Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 12, 1916, Page 2, Image 2

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Register of Federal Land Office
at Sapid City Is Placed
'Under Arrest.
Sioux Falls, S. D., Aug. 11. O. M.
Lane, register of the federal land of
fice at Rapid City, S. D., was arrested
today on a warrant charging him with
having, as city auditor of Watertown,
S. D., embezzled more than $tf,000 of
'municipal funds. Rapid City authori
ties assert that Lane confessed when
arrested, and at the same time exon
erated other city officials of Water
town. Lane went out of office last spring
when Watertown changedrom the
city commissioner to the aldermanic
system of government. The new ad
ministration asked the state account
ing department to examine the books
and shortages were found. It is
charged that Lane drew bills for sup
plies which had never been ordered,
had them approved and pocketed the
funds. He is said to have , become
heavily involved in land speculation
during the period the defalcations are
alleged to have occurred.
Lane was appointed register of the
land office at Rapid City immediately
after his service ended at Watertown.
' (CntlaMd tnm Pais Oh,)
pelled to give way because of the
superiority of hostile forces at some
places, says today s war ottice state
ment Counter attacks brought the
engagements to a standstill and a re
grouping of the Teutonic forces is
now taking place.
French Bombard German Posts,
Paris, Aug. 11. The French have
opened a heavy bombardment of Ger
man positions north of the Somme,
according to an official statement is
sued by the war office today.
On the left bank of the Meuse the
French took some prisoners in a raid
on German trenches east of Hill 304.
On the right bank of the Meuse there
was skirmishing with grenades about
the Thiaumont works. On the rest
of the front cannonading was inter
1 mittent - . .
The statement says: '
"North of the Somme our artillery
directed a destructive fire against the
defenses of the enemy. In the course
' of our operationr we took prisoners
and captured two machine guns in
the small woods north of Hardecourt
Attack on Verdun Front :
"On the left bank of the Meuse,
(Verdun front), we made a surprise
attack on a German trench east of
Hill 304 and brought back prisoners.
Or the right bank of the river there
was the njual artillery fighting, as
well as skirminshing with grenades
northwest of the Thiaumont work.
On the remainder of the front inter
mittent artillery fighting occurred,
, "On the night of August 9-10 French
aerial tquadrona bombarded the rail
way station and barracks at Vou
zicres and the station at Bazancourt"
British Continue to Advance.
London, Aug. 11. North of Bazen-tine-Le-Petit
and northwest of Po
litres, on the Somme front, the Brit
ish have made further progress, it
was announced here today. , , .
The announcement follows:
"North of Bzantin-Le-Petit, we
made further progress, taking a short
length of trenches and inflicting con
liderable loss on the enemy. At 5:35
s. m. the enemy made a determined
counter attack on the trenches cap
tured by uj. This attack was re-
jmrl mm
Miss Grace Vanderbilt, who, with
Cornelius Vanderbilt, jr., is in charge
of the Newport branch for the. col
lection , of reading matter for the
troops on the Mexican border, has
announced that 2,000 pounds of maga
zines and novels have been sent to
McAllen, Texas, for the , troops'
libraries,: , ;
pulsed with further heavy loss to the
enemy. '
. "Northwest of Pozieres we also ad'
vanced our line slightly at certain
Proposed Increase - '
In Price of Bread
Will Be Looked Into
1 Washington, Aug 11. Statements
made at the convention in Salt Lake
City of the National Association of
Master Bakers that the price of bread
to the consumer would be increased
have attracted the attention of the
Federal Trade commission. -
Edward M. Hurley, chairman, has
been authorized to make an informal
investigation of the situation in Chi
cago, headquarters of the association.
He went to Chicago yesterday.
It was said at the office of the com
mission today that should the increase
materialize a formal investigation to
determine the causes might result
Fairbanks Will Be
'Notified August 31
i Indianapolis, Ind., Aug. 11. The
notification ceremonies at which
Charles W. Fairbanks will be told
officially of his nomination as the re-
1 i i . . - t ..: - -: a a
will be held at his residence at 2
o.'clock on the afternoon of August 31,
it was announced today.
The membership list of the execu
tive committee has been completed
and the chairman of the sub-committees
to make the detailed arrange
ments for the notification also have
been approved. The ceremonies will
be under the auspices of the national
committee on notification.
Lawrence Y. Sherman, United
States senator from Illinois, chair
r ,l. .:u U- u.
niau ui wis immimtcc. wwi vv iiiv
principal speaker at a rally at 8 o'clock
in the evening following the notifica
tion. .
Persistent Advertising Is the Road
to buccess. ;::..:
HVre "Crowing With Crowing Omaha"
lit 4s-nsmjiU pammui
' Omaha Horn Furniihing Htadquarttri , .
i !. ' " - ; ' V'',". " r - J,.".!.
Don't miss the
Beaton & Laier
Expansion Sale,
Everything in the Store
, Way 5fu Bl Spring! mnd Whiltall Aug
, only ExctpUd.
4 On Sale
At Reduced Prices
and th
Saving 10 to y2
Six Immense
Sales Floors Filled .
i with up-to-the-minute furniture,
; rug, draperies, stoves, refrigera
- tors, etc. A complete variety of
styles to suit the needs of every
home, f rices to suit every purse.
. ) Open a Charge Account and Welcome
Omaha Really Visited by Show
ers in Broad Daylight to
Delight of All. -
, . ?- '
Broken Bow
CalbertMn ...
Foirbury ....
Fairmont . . . .
tirsfld iMlnnd
Control CUr ' .
HtrMituborg- . .
Olor Conter ..
Hnlcm (
bi tloo ...
, .lS'Hsrtlnn ; .ts
, JO Holdrago 16
.141 North PUtte .... At
, .SO Clmrindn. In IS
.SSIDof motnoi, 1. .. .04
JOiBopoMloaa S.00
, .on! Norton
.40 Olford . .
. .LeolOrbauH ,
.. 1.001 Htrndoa ,
., .1SI Arouohoo
,.L00UoCook i
. M
Plttor-potur, plttor-potur,
That', tho war th. rain drop, ehattor.
On th. roof and on your hat-ar s
On th. gllatonlns otr..t.' : ,
When th. dry. hot daya havo laatod '
Thrpafh two montha of bloomln' blawat.d
W.athar, w. ro 'most nabb.rsa.taa .
Joy tho vain to Croat J ....
The above Doem was written by the
office poet, one of the best poets in
captivity. Me will De rememoereo
as the author of the "vers libre,"
which appeared here a few days ago
and has not yet been forgotten.
- If the demand is great enough the
poem will be set to music and bound
in morocco, half morocco, cloth, pa
per and wild grass and offered to the
beauty-loving public.
Rains in Daylight .
The rain Friday was sufficient to
move any poet to song, ehvthmic mel
ody and beautitui tnougnts. wnat
little rain has come Omaha's war in
the last six weeks has all been a at
night Friday we had the beautiful
signi to least on dt uay. it jzincu
a couple of hours this morning here.
The temperature, tool - Ah, the
temperature 1 It was a comfortable
64 at 7 a. m. The coolest point in
the state was Valentine with 54. And
out at Swift Current Mont, it was
32, cold enough to freeze the swift
current ... .
It was raining at many places
throughout the state Friday morning.
North Platte had .42 of an inch and
Culbertson .80. ,
Paralysis Epidemic
Decreases Slightly
, New York, Aug. 11. The epidemic
of infantile paralysis showed another
slight decline today and health ex
perts, who are fighting the ccourge
here, were more hopeful that the
cool weather which relieved the city
yesterday would materially check- the
spread of the plague. The daily bul
letin of the health department shows
that during the twenty-four-hour
period which ended at 10 a. m.
thirty-One children died of the dis
ease and 165 new cases were reported
in the five boroughs of New York
City. These figures compare hope
fully with yesterday's, when thirty
eight: children were killed by ' the
plague and 175 stricken.
Philadelphia, M- ".With six
teen new cases of infantile paralysis
and four deaths reported in this city
for the twenty-four hours ending this
morning at 9 o'clock, and a total of
fifty-eight cases in the city since Mon
day morning aione, me uisense is De
ginning to assume serious proportions
in the eyes of the medical authorities
and renewed efforts are being made
to check its growth and stamp it out
Since the first of July there have been
148 cases with twenty-eight deaths.
Senate Will Vote
On Shipping Bill
' Within Three Days
Washington, Aug. 11. Republicans
of the senate indicated today that
they Would permit a vote to be
reached on the administration ship
ping brll late tomorrow or Monday.
This developed while Senators Jones
and Gallinger were cross-questioning
Senator Simmons about progress
on the revenue bill being drafted by
a finance subcommittee. .
Senator Simmons. said he hoped to
have the revenue measure ready for
the full committee Monday and to
report it to the senate Tuesday. While
it is being perfected tne democrats
will call up the workmen's compensa
tion bill or Philippine conference re
port Senator Jones, resuming his speech
against the shipping bill, argued that
even if the measure should meet one
purpose for which it was proposed
and reduce ocean freight rates, for
eign importers rather than American
shippers Would be the beneficiaries.
Senator Fletcher of the commerce
committee submitted an amendment
to provide that whenever regulations
or practices of foreign governments
operate to discriminate against ves
sels of the United States it would be
the duty of the shipping board to re
port to the president for diplomatic
action or to be brought to the at
tention of congress.
Kab.1 Bom Heal Tlrkrt.
Th.r ar. many moal ticket, owned by
Orand circuit hor.m.n, but of tho ral hand
nffravod vart.ty 1. Mabal Traak, th. aoa
aon's .trotUns .onaatloa. piloted by Waitor
Cox. -
Germans Bombard
British Warships
Off Two Coasts
Berlin, 'Aug. 11. (Via London.)
Successful attacks by ' German air
squadrons on British war vessels off
the Flemish coast and on Russian
1 aviation stations on the Island of
' t fr .L. ..U l D : ... en.
UC3CI, Ull Ills uu" u' Jme.., "
nounced in an admiralty statement is
sued today as follows: - -
"A squadron of our aeroplanes on
the afternoon of August .8 attacked
with bombs British monitors and light
forces off the Flemish coast, obtain
ing several hits , '
"On the same day the Russian aero
plane stations at Aerensburg and Le-
bara, on tne isiana or vesei, were
.rtarlrrrl hv nrvrral German air squad
rons with good result, a number of
hit. heino observed. An aeroplane
shelter building was badly damagtd,
the roof collapsing. Of the enemy
planes, which ascended for the de
fense, one was obliged to descend.
"Despite the heavy firing of the
British and Russian forces , all the
aeroplanes returned undamaged."
Burglars Get Poor tfauls r 11
On North Twenty-Eighth
Burglars who entered houses' On
north Twenty-eighth avenue ... had
-.inktu nnrr "nirlrinff.."
The residence of A. G. McCartin,
204 North Twenty-eighth avenue, -was
entered by thieves who stole $3..' .
At the residence of A. H. Burr, 215
North Twenty-eighth avenue, the
"haul" consisted, of a lone pair of
eyeglasses. V'V'v.: . -y
- Store Hours:
J,; Saturdays "
; During August
8:30 A. M., 6 P. M.
Hie Fashion Gaiter effte Middle Wesl -;
Uablished I88&
Mid-Summer v
Neckwear Sale
Every Piece
Vi Price v
' Fancy vests, dainty col
lar and cuff v. sets, large
and small collars for sum
mer dresses and warm
weather coats.
v The half price is really
true. - s ' v ...
North Aisle, .Main Floor.
A Waist Sale
': Basement Balcony
Your unrestricted choice,
of Corliss shirts, wash waists
and middy blouses, size 34
to 44, values to : nr'jQ
$1.50, Saturday...,! "C
- All sales final, r
Wash Apparel
$4.50 Misses' Sport
Suits, $2.95.- '
f'?An Wash Skirts, white
and stripes, $1.00.
' 50c Wash ' Petticoats
for 39c ' 1
Final Suit Clearance
The Sale Extraordinary
; Every suit in stock on sale
no reservations every
; garment from regular stock,
; new for the spring of 1916,
no undesirables
Silk, Wool, Washable Suits
Novelty, tailored and sport v
1 styles. , -
Regular Prices . Were ? '
$25.00 to $95.00
Starting at 8:30 A. M. -
- Ninety-one, in all sizes 16 to 44. .
Because of the unusual prices we cannot alter, send C.
0. D., or on approval.
' . - All sale final. 'y-X 'v, V"
' ' ' i i i i i ;i
t Women's Gauze Underwear
Cool and Comfortable
Fine Ribbed Lisle Vesta, 50c
.Low, .neck, sleeveless,
' plain or . hand crochet
. tops, i ' . '
. ' r t
Mercerized Union Suits,
. $1.25. Fine ribbed, low
neck, fitted knee, color
pink. ,
Gauze Union Suits, 65c Fine
ribbed garments of extra
quality, low neck, fitted
or wide knee. Colors pink
and white, all sizes:
Undarwaar ' Stocks ' are com
plete with the best styles.
Reduced to ?.
Half Price
Not the kind you usu-
ally find at sales, but :
each one from this sea
son's stock and only one
of a kind. Better make '
your selection early as .
they won't last long at '
such low figures.
The Store for
Shirtwaists 1
A table of Blouses at bar
gain prices, 95c to $1.65.
Linen Prices ;
Are Lowest
During This Angnst Sale
Purchases made now .
insure a substantial sav-
ing on Thompson, Bel- v
den first quality linens.
The advantage is ap- ;
parent. . ' '
Fine Damask
Lunch Cloths
$2.50 H. S. Cloths, $1.89 '
$3.50 H. S. Cloths, $2.89
$4.75 H. S. Cloths, $3.89
Tablecloths' "
$5.00 fine bleached table '
cloths - - - - - $3.89
$7.50, fine bleached Table
cloths - $5.89,
Wash Cloths
300 dozen Turkish wasTi ';
cloths - ; - - - . 2c
8 Vac "Turkish cloths - 5e
15c Turkish ploths - 10c
v Just to Keep Our Union Taflors Busy: FREE MEANS FREE
Soft Tailored to Yoor Measttrc
A Regtslat $25.00 and $30.00 Soit Tailored to Yottt Measttre and
Estta Pair of $7.00 Pants Free for .
Remember One Week Only S
YOUNG MEN, who ai pltoniag to set salt or
OTWNMt wtQ had it ta yoor adrantaft to look at cut targ tfiaplay
aifmUmmidon twyttit alttwiiar. Ertry pleca of goods la or ston
To Eyery Man, Who Hao Not Visited Our Store We Extend a Special
. Invitation To Come In Whether You Buy or Not - ,
Open till
10 P. EL
Corawr 15th and Harney Sta.
815 ' 1
We Arc
Not Agents