Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 15, 1916, Page 10, Image 10

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v "
ii Weak and Soles
io Three 'and a
Cetfti Lower.
' Omaha, August l,'lll.
' Cash wheat aa very weak todar and
ruled from t to IHo lower.
The caah demand, however, wm pretty
active awl the receipta continued venr
f "koT'i hard whrat sold around ll.lttt to
1 17, and tho bulk of the No. I bard
old from 11.13 to 11.11.
Corn receipta were felrlr food, but there
was only- moderate demand (or thla cereal.
The market waa a trlflo woakvand ruled
arcund tto lower, on all gradee.
The demand for yellow corn waa pretty
food, and I hie variety aold at Ho premium.
While tho caah demand for oata waa
pretty aetlvo, the market fallowed corn and
heat oa the decline and aold Ito to fcc
lower, ; Vi . ,
Rye aold from Wo to ltio higher.
Barley waa quoted unchanged.
Liverpool cloeeia K
MVheat Steady. . ( 1 .
Cora a to Sled hither.
V Primary receipta were i,IM.Mt huehels.
and ehinmehta l.ttl.tot buahela. . against
raVflpu of t,214,tot bushels, and shipments
of l,e,ooa aeaneis laat year.
Primary com rocelDta were 117. OM buah
la, and ahlpmenta buahala. against
. rerelpta of 711,900 buahela. and, ahlpmenta
of CM. tot buahda laat year.
Primary oata reoelpta wore i.tlt.tnt buah
ela and ahtpmanta ItT.ttot buahela, against
. rece1pta of 1.184,009 buahela, and ahlpmonta
' of Set, too buahela laal year.
. WHEAT. Corn.! Oata.
I Chicago . 1st to , , 499
Omaha . ..' 99 V 90
81. Louis.. JI9- 199
, Thoaa aalea vera reported today:" '
V Wheat No. 1 hard winter: I care. 11.87.
s Ko. i bard winter: 1 car, II. Iti 7 oara,
I1.J7U; 9 can, 91.J7I U Kara. tl.ltVj; 1
oar, 11.19; I can, l.lltt:l oar, 11.144
- No. 1 hard winter: b car. 11,40: --1 oar,
: 81.14; care. 81.14; 1 care. 81.84V. : 4
cere. 8115; care, 11.14: I can, 11.14;
4 oara, 11.11; 9. oara, .11.11.. No. 4 bard
winter: 1 car, 11.84; I care, 11.14; 1 car;
' 11.11; 1 car, 11.10; I oara, 11.10: t care.
- 11.11;. I can, 11.19: I oara, 11.17; I ear,
11.14. Sample bard winter; 1 car, 11.19:
,1 oar, 11.14; t oara, 11.14; t earl, 11.18;
l.i mm. 11. Mt l car. 11.11. No. t aprlm:
. 1' oar, 11.40. No. 4 aprjlif: t ear, 91.11; I
care, 91.19, No. I mixed: 1,9 oar, 91.14; I
care. 11.19. No. 4 railed: 1 car, 11.18.
y No. I: 1 car, 91.11; .1 ear, 91.11;
, I car, II.IL No. 11 1 oar, 11.11. ',.
7iarlav-fto. 1: 1 ear. 10c
fW. N. 1 vrTttte: 1 oar. 79910: 1 ear.
71 . Kb. 4 while: carik7H4c No. 9
whltel I oara. 7to. Mo. 1 .yellow; i oar,
' . 10 lio. No. yellow: 1 oar, 80. No. I
yellow: 1 ear. 10c; I oara, Ito. No. 9 vol
i Mr. 7a. No I mixed: I nara. 79c.
No. I mlaed: 1 aar, 79o: I care. Ttlao: i
care. 79c No. 4 mlaed: 1 care. ,78 o. No.
1 mlaed: 1 car, 77 o. W.. I aflaadl oar.
' Oata No, 9 white: f care. 41o: cart,
lite No. 4 white: T cara, 41o; 1 car, 49o.
Sample:. cara. 40o; 1 cara, 40S4o; 4 oara.
nw. Vrteaa Wheat: No, I hard,
911401.11; No. 9 hard, el-liei-al; lie,
hard, 11.1101.14; No. I spr(ng. ll.llM.4J;
. No. I spring, 91.149J117; No. I durum, '11.11; wo. l auram, -""
N 1 white. 7t,AI0cl No. 1 whttO. 79
79o: No. 4 white, 71f79c:. No. 9
i white, 79790; No. 9 whltej 17 9)71;;
, No, I yellow. 904l0c; Mo. l yellow, 7
, fctoc; No. yellow, 7179o: No.- I.yel
717tn; No. t yellow. 79i 07901 NO.
1 nlaad. 71 U 79 C : No. I billed, 790
79c; No. 4 mlaed, 799)79c; No. I lied.
: 77977ol No. 94mtaea, teoiTo. vaie; o.
I while, 41e3o: standard, 41441Ho:
No. white, 41041o; No. 4 white, 40
. an. Barler: Maltlna. 77 18c: No. 1 teed.
; ti8to. Rye: No. I, 11.11 91.U4; No. I,
Oauha ritaraa. " ', . 1
. ' . Omaha. Auauat 141 1919.
Wheat waa very weak today, declining
an September. December and May.
1 Trading In wheat waa heavy during tnoat
ef the eaeeton. Tut the trade la oprn waa
V'wai,r oAndltUma oa eorn are more
favorable, and the-oorn market waa a little
a aaaler, September declining 0 and Decora
bar ruling undhanged ...
The woakneae In wheat and eorn waa ra.
fleeted In oau ana the market cioeea trao
Innallv laWBF a ll the OOtlonB.
Umaaa eioeing pnoaa on euturea aor una
47; Soptember, 11 17; Deoamber. 91.44.
Com-rNo. 1, !9Uc: No. I white. 444)ilc:
September, 91c; December, 74440. '
uai no. s, 44 9941 c; no. l wnite, 43
41c ,
ewtatloBa of the Day aa the Leading Cora-
New Tork, Aug. 14. Flour TJnaettled;
aprlng Datanta. 17.90499,10: winter natenta.
97.1407.10; winter atralghta, 99.917.!0.
Wheat Spot, weak: No. 1 durum, 11.49;
Mb. I hard. 91.(1: NS. 1 northern. Dululh.
91.99; No. 1 northern Manitoba, l.(t
o. b. New Tork.
Corn Spot, aaay; Nc 1 yellow, 99He. a
Oata Spot, aaay; No. 1 white, 49048e.
Hay Steady; prime, 91.90; No. 1. 91.24;
No. I,; NO. 9,. 1.9i; ahlpplng,
OlOo, , - - . ,
Hope Quiet; etate, common to choice
It, ljeic;-llH, t07c: Pacific coaat,
1418, 11014c: 1414, 80190. '
Hidee-steady: Bogota, E2Oalo; Cen
tral America, 93c.
Leather Plrm;, hemlock, flrata,'1 17c; aou-
onda 19o. v
Pork rirm; meaa. 93l.t0O2t.00; family,
29.060 2tiOO; abort clear, 928.80O27.t0.
..Beef Steady; meaa, (19. 00019.90; fam
ily, tl,40f 20.40. . .
Lard-Eaay; mlddloweat, 813.4111.74.
Tallovr Firm: city, 7cinomlnal; country
eperlau T07c; apcclal, 7c.
Wool Steady; domeailo neeco, umo, saw
18c - -
Klca Steady: fancy bead, tOttic; blue
roae, 404c.
Mblaeaea Doll; New Orleana open kettle.
400190. -'
natter No. 1 creamery. In eartona or
tuba. lc: No. t 190.
Poultry Brolktra, !0cf hena, 19c: geeaa,
foil featherad, 10c: rooatera and 'ataia.
10oi' ducka. 11c; turkeya. 91c: capona.
tic "Vllneaa. Itc: aqua be 90COM00 por
dol. : plgoona. 91.90 per doe, .
Cheeaa Imported Swlaa. lb., 44c; domaa
tle Swlaa, 91o: block Swlaa, ltd twlna, I'm
trlpleta, 17 Ho: dalalaa. J7c; Toung Amer
ica, 19ot blue label brick, 18c: llm
barger, lc: New: Tor white, 100S Rocqua
fort, Ito. .
Beef Cute lbt: No. J. lb.. Ito; No. I,
llo: No. 1. uc Lolna: 'No. 1. 21o;
No. I. tottoi NO,' I, 170. t;nucaa; ro. .
11c: INo. 1. l2o;. No. I, 10o. Bounda:
No. J, into; No. 9, 14o: No. I. iao.
Platea: No. 1. 10c: No. 9, lo; no. a, wa.
fRESH FISH Halibut, 12c; catfleh.
email, 17o; catfish, large atoak, lc: rea
aalmon, llc: whltefleh. 14c; trout, no. 1,
17c: ylejow pike. No. 1, ltc; bullhead., Ito;
carp, No. 1, tc; black baaa, ltc: croppia,
medium, ltc; pioaerei, lie; ieaa coouan.
llo: tlletlah new, 7o; red enapper, 11c;
apanUh mackerel, ltc: aunflah, tc; Lake
Erie Jumbo whttefleh, 22c; floundoro, fancy
J took, lie; native mackerel, 42c;. roe chad,
ecr 40c; froge, Jumbo, 12.40; medium,
91.79; freeh haadleea ahflmp, per gal., 11.21;
freab naaled ahrlmo. Her Bai.. 12.00.
Fruit . and veaetabla prlaaa furnlahad by
Ollinaky Fruit co
Fruita urangea: veal ivoa, aaea, aeva, no a,
94: 124a, 14.90; 110a, lite. 94.78; 174a, 100a,
214a, 290a, 99.21. Lemone: . Oofden Bawl.
900a. 190k boa. 99.90: Silver Cord, 100a 140a.
99.00. Applaa: aravonateln, boa. 99.29; old
Ben Davla, 91.90. Daclduoua fruita: Colo
rado Boacbee, CarmenaV 109e, boa. 90e; 90a,
too; Colol
, Dec
, Corn
Open. High.
1 17 1 17
,1 49 1 40
Hf 1 4t
4t 4I
'. 4494 ;
44$ 4441
Cloaa I Tea."
Chicago eloolng pncea, furntebed The Baa
by Logan at myan, atoca ana gram
lie Bouta oiaieentn atreet; ,
Art ! Open. ' High. iLow-t Cloae.
; vvhi
. Sent I 1 41
Dec I 144-144
May to
, com
" Dec
Oata .
. Pork
Sepl 24 .11' 99 41
' doc ia at aa at
. Lard 1 I i 1
: Sept 111 40.111 1l 40
1 Oct. It 41-40 II 41
' Deo 111 It
Rlba l
Sept I 14 11 I 14 IT
.. Oct. 11 99 II 89
1 42 1117 111741
1 41 lt0 1141 U
1 M-I149 I 14.
: 1,.- .. .. .. "... .1. :. I
II 191 II IT. Ill
II It It 97
111 10 11 94
'lit' Oil 14 II
111 ll 11 It
1" Ji
Ill 19
4 ItellnM Btrik.
4 Chltuo, Auk. 14-Whnt dvloDd
xmrk!d ws.knM today tn ttop Iom ordri
" and ihjuKlatloa. ,foMlbllity of railroad
iuika, til Canadian crop report, and the
fedaral Inveatlcatlon eft the racant aharp
adraaea la prka, wart oontrlbutotv faolora
to th weakneaa. Wheat loat ptore than
W in prtoa, oorn an ettrema lHo. oat le,
Avhtle pronaiona. daapita. lower hoia. were
'Mlailvelr arm. - ,
The wheat market opened weak, 1 heel
tatea and than slumped hopaleaily. .There
waa much liquidation, and thla. among
oher thtnge, encovraffod ahort aalllng,. The
t Canadian crop report, reflected In a elump
' at ' winnipag, waa ine principal racier,
Flaetuationa were governed by Individual
neceailtlea. It waa poted that the recent
lift 4t(i VA FiraSt alabJIffri gftli tela ha Van faakea-. fatal rl M.
(- flaXed the alactc ruat acara and the lov
If - arnment report. Fear of a railroad strike
1 worked agalnat Investment. The visible np-
piy lutament and heavy , receipt
' worked aaralnat prtcea.
M Heavy aalas of oorn by traders who war
1 noUble aa buyani laat week, and aympathy
1 1 ' with wheat' sent corn doyn. The vlatbla
decrease, and a reduction In ideal auppllea
it cnackM the aiump nomen tartly, .put with-
- i out net reenlL -. - .
j ; ? Export biuees warn bnyara f September
, oats, b failed 4o check a decline in prtcea
I i baaed on the weaJcneaa or natahborina pita.
1 1 - Provtslona war bnaettled; . weak early
it 4 with boas, nut recovaung later tn aa
it , Important trade.
i v Csh Prtcea Wheat! Ko. t red II. 410
Mivi; no. i rea, ii.mti.iui mo.
, hard, $l.tltt?l-i No- I hard, ll,17H
' i. a. corn: no. i yeiiow. ihvitc; no.
.4 sallow. UOHttc: No, while. I4U
Oau; No. I white. 4l43S4c; Standard
. 4J44c. Rye: Ho. I aaw, Bar
ley: 16 tic Bead: Timothy, 'nomloat
. alarer. T.0i)al4.l,. Produce: Porky 7.0
... lard, IHJIT; rlbot ld..Meli.e.
t Butler Firm recalpu, . , ll.MT tubs
u eraamem aztraa, ItUe; extraa. flreta
Jc; arete, 7AI?He: aaoonda. lliOim
Baas Steady : recetpta, T.6I caaeai flreta,
': HtpUti ordinary Orata, UOttoi at nark,'
caaea Included, iioiiav
; Cheeaa Unchanged! dalilea, . lltfUc
, noma, JPi.o; Amerlcaa,
twlna. llr.Ol.e.
Potatosa Weak,, receipta T Soars: Jersey
oobblera,. ll.Jll.l-; Virginia barral oob
' Mara a.409t.Ui Illinois, Mlaaourl, Mlnna-
aota ana Ohioe. ihvi.iv.
Poultry Weak, fowls. 14fltief springs.
Mlaaiaaaelai Otwla Merita.
, Mlangftnella, Ag. , 14WhMt-r4tepten-7
ber. 11.44 Decern bef? $1.434.
a- Caah: No. 1 hard, !.: No. I swrthern.
i.4-44PLilii mo. e noruaera, tV.J
aTtouiwaUncnanged. . -a
. Barley 6tlt
Rye l.lls114- 1 '
Bran 4U.s2t.M.
Corn N. t yellow, UUc
f Oata No. I white, 41041c.
risismri H-Htyi.UH...
t, tJU, Ma,. . Aug.
tad, I1.4401-4IH1 M.
-Wheat No.
hard, l.itk
Heaviest Cattle Ban of the
Season Greets Bayers on
the South Side,
Omaha, Auguat 14, 1119.
Receipt, were: Cattle. Hoaa Sheep.
Eetlmate Monday ....11.000 9,700 H.MO
Same day laat week. 7.424 fllt, 14.484
Same day 2 wenka ago. 1,943 1,029 16,11
Same day I wacka ago. t.OUt 4.889 1.224
Heme day 4 wrt, ago. 7.(72 t.802 14,720
Same day laat year. . . 1.289 , 4,882 27,218
The fellawlne table ahowe tne reoelpta of
eettle, hoge and aneep at the uouth Omaha
live atock market for tua year 10 data, aa
compared with laat year:
18H 1P1II. . Inc. Dae
Cattle .... 701.212 814,479 108.804
Ho, a 2,148,142 1.826,921 221,428.
Sheep 1,281.1211 1,886,201 101,971
The following table ehowa the average
prlcee of hoge at the Omaha live etock mar-
aat tor tne laat rew aaya witn comnwn.
Pate. I 1914. 11419. 114. 11919. UlllTlltll.
July a, 9 , II I 14
July It I 49 I 21 I 62 4 87 1 64 4 4'
July III e ( II I 99 I II 7 47
July II. t 2)14 ( 41 I 41 I 16 7 71 I II
Aug. j; 9 14 e II I II t II I 14
Aug. I. 9 00 J ,91 9 49 T 16 I 99
Aug 9. 9 98U 4 90 9 04 1 92 71
Aug 4. 9 llj 9 91 7 91 I 41 V ,!
Aug. L. , 111, , 41 7 70 I 22 I 42 T 94
Aug. I. . e , ,10 T It I 47 7 tl
Aug.. f. , ,41, 1 ji ,2 I 1, 7 90 I II
Aug. 4. I 40 4 It 9 It 7 II 7 21
Aug. 9. 9 4U 42 e 4 II 7 79 7 27
Aug. 10 9 94 9 It 9 90 7 99 22
Aug 11 I fiS ( 91 9 02 9 19 7 21
Aug. 12. 9 89Vi 4 70 9 79 7 16 9 91 7 U
Aug 13 e , s,( , ,t 7 I 0
Aug. 14 9 91 9 I0 t 141 7 70 I ll T 10
Receipt, and dlepoaltlon or live atock at
the Union atock yard., Omaha, tor twenty,
(our houra ending at I fclock p, m., Auguat
14 were: ,
Pallia Unmm Hk... S,.
C aa a a, n - I K'
Mlaaourl racllo..,, 1
Union Pacific. IS
C. N. W.. eaat., !
C. N. W., weatTHH
C, St. T M. AO,, I
C H. A Q., eaat.. vi
C. B. 41 Q.. W4.t..234
C. R. 4. A r eaet 4
Illlnola. Central.;.., 2
Chicago at. Weat, , t
S2 22
'j :
it ii
1 a.
109 tl1
1 184
1 809
ilorado Daachea. larger alaaa. 91.00:
California Elberta or Crawforda. 91.11; Cali
fornia Blberlaa, flve-boi lota. 91.19. Peara:
Bartletta, ual Dot, ll.xt; tiuaaoca or i.m
!eh Baautlea. 92. tO: 9tler Or cholea t'tler,
11.18: cholea l.tler. 12.00: fancy. !tler
cunna. II lli' l tler choice. 4-tler fancy,
ea.uei i-utr vmnue, e,.4V. -,u,u. umimw
red or blue, boa, 12.09. Orapea: Slalagaa.
crate, 12.01 4;hompaon - Saedleaa, 11.70.
WatarmMona:, La.. -la uantaMupea
H. B. .Undarda, orate, 11.11; ponya, 11.71;
tiata, 91,40 uananaa: jianoa, ei,tewa.vv.
Aprlcota: Crate, 11.71. .
vegetaoiea aweet poiaioaa, Aiaoamm, u"
hamnera, 12: aotatoea bu. Ito; otllona.
Spanlah, (rata, II; onlona, Cal lb Itto;
oucumbara, baaket, Ito peppara, baaket, toot
celery. Hlcn., doi loo; peea, reiepnona,
baaket. -Ill head lettuce, doe.. II: oorn.
high grade, doa, llo; tomatoea. baaket, I60;
aeota, oarrota ana turnipe, oeeaei, evo,
ahalloNi ' radlahea. itoe.. 10' tfarlle. lb.. lOo.
Illaaallanaoua frackerjaoK, cnecaer. ana
eernnorja. oaae. 11.10: tt oaaea. 91.74. rjpe-
olai; P.anuta. No. 1 raw, lb., ttto; Jumbo;
i poprom. "caaa,; nga. 00 a, ava.
The wholeaaU prlca af beef oula wall No.
1 rlba, 19o; No. I rlbe, llo; No. I rlba,
lltto. No. 1 lolna ItUc: No. I lolna,
20Ujci No, I lolna, 1714c; No. J chucka
(401 No, I chucka, laol No. I onucaa,
Ut No. 1 roanda. 14 84 01 No. I rounda,
HUjc: No, I rounda. 12(,o. No.' 1 platM,
10a; No. I platea, aa.o; no. a piaiea. eo.
rrulte Orangea: lla, 100a, Il4a, leoa, nox,
II; 121a. Ilia, 14.10: 180a. IS; llta, 100a,
tile, ItOd, 91.11. Lemone: Oolden Bowl,
lOOa, 110a, box, 99.90; Hlll'a Reda, 900 149a,
ADDlea: uravenatein, box, neti.
flowera (dua 19th), 11.79; cooking applaa,
bbl II. I
Decldloue rrnlta paachea: BiBeata, cat..
orau, 91,11; Carmen, Colo., extra, 91. ot;
Carman,. Colo., fajirjy, M : Carmen, Colo.,
oholca, 96c. Orapea: Malagaa. crate. 12.
Pearat Cal. Bartletta, crate, 12.10; oholca
Cal. Bartletta, 11.11; Colo. .CHappa,
fanny 1-114, 11,11, choice t-tler 12.21, choloa
iter ,j;.-.oio. oannH. ea.ia, aa e..w,
fancy l-tler tl.tO. Watermelon,: Lb.. 141 o.
Cantaloupaa: Standard, crate, II;. ponya
I.IOl flala, 11.18; altaalon Bell, 10a,
Bananaa: Bunch, II 7HO 11.19.
vegetable. sweat potatoea, nampar,
11.88; Cal., 100-lb. orate.,; potatoea,
111 spanuh onlona, crate, is; i:at.
onlona, lb., 9 Ho; tomatoea. baakat, 9 Be;
Utlihlgan celery, doe.,"40a; peppera, baaKet,
40ol peaa, baaket, 11; hjead lettuoa, , doa,,
41, Mm. doal. 18n! aarllo. lb.. 10a. ,
: 1 a
atlacellan.oua uracaeriaca, cornpope 1
and ohackera, eaat, 91.60; half caaaa, 91.7B1
paanuta, B peeler No. 1, lb., Hc; Jumbo
peanata, ' .40 ; popcorn, caaa, Il.tOi honey,
aaw, oaae 11.71. '
Kaaeaa City Oeaeral Market; '
Kanaaa City. Aug. 1 It. Wheat No! I
hard, tl.974M.41; No. I red, II 1101 44;
September, 11.12; December, 11.16 14 0
rittloi May, 11119.
Corn No. 1 mixed, liaraia; yso. I wnite.
91c; No. I yellow, 94c; September, 99c;
December, flue;. May, 1lc.' v
Oata NO, a white, 440; No. 1 mlted, 44
f?440. h
Butter creamery, ibo: nrata. 190: too.
ond. Ito; packing. tlHe. . .
' U1'h BMrata Sin
Poultry Hena, 14 Wo; rooatera, 1014c:
brouere, 110, .. . -
Total reoelpta.... 444
1 . Cattle. Hm,
aaorna at uo io
Swift A Co. 4 1,461
Cudhay Packing Co. 1,261
Armour ft Co ,.' 1,214
oenwartx m uo
J. W. Murphy
Morrel I
Lincoln Packing Co.. SI
8. O. Packing Co,,. II
St. Clair, Co. . . . . I
Hwlft, from country
Kohr Packing Co
Hunolnger A Oliver.;
W. B. Vanaant Co..
Benton, Vana't. ft L.
Hill ft Son
, 1.161
. 1.171
good to choicer I10.26O1M0; lamba,.falr to
good,; lamba, feedere,, It 2tl
10.00; yearling gooo 10 ""'r . T
, ... u nn. r.t. tri annd. l6.10olT.00:
y'eai-'llnga feedera, ll.90IJ7.tO; wethere. fair
to choice. l.i a L
a itai ?a. Awaa rate tn aood. tt.7tWt.Sa:
ewea, plain to eulle. 4.004)6.7t; ewea feed
era. I4.t0f!.10; awea, breeder all agea,
16.261.00. '
Hepreaentatira eaiea:
222 Wyoming lamba JJ ?J
41 Wyoming feeder lamoa
St. Lonte Uto Stoelt Market. C
St. Loul., Aug. 14. Cattle Recrlpta,-I,100
head; market, ateady; native neei eteera,
I7.00ei0.2t; yearling ateet. ana n.iwnh
I8.6010.00; cowe, IS.6O07.7S: .tockore and
feeder.. I6.I02.26; Teaaa ateer.- It-tOS)
. ow eteera. It.00fil9.00 1
cow. and-half era. 94.t0tJI.00i' prlmo year
ling eteera and holler., 97.t09t.00; native
calve., 96.OO0U.7t.
Hog. Receipt., 9,400 head: market,
ateady; pig. and Ugh". 7.7610.S0; mixed
and butchera, ,; bw
H0.20O10.16l bulk of aalea, 9t O01l.2O.
Hhn and T.amba Recelote, 4,100 head;
market, ateady; lamba, 17.000 10.SS; .laugh
ter ewea. 98.0007.26; bleating awea, 19.001)
10,00; yearling. Ifl.uurj...?. ,
Chirac Live Stork Market.- "
fhlraeo. . Aua. 1 4. Cattle Receipta, ll,
000 head; market strong to ltc higher; na
tive beevea, 17.00010.90: weetern eteera,
96.486-8.70; Blocker, and feeders. 96.0041
7.15: cow. and helfere, 2,60TJ6; calvea,
II. , '
Hoga Receipt 46.000 head: market, 10
016c loeyer: ateady at decline: bulk of ealea.
19.80010.40: light, 88,111010.60; mixed,
11.10010.66; heavy, 9l.4t01O.4t; -rough.
99.46 0 9.60; plga. 9t.2O0t.CO.
Sheep and Lamb. Receipts, 21,000 head:
market, lowerl wethere. 94.60 0 7.10; ewea,
92.2t07.4Oj lamb., S7.2t0U.OO.
Kanaaa City Lite Stock Market.
Kanaaa City, Aug. 14. Cattle Receipta.
22.000 head: market higher; -prime fed
steere, 99.90 0 10.10: v dressed beef steers,
I7.6AA9.26: weatern steels: 87.0008.76:
Blockers and feeders. 86.2S0t.2t; bulls, 16.26
06.60; calves, 16.60011. 00. . '
Hoaa ReceiDte. 11.000 head; market,
lower; bulk of aalea, l.760lo.O6t heavy,
91.70010.00; packere and butchers, 99.760
10.06: light, II.IO01O.1S: pigs, IS. 6009.21. ,
Sheep, and Lambs Receipts. neaa;
market, tower: Iambs. 110.00010.10: year
lings, 17.6001.00; wethere, I7.2607.7t;
awea, 19.6007.21.
Manx City Lle Stock Market. '
Sioux City, Aug. 14 Cattle Receipta,
4.200 head: market ateady; beef ateert,
94.78019.00: butchera, 86.7607. 26; fat cowa
and helfere. 96.2609.70;- cannera, lum
4.26; atockera and feedera, t.OO07.2t;
calvea, fl.OO011.St;buUs, stags, etc, 16.26
06.26. t
Hoaa Recalnte. S.000 head: market 10c
lo-wer; light, 9.ZD0,.4&; , mixeo, av.tov
1.607 heavy. 19.10010.00.
Sheer, Receipta, 300 -head. .
r. a Lewla
J. B. Root ft Co, . . .
J. H. Bulla
L. P. Husi
Rossnetock Bros.,..
r. a. Ksiiogg..
awsrtneimer' at uegen
m. r. HamHton
Hulltvan Bros
Rothachlld ft Kreba.
Mo. ft Kan. Calf Co.
Chrletle ............
Hlgglna. 1
Huffman .,
Roth ,
Baker, Jonea ft Br.
Banner Bros
Jahn Harvey
Dennle ft Francis...
Jensen ft Luiigren.;
Pat O'Day.,..,
Other buyers.......
S64 ;
Totals , 1,139 7,911 , 11,193
Cattle-VTha Veek etartB- out with the
heavleet oattla irun of the aeason and
heavier run than occurred during tha month
of August,.
Mawraoat Orala Market.
Liverpool. Aug. 14. Wheat Spot, No. 1
Manitoba, 24a 4d; No. 1 red, woatera wlnte,,
14a 4d.
Corn spot, , American mixed, - aaw, 19a
Hd; . ; ;' . . :.. ;,. f
TIM inn i as i -
Hope In' London (Pat I no ooaatK 14 l(a4
is lea.
Coffee Market.
Wew Tork. Aug. 14. The market for cof
fee futures showed renewed steadiness at
the opening this morning, but an early ad
vance of 1 to 4 points seemed to meat soma
scattered realising and there were alight
reactions. September contracts aold off from
l.14o to 8.71c during tha late trading while
Mareh reacted from MSo to 8,14c. with the
general list oloslng net one point higher to
one point lower. There waa nothing In the
early cables from Drasll to attract atten
fion, out reports mat Hrasuian oirannga
were becoming .larger at the advance may
possibly have been responsible for soma of
the realising during tne afternoon, sales,
ll.lfct bags. Auguat, l.i7o;t SeptemberJ
A , . . t. . B BJ. ,T , . b. 41 44. X-, T
cember, I.Ttc;January, 1.144;- February.
I. lie; March, i.sic; April, l.llo; May, s.oo
June, l.0e; July. .14o. -
Spot coffee, steady; Rto Ts, IHo. Bantoa
, I0o. Cost and freight offerrf were
about unchanged with quotations ranging
from lO.iesjii.ot for Bantoa 4a.
Tha official cables reported no eharha in
the Braalllan markets except for aa advance
of 7 to ios rtis in Bantoa luturaa. Bio aa-
change 1-lld lower , ., - ,
" N Dried rrnlta, :"
New Tork. Aug. 14. Evaporated Add1
Quiet; fanoy, 77c; choloe, CtfCHt prima.
prune Easy; uaurornia, ishi ore-
rone. Tat lie.
Aprtoots Quiet: choice, lzeil extra
onoica, 12 vi.c; rancy, iikdiiho.
oholce. To; fancy, Tc
Raisins steady; loose muscatels. salUe
oholce to fancy seeded, J So; seedless, 1)4
v -; .. ' Cot tod Market. - "
new York, Aug, 14. Cotton Futures
openaa rtrm; August, it-lie old; October,
i,o; uecemoer, , ti.aia; January.;
Haren. ie.Tee; May, h.bsc.
Cotton rutures closed steady i August.
lease; ucioDer, u.vtc: iMcemoer. lt.lio
January, 14.1 So; Mrch, H lJo; May, 14.14c
opot ooivoa jiuiet; ouaaung unianas, ie.te.
no amiee.
Zaiverpoel, Aug. 14.ttoi-8pot strong
good middling. Mid; middling. Mid; low
nuaaiiftg. .eia; hm, s.vvs oatas.
Meeal Market) -
New Tork, Aug. 14,Lead. firm at ..
Spelter, firm; spot, Eaat St. Louis delivery,
18. Ta. Copper, firm; electrolytic, 121.00 O
3T.41. Iron, ateady; No. 1 ner thorn. l.tvlOtS
21.011; No. t. .0.C0S0.; No. 1 southern.
Ut.l0Sje.SS; No. S, llt.Mtf 1I.IS. ..-.Tin,
strong; apot,
Ac LondonCopper: Spot, tf 14; Juturea,
tiis: aieetroiro tui. in: spot. tiTi its
futures, 4174 It. .Lead, .t la. Bpalter.
. a. year aso. - There were 438
frbsh om.Am aDcroalmatelr 11.000 head, and
probably 90 per cent of theae were from
tha ranaa country, the proportion 'Of oorn-
fed atock being vary small. Trade waa
slow in starting. Dressed beef men were
all bearish in their views end early bids
and sales of both beef ataera and cow etuff
were around 1001-0 lower than laat ween
Strictly desirable grades were very scarce
and did not show much of any decline. The
bulk of tha stock, however, being on the
medium And comjnon order, was slow In
moving, and tha ton to tho trad, was
decidedly weak. ' - .
In stockers and Jsedsrt the trade was
alao alow. Diilrabl. fleshy steers, aa well
aa the best yearlings, wars wanted at not
far -from ateaay xtgurea, out on me general
run of otutf the tendency was lower and
tha movement vary plow. .
Quotations on oat tie: uooa io cnoio
htutvtu. ta x.oaiio.oSi fair to .good beeves.
kt eriAe in nnmmnn to fair beevea. I7.7BO
.76! aooa to onoioe xeaninae. i,.bii7.i,
(air tn good yearlings, HJSt.60; common
to fair yearlings. 7.00),M; good to choice
graaa beevea, B.OOO.86; fair to good grass
beevea.,. cwmmuu m
beevea. .S07.0a; good to Choice heifers,
14 707.Wl good to oholce oows, $4,600
i en, fli In ood flows. 84.0004.40:' coin
mon to fair cows, I8.7H4.7; good to oholcs
feeders, $7.l0l.4O; fair to good feeders.
tl. 000)7.10: common o fair feeders. 16.000
t tik, .444ai a AhnicM etikra. 17.(0411.00:
tocit heifers,; atock cows, II.H
aiui Btnclt nt. I vea. 18.7408. (0: Val
calvss, 18 00011. 00;. beef bulla, atan, otSa,
I4 S807.1O; Bologna ouva, !.-'.
Bepreaentatiys saiea:
. . COW".'
at. Aw w?. no. ' ' at. rr.
4.. M i " ;
unM ... iiiMt u ordinary run of
hoga hera for thefatart of the week, arrivals
Ki., uiim.t.d m.t 101 cars, or 4,700 head.
Vki. k. . Af tkiviut i.ioo head oyer both
. tMb m.wt ana last year, uu.
than for. two weeks ao by about 1,300
..i.t t ftvra.l other pointed
u,.it -- -- - . - . .
gave buyera, who have tatvjen a ver,
urn me ieoi iew u7. ,.a.,...-.-
ortrtmmlng prtcea, and sharp slurape were
tn order all around the ciroui..
,1.. ... n-tud I0l-o lower. On
paper valueafwera no more tlTkn a full dime
below last ween, uui
Inga was quits a little better than on .Bat
urday. ,
i-Am - ktivitaa rrvnk about tho Sams pro-
portion Of the olterlnga aa they did on most
days laat week, quoting what hogs they
bought iw tower. vwiiiu - . hr..k in force, packer
trade was vary aotlva, ssllers realising that
MHAauuifiiui won a aeve -"wi
Wall Stret Feels That the Bail-
road Managers and the Men
'.Are doing to Get Together.
St. Joseph Live Stock Market.
KtL Joaonh. Aua. A 4. Cattle Receipts,
2, BOO heed; market ateady ; eteera, IS.SO0
10.00; cows and belters, 9.z0.zoi oaivea,
is ootftiijoe. -
Hoaa Receipta. s.odo neaa; inatrHt-i
lower; top, 310.06; bulk oft sales,
to.oo. v
Hheep aag Lamba Receipts, 4,ooo neaa;
market dull, lamba, $10.00 11.00; awes,
New Tork. Aur. H. To thoea whoaa-
sumed that the market would be seriously
Influenced or restrained by tho .pending
crisis in to railroad labor situation, today's
session must have come as a surprise, Trad-
m ia.Qn.ea ma oread tn and vlaor of recent
sessions, but waa sufficiently large and di-
versinea 10 emnraca aa unusual variety ox
Issues. '
Except for tha first hour, when tha under
tone waa somewhat uncertain, prices In the
inm ruitsa variaoiy above Jest week's flnal
quotations. Advices from -Washington, the
seat of the labor conferences, were resolved
with Intereat, and for some Indefinable
reason M'all Street waa generally of the
opinion 'at the end Of. the day that rfxlst-
iiik uinerences wouia be overcome.
iteaaing Was the outatndlntr fMture.
dealings In thai atock being larger than
the combined transections In United fltete
Steef, Mercantile Marine, preferred, and
veral of the cooDers. Reedtntr mada an
extrcm advano of 3 points to 104, ylld-
Itt at the close. Other lesuee of nro-
nouno5d strength included Bethlehem Steel,
wmcn roan is points to 440, on a fairly
active turnover, with 9 for the preferred
United States Industrial AfcohoT; the more
prominent metals which manifested a con
uance of laat week's belated demand, ' and
the Mexican group..
Munitions and -eaulDmenta were renrer-
eentsd by Crucible Steel, Baldwin Loco
motive, American Car, American Can. New
iorn Airnraite, general Electric, and wast-
lnghouae. at gains of 1 to 2 points. Sugars
were materially better, with American Hide
and Leather preferred and American Lin
seed common, and preferred. - t .
Heaviness; or varying degrees was anown
by ahlpplng Isauea, motors, International
Paper preferred, and Union Bag and Paper
preierrea, ine two last namea losing a to
2U Mints. , '
zino shares ware backward -on the rela
tively poor quarterly atatement of tha Butte
and Superior company.
Total sales oi stocks amoantea to 40.000
shares. ' ,
Private dispatches from the west indi
cated further apprehension regarding the
crop outlook, but leading railways reported
substantial tonnage Increases over,, the cor
responding period- laat year. y
Bonds lacked feature, aside from addi
tional heavy offerings of Anglo-French 6s,
tne new irrencn notes, iotai saiea.
par value, $3,440,000.
united states bonos were uncnangea on
call. v.
Seleti. Hlth. Low. Clone.
Am. Beet Sugar... z,300 58 bt
American Can 7.400 b 6H B6H
Am. car ft Foundry. s.f)o
Am. Locomotive.... .10, 800
Am. Smelt, ft iter... ,t)UV
Am. sugar ner. ..
, Uvo Stock la Sight. v '
The following are the receipta and amp
ments from the principle marketer
Omahai ,
St. Ltyuls ...
Chicago . . .
Kauette City
Sioux City i
St. Joseph .
Totals ....
lvalue. noli. . line v
.,..,.11.000 - 4.700 13,400
... 8,000 9,400 4,100
...J8,00v 4M00 28,000
,..38,000 11,000 9,000
... 43,00 4.000- 300
... 2,600, . 8,000 4,000
.66,800 ' 88,100 41,900
Am. Tel. A Tel
Am at v r. a- m '
Anaconda Copper..
Bald. Locomotive..
Baltimore ft Ohio..'
Brook. Ran. Tran..
B, A'S. Copper
Cal. Petroleum
Canadian Pacific...
Central Leather....
Cheaapeake ft Ohio.. 1,700
C, M. ft St, P 1,100
Chi. ft Northwestern ....
R. 1. ft P. y.... too
hlno Copper......
uoio. rue 1 a iron... svu
Corn Products Ref..
Crucible Steel
Distiller's Secur
General Electric
Koaln and Turpentine.
k Savannah, -Oa,, Aug. 14. Turpentine
sirm; eac,- ssi. oui., iwvityi.,
tthlnrnente. KKi stock. 16.047.
Rosin Firm; saiea, j.dob ddib.; raceipis,
1,707; ahlpmenta, .; sioca, wuoie
A. B. IB.76: C. D. 16.90: B. 36,05; F, 84.10;
n 10.20: 96.26; I. 96.2606.36: K, 86.960
0.40; H, M.i&JiW, ..! WJJ. fe.ovi wu,
16.71. , .
t Dry Goods Market.
New Tork. Aug. 14. Tha primary cotton
ooda market waa oulte active today.
Prtcea ahowed an upward tendency. Mill
aaanta declined considerable business for de
livery beyond tne end oi tne current year.
A fair 'amount of export business In prints
waa dona with China, .tha Phllllplnea and
Australia, Raw silk advanced at
I oaoaamm. y .
Ot, Northern pfd.
Slndla. 'O.. Aug. 14. The Ohio OH eorn
nany today made another 6-cent reduction
on six grades of oil abd to cent on Ply
mouth oil. Tho new prlcea are;. North
and South Lima. 11.49; Indiana, 91.38
Woostar, 91.66; Illinois and Princeton, 91,47,
and Plymouth. 31.18.
" Big Cut lajneflned Sugar.
New Tork. Aug. 14. -All grades Of re-
MnA auaar were reduoed 84 cents per hun
dred pounds today making fine granulated
7 cent. '
M . - :
new xora aaonex maraee.
New TorK, Auguat 14. H.rca,ntlla Paper
li per cam. ,
Sterling Exchange 40-dey Mile, S4.T114
demand, 14 VI 11-14;) oablea, It.TtH.
S1IV.T Bar, 94HO.
Mexican Dollar. tlUo.
Bonda 43ovarnment, ateadri railroad. Ir
Time Loana Steady; l daralOS per
ceni; au aaye,vai. pn ava., v nwniae.
141444 oer cent.
Call kUney Firm: high, Itt Per oanf: low,
lxper oeatl raltng.rate, IV. per oeot; laat
loan. at. per cant; eipaing Did, 114 per cent
offered at 2 per cent.
U. 8. ref. ta, L. N un 4a...llVi
"U.8. ret la, M.,K7T. lat 4a.7
U. . 2a. reg..l00alMo.Paa oon. ta.101
U. la, cou...l01)iMont. Power ie..t7U
U. I. 4a, reg,...10lttN.T. c. deb. taOllti
U. . 4s. cou.,.110 N. T. City II,,
Am. Smelt. Is. 107 It (lilt) 197
am. 1. a 1. ov. n. x., m. h. 4k
4tta ..-r 199 H. ci. ta Ill
Anxlo-Frenoh ta.ttUNo. Pao. 4a 91U
Atchlaon gen. 4a.92UNo Pao. lB.h.,..GM.
B. Sk O. 4a....... 10 14 -O, 8. L ref. 4s.tlH
Bethlehem Steel Pac. T. St T. ta.lOOtl
ref. ts lOOH'Penn. con. 4HS.104
Cent. Pao lat. . .1711 Penn. gen. IHe.loitt
u. ai v. vr. .7a.oD ji.auina .air. ,s..,0
0. a ji. ...,ia ok i. a e r.
C, M. 4 Bt. P. ref. 4a 71
cv. te 107 14 80. pao. c. 5a. .10
C, R. I. P. 8o. Pac. ret. 4s.. HI,
nr. rai. ae (iaao. nr. Da 1V1
C. 9. ref. 4H..I2I4U. P. 4s ..
1R. aeon. 4s.7t4U. P. cv. 4......lsvi
am k..,, . .a u. d. nuD,r M. , . rui
Oen. Bleo. ta.,.103U. S. Steel 4a...lOS
Ot.No lat'West.Unlon 4Hs.l4
I. C. ref. 4a,, ..87 Weatlnghouae
V M. M. 414....107H Elec. ov. .11114
ia. "uilerea.
No. Av.
It., 117
II.. lit
99.. 949
71. .Ill
71.. Ill
41. .lit
71.. Ill
h. Pr.
...II It,
110,t 49
49 I 40
10 t PS
19 I 0
149 I 10
'41 I 19
19 10
cashing their holdings aa soon aa they got
hid. that looked anywhere near In line. Aa-I
,l .have tha Decker market did Sot
figure any more man ivo - -y
.w ......1 war. enneerned. but, eon-
aldarlng tha Improvement In quality, 'a'""
drove, were quoteu aa f. ' "
meat trad.ra '' ...
A pretty docant l.aranoa had heeil made
v .. u.u.1. there wf a few
scattering loada .till In hrat ruuuta after tta
bulk ot the onennaa aaa vii...a".
A good ehare ot tha hogs jold at a spread
of i9.4ttl.ll. with top aa high aa 14-
Repraaantativ. suae.
No. AT. aa. rr.
91.. 117 S1I9 It 49 -.
90. .199 .. H
It. .lit 140 It "
T7..1II M II
'II.. It 10 ' 71
41. .271 ... 9 II
II, .111 tl 19 01
Sheep-iiompired with tha tar. ppaalou.
Mondaye, reoeipia loaar, V"7
- i,.nn. n.ra or 1 1. 10B BeM.
bel.g reported la. Thlaj la "hart of
UM waekT I.S09 emaller1 than w. waeka
' "V i. .a laraa aa for tha cor-
..ola. d.v laat year, when aeoelpts
hunountad to I7.IS1 head. ! A .
Chtcgo naa ita
..aaoa to data, ar., """-"J.-r" and
day'a ofleringa ai V .
. .- nt . aharn break there gave a
H '.-C: .... ik. market at all polnta.
ruocally. paokara bought a few loads la
decent ae.lW at prlc that -arj ot
aldered mora than 1"'J ' j. . TiJri?
were Jual to give inv.r,. .....v "--"-,,-'.-
however, for on the bulk of the offering,
they bid a quarter or more lower right from
the 'atar Sellera raallxad that atma ejn
..i k.v. te, be made, but they
took their uaae aooa. evi..a. "
cloae to noon whan tha flrat strings af any
auieoaa the aoVlaa. Thaaai later
aalea were called ll2t lower. Onoe a
trading basil wa. atabll.hed. It waa anly a
ahort while .until everything had changed
hands. For the puia or me goea aaanaa n
waa a market, with fair ta eteoeat
klnda on down ta, " '
Paekera found very few eld eheep at thelr
dlepoaal, and paid prlcea tor auck a toft aa
they ooald get. A good many ewaa war.
here, hut moat of them went either- aa breed,
era or feegera A couple af bunche. of I
good kind weiovAought h Paokera aa high
aa l 51. .
' Quotation, on sheep and lamba: Lamba,
' i
H. C B. rat. ta..'.t0tj
I! It
101 H
loo n
' too
Laoal Stoeka and Boada.
Quotatlona furnished by Bun. Brlnkar
a Co., 441-81 Omaha National hank
building: ...
Am, Smelt, Sen, Co. pfd, "A".. I2H
Cltlea Service po. pfd U14
Cudahy Pack. Co. 7 pet. pfd... ,104
peara at Co.-ptd. to It
Fairmont Cream. Co. T pet. pfd.1021,
uooca aiiii.ata,iev,k.o. i paupia, s.i,
Herald Bldg. Co. pfd 1001,
Lincoln Tal. at Tel. com., 1 pet. !
Michigan Light pfd 14
No. statea rower vo. pid...... 941,
Oma. C. B. By. B'dg. pfd . . . .
Oma. C, B. St By. pfd 71
Paclfta Oas siectno pto ... 11 H
Pelara Mill Co. pfd..... lit
St. Joe. Lt., Heat It Power ptd.ll
Skinner Mfg. Co.;....v 1
Swift Co 11114
Union Stock Tarda a-pet. etoeK. Ill,
Argentine govt, gold ta, 1410... 100
Am. For. Sec. Co. t pct.l n.. Ull I7. II
Armour Co. 4Kb, ill. 1H tja.
Booth 4St. Louis) 4a 1111 It lb 100
Benaon IHeo.l acnooi oa, ia.s..iof lot...
Denver Oaa e Kl.o. la, lilt... Iltt It
Frunont INeb.1 S pot. Paving
bonda, 1134 101 101
Indlanapolla Oas ta, lltl tt 111,
la Fort, cement co. aa, iri.-a. aa . . 1HV
Jaffaraon (la) acheol 4 Vis,
Itll-lt, tonet pet
K c. Rv. let ta. 1144 97 99
Oma. ICS. St. Ry. le, 1919. 9t tJ-H
Montreal Tram. I pot.note.,1817 It , 97V,
lmDerlat. Russian Uovernment . i
Int. war loan. 1124. tie Pet...',.,, altt
Rep. of Cuba external la, 1141 It IS
Swift ft Co. ts 100 It 100
Tork (N.b.) g.o. impr. ta 1919. .101 it 101 H
, ! LocKloa Stack Market.
. London, Aug. ,14. American- aecortUea
dull but steady.' 1
Sllvr Bar, II Kd par ounce. ,
Mono? 444 par cent.
Discount Rates Short bllla. 414 04a;
oeatl three moo I he, .4 -4 4) 4 4. par cant. ;
ataak taautaga. ' " ' '
I Omaha."'Aug. 14 Bank clearings for
Omaha, today were 14,901, 271.17 and for the
correepondlng day laat year, Il.ea4.l.e.l4.
Ttreal. Acfclag atoaerea aWleved.
Slean'a Liniment lightly applied, a little
quiet, and your aoreaes. dlaappe. re Ilk.
magic Oat a St. bottle today. A(l drag.
glala. vVdvartlaement. "
7114 72
1494 9614
v. ..
400 13044 19014 130
1,100 33 32 32
19,709 4t 8244- S3 14
2,700 10314 10244 103
1,100 7314 . 7214 7314
1.409 8B54 8t 9614
..... v IJ14
1,700 6614 4714 . f 44
200 174 1714 176
9,309- (614
to 14
SOIL 1341
S.900 7214 194
500. Hi 444
1,600 .37 J614
18 , 19
49 . 10
4414 44
1314 18
, 4,600
, 3,000
Ot. N6. Ore. ctfa
Illinois central.,
Inter. Con. Corp.
Inspiration Copper,. 1S.90O
inter, anrvester
int. M. at. pid. ctis.iv.iuv
o. soutnern....
Kenneoott Copper.
Louis, ft Naan
Mex. Petroleum....
Miami Ccer 4.
M. K. ft V. Pfd. .,
Missouri Pacific .. .
Montana Power. .
National Lead
Nevada Copper
New Tork Central.
N. T.. N. H. ft n. . .
Norfolk ft Weetern.
Northern pactno...
Pacific Mall
Pac. Tel. ft Tel.,...
Pennsylvania ......
Ray con. copper. . .
Reo. iron ft steei.r.
Shat. Aiixona Cop.,
Southern Pacific.
Southern Railway,.,
Studebaker Co
Tenneasee Copper.,..
Texaa company,..,.
TTnto Pacific..:....
Union Pacific pfd.,
U. 8. Ind. Alcohl.
U. 8. Steel. ..y--.
B. tfteet pta...
Utah1 Copper
Wabash pfd. "B".
Wsatern Union..,
West. Xiiecirie.
1,600 ,17014 16914 16914
1.100 11114 11S44 119
709 S6 3614 3644
600 10144 10114 10114
600 1614
SO ii
- S00 ll
- 400
600 1'4 19-
1,100 10414 104
300 6944 . 69
1,100 13014 12S.
9014 9214
. .-. 2414
4914 41
... 126
97 97
14 34
.... - 10
11 5 tl ,3
66 6V4 94
700 111M
. 2,600 6S 66 -16-
.18,800 2614 24 14
.87.100 102 10114 193
.1,200 47 4? 4114
600 28 27 27
1.700 9814 17 18
.... 28 23 23
4.100 12844 12614 2S14
1,300 26 26 26
1,100 194 ltl 194
. S.I09 111 13! 129
'. 4.805 112 108' 110
.24,609 .98 17 88
. 1,400 11 , 10 S0
. 1 800 -SI ' 21
. 200 94 94 13
8,600 69 Oa .4
Total aalea for the day, 440,009 aharea.
Dry Federation
To, Start Speaking,
.About September!
Tlnrnln. Atto 14. fSoecial.) Tfl
txecntive committee of the Nebraska
Dry Federation, upoff tne recom
mtndition of the chairman, hag ap
pointed Ambroae C. Epperson to take
charge of the speaking about Sep
tember 1. - ; ' '
A crneratXautotnobile ana other
form of speaking campaign -was de
termined upon several months ago.
When this should beem, -was nor
definitely fixed tintil after fjoundmg,
the local workers-on the subject. The
general opinion is that it should com
the first week after the state
fair, hence September II is nov
lucid as tne eiinitr tunc. -
A. tn tha character of the cam
naio-n. aome workers favor an out
door automobile exclusively, while
nthera want a few biff meetings
each county addressed by speakers of
national reputation. tnairman
Thompson believes there is good in
both an outdoor open air campaign
and also in the large meetings and
that both forms of campaigning
be followed. ; ,
"Let no one think," says Mr,
Thompson, "that we propose to
nvcrlnck a thorounh. systematic and
able-speaking .campaign during the
two months next preceding me elec
tion, and 1 miss mygueg 11 me usefulness-
and effectiveness' of the or
o-anixations that have; been and are
being formed, and the literature that
has been and now is being, distributed
do not testify to the wisdom of the
campaign that the executive commit
tee is conducting in the interest of the
tosiK amendment. .
McAdoo Says Public
Really-Doesn't Care
' .'About Office (Jrab
Washington Auj 13. Charges ofi
Lnarles p. nugnes regaramg me ap
pointment -of Daniel E. Finn to suc
ceed Henry . t,iappas assistant ap
nraiser Sii merchandise at New York
drew the following statement-tonight
from Secretary McAdoo.
"Mr. Hushes is- merelvvWtyfog.
ging. He is welcome to a monopoly
Ot mat new. a tic iiapp case is a
verv unfortunate one for his purpose
If I thought that the public was realty
interested, I would make ft statement
about nY
Prepara ta Move Oaard.
Denver. Colo,, Aug. 14. Prepartlona far
movement of the Colorado National uuara
te the Mexican border war. begun today,
following receipt of War department orders
by Adjutant General. Gamble, - ,lt .waa
etated tha troopes-wauld probably begin en
training tomorrow. The Colorado Guard
eoneia of 1,941 .fflcara and max.
', X .'-.A1.V j .."'
Eetristjation Dayi for High
School Wm Be Announced
... oon. v
DisdoNTnnjE oniLir camp
With ' but two weeks left before
the . opening of school for the fall
term, beginning September 1, stu-
f dents are speculating on. the pros
pects of athletics and other activities
this year. The new 'Principal, Mr. ;
hHuwaldt, has arrived and will take!
permanent charge 'of his office to
day. Registration .days will be an
nounced . soon Miss Breen, former
secretary in" the superintendent, of
school's office, has been in charge ar
ranging affairs for the opening of
school,, f , ! ,
It is known that Principal Huwaldt
is an enthusiast of athletics, debating
and all such student activities.
Vacation Camp. .Discontinued.
Objection on the Dart of the hosts
of girls who work at the Armour
"Packing plant) to tnjoy'mg a weeVs
vacation at Camp Howe on King's
lake, near Valley, has caused Oeneral
Manager R. C. Howe to abandon the
idea for the summer. It was orginatly
intended to continue thevtamp until
September 1. '
"I cannot exactly understand the
action of the girls, Miss Ring, sec
retary to Mr. Howe, who has taken
a great interest in the expeditions.
said Saturday.! "Their objection to
going on these summer excursions
free of all cos"seems nonsensical, yet
they persist and we could not force
them. Mr. Howe v has discontinued
the camp." -
Miss Evelyn Voxe Entertains.
Miss Evelyn Vore entertained a(
a house party during the week-end
for 'her cousins who are visiting in
the South ''Side. The guests were
Misses Enolg Hall 'of Columbus,
Fannie Matson of Monroe, Audrey
Matson of Monroe, lone Hall of
Columbus, Alice Liridburg of Polk
and Cora Hall of Columbus.
Thief to $tart 'Shoehop.
A thief who evidently was intent
on entering the shoe repairing busi
ness, raided the shop -of Walter
Olech, Thirty-ninth and L streets.
Friday evening and stole about every
thing portable in sight. The goods
taken included a hide worth $9,
twelve; pairs of rubber heels, a pair of
auwa wiii; uciiib, jus. ite, svicu aitu m
bunch of tools valued at $5. Entrance
was gained to the shop by a trapdoor.
Ulech tailed to report the robbery
y Accused of Trespassing,
Special- Officer Hiller was obliged
to exert considerable effort in bring
ing beorge Sherwood, elevator op
erator, 3316 K street, to the police
station after ha fiarl ordered him off
v. .. .. .. -
the. railroad tracks. '
Bowlers' Meet Soon. ,
Bowlers of the South "Side will
meet before the end of the month.
probably on the evening of August
26, to -discuss plans for th.e fall -and
winter! bowling contests. Three
leap-lies lou&riit for honors durintf the
last year, one if the organizations
being an entirely new one. The Stock
Yards league how contains many ex
pert bowlers and with the sprinkling
of other old veterans will be wellable
to keep, its place as an opponent of
the two Magic City leagues. '
The meeting win probably, be held
in'the office of George Gnbble, one
of the officials at Twenty-fourth and
M streets. Officials of all three
leagues will be present.
South Dakotan Dead.
Georee C. Schlekan. aged 27 yearsJ
whose parents are old-- residents ot
Sarpy county, was killed by lightning
in White Deer, S. D., last week. He
is survived by a wne and two chil
dren. Five brothers, Henry, Frank,
Charles, Edward .and Fred, and two
sisters, Mrs. G. F. Dunn and Mrsv
H. C. Small, also surviver-
The funeral will be held Tuesday
afternoon at 2 o'clock from the home
of the parents, H. Schlekan. Services
i. , i. i j ,l. 'tt-: 1 1. t
win oe nciuin tne umuii t-uuiv.ii ui
Sarpy county and burial will follow
in the Bailey cemetery. ,
Aleshire Farewell Party.
A farewell 1)artv was given Friday
eveninar in honor of Miss Madeline
hfleshire, who will leave Monday for
El Faso. Xex., where she will make
her" home. The evening was spent
in dancing and games. A dainty
luncheon was Served. Those present
were: Carol Demke, Madeline Ale
shire, Margaret Lanning, Barbara Au
gustine, Irene Blumes, Alice Barry,
Irene Peterson,- Ruth Yostr, Theresa
Murohv. Myrtle Judge, Mary Cald
well:" Veronica' McGoldrich, Mary
Dent. Katherine Lanning, Mrs. Faul
Byerly, Mrs. r., iemice, m. niggins,
W. Offer
Russian Imperial
Internal 5V2 Bonds
of 1916
Dlraet obligation of tha Rustles
Fro. of all present and future Busslan
Profit over 60 and interest yield
over 8 figuring present low ex
chargfe rate, at the normal value
of rubles.
Circulars, particulars and also certified
English translation of bonds on request
Petrograd Moscow , Odessa Rig
Archangel Minsk "Wilna, Eto.
37 Broadway New York
S.aaon and Variable Routaa.
Chicago to New York and .
return '.$31.70
Chicago to Boston and re
turn I 30.50
ChicafO to Buffalo or Ni.
gara Falls and return. . 18.39
And many other points.
Three Trains Daily from La Salle
Station. .
Write A.' B. B. Burrow,
D.P.A. . '
787 Brandeis Bldg. Omaha, Neb.
JBTCeUfKiff Evaa'ga, 1S-25-50-75S
Season'. Initial Week
new10 THE "TOURISTS burlesque
Now In the NewntM of their OoodnoM. Don CUrk,
Brt Boh, tu. CoughUn, Uusarat Lee, Jicquelln
TaUmtn, Ms9 Ltile. Jew Welsa. Walter Wolff.
DaVDOlof Collnli tvnd Hummez GUI Betvuly Chorua.
LdiM Dim MUbm WmIc Day.
Isiaesisairt Extrsertlssrr-HirrSKV TSOUPt
leserlsl Rutelss slBHra, SaReers asg Inrrrsaeetallttt
Cesisav Maslelsea ana IlluHoallta.
THREE BROTHERS Hsrsway Slasan,
"Tssnstiee Matssnss." .
Msrlat Phtaias at Nearaaka Reflauatf HeHIUstM
st Llseels. -. y - , t
" Bessie Love in
Keystone Comedy.
la a pkturUation of Clrde Fttek's
dramatic auccaea
M Hannon, J. Higgins, F. Kendall,
Murnhv. G. Guerin. William Ull-
loulv. Guv Usher. Tom Redmond,
Tom Lanning, Alex McCake, Mike
Murpny.wanfc Dore, Kooert rveiry,
Johni Byerly'Tom Fitzgerald and
Harora taiaweii.
Hade Cltr Ooaslo.
Trunk, to and from depot. '.'too. Call
Rapid Xuto Exp. So. StSt.
Mrs. J. C. Letaenrlng o( Shenandoah.
vUlted with her parents over Svndajr.
M 1 1 C P Perform an ca
IIIUaSEi Daily 1-3-7-9,
. Mine. Petrova In
"The Eternal Question"
Coming The Light at Dusk
in - '
, ' Tomdrrow "
Aug. 14, 15, 16, 17
Monday, Aug. 14, Ladies' Day
.Bos Seats, Barltalow Bros,
.Tyler looo
awwrt- fa . ...... AHPSTS)
aw4 itLtaaU I i'r-Ji
- That
- -XM. M air-
(Ct. i
: Vn a Cfagg h ttlf -v "
Brewed and Bottled, by
Jetter Brewing iCo., Ltdr'
raaaH7 TnM BaafOlavl ky Wnu Jettet. .