ST. Has 14 large rooms, plenty of light and air, has Just been newly papered and painted throughout. Here Is an excellent opportunity for someone to take this plaoe and mane money. PAYNE ft SLATER CO., 61 Omaha Nat'l Bank. Phone Doug. 1019. SITUATIONSW ANTED WEEKLY RATE. 15c PER LINE. Day wonk or business ada, regular rates, a unea one w. ,..,. 3 llnea one week. Esch extra line 16c per week. 80c ..45c Male. MAN 36,' strictly sober, Industrious, not afraid ot worn, wants responaiDie position where labor and Intelligence Is consid ered, capable of following: Experience at any heating system, electrical work; good hand at plumbing and carpenter work; all around repair man, able to give satis faction; well recommended. Box 4974, Bee. V HELP WANTED MALE Stores and Offices. DRUO CLERKS ATTENTION, LOWEST RATES QUICKEST SERVICE We have more calls dally for REGIS TERED and UNREGISTERED clerks than we can fill. OPEN FOR MONDAY. REGISTERED Town 6,000. 70-$75; town 400, f70; town 1H0, K6-I701, city, 106. UNREGISTERED Town 860, 146; town, J. 100, $66; town 2,100, I4M-0; city, 90 $66: city, $46-$60; city, $40; three sods dispensers, $40-$5S. This department la In charge of s gradu ate and registered pharmacist. CALL, WIRE or WRITE. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO., 1016-16 City Natl. Bk. Bldg. YOUNO men bookkeepers, stenographers and for general ornce worn, we neea era! good men. Our Mr. Newton will be at the Fontenelle hotel, August 15th and Uth. Call oa him. The C-0 Service, Des Moines. OUR success depends on finding successful young men 10 mtnie our ui. do not amoke at all, chew or drink and are between the agea of IT and 30, call In person at 108 South Ith, Basket Stores' oince. BOOKKEEPER for bank work; must have experience and furnish good references; give full particulars in first letter. Box 6001, Omaha Bee. YOUNO MAN study law! EVENINO. Downtown SESSIONS. UNIVERSITY OF OMAHA Law department. Sec y Thomsen, 406 Om Nat'l. Bank. YOUNO MAN In furniture store with ex perience In linoleum laying and -shade work, box Gua., eee. B.t . DnnliloAnafai n nrl fl tskttfia WATTS REF. CO., 840 Brandels Theater. SEE us for a high class position. More openings than can Tin, THE MAKTl UU,, W. V. w Piag. OFFICE elerk, rapid on adding machine; Stae experience aua ysih.v. 60fl, Omaha Bee. Professions And Trades. WANTED Men used to assembling type writers, adding machines and similar work; flrst-clasa men onLV. Address Box 4691 Bea. SEE US FOR DRUG JOBS. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO. Eatabllahed Ten Years. 1016-16 City National. WANTED Watchmaker and engraver. Must either be an optician or nave arug- tnrA Avnerience. Address Y 662. Bee. WANT showesrd writers i and commercial artists; steaay wars, oiuuio wiw . Warren Film Co. SHOWCARD writing taught svgs. by work ing expert, complete for $10. Address Box 4662, Bee. WANTED A No. 1 sauaage maker. Wash- Uaatraie lift? TinllvtBal DRUG store snaps; Jobs. Knelst, Bee Bldg" Salesmen and Solicitors. WANTED Salesmen In eastern Nebraska and western Iowa to secure prospects for Irrigated Montana farms. Call, write or phone. Beaverhead Land Co., 1217-18 City nai. oa. jjiqu.. ""e1 """ WANTED Two teachers or college men, by an eastern book house; A No. 1 proposi tion; experienced men preferred. F. D. Browning, Biz aairq ttiaw. WANTED Salesmen to sell stock In a re liable corporation; easy seller; only men , with good references need apply. Address STOCK snd bond salesman. STANDARD SEC, ft INV. CO., 1017 W. O. W. Bldg. STOCK remedy salesmen can make advanta geoua contract. Room 914, 120ft Farnam. SALESMEN Big money for business get ters. Call at 1017 W. O. W. Idg. Trade Schools. MOLER BARBER COLLEGE ,. Largeit In the U. S. Earn expenses whilt attending by our plan. Positions guar anteed. Special summer rates. ..Write for Illustrated catalogue or call In person. 110 So. 14th St., Omaha, Neb. (Established 1893.) GOOD MEN WANTED. To learn auto work for the big spring rush. Fine training work on autbs and electric starting systems. AMERICAN AUTQ. -COLLEGE, 2063 Farnam, Omaha, Neb. LEARN barber trade, more than make your tuition while learnlngf eel of tools Included; job guaranteed. Call or write for catalogue. 1402 uoace r TRI-CITY BARBER COLLEGE. - Boys. WANTED Office boy, by manufacturing plant. Address Box 6012, Bee. Miscellaneous. WANTED Experienced freight handlers. Union Paclfio Freight House, 9th and 1 Jackson Sts WANTED Young men as railway mall clerks, $76.00 month. Sample examination questions free. Franklin Institute, Dept , 221 R, Rochester, N. T. WANTED By young man, aged 21, good education, no oau nnuii., wim responsible firm, anything considered. Red INI. 1 - WANTED By experienced youn man, work driving private car or truck. Ad dress tu 8. 20th. Phone uougias naia. POSITION wanted as carpenter, janitor or nousemsn, in uoivi, jinmu. v. ium- ing nouso. tW POSITION By experienced, meat cutter; . ..i. urn i n. young mult, mail" ""'i moni, GUARANTEE First-class French oook. Leon Blanchard, 1619 Dodge St Doug laa 8076. WORK wanted by colored women and men at 1613 Jackafn. jjoug. stxa. Miscellaneous. ODD Jobs and janitor work by the day or month; 'experienced In all lines of work; can furnish best of references. Telephone Harney 73, -fiarntjy nv. , M TOM JOHNSON, chlriiney aweep, furnace Cleaning ana nuv imuu., v - par ib nee, rnone vmiii i pww. Hotels and Restaurants. v RELIABLE EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. 1610 Davenport ( jvoukiiui au. Headquarters for hotel help. Female. STENO Light and power, also law ; eight , .....laaoai want fiAhittnn In OmKhav. yoarp iai' - if-- " " Beat of refeceiiBox 6006, Bee. THEBafl cliarge for "Situation ads" Is lower thai, any other form of advertising not enough to cover cost ot printing. " PUBLIC STENOGRAPH BR. ' sa..e.ii- ....ankaa a. wA aintaatf nilkllfl T Bee Bldg Doug- 1A? rtm . ELDERLY LADY wants position as house keeper; hae grown son. Country pre ferred. BOX x-PPi, nee. Laundry and Day Work. COMP."c"ol. girl wanu maid work, rooming a. 1 ..I. naanvthlr. Mast 1 SCO nousa ur nmnt v! - ----- BY experienced colored woman, work by the day Of by th hour- C11 Harney 1269. BY competent colored woman, day work and laundry; best of work. Web. 3401. ' BUNDLE washing; piece work; lace cur tain!; work guaranteed. Webster 1360. EXPERIENCED laundress wants bundle washing, raono narney wi. FIRST-CLASS colored laundress, with ref erences. JaiI Juousnm ann. WANTED Day work or house cleaning. mono nougiaa ivq. Laundry, day work"ny fcl"I- P0"-..883.: B'dle wash; call, del. DAY work wanted. guar. Mrs. Eaat.H.3S64 Phone Harney 1461. BUN DLB WMh. andayork.WebJ8 012, Experienced woman, day work, Web. 2694, KXPwoman wants day work; ref. D. 8646. LAUNDRESS waita day work. Web. 7971. WHITE laundreasi hajfjaaya- Web. 3863. HELP WANTED MALE Stores and Officea. HIGHER GRADE POSITIONS. ' Executive, Sales, Accounting, Stenographer, Clerical, Commercial and Banking. . ' Call or Write, WESTERN REFERENCE AND BOND ASS'N., INC, .. , Eatabllahed 14 Yeara. Suite 751 Omaha National Bank Bldg. "StENOORAPilKR ,.,.,.$76.00 CLERK . . .,.$60.00 CASHIER . ,.$3 snd board STENO- and BKKPR (beginner) .. $60.00 SHOE CLERK . ..$B6.00 THE CANO AGENCY, 600 Bee Bldf. MEN wanted to enlist In Signal Corps at once; report at Lincoln. ARMY OF THE UNITED STATES. MEN WANTED Able-bodied unmarried men under age of 36; cltisens of United States of good character and temperate habits. who can speak, read and write the Bng llsh lauguage. For Information apply to Recruiting Officer, Army Bldg., 16th and Dodge Sts., Omaha, Neb.; 130 N. 10th St.. Lincoln, Neb.; 827 4th St., Sioux City, Iowa; 207 6th Ave., Des Homes. Iowa. EXPERIENCED man to care for and super fitend large teaming outfit in city. Must tate In application employment last hree yeara. Experience In care of horses, and salary expected. Box 4924, Bee. HELP WANTED FEMALE Household and Domestic. WANTED A girl for general homework. Harney 1(11. . OIRL for housework; family ot two. Bar ney 1142. ' Hotela and Restaurants. OIRL WANTED For walling an table and kitchen work. South 111?. WANTED Chambermalde. Apply house keeper, Hotel Fontenelle WANTED Scrub glrla. Apply housekeeper, Hotel Fontenelle. WANTED A dining room girl. 101 N. list D. 2W1. i Miscellaneous. WANTED Toung women, aged IT to 22. with common echool education, perieci sight and hearing, for local and long dis tance telephone work. Apply to F-, l.i uvih .... WILL give working girl furnlehed room in ecnanfl ior compear .renins. Harney 2417. HELP WANTED. MALE AND FEMALE. WANTED Names of men or women, 12 or over, wlehlng government jobe. 172 month; vacations. Answer Immediately. T. 474, Bee - EDUCATIONAL DAT SCHOOL. BOTLES COLLEGE. NIGHT SCHOOL. Every day Is enrollment d.iy. Bookkeep ing. Short hanl. Stenotype. Typewriting, Telegraphy. Civil Service all Commurclal and English branches. Catalogue free, BOYLES COLLEGE, , -' 18th and -Harney Sts. Tel. Douglas 1566. VAN SANT SCHOOL of Businesi National Bank Bldg. ENTRANCE 220. D. 5890. Musical BGURICIUS MUSIC STUDIO Our system Is at once attractive and understandable so pupils cannot helpflearnlng. Harp Limited number pupils accepted com ing season; early applications favored. Harps for. Loretta De Lone, 80S Lyric Bid, WILL accept pupils In Harmony- and Theory of Music. Miss Irene Sedgley. Call D. 6308. PERSONAL PILES, FISTULA CURED pr. E. R. Tarry cures piles, fistula and other rectal diseases without surgical ' operation. Cure guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Write for book on rec tal diseases wtlh testimonials. DR. E. R. TARRT, 240 Bes Bldg., Omaha, Neb. M, BRUGHAN, D. M. T.. massage, ateam ahower baths, electric and radio lipht treatment. I have also installed the Gard ner reducing and therapeutic machine for reducing atout people. Rm. 203, Karbach Bldg. Phone Red 2727. THE Salvation Army Industrial home so licits your old clothing, furniture, maga zines. We collect. We distribute. Phone Doug. 4136 and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect our new homo. 1110-1112-1114 Dodge St. NOTICE TO FARMERS Tou farmers, get together- In your locality and get your coal by the car lot and save money. Price 1. B0 per ton, lump coal. Theodore Gerwert. Box 42, Diets, wyo. PTTPTTTPP Successfully treated wlth 1VUA A U IVAJ 0ut a surgical operation. Call or writs Dr. Frank MI. Wray, 80 RITTENHOUSE Sanitarium. Baths of all kinds; massage and chiropody. 210214 Bntrd Bik., 17th and Douglas. D. 3463. CO RS HITS made to ordSr. Prices $3.50 to $30.00. Expert fitting. Nu-Bone Corset Shop, Brandels Thea. Lobby. D. 434. MISS L. LILLY Bath and massage, 1323 Farnam St.. 2d floor. Phone Doug. 3410. MISS WILSON Bath and manicuring. No. 2 Davldge Bik. Phone Douglas t7tL MISS CLARK, sea salt baths and manicur ing. 1802 Farnam St., Room No. 3. LUELLA WEBSTER, masseuse, SIS Paxton Hlk 10 a. nf. to 8 p. m. D. 22 27. A PRIVATE maternity home. 4418 N. I Uth St. fhone col rax zos, SCIENTIFIC massage. S20 Bee Bldg. Phone uougias 'oaf. FOR legal advice call Douglas 3G2S. FOR RENT ROOMS Furnished Rooms. BEE Want-Ad a GAINED 19. SKI MORE PAID ADS than any other Omaha news paper gained to-first seven months If IS. , Good results at less cost Is the reaaon why. MAN and wife, without children, for city suburban place; good wages; comfortable living Quarters; permanent place for com petent parties; give references In applica tion. Box 4844 Bee. AGENTS AND CANVASSERS AGENTS wanted tn every town for Day St McL.. 1607 Leavenworth, Omaha. HELP WANTED FEMALE Stores and Offices. STENO (private secretary) 176.00 CASHIER 140.00 B. and R. COMPTOMETER OPR 150.00 STENO and CLERK 150.00 THE CANO AGENCY, 400 Bee Bldg. WB HAVE more positions than we can fllT See us at once. WATTS REF. CO., 840 Brandels Theater. LADY stenographer; also bookkeeper. See Mr. Newton at Hotel Fontenelle, August 16th or 16th. Professions and Trades. WANTED Girls to make house dresses and aprons, machtnea are driven by electric power and require no exertion. Pleasant workroom, excellent wages and perma nent positions. Experienced operators are desirable, but a few beginners will be welcome and will be Instructed how to make good money as they become pro ficient. Ask for Mr. Anderson, M. E. Smith Co. Factory entrance, tth and Douglas Sts. WANTED Girls In flat work dept. Apply Evans Model Laundry, llth and Douglas. WNTBDInstructor to review Integral raiculus In private leasonft Walnut 6P. WANTED Experienced makers. Lacy A Tremalne, 1822 Farnam. ; Saleswomen and Solicitors. WANTED Two salesladies. Call Colfax lOBlXafter 10 a. m. Household and Domestic. WANTED Experienced girl for general houaswork, family of three; heat wages. Nice room with bath. Phone Walnut 271. Sill Caas St. WANTED Good cook and housekeeper; young widow preferred; no objections to one with a ma II child. Address EL Vlcary. Lowell, Neb. WANTED Toung girt to asatat and 'care for children; good home and wages; ISO No. 2tif St. Phone Harney 48s. COMPETENT woman to do cooking and aastat with houae work; go horns nights. Nurses' Central, Club. 2420 Harney St. WAITED airl for general housework; must bs good oook; good wagea. Phone Harney 87s. . WANTED A good girl for general house work. S3K Lincoln boulevard. Doug. 3a. EXPERIENCED girl for general housework: washing; good wages, rnone pouin n BAl" wmis airi i.wr ecu, uvu:- work: no wsshlng. Phone Walnut 1402. WANT EE) A girl for general housework. GIRL to assist with housework. Hrney 1321. Ill Casa BL ATTENTION, ROOM HUNTERS 1 If you fall to find the room you desire among these ads, call at The Bee office for a Room Lint Gives complete detailed description of va cant rooms in all parts of the city. If more convenient phone The Bee WSMt Ad Dept, and give your name and address, and list will bs mailed to you at once. New lists are issued every week. LARGE FRONT ROOM; Strictly Modern. Splendid location, walking distance. Re fined family. Sunday rates. Phone D, 4030. LARGE FRONT ROOM; Strictly Modern Splendid location, , walking distance. Re fined family. Summer rates. Phone D 4212. s , ALCOVE room, white furniture. Cretonne covering. Modern home, walklna dis tance, serve breakfast Everything above average, good service. Harney 2198. FURNISHED ROOMS. FOR MEN ONLT. 807 NORTH 17TH ST. LARGE roomy furnished room, to one or two persons, with or without board; reasonable rates. 187 N. S2d Ave, COOL Bleeping room; party of ladlea pre ferred; West Farnam district; references aesirea. nease can wai. 1182, LARGE, well furnished south front room; walking distance; fine location; very de sirable. Douglaa 8402. 2308 DOUGLAS, under new management, newly furnished; housekeeping or Bleep ing rooms. . 114 N. 2BTH ST. Large, cool sleeping rooms newly furnished at great expense. Strictly modern. Reasonable. NICE, large, cool room; east front; shady lawn; private family. , 1002 Wirt. Web ster 3644. 8. MTH. 861 Two large front sleeping rooms, well ventilated; also small rooms In rear. LARGE, beautifully furnished suite, with sleeping porch: reference. 3024 Daven port St LARGE airy front room, private family, desirable, reasonable. D. 3701. 2637 Doug laa at. CHICAGO 3610 In private home; large soutn iron i room with alcove; also side room. ST. MART'S, 3688 Two clean furnished modern rooms, housekeeping-or sleeping. NEAT, refined young lady, llvlngln pri vate family, wishes roommate. D. 6010. 114 N. 21ST Modern, single or ensulte; walking distance; 13 up. Doug. 6612. 410 NO. 18th! DdUO. 3881. Modern furnished sleeping rooms. NICE, cool, well furnished, homelike front room. Red 4423. 2343 Howard it 3O04 FARNAM Large front room, suitable for two; 82 esch. Harney fll. FRONT room In strictly modern house; ref erence required. 686 So. 27th. TWO furnished rooms, one with sleeping porch. 2463 St. Mary S. NICE furnished room, within walking dls tance. 2804 Howard St. One large comfortable room In private fam ily. Call Doug. 6181. S18 8. 8TH Cool south room and board; nice shady lawn. THE SHRINER New management. Harney Persistent Advertising Is the Road to Success. ' ., FOR RENT ROOMS Housekeeping Rooms. COOLEST, beat, cheapest, modern light houaekeplng rooma In city, ited ills. Walking distance. 2417 CAPITOL- Rooms on ground floor' cool, clean, modern, walking distance; reasonable. V TWO rooms, with running water and gas. everything, rurnisbed, 83.40 week, jrnons Harney 2728. , 2 Semi -Basement housekeeping rooms; pri vate entrance; reasonable. 2120 Harney. 2226 DODGE ST. Largs, comfortabls houaekeeplng rooms, single or sn suits. T,HRKE light housekeeping rooms, furnlsheC modern. Vry reasonable. 818 S. 26th. N. UTH, 403 Two-room suite, front, thor oughly modern; ice pox; reaaonapts. 2407 CAPITOL Nicety furnished, clean, cool front room, witn Kiicieenene, crow m. TWO furnished rooms, one with sleeping porch. 2463 8t. Mary s avenue. LARGE, Cool rooms for housekeeping" sleeping. zoo Harney. a.- 1611 HOWARD Modern housekeeping snd 414 N. 213T H. K.. also Bleeping rooms. Board and Rooms. MOORCROFT-1123 8. 25th Ave. Large airy . rooms. Desirable location; walking 41s- tsnce; excellent service; reasonable. SOUTH 2TH 1020 Elegant furnUheJ ' rooms, with or without board, strictly modern, also garage. Harney 27S4. 8. 2BTH AVE, 116 Large rooms with sleep ing porch; home cooking. Meals 26a Dour. 74S7. 2663 ST. MART'S AVE., room and board for two ladles. 8. 26TH, 111 Cool r. and board. D. 6001 Unfurnished Rooms. TWO newly decorated unfurnished rooms. large pantry-; walking distance; reason able. D. 6616.. THREE large rooms for housekeeping; 112; unfurnished. 3011 Webster St. THREE modern basement rooms, $10. 1681 Davenport St. Rooms Wanted. YOU PEOPLE WHO RENT ROOMS, CALL THE BEE WANT-AD DEPT. and And out all about the FURNISHED ROOM GUIDE, It's a plan that Is helping many people rent their rooms. : WANTED Room , snd board, for gentle man and son; private horns; north slds ' preferred. Box 4861, Bee. FOR RENT FURNISHED Apartment! tnd House. Apartments. SPLENDID. NEW TORNISBBD. TRAVERTON. FIREPROOF. I4TH AND LANDON COTTRT. Catering to people of refined tastes. Apartment Is completely equipped for housekeeping; up-to-date and comfortable, TRAVER BROS., ToL Doug. 0886. 70S Omaha Nit Bank. -.' 4886. Or Call Web: WANTED Nurse to share apt. In Trsvsr ton. Phone Douglas 7824. ST. CLAIR, 24th and Harney, S-room fur nished apt. Call Tyler 40. FOR RENT HOUSES West. SlX-room, all modern house for rent. West Farnam district, wo. 42 . 41st St. Teiv. ephone H. 1662. 'S- T 416 N. 2PTH ST. Very fine brick house; eight large rooms; east front; largs yardf plenty of shade: one short block to ear; references required. Alfred Thomas. 101 First Natl. Bank Bldg, 3020 Lake; modern 10 -room house; hot water heat; good shade. $30.00. Web ster 2686. North. NO. 3220 Burt St. 7 rooms and reception hall; hot water heat; alt modern and In good condition; fine, ' large lawn; half block' from car. Make appoint ment to see this. ARMSTRONG-WALSH CO., $38 Ross. Bldg., 16th and Farnam. Tyler 1636. 1616 GRANT ST. 7-r. conm., modern. 13. " T. F. Hall, 433 Ramge Bldg. Doug. 7406. FOR RENT Cottage, 1717 Nicholas, colored. Phone Red 2954. SIX ROOMS, all modern house, llth and Decatur. Walnut 3124. Miscellaneous. WE HAVE WHAT TOC WANT. HOUSES AND COTTAOES. MODERN EXCEPT HEAT. t-K. 2407 Seward St..... (12.29 7-R. 2701 Seward St 12.11 STRICTLY MODERN. 714 No. 4th St., 6-R..choice bunfa- ' low, In Dundee 141.01 C-R. 122 So. llth St., (a good cottage, , having hot water heating plant, with in walking distance to bustnees cen ter) 3T.B0 1-R. 3241 Charles St.. (good detached houee In first-class reeldenoa, garage In the rear, large enough tor three care, bargain) 122.00 1-R. 1212 No. 40th St, (choice detached ' house having hot water heating plant, flrst-clasa resldenoe section).. W i 131.00 IT 1-R. 8711 Lincoln Blvd, (etrlctlr moderny' detached house. In very choice real- dence district) 140.00 11-R. 411 So. 32th St.. (large brick dwell ing, strictly modern In every respect, very choice resldenoe dlstrlot)..l72.00 14-R. 2112 So. 32d Are., (strictly .modern and up-to-date In every reapect, hot water neatlng plant, wen arrjuigea for keeping roomers) ...I7&.02 FLATS. 7-R. T13 No. 20th St., (close ln)..1.01 HEATED APARTMENTS. 8TOECKER, 121 So. 24th St 4-R. Apt. A 1. WE HAVE OTHERS. BEE OUR COM PLETB LI8T BEFORE RENTING. PORTER ft SHOTWELL, 202 S. 17th St. Doug. 1011. $12.60 6-room flat, 2712 No. 24Ul $20.00 Slx-R., modern, 1807 Lotasva. $80.00 7-R., modern, hot water hast, ltd and Hamilton. 180.00 10-R. modern house, 2020 Lake. $36.00 6-R. modern house. 1317 Emmet, floe location. W. H. GATES, 047 Omaha National Bank Bldf. P. 1294. Web. 262$. 2666 Douglas, 8 rooms, steam heat, $38.6oI 20S 8. 41st, odern, 7 rooms, $32.00. JOHN N. FRENZER. DOUGLAS 664. HOUSES FOR RENT. 1 CREIOH, SONS CO. 601 BEE BLDG., DOUO. $00. 7 COTTAGES aiid Houses 6, and rooms. Flrat Trust Co. D. 1161. 3666 DOUOLAS, 8 rmi steam heat. $33.00. FOR RENT Ap'U met Flats West. THREE rooms and bath, near 1511 Har ney. Very desirable. Only $33. Ernest Sweet, New Hamilton. l. it7Z. S LARGE room apt., modern except heat; 2d floor, to small family, $15; near 36 tb and Davenport. Walnut 436. 4-ROOM, all modern, steam-heated apt.. 29th and Dodge. Harney 886 or Doug. 6412. MODERN Apt., 7 rooms, $26; near postof flce. G. P. Stebblns, 1610 Chicago. 1 ST. CLAIR, 24th and Harney, 3 and 4-rL,m apartments. Call Harney 447. North FOR RENT Strictly modern t-room flat ; 318 N. lth St. Inquire 1006 Chicago St. CHOICE APARTMENT. $37.604 rooms and bath on main flftr; oak floors and finish; all convenlOL.-ea, Including- jantor service. $26.004 rooms and bath, semi-basement ; Janitor service and other con veniences, Nathan Apts., Sherman and Willis Aves. SCOTT A HILL CO., Douglas 1009T South. WALKING distance, 2607 Dewey Ave.; 7 room brick, strictly modern, hot water - heat and combination lights; $36-. W. W. Mitchell, owner. Phone Webster. 4876. TWO very choice modern brick flats. 6 and 6 rooms; walking distance. Harney 3744. Miscellaneous. AUGUST RENT FREE. $18.60 l-r. flat, newly decorated, all modern except heat 2325 No, 20th St. H. A. WOLF, $14 Ware Bik. V Doug. 8068. Persistent Advertising Is the Koad to Success.