Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 15, 1916, Image 1

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    -Thousand of Omaha
families read The Bee
t exclusively. v
If you want their trade
advertise in The Bee.
! - )
On Train at HotU,
Republican Nomine for Presi
dence for a Protective Tariff,
End of Wastff and Extrava.
gance in Government
Cannot Afford to Assume that
Prosperity is Going to Take
Oare of Ltself in This Country.
' ' v.
Coeur tyAlene. Idaho, Aug. 14.
Charles Hughes', replying today to
criticism that he was not constructive
in his policies,- declared at .an open
air meeting here today thatjie stood
for a protective tariff, for a budget
system, the elimination of the pork
barrel, the end of waste and extrava
j .l- t ..m;..
gancc. anu uic appvim-mciii iuuiv
service of men qualified for office.
"Is not that constructive?" Mr.
Hughes asked; "I belieye that they are
the fundamentals of oenstructive poli-
cies which this nation is facing today."
Mr. Hughes discussed the demo
cratic slogan of prosperity.
"We cannot afford in this country."
he said, "to assume that Bdir pros
perity will take care of itself. Who is
so foolish as to believe and to be de
ceiver) by a prosperity maintained- by
. i. - i- x ri ,
assume to ascribe to themselves the
benefits that have accrued from that
great contest. Their statements will
not stand the test of careful analysis.','
- I Trade in War Sunnliea!
"For example, they point to the
'trade in munitions of war and say-Hice announcement today.
that, that is -ut slighwn comparison
with the trade of the other industries
of the country. The manufacture and
sale of munitions have connected with
-it considerable development of pros
perity as a part ot tne sale ana mere
manufacture of munitions itself.
"When you look, upon Europe, we
find millions ot men in tne trenches,
' consuming weal)h. Do you suppose
vou can withdraw trom the length
and breadth of Europe millions ' of
men from productive enterprises and
not. feel the advantages of it in this
country? ' ' ,
.-'Our opponents point to the de
velopment ot exports. Do they, not
. understand that there is a tremendous
loss in '"'production w hich AmericaJ
is making', gpod-rthat- tr.1ije.19
almost every industry and every part
of our country? '
.; ,'-; New Freedom.
"Do you want to know what is like
ly to be -the result of that test?xlf
..At. An .nnfJa, rnnrfihntia n
this country just before the outbreak
of the war. We had then the new
tariff; we had-then the new freedom;
we had then the present administra
tion, and we had (then men walking
the streets unemployed, in every city
of the country.
"The result was patent to every otKl
server that this country could not
go on and be prosperous under the
policies of this administration, If
this administrataion is saved from
tin: condemnation which it deserves
for its economic policies, it is saved
bythe European war and a deceived
"Our opponents even point to the
extent of our gold deposits inthis
country, as though that Alid not-mean,
that when this war ends there will
be a terrific economic struggle by
European nations to drew our gold
in exchange for their products. It
is absolutely patent that the. hope of
America- enterprises in the near fu
ture rests with the party- that is de
voted to the principles of protecting
American industries. v
'Old Tariff Talk Abandoned.
"I defy our oppofien,ts o go
through the country in this campaign
and' state what they have stated iir
previous camoaiens about the tariff.
They don't dare do it, because wej
kiimw aim Mic worm xnows, mat tne
safety bf-this nation is bound up jn
the economic principles for which
the republican oartv stands.
"I do not believe that the American!
(oDtlnutd an Page Two. ..Coltuna Tkna.)
The Weather
For Nebraska Fair, warmer, i
Tempemturea at Omaha Yesterday.
Official Report from' Petro
grad Tells of Gains Made
N ' J ' in Galicia.
Petrograd,' Aug. 14. (Via London.)
Along the Galician front the Rus
sian sweep continues unchecked, tlic
official announcement states. ' Further
gains have been made on the upper
Sereth. In the region ot the Middle
Stripa and the. Koropice, the Austrian
are being pursuea oy me Russians,
who reached thesiorthernbankAf the
Dniester, before Mariampol. ' -The.
official statement' says:
"Western front: In the Priamur
hospital, near the little town of Sini
avka, two sisters and one hospital or
derly were killed and two,, sisterl
wounded bya bomb from an enemy
aeroplane. . "
"South of Stobvchvi. on the eve
ning of August 13, the enemy attached
on the western bank ot tne atoicnoa,
but as the result of a counter attack,
iwhich followed, hexwas driven back.
to his positions.
"On the upper Sereth our advance
continues. The enemy retired to thjl
west to a fortihed position, Tjebtnd
which, at some points, he is checking
our advance by herce artillery hre.
-"In the region of theMiddle Stripa
and- the River Koropice, our troops,
continuing- to pursue the enemy, ad
vanced to the west and arriving be
fore the Zlota Lipa, near Zavalov and
Korzov, reached the northern bank
of the Dniester, before Mariampol.
"In the region of Yaremcze, Yalo
viczary and Kirlibaba, in the wooded
Carpathians, local attacks ,ot tne
enemy were everywhere repelled by
our troops.' s
French Make Gains on Somme.
Parjs, Aug. 14. The French troops
capturedT some trenches on the left of
the. ray-Demecourt road in the som
me sector last night, says the war of
nee announcement today. I here was
brisk cannonading in the region o
Maureoias. German attacks in th
vicinity of Hill 304 and at Fleury (in
the Verdun sector), were repulsed.
Germans Retake Trenches.
London. Aug. 14. Atacking British
positions near Pozieres on the Somme
front, the Germans last night a ined
a foothold, temporarily, in a ' portion
of the trenches taken from them yes
terday. - . ,
'The statemenrfollowsv
"Last night, westof Pozieres, the
enemy gained a temporary footing in
a portion of the trenches captured by
us yesterday. Otherwise there were
no developments on'the' British front
netween tne somme ana tne nncre.
"South of the Ypres salient we car
ried out a successful raid without in
-eurring 'any-'-losses ourselves. There
has been further mining activity. We
forcetrtn entry into a German gallery
.afthe blurt north of -the Ypres
Cqmtnes canal, and after exploration
blew in a considerable -lenorth. We
captured some of the enemy's mining
stores. We also successfully exploded
a mine near iordonnerie.
Pounding Away 0 a'Re"
Takes .nositiono
Ale , s 'N -ipa River.
Asserted that Miriampol Ear
Fallen and that General Let
chitzky is Straightening
His Lihefs. "J
- ,
V, ilvx'JAJll 7 a.
I a. m. .......... 5
9 a. m. ......... t. us
10 a. m 66
11 a. m .- $7
12 in. 66
. 1 p. m. 67
2 p. m. 68
3 p. ml. ........ 66
P. m 66
( P. ,m 70
I p. m. .......... 70
, 1 p. in 70
S i. ai 9
ComparaUve Loral Hconi.
. 1916. 1916 1814. 1MB.
Hicnest. yesterday .... 7t 94
4 14 103
Loweet yesterday .... tl 60 61 . S
Mean, temperature... 6 72 -j 72 , (0
rrecipuauon 86 .00 f .18 -,oo
Temperature .and precipitation departure!
fapm the normal at Omaha since March 1,
antt compared with the laat two yearsV
Normal temperature 75
DeSclency for the day. f
Total excess since March 1.'. 226
Normal precipitation .......,. .11 Inch
Bxceaa tor the day 24 Inch
Total rainfall since March 1... .11.22 Inches
Deficiency since March 1 ...... . 2.64 Inches
Deficiency for cor, period In ISIS .06 Inch
Deficiency toY cor. period. 1214., 4.42 Inches
Beports From Station at 7 p. m. -8atlon
and Bute. Temp. High" Baln-
of Weather. 7 d. 1
Cheyenne, part cloudy.. 74
Davenport, rain ...7 .v.. SS
Denver, cloudy , 74
Des Moines, oloudy.. .... 62
Dodve City, part -cloudy 20
Laindcr. part cloudy. ... 86
North Platte, dear. 84
Qmaha, cloudy 70
tfueblo, part cloudy..,. 76
Bait Lake, part' oloudy. Sti
Manta Fe,t clear ., 72
Sheridan. 1 clear , 88
Sloua City, raltu. 68
Valentine, alear ti
' .01
, .00
L. A. WBtfUI, Ketesroleaist,
Printers Demand
Real Inquiry Into
Paper Situation
Baltimore, Md., Aug. 14. The six
ty-second annual convention ot the
International Typographical union
opened here today. After a brief busi
ness session for organization and ap
poiritmeiits "of committees, adjourn
ment was taken until Wednesday. To
morrow tire delegates wiU go to
Washington, where, they will be the
guests ot the Washington union.
"Something more substantial than
a perfunctory investigation ot the in
creased cost of white paper was de
manded in the annual report of Presi
dent Maraden G. Scott, made to the
convention today. 1
"If the price of paper is not kepn
down, said Mr. acott, there will be
a Jailing away fn printed matter that
win. force on' tne unemployed list
thousands of -those engaged in the
printing industry.
Man Who Shot Girl
Is Captured After
;vFourDdys' Chase
Morris, Ilhr-Aug. 14. Guy O'Brien
a-wealthy young farmer, who shot
and perhaps fatally wounded his
sweetheart, Miss Ida Torkelson white
she was riding with her mother here
last Wednesday, was captured early
today near Lee, ill.
U Brien iiad successfully, eluded a
posse of farmers and deputy sheriffs
since the shooting. ; - V '
' Miss Torkelson, who was shot
twice, is in a hospital here, but is not
expected to live., she was engaged
to O'Brien, but the engagement was
broken at the request of her mother
because of V brien s alleged temper.
Bishop Brewer is
Critically 111
l Helena,.Mont, Aug. 13. The Right
Rev, Leigh R. Brewer, bishop of the
i Montana diocese of the Protestant
Episcopal church, is critically ill of a
complication of diseases,' due to his
advanced years. Attending physi
cians tonight held out no hope for
their patient, but said he might live
several years. Bishop Brewer a . 77
years old.
Dennis Dowd, American , ;
Aviator, Killed in France
Paris, Aug. 14, Dennis Dowd, an
American avjator with the French
armv. was killed at ths Buc aero
drome Friday by falling with his ma-J
chine. 1 he cause ot the accident iS
unknown.- Dowd was considered an
expert flyer, although he had not yet
obtained a pilot's certificate. Origin
ally he was wtih the foreign legion,
but recently joined the newly, con
stituted American flying corps.' He
was 30 years old. His father lives at
Seacliff, Long Island. - , 1
Petrograd, Aug. 14. The retreat
of the Austrians from the Stripa
continues, with the Russian?pound
iug the Austrian rear guard. Pod
giacy, on the Koropice, hasT fallen
and General Count von Bothmer's
farces are taking up positions on the
west bank of the Zlota Lipa.
The line of the Austrian defense
as it appears todav runs from Beres-
techk thrt)ughShezusovitse along the
head waters of the Myr and through
Oleeko-vZbbroff to Brzezany, fdrirK
ing a zig-zag to the upper Zlota Lipa,
along that stream to Korzov, thence
west to Jesupol ten miles northwest
otvstanislau, thence south, to bolot
vina. s '
' In other words, the Austrians con
tracting the circle about Lemberg,
are withdrawing to a line between
the Carpathians and Pinsk marshes,
the shortest length of which will
compensate them in some measure
for the tremendous losses they have
suffered since the beginning of the
Russian advance.
. ' Surrender of Miriampol. , .
' The surrender of Miriampol by the
Austrians has enabled General Let
chitzky to straighten the front of his
advance' , toward ' Palicz,. this now
forming an jlmost direct east and
west line only seven miles from that
town at the. nearest approach.
The Rech in its summary ofthe
prisoners captured by the Russians
during last week's -operations esti
mates 83,200 men and 1,700 Officers
and sixty-nine guns and 342 machine
guns ' and bomb throwers taken byl
Gneexals Letchitzky, Scherbatchoffl
and Bakharoff. x
Russian Attacks Checked.
, Berlin, Aug. 14. (Via London.)
Concerning military operations on
theeastern front, an official statement
given out here today says:'
;' front ;pt field Marshal Ton riin-
denburg: Iri'tjie region of Skrobio-
wa, on the Oginsky canal, south, ot
Lake Wygonowskbie. Russian ad:
vances were, repulsed. German de
tachments' dispersed Russian ad
vanced guards east of the canal with
considerable losses for the enemy.
Near Zarecze, , on the Stokhod, the
battle against! Russian troops, which
had advanced, was decided-in' our
"Strong Russian attacks were di
rected against the Uraberka sector,
south of Brody. They were repulsed
with sanguinary losses. New attacks
are now taking place.
"Front of Archduke Charles Fran
cis: Russian attacks -against the
Zboroff-Konjucay sector failed. Such
units of the enemy as had penetrated
our lines were driven back by a coun
ter attack andmore than 300 prison
ers were taken West of Monaster
zyska the enemy made an attack on
vain." 1 - '
, Italians Repulsed Seven Times.
Berlin, August 14. (By Wireless to
Sayville.) The most serious fighting
is in progress on the heights east of
Gorizia, says the official Austrian an
nouncement of Sunday. Seven times
the Italians stqrmed the heights and
were repulsed with heavy losses. The
Austrians have captured 5,000 Italians
since the inauguration of the new of
fensive. 1
"In the district east of the Vallone
valley our troops repulsed several at
tacks," says the stat'-ment '
lieri Cycle corps were greatly instrumental in gaining the victory over the Austrians at
Gorizia. The cycle corps are a most mobile force, climBing heights witrtiicycles on their
backs or taking advantage of the terrain where there are suitable roads.
1 l rv-A.-.
1 r
ft w&u; 'A J A. 11 riPv.
1 1
l tl?5r..'.
asi.i n.xiaiaaaial- &A 1
"Suggestion Made that Presi
dent Apolnt the Neutrals on
an Arbitration Board Where
Both Are Bepresnted.
- -
Prominent New Yorkers Called
Before Grand Jury to Tes
tify About Baylis Puna.
Postoffice Clerks -
In ArmyxAre "Of f
Postoffice Rolls
Chicago Aug. 14. One hundred
and thirty employes of the Chicago
postoffice who are on the Meitican
hofder with the National Guard, were
dropped from the rolls today by Post
master lampDeu. J nis action was
taken in' compliance with an order
received from the postmaster general
at Washington that all employe at
the front should be dropped.
Postmaster Campbell said the .men
dropped mght be reinstated in their
former positions as. soon as they are"
honorably discharged trom tne army.
The Washington order to drop em
ployes, now serving in the militia at
the tront applies to three umana
postomce employes, wno are in tne
Nebraska National Guard in Texas.
Included in the thcee is Lieutenant
Colonel William Boehr; ' commander
of the Nebraska guards, who is a
cerc in the local Doatomce. As
sistant pstmoster Woodard, how
ever, says the men will be reinstated
upon their return from the front.
Paralysis' Epidemip
Takes Turn for Better
New York. Aug. 14. The epi
demic of infantile paralysis took a
turn tor tne Detten today, a he num
ber of new cases reported to the
health department went under ' the
hundred mark, for the first time in
several weeks. - During the twenty
four hours ending at 10 a. m. the
plague -killed thirty-One children and
ninety -five new cases were reported,
forty-three of them in Manhattan and
thirty-one .in Brooklyn. This com
pares ' favorably . with yesterday's
figures,-when theYe .were 141. new
cases and twenty-two' fatalities. 'The
falling off in cases was attributed to
the "cooler weather,
'New York,, Aug- 14. frs. W. K.
Vanderbiltk H. H. , Westinghouse,
Daniel Gujfgenlveim and others have
been subpoenaed as witnesses 111 a
grand jury inquiry which the district
attorney's office announced would be
gin tomorrow in the disposition of
$7,000 of funds collected from philan-
tropic persons by Kev Dr. Charles I.
Baylis as director ot the allies hos
pital relief commission.
According to Assistant District At
torney Boesch much of the money
was.used in organization and expense
detail of th commission, but none has
been epe.nded for the relief work for
which it was intended. ,
Marshal Flynri
Says People Are -
Not Eeally Funny
United , States Marshal Ffynn
escorted Alice Grey Hair from the
county jail to the federal building.
This is not a society item, though
soma of the marshal's friends who
met him on the way tried to make
believe they thought it was. 1
Alice Grey Hair is a young Winnebago-
Indian woman who has been
incarcerated for (a couple of weeks on
a charge of introducing liquor among
the Indians 'on the reservation. She
was released on bond and it was to
draw up th bond that the marshal
escorted her to the federal building.
A friend of the marshal met them
just as they were coming from the
court house. He stared, smiled and
then removed his hat with an exag
gerated 1 politeness. The marshal
'touched his ! at in return.
At Seventeenth and Farnam atreets
another friend-appeared.. He, too,
raised his hat and, as the marshal and
the lady passed, bowed profoundly.
The marshal quickened his pace,
hoping that in the comparative quiet
'of Seventeenth street he would meet
no more friends. But it seemed every
body he knew was coming Up Seven
teenth street. They came in ones and
twos and he passed them in groups on
the corner. All were polite, terribly
polite. . ' 1' , , ' ,
At Jiis office he had to answer sev
eral telephone calls from men who
wanted to know "who - was your
friend?", 1 .
The marshal says some people
think they're awfully funny when
they're only silly. "
John Cprrtiri is Being
Searched for by Sister
Where is John'Conlin? , '
A sister at St. Joseph, Mo., is anx
iously awaiting word from him. The
relative has not received a letter from
him since four Jrears ago. '
Conlin made his home at the Doug
las county hospital at intermittent
periods up" to about four years ago
when relatives inquired about him It
seemed that the inquiries prompted
-his disappearance. His first appear
ance at the county institution was ten
years ago. He is. now about 65 years
of agerf living.
He is said to have lived near Fif
teenth and Castelar streets during part
of his residence here. The Bee has
received a letter from inquiring Rela
tives, i .. -
Another Strong Line of En.
trenchments Babk of Hill
V No. 212 ia Pieroed.
Rome,Aug. 14. (Via London.)
Italian' troops continued yesterday
pressing the Austrians bapk on the
Carso pltateau and east of hill 212
pierced another strong line of hosiile
entrenchments. About 800 prisoners
were captured by the Italians, says
the official announcement of this
operation. s 1 . . '
"In the- Gorizia area artijlery duels
took place," the statement says, "The
enemy's batteries shelled the town and
bridges over the Isonzo. ' -
"On the remainder of the front
small, but sharp encounters took place
on the slopes of Forame, at the head
of the Costeana valley, on the Boite
and on the slopes of Monte Civarone.
Thee nemy was repulsed everywhere.
"Last night hostile aircraft dropped
bombs on Monfalcone and other
places on the. lower Isofizo. No dam
age nor casualties have been re
ported." , '
Austrian Resistance Obstinate,
Rome, Aug. 14. Via' Paris.)
Descriptions of the vigorous Italian
offensive 'in the vicinity of Gorizia
are coming in almost hourly. The
Asistrians are resisting obstinately on
the San Gabriel line and the San Mar
co heights, but it is improbable that
this is their real' line of defense, as
ahev hAvft a new nnint nf rraiatanee
on the high plains of Bainsizzo, over
looking the Oorizia plains, which in
terferes with thefree movement of
Italian troops.
The Austrians, although badly de
feated at Gorizia still are strong
and full of fight. General Cadorna'sf
further progress probably will be
slow, as every inch of advance is bet
ing contested. , '
Fighting continues on the other
front. 1 1 , ,
Dr. Murphy Leaves (
S -Estate of Million
Chicago, Aug. 14. Funeral services
for the late Dr. John B. Murphy, Chi
cago's noteeV surgeon,' were held to
day in St. James' Catholic church.
The services were conducted by pre
lates of the Catholic church, of which
Dr. Murphy has been a lifelong mem
ber. The interment took place at
Calvary cemetery.
- Six active oalibearers. chosen from
among Dr. Murphy's personal asso
ciates, were augmented by a large
body -of- honorary pallbearers, who
came from all walks of life, and in
cluded members of the medical pro
fession, who were tirm tnends of
the doctor and many of his lay
friends. , '
It was stated today that Dr. Mur
phy left -no with disposing of his tt
tate, estimated at more "than $1,000.'
000. . .
Wilson and Marsh'
Talking Finarice
Washington, Aug. 14. Financing
the democratic national campaign
was (discussed today by President
Wilson. W. S. Marsh, treasurer of the
nationaljcommittee, and Henry Mor
genthau,chairman of the finance com
mittee. The president entertained the
members of the campaign committee
ai luncn. . ' ,
London Paper Blames Chicago ;
Pit for Rise in Price of Wheat
London, Aug. 14. The Chicago'
wheat pit again is the object today of
a .violen attack in the Daily Express.
"Undeterred by the world war, the
wieat gamblers of Chicago are send
ing skyward the prices of grain from
which mankind derives its daily bread,
amassing their gains with as little
compunction., as the Bourbons used
to gather taxes, It declares.
X)nce again- the provisions pits pre
sent a discreditable spectacle of fren
zied speculation, fleecing those whom
they -facetiously style their Iambs,
while in the British H'-sfof Com
mons the premier js being urged to
take what steps he can to arrest the
rise in price of a loaf. That a nation
which has been described by its
president as too proud to fight in the
cause of liberty, should comprise a
body of so-called businesss men will
ing to add to the sum of human suf
fering in this day of Axmegeddon,
actuated solely by greed of gold,
bodes ill for the verdict of the fu
ture. 1 , .
Sheriff at Des Moine Say jle
Believes Extensive Opera
tions Uncovered.
(From a Staff Corraapondant)
(Dei Moines, la., Aug. 14. (Special
Telegram.) Sheriff John Griffin of
Polk country, believes he has uncov
ered a gang of automobile thieves
who have stolen thousands "of dol
lars' worth of (Jars in this and adjoin
ing counties as well as in Omaha,
Lincoln and Fremont. He aays the'
gang operates from Ottawa county,
Missouri Three, members of the
gang are under arrest, he says.
A man and woman wanted in Lin
coln are being held in Fairfield.
. Edward Graven has been arrested
at Bedford charged with stealing a
car there. Part of the gang, Griffin
says.were members of the Mabray
swindle gang, who operated a fake
horse race swindle. -
Half Million In ' j
Cash Checks Run
On Savings Bank
1 11 ,
F.ait it. Louis, 111.. AuK. 14. A pile
of currency, totalling $500,000, check
ed a small run of savings depositors
of. the Illinois State bank here today.
Some depositors, after withdrawing
their money, went to the receiving
tellers' windows and redeposited it.
The run was due to the , report
spread by a man who telephoned de
positors "tips" that the bank was not
safe. Efforts to locate this man
have failed.
Depositors were assured that the
institution was absolutely solvent, but
to make timid ones feel safe $500,
000 'was put pn the counter in plain
sight. '''' , r '
Ralph Powell Wins
Inter-State Tennis
'Title by Default
Sidux City la., Aug. 14.-(Special
Telegram.) Ralph Powell of Omaha
today won the singles championship
ot the interstate tennis tournament
from' Kenneth Rerick of Frimghar,
la., bv default Rain today caused
a second postponement of the finals'
match, which originally was sched
uled for Saturday, and Rerick an
nounced be would be unable to re-.l
main in sioux City any longer, be
cause of pressing business at home.
As a result he defaulted the champion?
snip to roweu.
In a match; characterized by the
absence of any spectacular feature,
lolin Barton of Sioux Falls and Ken
neth Rerick of Prlmghar, la., yester
day defeated w. s. - Mil man and
Charlie Carey of Sioux C5ty, giving
Barton and Rerick. the interstate
doubles trophy,
Employes .Suggest They Will
Have Fair Hearing if Plan
is Adopted. r ,.
Scotland May
.Take Over Retail
Liquor Business
1 .
London, Aug. 14. The committee!
appointed some time ago to advise
the government in regard to oro-
posals for purchase by the state of
the licensed liquor trade ot Scotland,
has recommended that trade in liauor
by licensed grocers should be aboU
ished and that hotels and inns, which
depend mainly on this traffic, should
be taken over by the staie. The com
mittee reported against the purchase
of distilleries. -
More Letters Commend ; V
Camps Along Border
Washington, Aug. 14. Three nrnre
letters' commanding the handling of
national camps on the border" were
made public today by thetWar depart
ment. One is' from Dr. Eugene E.
Crockett, special agent of the Ameri
can Red Cross. Another is from
an unnamed private in Company F,
rirst tuwa itiiamry ana aaurcssea 10
President Wilson. t
Washington, Aug. 14,-ji-After hiS!
conference with railroad managers
late today, President Wilson isjued s
the following! '
T k.... -i t-.l. In-- J .' J- '
nav uici uum aiuca ana usvc
gone over the - case with utmost (
frankness. I shall not . be able to
judge until tomorrow whether" we
have a feasible basis of settlement."
The committee of managers re
maihed in conference with the presi
dent arf hour, and as they left Elisha
Lee, their spokesman,, refused to
make any statement "' 1
v To Take Up Suggestions. -The
managers 'left ' the White 1
House to hold a meeting to take up -suggestions
laid before them by the
president. The president ' arranged '
to see Judge. Chambers later today.
It was indicated that the employes
had made a suggestion which the
managers want to discuss among
themselves. The suggestion was be
lieved to be that the president ap
point neutral arbitrators to serve with
Representatives of each side. '
, Late this afternoon a previous, an
nouncetnent that the managers would
see the president at 9 o'clock tomor- -row
morning was reversed and it was
said the representatives of the em-
E loves would confer with him at that :
our. The manager! will see him aft
erward, j ' ... .
1 Cntifarfi. A a-atn TaJ.
... ....- .-a--" - "
After the president's conferences
with Both concerned in tu threaten-
ed railroad strike, it was agreed that
the outlook was hopeful. The confer
ences will be resumed tomorrow
When the railroad managers closed
their first conference at 4 o'clock
this afternoon they went into a secret
meeting .to discuss some (proposals ,
which tne- president had laid before
them at a result of his earlier confer1 1
ence with the brotherhood, leaders.
Its nature was kept secret, bat it was
believed to be that the president ap
point the! neutral arbitrators and thus
satisfy the demand of the men that
they go before a board which they
considered so constituted at to give
them a -fair' hearing. s " x . ; .'
The brotherhood men at their con.
ference with .the president indJSated
willingness to arbitrate if the pres-
MMtt him.alf umiM lia-v . 1. - - - -
possibly if he wftuld appoint the neu
trals on a large Board on which all
the . brotherhoods would be repre
sented.' ' ; ' I ' " '
When the., managers' committee
left the White House it -was said the.
president had put before both sides
the interests of the public and con
sidered that decision rested with the .
managers and employes and that he -could
do nothing but wait -- . -
. An Agreement Possible. ,
The discussion this' morning, It was
I -A 1 J. k . - .1. - ,.
possibility of reaching an agreement
on some form ot arbitration. It was
considered possible that a tentative
agreement might be reached provid- 7
ing for arbitration of the demands '
of the men for ao eiglit-hour day'
ahd for time and a half overtime, with
the elimination of the counter propos- .
als of the employers. - ' ' - ' 1
Shortly after 2:30 o'clock the man
agers' committee, at the conclusion of
a half-hour conference, went to the
White House to meqt the president.
There were nineteen managers in the ;
party, and all were silent over .the de
velopments of the conference' of the
men and the president eariler in the
After introducing the. committee or
managers to President Wilson, Judge
Chambers of the mediation board
said: '
"The ice appears to Be melting k
little." He added that he was more
hopeful that strike would be averted
than' he was when he came here from
New York this mormg.
Why Arbitration Refused. "",
The brotherhood men went into
conference firm in their determina
tion not to accept an arbitration un- -
der the Newlands act, which 'they
contend has always furnished arbi
trators before whom the men didfnot
have an unprejudiced opportunity;
.There were some indications that"
tne president, recognizing that view, '
might propose a special arbitration v
before a board of twelve members, on
which the four great . brotherhoods
rnnM he reoresented. '
1 ne president s piar was to appeal
(Continued od Fafa Twa, Column Two.)
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