Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 15, 1916, Page 2, Image 2

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Newspaper From South Telli
of Constant Agitation and
" ;.f: Some Disorder.
French Charge With Great Spirit
as They Pierce the German Line
El' Paso, Tex., Aug;. ' 14 Report!
of social discontent in Mexico ire
contained in a copy of El Nacional, a
Carranza organ of Mexico City, which
reached here today. It stated that
last week General Benjamin Hilt
1 - l -J 1
military commanaer 01 mc iwiw
, district, had covered the city with
patrols to disperse gatherings of
striking employes of the electric light
ing and street railway company. It
added that several shots had been
fired and that small riots had, re
sulted. '
According to the paper, Carrania
met representatives of the Federation
of Syndicates, the organization behind
- the strike, and informed them that in
I his opinion their action in striking
was unpatriotic. Social discontent in
Mexico was attributed to "socialist
labor agitators." Arrivals in El Paso
from the capital today, however, said
that the foodiscarctty and lack of op
portunity for work are important
factors. ' . '''-
o.:....- j:. (,., -hi.
', huahua City said that General Jose
Inez Salazar, held in connection with
alleged revoluntionary , plots, had
been executed bv General Trevino.
There was no official confirmation,
Rumors current in EI Paso today
that the Carranza garrison in Juarez
contemplated an early revolt were
pronounced ridiculous by de facto au
thorities, i ,
All Soldiers and
Sailors Are Barred
, From Drink at Work
Christiana, Korway,' July 25. A bill
prohibiting all workers on public con
veyances as well as soldiers and sail
ors of both the fighting and merchant
fleet from consuming- intoxicating
. liquors during their working noura,
. and also six hours before they take
un their duties, hat been introduced
i into the Norwegian Parliament. It it
' believed that at the majority of the
legislators are in favor of prohibition
the bill will be come a law in a very
short time and may possibly lead to
prohibition throughout the country.
The measure nrovidea for criminal
prosecution of offenders against its
articles, tne tirat otiense neing pun
' ishahle bv fine, and a rentition bv im
prisonment for a maximum term of
three months and liability ; to dis
missal without possibility of return to
public service. -.'
Employes on atreet cart, omnibuses,
taxicabs. vrailroadt and passenger
boats are to be tubject to the pro
vision! of the bill, at well at soldiers
.A ai1sia Kt,f tVim Vino tiae tnj
power to grant dispensation to the
officers and crews of warships visit
ing foreign ports, where they may
be entertained oy tne noses or nave
' to given entertainment in return.
Most of the Norwegian steamship
lines already make it a condition of
their contracts with 'their officers and
crews that they shall totally abstain
from intoxicating liquors during their
service. - , '
To Utilize Space
flommiftd Wthfl
Gfreat Paris Wall
(Oorreepondenoe of The Annotated Prong,)
'. Paris, July pi. The municipal conn-
; Cll oi rans la cuiieiuvruiK m wviivir
t tinn for the removal of tha "hallee."
central markets, from , tht center i of
. the city to the outskirts, along tne
line nf the oreeent fortifications.
' The treat wall of Paris, with itt
moatt and matematet, wat doomed to
destructiion after its nseleatnett was
demonstrated m 1870-71. Its disap
pearance will leave a broad space
available for all kindt of public im
provement!, including 1 parks, play
grounds, sporting arenat tnd boule
vards. A new hosoital to replace the
Beaujon hospital will be erected near
the Keuiliy section, ana tanner norm
and east, m close Droximity to the
Saint Martin's canal, it ia suggested,
a location can be provided for the
markets where they can be reached
directly by water and rail, reducing
, by more than halt tne cost ot re
. handling- the orovisions of Paris.'
The future ''Fair of Paris." to be
organized somewhat on the lines of
the recent Lyons fair, may, also, be
located on the site of the fortifica
tions. It is proposed to build an ex-
, position palace, reserved more espe
cially for industry and commerce than
art, which finds itt place in the
Grand Palais, and the favorite titet
are the emplacement of the fortifica-
- tiont near the rorte Maillot or the
. Three Cars Stolen;
..saw.. , '-fc. !.
roiice Jttecover une
E. J. Meadows, Woodbine, la,
; whose automobile wat stolen Friday
afternoon while he wai ihopping in
the Brandeii stores, recovered the
machine Sunday morning at the
Pari Alio. 14" "The caoture of
the third line of German defenie from
Hardecourt to the Somme wai pre
ceded by a bombardment io Intense
that for a radius, of twenty kilometers
the ground seemed to be shaken by
an uninterrupted, earthquake," says
La Liberte correspondent in the north
of France. .
"In the trenches the infantry
watched the formidable artillery
preparations," ' the correspondent
adds, "waiting patiently for the mo
ment to rush to the assault. Finally,
as if obeying an order which had been
heard simultaneously on the entire
front, the batteries ceased fire. The
silence lasted only a tew minutes,
s.v.r.l Mows on the whistle were
given. The clanking of bayonets be
ing adjusted could be heard. A few
seconds more and there was a tumult
of confused sounds and a snout ot
"Human forma tuned from the
black holes, running madly forward.
The noise ot tht warning sirens oi
adversary and the bracking of their
machine gum told that the battle had
! D
lice station. The automobile hi
, been taken by a party of joy-riders,
who abandoned it when a rear tire
blew out to Forty-aecond and Cum
ing streets, where the police found
H. Aior reported t. the Doric
that his car wat stolen Saturday night
from the curb in front of the Young
Men I Christian association.
A car belonging to Sam Cohen,
2876 Corby atreet, wat ttolen from
Thirtieth and Corby streets early yes-
jeroay (evening.
' i Rebellion aJouvenlrs. '
(CorTeopoadeoee Of Tha Aaeoclated Praia.)
' Dublin, July 31 A Dublin industry
: of considerable importance at present
is the manufacture of rebellion sou
venirs. Irish republican stamps arc
being turned out in large quantities
volunteer buttons and Sinn Fein
badges are alto important itemt of
the new business. . Bullet! fired by
Sinn Fein leaders mav be had singrlv
or in quantities at reduced prices to
tne traae. .
Persiatent Advertising It the Road
to success,
begun. The positions that the French
captured, Which were exceedingly
strong and along the entire front of
the defensive tystem of the Germans,
comprised two or three lines of
trenches, and even four lines at some
points. Numerous work! and ar
mored fort! and fortified redoubts
fell into the French hands in exactly
one hour and twenty minutes. The
French losses were much less than
had been expected. At Maurepas
they did not have '300 men disabled,
and it was at this point of the sum
mit plateau, the southern part of
which had been occupied the day be
fore the combat was hottest. The
Germans defended the ground inch
by inch, trying to cope' with the
French and hurriedly bringing up re
inforcement!. '
-"Their resistance was vain, how
ever. The French, after furious hand-to-hand
fighting, pushed forward and
entered the village, which had been
completely destroyed by shells. The
French are continuing their progress
and their possession of the entire vil
lage seems probable." , , ', -
to manasrers and men on the highest
patriotic grounds, to find a way to
compromise their differences without
strike. ,
Garretson It Spokesman.
The oresidenfi conference with "the
men wai opened with a statement by
a. Uarretson ot tne conductor! ai
spokesman. He outlined the demands
tor an eight-hour day ana time ana
a half for overtime. He imisted that
the demand! were fair.' President
Wilson then- addressed the men.
pointing out what disaster would fol
low a general strike, and asking tne
pecitic things on wmcn the em
loves were prepared to insist Mr.
Wilson promised to take tht demands
up with the managers in an effort to
find a common ground on which the
two sides could meet. He said be
wai prepared to remain In continuoui
conference all day if neceisary. The
conference was held in the green
room of the White House. -
Conference Lastt Two Hours.
After being with the president two
hours the representatives of the men
en me vviwc xiousc ana ftirv uar
retson taid thev exoected to tee the
president again later in the; day, after
nc una conicrrcu wnn ine managers.
Mr. Garretson refuted to tay whether
the outlook wat honeful.
."At long ai the matter Is In Presi
dent Wilson's hands we wilt have no
statement to make," laid Mr. Garret
ion. .
The ereildent immediatelv sent for
the railroad manager! to lay before
them the position ot the workmen,?
" Magnates at S O'clock. "
It wat arransed that the manatrera
should tee the president at 3 o'clock
tnu atternoon ana that meanwhile
the president would keep one or two
other important engagements, includ.
ing one with Mr. members of the
federal board.
At the White House ft was said no
indication could be, given of the
progress of the negotiations until the
president law the managers.
Mr. uarretion. asked whether tht
negotiations were off, replied, "Abso
lutely not" '
Administration official! exnreaied
confidence that the president's inter
vention would result in averting a
There were iuaestioni nurelv In.
formal, emanating trom sources in
touch with both sides, that the men
were regarding the possibility of ar
bitration, with the president himself
at cniei arnuraior.
The Dreaident. accordina- to those
who attended the conference, showed
a tamiliarity with the lituation that
lurpriaed the men. ,
Hint at Eight-Hour Law. .
I "The Dreaident wai moit svmoa
thetlc," laid one of the brotherhood
leaders, and hi! luroriung know!
edge of the tituttion and of our po
sition uijr rcauit iu an anucraiaauing
being reached." i
The president, It was laid, submit
ted no counter orooositions to the
men, but he held out hope for an ad
justment by legislation it necessary.
The impreision . prevailed among
the brotherhood leaders that as a last
resort the president might ask con
gress for eight-hour day legislation.
The leaden explained to the presi
dent their atand againit arbitration
by saying that they were carying out
the wishes of the 600 delegates, who
tat with them at their meeting ffrith
the federal mediatori. . The brother
hood leadert pretented to the presi
dent detailed reports oi the vote cast
in favor of a general strike. .
Life Sentence f or Two v
' Bomb Throwing Leaders
(Corraapandano ot Tha Aasoctatad. Praia.)
Tokio. July 31. A sentence of
penal servitude for life has been im
posed on the two ringleaders of the
bomb attempt on the life of Premier
Count Okuma on January 12. The
aged prime minister wai returning to
his home in an automobile following
a reception to the Grand Duke Mich-
aelovitch of Kussia, when men hid
den id a byway rushed out and hurled
two explosive machines. The car wai
damaged, but Count Okuma escaped
Those sentenced for life were Wa
foro Fukude, a, former journalist, and
Imataro Shlmomura. occunation un.
known. Two accomplices. Jujiro Oni-
kura and Masakicht Wada and la
kushi Hida, were acquitted. . "
The trial of the case brought out
that a wide-sweeping plot existed for
the assassination of leading person
agel in the political World of Japan.
The Russian commander,
by appointment now as governor-general
of Turkestan,
ia for the second time during
this war bereft of command
of active troops.'
....': Smuggling Pepper.
Amsterdam. Netherlands. Aug. 3.
Dutch amucglera : on the Belgian
border are reported to be getting at
much ai $4 a pound for what pepper
they tucceed in getting across the
frontier into the hands of .German
soldiers. The pepper ii said to be
used in the filling ot bombi and in the
making ot tear-producing gases.
Landon. Aor. 14. Thlrtaaa ttlaan vara
k.ltlad aarly this morning ar an axBloalaa
In tha Aahlngton eolllarz, aaar Blrtha. Tha
oauM ei toa ajtpioaioa is aoi ana ,
business man u 'a rogue; I do not
believe the American business man
is unworthy of confidence; I do not
h iva in trvins to aeriae America a
success and the men in America who
are successful. If that were so, vxpa
save the commonwealth.
"Rut we have need ot surgery.
When we have need of surgery let
the knife be skilfully applied by a
skillful surgeon. The American peo
ple cannot live on surgery.. ,
Ihey ten me tome umea rai l
am not conservative. 1 oeueve in
the application of the old republican
principles. Is not that conservatism;
elect me and a republican congress
and you will find that we believe In
protecting American industries.
Favor Budget syitem.
Mr.' Hughei reiterated hia declara
tion for a national budget system.
' "I do not know anything' in the
line of conservative work in this
eountrv that is more needed than
that." he laid. "It ii fundamental. But
I tell you you cannot do it if you are
running the department! of our gov
ernment for mere partisan expediency
or to reward political workers with
offices that they are not qualified to
Mr. Hughes said that he considered
the elimination of the "pork barrel"
as a conservative policy.
"We have poured too much Ameri
can money into streams of a few
inches deen and have nothing to show
for it," he laid.. "How are you go
ing to correct it? You will never do
10 unless the executive .takes hia po
litical life in hit handa 'and oppoiea.
Ii that conservative?"
The nominee repeated his views
concerning the appointment to public
omcei ot men quaiihed to nil orhcei,
and pledged himself to select the best
qualified men for office, should he be
elected. ; 1
"Ii not that conservative?" he ask
ed. "I regard it 10 fundamentally
10. .
Holdup Men and
, Burglars Active
Stick-up men and burglars were ac
tive Saturday night
Walter Edwardt wat "rolled' for
$10 in a Douglas ttreet saloon, he re
ported to the police. He alto lost
a railroad ticket to Columbus, Neb.,
and a watch.
Joe Taylor of Elk Creek, Neb., was
relieved of $21, near Ninth ttreet and
Capitol avenue. i '
Major Lynn, 1137 Seward ' ttreet,
reported that a sneak thief stole a
suitcase containing a blue serge tuit
'and four shirts from his room.
James Cunningham, a roomer at
the home of Mrs. W. A. Fenton, 1843
North Seventeenth street, wai arrest
ed and charged with stealing three
ladies waists from his landlady. -
C P. Soule. 1712 Capitol avenue,
reported the lost of $9.85 from, hit
room. -''
Two hold-up men robbed Christian
Anderson, Clairsville, , Minn., of a
witch and $9. .
Jay Burns Returns From
National Bakers' Meet
Jav Burns. Omaha baker, who hat
been in attendance at the annual con
vention of the National Bakers' asso
ciation at Salt Lake City, returned
Mr. Burns taid it wat evident to
all that the coat of flour wai directly
. i ' . ... t i .
uepenacne upon ine pnee ot wncat,
and the cost of bread equally depend
ent upon the price of Hour, tie said
that the advocacy of the bakert of a
10-cent loal did not mean necessarily
an increaae in the price of bread, but
inttead would , offer the contumer
cheaoer bread through economy in
producing and distributing bread in
larger units. '
Head of Pennsylvania Favors Board
Competed Entirely of Uutaldera.
Portland. Ore. ' Aug. 14 Samuel
Rea, president of the Pensyivania
lines, who it here today, declared hit
belief that the most practicable way
to prevent the impending strike of
railroad operatives . throughout the
country would be for President Wtl
son to appoint a board of arbitration
composed of disinterested ' persons,
who should hear all the facts and
then nve a decision which should be
made binding by pre-agreement of
the railroads and their employes.
"I am opposed to further attempts
at mediation between the interested
parties," said Mr. Rea. "What is
needed it arbitration by a board com
posed of persons outside the contro
"We want to do everything possible
to avert the threatened strike, but it
it economically and practically im
possible to grant the demands of the
men. .One thing it certain, the rail
roads will not be coerced into making
Persistent Advertising Ii the Road
to success.
I) Skv
Bank Clearings
Buk elMrfiiva In tha United Bute for
th wtk mdlnr atufuat 10, u rportd to
BntlatrMt'ft Journal, .New Torlt, actmcatt
,0v6, 188,000, 4,63.05,000 lait
week and U, 280,628, 000 In this week lait
I ar. Canadian clearings aggregate $176.
1,000,' ai agalnet $207,141,000 lut week
and 1181.117,000 in thli week. I ant year. Fol
lowing are. the return (or this -week and
taet. with percentage! of change ehown thli
i compared wnn uiif ween ,a year;
Terrific Shell Fire Maintained
All Along the British Front
, r ;
CITIES. Claarints. lac. Dae.
New Tork 13,141,136.001) 19.71
ChloefO 71,SSg.O0O 11.3......
Philadelphia ... 30S.2S1.000 40.4 ......
BoatoD 161.374,000 IS. 2
at. Louia aa.s
Kaiuaa City 101.163,000 63.7
Ban Francisco... 60,414.000 IS. 6
Plttaburth 66,603,000 16.7
Baltimore ...... 4,90,009 63.3
Cleveland 43,739,000 46.4
Detroit , 46.143,000 S.t
Cincinnati 28,809.000 7.1
Mlnneapoll J 36.711,000
Lea AngalH Il.m,(H10 16.4
Omaha 33,003,1100 48 0 ,
New Orleans.... 31,287,000 37.0 1
Milwaukee ..... 13.676.000 2.6
Loualvllla 16,607,000 x I. ......
Atlanta 14,325,000 40.1
Bt. Paul J.. 12,800,000 4.7 ......
Seattle i:,SS3.000 17. S
Buffalo 14.136,000
Portland, Or... 11.726,000 1S.1
Richmond 16,680,000 84.4
Denver , 13,317,000 37. 6 ......
Houston 7,137,000 . 14.9
IMUanapolla .... 10,348,000 ' 14.1
tort Worth , 7,126,000 1.1
Piovldence 7,786,000 S.S
Waahtnstoa 7.946,000 9.1
81 Joaeph 10.684,000 66.2
Uemphla 6. 11,000 17.9 ......
Hertford 7,963,000 31. a
Salt Lake Cltr.. 9,147,000 SS.l
Crtombue ....... , , 1.573,000 -8.9
Toledo , 7,546.000 1S.0
Naahvllll 7,701,000 42.1
Duluth ... 4.807,000 S4.S
Albany 4,675,000 l.l
pta Moines 5,997,000 so .S .(....
Rochester , 5,006,000 5.4 . 1....
Savannah 4,360,000 63.2
Galveaton 3,765.000 15.7
Norfolk 3,812,000 30.7
Wichita (,...... ,. 5.758, 000 63. S ......
New Haven..... S.944,000 5.2
Spokane ..,.... , 4,848.000 .. S3. 4
Oakland . 4,296.000 21.6 ......
Grand Raplda. ,. 4,867,000 14.4 .......
Hloui Cltv.....e- 1,821,000 17.1 ......
Bcrantoa 8.751,000 2.8 ......
P.orla 1,731,000 14.3
Macon 1,499,000 58.1
Syracuse 3,927,000 1.6 ......
Sprtniflald, Mass 3.117,000 3.6
Worcester 1.187, 000 1S.S
Jacksonville, Fit. 3,061,000 30.7
Austin 3,104.0001 7.7
Oklahoma .1 4.669,0001 7S.S
Birmingham ....J S.226,000 i.
Little Rock 2,065,000 2.9 ......
Chattanooga ... 1 1.460,000 19.8
Llnooln 1,102,000 69. S ......
Fremont j 928,000 92.6
Laet week'a
With the British Army in France,
Aug. 14. Anyone who might think
from reading the British official re
ports oi the British offensive was
over, would soon conclude from the
unceasing gun fire, if he went out on
the field, that a terrific battle wat ttill
in progress.- ,
No one that The Associated Prest
correspondent meeti at the front
think that the offensive it over, or
that anything but winter will stop it.
Though no village or considerable
frontage of trenches has been stormed
in the last few days, every day has
found some strong point taken and
some new spur of trenches thrown out
in the course of the same kind of op
eration which followed and preceded
each big blow.
"The question this week, said a
staff officer, "it whether our guns
have killed more Germans than their
guns have killed of us, and we knowi
that, the odds are in our favor, at least
two, if not three to one'
For six weeks the British have
maintained a torrent of shell fire
which German prisoners who have
been at Vtrd,un lay turpassei any-
Neglected Swains
Wipe Up the Street
With Chas. Turner
It probably wouldn't have gone so
hard with Charlei Turner, colored of
1217J4 South Sixteenth street yester
day if he'd used good lense when he
went "girling Sunday afternoon, '11
dressed up in his go-to-meeting
clothes. He erred in greedily "cut
ting out" three other young fellows
of as many sweethearts.
At Sixteenth and Jackson streets
he was walking proudly along with
three dusky damsels on his arm when
three jealous swains who had been
plotting and following overtocnt him.
They waited not on ceremony.
Charles wat oromntlv and ef
fectively "mussed up," and the victort
fled, the fickle maidens departing
with them. Police surgeons patched
up Turner.
Bridge Foreman Sends
Bullet Into His Head
urhn Ij, Henrv. oorter at The Al
bany hotel, 1111 Douglas atreet, tried
the door ot a room renieq me uay uc-
fnr hv Carl Hanson. Fremont. Be
found it locked, and he became suspi
cious and forced the door.
Inaide Hanson was found lying.
across the bed with a bullet hole in his
head and a revolver, with one cham
ber empty, clutched m nis nana, tie
had been dead tor several noura, jro
tice Surgeon G. S. Philbrick said.
thing they endured there; while at the
different munition! depot! the piles of
shells seem ai plentiful as the day be
fore the grand offensive began. It
has been a week all to the taste of the
gunners. They have had luch an ad
vantage of position over the Germans
as they never had before, thanks to
the possession of Pozieres - ridge,
which was crowned by a wind mill at
the highest point, the wooden struc
ture of which long since has been
blown to splinters by shell fire and its
stone base cracked into bits. Incal
culable and inconceivable is' the
amount of shell fire spent on this
ridge, whose irregular sky line is ever
changing as a result of the pummel
ing, but the British keep their domi
nation by tactic! and methodi of forti
fications hot permitted to be men
tioned here. , ,
"Put twenty round! of eight inch
into Courcellette" or "a couple of
salvoa of twelve-inch into Thiepval,"
or "we might ai well itop that work
ing party digging in Martinpuich for
the evening, and away go messengers
roaring like railroad traint through
the air with their tont of explosive!.
Receives Bullet Wound
.When He Answers Bell
When Philip Gibbi, 25-year-old col
ored youth, who livet at 1813 Izard
street, answered the doorbell at his
home a bullet from a revolver was
his greeting. He fell with a bullet
in hu groin that may prove fatal.
1 He laid Will Burke, another negro,
shot him. He declared Burke had no
motive for the act. Police are seek
ing Burke. Gibbs Is at St Joseph's
hospital. ! ,
Liquor Destruction'
in Alabama Ceases
Girard, Ala., Aug. 14. Destruction
of whiskey add beer which had been
seized from alleged violators of the
prohibition laws, ceased nere today on
order of Circuit Judge Alston, when
eounsel for the owners filed bond for
appeal to .the state supreme court
from Judge Alston's former decision
ordering the liquors destroyed. It ii
eitimated that $125,000 worth hai
been poured out by the sheriff in the
last few days. ' '
Kin Thanks amr.
Rome. Aug. 14. -King Victor Emmanuel
In an order of the day thanked the army
today for tha victory It achieved at Oorsla.
Thla the king oharaoterlied aa another areat
atep aiong the arduoua and glorloua way to
ward wo completion ox uaiy a noiy oapira-
Plump VJomen
needn't Chafe!
Scandal's Antl-Chaf. Powder Heals
Irritated, Galled and Scalded
' Flub. , . v"
j Trunks!
I for the J I
School Girl
I To stimulate August tales we J
era offering? 36-inch fibre cov- a
ered trunk built with firat
claat 8-ply veneer lumber, mat
give hardware, sturdy locks and
hinges, one deep tray divided
into convenient compartments,
one extra dreia tray, all nicely
cloth lined.
a. (M 1 n Hit- flt '
v A Inorougniy iuiuom iruns.
j Price $14 )
- Frelintr & Steinle
"Omaba'a Bast Bag tat Buttdara." 1
I 1803 Farnam St
Arthur O. Sides of Prosser, Ne
braska, became a policyholder In
the MIDWEST LIFE in 1918. He
wat employed at the grain elevator
at Prosser ana in me wreaainK Ben
son had charge of the engine used in
driving the separator. The policy he
held was a twenty-payment one with
a provision mat in case oi aeain
"solely from external, violent and
accidental means within ninety days
after receiving such - injury" the
company will pay the beneficiary
double the face of the policy.
Aa Mr. Sides' death was caused by
burns accidentally received by rea
son of some mishap to his engine, his
widow, Sophia J. Sides, as benefi
ciary, was paid $2,000. The amount
of premiums paid by Sides to the
company waa only )2 7.44.
f of Lmeola, Nebraska.
' '44. Z. SNEU, Preaiiant.
, Guaranteed Coat Life Inaurasiee.
GEORGE CROCKER. General Agent.
' City National nana eutwlBg,
Russian Trap Closes in and
Austrian Commander
' . Falls Back. ,
Petrograd, Aug. 14. The Auttrian
linei along the Strips, which they
have held tince early in September,
have crumbled and General von Both
mer it in full retreat along the whole
front, according to the lateat informa
tion received by the Russian general
staff. "
General LetchiUky is advancing in
the rear of General von Bothmer'i
right flank, while General Scherbatch
off is closing in on hii left , The Aui
trian commander is apparently mak
ing an attempt to escape the Russian
trap by taking up a position on the
line running through Zlochoff, Pp
morzany, Brzezany to Halici, roughly
twenty miles ;to the west of hia old
lines' before Tarnopol and Bucaacx.
It is stated semi-officially the Aus
trian! evacuated the Stripa line with
out a battle. Their tuccen in reach
ing and holding their new positions is
considered problematic It is pointed
out that the strength of LetchiUky's
position on both sides of the Dniester.
below naiicz, man 7 ,
likely that the Austrian! will be able
to hold that town. Their failure to
hold Halicz would render their new
line little more advantageoui than the
poiition on the Stripa, and General
Lctchitzky still would be hanging on
their right flank.
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