Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 15, 1916, Page 6, Image 6

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Society Notes .-Personal Gossip .'Woman's Work : Household Topics
Miss Ruth nynn Attract! At
tention by Her Successful
By MELLIFICIA, August 14
Two Omaha musicians who have
recently gone to Chicago to enjoy the
broader musical opportunities which
the larger city affords are being as
sociated in their successes. Chicago
papers make mention of the work of
Miss Ruth Flynn, who is making a
name for herself as an accompanist
for Francesco Daddi of the Chicago
Grand Opera company and Thomas
J. Kelly, who left such a big gap in
Omaha musical circles.
Miss Flynn is a member of a charm
ing residence club which was insti
tuted recently by a number of Chi
cago club women of St Elizabeth's
parish. The old Elihu Washburne
mansion, which was the scene of many
notable scocial functions in the early
days of Chicago when Mr. Wash
burne was ambassador to France and
later when occupied by" former Mayor
Washburne, was purchased by the
club women and fitted luxuriously for
the use at a moderate rate for, young
women whose homes are away from
Chicago. . .. , ,
"It is just like boarding school
without the restrictions," said Miss
Flynn of the club home.
At Carter Lake Club.
A feature of the Carter Lake club
program from this time will be the
cabaret dance at the club house, not
at the dancing" pavilion, each Tues
day evening.
Mr. Louis Specht gave a dinner
party yesterday. His guests were:
Mariaret Chlldl. Manna Ward,
Vesta Ward, Fay Chanakjr.
Maura Messrs.
Godfrey Ward. John Worley.
fjlenn Child. '
Miss Lillian Dickman entertained
for Miss Frances Gammon of Lincoln-
at dinner yesterday. Covers
were laid for:
Franen Gammon Hani Cook.
of Lincoln. '
Maura. . Messrs. ,
Robert Copaay of 1 ' Areh Maxwell of
.Lincoln, Chloaso. ,
tearfa Rokahr of .. .
Lincoln. '
Mr. A. Von Dollen had as his din
ner guests Sunday: .
m" Mlma-
Btrnaddte Martin, Xatherlno Cerew.
May O'Orady,
Maura Meesra.
w. W. Wlaaa of i Paul Moore.
Other dinera were: Mr. A. H. Han-
am. Mr. Chirlea Brum. Mr. A. JL
Bradley, Mr. T. E. Wood, Mr. J.
Adams, Mr. F. H. Tierrrty and Mr. L.
W. Johnston. - -
At Seymour Lake Country Club. '
Dining with Mr. and Mrs. Charles I
Vollmef were Mr. and Mr G, F
Gresslev. Miss Ruth Gressley, Mr
and Mrs. H. G. Windheim and Mist
Marguerite Windheim.
Mr. and Mrs. W. Boyd Smith enter
rainfrl at dinner for Mr. and Mrs
Orlando McConnaughev of Gibbon,
Neb., parents of Mrs. Smith, and forj
Mr, ana Mrs. u. J. Junius.
Mrs. John Bekins entertained
dinner, having as her guests:
Haura and Mesdameo
S T. Bakliu, Sloua Henry Pranse,
City., Ia.1
Maura. ' Meoara.
John Ntckolson, , O Pronto. Walloon,
Osceola, la. I Wla.t
Oarrlaon Galium, Robert Bektna, Battla
Avoca. la.; . Creek, Mich.
Dining with" Mr. and Mrs. Jutiua
Lyons were: . '
Maura. , and steadameo v
Orvllle Holmes, Charlai Trimble,
MeerMmeo Maadamaa
J. r. Trimble. A. C. Wckereon.
Mr. and Mrs, Harry Cheek enter
tained a family-party including:
Maaara. and Maadamaa ...
W. B. Cheek, . at. A. Rom.
Mlaeaa . Mluaa
Kllsabetk Rosa, ' , Marlon Rosa.
The Sunday evening program in
eluded numbers by Mrs. Charle
Mangum, soprano; Mrs. J. M. Mut
lins, reader; Mr. E. P. Baker, bari
tone, and Miss Waunita Fitch, pianist
The children of the club and thei
young friends Will enjoy a fancy cos
tume ball next Thursday afternooi
trom i to S o clocks '
Guests of Miss Marguerite Fo.
Sunday evening included Miss Wau
nita Fitch, formerly of Lincoln, Mr.
and Mrs. W. M. Quaid, T. F. Cough
lin of Kansas City, and D. J. Mara.
At Happy Hollow Club.
Mrs. James Morton will entertain a
luncheon party of nine tomorrow for
Miss Dorothy Morton.
Mrs.Robert Cowell has luncheon,
reservations for five tomorrow.
Mrs, A., W.fcCarpenter will enter
tain at a mai.nee luncheon tor thirty
four guests tomorrow.
Those with dinner parties at the
:lub last evening were: Dr. C. O. Rich,
H. G. Brown, Allen Talmadore. O. F.
Goodman, M. M. Robertson, J. A. Gil-
more, E. Millard, W. Hildreth, W. R.
Watson, J. L. McCague. A. B. Currie,
li. M. Uurkee. w. s. rurtiss. K. M
Switsler, P. F. Peterson, J. F. Bloom,
ueorge barter, o. A. Koberta, W. E.
Rhcsdes. H. B. Lemere, Guy Liggett
K. M. west, li. A. Thompson and W
C.Ross. 1
Double Wedding. f
A double wedding ceremony was
performed at the Diet Methodist
:hurch parsonage at 10 o'clock this
norning. when Rev. C. N. Dawson
'tarried Theodore Larsbn and Miss
Carrie E. Sorenson, and Miss Soren
son's brother. Ansus Walter Soren.
ton, and Miss Helen Dennis. AH the
young people are from Fremont,
where the first couple will continue
'heir residence. The second couple
will make their home in North Bend.
Columbian Club. -
The Columbian club will give its
text party Wednesday afternoon at
l:W o clock. Mesdames U. M. Foth
and J. G. Sherry will be the host
la and Out of the Be Hive.
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Pixley and fam
dy. are visiting relatives in Geneva,
.1CD., U11S WCC.
Lawrence Harrington has gone for
s visit with relatives in Los Angeles
and Pasadena. Cal. . :
Miss Myrtle Brady left last week
lor s trip in the east she will re
ain until September 1.
Miss Josephine Harrington ' is
Fashion Hint
o I
4 I
The Bush Baby of Madagascar
A olain collar of striped silk, trim
med with covered buttons. This is
one of the models recently selected
in a 'neckwear competition to decide
on standard styles for the coming
spending a week with her friend,
Helen 1'aiik, at 1'rescott, la.
Miss Charlotte E. Graves and Mr.
W. A. Graves are registered at the
Estes Park hotel. Colorado.
Dr. and Mrs. lames r. blater re
turned this morning from a month's
vacation spent in northern Minnesota.
Mr. and Mrs. James D. Reed, ac
companied by Mrs. Thomas Gentle
man, have left for an extended easteri
and lake trip.'
Mrs. it. J. Updegratt ana son,
Howard, have srone to San Francisco
to spend the rest of the summer
there and in southern California.
Mr. and Mrs. G. D. Tunmditf and
familv left yesterday to spend two or
three weeks camping out in the moun
tains of Wyyning. Most ot their time
will be spent in the Big Horn basin.
Mr. Peter Elvard left Friday eve
ning to join Mrs. Elvard at Lake Oko
boii. where she and Mrs. E. A. Beards-
ley expect to remain until Septem
ber 1.
The dwarf lemurs, the daintiest of
all primates, are restricted to Mada
gascar, wher they may be said to rep
resent he galagos or "bush babies"
of tropical and southern Africa. An
example of the pretty little species
commonly called Smith's dwarf lemur
is shown here. The soft woolly coat
is delicate gray, the hands and feet
are white, and there is a white stripe,
set off by dusky rings, around the
eyes, extending down the center of
the muzzle.
It is not much larger than the com
mon garden dormouse of central and
southern Europe and presents consid
erable superficial resemblance to that
shiimal. The ears are long and up
standing and the eyes are large, pro
truding and circular..
A noticeable peculiarity is the
length of the hind foot. As might be
expected from this -modification, the
leaping powers of this animal are so
great that it appears almost to, fly
from branch to branch of the high
trees in which it lives.
Like a squirrel, it builds a nest of
leaves in the fok 01 a tree, and there
the female brings forth her young,
which are usually two.
The nest is also used tor the pro
longed sleep, equivalent to hiberna
tion in which the animal indulges dur
ing the period in Madagascar, corre
sponding to our winter, when the in
sects and fruits on which it feeds are
scarce and difficult to procure in suffi
cient quantities.
Before this time of repose, and as
a nutritive provision against it, the
dwarf lemur accumulates a quantity
of fat in the basal hair of the tail; the
remnant of this accumulation is still
apparent upon this specimen.
If V v
At the Country Club. 1
Those with parties at the Country
club vesterdav were: G. C. Wharton
E. A. Wickham, M. G. Colpetzer, Bet
Gallagher, Dr. J. E. Summers, Georia
M. Keaick, n. a. luxey ana n. l,
Pritchett, , ,
- 1
i 1
- Tested Recipes
Potato Salad.
Boil the potatoes with their skins
on, and wait until they are cold to peel
them. Slide an onion, separating it
into rings. Slice the potatoes and
mix sliced cucumbers with them, put
in the salad bowl and lay the onion
rings on top, then turn over all a
dressing made by beating together
five tablespoons of salad oil with, two
of vinegar, a half teaspoon of .salt and
a shake of red pepper. Turn this over
the salad, then sprinkle with finely
chopped parsley and let stand in the
ice box for an hour before servmg.
Woman's World.
Spiced Salmon.
Turn the contents of a large can of
salmon into an earthenware bowl.
Heat fo the7 booiling point vinegar
sufficient to cover the fish, with a few
whole cloves, peptper corns and a blade
of mace. Add a little salt, turn over
the fish and tover closely for several
hours. Whr.'i ready to serve have
very cold and after draining off tlje
superfluous vinegar lay on lettuce
leaves and garnish with slices .of
lemon. i
Creamed Salt Mackerel.
This is most acceptable on a hot
morning. Soak the fish over night,
flesh side downward. Rinse well in
the morning, boil up once in fresh cold
water, drain and put on hot platter.
Blend a tablespoon of butter with one
of flour and add milk sufficient to
make a thick cream. Turn this over
the fish, then -set in the broiler until
browned on top. Garnish with parsley.
A Dwarf Lemur, Not Much Larger than a Mouse.
Personal Mention.
Mrs. Roc and daughter of Hia
watha, Kan., are visiting Mr. E. Roe,
Mrs. O. u. Cole of Valentine. Neb..
arrived today to be the guest of Mrs.
H. C. Baird. ,
Mrs. W. L. Bravton. who has spent
the summer, since June, visiting in
Idaho, returned last week.
Misses Helen and Elizabeth Ander
son are the guests of their sister, Mrs.
Charles Stein, at Glasco, Kan.
Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Hendrickson
and children of St. Paul, Minn., are
the guesta of W. C. Flatau.
Mri. N. K. temple ot Kansas Litv
will arrive Wednesday to spend a
weeavwith Mrs. r. u. Dexter. 1
Mrs. A. D. Bradley, who left two
weeks ago for an eastern trip, is now
In Detroit, she expects to be gone
bout two months. i
Mrs. Frank Parmalee, who was in
jured in an automobile accident re-
cently, leaves Tuesday for Glenwood
Springs, Colo., to recuperate, Mrs.
f armalee i nurse, Miss Maxheifl, ac
companies her.
Misa Mae Engler, who has been
spending several weeks with Mrs.
rrank Coooer in St. t'aul. is expected
home about August 20, accompanied
by her hostess. Many entertainments
have been given for this i popular
Omah girl during her sojourn at St
Do You'Know That
' Roller skating in England- is said
to date back to 1790. . '
It is in the lungs that our blood
becomes red. Before it geta there it
is of a dark purple color. f
At five years old camels are fit to
work; but their strength begins to
decline at twenty-five years, al
though they usually live to be forty,
Only one out of more than 160 in
mates of a certain lunatic asylum
had red hair, and only four were of
light hair and complexion.
The shamrock was adopted as the
national emblem of Ireland because
Saint Patrick selected it in order to
explain to the Irish the doctrine of
the Trinity.
Sympathy and Love
t notice that a gentleman in a re
cent breach of promise case put up
the defense that he had mistaken
sympathy for love, and the fact that
he. got away with only $50 in dam
ages against hjm seems to show that
the jury thought his defense a sound
It's certainly a useful get-out, and
if every young fellow wlio gets hauled
up in the future for breaking hearts
or anticipating honeymoons, is go
ing to click in the same way, girls
had better chucjc the courts quick.
Personally, I'm no believer In
breach of promise cases, as I have
told you before. Engagements are
like pianos you want to try ootn
of them over first, and until you've
tried 'em thoroughly you can t say
if they're your exaot fit.
Pity is akin to love, we know.
Sympathy may sometimes be mis
taken for it, too, but if' you are go
ing to establish a precedent by mak
ing the two interchangeable terms,
you're going to give the man a big
advantage over the girls.
Man invariably tires when you
give him what he wants, and it'sl
so simple when he has helped Him
self freely to love for him to turn
round and say, with perfect faith,
too, that it was really only aympathy.
And half the dictionaries in the
country would help to support , his
case, don't forget.
As I said just now, I should like
to see all breach of promise cases
done away with. The solatium for a
really broken heart can never be ade
quately represented by pounds, shil
lings, and pence. And a heart that
is not badly fractured should find
excellent and real compensation in
having got rid of something that was
but a flash in the pan.
But as our authorities evidently
intend to continue breach of promise
cases, it is surely better to handle
them judiciously and not to give
too many loopholes to either side.
1 have always been brought up to
look upon the word love" as a very
dangerous one not lightly to be
handled. You love your own wife,
for instance, but you're ' awfully
struck on someone ele's. There's the
difference. V
You tell a girl you're awfully crazy
on her, that she's the sweetest thing
that ever happened, or that, she's the
dinkiest thing you've met for a de
cade and you can get away with it
safely, even though she probably
doesn't believe it.
But then, you see, she knows, same
as you mean her to know, that there
is nothing more to it than an oc
casional supper when you both can
manage it.
But the moment you tell her you
love her she reckons it's a dead square
deal, and you intend to se it through
to the other side whatever happens.
That's when she watches you aad
heaven help you if she 'finds you've
put it across her, and don't intend to
carry out your contract.
Wisdom of
the Streets
Znmwiuat aik:b raaxr
"Lookout, my son. You turned at
sharo cofner." I
I heard the words uttered by a
benevolent policeman. Gentleness had
come hand in hand with wisdom,
along with his grizzled hair. A
younger "cop," anxious for promo-"
tion, and ruthless in his means of get
ting it, "would have "run in" the pink
faced youngster, intoxicated with his
new car, for speeding. He would have
painted the pink-faaed one with the
black dye of villainy. He would have
seen in him a deliberate breaker of
the law. But older eyes see farther.
Perhaps because they are not blinded
by the dust of selfishness. The old
man of the force wass content with
his warning.
"I've warned the youngster. That's
all any of us old 'uns can do," he said
to a bystander.
I was glad he did not add: "But, of
course, it will do no good. They
won't learn save by experience." Do
you believe that? I don't. I knew a
girl who looked timidly over the rim
of her little bowl-like life into the
wide one she was going to enter by
way of a great city, as one of its
wage earnets. I heard a woman say
to .this girl: "Never let any man
spoil your hit." Again and again that
girl remembered, and remembering,
profited. Her counselor had not said:
"The wages of ain is death." The
girl, looking thoughtfully on, saw
that some sinners were a long time
dying. Her adviser did not say:
"The city is full of dangers to young
and unprotected.", The girl was in
telligent, and soon, without pain to
herself, discovered that.
But whenever t man talked mucin
about love and not at all about mar
riage, the girl looked at him with
calm, measuring eyes and asked her
self: "Would this man spoil my
life?" And he was frightened at the
rage she showed. "Never saw a girl
cut up like that before," he grumbled
as he was swept, away by the tornado
of her wrath. And so she received all
those plausible persons who boasted
of their "broad views of life" and
their scorn of the "conventions." Men
classified themselves to her. She cata
logued the two classes, "life spoilers
and others." The way of her life lies
among the heights, but often she
looks far below the seared, anguished
faces of the girls she knew. Her
friend's words echo in her grateful
memory: "Never let any man spoil
your life."
Yes, "it does some good." Yes,
they remember. Those who think,
do. It is only the thoughtless who
bruise their brows against the stone
wall of forewarned experienceThat
girl, warned of the sharp corners had
avoided them. Her. elder friend had
done for her what the policeman did
for the pink-faced youth. Both had
warned against the sharp corners of
life. v . .
Life has many sharp corners. Turn
ing from childhood into young man
hood and womanhood is one of the
sharpest. The turn from obscurity
into celebrity, from commonplace sit
uation to one of power, is an acute
one. No sharper than the corner
that turns from the simple life into
the complex one.
Mind your corners. Altcorners are
sharp. And give grateful heed to
those who are at pains to tell you
of them. They do not "love to
preach." They are not enamored of
their own voices. They have seen
head-ons, watched smash-ups, and
they would save you from them.
The Light
After Darkness'
For darkneaa paaaaa; atorma ahall not ablda,
A llula patlance and tha fflk la paat;
After the sorrow of tha abblns tide
Tlw atnsins flooda return In Joy at laat.
The nlsht la. long, and pain wetgha heavily.
But Ood will hold His world above de
spair. Look to the east, where up the lurid sky
.The rnornina cllmbal Tha day ahall yet
be fair.
Nothing in all of life Is final. Per
haps even the end of life is not final.
But at least we know that everything
in life itself changes, grows, moves
. Despair is the most tragic waste of
which human nature is capable. What
today is a wound tomorrow is only a
heavy scar and a week from now per
haps but a faint mark. Even a grave
is some day sure to be grass grown
a silently smiling memento of a
once agonizing and tearing sorrow.
In the wisely ordained balance of
aur natures it has been arranged that
we may adjust ourselves through all
the stages-from pain to forgetting.
It is even true that joy is never
more superb and splendid than when
it follows misery. Think how gilded
the sunshine seems when it follows
the dreary day of tain. So for life
Perhaps the greatest tragedy of life
is the impatience the wild unrest
that says: "I am suffering. I can't
bear it and I won't try. I am un
happy. Things will never lie any bet
ter. In the lovely verse by Cella Thax
ter. "Mv Creed." there lies the germ
of all philosophy. Scarcely a word of
explanation is needed only a little
light on the picture.
. The very keynote of sanity, of brav
ery, of adjustment to life lies in her
philosophy. One has but to endure
bravely whatever of . unpleasantness
the present offers and believe
strongly in the hope of the - future.
Wheii things are at their worst when
the supreme calamity has been faced,
what more is there to fear?
And out of the strength that comes
from sorrow nobly borne there grows
breadth of vision and power fully fo
enjoy the beauties that come after
storm and stress.
All Fat People - '
Should Know This
The worli owe. a debt of gratmide to the
author ot tha now famous f"tf!!
acription, and ( atill more indebted for the
reduction ol this harmlew, effective obeaity
remedy fo tablet form. Msrmola Preop
tion Tablet! can now be obtained at all drug
.tores, or by writing- mV?"ki
864 Woodward Ave., Detroit, Mich. . and
their reasonable price (75 cents for a large
caae) leavet no excuse for dieting or violent
exercise for the, reduction ol the oreriat
body to normal proportions.
Summer Salad
One of the prettiest of sumtrier sal
ads, which looks attractive and tastes
well, is this:
Cut in half some fresh tomatoes,
carefully scoop out the inside so as
not to break the skin, and wipe dry
with a clean doth; place in each a
teaspoonful of thin mayonnaise sauce,
and fill in the shell with some marin
added fillets of herring cut into small
pieces, tender green onions cut into
thin slices, and cooked beets and cel
ery cut in little iki shapes; this is
seasoned with olive oil, taragon vine
gar, a little salt and paprika pepper.
Arrange or top some thick mayon
naise, decorate with capers, and serve
on individual, salad plates with celery
and parsley garnish. ,
(Tomorrow Raked Beef with
Vegetables in French Casserole).
Buy K la tht) Maltd glass) Jan,
The) Best is always the Cheapest
Substitutes cost YOU same price '
Experienced Advertiser
Always Use, THE BEE
first aid for
skin troubles
"Will Resinol Ointment rtalfy
stop this dreadful itching and clear
my eczema away ? "
"Madam, If you only knew as
much about Resinol as doctors do
how safe h Is to use, how promptly
1t acts you would not doubt, you
would use It act. Usually It
stops itching Immediately and soon
removes every bit of eruption."
Iteeiao! OiatsMOt la ao nearly naeh4olerea
that it caa be need on espoeed aurlacas wiih
out attracting undue attention. Sold by all
drugrista. For sample free, write 10 Dept.
.R. Kaaiaol, BalUnura, Mo.
High Altitude. Free from Hay Fever.
Opposite Hotel. Capacity 14S.
Terms Moderate.
Superior lS-Hole Galf Course 6000 yards
Motor lata' Boat Radiating Canter in Mta.
Booking Of Ilea. I ISO Broadway, New York,
Also Maplowood. N. H.
Clark Mm, JUtaaaj Afoot,
The Hotel
Success of
A comfortable,
home-like hotel
in the business cen
ter of the city offer
ing every convenience
and every service. '
The best food is
served in the
New Kaiserhof
Restaurant at
moderate prices.
450 Rooms $1.50 up
vWith Bath $2.00 up
nar3! c
Comm o rrwoa th Ava-B oaton
The Distinctive
Boston House
The Puritan la on of the BlOflt
"homellka hotels In the wodd.
C 1 , T - Tl L
'lathers instantly"
Puts Roses In Your Cheeks
A pretty skin the "evidence of cleanliness arid
glowing health distinguishes the woman who uses
Th Wonderful "Sunday Morning Bath"
SOAP ' .
The perfect soap for toilet, bath and shampoo.
Fragrant, cleansing and refreshing. Large cake 10c,
at leading Druggists and Grocers. ,
Use but littleIt's all lather
, For Free 8amplo Write Jamas S. Kirk & Company. Dept. 860, Chlcajo, U. 8. A.
"To think only yesterday
"morning I was sweltering in
the city and' tonight, here in
'I ant sitting before a fire of crack
ling logs, watching the sparks fly up
ward and actually enjoying the
warmth. I don't feel like a stranger
as there are a number here who came
out with me on the Rock Island's
"Rocky Mountain Limited"
"I don't believe a finer train is
operated." ,
This and other excellent trains daily .
make the trip a joy.
Low fares for round trip daily to
September 30th. n 1
Automatic Block Signals
, Finest Modern All-Steel Equipment
Superior Dining Car Service
For vacation suggestions, detailed information
and fares anywhere, phone or address
J. S. McNALLT, D. P. A.
1323 rfcrua SL Pbono Dstlw 428
Shop in TVEBWTEeforeYou Ship in the Store