Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 12, 1916, Page 8, Image 8

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Society Notes' Personal Gossip -:- Entertainments Club Doings
Hold Round Bobin Session Over
.Where They Would Prefer
to Be. ,
If you could be anywhere you
wanted to be, not considering who
yon would be with, for an hour and
a half, where would you choose to
spend the time? The, startling ques
; tion was asked at an Omaha dinner
party the other day. Round the tabic
went the question, and racking their
brains the diners answered:
One chose to be on the Mediter
ranean, near Pompeii. Another want
ed to spend the nine in tne urana
Canyon of the Arizona, Mrs. George
Frinz took London, there to stand
on' Bond street and gaze at the pars
ing throng. Miss, Lida Wilton averred
that if she were to be thus exiled for
an hour and a half, she would choose
to spend it on the old Maine coast.
It's terribly! hard to think where you
should like to spend an hour and a
Half, without taking any thought of
who would be with you.
' Another question which you might
find hard to answer is this: If you
were not what you are, who or what
should yon prefer to be? .
I propounded that question to Mrs.
Harold Pritchett, the popular young
society matron, the other morning.
I think she is perfectly content to re
main just who and what she is, for
she told be very cheerfully that the
was, and Father Neptune and her
baby were having a little session just
then which prevented any thought of
another state or condition.
A certain fascinating young woman
was cautious when I founded her
about her air castles in Spain. 1 She
admitted (hat she had a fairly good
imagination which sometimes carried
her far out into the realm of fancy,
but do you think she told me where?
Well, you have another guess com
ing.;: , '
8ociaI Oosslp. -
Mrs.. Charles Met left Tuesday
afternoon to join her daughter in
Estes Park, Colo. . . -' .
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Kohn wilt
leave Saturday to spend several weeks
in the east. They will go to Maine
for the remainder of the summer and
will then visit in Philadelphia.
Dr. and Mrs. O. S. Hoffman re
turned yesterday from a six, weeks'
eastern trip..- . '" .
Mrs. Alvin F. Johnson and small
son, Stanfield, left Monday tor a four
weeks' stay in Colorado and Yellow
stone Park. .?. ,;.
Mrs. Louis Nash returned Tuesday
from New York.
Mrs. . W. Nash left last night for
the east, stopping off a day in Du
buque to visit her daughter, Mrs.
Myers. Mrs. Nash goes to Heath,
Mass., where she will be joined by
Miss Frances Nash and together they
go on to NortheastHarbor to be the
. guests of Mrs, L. F. Crofoot.
Mrs. Charles T. Kountze and Miss
Elinor are expected to return in about
a week.
At Carter Lake Club. ,
The Alpha Omicron Pi sorority
entertained at luncheon at Carter
Lake ' club today for Miss Frances
Gannon of Lincoln. .Those present
' were: "" 1 Wan'
Vrencea OaanOB of TIimI I'oolc,
Lincoln. Frencee Bollard, .
Laura Patcraon. ' j Olive Brain,
BllsabeUi MUeboll, V Aim Sbeahee,
Ladle Nltcnee, Lillian ptcknwn. .
Helen Olllnar, " -'j. i '
Meedamee Meeflamea . . '
Laatar Bratton, Hljfe-lne. , . '
Those who had dinner parties at
the club last evening were: Dr. and
Mrs. L. A. Dermody, Mr. Roy D.
Harf," Mrs. R. J. Tate, Mr. F. E.
Tr:..-u w. lir T ir i.-.H - r.
full,,, wi- ... j. mu ro:,iiaii, Mil. v..
L. Greenfield, Mr. C. H. Rock and
Mr. J. B. Barstow.
Mrs. W. O. Malstrom entertained
her Sunday school class from Kountze
Memorial church at a picnic supper
at the club last evening. Dr. and Mrs.
Van Meet were members ot the party.
Picnic at Blmwood Park. -
A party of young women, chaper
oned bv Mr. and Mrs. Leieh Leslie.
will picnic at Elmwood. park this eve
ning. I hey will go to the grounds at
5:30 and spend the evening there.
Those included in the party will be:
Mary Johnaton.
Mildred While.
-l.uRlle Elr,
Lulu Mlllor,
Dora Wleae,
Kvetyn Bancroft. .
Marian Joneo,
Charlotte Roepken,
Vary SJMaabeth
Mildred Olney ot
Maude Millar,
Mary Lealle,
Loulaa Wleee,
Katharine Lynoh tt
Aften. Wyo.
Luncheon for Visitors.
Mrs. Louis Rankin entertained' at
luncheon at her home Thursday aft
ernoon in honor of Mrs. Fred John
son and Misa Dorothy Johnson of
Kansas. City, who are visiting Mrs.
Johnson's mother, Mrs. F. Theuer.
until September 1. Covers were laid
for: " ;
Meadamea . . ' Meedamee .
N. Jenenn. Fred Johneon of " ,
O. 8-ler.o. Kanaae Clly,
C Htna. W. Rankin.
O.- Sandbars.
!Dbrothjr Johnaon of
Kll.n Rln.
Maraaret Salsran.
Cllltord Hint.
Kanaaa City,
Ruth RIM,
Loula Hankln,
Auction Bridge Club.
Mrs. George Wilson entertained
the Dale Auction Bridge club Tues
day afternoon. The guests of the
club were: Mesdames J. M. Beard,
C. G. Hemple and Bowser. High
score was made by Mrs. C. L. Hem'
. pie. .:. a
fiark BneeiaL
A daughter, Elizabeth Anne Phil
ips, was born to Mr. and Mrs. Brad
ford E. Phillips in Chicago Thurs
tay. Mrs. Phillips was Miss Anne
trench Brown at Umaha, who re
moved to Chicago five yeara ago.
Iwtcheon at Fontenelle.
Miss Eleanor McGiIton entertained
t luncheon at the Fontenelle today
t Miss Helen Masten of Kansas
ity and Miss Ruth Purctll of Hamp
, la., who are the guests of Miss
"ence Jenks and Miss Louise
W , ;'. ' ' , ;
' Calendar. '
i ltan.n Jones will entertain at
breakfast next Wednesday for Miss
Mildred Olney of Minneapolis, who
is visiting her grandparents, Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Bragg. .., '
At the Field Club. V
Mrs. Madeline Krug will entertain
a dinner party of ten guests at the
Field club Saturday evening.
At the Country Club.-
At the .Saturday evening dinner
dance at the Country club, D. M.
Vinsonhaler will be among the diners
and John W. Madden with a party of
At Happy Hollow Club.
Additional Saturday evening reser
vations have been made by Mrs. H.
V. Smith, jr., for six guests and by
Q A. Abrahamson for six. ...
Tn and Out of the Bee Hive.
Miss I.aura Power .left Thursday
for a ricith's trip to California. I
Miss Alice Power has returned
from Estes park, where she spent
a vacation of several weeks.
Mr. Arnold Browar left last eve
ning for Rochester, Minn., where he
will undergo a surgical operation.
Miss Janet , Reeves has returned
from a three weeks' visit with her
grandmother and aunt in St. Joseph.
Mrs. ueorge Mcnride ana Mrs.
Rose Wrieht of Burlington. Vt.. were
the guests of Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Col
lins this week. , ,.
Miss If annette. Wilson and Miss
Stella Wilcox leave today for Min
neapolis and Lake Minnetonka,
where they will spend ten daysj
Mr. Albert Edholm and Mr. Fred
and Mr. Donald Paffenrath leave
this evening for Isle Royal, Lake
Superior, for a two weeks' fishing
trip. '' - ' "
Mrs. Charles F. Shook and Miss
Bertha Sellner, who are spending the
summer at Pine -Crest, Palmer Lake,
Colo., were joined this week by the
Misses Mae Somen, fleas Dumont
and Emma Sellner. Mrs. Shook and
Miss Bertha Sellner exepect to re
main at their cottage, the Abbey, un
til September 1.
Being Sorry
for Yourself
Sympathy Is a very splendid thing
when you bestow it on others.. But,
it is dangerous and weakening when
you administer it to yourself in large
Many' of us have a very good time
with our sorrows, and miseries.. We
hug them to ourselves and actually
enjov them. ,
Wfco doesn't remember the time
when, as a child, punishment which
seemed uniust was meted nut enrl
he lay sobbing on his bed planning.
me own iunerai ana tne weeping
and wailing that would go on when
it was too late. Oh, the luxury of
that misery I '
Grown older and more vnlnM th
child flings out at some one who
nurts mm. "Xou 11 be sorry when
I'm not here any more" planning
the while to run away from persecu
tion and being so sorry for the poor
little abused self he visions.
Grown to manhood, that child is
probably too busy to be sorry for
himself very often. ; But grown to
womanhood, his twin sister indulges
in the. doubtful pleasures of self
pity far too frequently.
It is against the morbid joys " of
self-pity that I want to warn
I read a very lovely little- verse
not long ago. Its musical expression
charmed me. Here it is, read it over
anrl nntire hoai it lilraanrl then
read it again and see what a perfect
example it is of the thing I criti
cise. - ; (
"Whaa ! em deed and over tne brlsht
Bhakea out her nln-drenehed hair,
Though you ahould lean nbove me broken
hearted, '
I ahall not car. .
"f ahall have peace, nafaafy trees are
peaceful ,
Whan rain bende down the beufh,
And I ahall be mora . silent and ; oold
hearted Than you are now,"
An exquisite bit of verse that and
an exquisite illustration of what a
good time we have being sorry tor
What a useless performance self
pity is) If one could talk to. the lady
in cne iync, now one wouia ukc to
say: "My dear madam, why break
vour heart about this cold and cruel
person who has not the inclination to
cnerisn you wnen you are living ana
whose notice you only hope to get
when he mourns your aeatn. iou
can't have any fun out of that notice;
so why not forego, it and proceed now
tn live anA h nanrtv nnrl Haefill?"
It s always like that. Being sorry
for yourself leads you to sit help
lessly by, visioning how the people
who have aousea you win grieve
some day over their failure to ap
preciate you., , .
Being sorry for yourself is a very
expensive luxiiry. -You indulge in it
and expend therein everything which
might lead you to action ana to a
forcefur course in the world where
neither you nor any one else would
have causi to pity you.
Ddn't ever sit still and indulge
in an orgy of weeping over your
misfortune. Instead get up and throw
them off. Refuse to be miserable. Be
ashamed to be miserable. You can the
very minute ypu stop being sorry
for yourself and are disgusted with
yourself for -itting still and feeling
persecuted. ' , ' . . '
. : I
The Way of Midsummer Fashion
- This mock itcutin one pita, and addt praelicaUy
to ill prtttinniby being drawn in under
W at the mid Kite. Betidu terring at a
picturesque garment for the garden, tuch a mock
mates a pretty afternoon drat. " .
Chill These Drinks.
' For ginger ale, grape juice, sarsa
parilla, etc., it is best to keep the bot
tles or jars on ice for Stme time to
become thoroughly chilled, instead of
serving it with cracked ice. In this
way it is not diluted as it would be
if ice were added to it.
Raspberry-Currant Ice.
One cup rei currant juice, one cup
raspberry juice, two cups augar, two
cups water,' white of one egg. Cook
sugar and water to a .thick syrup,
cool, add the fruit .juices and freeze.
When partially frozen add the beat
en white of egg, continue, .freezing
until hard. ' s ,
Problem of Feeding an Army
One reason, why the feeding of an
army has so many jerks and hitches
in it is that the task isn't appreciated
at its futl dignity and importance.
Professional men, whether military or
medical, rarfaer turn up- their noses
at it, nd work on commissariat
boards or commissions, though ne
cessary, excites little enthusiasm.
Strange as it may seem, in view of
its necessity and basal importance,
feeding an army is really quite a com
paratively recent -branch or depar
ture in the game of war.
Up to only a few centuries ago
armies were not supplied with rations
at all, but each soldier was expected
to Supply his own food, either bring
ing it from home or "rustling" it
from the country fought over. . War
was a simple game of loot, either of
territory or of goods and valuables,
and the soldier merely took his share
and turned over what he couldn't
swallow, or pocket, or secrete, to his
superior officers, and in consequence
received neither pay nor rations, . .
When armies got too big to live off
even the richest countries, rough sys
tems of commissariat and supply
gradually grew up, and like a good
many othej new and haphazard
growths, unfortunately, from the bot
tom, and army contractor and sutler
became synonyms for robber and
plunderer. Shameful to say, officers,
even generals and leaders, took a
hand in the gameof graft it . was an
"extra" anyhow, the rascals in the
ranks really could feed themselves
if they would half try. .'
Even as recently as Queen Anne's
time, the great Duke of Marlborough
was said to have made fortunes
through his rakeoff's from army con
tractors on the' supplies furnished to
his soldiers. And it was only -within
the last century or two that the vital
problem of food and supplies was put
in the hands of intelligent and hon
orable officers and regarded seriously
as a part of their military duties. Even
yet it is the Cinderella of all the
army services, sitting in the .ashes
between the1 mesa-stove and the gar
bage pit. - -,, -
The medical care of an army had
exactly "the same experience, and for
'. Stuffed Tomatoes.
These are a form of salad. Select
firm tomatoes of uniform size. Cut off
the tops, scoop out the pulp and chop
it with a little onion, celery and hard
boiled egg. - Moisten with mayonnaise
and refill the skins. Turn over more
of the mayonnaise.
Do You Know That-
The hand that carries food' to
the mouth can also carry disease'
germs? -
Health first is the highest form
of safety first?
Tuberculosis and poverty go
hand in hand?
The United States public, health
service will send a booklet on flies
and disease, .gratis to all appli
cants? '
The breast-fed baby has the bast
chance? . - '
Physical fitness is preparedness
against disease? , ) , j
Pneumonia is a communicable
disease? '
Cockroaches may carry disease?
refused to recognize the army doctor
as a gentleman, or let him mess at
their table.- In fact, he ranked as a
"non-com," and messed with stewards
and the regimental farrier, or 'Vet."
Even to this day the line officers
affect to look down upon the medical
officer and regard his rank as an up
start imitation of their own. ,
Immense enthusiasm and industry
and intelligent, study are devoted by
army officers to questions of guns and
side arms and ammunition and equip
ment and uniform and, of late years,
even to shoes and underwear, but
problems of the ration and of the
commissariat department excite only
a languid and perfunctory interest in
comparison. Individual officers not
infrequently devote a good deal of
time and thoughtful attention to the
proper feeding of their men, both in
garrison and in the Aeld, but thiy are
the exception rather than the rule..
t ortunately, most of the old abuses
and scandals have been wiped out.
Tfie army ration is nutritious, whole
some, liberal to- a fault, and fairly
well-balanced, and an adequate num
ber of tons of the raw materials for
three square meals a day are usually
delivered and dumped somewhere
within foraging distance of a regi
ment With fair regularity. But the
thing lacks kick and elasticity and
unified control; there is apt to be
food, but nothing to cook it with,
meat without potatoes; bread without
butter; coffee without milk or sugar,
and when a ration has once been
fixed and agreed upon by a board no
power on earth can modify . it 'or
change it in the slightest degree, or
adapt it to even the most radically
different of circumstances. . i v . , .
' For instance, there is no modified
ration for use in hot weather "or upon '
tropical service; there is practically
one iron-clad standard, unchangeable
ration for all sorts and conditions of
activity of men, at home in barracks,
on the march, in troop trains or on
transports, or in the field, except such
as come from difficulties of transpor
tation. The same number of pounds
and ounces of standard foods per man
are issued, and what he can t eat,
he can either trade for something
more suitable, or waste it. : ,
No special ration, for Instance, is .
even provided for soldiers sick in the;
hospital lhe doctor in cnarge
simply draws his four! .pounds - of
standard working food per day for
each patient and then sells or . ex-ehins-ea
it for milk; fruit, ice and such.
other invalid foods as they, need and
can really digest. . ' i ' ; " -What
ought to be done is, that the
whole problem of food supply and
cooking and serving should be ele
vated to the -rank of a special de
partment or division under the con
trol ot a ooaro or commission com
posed of doctors and food experts
and line officers and public-spirited
business men, who would volunteer
for' the service without pay, The
movement in this direction, which was
initiated and is being promoted by the
Merchants' Association of New York,
and which has already won the ap
proval of army authorities and the
consent of the War department, is
emphatically a step in the right direc
tunfand a public service ot, immense
value and importance.
The Hour Sales at ECilpatrick's-
Are Causing Intense Excitement. From Near and Far People Have Come in Crowds.
Perhaps the most interesting thing is the good natiired rivalry. Some attended the first sale of the morning,
and stayed practically all day-moving from section to section,- as the Jiour bell rang announcing the starting
of a new sale. Saturday the fun starts at 8:30 a. m.; and from the sounding of the gong, it promises to be
fast and furious. READ! MARK! ! LEARN! ! ! the importance of the hours on Saturday.
At 8:30 A.M.
. In the Basement
-Salesroom. : .:
.Will continue all
Shoe Sale Extraordinary. If we could
get your ears as well as your eyes, our
store would noti hold the crowd. Odds
and ends from tfur own stock, practical
ly all si?es and widths (taken ; all to
gether), sold previously at $5 and $6.
I One dollar per pair, $1.00 per pair.
At 10 O'clock.
, At the Regular
Silk Section.
While the goods
last we'll keep on
' - . selling.
f Farewell Sale of Choice Silks. Former
prices 86c and $1.00, 39c per yard Sat
urday. If all those who have admired
them in the window will buy, there will
Inot be enough to go around. : vj
At 11 O'clock.
In the Basement.
Pick of a Lot of Attractive Waste Bas
kets.! 3 different sizes, 19 cents each.
You will probably want more than, one.
At High Noon For the Sons of Adam. A big lot of
shirts; mairy similar sold at $1.50, all to
go at 50 cents each. Will go out by the
half dozen. There will be ties at a nickel
La piece.?' : - y v-'v-v,;.
-12 Morning.
At tb. Man's Section.
Women Welcome.
Should tell in two
At i p. m;
On the Second! . '
Will continue until
6 P.M. if good
A Mixed Lot of Goods from the garment
section. Your pick for $2.50 each. If
we told you former prices you might
think us entitled to membership in the
Ananias Club. The roster is full any-
way. v v.vv V-'-'-x
At 2 P. M. "
Muslin Underwear
, Section.;
Promise to be alii
., over quickly.
In the UndermusI in Section.
The biggest 50 cent value of
I the season. '
At 3 P. M.
At the Wool Drew
. Good Section.
Won't last long.
"All That is Left of Our Stock of Silver
bloom,' the most popular of this season's '
fabrics. 39 cents per yard. Former
I price 65 cents.
At 4 P.M.
In Basement
Voiles and Batistes. Extra wide were
originally 25 cents per yard. , Will be
sold at 10 cents per yard. .
I Lee L. Larmon 1
Fontenelle Florist i
5 1814 Dauvlna
I TEL. DOUG. 8244.
Advertiting it thtpen
dulum that keep$ buy
ing and telling in motion
Each successive sale after starting will continue until the closing hour, 6:00 P M. Saturday. My, how the
clerks do appreciate the early closing. If you cared, you could make it unanimous and permanent. .