Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 13, 1916, SOCIETY, Image 11

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8 B
Council Bluffs
Social Notes
, Mrs. William'lK-lor
Robert, returnril Usi Sum
T Ing from a several ucoU m
' neap'olis, Mi?. MiN iiu
. bach accompanied iluin io
I ohs, but returned da t.i'lici
Miss Ila"-! Walker, wiiu h.t-; been
pending the last mx week- with Inn
parents, Mr. and Mrs. . It. W
vilX) Hyde avenue
noon for Long lU-aeb. al
pects to remain thru- im in
with friends bet! -re taktci;
work at Herkelev, ( al., v!ui
teaching in the alu-uma
the Deaf.
Miss Taline I'atks ..i Y.-r
who has been the lmii'M i M
Clark, let! Miul;i hi a ni
with Omaha inetnU 1 1 ino
From Lincoln Mi-- I'ark- -Mini
to York.
Mr. and Mr. I'liur! t". !'.
have arrived lu re and will m.
home in Council Illufi.-. M r
burn, who wa- Alt-, i.rnrg
is a former v otmnl I'duii--uioved
to Ptinintia. 'al.. a
years ;iro with her pan-uiv I lu wid
I ding occurred a 1kmi nnir ag" a!
the home tf the bride. Mr i'.laek
Wlmrn went wot during his v;u,itii..i
fcjm his duties a tin enun uf the
meter department id I lu- Ci'ien..
Gas and Electric emipau.
About twenty-five nieinbci-- i tin
Senior Christian Kndeavor -orictv nt;j
the I'irst Christian church nut at the 1
church early Monday evening and
were guided from there to the home
ni Mrs. M or lis on Washington a e- j
uue. A brief business meeting ,i
htdd, followed by games and arioii'
-I tints, with a watenuelnn a
.1 very delighttul climnx.
liev. and Mrs. Keiclionbaeli. Mr
Ninon Johnson and dauliler, Leli!.
left Monday afternoon fur a month'
trip to Albert Lea, Minn., and othi'
points. They expect to visit Mrs.
Reich cn bach's only brother while
there and Rev. Keudienbach is look
ing forward with plea-urc to a isit to
his old church, where lie was pastor
tor six years.
Mrs. James P. Smith and daugh
ters, Helen ami Mane, of St. Joseph,
Mo;, arc the gue-t of Mr. and Mrs
O. S. kcteham of this eity. Mr. and
I Mrs. Ketchain ami l.tMt,:litcr, t 'delta,
have rt turned from a t-it with Mr.
T O. II. Kcteham at Denver.
' A number of Council HUnr. women
attended the Iowa state ennferencc
of the Congressional tnion for
AV man Suffrage Friday at Des
Unities. The conference was called
. tor the purpose of organizing a state
branch. Mrs. Donald Marr.ic and
Mrs. Angeline Liriiisinaid were among
Uluif Chapter of Si, Paul's Guild
-pent a delightful attrnio.-u at the
Uoat club KruS.iy ait. rnoun. ' he
hours were dinkd betwien the reg '
ular business meeting and a soeia!
The R. G. r. dub enjoyed a picnic
s at Manawa Tuesday alteiuo,n ami
evening. Supper wa M"-ved in the
park, and afterward the members ad
k' jotirned to the dancing pailion for
an evening of dancing.
The first annual picnic of the t own
ed Bluffs Christian Fudeaxor was
held at Mauawa Tuesday evening. An
address was made by Stuart C. Vigg.
president of the Omaha union, and
responded to by Harry Cooprr of the
Council Bluffs organization. A picnic
siipper was served in file park, and
the evening was spent around a hum'
canipfirc, telling -torie ,v. -.inginii.
An oilier outdoor meeting i- planned
for October, with a campiiiv
wienie roast.
The Misses Gertrude ,iiid I.lsie
Tin lev have been entertaining Mis
McKoy of Lowell, Ma.
terminated her visit Monday and left
for Ds Monies to visit another of
)ier assar classmates.
"V The Garden club held n ,.n
wghtly meeting Tuesday al tin- htune
o? Mrs. F. Meyers on Turk aeuue.
A very interest intr article on "Lird- a
Necessary Addition to the Garden"
was read by Mrs. J. R, Kctd. M
sr'-d ry UAJ
n in lm-i &RTOt'. pflV II ''-r'
if p m
:"'""lT V7 )x" 1 I r" ''
, ' I I X. X- II V lt ' K..rrly Mi. Lillian M. Wi.lHI o,
' I n vyp. ? , Irkamali. 1
: CfJiaVe&t A ' r -j
; . . f Y a kwS !iVl...k. K.-v. K. C. lUnliiin will on-
, . I ArX V V ! .lu.- Ihr .orvir,,. , I
i j I j i i Ait. ami Airs. . i.. i ornaicv iravr i
I Florence f jUl J L;tu. ,or a" a' nevrla""'!
i CI 1 Ti. 4 i k 1 z v
oouuu ueni, mil K ir - -H
m.i.,,. mciuh.oi, mo Ms f, j i i '
i tmn.I and relatives li t y j t f , II """'""J ,v
I .uiih Dakota lor t h t ti t "f f '
I,. .,..,1 1 1 MIHlmt.- mim-'' f ,
I . Wt.mQM ..if I A laiitiliter wa.s lorll last 1-nilaj
LAST'' l'iul a mom Ii on an ilanl no, I h
lot Dnliitli,
I . I . Uclilcn is in New ork on
Mins llulda Wipsr is spnnlinR a
(e dayi in l'rnnont.
lames . Hamilton attrmlfd ilic
tractor exhibit in Fremont Tuesday.
Miss 1'Hua Bennett entertained at
luncheon Tuesday at the Carter Lake
club. Her Bucsts were: Mesilaiues
I . 1-rermau, L'.. I . Ilennctt-tientl y
ol I'hieaKo, ami the Misses Lillian
ami Florence KosensvveiK
! Mrs. Henry H. Lriuere ami two
i ot her cliiblren. Iloswortb ami
larrv. ami her mother. Mrs. Hemv
t . Van tiiesoti. left Saturday lot
! Detn-er and other Colorado points.
Social Affairs
of the South Side
Jennie .Kkasjye
Mrs, lame1
lecu visit niu
in Main. ,
ast three
Mis-. !'ofothy Slntle who ha
been isituig friends in Ilartington,
'e!., ! lie, la-t few werks, returned i
uue the first of the week. !
M is t oi a !'". ( onu ay, supervisor i
ot music of the York, Xeb.. public
schools, was the guest ot .Miss Jean
Butter the first of the week.
Miss Gladys N'evey, who has been
studying at the Normal school at
Lent, Neb., has returned home. Miss
Ncvy will teach school at Calhoun
this winter.
Mr and Mrs. I-'rit? Kruse and Mr.
Fritz Kropkc spent the fore part of
the neck at Mineola. la., visiting
1. Holms of Omaha were married ,
at the residence ot Kev. J. b. Butter dinner Thursday for Mrs. M. H.
n juesuay evening, nicy nc fir . nf C.refforv. South Uaknta.
Miss Nell La rile and Mrs. J. J.
Sullnan have retmned trun Colo
rado. Mij.K La elle spent fhe smu
uier at the college tn tireeley. taking
a special course in manual training
and clay modeling Mrs. Sullivan
met her at MattUou, where Ihcy spent
two weeks.
Mrs. Rny Y.llket i-. at the lakes
near St, I'aul tor a couple of weeks.
Mrs. Marry Miller, accompanied by
her sons, Sidney and Miles, are on
ia motor tup to I hicago 1 hey will
stop at Alton, la., their old home
town for a short visit,
The Misses Klsir and Mabel House
'man and Miss Mary Koutt are fx
' pected home today from Minneapolis
Mr. L. H. White and children
have returned from Maryvillc, Mo.
Miss Gertrude Sullivan and Miss
: Rose H ughcs are seeing the sight
! of Colorado. They are at Cotorarh
Springs at present.
Mrs. Kay Casteel a i oiupaun d b
her sister. Mrs. IVn-tsen ot Nevada
la., are visiting iheir tathn m Ala
Women Are
Doing in the World
w i e .Mr. and Mrs. A. .nntnat. h.
Ames, Kny Uennis, Otto Kadzuwrit,
August Kaduweiif George J;rancis,
'on Heheru. M. Culkins, M. Jetter,
I (horn and Prof, fiiehard Held.
Mi- W illiam Koitlt eiilertaiued ihe
Thuisdav Afternoon club at her home,
Tw enty fourth and 1) streets. I '"our
l ables w ere placed for ivhM, after
which :i vrrv il.iiilv Innrh.s.M
nered Mis. WAiiessof Oklahoma! V- A. High will lead the prayer
(it was Ki,est ..f the allernooii. : nieeting of the Buuness Women s
Lrics were won hv Madames Saal -! council, Tuesday, between the hours
fcld and Li.oiklin. Mrs. W. Lake will of II and 2 at the court hmw
be the nevi hostess. t Women of Grace Cnited hvangeliLal
Mrs J t;. Uuberthon. J5H A street, (church will serve luncheon.
en tert. oned at a Mirpi ise p.irty ml
honor o Mrs, Wynes on Monday! r.immiinnf r T. It. Hummel and
Mrs. Hummel were guests ol the Md
aiieiuooii. Ihe atternoon was spent
at whist . Those nrcsrnt w ere
Mesi lamps Nnrthiup. Franklin. Was
sam. Lake, O Neil, Cassidy, Saalt'eld,
Koiitt, ( line and Miss Ann Robertson.
M r. Joseph 1 lain entertained the
Keno club al his home last Saturday
v cuitiK
A paitv of South Side girls en
joyed a swimming party at the Belle
vue pool on Thursday afternoon.
The lug event this week among the
children is the lantern parade in
Spring Lake park on Kriday evening,
August 18. which is being arranged
by Mrs. Atwood, the genial super
visor of the playground, assisted
by several prominent South Side
matrons. Manv children are expected
to take part, dressed in varied cos
tumes and carrying Japanese lanterns.
Mrs. A. Rasniusseu and children,
Katherine and Walter, have returned
tioin an extended visit with relatives
at Randolph, Neh.
ler Park Mother circle at its puim
Wednesday at Miller park, when
guests attended. Mrs. Will Adam
of Lullerton, and Miss Emma K it k
busch of Hock Island, HI., were out
of town guests. Club meetings will
be resumed the third Wednesday in
September at Miller Park school
Social Gossip
In and Out of the Bee Hive.
Mr. and Mrs. William M. Hur
left Saturday for Lake Okoboji Im
a two weeks' vacation.
A special meeting tor the election
of officers for the South Side Wo
men's Christian Teni-rame union
has been called for Tuesday allrnioon
al the home of the president, Mr
William Kerry, .WJO South Twenty
sixth street. (Mans for the countv
convention, which will be held at
Grace Methodist church, Twrnty-fiftli
and E streets, September 5, will also
be discussed.
Social Circles
l rc I A Vrtiintr wan hnt(-;s on
Karl l.augbery and Miss Ebba ; Thursday for the Inlcrnash Card club.
Mrs. J. 1). litillock entertameil at
A daughter was born last Friday
to Mi. and Mrs. Austin Dodd.
Mr. and Mi-. Notris Brown had
five Kin -I - al dinner at Happy Hoi-1 hania
low l.t-1 Saturday evening.
Dundee people baiiiR slipper al
llappv Hollow laM Sunday were:
Waller Dale, two; A. W. "Cpdike.
three; W. K. Shepard, four; K. Mil
lard, three: L. Duval, four; Norris
lt, ,,v, n f . . , , ,- It ('nrrir twof W
1- K'h.'.ade,.' four: H. .. Kimberlv. 1 'nH in the
tlirei ; A, . I.lurkee, two.
Mr. ami Mis. J. II. Ileaton have
gone lo I'.rookdale, Colo., for the
resl ot Hie summer. w, . ,,, ,a.J.. , ..hiblren
Mi.-- l.ila Hoke entertained Moti- tlieir home in ( hieano. Tbey made
lav -atlernoon tor Miss .Mildred , the trip ill the l'arks auln.
Ihe Keno ipiartel is tillinn a siiir-
Miss lola William- i- i-itiiu:
with relative-, at lira- Raiiur. Moil
tana. She will lie timu- Iwo work
Miss Grace Stilwell is now al La-t
Oraune, X. J.
M. Kalamaji has returned ti "in
Ccdorado, where he enjoyed an out
The Misses Uuth Griffith and Lei
la Hunter are spending the week at
Afton, la.
Mrs. George l'arks accompanied
companies ny Mr. iiimert it. .Moore
and Mis- Gladys M. Grey.
The I'helatea class of the Florence
I'resbyterian. Sunday school enjoyed ; , week for a month's stay in Salt
a cIcliKtlltui lcnic at .Miner parK rne
fir-t of the week. Those present
were Misses Marguerite Suitie, Grace j5 ,,e gllrs, 0f i,cr daughter, Mrs.
I hompson, Naomi Lowe. Mildred A1-.q h" tuUiCi and Mr. Tuttle.
lison. Hertha Larson, Mabel John- 'Iits i 0ia Ryars left last Thursday
son. Alta Xevry and Mrs. J. ,-or an extended slay witli relatives in
Itnttc-r. 'Thermopolis, Wyo.
Mr and Mrs H. A. Jarcobberger Mis icnniP ohnson left for her
an'l Air. anu .vi i s. w. i. omi miio, 1,1
are touring Lwa ami Illinois in Mr.
laccobhcrger's automobile. They
wire at t'linton. la., Tuesday.
Miss Alma Orel! of Chalco, Xeb.,
is the Kuest of Miss Hulda Kruse
t!-.'-. week.
Mr. and Mrs. A. I!. Anderson en
tertained a number of their friends
Olnev ol Minneapolis. The guest
were: Misses Xelba Harrington, Mil
dred White
Lulu Miller, Olive Wal-
liss Klla Peska left last week for a i ton, F lorence Hood, Helen Treyler,
month's visit in the east. Frances l ope, Helen Deems, Mary
Mrs. J. G. Pflug and daughter leave 1 Fliaheth Hamilton. y Harrington,
Maiv oliiistou and Mildred Knoanes.
Lake City, Utah. 'he Misses Dora and Louise Wiese
Mrs. H. L. Campbell, 01 .Mercer, .v Kave A danemg party uesday att
ernoon al llappv Hollow in honor ol
iniy enffaceineilt ill Kansas I llv
A son has been born tn Mr. and
Mrs. Joseph Ham- Mr-. Hani was
formerly Miss Ruth Gnddard.
Mrs. Frank Hud has gone to
Pierre, Neb., to spend a few day
with her parents.
Miss Margaret O'Hara is enjoy -.
. . 1 .. 1. . . !......;;
nig ner vacation ai L.aKe wivom-j.
A Demarest gold medal contest will
be held Friday evening at 8 o'clock
at the First Christian church uiidn
the auspices of the Omaha Woman -
Mrs. II. C. Forster has returned 1 Christian Temperance union,
from a visit with her parents at!
I Staph hurst, Sell. She was accom-l A triple medal contest win ne neiu
1 pann d hoinc hv her sisler, Mrs. Tuesday evening at the Church of tin
! loigenson and -mall ilaugliter. Covenant, Twenty-seventh and I'rail,
!" Mr and Mrs John II. I'arralt are under ihe auspices of I'ranri- illard.
spending ihe week with friends at Women s Christian I emperann
Fremont. union. A gold medal will be awarded
Word was received here Monday ' to Ihe winner of the declamatory con
of the arrival of a new son at the ; test, and silver medals for the vocal
home oi Mr. and Mi's. Joe Ham in and instrumental numbers.
South Omaha. Mr. and Mrs. Ham,,
formerly lived here ... ! Band Concerts at HanscoiTi
Little Dorothy I'ropst has been ,1 T ' ,1 7 n , T . ,
for several weeks with nervous trou-; Afld Maildan ParK I OOay
ble. . I Mnnlrinal band concerts will be
Mrs. Robert Meppmgcr of Fair-,,,,, ,his a(t(,rlir)nn at Hanscom
bury departed tor her home after I an(j MandaI, park5 beginning at
spending several weeks visiting j 2.-j0 m Th(. Anrjcnt ( )r(4er of
friends 111 this vicinity and Omaha. 1 ,Ini.,i Workmen military band, led
by F. E. Woodard, will appear at
Hanscom park and the Omaha Bo
hemian band, directed by Frank Jan
da, will play at Mandan park.
home in South Sioux City after
visit with her sister. Mrs. L. L. Luther. :
Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Coryell will
leave today for a two-weeks' slay in
Spokane, Wash.
Miss Ruth Scott accompanied Miss
F.fiie Graven home from Missouri
Valley to be her guest a few days.
The Preshvterian Sunday school
;it their home on Saturday evening wm h,M iis annual picnic at Elmwood
in reieiiraiioii 01 meir nrsr nmni8 park ncxt saturday.
anniversary. "-ie w-omen of the Augustina Luth-
l)r. and Mrs. C. A. Sorenson and orall church gave a lawn social on the
Mr. and Mrs. i H. Knag and Miss Seivers law-n last Friday evening.
Mary Woodworth spent the fore part yrs j r Schniitt entertained in
,.i the week- at F:lkhorn lake. honor of her sisler, Miss Kuhy Anson,
Mis Itessie Tielz left Wednesday (,f crcte, Xeb., who was her guest last
, lor He ota, .er.,..wncre sue w' W(.ei
i isit her aunt.
! Miss Stella Mattox of Shenandoah,
' la., who has been visiting at tne
home oi her brother, J. L. Mattox,
j relumed home Saturday.
I I. I'. McKay oi Dos Palos. C'al..
wis the guest oi Mr. and Mrs. J. M.
I Mycr.- thi- week.
Stillwater lauo
Miss Goidie Williams was surprised
on Thursday evening by about thirty
young school friends. Games and
music was the program of the eve-
"' V" f. " . P..1 II I.,,b;il. from
Mrs. Vincent Kenney enieriauieu oj 1 ... n .0,.,,
last week for her niece, Miss Marie winch he recently graduated, as a
Wells, of Hugo, Okl. The guests were memtier ot ine i.ilui y.
Misses Gertrude Smith. Edith Heck- I he C. O. Talniadges and the H
some vi-inng gins, guesis 01 uuniicc pe is staying at uoocnaiiu 10111.
fiieuds. Mrs. James Wyuess and daughters.
T. L. Combs is in Chicago assist- tl,c Misses Mable and Mary, are now
iug 111 arrangements for the National the house guests of Mrs. Wassam at
Retail levvelers' exhibit, to be held in her home on D street.
Minneapolis the last of August. Mrs. Fred Heffner, formerly of
Mr.-. Frank Elliek and children left South Omaha, but now of Chicago,
the lir.-t of the week with friends to who has been the guest of Mr. and
spend ten davs at Lake Okoboji. . Mrs. Farl Burke, has gone to Grand
Kev. II. Ii. Foster and daughters, j Island for a visit with her mother.
Jam 1 and Elizabeth, spent last week I From there she will return directly
in Pawnee City, the guests of Mr, ' to Chicago. She is accompanied by
Foster's parents. 'her two daughters.
Randolph Curtis is spending pari 1 Mrs. P. Walsh and daughter. Miss
oi hi- vacation at Lake of the Woods, I Agnes, and son, Clark, are seeing the
Minn. 1 sights oi Colorado.
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Grossman j The Misses Imo and Hess C Iitton
spent last Sunday at Cairo, Neb. ! will spend the next few weeks al
Mr and Mrs. T. R. Plraden and Colorado Springs and Maiiilou. Colo
children returned the first of the ; From there Miss Imo w ill return to
week from a visit in Grand Island. Portland, Ore., where she teaches in
Thomas Croshy has returned from ! the puiilic sciioois.
his vacation. Mrs. Croshy is sti
visiting m Central Uty.
t arson Hathaway is the guest for
a few weeks of his mother, Mrs.
Lotircna llathawav. He will return
Marv Leslie entertained at !unch
Wednesday and elected the following eon at her home Wednesday. Those
presi 111 v.cre: .Misses .wimreu vjincy.
Marian Jones. Mary Elizabeth nam
....,.- ,,-n,. nt
Mtmlav wa, composed of Mr. and . man, Sadie and Kittie Horn, Martha M. Rogers family, with out-of-town
Mrs. Davis: Mi', and Mrs. Hansen ;i Goodell, Margaret Caunk of Omaha guests, had dinner at the Happy tlol-
IVri Shmbv. William Standard. , anH Lucille Beattv ot LSenson. u.vv nun 1.1-1 .-unuij.
o.-euh Walk'isp. Maude Shipley, and; The English Luther league inet last
1 1. . .,- , r , .. . lavw vvennesoav ana ciccicu on ,i,i,u,..t
Me" alf I;!' om I ,Z( ,"Zt I Mi:- Mary janssen .attending! officers: Pr.sident, Miss Ellen Peter
tire and interest of tin- afternoon with ' tpworth league assembly at Lin-1 son; vice presiden . ss Agt e u-
Mi riizahfth Platz, who has I treasurer, Mr. Glen Madscn: curre
been living in Beatrice, Neb., will ar- j-sponding secretary, Burton Peterson.
Vlomirr this morning to i Mrs. K. S. uosworin anu uauKiuri,
...1 .. .....L-c uiiiltntr npr I arcarpf. tit rrcillOIll arc MSiLiiiK i
s i' A IU Ult "1 vvi.w . ... ... e.-. . - - -
taiher. E. I.. Vhu, and her sister, ! the omeh of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. picnic t
m ... - 1 T Hanipr A nil
Mr oid Mrs Prank Wight, who! Misses Anna Plott and Madeline Friday at Mm wood park, chaperoned
' 'rmlino- the summer in ! Horton are spending a few days in tv Mrs. Leicii Leslie, the occasion
the Plack hills cuuntry, have re- Kansas City. being
turned home
their display ut beautitul tluuer. The
members also enjoyed visiting Mr-.
Meyers' carden, where some rare
plants were blooming. fro.ihmcntv ! r'Vl
were served late m the attenmon.
The Friday evening dance at the
Fish and Game club was enjoyed by
a large number of the member
Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Kcelinc left
last Saturday in their car tor an over
land trip to Spirit Lake.
Dr. and Mrs. J. T. Jones and family
went overland with Dr. and Mrv
Dean to Spirit Lake to spend several
(On Wednesday atternoon the F.l
Deen club metat the home of Mrs.
Lee Baker, Wtb Avenue li. Kensing
ton work and a social time nrcupici!
the afternoon .and hnii-hiv-ii wa:
served by the hostess. The club bad
as its guest Mr.. Christeu.sen. The
next meeting will be held at the home
of Mrs. Wood, Avenue B and Twenty-fourth
street, on August J.i. A
very enjoyable picnic was held by ihe
Wapello campfire girl.- at Maiiawa
Thursday evening Supper was served
l'-l 7 o clock and the remainder of the
; evening was spent in enjoyiue the;
amusements of the pa'k. Ihose
present were Misers N'ora Kirk
patrick. Bessie Stortz. I'nra t'nwan.
Sadie Beem. Grace Olsen. I na I'avis,
Dorothy C li rit en sen, C arrie nren -sen.
Isabel Mathew son and Kdna
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Schneider have
announced the engagement ut their
f daughter, Dorothy, to Harry Hope
v man Hawkins of ( )maha. The wed
ding will take place at the home ot
the bride's parents, on November A,
after which the young couple will
make their home in Omaha, where
Mr. Hawkins i connected with the
First National bank.
The S. F. club met Tuesday after
noon at the home of Miss Kihet Wal
trip, 423 North Seventh Mrect, for
the election of officer?.. The follow
ing were elected: President, Louis
Hoyt: secretary and treasurer, Ethel
Waltrip; entert;.iiiiiient committee.
Josephine Hanatan ami. Robert Har
rington. Meetings will lie held the
first and third Thursday of every
month. After the election punch wa
served on the lawn. At 11 o'clock a
two-course luncheon was served in
ff the dining room, "f lie tallies were
I decorated with pink and white roses
I bai l
M r:
her i
11. T
Brisbin left
win-re be
Thursday for
will spend a
A number of girls had a picnic
honor of Miss Mildred
Mr. J. N. Horton left today for a (jney of Minneapolis.
Mr Viroil li. Stark. outn
Kighteenth street, is confined at the
Wise Memorial hospital, where he is
recovering from an operation for ap
pendicitis. Dewey Barrett is now at the home
of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. A.
Barrett, and getting along nicely after
bis recent accident.
Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Jacobsen mo
tnred to Denver last week. They ex
pect to be gone two weeks.
1-red Doeleke is spemimg ms -cation
at St. Paul and Minneapolis.
Mr. and Mrs. Koy Dennis, Twenty
fourth and D streets, entertained at
a watermelon feed Saturday evening
in honor of Richard Held of Pitts
burgh, Pa., brother of Mrs. William
! lttr
Parrotte Sweeney took vi r rbristianson. accompanied
pupils for their annual I u,, her daughter. Mildred, and Miss
i.akc Manawa. weanesnay. j gna l-.lster, have returned --m nan
Court Refuses to
Modify Woodman
Circle Decree
Lincoln, Neb., Aug. .2 (Special
Telegram.) The supreme court to
day refused to modify its former or
der restraining the supreme execu
tive council of the Woodmen Circle
from interfering with Miss Emma B.
Manchester in her duties as stipreme
guardian of that organization, on an
application made by the executive
council and argued before the court
last week.
Chlcap School ol Civics md Philanthropy
0nrl Training la Aorit Work, npeciit courm
For Pltrtravid nifl RM-rfUon Wnrfctr '14 trx-h-nlol
rlM 4t Hull Hmw tn frmnartlc. folk Uiw
ln, itory-WlUnf. FlBld "nrh Wilii t.'u-wnrk tlcncir
In Mttlemocu id pnhllu TnrUon ririteTi. Hiwi
oourfe for Puhllf Matth Nurwi. Address RiMr,
2:b Mlfhlfsn An.. Chlrwo.
Black Acts as Judge at
The Seward Flower Parade
Charles E. Black, member of the
board of governors of Ak-Sar-Ilen,
went to Seward, Neb., Friday, to act
as judge in the flower parade in con
nection wtib the Seward harvest fes
tival. Mr. Black consented to serve as
judge following a request of the Sew
ard Commercial club, made to the
local club.
Four Quarantined in oak i:Um Cr pAorrrmiA!
Street House for Smallpox limine. Odia UUJglUIC
Our Talent and
Skill in
Jewelry to Order
Repairing Work
At Your Service
1x3 Augutt 13-
-.IIIMnl.JitlM. I"mii.'m
-Society Page
nli.l.T lulul,'!..! r M' 9
Louise and Dora Weise, Mrs.
s Bragg, Mrs. Charles Leslie,
Leslie, and Mrs. Leigh Leslie
ctav of a few weeks in Iowa.
The marriage of Miss Ada Steph
ens of Benson and Mr. Sydney Kobi-
son of Corning, Kan., took place last
dolph, where they had been the last
Mr. and Mrs. William Jetter were
given a house warming in their new
home, South 1 wenty-third street
A. G. Lllick and family have gone I last Saturday evening. Those present
. .,.i r 10 II Olmsted and
.'!, '. . . I --l.,-.a-.., ! Wdnesdav
Kolierl. reuiMieu m'nuauaj . rJ II.. l,
a JJIOH-mile automobile trip' Invitations were received las week
Males of Iowa, llli-nn censon or an
,,! ,)0 I Emma Sundell and Mr. Elmer Chris-
Mrs George i trolerson oi irvington
Rev. C. II. Burrill was down from
that included tht
tuns. Wisconsin.
Mrs (Men Morgan.
. . ' . 4 Mi..-
V "XJ' hV ' V, V!A..iance. Neb., for a short May here
-rc guesls.of Miss l.ila.' Hoke in h. cmrch -a
ilmaba a, a partv; R, vtr Mo- chart. , Saturday.
lay aiternoon m nonor o A mong those from here attending
Ircd Olney ol Mmneapoi.- -oma.s cl.,b
l," :Sh" V Thursday were Mesdames
ihe week tor l.vons Neb..- . xA,ru. Strahle. L. A.
where ,1k- will spend the week visit-' an() w Wr)ch
ing mends and relatives. p J Mrs Car Kornmesser will enter
Henry Anderson is visiting Us Knglish Lutheran Women s
daughter, M.s Mable Anderson, who l.miarv iety nt Thursday
is studving at the I uuersitj ol Lali-1 ift(.rnoon; Mrs. Latlrit7en will give a
iornia al Berkeley. i pape.r int refreshments will he served.
! The newlv organized Christian
Mnr-P and JackSOn FlOht 'church will hold, services in the Odd
Fifteen-Round Draw:!:11!::
Colorado Springs, Colo., Aug.
Rov More. Pacific coat champion,
and Sat lackscn of-Oklahoma City
t'omrlit iittcen rounds to a draw here
laM night. The men arc bantam- j
We Say That This Columbia
Grafonola De Luxe at $200
hall this aiternoon at ,L,)0
i iiTiirr taxi a
Dr. IWI'i riiir-Tar-llm,
' Hony nooth.f. th,. IrrltHllnn. l-iite Tar
ea'l tb plltf'KIu, relieve!) tomtesllon, puotllea
th raw ipoui. a5e. AH drusstelr Alv.
A Fsrtect HmUH Restorrr.
Chiroprtic removes the cause, thereby eliminalinir
further mifferinc and gradually restoring the health. I have
been auccepsful in helpinft to remove the raue for other,
why not you? I have treated scores of prominent people in
Omaha nnd viefnity, who are my best recommendations.
For thone who desire nutphur-steam baths, my especially
equipped bath parlors will please the moat particular.
Lady Attendant for Ladies. Hours: 9 A. M. to 6 P. M.
Room 3 to 9, Ottawa Bide.
Southwest Corner 24th and Faroam ( Entrance on 24th St.)
Phona Douglas 72S5
' I
will easily demonstrate it
self to you as inimitable
tonally, acoustically,
mechanically and artistic
ally. The perfection of
naturalness, beauty and
fidelity to the original
tone of the voice or in
strument, as it pours out
through the tone-control
shutters from the tone
chamber, is unmistakable.
The elegance of its de
sign and the flawlessness
of its finish are in keep
ing with its musical qual
ities. The instrument itself will
say the same right here or in
vour own home wherever you
Convenient terms of pay
ment ean be arranged.
Other models from $15 to
Let ns send one to your home
on approval.
Mrs. Vera McKem and Everett
Orvillc and Victor Meyers are uar- j .
antined for smallpox at 3102 Oak i ?
street. They are related. One of the ;
iamily became infected while visit- .
ing at Beatrice, the health depart-:
ment reports.
Pupil of the Ut Mm.
Marchei of Paris.
i -i- j-- i f
36 Age RedptB ook fm
iVoice Building!
Coaching for Opera and Oratorio. -
" In Addition to Her Claiaet -s-
in Chicago. .
Thursday of Each Week I
4 at the Fontenelle Hotel. -
Fontenelle Hotel.
.11 1 1 1 I I I I I I I I I I i i till tu
1311-13 Farnam Street, Omaha, Neb.
Retail and WhoUtal. Distributor for Columbia Grafonola and
Record. Storo close 5 p. m. .acepting Saturday, 6 p. m.
The Bootery
Sma.t Shoes Ton Wqmin
aoLi oCTfttauToaa ram Apuica
43 2 8 roadway - Los ANatLES