THE BEE: OMAHA, SATURDAY, AUGUST 12, 1916. DEMOS NAME THEIR CODNIYCOMMITTEE T.fa.rlpT for F.n.nri PrccSnnt is Selected to Assist in the Fall Campaign. AWAIT DAHLMAN'S RETURN ; : 1 ' When Mayor Dahlman returns from the east-next week .he will name the officers and executive com mittee of the democratic c6unty cen tral committee, of which he is chair man. JIAz will call the candidates to gether and consult them oh the mat ter of a vice chairman, who will have charee of. the headauarters. which will be selected at a downtown loca tion. v The folowing list of county com mitteemen .has been announced: ' FIRST WARD. Precinct. Precinct. 1. J. H. Hennlngsen. . P. Q. H. Boland. J. William Kill. 1 John H. Kllllan. i. William Mlnosue, S. Dr. F. A. Sadlaoek. t. J. P. Ford. I. H. H. Fearn. I. A. J. Donohua. SECOND WARD. 1. J. C. Ormsby. . 8. Leo Bridget. . MIHO Kalamaja. 7. F. H. Caaey. Pat Doran. 8. .T.. L. Padrnoa, T. Harrington; 8. C. A. Rela. I. L. J. Flynn. 10. Antonio Risiutto. "THIRD WARD. 1. C. F. Boesle. - 4. Erneat Worm, t. J. J. McDonald. 6. Jamea 3. Silk. 3. Oua Rlchter. . 8. .James Thompson. FOtJRTH WARD. 1. E. J. O'Sultlvan. . J. T. Mercall. I. P. F. Stelnwender. T. J. Cavaneugh. I. Jay C. Lefler. 8. E. Jenneaa. 4. J. P Murphy. 9. Nick Wramic. 8. Fred Moore. 10. John Badura. FIFTH WARD. 1. J. Daushton. 8. Louis J. Platti, 3. George Yager. 1. J. E. Reagan. I. W. Slevers. . . 8. H. J. Tompsett. 4. A. K. Patten. I. Ed L. Lawler. 6. R. U Beselin. ' SIXTH WARD. -1. 1. 3. O'Connor. 8. William Getty, i s 4 t. W. M. Qulnlan. t, S. 3. Rothwell. 3. J. J. Barry, 8. F. E. GoBV I. John KelplA. SEVENTH WARD. I. Henry Rohlft ,, 5. II. V. Hayward. 1- C- C. Smith. vi 8. Geo. F. sheehan. 8. J. Schnelderwlnd.7. Ed. Walsh. 4. Harry A. Foran. EIGHTH WARD. 1. Job. Wright. . ?. Ralph Roche. 2- Dr. A. L.VanOorden 8. Geo. E. Norman.. 5. Daniel Carroll. ft. Harry stroenaer. 4. Thos, Jamleaoa. 10. C. A. Halpenny. 8- John A. Rine. 11. G. Fred Elsasser. f . J. J. Lamphler. 18. George Beay. NINTH WARD. 1. Job. M. Flynn. 6. Chaa. Epatrln. 2. Henry A. Pollock. 7. Robt. H. Holmes. 5. Dan Horrlgan. I. E. J. Waters. 4. T. V. Morrlaey. 8. Meyer Klein. job. r. Butler. TENTH WARD. Ed Plvonka. 6. J. B. Tralnor. 3. John Flcenee. 7. Patrick Hannigan. 4. M. Barrett. " ELEVENTH, WARD. 1. Geo. Clark. , 6. Chaa. E. Emery. . Jaa. Sherlock. 1 V A. W. Elaaaaer. 3. H. B. Fleharty. 8. A. B. Agee. 4. R. W. Connell. 9. W. C. Ramaay. 5. Thpa. Mcdenaghan TWELFTH WARD. 1. J. H. Main. ' , 7. J. P. Mullen. 3. J. A.1 Llnahan 8. R. E. Crippon. 8. Louis Nelaon. ' 8. Geo. H. Merton. 4. Samuel' J. Cuslck. 10. Wm. Butt. i. W. E. Bryan. 11. John W. Light . a. L. Huntley. v COUNTRY PRECINCTS. , . East Omaha Qui Sessemann. : - - Benaon, East Precinct W. 8. Wright, Benson. South PrecinctGeorge Hill. J Benson, North Precinct K. J. McArdle. Chicago Barnes Qulnn. Clontarf E B. Tlrdek. Douglas, North L. S. Wohlers. Douglas, South H. K. Paulsen. Dundee,, North George MoArdls, Dundee, South S. Arion Lewis. Etkhern Frank Qelston. Florence, North Henry Anderson. Florenos, South F. M. King. Jefferson Charles Graw. McArdle H. Callaly. ' Millard John Bull. Union George Phalen. .Valley Dr. W. H. Reed. Waterloo A. CampbelL . Weight or Measure Is Choice Offered. To Crude Oil Users Users of oil-iurning furnaces . are being reminded just , now tint under city ordinance No. 9142, passed on February 8 of this year,, they may demand during the coming season that oil deliveries be made on the basis of weight rather than by liquid measurement, ... The ordinance contains the follow ing optional clause: . "Provided, that the , provisions of "this ordinance shall not apply to any sale or contract of sale- in which the parties thereto have ' expressly agreed upon in writing, to the con trary, signed by the. parties thereto." City Attorney Rine,, who drew the ordinance, made tliis .. statement: "While the ordinance gives the option of allowing the oil consumers to con tract for deliveries under the" liquid measurement system, it, however, does protect consumers who may de mand that ;oil shall be delivered by weight, as defined in the ordinance." The liquid measurement clause was placed in the ordinance to satisfy j i i I i t . L . uc&icrs wuu spgjcaicu uciuic mc council-'committee- of the whole at the time the ; ordinance was dis cussed, ; The city legal department main tains that the optional- clause in no manner vitiates the ordinance in the event that any consumer or con sumers demand the weight measure ment. "I . .'.-:' , The ordinance was introduced by Mayor Dahlman, and upon the re quest of C. J. McDonald, secretary and manager. of the'Nebraska Oil and Furnace company, , Mr. McDonald said: "We contended and still con tend that the 'weight measurement offers the better protection to con sumers, as under this system the con sumer is giyen weight tickets,, while under the liquid measurement system there are several undesirable features I c,0 nt see that theoptional feature of the, ordinance does much harm. We however, prefer to use the weight The Standard Oil comnanv is send ing to next season's prospective fuel oil patrons- contract blanks which read: "The party of the second part agrees to receive the oil distillate de fined in section 1, at and for the price of SY2 cents per gallon, delivered by tank wagon, and agrees to accept liquid measures tor all deliveries, in stead of requiring deliveries based on provisions of Omaha city ordinance No. 9142, such deliveries to be made as the party of the second part may require and as they order, but not less tnan sw gallons at any time. The contract price last season was 4J4 cents per gallon. - Hew te Cars Coat-ha and Colas. Keep out of drafts, avoid exposure., Eat and lire right and take Dr. King's New Discovery. In one ever 40 yearn. Guaran teed. All druggists. Advertisement. GIRL TROOPERS TRAIN FOR FIRST AID WORK Tht-eo hundred member of the Women's League for Self Defense are now receiving instruction in first aid work at their camp at Huguenot beach, Staten Island. The instruction includes not only first aid work, but signalling and target practice. The battalion includes a company of cavalry. I piR i I f i? 1 i i J 0$ w 1 r EfiECTJMg- iJIRELESSllsAHll Missouri Pacific Tells of ' '; New Work Expenditures The Missouri Pacific railroad has spent $1,300,000 in extending and' im proving its lines in Nebraska in the last seven years, according to the railroad's statement in the hearing of the rate case. The road is seeking a permanent injunction to prevent the State Railway commission from enforcing the 2-cent fare law. The state will present its side of the case October 20, probably at Lincoln. - KANSAH'S ROMANCE RDDELYSHATTERED Matrimonial Paper Courtship and Marriage Makes New Convert of Celibacy. GOES BACK TO THE FARM Rig WEEK IN OMAHA. Sunday a. m A simple Kansas farmer. Hundav n. m.6ultor for the hand of Ada Stephens. Monday Musnana or oa mpnu. . Tuesday A happy honeymoon. Wedneaday A heart-broken bridegroom. Friday Application for annulment of. the marriage. - Saturday A farm nana again. Svdnev Robison, 34 years old. a farmer of Corning, Kan., rues the day that he answered an advertisement in a matrimonial paper and came to Omaha imbued with the desire to re turn to the farm with his bride. Fri day he gave vent to his determina tions by filing an application for the annuling of his rapid-fire marriage to Miss Ada Stephen of Benson. The Story ot tne itorjison-Biepnens vtmanM anl.l. et tfcl Him Tl H V("l &7Uk kid mnnAU ...rllr errtn BftH hlS spirit broken, Mr. Robison appealed to Assistant county Attorney Kay j. Abbott for relief from the bonds of matrimony, after thres days of mar ried life. , , . - . , This Is the Life Maybe.. After perusing rhatrimona! papers for weeks he finally selected Miss Ada Stephens of Omaha as the lady most desirable to preside over his farm home. He came to Omaha Sun day, went to the home of Miss Stephens' siste, near Benson, met the young lady, her sister and brother-in-law, remained at the home all day Sunday, and before leaving pro posed to Miss Stephens. His. investigations regarding the character, physical well-being and associations revealed no stumbling blocks and he consented to become the step-father of the 15-months old child of Miss Stephens, who she de clared was born of her first marriage. Robison went to the court house bright and early Monday morning and was granted a license to wed by Deputy Clerk H. H. Stubbendorf. The couple were married by Justice C. W. Britt, the sister of the bride. Miss Jessie Larson, acting as witness. Prepare for Honeymoon. Plans were immediately made for the packing of the household furniture and effects for removal to the farm in Kansas. Robison's father was noti fied to prepare for the home-coming of the son and his bride. ' Wednesday morning, when Robison returned to the sister's home to ac company his wife to the railway station, he found her suffering from an epileptic fit, he stated. Robison now declares that he had no knowledge that his wife was sub ject to these attacks. He asks that the marriage be annulled on the ground of fraud and deception. V His ihrillinor week in Omaha has matte him a convert of celibacy. He's going back to the farm. - . The Bee's Fund for Free Milk and Ice NAMED AS MEMBER OF THE ' WAR COLLEGE. J. H. McDonald, retired merchant tailor, who was confined to his bed for a few weeks during the hottest weather, living mostly on a milk diet, made a vow that if he got well enough to write a check the first thing he would do would be to send $10 to The Bee's Milk and Ice Fund. So, as soon as he was able to get to his office, he mailed the check with the, wish that it might help some of the poor children. A bit of sickness or privation does, indeed, make one realise the hot weather sufferings of helpless little ones those whom The Bee's fund cares for. PrexioBHly acknowledged. SSAS.SQ J. H. MeDoaakt 10.00 im':..,Lmm: .'mm -".'Ml - 1 ': : 1 "!- Your Summers Go Better thanks to the soda fountain soda t fountains are better, thanks to the drink that made the soda fountain a national institution. That's because it gave them a useful, -wholesome, deli cious and refreshing beverage to serve. Demand the genuine" by full riaine rackiumes encourage substitution. THE COCA-COLA CO.. ATLANTA. GA. Smd for frn boakUt "Th Roman of Ceto-Cola." Offers to Buy More Humane Device for Killing Stray Dogs . . Dean Tancock, Benjamin J. Stan ley, H. S. Mann, P. J. Heafey and J. R. Ringwalt of the Humane society called on Superintendent Kugel of the police department and offered to in stall, at the dog pound, an improved type of electrical apparatus for kill ing dogs. Before taking action, these men will visit the pound and witness a demonstration of the-present appar atus, which Mr. Kugel believes is humane. It is stated that an Omaha woman offers to donate $300 to nay for the new apparatus, which Mr. Stanley saw in operation at Boston this summer. Three ArmysDeserterS' v Give Themselves Up Here Three deserters from the army have given themselves up to Scgeant Fred Hanson at the local recruiting office in the last three days. One of them deserted at Del Rio, Tex.; one at Fort Bliss, Tex., and one at Calexico, Cal. Two had- been out of the army for eight months. They were placed in the city jail and will be sent, under guard, to Fort Leavenworth, Kan. A .n Thirty-five men have been re cruited by the local office so far this month, the largest number ever re cruited here in so short a time. i aBssBssssssjsjesesnsaaLaassasaBsssBBBSssBsni LIEUT. COL. D. E. M'CARTHY. Colonel Daniel E. McCarthy, sta tioned here from March 17, 1907, un til March 8, 1911, as chief quarter master of the Department of the Mis souri, has been ordered to report September 15 at Fort Leavenworth as member of the war college. The colonel while a resident of this city won many friends by his con geniality. He and Mrs. McCarthy were active socially. They resided at Thirty-ninth and Harney streets. Since leaving Omaha the colonel was assigned as quartermaster pf the Central department at Chicago and served at San Antonio and Texas City. CBIS:aiaS " '"" " " BC!i "" """" Aaed Nebraska City Woman Dies in Omaha Hospital Mrs. Ella Long, 70 years old, of Nebraska City died at St. Joseph's hospital. She came here Sunday from her home at Nebraska City. Wo relatives survive her. 1 Fifty-Dollar Fine for ; Disturbing the Peace Henry Nelson, 714 North' Four teenth street, arrested for disturbing the peace on complaint of his wife, was arraigned in police court and fined $50 and costs. , V ,' ' NO MEN FOR PAVING . DELAYING THE WORK City May Take Over the Con- tracts to Insure the Streets Beug Paved. SUMliER .IS PASSING TAST Wanted Women to work on pav ing jobs. Apply at city hall. Acting Mayor , : Butler suggests that some of the women of the city , might help out the paving situa tion. Scarcity of men is given as an excuse for not going .head with the ' work. - ' . Three paving contractors continue to he so dilatory that Commissioner jardme of the public improvements department has asked the city legal . department for an expression as to 1 just what authority his department has in the matter of taking over the . contracts which have gone by de fault. Some of these paving districts were started last spring. . - - i "I know one thing,-this depart ment can finish the jobs, and we in tend to finish them u the three de linquent contractors do not show signs of life within 1. few days," an nounced Commissioner Jardine. City Engineer Bruce has given the contractors final notice of the inten tions of Mr. Jardine. The depart- ment wants to have these districts 1 completed before the paving season closes. ' ' g of the districts causing consider 1111 , j torn up tor many diocks, dui nve men have been at work for several 1 1.. aays. , . A Nadine "r Fade Powder (h firssn stars (Mr) '"" -KsajpsTlM ' Complaxioa Bsautiful Soti and valrMr. Moatr bask lnotso tlralr pi tassd. Nadlna ta pars and hsm tsss, Adhsrss until washsd od. PrsvsaU sunburn and return -si dlsoelorstlana. A million delighted ussrs provs Its vslua. Tlntst Flash, Pink, Brunstta, White. - By ToWer Csaarers r MmU. tarn. Natlsaal TaSal Cssspany, Paris. Tsask .oim, vi..aieis In Omana. Berg Suits Me v Art the pmuworda to the Beat Suits of Clothes your moneyever bought at Hundreds of men's and young men's suits have been added to this Great Semi Annual Half -Price Sale, many of which are medium heavy weight, suitable for fall and colder days. And owing to the substantial increase in ' . ' 1 fabrics of all woolens for fall this is your one big chance . to provide yourself with a fine fall suit at a One-Half Saving. $1S00 Sult$l$.00 SarIf- $7.50 $2S.M Smlt $12.50 Kuppenheimer, Society Brand, L System and Collegian Suits. All broken fata, odd slsss and patterns of these macnlflosjnt creations. The finished product ot the most skillful txptrta known at tne same- grant reductions. . , P0.Q0 to $40.00 Soito, Row i All Um rHbkmecl Manhattan Shirt Sale and other high-class makes at . greatly reduced prices. 1.60 8hlru...,....;,,.....1.15 12.00 Shirts.... ..$1.55 2.M and 13.00 Shirts 81.95 400 Silk Shirts $2.85 16.00 and 6.00 Silk Shirts. $3,85 EXTBA SPECIALS, Soft cuff styles of solsette and -. madras " $1.60 qualttia. ,...;..85 11.00 qualltle. .....eSs Summer Underwear 11.00 athletic union garments, 694 76c athletic union garments.. 45 60o and 76c Neckwear fancy sflk 4 ln - hands, 354. t for L $20.00 Sf. 22.5t SW I - M $9.00 j $10.00 1 $11.25 J I ; $MJtt 5afs $3S.OO Suits $40.0d Sulti ' j $15.00 1 $17.50 $20.00 a 1 Win r MIel and Matoriali. I Is.' VsOffL it in I I 1 H ' ' I :M 1 50 1 1 Ml Hot Weather Clothes Palm Beach, Mohair, Cool Cloth, and all Summer Crash Coat and Pants Suits, ONB-THIRD OFF KM Suit I m SuiUI UM Suit. 1110.00 SulUl 12 Suits 4?jh i 9Q.VU $6.65 I $8.00 C((pMHlA(( Taiv.srtv' Wl"' and b,ck P"-trlpe Trousers, $1. llmn1Pr I mifCAfC Palm Beaches, "rraama" So . , . w ' s.safjsjs All white MtH white with Uacy itrlpe $5.00 Trousers, $3.50 Don't Wait! Bring your boy here Saturday. He will be proucL of the suit and you will be pleaaed with the splen- " aid saving in which you will benefit. Suits for hot weather and for colder, in the new models, and two pain of trousers, lined throughout. Someextra good ones for school. ; Suit to $ 7.80, now. ; . $4.95 Suits to $ 3.00, now. . .$1.95 Suits to $ 4.50, now. . .$2.95 Suits to 6.50, now... $3.95 Suits to $10.00, now. . . $6.95 Suits to $13.50, now, X $8.95 Traslln( Bags and Broken lines of 2-Pieoe Underwear that Sold at 50c, now, 25 Porosknit Union Salt. .35 Summer 1 Hats : Straw, Silk or Crash, that sold to T6e 25i ' Steamer aad . Wardrobe , Tronka.