Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 12, 1916, Page 7, Image 7

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Brief City News
fmnaKt for Hportlaf (Mk'
Haye Boot Prink It New Beacon Press.
Eleetrle Itas J7.50 BurreM-Ormndan 0.
Half Kant Walt Dlamoada 111 Ed holm.
" VI the End of a Beautiful Day," a
aupremely beautiful ballad Juat out
on Victor record No. 18065. Orchard
& Wilhelm company.
"Today's Movie Program." classi
fied section today. It appears In The
Bee exclusively. Find out what the
various moving picture theaters offer.
Missing Woman ReturnsMrs.
Chrlstna Peterson. 1908 Vinton
street, who disappeared, from her
home Tuesday, taKlng ner a-monins-old
child with her. returned Wednes.
' day evening. She had been visiting
relatives in Boutn umana.
Cantaloupes, 45 and 64-slse, pony,
each. 4c: 45. standard size, each, c, 8
for 18c. Just unloaded, another car of
watermelons; guaranteed ripe, puunu,
1 l-2c; not guaranteed, I l-4c pound.
Fine iuicy lemons, dozen, 18c, 20c, 29c
and 33c At any of the Basket Stores.
Sailors Enroute Kast One hundred
ten sailors and their officers will pass
through Omaha Sunday night enroute
from Ban f rancisco to jview iorK.
They are the crew of the steamship
Korea, which has Just been delivered
to its new owners, the Toyo tusen
Kaisha Steamship company, after a
voyage from New York to an rran
clsco. The ship will be put Into the
Transpacific service by the Japanese
New Company Incorpated Articles
or incorporation oi tne Minweai mu
tual Receipt company for 126,000
have been filed with tfce Douglas
county clerk. The company plans to
tnvant niirihfla. nrnrlllcA: and ID&IIU
facture advertising devices, stocks of
goods for advertising purposes ana to
buy and sell businesses. The incor
porators are J. L. Bowling, O. E. Lin
coln. W. M. Ladd. F. 8. Martin and T.
T. Miiener, all of Omaha.
V. W. C. A. May Mortgage Property
Judge A, C. Troup has granted the
Young Women's Christian association
license to mortgage property of the
organization for 86,000 to pay loans
on unsecured Indebtedness. Liens or
suits against Young Women's Chris
tian association and similar property
cannot be filed under the law. In
granting the permit j JuJge Troup
warned heads of the association
against contracting debts" and then
appealing to the oourt for permission
to pay them afterward.
Religious Society Incorporates The
Kuphemia 8odallty of Beatitudes, a
society for the teaching of the Chris
tian religion and for extending aid to
worthy charitable cases, has filed
notice of Incorporation with the Doug
las county clerk. Randle Leak, rec
tor, with spiritual Jurisdiction over
more than six counties, Is at the head
of the organization. Associated with
him are Dora Ballew, prophetess; Al
berta Ballew, scribe, and Joe Ballew
and Dennis Todd, laymen. The so
ciety may contract indebtedness of not
more than 825,000.
Dogs at City Pound
Treated Cruelly, Is
. Charge of Officer
That the method now in' vogue at
the city dog pound for executing
canines convicted of vagrancy is ter
ribly cruel, is the assertion made by
Humane Officer Hans J. Neilsen, in
a report to the Humane society.
A committee from the Humane
society will confer today with Police
Superintendent A, C Kugel in an ef
fort to remedy the condition. -
Norris Says He'll Campaign
In Nebraska This Fall
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
' Washington, Aug. 11 (Special
' Tele,gram.)-Senator Norris said to-
' day that he would enter heartily in
- the campaign in Nebraska for the re
publican ticket, but could not tell now
: when he would reach the state, as he
had promised the republican commit
tee a week or ten days in Maine.
"We, ought to win handsomely in
Nebraska this year," said Senator
Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Degan and
daughter of Omaha are at the Wil-lard
Williams Confesses to .
Murdering Mrs. Stewart
Marshaltown, la., Aug. 11. Robert
J. Williams, the police say, has made
a written confession in which he ad
mits he murdered Mrs. Matilda C.
Stewartmother of Williams' former
sweetheart, Ruby Stewart, and com
mitted a murderous assault upgti
Wendell H. Foote, fiance of Miss
Stewart. Jealousy was the motive for
the murder.
Promise of the Prew Agents.
- tlayety Today at 10 o'clock the Meat sale
for the Oayety'a opening attraction, "The
Tour i it," opena At the box office of the
theater. People who have witnessed the
performance In Chicago, where the com.
party in appearing this week at the Colum
bia theater, are enthused over the pro
duction and have great tales to tell of
the newness and richness of costumes and
equipment, and the excellence of the big
Interpretive company.
fM rand Virginia Pearson la teen at the
Strand Friday and - Saturday In a highly
dramatic offering called "A c Tortured
Heart." Her chief lupport Is Stuart Holmes,
who surely can be aptly billed "the world's
greatest Vilitan."
Muse Lillian Walker Is the attraction
at the Muse today In "The Man Behind the
Curtain.' BUlie Burke In "Gloria's Ro
mance," and a comedy are Included In the
Hipp 'The House of the Golden Win
dows'' at the Hipp today and tomorrow
features Cleo Rid rely and Wallace Reid.
The story la modernised In a wonderful
Culls From the Wire
A preliminary Injunction restraining the
Jersey City commissioners irom enforcing
Anembarao on shipments of munitions by
railroads was granted by United States
Judge Rellstab.
' idae Colby, who nominated Theo
dore Roosevelt for the presidency at the
progrenelve national convention In Chicago,
declared himself in favor of the re-election
of President Wilson.
General Carranxa Is quoted In a news-
paper of Mexico City to the effect that
after the presidential election a law will be
enacted giving amnesty to Mexicans who
are fugitives In foreign countries.
- Billboard advertising; will " be used In an
effort to defeat the democratic party for
Its neglect to adopt the national woman
suffrage amendment. It was announced at
headquarters of hte Congressional Union for
Woman Suffrage and the national woman's
Abbl Scott Baker, representing the Con
greseional Union for Woman Suffrage, called
at the White Houne and told Secretary
Tunulty that if President Wilson continued
" to oppose the suffrage ooniititutlonal amend
ment, If would have a serious effect on his
- candidacy for another term, . -;T ,.t ,v
Some Real Ideas
dffiX tJusrAmNutcSl he up a umi
A"?SilWSi FAC1WY frfT
Few Men Applying Now for
Work at the Various Pack
ing Houses.
Suffragists in Convention in
Denver Delay Action Look
ing to Endorsement.
Packing houses are short of labor
at the present time. Where as high
as 200 men. used to line the gates
before each of the big plants daily
last1 winter, today there are seldom
more than ten or fifteen men. Hiring
bosses find it extremely difficult to
secure the services of the kind of
men that they have been used to em
War orders and other bfg' orders for
the east are keeping the working
forces going at the maximum. For
two years the plants have been doing
capacity business. . ,
, v Wyoming Hay Dries Up.
Reports from Wyoming indicate
that the hay crop in several portions
of the state will be far from normal
this year. The extreme hot weather
this summer has dried up prairie hay,
according to ranchers, and the crop
will be interior.
Stockmen are getting ready for the
big fall range cattle run. It is figured
that the run this year will outnumber
that of last year by as many as a
quarter million head. Whether or not
the local market will share a propor
tionate increase is a matter ol specu
lation. - Feeder sheep are becoming a paying
business on the range, according to
reports. Kanchers and land owners
have taken up I'.iis branch of the trade
with vigor in the last year.
Humane Society Expands. .
The . Nebraska Humane society is
extending its organization widely into
the south side, since the advent of
Hans Nielson, who was appointed
desk sergeant for two weeks in the
absence of Mike McCarthy, who was
on his vacation, members of the
society have increased considerably.
folicemen are taking an interest.
Large bunches of tags on which are
printed the chief offenses which are
prosecuted by members of the society
and also the city ordinance govern
ing the punishment that will follow in
case of conviction have been dis
tributed at the police station.
The funeral of Dale Beckett, young
high school student who died
Wednesday morning following a two
years' illness with consumption, was
held Thursday afternoon at the
Beckett home at Twenty-fifth and
Jefferson streets. It was attended by
hundreds of friends. Members of
the class with which he was supposed
to graduate acted as pall bearers.
They were: John Swanback, Matt
Maloney, Dewey Curtis. Harold
Shainholtz, Merle Currf and William
Rev. Harold Cornish of the Central
Interdenominational church officitcd.
Dale was to have sraduated last
June, but was taken seriously ill be
fore the end ot the school term ana
had to be removed to his home.
Interment was made in the Grace
land Park cemetery. The parents,
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Beckett, and a
sister, Ada, survive.
Shackelford Elected Delegate.
W. O. Shackelford, local meat in
spector, was elected as delegate to
the coming meting of the national
organization ot the Buresw .it Animal
Industry to be held in New York on
August 14. Most of the 175 mem
bers of the local association met and
elected him as delegate after several
ballots. Four or five , other local
men entered the election.
Mafic City Goflrlp. ' i
Trunks to and from depot, too. Call
Rapid Auto Exp. So. 1961.
Thtda Bars appears at the Beesfl today
In "Carmen," the bis William Fox produc
tion, rain, kail or ehlne.
M. H. Crulae, field man for the Journal-man-stockman,
received word Thuradajr
from Eacelelor flprlnira. Mo., of the death
of his father, 79 years of age.
C. W. Denton of Chadron captured the
top price of the market In hose ThuraUay
with a carload which averased 191 pounda
and brought the price of 919.10 per hun
dred pounda.
Democrats Take Entire
Floor of Skyscraper
Chicago, Aug. 11 The democratic
national committee today selected the
entire sixth floor of the Karpen build
ing, a Michigan avenu: skyscraper, as'
its western headquarters during the
campaign. The floor affords ; 8,500
square feet of office space.; ';, ',!'-,
Colordao Springs, Colo., Aug. II
Woman party leaders, at the open
ing session ot a three-day national
conference here today considered in
formally the election . .licy of the
party during the forthcoming cam
paign and outlined a program of ac
tivity to be pursued in the twelve
equal suffrage states.
Leaders tonight were uncertain of
the form which the Woman's party
announcement of policy would 1 e offi
cially made. Certain women, prom
inent in the councils of the organiza
tion, favored resolutions definitely
withdrawing the supportof the party
from the democratic administration,
without formal endorsement of other
presidential candidates or parties.
Other leaders suggested formal en
dorsement of the parties which had
endorsed the equal suffrage move
ment, while another element urged
the endorsement of Charles E.
Hughes, the republican nominee, as
the best means of securing the en
actments of the federal suffrage
Will Wait Until Today.
National leaders aserted that the
party would await action of President
Wilson, or congress, "with an open
mind until late tomorrow, when form
al action would be taken in executive
session, following which a public an
nouncement of policy would be made
at a public masc meeting.
Few leaders expressed hope that
the administration would accord the
desired assurance of support for na
tional woman's suffrage.
Victim of Sunburn Is Kept
Bedridden Nearly Two Weeks
Ambition to acquire the "healthy
seashore tan," often spoken of in sum
mer resort advertisements, has made
an invalid of "Pittsburgh" Harry
Freeman, who lives at the Paxton.
"Pittsburgh" works nights in a
shooting gallery and several weeks
ago discovered that his complexion
was unduly pale, so he' bought a
bathing suit and a street car ride to
Carter lake.
,50c Table d'Hote Dinner
13th and Douglas
Hlfb Altitude. Free) tram Hay rr, .
Ippoilto Hotel. Capacity 146. ;
Terme Moderate.
Superior IS-Hole Coll Couth SOSO yard.
Motorists' Beat ftaalatlat Cater k Mis.
BeoMBf Office, 1180 Broadway, New York,
Ala, Maplewood. N. H.
M UilB r a i , mm
77fl a sot 1st prvpaivtoMi ot iMrit
J I HIm to r.v.taat dandmO.
rffl tGrr Hair.
The Secret tt Submarine
By . Alexander Powell
Author oi Tee Bad el Ike Trail." "Fuiktlaa la Flandera," Tie Road to Clary," VrM la
Freeze,- etc Copyrlibt. IOIS, by K. Aleaander I swell
Lieutenant Jarvta Hope' to detailed by the
United Statea naval board to Inveatlsa'.e
and report flndlnsa on the Invention of lr.
Ralph Burke, which ervVa to bring the
eubmarlne to a elate of perfection, on the
trial trip of one liiventor'e boat, a Japaneae
helper le eurpriacd In the act of examining
the mechanlain. Hope rejwrla favorably un
the new device but there are oihere Inter
eated In it. Attempt to burglarlae Burke'i
laboratory falla; later hie daughter Cleo
flnde him murdered In hle'bcUroom. Cleo
eelle her father'a books; ehe flnua a note
from which ahe Icarne thuy cuntaln aeoret
formula, olga Ivaooff.Vid Gerald Morton,
eptea In search of formula, attempt to cap
ture Cleo when ahe cotnea for booke to
Htephanakl, the anarchtat. Hope ruelioa to
her aid: Morton ahoolo but bullet luls a
bomb In cellar, which explndee. Hope and
Cleo wacape and attend ball at Mre. Del
mar'a, whoee nephew haa two mlaalns oooka
Itahlln. a apy, attempts to ateal booke: In
eacltement that follows booke dleappear.
alahlla eecapea. Hope and .Cleo take boat
for an leland out In the bay. Hahlln and
the Jap turn out. the leland llshl. After a
violent atorm Hope and Cleo arrive on
transe laland and dlaoover man they hunt
II 'there, atahlln and Japaneae alao reach
the leland. They eecapo from Hope but re
turn and dynamite the ehaek. Hope an.
Cleo manaso to reach Sandaboro. where l.r.
Owen haa one of the booka Ha arranges
to meet Hope at the hotel with book. Mor
ton poaea aa Hope and but for an earth
quake would have poeaeecd the volume.
Cleo la captured by Morton and taken to
cabin In the mountalne. Hhe flnda there
booke for which they aearnh. Fortunately
ehe gete note to Hope, who, with Hook,
atarta to rcaoue. Aa he croeaea chaom In
awlngtng baaket Atahlln ateala up and ohopa
at cable with an ax. Hook appeare In time
to aave Hope. He reaohea the other aide
and le greeted by Cleo; ahe awears her love
to him. They are followed by Mahlln and
Jap who attempt ,to kidnap cleo. She
wlnge hereelf over the canyon. Olga and
Morton are daahed to earth In an aeroplane.
Hope and Cleo are pulled from qutckeonda
by Hook and a grape vine. Mahlln and
Sataoma are called before the Black Coun
cil On the track of another book, they find
the owner haa loet It. Hope receives a tet
ter of very aerloua Import
(Coatlnwad From Yesterday.)
"I think," said Miss Langham icily,
as she rose, "that it is the most cold
blooded, shameless thing I ever heard
of. I pity Lieutenant Hope from the
bottom of my heart. I only wish that
I were free to tell him what sort of
a woman he is about to marry,"
"You don't need to tell him. Miss
Langham," said a voice behind them,
and Hope stood in the doorway.
Both girls screamed.
"I have heard every word, Inei,"
he said sternly. "I thank God I have
learned the truth in time."
"Eavesdropper," she sneered.
"I may be an eavesdropper," he an
swered, "but thank heaven I've not
descended as low as you have, I only
hope that I shall never set eyes on
your deceitful face again."
"But you're not serious you can't
leave me now I" cried Inez hysterically.
"Why, the invitations out the
wedding is day after tomorrow. What
will people say? Oh, Jarvis, you won't
humiliate me so. I'm sorry, Jarvis
truly I am. I was only joking with
Lucy. Surely you don't think I was
serious, do you? There isn't a word
of truth in what I just said. Oh, Jar
vis, Jarvis," and her voice rose into
a scream, "you won't leave me, will
"What the devil's going on here?"
broke in another voice, and 'Inez'
brother, Larry, a young man about
town, strode into the room.
"Oh, Larry, Larry," sobbed Inez,
now on her knees, "don't let him
leave, me. He says he won't marry
me just because of some silly things
he overeheard me saying to Lucy
Langham." ,
"You'll marry piy sister or I'll
thrash you within an inch of your
life," snarled Machin, stepping
toward Hone menacinglv.
"I'll do nothing of the sort," said
Hope. "1 begin to think that you re
both blackmailers."
"Are you calling me a black
mailer?" demanded Machin, swinging
up his walking stick as though to
"You've guessed it," said Hope, and
as the stick descended he caught it
in his left hand and with his right
smashed home an uppercut that
caught young Machin squarely on the
point of the chin and stretched him
upon the floor.
"If you will be kind enough to
escort me, Mr. Hope," said Misi
Langham. drawing aside her skirts as
shepassed the cowering Inez, "I will
leavt this house.
As thty passed out of the room
Inez, with a despairing cry, threw
herself on the sofa and gave wav to
a storm of angry tears.
Hope assisted Miss Langham into
her car, which was waiting at the
"Mr. Hope," she said, offering him
her hand, "I congratulate you from
the bottom of inv heart on vour
escape. And you needn't worry about
what people will say. 1 shall make
it my business to see that the trsth
is known. Can't I give you a lift to
your hotel?"
"Thanks," he replied, "but I must
send a very important telegram."
Five minutes later he was leaning
over a desk in a telegraph office,
writing furiously. The message was
addressed to Miss Cleo Burke. Val-
davia, California, and the clerk behind
the counter smiled happily when he
read it,
, When Hope, now buoyant with
happiness, reached his hotel-,-he found
a yellow envelope in hia box. H tore
it open. The dispatch It contained
was dated Washington.
"Report here without an instant"s
delay, it read. "Situation very
grave. Your services urgetly needed.
It was signed by the chief of the
bureau of intelligence of the navy.
(To Be CeaUnned Tseailay.)
Bod Coughf Fevertahf Drippy f
These ailments weaken your iyitem:.
don't wait Ilea Dr, Bell's Plne-Tar-Honey.
It allaya Inflammation; kills farms. Wo.
All druggtats. Advertleomant.
I '
Disfiguring Humor
Spread Over Face
Ueod Hashes, Skta New eWitlful
Seattle, Waah.. 8ept. 1, I'll. "A mall
red plaet covered with little white icalea
appeared betide my noie. Then It began to
pread aver both tides of mr face and the
aealat eraoked open, eauilnf a terrible itch.
Ing and burning. It was horrible .looking
and vary embarranlng. I triad many aalvea,
but could get no relief. At laat I heard of
Realnol Ointment and Reainol Soap, and
applied them aa directed. The burning and
Itcbinv aenaation was relieved at ones and
In three week! I was entirely and. My
(ace shows no ign ot breaking out now,
In fact, my akin la considered beautiful."
(Signed) Hiss EUie D. Collina, 1920 I.
Madison St
All druggiata sell Realnol Ointment and
Realnol Soap. For aamplea free, write to
Dept l-S, Realnol, Baltimore.
EraT Kind Price Vary Law
Over five hundred machines to
select from. Bant applied oa
Central Typewriter
Exchange, Inc.
1905 Faraam St
Phono Douglas 41S1.
12 Best Sellers
in a Drug Store
Wo have the twalva bosi sallorst also the twalva hundred aasl
twelve thousand bast sollars. Wa also hawo thousands of Home not found
in tho "Every Day' Drug Store" stock. For sxamplo Rare and Now
Drugs and Chemicals, Pharmaceuticals, Now Parfumaa and Toilat
Articles. Wo also have the Old Fashioned Remedial, soma of which have
baaa steady sailers for half a century. Than there ara the Nature Ram.
Here Are the 12 Best
Sellers and Our Cut Prices
$1 Pinkham's Vegetable CAn
Compound, for DtC
60c Stuart's Dyspepsia . Q A
Tablets, for tC
$1.00 Rexall Nerve Tonic,
for ,
$1.00 Wine Cardui,
BOe Doan's Kidney Pills,
60c Listerine, genuine,
$1.00 Caldwell's Syrup
26c Mennen's Talcum,
5 kinds.
$1.00 size S. S. S.,
26c Cuticura Soap,
8bc Limestone Phosphate,
60c Hinds Honey Almond
Ask us for the rare drug or chemical, the new per
fume or toilet article it's 16 to 1 we have it
ISth and Dodge Ste Home of Down
atelre Sodoaala.
aam Ste.
OWL DRUG CO., 161a and Harney Ste..
Hone of the Beautiful Downataira
Lunch Room 'The Owl'e Neet."
An immense purchase of double and triple-coated enamelware,
bought at a heavy discount just previous to the big advance in the
price of metal, enables us to put the entire shipment on Special
Sale for this one day only, at prices that are positively leas than
wholesale. Come to this big enamelware sale, expecting to find
extraordinary values and you will not be disappointed; and, as always
D r 1 n king
Cupa, large
size, . Sale
14-quart Dish Pans. Sale price... 24rf
17-quart Dish Pans. Sale price . ..31
Eight-quart Ber
lin Kettles, sale
Three - quart Coffee
Pote Sale n a
nrlce II f
Ten.quart water nail
-Sale price, M,
each OLf
Jelly and
Pie Plates.
Sale price,
Ceraal Cookers Oft-
Sale price, . efiiSC
Double .
and ,
sale . priaas.
Wash Basins Sale
each .
Tea Kettles, in standard
sizes Sale price
Our inexpensive location, com
bined with an immense buying
power, enables us to make our
prices so much lower.
te. ti" A
s it Jim v. a-
1 I -
f .11 J . J W.
M i BaaWjr' I ka
5a a Ml sftlaerT
a a s ft i
1 s-
m W - araaaeaeaajaBaaaaaaaaw
STANTBllD OaCpftlEiVtt
The WOMEN who an coming to my offlco for daily or 4veekty treatment (or
dlieaie and disorders of their ax, ara thankful to know of the help they can ob
tain at a amall oanh fee. Consultation, 91.00. Examination or offict treatment, 12.00.
Medicine fra. 1 invite you to call for confidential consultation. , ,. ,,
DR. J. C. WOODWARD. 301. Rom Building. Tal. Tylar 260. Omaha.
Dee I
Have vouk
They will maKc belter
Photo-Engraved Plales
Bee fcnjf raving Dept.
building ' . Omaha. Nebr.
Customers will not
hunt for you
Only when your location is right and easy of
access, will they look you up. Otherwise,
they to to the man who is more easily found.
"The building that is always neuf
Is well known and well located ;
you are, therefore, easily found. -
OFFICE ROOM 103. . '