Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 15, 1916, Page 3, Image 3

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Democratic Watchmen Unable
to Stop Vandals with
Light Fingers.
(Prom a Staff Correspondent.)
Lincoln, . Aug. 14. (Special.)
Some day the state board which has
tlie qare of the state house in charge
will wake np to find that some indi
vidual has hitched to the old state
house and carried it off while the
democratic watchman is slumbering.
Five times within the last few
months the cigar stand and candy
counter has been raided and the con
tents carted away. Last night some
one entered tne Dunning, unscrewed
the brass- plates which hold the glass
over the cigar case and carted away
about half of the cigars therein
They took about all the candy'inside
and decamped after replacing the
glass and screwing back the clasps
ihe'method ot getting at the cigars
d candy was the same as used once
before, and while it must have taken
considerable time to unscew the
clasps, remove the glass and replace
it, nobody appears to know mucn
' abou,t it and the board not seem to
be very much interested.
For some time department heads
and their c erks have been complain
ine that electric light bulbs have
disanneared from their places and to
day one department discovered an
electric fan missing. The board, how
ever, takes little notice of the depre
dations and appears to care less.
Big Night Tonight
i At Ak-Sar-Ben Den
Kin Ak's cohorts and torture in
flicters are oiling up their mysterious
machinery for one of the biggest
nights of the vear. tonight, when
members of the Rotary club from the
Tenth district and worthy pilgrims
from Tekamah and other towns will
trek into Omaha for a session at the
tustlv famed Den.
The Rotarians have signified their
intentions of creating all sorts of dis
turbances, averring that it Samson s
varlots get the better of them it will
on v after a titanic struggle.
In addition to the Rotary contin
gent there will also be hosts of in
itiation candidates trom leicaman,
Craig, Oakland, Herman, Blair, Fort
Calhouh and Bennington. They will
come in a special train and in auto-
moDiies. y ,
Hamilton County Merchant
Pays Visit to the Capital
IPmm a Staff CorresDondent. )
Washington, Aug. 14. (Special
Telegram.) F. J. Wallin, one of
Hamilton countv's best known mer
chants, who resides at Puckville, for
thirtv-four years a resident ot Me
braska, is in Washington on a tour
of observation. Much of the two
months' vacation he has taken was
spent in New York and New Eng
land. Mr. VValhn has read the Bee
since "the time of man runneth not
to the contrary," which is some time.
MyronL. Learned of Omaha is at
the Mew w li Jam notei.
Rainey Tries to Fix Status
Of Mixed Flour This Session
(Prom a Staff Correspondent.)
Washington, Aug. 14. (Special
Telegram.) Again will mixed flour
have an inning before the ways, and
means committee tomorrow, although
everybody had thought mixed flour
was dead for the present session of
congress. But the high price of
mnnev or Illinois tn make an ptrnrr
to establish its status and he proposes
to go the limit on the proposition
notwithstanding the objection of the
- Mrs. Mary McCreath.
North Bend, Neb., Aug. 14. (Spe
cial.) The funeral of Mrs. Mary Mc
Creath, an aged resident of North
send, was held this afternoon from
the home." Rev. Mr. McElfresh of
Lincoln, assisted by Rev. W. W.
Whyte of Fremont, officiated. Mrs.
McCreath's madien name was Mary
Graham. She was .born January 18,
1M, at Kentrewsmre, Scotland, came
to America in 185S, and with her
parents settled at Kankakee. 111..
where the was married to James Mc
Creath May its, 18a. they came to
Dodge county, Nebraska, in 1866. Her
aged husband and five rjhildren,
thirty-one grand children and six
great-grandchildren survive, also two
brothers, Robert and William Graham
of rremont.
Burlington Weekly Crop Re
port Shows Sunday's Soak
ing Was Needed.
Parading the Pets
Emilie Wulf and Henrv Fields.
both of Omaha, were married by Rev.
Saturday evening at 8:30 o clock.
Mamie M. Ritchart and Elmer L.
McAlister, both of Des Moines, la.
i.ere married by Rev. Charles W.
Savidge at his residence Saturday
evening at 8 o'clock. ... They were ac
companied Dy Leo Marcus, Will
Gilmsky and Jack Unerfirth, all of
Council Bluffs; Miss Mabel King,
Des Moines; Mrs. L. L. Middleton
and Miss Nora Smith of Omaha.
Department Orders.
Washington, Aug. 14. (Special Tele
gram.) Iowa postmasters appointed: Ber
wyck, Polk, county, Frank J. Dunkle, vice
W. "J. Dunkle. resigned: Buckingham.
Tama county, Earl 8. Daughhettee, vice 1.
Klngland, resigned; yobarton, Kossuth
county. Alfred W. Isaacson, new office:
Norwich, Page county, N. P. Reed, vice w.
N. Bunting, resigned; Sllfer, Webster
county . Chester R. Anderson, vice John
Goughenour, resigned.
South Dakota rural carriers appointed:
Armour, S. D., John E. Lewis; Berestord,
Charles W. Johnson; Esmond, Floyd W.
Aughenbagh. . .
Iowa, Minister Arrives.
New York, Aug. It. Rev. Dr. J. F. New
ion of Cedar Rapids, la., who recently waa
offered the pastorate of the City Temple,
London, to aucceed the Rev. R. J. Camp-b'-ll,
arrived from Liverpool today oil the
American line ateamship St. Louis. Ho
said he had not.decided whether he woul-1
More Troops Reach Border.
Paao, Tex.. Aug. 14. The Second South
'arnilna Infantrv .l.iralnul h.n tnHau .. ..
went into camp with the First regiment,
which arrived Friday. The First Arkansas
Infantry passed through en route to Dem
ln(, N. U.
The Burlington's Nebraska district
soil, weather and crop report for the
week ending Saturday, which was
previous to the general rainfall of the
last forty-eight hours, shows that
there were several beneficial showers
during the week, with a maximum of
three inches of precipitation at Or
leans on the McCook division. Soil
was reported to be in generally fair
, Last week's report indicated that
Sunday's soaking rain was exceed
ingly welcome on the Wymore and
Mccook divisions.
The estimates of conditions up un
til Saturday, as made by station
agents on the different divisions, are
as follows:
.Per Cent.
Last Previous
Division.- Week. Week.
Omaha H S7
Lincoln 78 82
wymore 7 tl
MctJook y
Not estimated.
There was very little to complain
oi, tne report said, as to the con
dition of corn on the Omaha division.
The north end of the Schuyler line
was somewhat damaged, and esti
mates by Schuyler and Wahoo
brought donw the general average of
the division.
On the Lincoln division conditions
were fairly satisfactory up until Sat
urday night, and, ot course, even
more so now.
According to the Burlington's re
port, a tair and general average for
the Nebraska district, up until Satur
day and based upon a full crop, would
be 7S per cent of the corn crop.
Wheat was reported of excellent
quality and good yield.
The prospects for potatoes, fruit,
sugar beets and pastures and mead;'
ows are good along the territory
toucnen Dy tne Burlington.
Eighteen Thousand
-itend the Harvest
Feast at Reward
ard. Neb.. Aug. 14. fSoecial.')
Eighteen thousand people attended
tne Harvest festival here Saturday.
although it was postponed on account
ot rain trom Friday, fifteen hun
dred automobiles were parked all
over town and in sections of the fair
grounds. Congressman Walsh of
Massachuetts and Governor More-
head made addresses. Joe Steelier
and his brother, Anton, put on
wrestling exhibition. A watermelon
entry contest was another feature.
Fifty thousand pounds of red
Georgia watermelons and hundreds
of gallons of hot coffee were served
On the motorcycle track before a
race Vogel ran into Falls, injuring
Falls so seriously that one leg will
nave to be amputated.
Notes from Beatrice
And Gage County
Beatrice. Neb.. Aug. H.-t-fSpe-
cial.) Seven stacks of wheat were
destroyed by fire near Brainerd Fri
day night, and as it was thought that
the tire was ot incendiary origin, the
sheriff at that place sent for the
bloodhounds of this city, which ran
stranger to cover. He was placed
under arrest by the sheriff and will
be held pending an investigation of
tne case.
Mrs. J. L. Jackson, a pioneer resi
dent of Gage county, died suddenly
last evening at her home in this city
ot paralysis, aged 64 years, She
survived by her husband and seven
children. Mrs. Jackson located in
the Cortland vicinity about fifty years
ago and eight years --ago came to
Beatrice to live.
Ralph Powell and Miss Elizabeth
Springer of this city were married at
Lincoln yesterday. They returned to
Beatrice last evening, where they will
make their home. Mr. Powell is rate
clerk for the Burlington railroad here.
Rome Gordon of this city and
Miss Rose Rossiter of DeWitt were
married here yesterday by Rev. R. B
Favoright. They will make their
home on a farm near this city.
Insurance Agents Again '
On Carpet Before Board
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
Lincoln, Aug. 14. (Special) The
Anthony Brothers, insurance solicit
ors, who a few months ago were be
fore the insurance board on 'complaint
of John G. Maher, president of the
company for which they were solicit
ing, charged with acts contrary to
the insurance laws ot the state, were
again before the board today, charged
by a rival .company with soliciting in
surance on an accident policy repre
senting that it "was both an accident
and death policy.
Several farmers from the vicinity
of Sargeant testified to the charge as
being true while the defense produced
witnesses to show that the charges
were brought without any foundation
and that it was simply the effort of a
rival company to put its opponents to
the bad.
Old State Warrant Comes
From Fairbury fJewspaper Man
(From a Staff Correspondent.) 4
Lincoln Aug. 14. (Special.) One
newspaper man in Nebraska is so lit
tle in need of money that he holds
his state warrants for years before
presenting them for payment.
The man who is so different from
his brethren is the editor of the Fair
bury Journal. This morning a war
rant bearing date of November 17,
1911, 'reached the office of the state
treasurer for payment. It, was drawn
the Kearney Industrial school
maintenance fund and was signed by
State Auditor S. A. Barton. The
amount was $22.50.
State Banking Board
Issues Call for Reports
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
Lincoln. Aug. 14.-"-(Snecial.) The
State Banking board todav sent out
a call for reports of state banks at
the close of business August 10.
Doc Millener Says Electricity
Is the Real Cause of Hay Fever
Comes now Dr. F. H. (Millener,
sage, experimenter and erstwhile cus
todian at Union Pacific headquarters,
with the theory that electricity is to
blame for hay fever.
Lest the region of hay fever vic
tims read only this far and then rush
out to order their homes installed
with gas and Ben Franklin's invention
cast into the discard, let it be said that
it's the electricity in the air and not
in the wires.
A hay fever victim, a clerk in an ad
joining office, came blub-blubbing
through Dr. Millener's stronchold
just as a tall, hungry-looking reporter
and a newspaper man sauntered in on
their quest for items of the day.
Lamping the hay fever sufferer, the
late Union Pacific wireless shark re
marked: "Electricity is indirectly the
cause of that man's malady."
"Zasso. How'szat." chorused the
news gleaners.
lo make a short story a little
shorter, and translated from the sci
entific and technical to the parlance
of the layman. Dr. Millener's theory
is that pollen, which the doc says is
the stuff from flowers and plants that
floats through the air and puts the
"works" on hay fever sufferers, be
comes charged with electricity in its
passage through the ozone, creeps
into the victim's head and then gives
him a shock.
A few years ago, according to Dr.
Millener, bis duties included those of
cleaning motors, and he always no
ticed that hay fever attacked him
after the task was done.
It now seems that the only way out
of the matter for the hay fevr colony
is for the members to equip them
selves with specialty constructed hel
mets, like the gas masks the Euro
pean soldiers wear in the trenches, so
as to ward off the electrically
charged, deadly pollen, whatever
that is.
Girl Killed Under
Street Car; Mother
Succumbs to Shock
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
Lincoln, Aug. 14. (Special.)
Efght-year-old Verna Seeley, daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Seeley of
Lincoln, who was run over by a
street car yesterday, is dead from
the injuries received.
The little girl had been standing
on the steps of an ice wagon- and
jumped off directly in front of the
street car, which was coming from
the opposite direction and hidden by
the ice wagon.
Mrs. seeley, who was taken to a
hospital prostrated from the shock of
witnessing the death of her little
daughter, died this afternoon from
the shock.
Laborer Cashes Forged
Check at PlattSmOUth 1 troit after the men went back to
Strike on Street
Railways' in New
York May Resume
New York, Aug. 14. Renewal of
New York's street car strike was
threatened tonight unless the New
York Railways company reinstates
more than sencnty employes, dis
charged, union leaders, because of
their activities in the recent tieup.
Hie carmen assert that railway off)
cials have not kept an agreement
drawn up by Mayor Mitchel and
Chairman Oscar A. Straus of the pub
lic service commission, which stipu
lated that the strikers should be
taken back without prejudice.
Conferences were held today be
tween union organizers and the men
and a presentation of the situation
was forwarded to W. D. Mahon, the
president of the Amalgamated Asso
ciation of Street and Electric Rail
way Employes, who returned to De
Plattsmouth, Neb., Aug. 14. (Spe
cial.) W. A. Fight, a farmer living
southwest of the city, had in his em
ploy a man by the name of Coyen,
who helped in threshing. Loyen quit
his employment last Saturday and
came to this city, where he executed
check for S21, to which he signed
his late employer's name. He cashed
the check at the saloon ot I. t. Mc-
Daniel. When Mr. McDaniel pre
sented the check at the bank it was
pronounced a forgery. The chief of
police and Mr. Fight went to Omaha
where the man was supposed to have
gone, but nothing was found of him.
and the saloonkeeper still mourns his
Many Calls Come From
"Dupe" Automobile Plates
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
Lincoln, Aug. 14. (Special.) Four
hundred and four automobile plates
have been lost, strayed or stolen, ac
cording to the records in the office
of the secretary of state. In case of
lost numbers a plate is furnished in
its place, but the number still remains
There have been 89,985 numbers is
sued since the first of the year and
the call continues so strong that Mr.
Pool has sent in a ' rush order for
5,000 more plates. With the num
bers on hand, this will run the figures
up to an even 100, WO plates issued.
Engagement Announced.
Stella. Neb., Aug. 4. (Spe'ciaU
Announcement has been made lor the
marriage of Mr. Carlton Cummings
and Miss Thresa Pearl Hight, the
event to take place August 16. Mr.
Cummings is the son of Mr. and Mrs.
George Cummings, residing near
Howe. He is a singer of note, and
has been on the Chautauqua lyceum
circuit. The wedding will take plate
at the home of the bride, Corning, la.
Greely Wins Fast Game.
Greeley Center, Neb.. Aug. 14.
(Special Telegram.) Greelev won a
fast game from Scotia, 6 to 5, today.
Scotia tied the score in the ninth in
ning, but Greeley cinched the winning
run in the last half. A home run by
SDellrhan and the excellent nitrhina
of both Andrews and Durea were the
features of the game.
Batteries: Greeley, Andrews and Spell
man; Scotia, Durea and Ammerman. Um
pire: Olson.
Demands of the carmen, who were
recently organized, were submitted
today. ThrT men ask wage increases
and better working conditions, w:th
a nine-hour minimum workday and
maximum of ten hours. Thev demand
a sliding scale running from 29 cents
an hour to from M to ii cents The
present scale is 28 cents for the first
year, 29 for the next four and then
ou cents.
Sixteen Thousand
Railroad Men Ask
Strike Be Avoided
Washington, Aug. 14 Several more
petitions from railway employes not
members of the brotherhoods in
volved, asking the president to do
everything in his power to avert a
strike, were brought here tonight and
will be delivered at the White House
tomorrow. P. K. Walden, of Chicago,
acting on oenait oi tne men employed
by the Chicago & Alton, brought one
uearing io.uuu signatures and an
nounced that 4,500 employes of the
iiuit, Colorado & banta tt had for
warded a similar appeal.
Over Four Inches of Rain
In Gage Since Friday
Beatrice, Neb., Aug. 14.-r-(Special
Telegram.) Heavy rains have fallen
almost continuously in this section
since Friday and the government
gauge this evening recorded a total
precipitation of 4.13.
The moisture has saved thousands
of acres of corn and put the ground
in fine shape for fall plowing.
The National Capital.
Monday-, A u grunt 14, 1914.
v The Senate.
Rwsumed debate on ihlp bill.
Senator Pen rone anked for lnniiiru
polntmcntR of fovernmont employes ouLald
the civil ervlre.
Bill to appropriate 1200.000 fur th ur..
Virginia flood aufferera waa In trail !.. hi
Hftnalnr f' kilt nr. V ' I
The Howe,
Not In aeaalon; meuta Tueaday.
Persistent Advertising Is the Road
to Success.
Senators Trying to Agree on
Measure That Will Meet
Heavy Outlay.
Washington, Aug 14. The impor
tance of the $200,000,000 revenue bill
to which senators today devoted many
hours of deliberation in caucus is be
ing impressed upon leaders by the fact
that appropriations of the session now
nearing completion have broken all
With passage this week of the
$50,000.00(1 ship purchase bill and
probable aproval by the house of the
senate's gigantic naval bill, the appro
priations of the Sixty-fourth congress
will have exceeded the previous high
record by at least a half billion dollars.
While exact figures cannot be com
puted until the gavel has fallen on the
last supply bill of the session, the ag
gregate appropriation by congress for
all purposes probably will aproxi
mate $1,700,000,000 as against $1,114,
000,000 for the Sixty-third congress.
Besides regular supply bills which
total as they now stand $1,387,206,580,
congress will have added when the
shipping hill is approved more than
$90,000,000 for special purposes. There
also have been contract authorizations
amounting to about $207,000,000, all of
which would bring the grand aggre
gate to $1,685,000,000 with the uncer
tain general deficiency appropriation
bill still in the making to be added at
the end of the session. '
Special appropriations include $20,-
000,000 for a government nitrate
nlant: $6,000,000 for good roads: $15.-
000.000 for rural credits, and $50,100,
000 for the government shipping pro
ject. General supply bills that enter
into the session's total are as follows:
rostofries - 1111.101,17?
Navy, yet to bs approved aics.n.s,:!
Arm II7.M1.0"!
Pensions IsMHO.OOO
Sundry civil
Rivers and harbors.. 4Mfl,0so
Legislative, executive and Judicial 37,126,690
Army and navy and other urgent
deflclenrlea 61.01 i.OTS
Arrtculture ., 27,000.000
Knrlllkatlons 26.746,060
District .of Columbia, yet to ba
approved, about fc. 13.000.000
Indian affaire 10,67. 044
Diplomatic and consular s.sdo.uss
Military academy 1,226,046
With President Wilson and a ma
jority of the party leaders urgently
suDoortina the senate's naval building
and personnel increases, it is believed
the house will agree to them alter ad
vocates of a small navy hrve made
their last fight. In anticipation of a
close vote, every absent representa
tive was notified more than a week
ago of the approaching contest which
will markthe climax of the national
defense campaign this week.
Appropriations tor preparedness
alone will aggregate approximately!
3ow,uuu,uu unless unexpected develop
ments should force a reduction in the
naval programs. While the house
this week is bringing defense legisla
tion to a close the senate will pass the
ship bill, workmen's compensation bill
and conference reports preparatory
for the revenue bill on which a stub
born political assault will be waged
by the republicans.
When the amended revenue bill
gets through conference, it is expected
congress will be ready to adjourn.
Leaders of both parties are hoping ad
journment will come by September 1.
A corporation stock license tax to
raise approximately $20,000,000, elimi
nation of most of the objectionable
stamp taxes which once had been ac
cepted and approved with an amend
ment, of the proposed net profit tax
on munitions manufacturers were de
termined upon by the democratic sen
ate caucus tonight after a five-hour
debate dn the revenue bill.
Asquith Proposes
To Extend Life of
The Parliament
London, Aug. 14. Premier Asquith
introduced in the House of Commons
today a bill to extend the life of the
present parliament for eight months
or until the end of next May.
Mr. Asquith said if was not the
purpose of the government to ask
Parliament at this time to take up
alteration of the qualifications for the
Dealing wtih a suggestion that the
franchise should be extended to all
soldiers and munitions workers, Mr.
Asquith said there were the gravest
difficulties in the way, and that there
was serious objection from a military
viewpoint to holding a general elec
tion among the troops ii the field. He
"General enfranchisement has been
brought fate to face with another
problem. What are we going to do
with the women?"
He was bound to say, the premier
went on, that representatives of the
women had presented to him a per
fectly unanswerable case. They were
content to abide by the present fran
chise, but would urge their, claims if
the qualifications for the franchise
were altered.
That the decision of the cabinet
that the undertaking of .lew fran
chise and registration reform in the
midst of a great war was too com
, lex and Controversial a problem,'
was announced by Premier Asquith
in the House of Commons. At a
time, said the premier, when the
war has reached a happy, promising
stage, and when it more than ever
required the absolute concentration
of the government, it was impossible
to consider the large questions in
volved in a revision of the franchise.
He further implied that any new bill
for franchise reforms in the future
must oi necessity include women.
After a brief criticism by Sir Ed
ward Carson, who urged that eery
combatant, irrespective of age, was
there was no, reason why the wo-
man's claim should stand in the way
of giving all combatants, a vote, the
house passed the first reading of the
hill extending the life of the present
Parliament. A separate bill bringing
into force a new register on the basis
of present qualifications on May 31
next, would be introduced in the
house tomorrow.
There is no doubt that one of the
main reasons for the government's
avoidance of the franchise problem ,
was the threat of the women that
they would refuse to recognize any
change in the franchise in favor of
fighting men which failed at the
same time to recognize women's
rights to the franchise.
nr m j TiTJi.1.
Attempt to Kidnap "
Two Women and Boy
Kinney, Minn., Aug. 14. Two men
giving the names of L. Burotich and
Andy Ventich, both alleged to be
leaders in the industrial Workers of
the World, were' arrested here today
and held without bail after, it is
charged, they had attempted to kid
nap Mrs. Kdward Eno, wife of a dep
uty sheriff, and Mrs. Edward Clark of
Virginia, Minn.j and Mrs. Clark's 4-year-old
As the two women and the child
alighted from a Mesaba electric car
last night four men appeared. One
struck Mrs. Clark on the head with
a club, inflicting a serious scalp
wound. Another grabbed the child
and carried it on an autombile beside
the road. The women screamed and
ran. Within five minutes Chief of
Police Palmer and a dozen deputies
were on the trail.
The child was found in a ditch be
side the road unhurt. The two men
arrested were found hiding in the
brush near by.
An Kffeetlro Couth Treatment.
One teaspoohful ot Dr. Klna'a New dis
covery taken as needed will soothe and
check your cough and bronchial Irritation.
All druggists. Advertisement.
Army and Nary, Called to Omaha.
F. H. Seeley of Chicago and Phila
delphia, the noted truss expert, will
be at the Paxton Hotel and will re
main in Omaha this Monday, Tues
day and Wednesday only, August 14,
15 and 16. Mr. Seeley says: "The
Spermatic Shield as aupplied to the
United States Government will not
only retain any case of rupture per
fectly, but contracts the opening in
10 days on the average case. This
instrument received the only award
in England and in Spain, 'producing
results without surgery, injections,
medical treatments or prescriptions.
Mr. Seeley has documents' from the
United States Government, Washing
ton, D. C. for inspection. All charity
cases without charge, or if any in
terested call, ne will De glad to showl
same without charge or fit them iffl
desired. Business demands prevent
stopping at any other place in this
P. S. Every statement in this ad
Tertiiemerit has been verifiaid before
the Federal and State Courts. F. H.
Absolutely Removes
Indigestion. One package
proves it 25c at all druggists.
Drug Stortw always carry It in itock.
Inertaaaa trength of
dtlicat. nervoui, run
down peopl 200 pr
cent In ten dayi lr
many lititaneci. $100
forfait if it falli aa per
full explanation In larga
articla aoon to appear
In thli paper.
Ask your doctor or
Sherman A McCoonell
For All Complexion Ills
If the ikln ba oolorleaa, Ilow. muddy.
over-red, blotchy or freckled, nothing will
o surely overcome the condition aa ordi
nary mercoltzM wax. It literally takes off
bad romplexloiv absorbs the dead and
mar-drad particles of surface skin, gently,
gradually, reusing no Inconvenience at all.
A new complexion la then In evldenre clear.
spot lees, delicately soft and beautiful. One
ounce of thle will rejuvenate even the worst
complexion. It Is used like cold cream.
Sold by all druggists. Advertisement.
Important Notion News
Summer Sewing Needfuls
West Electric Hair Curlers, 6 on card, for
Best Burson Stocking Feet, all sizes, pair 4T
Extra Strong Wire, Hair Pins, package..' ,.lt
Safety Pins, all sizes, 4 dozen for '. 5s$
Heavy Steel Skirt Markers, each 10 "1
Elastic Sanitary Belts, each 10
Coat and Troutar Hangers, each,......... 47
Shoe (Trees, special, pair At,
Betsy Ross Crochet Cotton, ball 6s
12-Yard Bolt of Bias Tape, bolt 4
8-Yard Bolts of English Twilled Tape, bolt 4?
Large Hair Nets, with and without elastic, 6 for. .104
100-Yard Spools of Sewing Silk, spool ....344;
Dressing Combs, 50c grade, each 19
Fast Colored Darning Cotton, spool Is
Inside Skirl Belting, yard 5
Middy Laces, all shades, Tuesday, each.. 44
Wavy Wire Collar Stays, special, two cards for.... 5t
Wooden Button Molds, dozen 2H
Rubber Tourist Cases, all sizes 50c to 84.00
Main Floor. ' .
Small Lots of Summer Merchandise. ;
We have gathered together little groups' of things
you will want right now ; small lots that have accu
mulated from varjous sales. " '
The low prices we have put on these things more
than make up for the lack of quantity. "
This has been a wonderful summer season for the .
Brandeis Stores. Time and time again during the '
past two or three months, we have established new
records for selling. Now the curtain will go' down
on this final clear-away of half a dozen items or so
that will offer good savings to-all who
Women's Wash Skirts, $1.50 and $198
Piques and gabardines. Sport stripes are specially interest- ;'
ing at the prices we quote.
Second Floor.
Women's Bathing Suits, $2.98 and $3.50
Knit one-piece bathing suits, also mohairs. Excellent styles.
, Second Floor.
" Women 's Wash Dresses, $4.95 '
Porch and Street Frocks of voiles, linens and lingerie .cloths.
Trimmings of lace and embroideries. Worth to $12,60, at $4.95.
Second Floor.
A Lot of Waists at 55c
To be sold on the Bargain Square, Main Floor. Final clear- '
away of cotton crepes and voiles, in whites and blues and many
small figured designs. '
Main Floor.
Mens and Women's Underwear
Women's Union Suits 25c
Women's Undervest 6V2C
Men's " Union Suits 25c
Main Floor..
Women's Handkerchiefs l'gc each
Men's Handkerchiefs . .2c each
75c Silk Gloves at 39c
Long and short styles, black and white, embroideries, con
trasting backs.
Women's White Canvas High Shoes, 59c
White satin, white canvas and white buck, one table of these
well made shoes for women, button style, about 200 pairs, but .
mostly small sizes.
Basement. ' . .
U Unbeatable Ex
. ofRats.Mlce
r AnH Rim.
Used the World Oven. - Used hv ILslomm.,