Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 12, 1916, Page 3, Image 3

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Death Penalty Evoked for Men
Who Plunged City Into Dark-
aess and Tied Up Traffic
El Paso, Tex, Aug. ll.-rThe text
of a decree wherein First Chief Car
ranza erokei the death penalty against
the striken who paralyzed Mexico
City through a general electric strikeL
appears in copies arriving here today
of El Pueblo, a daily publication in
the capital
In tying up transportation, plung
ing the city in darkness and cutting
oft its water supply, the strike is
held by Carranza to be no strike at
all, but an act of pure treachery
s against his government, whose ene
mies will receive encouragement
by it
Carranza's decree amplifies the law
of 1862, dealing with public disorders.
It threatens with death those con
nected in any way with the strike.
Not only are these who preside at
strike meetings, advocate strikes or
persuade others from work, either by
eloquence or by threats, amenable to
this act, but even those who fail to
leave strike meetings on learning
their object.
The strike 'was declared on July
31 by the Confederation of Syndi
cates. The paper, dated August 3,
gives a list of the leaders then in
prison on charges of rebellion. It
said that the strike was assisted by
North American syndicates and that
it stopped work in the arms and muni
tion factories, which was construed
as treachery to the de facto government
Parmalee, Omaha
Man, Heads Colorado
School of Mines
Denver, Colo., Aug. 11 Howard C
Parmalee of Denver was elected pres
ident of the Colorado State School of
Mines at Golden today. He has been
trustee of the school for two' years.
Born in Omaha, Mr. Parmalee was
educated at the University of Ne
braska where he served as assistant
in the laboratory department. For a
time he was assistant chemist of the
Union Pacific Railroad company. He
has been editor of the Mining Re
porter and Western Chemist and Me
tallurgist of Denver, besides being the
western editor of the Metallurgical
and Chemical Engineering magazine
of New York. He was one of the or
ganizers of the Western Association
of Technical Chemists and Metal
lurgists of which he was secretary for
five years. '
Indication Bd Breath Sow Stomah.
It you suffer mny of thM take a doaa of
Dr. King's Now hit Pills tonight Only 26c
All druggists, Advert Utmant.
Britons Violate
Promises Made to
American Shippers
London, Aug. 10. (Delayed.)
American shippers to Holland are
bombarding the British government
with protests as a result of deten
tions of cargoes consigned to TJie
Netherlands Overseas trust It is
understood here their protests may
be Backedby diplomatic action at
Washington. '
; In April of last year, replying to
a protest from Washington over the
detention of the American steamship
Seguranca, the foreign office made
the following promise:
"While his majesty's government
does not require cargoes to be con
signed to The Netherlands Overseas
trust, it does accept a consignment
in that, form as proof that the cargo
is intended for a boiu fide consump
tion in Holland." This was. widely
circulated in the United States, not
only in the press, but in circulars is
u T:.:i- -J I
suea py nruisu consulates ana va
rious chambers of commerce.
In the last two months between
thirty-five and forty consignments to
The Netherlands Overseas trust have
been held up, some in bonded ware
houses in Holland, awaiting action
while others have actually been
nlaced in arize court. American Ship
pers complain that the British gov
ernment has not adhered to its
pledge, and it is expected they will
seek aid from the State department
Above is a picture of W. B. Fitz
gerald, organizer of the Carmen's
union in New York city, J.
. Frame at $1.00
YOUR PICTURE fitte.d com
plete with glass and back.
Hand carved, verde, Etruscan
gold and Dresden finishes,
$1.00 each. . . -
Dine Well Here
Three excellent places to dine
the Blue Room, the Green
Room and the New "Movie
Inn." The most popular restau
rants in town. Moderate prices
and excellent food.
SATURDAY-Last Day of the Shoe Sale,
Greatest Annual August Event in Our History
WE ANTICIPATED A BIG BUSINESS, made special provision for it, with scores of extra
salespeople, hundreds of square feet of added space and Shoes so arranged that no one ,
. would have any trouble in finding just what they -wanted BUT, OUR ANTICIPATIONS
From 8:30 A. M. to 6:00 P. M. Saturday You Will Have
The Opportunity to Share in This Sale and Save 7
1 DON'T LET THIS CHANCE PASS YOU BY We have received hundreds of orders
from out-of-town customers Families have been outfitted for the entire Fall and Winter
School children have been fitted to new Shoes for the time when they will go back to their
: $1.25 a Pair ,
For Shoes and Slippers worth two, three and four times that .price.
The best purchase it the
The "Free"
Any style wood "to match the
furnishings of any loom you de
sire to place it in. .
We Allow $12.00 i
on your old sewing machine, to
apply as first payment' for-the
"FREE." ...,
Boye Hemstitcher, latest inven
tion, with instructions by an ex
pert in the use of same, special
at 3Se. , .
Best Darner Attachments for
all makes of machines, 35c.
Belts for all machines.
Third Floor. ".
Get the Boy's
will be open
again real
soon. Now
is the time
to outfit
the boys at
great sav
ings. Sale
of b o y s'
suits Satur-
: ' : day.
$5.00 to $6.50 Suits, $4.25
Each suit has two pair of
pants. The smartest models,
in light and dark colors,
medium shades, stripes and
plaids, in a variety of pat
terns. Two big tables full,
ages 5 to 17 years. Specially
priced for - h yt npj
Saturday, at. . . bnbetD
Boys' Long Pants Suits
This is the last chance to get
that long pant suit at this
remarkable, price. Broken
lots, but all sizes, some have
two pair pants. There are
Serges, Worsted?, Mixtures
in a good variety of pat
terns. Values from $10.00
to $15.00. Ages ' a "7
14 to 19 years. ..... ij)
Third Floor.
Mid-Season Sp e cial Offers
In Smart Summer Apparel
, Affording Opportunity to Freshen
. ; ... . Up the Wardrobe and Save Money.
Women's Porch and Street Frocks
In voiles, linens and lingerie cloths. At
tractive trimmings of laces and embroideries.
Regular values to $12.50, spe- ' Q
cial Saturday, at L. JT'ee70
New Early Fall Wool Skirts
In poplins, serges and gabardines. Smart full flared
models with pleats, yoke effects and'braid and button
trimmings. Priced tC QQ - ff7 CA CIO
ll)KllU) apt UV) IjllV
In the Children's Section
Children's White Lingerie Dresses, dainty trimmings of Val laces, CO
tucks and embroidery. Ages 6 to 14 years. Values to 12.00, at. . VirC
A Splendid Group of Dresses for Children, made of gingham, per, QQ -cale,
voile and lawn. Ages .6 to 14 years. Worth to $2.60, Sat Ovt
Second Floor.
In the new and enlarged Daylight Drug Store.
Drugs and Toilet . Necessities
Melbalina Face Powder, box 18
Graves' Tooth Powder, large can
for .. 29
Koloynos Tooth Paste, 25c size
tube . . ; 164
Rubifoam or Soiodont, 25c size
bottle 16
Stilbnan's Freckle Cream, 60c
sizeat ; 29
JaVa Rice Face Powder, the box,
at ,-.25
Freeman's Face Powder, 25c size,
box ....... ...... y ..16
Cutez Neil Enamel, 25c size 16
Ebouy Manicure Buffers, . worth
75c, at . . .. ......... ;29
Melorose Face Powder, 50c size,
at .. 28
Marguerite Sylra Rouge, 50c size,
at .. 29
Bath Spray, worth $1.50, at 77
Madam Iso'bell'a Face Powder,
50c size ., .......... .28
Cucumber Cold Cream, 50c size,
at ;. .......i ,. 29
Blue Rose Toilet Water, 75c size,
bottle .. ............. ....59
Tweetie Dear Toilet Water, 75c
size, bottle 59
Djer-KUs Vegetal Water, ' bottle
at 89
Ingram's Natural Rouge, 50c size,
at... ......29
Pond's Vanishing Cream, 25c size,
at 14
Rubber Sheeting, 88 inches wide,
yard-..'.. 33
2-Quart Fountain Syringe, Worth
$1.60, at ...77
Household Rubber GIotos, worth
75c, at ZVC
Palmolire Soap, 10c cake for 5
Fletcher's Castoria, 85c size bot
tle 21
Horlick's Malted Milk, hospital
size i. .... 82.68
Sal Hepatica, 50c size bottle 29
Listerine Antiseptic, $1.00 size
bottle 59
Mentholatum, 60c size, Sat. 29
S. S. S. for the Bleed, $1.00 size
bottle 63
Lydia Pinkham's Vegetable Com
pound, $1.00 size.. '.63
Lapactie Pills, 100 in bottle. 25
Phonolax Wafer SO in bot.25
Hinkle's Cascara Pills, 100 in bot
tle .. ..18
Mulsified Cocoanut Oil, the bottle,
at .33
Liquid Silmerine, bottle. . . . 78
Mereolized Wax, the box... 59
Othine, $1.00 size jar. .... .79
Hoof Manicure Sticks, doz. . .5
.Babcock's Corylopsis Talcum, the
can 12
Armour's Talcum Powder, the
can, at 12
Hughes' Ideal Brushes, worth
$1.60, "at .......98
French Plate Hand Mirrors, Worth
$160 , 77
Kirk's Jap Rom Soap, 10c cake,
at .. 5
Armour's Stork Soap, 10c cake,
at .. : 7
Sayman's Soap, 10c cake.. ..7
' , Main Floor.'
Underwear for Women, Misses and Children
' Women's Munsing Union Suits, fine lisle. Cuff and umbrella knee
. 'styles; lace and shell edge. Broken sizes, worth to $1.25.'. .69
v Women's Munsing Union Suits, fine cotton. Cuff and umbrella :
.knee styles. Broken sizes, worth to 09c, special, suit. . I . . ,39
Children's and Misses' Union Suits, broken sizes. Regular 60c'
, values, Saturday. ..... v 39
Women's Fine Lisle and Cotton Vasts, well known brand. Lace
. and crochet tops. Regularly worth 39c, Saturday, each. ... . .25
S . v .. Main Floor.
Final Clearance
Choice of any
Parasol in our
entire CI QQ
All $1 and $1.50
Parasols, CO.,
Main Floor.
Selling China
At Lowest Pricet'
Handsome Cut Glass'
Vases, ; beautifully fin
ished in our new fall
floral cutting. 10-inch
size. Regularly worth
$2.50, sale price $1.50
White and Gold Dinner
Sets, Ranson shape,
new patterns just ar
rived, 43 pieces $4.98
Green Pottery Lily or
Fish Bowls, 8-inch size.
Regular price $1.00,
special . . .......50
King Apple Corer, sil
ver plated. Former
price 50c, sale price
only .. ..25
Main Floor.'
New Georgette
Just arrived. In white and
flesh, beautifully embroid
ered. Various pretty models.
On sale, Satur- . CC flfl
day, for
Bloute Shop Second Floor,
Hosiery V
About 30 Dozen Women's
Pure Thread Silk Hosiery, in
white only. Silk to the top,
with double soles, spliced
heels and toes. Made by the
best known manufacturer of
hosiery and gloves, whose
name we are not permitted,
to mention, but every wo
man will recognize the qual
ity; $1.50, $1.75 and $2.00
values; special, Sat- $1 1 C
urday, pair .......
Women's Fiber Silk Boot Hosiery,
with double soles, heels and toes.
White, black and colors. OC
Specially priced, pair. ; . .
Women's Fiber Silk Hosiery, with
double soles, heels and toes, in
white, black and a few colors. Reg
ular 60c value, . OC-
Main Floor.
Philadelphia Will
Cut Down Size of.
Its Publications
Philadelphia, Aug. 11. At a series
of meetings, the first of which was
called at the suggestion nf Victor F.
Lawson of Chicago, the newspaper
publishers of Philadelphia in view of
the practical famine in the news print
paper' situation decided unanimously
to reduce the site of all papers, daily,
evening and Sunday so as to effect a
saving in excess of eighty pages per
week. This reduction has already been
put into effect by thenewspapers.
It was further decided that begin
ning September i, Mo. they would
cut off all returns of unsold copies,
country and city, so that production
will be reduced to the actual needs
of the public.
The combined saving due to the re
duction in the number of pages is
sued and the cutting off of returns
of unsold copies will be in excess of
200 tons of white paper per week.
The meeting of the Philadelphia
publishers was marked by cordial co
operation throughout the United
States to join with them in cimilar ac
tion. It is believed that concerted action
on the part of all newspaper pub
lishers will work to the common good,
and will prevent suspension of publi
cation, which in some parts of the
country is now threatened owing to
the scarcity of white paper.
Chairman Hurley of the Federal
Trade commission, Washington, D.
C urges all newspaper men to file
answers to schedule of questions bear
ing on paper supplies, prices and trade
troubles, . ,
Wilmer Palmer is '.
Hanged at Rawlins
Rawlins, Wyo., Aug. 11. Wilmer
Palmer was hanged early 'this morn
ing at the state penitentiary for the
murder of his wife. The trap was
sprung at 3:22. He was pronounced
dead eight minutes later. His neck
was unbroken. On Wednesday, ia
fear of the gallows, Palmer attempted
suicide cutting his wrist with a metal
button from his prison uniform.
Absolutely Removes
Indigestion. Onepackage
proves it 25c at all druggists.
Ride Up
on the
An Entire
Devoted to
Men' Wear.
These Are All Winners
The Best Suits Brought
Here This Season
At Half Price and Less
clearance is in progress in this Great Clothing
Department. The names of some of the best
maicers in the country appear on the labels on
these garments. . )" - ,. -
You Pay Just ! ,
a Big Sale
Satisfaction Guaranteed or Money Refunded
Broken lots of Belt and Sack Styles, sizes 33 to 52,
and worth $18.00 to $25.00. I .
Stouts, long stouts and slims included in the sale. ; p .
nail ea.asXsi.i ! j'.' i f , t
, Formerly Sold Up to $6.50
Now $2.50 and $3.50
of Cassimeres, Worsteds, White Flannels and White
Serges; also Blue Serges, sizes 29 to 50 Waist A FIT HERE
Second Floor, Men's BIdg.
Sample Shirts at Small Prices
Men! Stock Up and Save Money
Large Purchase of Shirts from the.
E. & W. (Ely Walker) Shirt Co., St. Louis
About 1,800 Men's Sample Shirts and "Run of the Mill"
Quality, a fortunate purchase from the E. & W. (Ely
Walker) Shirt Co., St. Louis, enables us to sell RAa
them at about one-half the regular price at. .... vVU
All styles collars attached, band collars, sport shirts,
laundered and soft cuffs. Made of fancy striped mad
ras, soisette and repp cloth. Regular prices $1.00 CA
and $1.25,' Saturday, WU
Men's Fiber Silk Hoae, about 300 dozen, in
white, black, tan, navy, and other desirable
shades. Run of the Mill of the 25c 4 e .
grade, Saturday, at
Special Lot of Men's Egyptian Cotton Union
SuiU, athletic style. These garments OQg
V. T w v.. F ' r
Men's Store, Main Floor.
Men's Silk and Wash Ties, 25c
values, at. . ...... . . .. .
Men' Waik Ties, very new and beautiful
effects, 50c values, Saturday, M
each 35S or 3 for. ... ylaV J
About 25 Dozen Munaing Union Suits, "Run
of the Mill" quality. Worth to S2.50, AfU
Saturday, at ........ ..........;.. 9U U
Straws in a Saturday Sale j
That Will Send Them Flying
No man can possibly come into this Hat Store on Saturday
and walk away without buying a new "topper" to finish out tlje
balance of the season the price is so small and it means so much
to him to have a new clean Straw for the balance of the summer
that "PRESTO!" he will buy. ,
$1.00 Straw Hats,
at 45c '.'V
Aoout 5 dozen Straw Hats, former
price $1.00 : , AC
Saturday, at. tUU
Other Finer Straw
Hats, at 69c.
Bangkoks, Leghorns, Split Straw, Sen.
nits and Madagascar, . RQg
Saturday.. OSC
I ffl.ll